Making gooseberry jam. Gooseberry jam: simple recipes for the winter. just a minute - a simple recipe for gooseberry jam with oranges for the winter

Making gooseberry jam.  Gooseberry jam: simple recipes for the winter.  just a minute - a simple recipe for gooseberry jam with oranges for the winter
Making gooseberry jam. Gooseberry jam: simple recipes for the winter. just a minute - a simple recipe for gooseberry jam with oranges for the winter

Good morning, dear hostesses and owners! Here you will find the most popular recipes and important recommendations that will help you prepare gooseberry jam. From the simplest and traditional, to the exquisite royal or emerald.

By the way, has anyone by any chance calculated how many preparations can be made for the winter from ordinary gooseberries? It turns out that there is a lot. And the most diverse. Only jam amazes with a lot of varieties. And each has its own zest and attractive feature. They are united only by excellent taste and incredible aroma.

Let us also use the berries that are generous in the harvest to replenish our supplies. Let's make all kinds of gooseberry jams. In each of them, the berry will shine with completely new colors.

Traditions involve the use of two main ingredients - gooseberries and sugar, as well as the cooking process itself. Without any tricks, just like our grandmothers cooked. But the jam turns out very tasty, thick and rich.

  1. The tails of berries are very convenient to trim with scissors; even manicure ones are great.
  2. It is preferable to prepare gooseberry jam in an enamel container. If this is not possible, use stainless steel cookware with a thick bottom.
  3. It is advisable to mix the berries with a wooden spatula.
  4. In order for the jam to be well preserved, glass jars must be sterilized.
  5. How to check jam for readiness. Drop onto a clean plate. If the drop does not spread, the jam is ready. No, that means it needs to be boiled some more. Use this verification method as a basis. Even when recipes indicate time, it’s all relative. And the stoves are different, and the amount of juice released by the berries is different. But you never know what other nuances there may be - and this is a time-tested method.
  6. The amount of sugar can be adjusted in each specific case. If the berries are very sweet, you can naturally use less sugar.

We need to prepare the ingredients for traditional gooseberry jam

  • Two kilograms of gooseberries
  • Two kilograms of sugar
  • Water 100 ml.

How to make jam

  1. Wash the berries, sort them, cut off the stems.
  2. Pour them into an enamel pan or bowl.
  3. Add water.
  4. Add sugar to the mixture and stir with a wooden spatula.
  5. Place on low heat.
  6. Bring to a boil while stirring frequently. Don't forget about the foam, it needs to be removed
  7. Cook over low heat for about 50 minutes. But start checking readiness after 30-35 minutes.
  8. Pour hot into sterile jars, roll up or screw on the lids.
  9. Cool at room temperature, then store.

The specified amount of ingredients yields 2.5 liters of the finished product.
This is how, without further ado, you can prepare a delicious dessert.

Five-minute gooseberry jam recipe

The berries are whole. The taste is refreshing. Smells like summer. This is how early ripening jam can be briefly described. Its beauty lies in the fact that the berries practically do not cook, but simmer for 5 minutes in hot syrup.

We will need a toothpick as an assistant. We will pierce each berry with it. This is necessary so that the berries do not burst during heat treatment. Don't be intimidated by this procedure. This one doesn't take that long and isn't difficult at all. Varenitsa will reward you with its excellent taste, appearance and aroma.

Preparing the ingredients

  • Gooseberries – 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg
  • Water – 250 ml.

Making jam

Easy, fast, delicious! Those who love whole berries in jam will especially like the jam.

The jam costs well due to the large amount of sugar. But if you are overcome by doubts, or storage conditions do not allow you to take risks, boil the jam for 5-10 minutes after boiling, no more.

The taste will not change much, but you will feel calm. And don’t change the word “five minutes”.

How to make gooseberry and orange jam

Magnificent jam and a real work of culinary art. Rich taste, delicate structure, extraordinary aroma. All its advantages are complemented by simplicity and speed of preparation.


  • Gooseberries – 1 kilogram
  • Sugar – 1 kilogram
  • Medium oranges – 2 pcs.


This jam will be nice to spread on a bun. You can't imagine a better sweet to go with hot tea. And pancakes and pancakes will not refuse such company.
Citrus notes can be enhanced by adding a little lemon. It is also twisted with zest. The taste of the jam will become even richer.

Recipe for making royal or emerald gooseberry jam

The jam received such a dignified name for its excellent taste, unusual color, and historical pedigree. An old legend says that Catherine the Second gave the cook an emerald ring for delicious green gooseberry jam.

Be that as it may, the jam is really decent. Why don’t we give the household members a royal treat?

For this we need

  • A kilogram of gooseberries (it is better to choose large green berries)
  • Sugar – kilogram and two hundred grams
  • Cherry leaves - a couple of handfuls (20 grams by weight)
  • Water – 400 ml.

  1. Wash the gooseberries, trim the stems.
  2. Make a cut on the side of each berry.
  3. Then use a hairpin as an assistant and remove the seeds from the berries. They are no longer useful for jam, but you can use them in compote.
  4. Set aside half the leaves. They will come in handy a little later.
  5. Wash the remaining leaves.
  6. Pour water into a saucepan, add leaves, and boil.
  7. Reduce heat and simmer the broth for 2-3 minutes. Make sure it is green.
  8. Now we need to pour the hot broth along with the leaves over our prepared berries.
  9. Cool the mixture and leave it in a cool place for 10-12 hours, or overnight.
  10. Pour the cold broth into a separate bowl, remove the leaves, and drain the berries in a colander.
  11. Add sugar to the broth, stir, bring to a boil.
  12. Place the berries in boiling syrup and set aside leaves.
  13. Cook for 15-18 minutes. The gooseberries should become transparent.
  14. After the gooseberries have become transparent, the fire must be turned off. And quickly put the jam directly in the pan into ice water. This is necessary in order to preserve the unusual color.
  15. Place the cooled jam into sterile jars and roll up.

Not jam, but delicious! Cherry leaves will give it a tart, pleasant aroma.

Gooseberry jam with walnuts

No less regal delicacy. Food of the gods. And also the pride of the hostess. Not everyone will dare to take such a step.


