Signs about the Decembrist flower. Myths and truth about indoor Decembrists Why a Decembrist cannot be kept at home

Signs about the Decembrist flower.  Myths and truth about indoor Decembrists Why a Decembrist cannot be kept at home
Signs about the Decembrist flower. Myths and truth about indoor Decembrists Why a Decembrist cannot be kept at home

Decembrist flower - how to care? This indoor plant is not whimsical and capricious, however, in order for it to please you with its excellent flowers, you still need to follow certain rules, which we will discuss below.

Decembrist flower - benefits and harm. What care does this indoor plant need?

For the Decembrist, the usual environment is rainforests South America. The plant blooms, as a rule, with juicy red or silvery-white flowers. However, experts managed to produce bushes with lilac, orange and coral flowers. Let's consider how to care for the Decembrist flower:

    During the flowering period, Decembrist needs careful watering; the ground should not become dry. And after flowering, until April, watering should be reduced. During spring and summer, Decembrist should be watered only after the soil has dried. From the beginning of autumn until new buds appear, the bush should be moved to cool conditions and watered rarely. IN summer time It is advisable to spray the flower so that it does not dry out. Ultraviolet light can destroy the Decembrist, in summer period better to take it out Fresh air, however, place it in partial shade. The plant is unpretentious to temperature conditions; it can easily tolerate temperatures from +2 to +37 degrees. The most comfortable temperature conditions for the Decembrist it is considered +18 - +25 degrees. The Decembrist is also unpretentious in feeding, but for full growth they are still necessary. A mixture of potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus dissolved in water is considered optimal for this plant. About a month before the buds should appear, you need to stop feeding. How does the Decembrist flower reproduce? Reproduction, according to advice experienced gardeners , this plant should be carried out by cuttings. The technology is as follows:
    There is no need to use cutting objects, just use your hand (but very carefully) to tear off the last few segments of the bush branch. Dry the cuttings for at least three days. Plant them shallowly in the ground and cover the top to create a greenhouse effect. Place the container with the cuttings in a well-ventilated, shaded place. The young Decembrist must be kept at a temperature of +15 - +20 degrees.

What does the Decembrist flower bring to its owners? Signs of the “Decembrist in the house.”

It is considered an excellent sign if the bush blooms on time. This means that everything will be fine in the family throughout the next year, and the residents of the house will experience profit and good luck. However, if the Decembrist tree begins to bloom earlier than planned, or vice versa, it is in no hurry to throw out the flowers, then this promises trouble. It is likely that in this case the owners will begin to be haunted by illnesses, negative events, lack of money and other misfortunes. Therefore, if people noticed that the Decembrist did not bloom in December, then they mentally prepared themselves for the worst.

It is very bad if the Decembrist began to wither without obvious reasons, and even worse if he died altogether. Superstitious people fear this sign most of all. A dried plant promises the imminent death of one of the family members. It is likely that death will occur unexpectedly and suddenly. This is why many are simply afraid to have a Decembrist at home.

If the Decembrist began to get sick, despite proper care, it was believed that this was due to the visit of some ill-wisher. Maybe even the person did not deliberately think about anything bad, but his negative energy was present. You need to take a closer look at your friends; it is likely that some of them have an insincere attitude towards you. That is, the Decembrist allows you to determine the goodwill of your guests.

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Various signs and superstitions are associated with this flower. It is believed that he can not only talk about the energy of the guests at home, but also about the approach of death in it. Decembrist is a flower; various signs can be associated with it. Many are afraid to keep it in the house, as it begins to wither and wither if it feels the breath of death. This is what is known in magic today about this creation of nature.

Can this flower destroy the energy in the house?

