English language applications. Free programs for learning English download

English language applications.  Free programs for learning English download
English language applications. Free programs for learning English download

Ideally, you should get acquainted with each of the described programs in order to understand exactly whether it’s “for you or not.” Especially if you do not have a specific goal or objectives regarding language learning. It's another matter if you need to work on a specific skill. To quickly and effectively expand your vocabulary, we recommend starting with ReWord, Stone Words, Easy Ten, Memrise. These programs will help with expanding basic vocabulary. Then you should start studying idiomatic expressions, phrasal verbs in the program “Words, idioms, English phrases: Polyglot school."

Study grammar in English best with the help of specialized videos, articles and exercises in Puzzle English, Lingvist, Lingualeo, Busuu. All these Android applications will teach you how to correctly construct sentences, conduct a dialogue and understand speech by ear. Duolingo does not have theoretical materials, but there are plenty of practical exercises in which you will train both vocabulary and grammar at the same time. If you need the most universal option, then the lion cub Leo from Lingualeo definitely wins here - he will help you learn new words and understand grammar. The Puzzle English program is slightly less versatile.

We figured out what to teach. Now it’s worth understanding how. Most developers of modern programs avoid tedious learning algorithms and prefer to create easy, fun simulators. The authors of Stone Words have succeeded most in this regard - this is one of the coolest linguistic toys. A good gaming and competitive element is developed in Puzzle English, Lingualeo, Duolingo, Memrise. In other programs, although not boring, it is still a more solid approach.

It is also important to take into account the financial factor. Of those described, there is only one completely free application - Duolingo. We take our hats off to the developers for this, but don’t forget to give a nod to Lingualeo - in this program a large amount of useful content is also free. Compared to other programs, they all have a great advantage - a trial period or free lessons, with which you can evaluate whether or not the resource is suitable for you personally, and whether it’s worth buying full course.

It is impossible not to mention several applications for Android and iOS that are not included in the selection, but are also worthy of your attention. So, excellent exercise machines for gaining weight vocabulary you will find in Words, Rosetta Stone, Anki programs. You can improve your grammar in Learn English, English Grammar in Use Activities By Cambridge University Press or English Grammar Test. It is better to develop skills in perceiving information in a foreign language through reading (LingQ, Beelingua, etc.) and communicating with native speakers (Italki, Hellotalk, etc.). In addition, British Council, Learnenglish Grammar, Practice English Grammar, Urban Dictionary, Johnny Grammar, English Listening will help you learn new words and grammar rules.

As you can see, the volume of training resources for mobile devices today is so huge that you simply have no right to deny yourself the opportunity to learn and use English for communication and career. One of these applications will definitely become your base or a complete source for learning. The main thing is to start.

Mobile devices have become firmly established in the daily rhythm of the average person. Many people do not want to waste precious bits of free time and use their little assistant to their advantage. Using fun apps, you can do exercises to maintain your physical fitness, read literature, watch movies, and study foreign languages.

Main features of Android applications

Android is one of the most popular operating systems in the world. Applications allow you to expand its functionality for ease of use.

There are 3 main features of programs for Android:

  • Multifunctionality. Applications allow you to optimize the operation of the device, configure appearance, recover lost data.
  • Diversity. Even the most fastidious user will be able to find applications with the desired interface, font, sound and other features.
  • Availability. You can always find a free analogue of an expensive application in the market.

Each user has the right to contribute to the development of the interface operating system and creating a new application. Other OSes cannot boast of this.

Applications for learning English (12 popular applications)

  • Lingua Leo, probably one of the most popular applications among the Russian-speaking population. It is of a playful nature, which allows you to learn English easily and naturally.
  • Busuu– a great alternative to Leo. The interface is simple and does not cause difficulties. The application allows you to learn the basics of a foreign language. Classes take place on topics: cinema, books, etc. In addition to English, it includes German, Turkish, Italian, French and other languages.
  • English Daily It will appeal to those who don’t have time to sit and read the rules. On the way to work or to the store, you can include a lesson with new words and phrases.
  • Grammar 2 will allow you to study grammar. Training is based on tests in which you need to choose the correct answer.
  • Polyglot quite famous among English language learners. However, few lessons are available for free. You will have to pay for access to most.
  • Duolingo suggests learning English through play. If you answer incorrectly, lives are lost, and progress along the thorny path is rewarded with unusual trophies.
  • Talk English Standard will help you speak English. In addition to listening to audio recordings with correct pronunciation, the user can record his own voice for comparison and identification of errors.
  • EngCards helps you learn new words with flashcards. It is not for nothing that they are considered one of the most effective techniques.
  • Words contains an extensive database foreign words. The program takes into account individual characteristics user. This guarantees a positive learning outcome. The application has been repeatedly recognized as the best of its kind.
  • Easy Ten suggests memorizing 10 new words every day. True, this application will not be enough for a full-fledged study of English.
  • LingQ suggests not only reading and listening to texts, but also translating them to memorize new words.
  • English At Work Not intended for beginners. It allows you to expand your knowledge, the so-called business course for negotiating with foreign partners.