  • A kilogram of gooseberries (choose large and firm)
  • One and a half kilograms of sugar
  • One and a half glasses of water (200g glass)
  • Walnuts. You need to estimate the quantity approximately. Imagine that you need to place a piece of nut in each berry.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Chop the nuts, lightly fry the kernels in a frying pan, and divide into small pieces.
  2. Wash the berries, cut off the stems on both sides.
  3. Make a cut on each side and remove the seeds. This can be done with an ordinary hairpin.
  4. Stuff the berries with nut pieces.
  5. Boil the syrup. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil. Cook for 10 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  6. Pour hot syrup over the stuffed berries.
  7. Bring the mixture to a boil, simmer for five minutes.
  8. Set aside until completely cool. In terms of time, it could be night, or 9-10 o’clock.
  9. Put on fire. Cook over low heat until done, which can be checked with a drop of jam. It shouldn't spread.
  10. Send hot jam into sterile jars and screw on iron lids.

You have made wonderful jam. Respect and respect to you!

Recipe for gooseberry jam with oranges and lemons without cooking

This is a real gift for those with a sweet tooth. The taste of our native gooseberry is complemented and enriched by citrus fruits. The lack of heat treatment turns jam into a vitamin bomb.

Preparing a set of products

  • Three kilograms of gooseberries
  • Two lemons
  • Three oranges
  • Five kilograms of sugar.

How to make jam

  1. Wash the gooseberries, trim the stems, dry the berries.
  2. Oranges and lemons should be thoroughly washed with hot water and wiped with a paper towel.
  3. Cut the citrus fruits into pieces, remove the seeds. Chop along with the zest.
  4. Grind gooseberries and citrus fruits in a meat grinder.
  5. Place the mixture in an enamel pan and cover with sugar.
  6. Stir the jam well.
  7. Set aside for a while and wait for the sugar to dissolve. Sometimes you need to stir to speed up the process.
  8. Place the finished product in sterile jars and close with a nylon lid. Store in a cool place.

How to make gooseberry jam in a slow cooker

You can once again envy those who have a multicooker - you can make delicious gooseberry jam in it. Don’t stand at a hot stove, don’t waste time, and at the same time replenish your supplies for the winter. Some advantages.

What you need to prepare for jam

  • Gooseberries – 700 gr.
  • Sugar – 500 gr.

Step-by-step actions

  1. First of all, let's prepare the jars and lids. Pour some water into the multicooker bowl. Place thoroughly washed jars (preferably half liter jars) upside down and lower the lids directly into the water.
  2. Turn on the “Steam” mode for half an hour.
  3. While the container is sterilized, let's take care of the gooseberries. The berries need to be sorted, the stems trimmed with scissors, and washed thoroughly.
  4. We take out the cans, drain the water, and wipe the thicket of the multicooker.
  5. Place berries in a bowl and add sugar.
  6. Leave it alone for 30 minutes - the berries should react to the presence of sugar and begin to release juice.
  7. Now turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for 30 minutes. This regime involves the gradual dissolution of sugar. The jam boils in about 10 minutes. An important nuance is to not close the lid of the multicooker, otherwise the sweet liquid will run over the edge.
  8. We remove the foam; it will actively begin to appear when the jam boils.
  9. Stir occasionally with a wooden spatula.
  10. When you turn off the device, take out the bowl, place it on the table, and let the jam cool in the same bowl.
  11. Place the cooled jam in the slow cooker for the same “Stewing”, only set the time to 15 minutes.
  12. Let it cool, set it to the “Stewing” program again, time 15 minutes. Thus, we cook the jam in three steps - once for 30 minutes, twice for 15 minutes.
  13. Place the hot jam in a glass container and cover with an iron lid.

The jam turns out great! Not enough, though, just a half liter jar and a little bit for testing. But who is stopping us from preparing another portion, another?

What would you like to recommend?

  1. Do not increase the amount of ingredients. If it boils, it can escape and cause a lot of trouble.
  2. You can cook it in one step, setting the “Stewing” program for an hour. But in three steps, in my opinion, the jam turns out better, and the berries don’t get so soft.

Have fun!

How to make gooseberry jam? Recipes for the winter without cooking are easy to prepare, and gooseberry preparations are incredibly tasty and full of vitamins. The beneficial properties of gooseberries do not depend on the variety and color of the berries: each gooseberry is rich in vitamins A, C, E, PP, B vitamins, micro- and macroelements - calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus.

The benefits of gooseberries are enormous; the berries have a diuretic, choleretic and mild laxative effect on the human body; they are indicated for high blood pressure, bleeding and menstrual irregularities, gastritis with low acidity and diabetes mellitus. Eating gooseberries strengthens blood vessels and promotes rapid fat burning in obesity, and helps fight anemia in pregnant women.

Gooseberries are contraindicated only for patients with stomach or duodenal ulcers, enteritis or colitis. If no one in your family suffers from these diseases, be sure to choose a jam recipe to your liking and prepare this healthy berry.

First, let's talk about how to sterilize jars and prepare gooseberries for harvesting, and then move on to the 6 best jam recipes: five-minute, emerald with cherry leaves, royal with walnuts, with orange, with lemon and raw without cooking. The TestoVed website team hopes that every reader will find a recipe to their liking.

Sterilizing jars and preparing gooseberries

If the jam is being prepared for the winter, regardless of the recipe chosen, before you start cooking, you must prepare the jars and lids. First, you need to wash both the jars and the lids with plenty of soap and hot water, and then sterilize them using your preferred method.

DoughVed advises. There are many ways to sterilize jars, but one of the simplest and most convenient is oven sterilization.

To sterilize the jars, after rinsing, place them in a cold oven and heat it to 150 o C. After 15 minutes, turn off the oven and do not remove the jars until you are ready to transfer the finished hot jam into them.

To sterilize the lids, boil water in a saucepan and boil the lids for 2-3 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the lids in the water until you need them, but at least 10 minutes.

How to remove seeds from gooseberries?

For cooking, it is better to choose gooseberries that are slightly unripe, strong, and with elastic skin. Gooseberries, like apricots, for example, are rich in natural pectin, so according to any recipe, jam from them thickens perfectly without adding a store-bought thickener.

Read:, tasty and thick - detailed recipe + tips.

Some recipes for jam with whole berries require removing the seeds (pits) from the gooseberries. To do this, you need to cut off the tails and edges of the bottom of the washed berries using a knife or scissors, and then carefully remove the seeds with the tip of a knife, a pin or a hairpin. To ensure that the sugar is better absorbed during cooking, you can chop the berries with a toothpick.

