Canon camera shutter travel. Mileage of a Nikon camera: how to find out the number of frames taken

Canon camera shutter travel.  Mileage of a Nikon camera: how to find out the number of frames taken
Canon camera shutter travel. Mileage of a Nikon camera: how to find out the number of frames taken

Greetings, dear reader of my blog. I’m in touch with you, Timur Mustaev. Did you know that you can check the number of shutter releases on Canon cameras, very in a simple way without taking the camera apart? But you don't know how? Today, the level of your knowledge about the camera will increase one more step, and will continue to grow as long as you read my blog articles and listen to my advice.

Before I start my article, I want to tell you my story about how I disassembled and assembled a large wardrobe today. My cousin, today she moved to a new apartment and asked me to help her move her closet. I already had experience in assembling furniture, since in my first year I did this for about six months, earning money for my studies.

My previous skills in assembling furniture did not let me down, and I easily disassembled and assembled the cabinet on new apartment. And there weren’t even any extra spare parts left, as is usually the case! So, as they say, you can’t waste skills! How is it going for you, have you assembled furniture in your practice? And as a result, did it make you happy?

And so, let's move on to the topic of the article.

Once, they asked me how to check the mileage of a Canon camera and I told him. And so, there is only one way to watch the camera shutter. To do this you will need a shaped screwdriver, wire cutters, a hammer, and a saucepan. Take your device in your hands and remove the lens. Using a shaped screwdriver, unscrew all the bolts that you see. Then you take out the shutter and look at the number of operations. On the back of the shutter, there will be numbers that will indicate how many times the shutter was fired.

I look at him, and he is so shocked, and says that I’ve changed my mind about watching the race. I laughed so hard and said, it’s not like that at all, I was joking. Triggers look, with the help of software applications.

Important! Under no circumstances check mileage with a screwdriver and hammer, it's a joke!

It is with their help that you and I will learn to do this.

In one of my previous articles, I already wrote how it is possible. Manufacturers will not dwell on this today.

As I mentioned above, to check we will use programs that show the information that interests us. Viewing occurs either by reading the EXIF ​​file from the photo itself or by connecting the camera via a USB cable to a computer, and viewing information directly from the camera itself.

Shutter Count Viewer

This application reads EXIF ​​files and provides information about the shutter being released. I’ll tell you right away that, unlike Nikon, not all Senon cameras record information in a photograph. Only EOS-1D, EOS-1D Mark II, EOS-1D Mark II N, EOS-1D Mark III, EOS-1Ds, EOS-1Ds Mark II, EOS-1Ds Mark III models record information in a photograph, that is, only professional Cameras with full-frame sensors record information in the photograph.

program Shutter Count Viewer You can download it absolutely free from the official website of the developer.

More than one model from this manufacturer, that is, Canon, does not do this. Even of the models listed above, not all record correct information.

And if you don’t believe me and start looking for other programs that read EXIF ​​files or sites that claim that with the help of their shamanic programs you can see your mileage, then of course go ahead and take the flag into your hands. But if I were you, I wouldn't waste time searching, as it's useless.

What can really help you is the EOSInfo program.

This application does not look at the shutter release from the photo file, it looks at information from the camera itself. Download and install the program on your computer. Connect your Canon camera to your computer via usb cable. Launch the program. Let's look at the result. It works with cameras based on DIGIC III, DIGIC IV processors. There is a possibility that the application may not work with newer camera models.

According to the developer, the application works with the following Canon camera models 1D*/5D/10D/20D/30D/40D/50D/300D/350D/400D/450D/500D/1000D/

It works the same way as the previous ones, by connecting via a USB port. You can download the application for free from the official website.

After downloading, install the program. We connect the camera to the computer and launch it. If your camera is supported by the application, admire the result.

Important! My advice is, if your camera does not show mileage with any of the above applications, and the need to determine the shutter response is very important to you, contact the service center.

These are the main programs with which you can see the camera shutter. There are also similar applications on the Internet, but be careful, my antivirus, and I use Kaspersky, swears at them. Therefore, computer security should come first for you.

If you are really interested in what a SLR camera is and what it is used for. If you want to take not just photographs, but ones that are produced by professionals, then the video course “ Digital SLR for a beginner 2.0", this is your salvation in the world of high-quality photographs. Check out this course and you will not regret it, and your knowledge about photography and photographic equipment will be colossal. I highly recommend it to you.

On this excellent note, I will end my article. I really hope that the information presented in the article was useful to you and that you found what you were looking for. I would be very grateful if you share the article on social media. networks. Subscribe to blog updates, even cooler information about photographs awaits you. See you soon. Bye bye.