Modern magicians believe that there is nothing to fear, since the Decembrist only warns of death. It does not affect the energy in the house in any way, but is very sensitive if there is negativity. People believe that if there is this flower in the house, then in front of the deceased in the house it begins to shed its leaves and wither. For this reason, they tried not to keep the Decembrist in the house - no one wanted to know in advance about death, especially about their own. Even in ancient times there was a sign that a dead flower - the Decembrist - takes a living person with it to another world. Although at the same time, many refuted such a superstition, believing that if there are no sick people in the house, the omen will not come true.

In fact, modern magicians are inclined to believe that the Decembrist can warn about sudden death in the house and funerals, but he himself has nothing to do with it. But there are several other signs that may indicate what the Decembrist is indicating in the house.

It was believed that the Decembrist began to wither and deteriorate if an ill-wisher had recently visited the house. The condition of the flower can deteriorate significantly if your enemy came, a person who had evil plans, brought with him a lining or a negative magical influence. For example, other things, the evil eye, bad and evil energy. Sometimes it can be simple envy and hostility, aggressiveness, and evil wishes. If a person has such an attitude, then the Decembrist reacts to him and may even wither for a while. But as soon as the guest negative energy leaves your house, the flower will immediately come to life and become beautiful and healthy as before.

Typically, Decembrist begins to bloom in December, hence its name. But what does the sign mean if flowering begins in April or any other month? If there is a boy or girl in the house, then this is a sure sign that there will be a wedding soon. Decembrist is very beautiful during its flowering, and the omen associated with this phenomenon is always positive. It means that soon there will be a holiday, a joyful and solemn event in the house. Creative individuals he predicts a generous reward for work, a lot of interesting and bright things, as well as happiness in life, inspiration and interesting project. For newlyweds blooming Decembrist- a sign of happiness or a long-awaited pregnancy. It indicates favorable energy in the house and the health of everyone living in it. However, the flowering of the Decembrist in summer does not always mean prosperity. Often he predicts troubles for you or that money will soon stop adding to the house.

You should be wary if the Decembrist does not bloom at all. This means that something is threatening your happiness and well-being. The Decembrist (flower) does not bloom at all - this sign means the husband’s imminent departure from the family. Especially when various quarrels constantly occur. If the plant withers but does not completely die, this is a sign that the children in the family may be in danger. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the condition of such a flower, which is sensitive to the energy in the house, and try to cleanse it of any negativity, if any.

Decembrist is a plant with beautiful and delicate flowers, blooming on the eve of Catholic Christmas. Flowering lasts almost the entire winter, as the flowers fade and replace each other. A single bud can last up to 3 days.

Now, thanks to numerous breeders, the flower petals have become varied in their shades:

  • White;
  • Orange;
  • Raspberry;
  • Coral.

History of a flower

The Decembrist originally came to us from the tropical forests of Southern Brazil. So he likes to struggle on fallen trees or other plants not high above the ground.

Their nutrients this forest cactus receives with the help of its leaf segments, absorbing light and moisture from them environment.

Quite a lot of time has passed, but the flowers remember their biological homeland, and therefore they bloom at the beginning of winter.

Important! For good growth The Decembrist needs to create for him the biological rhythm of his homeland and then annual flowering will be guaranteed.

What signs and superstitions are there?

There are many different signs associated with the flowering of a plant. But, despite superstitions, this plant still lives in many of our people’s homes, and they delight them with its beautiful and delicate blooms.

After all, not a single Christmas is complete without his participation. Its flowering in winter period it's like magic, it's like summer has returned to you personal windowsill even though it’s bitterly cold outside.

Signs Superstitions
If the Decembrist bloomed its buds in mid-December, then next year will be successful in family affairs. The flowering of the Decembrist in mid-spring will attract a lack of money to the family, problems in the work team and the death of all plans for the future.
If the first bud opened in the first ten days of December, then next year the family will have many positive impressions. Some nationalities call Schlumbergera “Muzhegon”, since not a single man gets along with him.
If flowering begins before the first month of winter, then a pleasant acquaintance awaits the gardener. A strong spring increase in leaf mass of a flower is considered to indicate that someone in the family is sick and is actively fighting this disease.
If flowering begins in October, then this threatens to receive a profit or inheritance, or an addition to the family. A girl who grows a zygocactus will most likely remain an old maid.
The more positive emotions there are in the family, the more beautiful and magnificent the Schlumbergera flowering will be. The death of a flower signals that death may come to the family.
For people involved in various kinds of creativity, the opening of flowers in due time will mean that new solutions will be open to him in his work. Distant ancestors noticed one feature of a flower - if it appears in the house negative person, then it not only drops buds, but can also dry out the leaf segments. After this man leaves, the Decembrist comes to life again.