How to improve your listening comprehension of English using a gadget

  • Listening to songs in English.

It is perhaps difficult to find a person who does not like the work of foreign performers. By listening to them you can develop Develop your skills and also learn new words.

  • Watching movies and TV series with original dubbing.

This method will allow you not only to improve your listening comprehension of the English language, but also to enjoy the native voices of your favorite actors.

  • Audio lessons.

Thousands various schools They regularly release their own audio lessons for learning English. They talk about basic fundamentals grammars, new words, most common in ordinary life and them correct pronunciation.

How to learn English grammar on a tablet and phone

Grammar – important aspect learning a foreign language. It is necessary to consolidate the acquired knowledge in practice, and applications help perfectly with this.

Johnny Grammar Word Challenge– a fun spelling quiz English words which are common in everyday life. The players' results are entered into a table. Such a decision only spurs the excitement of learning.

English Grammar all levels will test your knowledge of all aspects of grammar: cases, gerunds, modal verbs and other nuances.

It would be useful to purchase specialized textbooks. They can also be downloaded from in electronic format. For example, M. Macaulay or Raymond Murphy.

How to Improve English Pronunciation Using a Mobile Device

Thanks to social networks you can find new friends from different parts of the world. Popular applications such as Skype, Viber, Whatsapp and others make it possible to make a free call and enjoy unique minutes of communication, improving your knowledge of a foreign language.

  • Specialized applications.

Developers are actively developing new applications for comprehensive learning of the English language. Some of the most popular include: English Pronunciation, English Pronunciation Training and Speak English Daily.

  • Watching videos on YouTube.

By watching videos from foreign bloggers, you can hear the pronunciation of speech and learn to distinguish words by ear. After pausing the video, you need to repeat the words to remember their correct pronunciation.

  • Dictaphone.

On every modern gadget there is a voice recorder. With its help, you can record your own speech in English and evaluate it. The American English Pronunciation website will help with this.

Play Market is filled with a variety of applications for learning foreign languages. New programs from developers appear every day. Users can only try and choose the most convenient and effective for themselves.

Interest in applications for learning English in the Russian segment of the AppStore continues to grow rapidly over the past two years. This is not surprising, because understanding the most widespread language in the world provides enormous opportunities not only for learning, but also for earning money. And the permanent crises and currency collapses that occur in CIS countries with enviable regularity are a very good argument in favor of learning English.

Currently, there are more than enough applications for iPhone and iPad to help you in this difficult task. And so that you don’t get lost in all this diversity, I offer you my version of a selection of the best iOS applications for learning English and expanding your vocabulary.


A service in which training can be conducted either through an online interface or by installing an application on mobile devices. The main thing is that you can study at any time and anywhere, and more than 600 are available for training interactive lessons, including:

  • expansion of vocabulary;
  • studying grammar;
  • practicing pronunciation;
  • adapted texts;
  • audio materials voiced by native speakers;
  • built-in grammar reference, etc.

The basic course allows you to access the entire base of materials, but with some restrictions. If you like it, you can pay for premium access and study English with pleasure.

Another client of the service, quickly gaining popularity, about which there are many positive reviews. Lessons in Duolingo are built around game form, with detailed progress tracking. You'll be able to read, listen and speak, and thanks to checking your results during the learning process, you can immediately see what you did correctly and what you didn't.

Conveniently implemented control over the pace of learning and a function that encourages repeated lessons after some time, to better consolidate the result. I myself have been using this application recently, and I can confidently recommend it to you.


Comfortable and required program, which allows you to effectively replenish your vocabulary by dedicating at least 20-30 minutes a day to it. This clever trainer is one of the three most popular apps of its kind on the Appstore, and includes more than 11,000 English words, which is enough for communication and travel. By the way, if you consider that all words and phrases are voiced by native speakers, I am sure that you will definitely not have problems with pronunciation.

English with Words

A colorful app for learning words using flashcards, with a nice design and thoughtful exercises that cover almost 8,000 words! The training takes place in a playful way, which makes it easier to memorize. A total of 330 (!) lessons are available, divided into 26 thematic blocks. Also, there is a built-in English-Russian dictionary at 40,000 words. Apple's April 2014 Editors' Choice.


A popular service that includes a whole set of interactive tools for learning many foreign languages, and, above all, English. Allows you to conduct training in several formats, contains grammar courses, TED lectures and thousands of texts of a very different nature. Sets of words with pictures, listening and transcription are available, and the training program adapts to the user as he progresses.

Let's continue the theme of words. I came across this application by accident, and after spending some time researching, I realized that it was worth adding to my device. You are offered a database of 3,500 basic English words that you need to know for normal reading and communication. The training program can be customized for yourself, and the words, which is important, are divided into levels: Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate and Upper Intermediate. Methods for memorization are also available in several options: memorization, dictation, writing and testing. And many more interesting things.

Pumpkin 2

A simulator focused exclusively on learning grammar, the learning process in which is based on game mechanics, with the goal of giving you a systematic understanding of grammar and bringing the construction of phrases and vocabulary structures to automaticity. More than 700 of the most commonly used verbs, several difficulty modes, 35,000 phrasal structures - all this provides variety and is truly captivating. Forget about cramming, just immerse yourself in studying headlong, and success will be a matter of time!