4 hours to prepare

15 minutes to prepare

280 kcal per 100 g

Five-minute gooseberry jam is the simplest recipe for gooseberry preparation for the winter.

Gooseberries are rich in natural pectin, so there is no need to add store-bought thickeners to the preparation.

Please note that gooseberries are reluctant to release juice, so you must add water to the recipe, and it is also advisable to cover the gooseberries with granulated sugar in advance and leave for several hours, or better yet overnight, in the refrigerator.


  • gooseberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 200 ml.


  1. Let's prepare the berries. We sort through the gooseberries, discard damaged fruits, and remove the stems. Wash thoroughly and place on a clean towel to dry. Place the dried gooseberries in an enamel pan, cover with sugar and put in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or overnight so that the berries release their juice.
  2. Take out the pan and fill the berries with water. Place on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. Add the remaining granulated sugar and stir with a wooden spatula. Remove foam as needed.
  3. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Remove from heat and leave until completely cool.
  4. Boil the cooled mass again, cook for 5 minutes, then cool. We repeat the procedure a third time, but do not leave it to cool, but immediately spread the hot jam into prepared sterile jars and roll them up with metal lids. Turn over, wrap in a blanket and cool. Store in a cool place in winter.

Emerald gooseberry jam is made from slightly unripe berries. The right gooseberry for emerald jam is large, but with elastic skin, sour in taste. This gooseberry will preserve whole berries in jam.

To give the jam a beautiful emerald hue and fragrant aroma, fresh cherry leaves are added to the recipe.


  • gooseberries – 1.6 kg;
  • fresh cherry leaves – 20 pcs.;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg.


  1. Let's prepare the necessary ingredients: green gooseberries, fresh cherry leaves, water (preferably filtered) and sugar.
  2. We thoroughly wash the berries, remove the gooseberry stalks and trim the tails. We cut each berry and remove the seeds. As a result, there should be about 1 kg of peeled, seedless berries left.
  3. Lay the berries in layers in an enamel bowl of sufficient capacity, alternating with cherry leaves. Fill with cold filtered water and leave for at least 6 hours.
  4. We drain the water through a colander (but do not pour it out!) and let the gooseberries dry a little. Strain the gooseberry water and bring to a boil.
  5. Pour sugar into boiling water and boil the syrup for 3 minutes.
  6. Remove the syrup from the heat and carefully, so as not to burn yourself, put the gooseberries into it. Leave at room temperature for 3 hours.
  7. When the berry mass has infused, put the pan on the fire again and bring to a boil. Boil for 5-8 minutes and remove from heat. Leave again for at least 6 hours. Bring to a boil again, also boil for 5-8 minutes and again leave at room temperature for 5-6 hours. Cook the jam for the last time for no more than 8 minutes.
  8. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and seal with metal lids. Turn the jars over, wrap them in a blanket and leave until completely cool.

It is advisable to store the workpiece in a cool place.

Like emerald, royal gooseberry jam is made from slightly unripe berries. Both green and red gooseberries are suitable for making jam, depending on the desired color of the workpiece.

As in the previous recipe, to achieve a beautiful emerald hue, prepare royal gooseberry jam with cherry leaves. To do this, you need to first soak the green berries with cherry leaves, and then start making jam.

In the classic royal recipe for jam, walnuts are placed inside each berry, but this task is quite troublesome and takes a lot of time, so we will fill only part of the berries with nuts and prepare jam with a surprise.


  • dense gooseberries not overripe - 1 kg;
  • walnuts – 200 g (or more if desired);
  • sugar – 1.1 kg;
  • water - half a glass.


  1. Prepare the ingredients. We wash the berries, remove sepals and stalks, and remove the seeds. We do not throw away the seeds. We chop the nuts with a knife, not too finely so that a piece of the nut fits into the berry.
  2. Fill the berries with nuts as much as is enough. The more nuts you take, the more berries you can fill.
  3. Place the seeds and pulp in a saucepan, add water and cook for 5 minutes. After five minutes, rub the seeds through a sieve and discard. Pour sugar into the remaining liquid and bring the syrup over low heat to a boil.
  4. After boiling, add berries and nuts to the syrup. Mix carefully so that the nuts do not fall out of the berries. Bring to a boil again and remove from heat. Leave at room temperature for 8-10 hours without covering with a lid.
  5. After the specified time has passed, we boil the mass again, and then set it aside again for 8-10 hours. Bring to a boil a third time, simmer for 5 minutes.
  6. We spread the jam into pre-sterilized jars and screw them with metal lids or seal them with nylon lids. Leave until completely cool. Store in a cool place.

If you have the desire and free time, you can take more walnuts for the recipe and stuff each berry.

Healthy gooseberry jam with orange in winter perfectly improves immunity and helps fight vitamin deficiency thanks to the rich vitamin composition of gooseberry berries and orange. Oranges, like gooseberries, contain vitamins A, C, E and PP, strengthen the immune system and lower blood cholesterol levels.

Gooseberry jam with orange turns out to be very thick due to the high concentration of pectin in the berry and the gelling properties of orange peels, so there is no need to add thickeners during cooking. It is better to take berries that are green, slightly unripe, and elastic to the touch.


  • gooseberries – 1 kg;
  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 1 kg.


  1. Wash the gooseberries thoroughly, pick or cut off the tails. Wash the oranges thoroughly, cut them into slices and remove the seeds. We don't peel the orange!
  2. Pass the gooseberries together with orange slices through a meat grinder until smooth.
  3. Place the fruit mixture in a saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil. Stir constantly so that the mixture does not burn.
  4. After boiling, remove from the stove and set aside until the mixture has cooled completely, at room temperature.
  5. When the jam has cooled, put the saucepan back on the fire and bring to a boil. After boiling, cook for 15 minutes. Immediately pour the hot jam into sterile jars and seal with metal or nylon lids. Turn the jars over, wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool.

You can store the jam at room temperature - the acid in oranges will ensure the safety of the preparation throughout the winter.

Another very healthy jam is made from gooseberries and lemon. Lemon is rich not only in vitamin C, but also in five different B vitamins, carotene and vitamin PP.

It is useful to eat jam not only in winter to combat vitamin deficiency, but also all year round - the preparation improves metabolism, strengthens blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and normalizes liver function.