But if you believe all the signs and superstitions that people have come up with regarding flowers, then flowers should not grow in the house at all. But they carry only positive emotions and with proper care they do not die. And there is no connection between the flower and bad omens.

Important! If there is a zygocactus in the house, then peace and tranquility will live in it forever.

Is it true that the Decembrist can indicate death?

This is one of the negative signs that has existed since ancient times. It is believed that the dying flower does not go to another world on its own, but takes one of the apartment’s residents with it.

But this is just a relic from the past, because a Schlumbergera growing in a house cannot take someone with it to the kingdom of death. The Decembrist dies from improper care, and not for other reasons.

Important! The illness and death of a person is absolutely not related to the death of the plant and you should not be afraid to have it in your home or office.

What does it mean if Schlumbergera blooms in April?

From a scientific point of view, this does not mean anything bad. Since the Decembrists are divided into two subspecies, which have two different periods flowering:

  1. Schlumberger– flowering occurs in December.
  2. Ripsadolis, in the photo, sparva blooms in April.

The appearance differs in the structure of the flower, Schlumbergera blooms with a flower consisting of three layers of petals emerging from one another. And thanks to its winter flowering, it is called the Decembrist or Christmas cactus.

Ripsadolis blooms with a single-tiered flower resembling a daisy around mid-spring and people also call it the Easter cactus. Since its flowering occurs on Orthodox Easter.

Therefore, the flowering of the Decembrist in April will mean only one thing: that the gardener has bloomed ripsadolis on the windowsill, since it was properly cared for.

The meaning of a flower in astrology

Astrologers believe that this plant can absorb numerous conflicts that arise between people. They suggest that the flower is suitable:

  • Young married couples who are just getting used to each other;
  • It is good to place it in the nursery, as it can put the baby in a creative mood;
  • Helps the family avoid attracting negative guests to their home;
  • To create a good festive atmosphere;
  • The flower is a talisman that can overcome many difficulties.

When purchasing this flower for your home, you should not think about the bad things that could happen because of it. It is worth remembering that the plant can die due to poor care, and this will not threaten any of the people living in the house.

Magic properties

In this forest cactus, its magical nature is clearly visible. And therefore, the flower will be a good talisman that will serve as protection for the home. Therefore, its place is on the window closest to the entrance. Thus, the Decembrist will protect the house from uninvited and negative people.

What does a plant mean in Feng Shui?

Some flower growers have a question about how best to choose a place in the house so that it suits the Decembrist and meets the requirements of Feng Shui.

The chosen place in the apartment or office does not matter, the main thing is that the flower grows well and blooms according to the description. The main point will be its presence in the house, since the Decembrist:

  1. Fills the home atmosphere with comfort and good mood.
  2. Protects the home from negative emotions.
  3. Helps improve family relationships.

This plant is simply necessary for people in a house where many guests come or in an office where many visitors come.

Can I keep it at home?

This question is quite easy to answer. This flower deserves a place of honor among other flowers that live in our homes.

People buy Schlumbergera and enjoy its flowering, and a good growth of shoots in the spring only indicates that the flower is being properly cared for. And the flowering of the Decembrist, when the blizzard sings its songs outside the window, generally looks like a miracle during Christmas. After all, we all know what is beautiful blooming flower cannot influence our course of life, it is influenced by the person himself.