All the best to you, Timur Mustaev.

Every day on the Radozhiva website they ask me how to check a DSLR camera and lens when purchasing, especially when buying used. photographic equipment. Digital cameras - complex devices and when purchasing, it’s simply not possible to check all the functionality of the camera “quickly”.

Checking the camera. This picture shows the insides of the Nikon D700

Often the difficulty of testing lies in the fact that the store has neither the time nor the appropriate funds for full testing. Therefore, I advise you to perform a basic check in the store, and a more detailed check at home. For example, in Ukraine you can return goods within 14 days without any problems. You just need to save all the papers and boxes, and after 14 days of using the camera, any “critical bug” will appear on its own.

  1. If it's a new camera, be sure to find out what warranty comes with it. Usually there is a warranty from the seller and an official warranty from the manufacturer. I recommend equipment with an official guarantee. You can see what an ‘official coupon’ from Nikon or Canon looks like on the Internet. However, official guarantee In the event of any failure or malfunction, repairs will have to be carried out at the manufacturer’s service center. There are not service centers in all cities; in small towns, at best, there is a “reception point” that will send the equipment to the nearest Big City, but not the repair shop itself.
  2. Next you just have to look appearance cameras, the new camera must be absolutely clean, How jewel , without any scratches. The most important thing is to look at the battery; there is usually a sticker with the manufacturer’s hologram on it. Often, instead of the original battery, they slip in cheap Chinese batteries. True, recently modern cameras have good protection from “non-original” batteries. In most cases, the warranty does not cover the battery as the battery may wear out. The battery tends to ‘die’ and the service center will not replace it under warranty. Checking the battery is not so easy; to do this, you need to completely discharge it while shooting, and then charge it.
  3. If this is a used camera. - then you need to pay attention to the anti-slip rubber bands on the body, they usually swell and come off, and to the screws, they must be clean, otherwise there is a risk that the camera was disassembled, which means that everything may not be all right with it. Usually, by the appearance of the camera, you can immediately see how hard the camera has been used.
  4. The shutter of each SLR camera is designed for a certain number of operations (that is, a SLR camera, or rather its shutter, can take a certain “manufacturer-guaranteed” number of frames during its life). So, amateur cameras have a limit of 100-150,000 shots, after which the shutter may break. If the camera has run more than 50,000 frames, you should think about whether you need to buy it, since it has already used up half of its lifespan. Check the mileage of some cameras (especially Nikon cameras) very simple - just open last photo from a RAW, NEF camera or using special program, for example, such as ShowExif , and in the ‘Total Number of Shutter Releases’ field see the number of frames taken. I don't know if it's possible to twist the counter back.
  5. More It's worth checking the heart of the camera - its matrix. To do this, use a camera without a lens, with the bayonet cap on, in M ​​mode, take several long shots, and all noise reduction functions should be turned off. It is best to use these parameters: ISO 100, - 15sec. Then view the result with maximum magnification on a camera or on a computer display, and there should be no bright luminous pixels. In fact, hot, broken and colored pixels can appear over time, and if the camera has several such pixels, then you don’t have to bother and buy the camera. In any case, the decision is yours.
  6. Also, you can take several pictures of a homogeneous object at the maximum closed aperture to check the contamination of the matrix. Usually cameras are sold with standard 18-55mm class lenses. With this lens, the easiest way to take a photo of the sky is from ISO settings 100, F/32, 55mm. The new camera should not have any extra “trash” in the image. BOO. The camera usually has a whole bunch of junk on the sensor. If the matrix is ​​heavily littered, you should think about whether such a camera is needed. Cleaning the matrix is ​​not easy and expensive.
  7. When checking the lens, you should pay attention to ensure that it does not make unnecessary sounds when focusing, and that the lenses are clean. Checking for back and front focus requires a separate article. I don’t write about checking the back and front focus, because I know many cases where amateur photographers did the lens check incorrectly and then complained about its performance. Amateur photographers often have a whole bunch of imaginary problems with their cameras :)
  8. You also need to check the built-in flash. You only need to take one photo with the flash to make sure it works. If you buy only a 'Body' (a camera without a lens), then set the camera to 'M' mode, turn on the flash by pressing the flash up button (usually it is located on the side of the built-in flash and has a lightning bolt icon) and press the shutter release. True, some cameras take their very first picture only with the ‘native’ lens attached to the camera.