All those who study foreign languages ​​have heard more than once that you need to practice at every opportunity. And each of us spends some time on the road to work, study, or just on business. Why not use this great opportunity to repeat the words or grammatical structures? After all, we have a wonderful assistant - a smartphone and a large number of various applications to explore. Let's look at some of them.

Free Learn and Play

A very simple app to expand your vocabulary. IN free version three different ways training. In the first case, an image is displayed on the display and you must select from three options correct in English. In the second case, you have three words and a picture is shown: you need to click on it if there is a match. And in the latter case, you must write the word that is depicted yourself. A pleasant female voice pronounces all the words. The paid version has no ads and more themes available.

"Learn English!"

An application that makes it easy to remember up to 500 English words. The learning process is as follows: you choose the correct one from several translation examples. In the settings you can select the number of options offered and the direction of translation. After you learn a word, you need to mark it with a tick. Unfortunately, voice acting is only available in the paid version.

"Polyglot. English language"

In the free version of this application there is only one lesson available and there are many links to others educational materials on Google Play. In the first lesson you need to construct a sentence from words. Great grammar exercises entry level. And I advise you to follow the links in the application: some lessons are also free.

"English language"

The application is very similar to Polyglot, except that you are not offered different lessons. Right from the start of the program you start working - building a sentence from words. Easier than “Polyglot” because you need to use absolutely all the words and there are no extra ones, which greatly simplifies the task.

This article will help everyone who wants or has been trying to learn English and more. I have made a selection of various applications, courses and programs for learning English which I used myself. They can be used both on the road and at home, mobile phone or netbook. If you cannot decide on the required course, then leave comments with questions below, I will definitely answer and help you with your choice. So let's get started.

Duolingo: Learn languages ​​for free

"Undoubtedly the best free language learning app." -The Wall Street Journal


Rosetta Stone Course and Totale Copanion (mobile versions from Rosetta Stone on Android OS)

Now you can practice learning a language with Rosetta Stone on devices with Android OS. If you need an analogue of the PC version, which is described above, then your choice is Rosetta Stone Course. Just register and you can get access to free lessons. Not to be confused with Totale Companion, as it is a specialized application that will also help you learn new language when you're on the road or away from your computer. The application is free, but only subscribers of the Totale course can use it, which is a huge disadvantage of the application, for the entire duration of their subscription. Full version Rosetta Stone Course is paid, but there are also free lessons for several languages. If you are interested in this program, then look for it in the Play Market.

English according to Dr. Pimsleur's method for Russian speakers (90 lessons, full course). Audiolingual course from Paul Pimsleur

Year of issue: 2005
Dr. Paul Pimsleur
Course type: audiolingual
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Format: mp3

Course Description:
You don't need any tutorials! There is no need to cram anything! The basis of the course is the perception of English speech and pronouncing phrases out loud. Dr. Pimsleur's language programs are the only form of language learning that includes an original, patented memory training technique that ensures you remember what you learn. The course was created specifically for Russian speakers learning English. It consists of 90 lessons recorded in mp3 format. You hear explanations and comments about what you are studying in the course in Russian, and the speech is in American English.

Download Paul Pimsleur's course

ABBYY Lingvo Dictionaries

  • Year of issue: 2012
  • Genre: Dictionaries
  • Developer: ABBYY® Lingvo®
  • Interface language: Multilingual
  • Platform: Android 2.2+
  • Interface: Russian
  • Additionally: The program supports installation on SD (OS 2.2 and higher)
  • Installer type: apk

Description. Perhaps the most popular dictionary for mobile devices based on the Android operating system and not only. The application provides fast and accurate translation of words and phrases without an Internet connection. It is worth noting the application’s ability to search for translations of words and phrases in several dictionaries at once, as well as high-quality content from the world’s leading publishers. With this dictionary you will have access to more than 250 translation, explanatory and thematic dictionaries for 30 languages, from which the user can easily create a vocabulary set to solve their problems. The most necessary thing for us is translation from Russian and back: Russian - English, plus Spanish, Italian, Latin, German and French. Thanks to the functionality of ABBYY Lingvo for Android will become an indispensable assistant while traveling, studying or at a business meeting. Thematic dictionaries are available for purchase from the application. These dictionaries will allow you to find a more accurate translation of words and phrases, as well as get Additional information: other translations, transcriptions, synonyms, examples of use and correct pronunciation from native speakers.

Key features:

  • Detailed vocabulary material with many meanings, examples of word usage and tables with word forms
  • Pronunciation of words, voiced by native speakers (in terms of dictionaries)
  • A single vocabulary card with articles from several dictionaries
  • Hints when searching for a word or phrase
  • Search for words in any grammatical form
  • Quick translation of words from the clipboard


Move the “Lingvo” folder from the archive to the ABBYY folder on the phone’s internal memory (sdcard0) and install the *apk file through your device’s file managers.