  • gooseberries – 1 kg;
  • lemon - half;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 350 ml.


  1. As in previous recipes, let's first prepare the berries. We sort through the gooseberries, wash them thoroughly, and cut off the tails. It is also advisable to prick each berry with toothpicks.
  2. Cook the syrup: mix water and sugar in a saucepan and bring to a boil. As soon as the syrup boils, put the gooseberries in it. Stir and cook for 20 minutes, removing foam as necessary.
  3. Wash the lemon and cut it in half. Peel one half and cut into pieces along with the peel. Place the lemon slices into the pan, stir again and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

    Find out now:– step-by-step instructions + cooking tricks.

  4. Immediately place in previously sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and wrap. Leave until the jars have cooled completely.

If you want to get a more homogeneous, jelly-like consistency of the dessert without individual lemon pieces, you can mince the lemons with berries before cooking.

Gooseberries are famous for their unique vitamin composition, but some of their beneficial properties are lost during cooking. Much more vitamins are preserved in raw jam that has not undergone heat treatment.

This preparation also has a disadvantage - a short shelf life. Jam without cooking is not rolled under lids and is stored exclusively in the refrigerator.


  • gooseberries – 1 kg;
  • lemon – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 kg.


  1. We wash the berries, remove the stems and rinse thoroughly. We also wash the lemons and then pour boiling water over them. Cut into small pieces and remove the seeds from the lemons.
  2. We pass the berries together with lemon slices through a meat grinder or chop them using a food processor. Transfer the resulting homogeneous mixture into a saucepan or bowl, add sugar and stir. Place in a cool place for 3-4 hours until the sugar dissolves.
  3. Mix thoroughly again, place in dry sterile jars and close with nylon lids. Store strictly in the refrigerator.

As mentioned above, raw jam is not stored for a long time, so it is better to eat it right away and not leave it until winter.

Friends, what kind of gooseberry jam do you make? Share your recipes, ideas and reviews with TestoVed in the comments!

Well, when I was young, it wasn’t that great anymore. Maybe I just didn't come across it. Study, army, what kind of jam there is.

Many years passed and one day, while visiting, drinking tea with the hosts, I did not recognize the jam, or rather the jam that the hostess served. Of course, I asked what berry the jam was made from. Well, then I felt ashamed. I didn’t recognize the gooseberry I loved so much as a child.

Since then I have become interested in gooseberries again. We started making preserves, jams, compotes from it, in various versions. Well, as they say, old love has returned. I want to show you several recipes for making various jams and gooseberry jam.

Delicious recipes for the winter. Royal gooseberry jam and other delicacies

It is believed that one of the main gooseberry jams is royal or emerald jam. It is prepared in different ways. Some people put nuts inside the berries, others simply take the seeds out of the gooseberries, but we’ll do the classic one.

Gooseberry jam with oranges is also very common. We will also look at it. We also have original jam with additives. And of course jam. Let's get started.

Gooseberry jam menu:

  1. Royal gooseberry jam or emerald jam

We will need:

  • Gooseberries - 500 g.
  • Sugar - 600 g.
  • Cherry leaves - 30 pcs.
  • Water - 2-3 glasses


1. Gooseberries for this recipe should be green, unripe, elastic and dense. Gooseberries must be washed and peeled.

2. Prepare an infusion of cherry leaves. We leave 6-7 leaves, they will be useful to us, and put the rest in a saucepan and fill with water. Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. The water will become a light emerald color. Boil the leaves for 2-3 minutes.

3. Pour the gooseberries into another pan and pour in the decoction of the leaves, strained through a sieve.

4. The broth should cover the berries completely. Cover with a lid and put in a relatively cool place for 12 hours (not in the refrigerator).

5. After 12 hours, again through a sieve, drain the broth from the berries. Pour one glass of broth into another pan. We don't need the rest of the broth.

6. Pour sugar into a saucepan with a glass of broth. Let's cook the syrup. Place on the fire, stir and bring to a boil.

7. The syrup is boiling. Add gooseberries to it. Cover with a lid, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes.

8. After 5 minutes, after closing the lid, remove it and check how it boils. And since you can’t stir the berries, just gently rock the pan from side to side. After some time, you can even lift the pan from the heat and shake it gently.

Be extra careful. Boiling sugar is worse than a hot stove.

9. 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, add the cherry leaves that we left and did not cook. They should boil along with the berries. Dip the leaves into the water with a spoon. They must give us their color.

10. The jam was removed from the stove. We remove the leaves from it.

Once again, I want to remind you that you cannot stir the jam, just rock the pan, shaking it lightly.

11. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars.

12. Roll up with sterilized lids.

The jam is ready. We put it in storage.

Enjoy your winter tea!

  1. Gooseberry jam, a simple but very tasty recipe


  • Gooseberries - 2 kg.
  • Sugar - 2 kg.
  • Water - 1/2 cup


1. Gooseberries need to be sorted, excess debris removed, stems removed from both sides of the berries, and washed.

2. Pour water into the gooseberries and pour out all the sugar.

Gooseberry jam can be cooked in an enamel bowl.

3. Let's not interfere. Shake in the pan so that the berries are mixed with sugar and the sugar sinks to the bottom of the pan. Just shake the pan from side to side and from bottom to top.

4. Place the pan on the fire. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and continue cooking, stirring occasionally.

5. After about 30 minutes, we try to see if it’s ready. Place a drop on a plate; if it doesn’t spread, then the jam is ready. We weren't ready. We try every 10 minutes.

Remember to stir every 3-5 minutes.

6. Finally, 50 minutes after the start of boiling, our jam is ready.

7. While the jam is hot, pour it into jars. We pour full jars of jam, because when it cools it will settle a little. Don't close the lids, wait until it cools down.

8. After cooling, close with lids. Jars and lids must be sterilized.

This amount yielded 2.5 liters of gooseberry jam.

You don’t have to wait for winter, but enjoy it little by little.

Bon appetit!

  1. Raw gooseberry jam with oranges

I don’t know if this delicacy that we are about to prepare can be called that, but for some reason everyone calls it raw jam. Although jam from the word cook.


  • Gooseberries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Oranges - 2 pcs.


1. We sorted the gooseberries, washed them and removed the stems on both sides.

2. The oranges are washed. Cut into large slices. We peeled half of the slices and left the other half as is. We were just afraid that if there were a lot of crusts, bitterness might appear.