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If you take care of it correctly a delicate flower, then during the winter cold he will give his love to the florist and delight him with his beautiful flowering.

There is probably no house on earth where they would not grow indoor flowers. Especially the Decembrist flower, the one that blooms in the winter cold on windowsills, on Catholic Christmas Eve. People's personalities are very different and their preferences in choosing green friends also differ significantly. One person may like exquisite exotic flowers, while another will prefer cacti or decorative foliage specimens. There are a lot of plants on the planet that are associated with fairy tales, legends, traditions and superstitions. And the Decembrist flower is one of them.

Characteristics of the Decembrist

The Schlumberger Decembrist flower is absolutely unpretentious, but some points regarding its character should still be considered.

  1. He lays the buds a few weeks before the Christmas holidays.
  2. The best for him are eastern and north windows in the house because intense light is harmful to it.
  3. In summer you need to take them out into the fresh air, but place the pots in the shade.
  4. He loves spraying just as in his homeland he lives in tropical rainforests.
  5. The lifespan of the plant is quite high, up to 25 years.
  6. If buds have formed, then it should not be disturbed, moved to another place or rotated.

Caring for Decembrist is not difficult; according to the requirements, it coincides with caring for deciduous trees. indoor plants.

Description of Schlumberger's flower

This indoor flower has a shortened stem, which makes it look like a standard plant. Many branches extend from the stem, which consist of zigzag links. Each link gives 2 or 3 more links. The result is a round ball with ampelous, hanging stems.

Actually, these links are, in fact, the leaves of the flower. At good care almost all the leaves located on the periphery of the bush lay buds. They almost always bloom at the same time. And then the spherical bush turns into a luxurious blooming bouquet. Initially the variety had only pink flowers, but breeders have created shrubs with white, red and, with a carmine tint, crimson flowers.

If Zygocactus (Decembrist) blooms

There are many signs associated with the opening of Schlumberger's buds. Some of them are good and some are not so good. If the Decembrist blooms, then the signs associated with flowering on time say that the coming year will be joyful and bring good luck.

When the flowering time is violated, this threatens trouble. But it is not for nothing that nature has assigned each of its creations its growing territory. And all the flower needs is for it to feel at home in your home as well as in its native places.

Good omens

Superstitions that connect events in a person’s life with the time of flowering of the Schlumberger zygocactus are based on many years of observations of it.

  1. If it blooms in December, it means that prosperity and peace reign in the family.
  2. The opening of buds in the first days of the month means that next year will bring a lot of positive events.
  3. When the flowers open ahead of schedule, then this is a sign of a new acquaintance soon.
  4. If there is a month or more left before the due date, but it smells fragrant, then you can soon expect an inheritance, a wedding, or an addition to the family.

According to the classification, this plant belongs to the zygocactus, but practically has nothing in common with them. Cacti carry sharp energy, and Decembrist is gentle and affectionate. He subtly senses the mood of the people around him and empathizes with them. You can keep it at home so that you have someone to tell about your problems or the joys in life.

When the house is good, the flower transforms positive vibrations and gives them to people in the form of an abundance of buds. You cannot be angry and selfish around this plant. It awakens in people kindness and compassion for their neighbors. A person tries to become purer in soul, more noble and sincere.

For people associated with creativity, the opening of buds on time will mean that they will have to make new discoveries, find interesting solutions creative daring. The plant is very beneficial for children. It helps them, on a subconscious level, to develop spiritually. Cleanses the body of a growing child from environmental influences that can be detrimental to tender childhood.

Bad superstitions

If the Decembrist bloomed in April, then the signs say that you need to prepare for a difficult year. It could be:

  • lack of money;
  • problems at work and at home;
  • complete collapse of hopes.

Rapid growth of shoots and buds in April may be a signal that the body, one of the family members, is fighting the disease.

One of the bad superstitions is that this flower is called Muzhegon.

His residence in the house is associated with scandals between spouses and is considered the reason why marriages break up. Girls remain old maids who do not know male tenderness. This is one of the reasons why it is often grown in offices, schools and other non-residential areas.