My experience:

DSLRs and other cameras usually either work or they don't. If the camera has problems, then in just 1 hour of actively tinkering with the menu and taking test pictures, you can confidently find the problem. Usually the problem is various kinds errors that appear on the camera display and after which the camera stops working. Errors may disappear after shutdown and then appear again. Another pitfall may be a non-obvious problem with the mirror or shutter sticking. Typically, the mirror or shutter may stick during continuous shooting and when the camera is oriented differently in space. I know of cases when the camera worked fine in a vertical case, but did not work at all in a horizontal one.


Detailed camera inspections are difficult. Not every person will be able to understand the intricacies. Therefore, I recommend that amateur photographers push the camera as hard as possible in the most different modes shooting for several days. If after such a “run” everything works perfectly, then there is 99% that everything is in order with the camera. It is very good if you have a friend who knows about cameras and who can help you check the camera.

In the comments, you can write down your testing methods and nuances that you have encountered in life - help others not to step on the same rake. Thank you for your attention. Arkady Shapoval.

Before selling or buying a SLR camera, you should always know the actual mileage of the camera. For the seller, this figure is needed to set the price correctly, and for the buyer, to know the approximate condition of the camera. File numbers can be easily reset or changed in the camera menu, so this information is not a reliable source. But fortunately, in DSLR cameras and some modern Nikon mirrorless cameras, such information is stored in the EXIF ​​data of each photo taken by the camera. This counter can only be modified or reset at the service center at special equipment, so it is he who shows the real number of frames taken by the camera. A small problem is that this information is recorded in the so-called extended EXIF ​​section, and not all programs for viewing pictures and/or EXIF ​​information show it.

For maximum precise definition"mileage" of the camera is best to use my program Shutter Count Viewer, which can determine the number of frames captured not only from SLR cameras Nikon, but also Pentax, Samsung, Sony some models SLR cameras Canon, as well as most modern digital compacts from the listed manufacturers. Full list cameras for which it was possible to determine the number of shutter operations and the frame counter, you can see there on the program page Shutter Count Viewer.

To determine the real frame counter, you need to take a photo, open it in the Shutter Count Viewer program and you will immediately get detailed information about the camera model, its version software and, of course, about the number of shutter releases. All Nikon DSLR cameras, including the newest ones, are thoroughly tested and guaranteed to be supported.

Some camera models can also show the extended EXIF ​​section. free program ShowExif. The principle of operation is exactly the same: open the photo in the ShowExif program and look at the value of the parameter in the "Additional section" block "Total Number of Shutter Releases"(“Number of shutter releases”). This is what will happen real value"run" of the camera. The method has been tested and works on cameras Nikon D90, Nikon D7000, Nikon D700 and Nikon D800, but may not be suitable for cameras from other manufacturers. It has also been established through experience that on Nikon CoolPix P5000 and Nikon CoolPix P7700 digital point-and-shoot cameras, information about the number of captured frames is not saved in EXIF. The program has not been updated for a long time, so on modern cameras, for example, on the Nikon D7100 camera, it cannot display the frame counter. Because of such errors, I personally do not recommend using the ShowExif program. (492,756 bytes)

Console fans should enjoy Phil Harvey's ExifTool. It supports a huge number different formats files, allows you to extract not only the frame counter, but also all available information from meta tags. ExifTool is updated frequently, with new cameras, new tags and new file formats constantly being added. In addition, ExifTool works not only on Windows, but also on MacOS and Unix.

And, of course, nothing compares in accuracy to the diagnostic programs that are used in service centers. Getting them is not just difficult, but almost impossible. With their help, you can not only see the exact mileage of your Nikon camera, but also change the mileage counter to any value, even “roll it down” to zero. After this, all of the above programs will show the new value.

Some time ago, service programs for several dozen Nikon SLR cameras were leaked from some foreign technical center; they were posted online. Nikon snitches quickly took measures to close all resources and cut out all links where archives with these programs appeared, but it was too late. There are service programs for cameras Nikon D2H, Nikon D2Hs, Nikon D2X, Nikon D2Xs, Nikon D3, Nikon D3S, Nikon D3X, Nikon D40, Nikon D40x, Nikon D50, Nikon D60, Nikon D70s, Nikon D80, Nikon D90, Nikon D200, Nikon D300, Nikon D700, Nikon D800, Nikon D3000, Nikon D300S, Nikon D3100, Nikon D5000, Nikon D5100, Nikon D7000 and Nikon D7100. The cameras are mostly old, but they are now being sold on the secondary market. Using service programs, you can “twist” any mileage and put up for sale any camera from the list as more or less new, even if the actual mileage of the shutter is several times greater than the warranty life. So be careful, when buying, pay attention not only to the mileage readings, but also to the appearance and general state camera

The camera frame counter is "twisted"

For obvious reasons, I will not post any service programs or instructions for their use; search the Internet. Any request to post or send them by email will result in an unconditional ban!