3. We begin to chop gooseberries and oranges. We will grind in a blender. Can be passed through a meat grinder.

4. We chopped the gooseberries. Remove all the seeds from the orange, place the oranges, both with and without the peel, into a blender bowl and grind.

5. Add crushed oranges to ground gooseberries. Mix everything.

6. Pour sugar into the berries. Pour in a little at a time, stirring constantly, so it dissolves more easily. You can, of course, pour in the sugar and mix everything with a blender.

Always use wooden spoons and spatulas when working with berries.

7. Mix everything thoroughly. We tried it, the bitterness is not felt, but we still won’t add orange peels anymore, although there are tons of vitamins in there.

8. Leave the jam alone for 5 hours so that the sugar dissolves completely. After five hours, check to see if the sugar has dissolved. If not, mix thoroughly and let it sit for some time.

9. Sugar has dissolved, pour into jars.

10. Raw gooseberry jam can be prepared in two versions, poured into jars and stored in the refrigerator,

or freeze in containers and it will turn out like ice cream. It's also very tasty.


Enjoy your tea!

  1. Gooseberry jam for the winter with delicious additives


  • Gooseberries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg.
  • Water - 1 glass
  • Citric acid - 2 tsp. no slide
  • Seedless raisins - 1 cup
  • Cinnamon - 1/2 tsp.
  • Ground ginger - 1/2 tsp.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp.


To prevent the berries from bursting, we will first do the following:

1. Pour 150 g of sugar into one and a half liters of boiling water and immediately add citric acid. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

2. Prick each gooseberry with a needle. Our sugar has dissolved, the water has boiled again, pour chopped gooseberries into our lemon-sugar mixture. Turn off the heat and keep the berries in this hot syrup for 2 minutes.

3. Two minutes passed, our berries began to look like olives. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the berries to a container with cold water. If you have ice, you can add it. Blast cooling prevents the berries from bursting.

Do not pour out the syrup from which we removed the berries. You can cook any compote based on it. Yes, and we will need a glass for the base of our jam.

4. Pour the syrup into another container. Pour a glass of syrup separately. Pour a separately poured glass (200 ml) of syrup into the vacated pan and pour 1.2 kg into it. Sahara.

5. Mix the sugar with a glass of syrup very carefully with a slotted spoon or spatula and turn on the heat. Turn on low heat so that the sugar dissolves. As the sugar dissolves, we can turn up the heat a little.

6. The syrup has boiled, reduce the heat to the lowest setting and add a glass of raisins. We took half a glass of dark and half a glass of light raisins. But this is not particularly important. Take what you have. Stir.

7. As soon as the raisin syrup starts to boil again, and this will happen very quickly, almost immediately after you stop stirring, we will add spices. Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon and half a teaspoon of ground ginger. Mix the spices well into the syrup. They must be completely dissolved.

Let's start cooking gooseberries

8. After stirring, our syrup with spices will quickly begin to boil again, add the gooseberries there, having removed them from the cold water a couple of minutes before. And immediately turn off the stove. Lift the pan of jam and gently shake it so that the berries are distributed more evenly.

9. Set aside the jam from the stove. Do not close the lid, otherwise it may steam. You can put some sticks or skewers on the pan, and parchment paper or newspaper on them to prevent any midges and dust from flying in. Leave for 5 hours.

10. After five hours, put the pan with jam in the refrigerator overnight.

11. In the morning, bring the jam to a boil again and immediately turn off the heat again and let the berries soak in the juice for another 5 hours. Until it cools completely.

If you have an electric stove, don't just turn off the stove, but remove the pan from the burner.

12. Now we need to boil the jam for the third time, but right before that, add a teaspoon of vanilla sugar to the jam.

13. For the third time, bring the jam to a boil, but continue cooking the third time for another 8-10 minutes, after boiling, and do not immediately turn off the stove.

14. Cool the jam completely and pour it cold into sterilized jars. Close with sterilized lids.

Our berries turned out whole and transparent. Without jamming three times and completely cooling, you won’t get such berries.

The jam is beautiful, aromatic and of course very tasty.

Bon appetit!

  1. Gooseberry jam is very thick and tasty


  • Gooseberries - 1 kg.
  • Water - 1 glass (200 ml.)
  • Sugar - 1 kg.


1. Peel and wash the gooseberries. Of course the work is tedious, but what can you do? Pour into a thick-walled saucepan or cast iron and add a glass of water. Cook over medium heat until done. Once it boils, cook for another 10-15 minutes. Don't forget to stir.

2. The berry was well cooked in 10 minutes. Don’t think that ours is a cherry, it’s a type of gooseberry. We have two varieties here.

3. Pour sugar into the berry. Mix everything and cook for another 15-25 minutes. Check readiness by dripping jam onto a saucer. If the droplet does not spread, then it is ready. We tried to drip after 15 minutes, the drop spread. After 20 too. And finally, after 25 minutes, the drop no longer spreads, the jam is ready.

4. Grind the berries with a blender.

5. The jam turned out to be of good thickness.

6. Pour hot into sterilized jars. Once the jars have cooled, put them in the refrigerator.

7. This is the thick jam we got. The spoon stands, but if it sits in the refrigerator, it will become even thicker.

The jam is ready. Spread it on the kids' bread, they will be very happy. I remember it myself.

Delicious gooseberry jam is ready.

Bon appetit!

  1. Video - Gooseberry jam. Simple recipe

  2. Video - Candied gooseberries with orange

Enjoy your tea and enjoy your meal!

Gooseberries have been known as a berry crop since ancient times (as evidenced by written sources from the 11th century). In Kievan Rus, berries were grown exclusively in monasteries. Here they made jam and wine from gooseberries. The emerald dessert is so delicious that it rightfully bears the name royal.

Tips for making gooseberry jam

Making jam is not difficult. But if you don’t follow a number of rules, the dessert will not be so fragrant and beautiful. Therefore, it is recommended to begin by properly preparing the berries:

  • It is desirable that the fruits in the jam remain whole, so you need to take unripe gooseberries of a greenish-bottle hue;
  • the size of the berries should be uniform and smooth in shape; Therefore, the gooseberries are first sorted by size;
  • the berries are freed from stalks and stigmas and washed thoroughly;
  • To prevent the jam from turning sour, it is better not to use wet gooseberries - after washing, dry them on a clean towel;
  • small and medium berries are pricked before cooking, and large ones are cut and placed in different containers;
  • pour cold water and leave for 5 to 8 hours.