A belief that associates the death or illness of a flower with the death of a person can be considered very scary. A dying plant seems to pull the living with it into oblivion, depriving them of a chance to live. If a superstitious person grows this plant at home and is always afraid that it might get sick or die, then wouldn’t it be better to give it up altogether?

The plant is very sensitive to influence negative energy. If, while the buds are forming, a person who brings evil or hatred appears in your house, then the delicate Schlumberger cactus will shed some of the buds and may begin to wither. He will take on all the negativity directed at you and begin to hurt. But when the ill-wisher disappears, then the flower seems to get a second wind: it will come to life, grow new leaves and bloom. And you will know exactly which of the visitors to your home wishes you harm or is burning with envy, looking with disdain or trying to disrupt the peaceful flow of your life.

Folk signs

Signs and folk superstitions about the Decembrist flower are more friendly than the reviews of modern magicians.

When asked whether it is possible to keep a Decembrist at home, they only answer positively. The Decembrist is a flower for which signs and superstitions do not prevent him from being everyone’s favorite. When it blooms, there is a sense of celebration in the house, because during the snowy period we are little pleased with the colors of the surrounding nature.

At home, zygocactus, during the flowering period, brings us joy, amid the winter cold, on a short sunny day. Let it bloom and folk beliefs, teaches us to find mutual language with strangers, it is easy to find compromises and ways out difficult situations. He cares about the health of his owners, about the mood that reigns in their common home.

Popular rumor says that it is not at all what the magicians warn us about. Thus, untimely flowering does not predict the collapse of illusions, but a series of happy surprises. They may be related to family finances, in the form of bonuses or raises. wages. IN personal life give a reason to change something for the better, to build ideal relationship in a family with your partner and children.

DECEMBER IN THE HOUSE. Signs and superstitions associated with the Decembrist

The legend of the Schlumberger flower or Decembrist.

How to make "Decembrist" bloom - Everything will be fine - Issue 501 - 11/24/2014 - Everything will be fine

Keep at home flowering plant, can this change the course of life? Of course not. But bring good mood, create comfort and warmth, they can, our green friends. They completely depend on us, on our mood and desire to care for them. Whatever energy you have, good or bad, you can give it to the plants, and they will react to it with their condition.


If you don’t water a green friend like Decembrist, it can shed its leaves and buds and no longer blooms. And you don't need to look for it bad omens and be afraid of predictions. Give your pets what they ask for. And then the gratitude of the beauties at home will be that you will receive a gorgeous living fountain of magnificent exotic flowers for the Holy Holiday of Christmas. Therefore, let the Decembrist live in the house, and the signs associated with him will remain outside your threshold, without interfering with your life and enjoying new, wonderful events.

On any windowsill there are numerous flowerpots with various indoor plants. One of the most popular and beloved flowers among the people is the Decembrist. It is very beautiful, completely unpretentious, and creates an extremely pleasant atmosphere in the room.

The fact that it produces charming buds right in the middle of winter makes it welcome guest in any home. He brings the inhabitants of the apartment a lot of joy with his presence. Therefore, the plant must be carefully looked after, watered, and fed with special fertilizers. The better the owners take care of him, the more luxurious his appearance will be.

Annual flowering of the Decembrist

His ability to delight people with unusually lush and truly beautiful flowers in the midst of snow and frost can lift the spirits of all family members.

The Decembrist creates a positive atmosphere in the house. His capabilities demonstrate resilience, ability to cope with difficulties and positive energy.

Therefore, people have a lot to learn from him. The presence of a plant in the house gives strength to get out of life's difficulties, help each other, and not be afraid of anything.

However, many people contact him folk signs and superstition. Not all of them have only positive connotations.

A variety of beliefs are associated with what the plant blooms for.

Not every sign is an empty superstition. It is worth listening to it and trying to understand what lesson will be useful to learn from it.