Once the mileage of the camera is determined, you can compare it with the resource declared by the manufacturer. Shutter Count Viewer does this automatically, displaying the frame count not only in numerical form, but also in percentage from the shutter life declared by the manufacturer. I have compiled data on the shutter life of all Nikon SLR cameras, both modern and discontinued, into a table.

Camera modelShutter life
Nikon D4050 000
Nikon D40X50 000
Nikon D5050 000
Nikon D6050 000
Nikon D7050 000
Nikon D70s50 000
Nikon D8050 000
Nikon D3000100 000
Nikon D3100100 000
Nikon D3200100 000
Nikon D3300100 000
Nikon D3400100 000
Nikon D5000100 000
Nikon D5100100 000
Nikon D5200100 000
Nikon D5300100 000
Nikon D5500100 000
Nikon D5600100 000
Nikon D7000150 000
Nikon D7100150 000
Nikon D7200150 000
Nikon D7500150 000
Nikon D90100 000
Nikon D100100 000
Nikon D200100 000
Nikon D300150 000
Nikon D300S150 000
Nikon D500200 000
Nikon D600150 000
Nikon D610150 000
Nikon D700150 000
Nikon D750150 000
Nikon Df150 000
Nikon D800200 000
Nikon D800E200 000
Nikon D810200 000
Nikon D810A200 000
Nikon D850200 000
Nikon D1150 000
Nikon D1H150 000
Nikon D1X150 000
Nikon D2H150 000
Nikon D2HS150 000
Nikon D2S150 000
Nikon D2X150 000
Nikon D2Xs150 000
Nikon D3300 000
Nikon D3X300 000
Nikon D3S300 000
Nikon D4400 000
Nikon D4S400 000
Nikon D5400 000

Remember that the shutter life is not the time before the camera breaks down, but the number of frames that the camera is guaranteed to take if used correctly.

When you look at the cost of new cameras, you can’t help but wonder - is a new camera even necessary? Now a “decent” DSLR can cost 100, 150 thousand rubles or more, so it is not surprising that many people prefer to buy cameras second-hand. In this case, it is very important not only to choose the right camera, but also to check its condition, which can be done using a special application.

One of the most important parameters for DSLR cameras - shutter resource. It directly depends on the class of the camera and its cost. So, at our office Canon EOS 5D Mark III declared resource is 150 thousand operations, for cheaper cameras - from 50 to 100 thousand, for top-end cameras - 400 thousand operations and above. The so-called “mileage” means the spent life of the shutter: accordingly, the less it is, the better (just like with a car, yes). If the life is almost exhausted, you will soon be faced with the procedure of replacing the shutter (a rather expensive and time-consuming procedure).

To find out the camera status in advance, you can use. This simple program was created specifically for Canon EOS cameras (list of supported devices), because in these models the shutter information is hidden very, very deeply. The application will show not only the declared shutter life, but also the number of operations, including during “Live view” photography (the ability to use the LCD screen as a viewfinder, viewing the image being shot on it in real time.) Just connect the Canon EOS camera to computer, and the application itself will detect it.

In addition, it is possible to view general information about the camera - battery charge, firmware version, possible number of shots and serial number.

Another one useful feature— data entry to fill in the meta information of images. You can indicate the name of the owner, author, copyright. Very comfortably.

EOS Inspector is useful not only when buying used photographic equipment, but also in the case of new cameras, since now very often used models are sold under the guise of new ones. In addition, this is an excellent tool for photographers to monitor the condition of their equipment. The program is currently being distributed at a very good discount, so we recommend purchasing it.

Name: EOS Inspector
Publisher/Developer: Konstantin Pavlikhin
Price: 249 rub. (DISCOUNT!)
In-app purchases: No
Compatibility: for Mac

As a result, you will get a very unclear set of symbols. The current frame counter will be indicated in the line in bold and also at the very end. In the example above you can see absolutely new camera out of the box - 24 frames. If you see something like this on sale, you can take it without hesitation - this is a device that has practically never been removed. Well, in any run up to 300 frames can be “factory” - each camera is tested before going into the box and hitting the store shelf.

Method three

This option is good because it works offline. This means that if you have to go somewhere where you don’t have internet, you can take your laptop with you and install the EOSInfo application on it in advance, also known as 40DShutterCount. Available in Windows and Mac versions. And in order to find out the mileage, you need to connect the camera to your computer via USB. After the utility “sees” your camera, it will show the data you need in its window.