After the water is drained, syrup for jam is prepared using it. To preserve the emerald color of the dessert, add fresh cherry leaves (10-12 pcs.) to the water. After boiling for 5 minutes, they are removed and thrown away. Next follow the recommendations of the selected recipe.

How to make gooseberry jam for the winter: recipes with photos

Gooseberries, like other berries, can be prepared for the winter using various technologies. Quite a lot of recipes for delicious jam have accumulated over the millennium. Only a small fraction of them is offered here. But this is enough to diversify the sweet table.

The housewife will really spend no more than 5 minutes on each visit to the stove. Berries can be taken of any size without removing the seeds from them. But you need to pierce the sides with a toothpick so that the gooseberries are saturated with syrup inside. The entire algorithm is represented by a minimum of steps:

  • boil the syrup from a glass of water and 400 g of sugar, letting it simmer for 5 minutes;
  • hot liquid is poured over prepared berries (1 kg);
  • put the bowl of gooseberries on the fire and bring the syrup to a boil;
  • Reducing the heat to low, simmer the jam for another 5 minutes.

“Pyatiminutka” is packaged in hot cans and immediately rolled up. Store dessert in a cool place.

Most housewives prepare gooseberry jam according to the classic recipe. To prepare it, you will need freshly picked fruits of the same size and degree of ripeness. The cooking method is used multiple times so that the fruits have time to be saturated with syrup and do not become deformed.

  • The berries (1 kg) are sorted and the stalks are removed, then pricked with a special device or toothpick. Dip into boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then transfer to a cooking container.
  • prepare syrup from 2 glasses of water and granulated sugar (1.3 kg);
  • pour it over the prepared berries and leave for 4 hours;
  • Boil the mass for 3-5 minutes and leave again for the same time.

The last position is repeated 2-3 times, and the hot dessert is poured into dry, heated jars.

To give the jam an original aroma, it is recommended to add a little vanilla powder at the end of cooking.

This is not just royal jam, but a dessert with a surprise - instead of seeds, there are nut kernels inside the fruit. Why do gooseberries acquire their original taste? To ensure that the berries retain their integrity during the cooking process, take large, thick-walled, strong fruits and follow this algorithm:

  • berries (1 kg) are slightly trimmed on both sides and the seeds are removed along with the pulp;
  • walnuts (200 g) are cut into pieces so that each of them fits inside a gooseberry;
  • stuff the fruits with kernels (as much as is enough);
  • the pulp along with the seeds is placed in a pan;
  • pour in water (half a glass) and place on the stove;
  • boil for 5 minutes and rub through a sieve;
  • add sugar (1.1 kg) and boil the syrup;
  • stuffed berries are poured into the boiling liquid;
  • stirring, bring to a boil and immediately turn off the heat;
  • set aside for 12 hours for natural cooling;
  • put on the stove again and bring to a boil;
  • After removing from heat, leave for 8 hours.

In the 3rd pass, after boiling, the dessert is boiled for 5 minutes and immediately packaged in jars. Some kernels will come out of the fruit during the cooking process, but there is no need to worry about this. This jam looks nice.

How and why cherry leaves are used when making jam was mentioned above. This recipe suggests keeping the berries in cold water for half an hour and then draining them in a colander. The next steps are:

  • After boiling the cherry leaves, they are removed from the pan;
  • make syrup from the decoction (700 ml), adding 400 g of granulated sugar;
  • the finished liquid is filtered;
  • heat to 80° and add berries (1 kg);
  • leave for 5 hours;
  • put on the stove and cook for 10-15 minutes.

The jam is prepared in 4 steps with breaks of 5 hours. At the same time, sugar is added in portions (300 g for each batch). But before putting the sweet product into the syrup, the berries are removed. The mass is boiled for 10 minutes and the fruits are returned back to the jam, immediately turning off the stove.

Emerald gooseberry jam - a very tasty recipe: video

Gooseberry jam with cherry leaves and thyme stalks

This recipe is still popular in rural areas. And the jam was prepared exclusively with cherry leaves and thyme stalks.

Making gooseberry dessert using this technology is very simple, the main thing is to adhere to this technology:

  • Rinse two handfuls of healthy cherry leaves well, place in a cooking container, add cold water and bring to a boil.
  • Sort out the gooseberries (1 kg), rinse under running water and place in a saucepan.
  • Pour boiling cherry water over the gooseberries and leave to cool. When the berries have cooled, remove the cherry leaves and put the berries in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  • Then drain the juice and boil syrup on it based on 1.4 kg of sugar and 2 tbsp of water. Boil the syrup for 5-7 minutes and return the berries to it.
  • Cook the jam for 15 minutes until the berries become transparent. At the final stage, 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, add 5-6 cherry leaves and 2-3 sprigs of thyme to improve the aroma.

The dessert is removed from the stove and placed in jars along with the leaves. Screw on the lids and remove to cool.

These berries go perfectly together in one dessert. Currants add their aroma to the jam, a slight tart sourness and give the dessert a cherry tint. You can also add lemon to the treat, which will add its own note of vivacity. Prepare the assortment according to this recipe:

  • gooseberries (1 kg) and black currants (0.5 kg) are sorted, the tails are cut off and the berries are placed in a basin;
  • syrup is prepared from 1.5 glasses of water and 800 g of sugar;
  • when the sweet sand has completely dissolved, pour the berries into the pan;
  • with periodic stirring, keep the jam on the stove for no more than 30 minutes.

At the end of cooking, lemon slices (along with the peel) are added to the dessert. If the jam seems too thick, you can add a little pectin 5 minutes before removing it from the stove.

If, in sunny and hot weather, you don’t want to stand at the stove at all, but you need to make preparations for the winter, it is suggested to use a multicooker. It makes desserts even better than over an open fire. The process of making jam is not complicated and consists of the following steps:

  • pour prepared gooseberries (700 g) and sugar (0.7 kg) into the multicooker bowl;
  • leave for half an hour so that the berries release juice;
  • After mixing the ingredients, the unit is switched on to the stewing mode; at the same time, do not cover it with a lid so that the jam does not escape;
  • After half an hour, remove the bowl from the multicooker and allow the jam to cool;
  • in the next 2 batches, bring the mass to a boil (about 15 minutes from the moment it is turned on) and cook for 5 minutes.