It is advisable to monitor the relationships between spouses, children, and communication with friends at home. It is also necessary to monitor the health of all family members, including pets.

In addition, you additionally need to talk in great detail with each of your relatives about their main life problems. It is possible that someone has fallen into deep depression, but does not want to upset others.

Negative signals that a plant usually gives

It is popularly believed that the Decembrist is able to quickly signal the appearance of illnesses in family members and then begins to waste away.

The flower also reacts sharply to troubles between spouses. If a divorce is brewing, he will immediately let you know about it by changing his appearance.

If the plant constantly dries out, then it will be very difficult for a young girl to get married, and for a married woman to keep a life partner near her.

The Decembrist gives a signal that someone who often visits the apartment is not at all disposed towards its owners as he strives to demonstrate.

Then the flower begins to dry up. As soon as the secret ill-wisher is expelled from the house, the plant comes to life again.

Moreover, it points not only to the enemy, but to an envious person or a person who is looking at the wife of the apartment owner. Negative energy emanates from it, which the flower instantly captures.

Therefore, it can be useful to keep it at work. He will immediately indicate the presence of any ill-wisher in work collective. If the Decembrist is located near a certain person’s table, he will signal to him that clouds of management’s anger are hanging over him.

Energy in the house

Some people are so afraid of signs that they try to place the Decembrist on the stairs or in the hallway.

If the plant suddenly no longer looks viable and full of energy, you just need to look around. When all spheres of existence are established, it returns to its previous form.

In general, it has been noted that the Decembrist promotes friendly relations between family members. Therefore, if the marriage goes wrong, it’s a good idea to get a similar flower. It helps normalize the energy in the apartment, softening people’s souls.

This unique plant is simply an indispensable assistant any person. You should pay attention to it every day in order to be able to balance all aspects of your existence.

He will immediately predict negative events and allow you to relax, predicting the upcoming streak of success.

Therefore, the Decembrist is a guide higher powers who try to prepare a person for possible unexpected turns in his life.

Signs associated with the death of apartment owners

Some superstitions say that the presence of a flower in the house can bring about quick death.

It has been repeatedly noticed that before someone dies, all the leaves fly off it, and it begins to dry out.

Sometimes signs indicate that his death will be followed by the death of one of the people.

But such events have nothing to do with the fact that the plant sucks the strength from the inhabitants of the home. There is an opinion that it is impossible to break through the energy of a healthy person. Therefore, the omen will not come true if no one is sick.

Benefits brought by the Decembrist

If any of the people are worried about whether it is possible to keep the Decembrist at home, then his doubts have no basis.

It is able to quickly warn apartment owners about danger:

Therefore, you should not be afraid of the plant, but rather think about what the Decembrist flower is trying to warn its owners about, corresponding to certain signs. If he is wasting away, then we need to be attentive to each other, and the wife should try not to quarrel with her husband.

If the plant buds at the wrong time, you should check all areas of your life, make peace with your enemies, get rid of false friends, and also pray in church more often.

If it stops blooming or the buds do not appear on time, the first thing to do is open the book on caring for the Decembrist, carefully reading its contents. And then correct all negligence in caring for it.

After this, you need to think about what signal was sent from above, as well as how you can avoid danger. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the Decembrist also promises many positive events that warn people that favorable times have come for them.

Naturally, the plant itself is not capable of controlling life and destinies. Therefore, it is better to take care of it with redoubled force, since it is so vulnerable and easily reacts to any, even subtle, change in the house. Nature is never hostile to humans. If he treats her with reverence, then best friend it will be difficult for him to find one.

The Decembrist does not convey or take away people’s internal energy, but, having caught it, he reacts with violent flowering or loss of vitality.

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that a positive atmosphere is maintained between family members. Then no plant will be able to break the marriage union or lead a person to death.

In good and good hands The Decembrist, with its lush and life-affirming blossoms, will only give people an additional charge of vivacity and good mood.

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