If you want to control the process, you can come up a couple of times to stir the jam or remove the foam (using a wooden spoon).

Old Russian recipe for gooseberry jam (monastic style)

Once upon a time, gooseberry jam was prepared using contrasting temperatures. You can use this recipe as a basis now, if you use a freezer instead of a glacier. This “shock therapy” allows the green fruits to remain whole and the jam to remain transparent. But the housewife will have to be patient, following this algorithm:

  • gooseberries (1.2 kg) are poured with water so that the liquid just covers the berries;
  • put on high heat and heat;
  • when bubbles appear on the surface, remove the basin from the stove and place the gooseberries in a colander;
  • the berries are cooled with water to which pieces of ice have been added;
  • transfer the gooseberries into a bowl;
  • pour cold water and put on ice for a day;
  • Boil syrup from 5 glasses of sugar and 0.5 ml of water and cool;
  • remove the bowl of gooseberries from the freezer and pour syrup over the berries;
  • again kept for a day on ice;
  • then the syrup is poured into a saucepan;
  • add 0.5 cups of water and 2 cups of sugar, boil;
  • The berries are poured with lukewarm syrup and again sent to the freezer for a day.

At the last pass, do not drain the syrup, but add sugar (2 cups) to the jam and bring to a boil. After straining, add a little vanilla to the mixture and cook until the dessert becomes thick.

Merchant style gooseberry jam

Merchants indulged in this dessert. It was also served to guests in manor houses. The cooking recipe is quite specific - it is based on an alcohol tincture. It is this that gives the unusual taste and aroma to jam, which is made using the following technology:

  • a bottle of alcohol is filled tightly with cherry and black currant leaves (in equal quantities);
  • Having closed the neck, the container is exposed to the sun and left for 3 days;
  • from gooseberries (6 glasses), grains are removed;
  • the berries are poured with alcohol infusion and boiled;
  • the gooseberries are removed from the alcohol and placed in a bowl with ice;
  • prepare syrup from a glass of water and 4 glasses of sugar;
  • then filter and bring to a boil again.

Place gooseberries from ice into a bowl of syrup and cook until desired thickness. During the cooking process, the container must be shaken periodically so that the berries are filled with sweet liquid.

Gooseberry jam - simple recipes without cooking

Experienced housewives know that the phrase “raw jam” is not nonsense. Winter preparations do not have to be cooked; the berries can be stored fresh for the winter. With this method, all vitamins and beneficial properties are preserved in the fruits.

A simple and very tasty jam can be made from orange and green gooseberries. A h To ensure that the sweetness does not disappear during storage, you must follow this technology:

  • the tails of gooseberries (2 kg) are removed (it is better to leave the seeds);
  • oranges (5 pcs.) are washed and, without removing the peel, cut into slices, removing the seeds;
  • citruses and berries are placed in the bowl of a blender, crushed, then transferred to a basin.

Add sugar (2.5 kg) in small portions to the puree and grind thoroughly until the mass becomes homogeneous. Raw jam is infused for several hours in a cool place. Then they are packaged in jars and covered with nylon lids.

You will have to store the dessert in the refrigerator. But it turns out so tasty and aromatic that it won’t stay there for long.

Many berries can be ground with sugar and not cooked. But then they will have to be stored in the refrigerator in winter. If there is enough space in the unit, then it is proposed to make gooseberry jam according to the classic recipe without cooking:

  • berries (1 kg) without tails, after washing, dry on a towel;
  • passed through a meat grinder (for soft fruits, you can use a blender);
  • puree mixed with sugar (1.4 kg);
  • cover the bowl with gooseberries with a gauze cloth and leave to brew for 5-6 hours so that the berries give juice;
  • To better dissolve the sugar, stir the mass periodically;
  • jam is packaged in sterile jars;
  • pour 1 tbsp into each container on top. granulated sugar (a kind of plug that seals against air penetration).

The jars are covered with boiled nylon lids and placed in the refrigerator. For better storage, you can add twisted lemons (2 pcs.) to the jam. Citruses will add a pleasant sour bitterness to the sweetness.

Live gooseberry jam without cooking - video

Whether the housewife prepares a classic recipe, royal or monastic, in any case the house will be filled with pleasant aromas. Even an inexperienced housewife will turn out an amazingly tasty dessert, because it is simply impossible to make bad jam from gooseberries.

Hello! Your berries are already ripe and it’s time to prepare delicious gooseberry jam for the winter. That's why I have prepared simple but delicious recipes for you today.

This vitamin delicacy will remind you of the warm summer in winter. Plus it's incredibly delicious. I like to cook it with the addition of other berries or citrus fruits, the recipes of which I will tell you today.

It turns out very fragrant and sweet. My sweet tooth really loves it, so I always prepare several jars of this berry for the winter.

I have already written before about making jam from, so I recommend taking a look. It is also held in high esteem in my family. In addition, it is also easy and simple to prepare.

Well, today let’s explore possible new and interesting options for preparing gooseberry delicacies.

This recipe makes it very tasty and sweet. A real holiday for those with a sweet tooth. When prepared in this way, it retains all its vitamin properties. In addition, it is very easy and quick to prepare.


  • Gooseberries – 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg


1. The berries must be peeled from the tails and washed thoroughly under running water.

2. Then twist them through a meat grinder.

3. Add sugar to the dish with the ground berries and mix thoroughly. Then refrigerate overnight to allow the sugar to dissolve as much as possible. You can set it during the day, but not less than 8-10 hours.

4. After standing in the refrigerator, mix thoroughly and place in sterile jars. Close the lids and place for storage in your cellar or refrigerator. And in winter you will enjoy a wonderful vitamin yummy.

How to make gooseberry and orange jam without cooking

And also try this yummy thing with orange. The result is a very pleasant taste range. I started adding citrus fruits relatively recently and have never regretted it, because the result turned out very tasty. Since then, I have been constantly making two or three jars using this recipe. Why so few? Well, because I like to make it in different ways, and there is always a limited quantity of berries. I want to cover all my favorite recipes.


  • Gooseberries – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 1 kg
  • Orange – 1 piece


1. Peel the gooseberries from twigs and stalks. Rinse thoroughly and blend until pureed using an immersion blender.

2. Put sugar there and mix thoroughly. Set aside for a while, stirring occasionally until the sugar melts completely.

3. Cut the oranges into slices, discarding the seeds. Then grind in a blender directly with the peel.

4. Combine orange puree with jam and stir. By this time, the sugar should be completely dissolved.

5. Place everything in sterile jars and make a sugar cushion on top.

6. Close all jars with lids and store in a cool place. Open in winter and enjoy jam with the taste of fresh berries and citrus.

Gooseberry and blackcurrant confiture for the winter

Here is another quite interesting and simple recipe for making our delicacy. Mint adds a special flavor here. It tastes simply amazing. Let's try.


  • Gooseberries – 100 gr
  • Blackcurrant – 400 gr
  • Sugar - 500 gr
  • Water - 100 g
  • Mint - 1 sprig


1. Sort through all the berries, remove twigs, leaves and small debris. Rinse under running water. and dry on a towel.

2. Place all the gooseberries and 2/3 of the currants in a saucepan with thick walls. Grind the remaining currants in a blender and add to the rest of the berries.

3. Pour sugar into it and mix well. Leave for 2 hours at room temperature. During this time, the jam should release juice. Then add water there and stir.

4. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil, remembering to stir. Once it boils, skim off the foam and cook for 5 minutes. Then remove, cover with a lid and leave to infuse for 1.5 hours.

6. After this, put everything in dry, sterilized jars. Screw on the lids. Turn it upside down and cover with a warm blanket until it cools completely. Store in a cool place.

A simple recipe for gooseberry jam with lemon

Another way with the addition of citrus fruits. This time we take lemon. This delicacy will need to be stored in a cool place.


  • Gooseberries – 1.5 kg
  • Sakha – 2 kg
  • Lemon - 1 pc.


1. First, you should wash and peel the berries from the branches, remove the soft and spoiled ones. Then twist everything through a meat grinder. Cut the lemon into slices and also scroll directly with the zest. Mix the resulting mass together until smooth.

2. Place in a saucepan, add sugar, stir and put on fire. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.

Don't forget to stir so nothing burns.

3. Leave the jam to steep for 12 hours. After this time, it will become thick and change color to reddish.

4. Place it back on the stove until it boils. As soon as it boils, turn it off and pour into prepared sterilized jars. Screw on the lids, let cool and store. However, you can eat it right away.

Tsarskoe (emerald) jam with cherry leaves

This is a classic recipe for our delicacy. My grandmother used to cook using it. And, of course, picking and sorting the berries was my responsibility, as the “luckiest” one. But I ate these berries more than others.

For this delicacy, take green berries.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • Gooseberries – 2 kg
  • Cherry leaves - 2 handfuls
  • Water - 1.25 l
  • Sugar - 2 kg


1. First, pour water into a saucepan, put cherry leaves in it, cover with a lid and place on low heat. After boiling, simmer the leaves over very low heat for another 15 minutes.

2. Rinse the clean berries, dry them and remove the stems and stems. This can be done by hand or using scissors. Then prick large berries in two places with a toothpick.

3. During this time, the infusion will have time to prepare. Remove the leaves and set aside for now. Pour sugar into the infusion, stir, place on the stove and bring to a boil. Make sure the sugar is completely dissolved.

4. Pour the boiled syrup very carefully, using a ladle, into the berries so that they do not burst. Stir a little and leave for 5-6 hours, or overnight.

5. When this time has passed, put the jam on low heat and bring to a boil. When it boils, cook for 2 minutes, stir occasionally, but only very carefully so that the berries do not burst. Leave again for 5-6 hours.

6. Place on low heat a second time, bring to a boil and cook for 1-2 minutes. Then leave again for 5-6 hours.

7. The third time, before putting it on the fire, put a few cherry leaves there. Bring to a boil over low heat, cook for 3-4 minutes and remove from heat.

8. Now prepare sterilized jars and pour the jam into the jars. Screw on the lids, leave until cool, and then store in a storage place. Since it contains a lot of sugar, it can be stored at room temperature. But it is better to store it in a cool place.

Prepare delicious gooseberry and raspberry jelly


  • Gooseberries – 800 gr
  • Raspberries – 250 gr
  • Sugar - 850 gr


1. Wash and sort the berries. It is not necessary to cut off the stems of the berries.

2. Mash the gooseberries a little with a masher and place on the stove. Turn on low heat and, stirring, bring to a boil. Then cook until the berries soften.

3. When you see that the skin has become soft and lost its shape, add raspberries. Bring to a boil again, then simmer for 2 minutes and turn off the heat.

4. Take a pan and a sieve. Strain the entire mixture through a sieve. Grind everything thoroughly using a masher until only the skin and seeds remain in the sieve. Squeeze the pulp thoroughly and remove the residue from the other side of the strainer.

5. Add sugar to the jelly and stir. Then place on the stove and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. The sugar should completely dissolve. Skim off foam during cooking. After boiling, cook for 15 to 30 minutes, depending on how thick you want the jelly.

If you want a softer jelly, cook for 15 minutes. If you need a thicker consistency, then 30 minutes.

6. After cooking, place in jars, close with lids and turn over. Leave it like this until it cools. Then put it in storage.

Video on how to make delicious gooseberry jam

For those who have never made such a delicacy and still have some doubts, I suggest watching a very detailed video recipe. Everything here is very clear and clearly explained and shown.


  • Gooseberries – 2 kg
  • Sugar - 2 kg
  • Water 0.5 cups

In fact, this recipe can also be called a classic. It doesn’t take that long to prepare, and I’m sure you’ll like the result. So be sure to try it this way.

Recipe for five-minute gooseberry jam for the winter

A very fast and time-saving option. Well, why it takes five minutes, you will understand from the cooking process, which will be described below.


  • Gooseberries – 700 gr
  • Sugar - 1.5 g


1. Wash and sort the berries. Remove twigs and stems.

2. Stir in sugar and place on fire until it boils. This is approximately 5 minutes. As soon as it boils, remove from heat and place in jars. There is no need to close the lids.

3. Leave in this form until it cools, and then close the lids of the jars and put them in a cool place for storage.

Well, that's all for today, my dear readers. I'm just sure that you found something worthwhile for yourself. We chose a recipe for the coming winter.

So have fun and good luck with your preparations! All the best to you.