At what cold temperature do bedbugs die. Bedbugs and cold. How long do bedbugs live in ideal conditions

At what cold temperature do bedbugs die.  Bedbugs and cold.  How long do bedbugs live in ideal conditions
At what cold temperature do bedbugs die. Bedbugs and cold. How long do bedbugs live in ideal conditions

The bug is an extremely unpleasant neighbor, which must be disposed of as quickly as possible. These hemipteran insects feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals. That is, they, by and large, do not care whether they are rodents, birds or humans. In addition to houses, bedbugs are perfectly settled in hollows and burrows, in stumps and under the bark of trees. This means that they have learned very well to adapt to external conditions and withstand different temperatures. This creates a certain problem when ridding your home of annoying insects. However, there is a solution.

Method of infection

It would seem, why do we need to know at what temperature the bug dies if such a “beast” does not live in a modern house. Believe me, no one is immune from such an invasion. The bug can "arrive" in the house with pieces of furniture or new things. The fact is that in warehouses and production bases, the sanitary situation often leaves much to be desired. Bedbugs may remain after the work of the construction team of hired workers. In addition, they will calmly come to you from neighbors who lived with them if they started repairs. Therefore, it is desirable for each of us to know at what temperature the bug dies. Then you can meet the uninvited guest fully armed.

First signs

If the house is old, and repairs have not been done for a long time, then it will not be easy to remove insects. It is necessary to take out all things, furniture, carpets to the street, to carry out high-quality repairs. If the removal of floors is not intended, it is recommended to call a team that will carry out chemical sanitation. After its completion, it will be necessary to carefully process all things. Methods that are suitable for this, we will describe below.

From reliable sources

Scientists have repeatedly conducted studies to establish at what temperature the bug dies. Despite the highest adaptability, it does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature at all. This is what you can use to clean your home from insects. In parallel, it was found that the comfortable temperature regime of insects is very limited, which also plays into our hands.

Life in the desert

In fact, surprisingly tenacious insects will not give up quickly. If in winter the temperature in the apartment rises above 30 degrees, your neighbors will only be happy. And at what temperature does the bug die? Only if the column rises above 45 degrees. Moreover, it must be kept for at least an hour. It is clear that this cannot be achieved naturally, so you have to think about it.

Starting to inspect the premises

So, problem areas have been identified and you know at what temperature home bugs die. Collect all bedding and wash at +90 degrees. Modern machines allow you to do this. If the bed is equipped with removable pillows, then pull them out into the hot sun. The best option is to put them in a car left in the sun. The temperature in it will rise above +50 ° C, and all insects will die. Try to similarly take out all the pillows and rugs, blankets and mattresses, sofas and armchairs outside so that they are fried in the sun for several days. All things are recommended to be ironed with an iron at a temperature acceptable for the fabric.

Bedbug offspring

Below zero

And we continue to talk about the temperature at which bed bugs die (including bed bugs). In addition to raising the temperature, you can try to freeze annoying insects. As for the frost, everything is not so simple here. At -10 degrees, they will fall into suspended animation, but they will survive for quite a long time. If the thermometer drops below -17, then the bugs may die, but such an effect should last for 3-4 days. Can you stand it?

Practical application of frost

Scientists did not stop at guesswork and hurried to check at what temperature the bugs and larvae die. It was found that in the first place there is a decrease in the temperature of the fluid in the body. After it crystallizes, the process can be considered irreversible. Thus, through numerous experiments, it was proved that -16 degrees is enough, but such a temperature regime must be maintained for at least 80 hours. The lower the temperature, the faster the process of insect death will go. An indicator in the range of -25 ... -30 ° C is considered a critical mark. If it is possible to turn off the heating system and open all windows and doors in severe frost, then in a few hours it will be possible to close everything calmly and warm up the home again.

However, there are some nuances here as well. Eggs tolerate low temperatures much better than high temperatures. It is not always possible to keep the house unheated for several days, so you can take out all the things, upholstered furniture and carpets in the frost and leave them for several days. During this time, whitewash the walls (if you do not have wallpaper), wash all the floors well and warm the rooms with a steam generator. The work is finished, you can bring things back and put them in their places.

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know what the temperature must be for the bugs to die. This can be achieved in different ways. We have offered a number of proven options, but each of you can certainly add a few more to them. Remember that bedbugs are not only annoying creatures, but also carriers of various diseases. Therefore, the fight against them must be carried out as soon as you suspect the presence of uninvited guests in your home.

Are bed bugs afraid of hot steam?

Hot steam is even more destructive to bedbugs than just high air temperatures. Under a stream of steam with a temperature of about 100 ° C, the bugs die instantly, but under steam with a temperature of about 40 ° C (more precisely, this is already the so-called hot fog) they can stay without damage for a long time.

Bedbug eggs are just as vulnerable to hot steam as adult insects. That is why steam is more effective against eggs than many insecticides - most insecticides have little to no effect on eggs, while hot steam simply physically burns the bedbug eggs, denaturing the proteins, and the developing embryos die.

On a note

Some steam cleaners work on the vacuum principle - they produce steam at reduced pressure and at a lower temperature. Accordingly, if the steam generator does not heat the steam above 50 ° C, it is pointless to use it from bedbugs - they simply will not die.

Steam from a simple kettle should not be used against bedbugs. Not only is such a process extremely complicated, dangerous and inefficient, it can also lead to furniture damage. Therefore, if you already start fighting bedbugs with steam, it is worth using steam cleaners or steam generators.

We destroy bedbugs with a steam generator

Generally speaking, a steam cleaner or steam generator is unlikely to completely eliminate bed bugs in a room. If only because even a jet of steam cannot get into some places, where - at the joints of the wooden parts of the bed frame, behind the baseboard, behind the wallpaper. Therefore, the destruction of bedbugs with a steam cleaner can only be carried out where they are on open surfaces: on mattresses and beds, on the back of carpets hanging on the wall, under things.

You can freeze bedbugs indoors only where there is no running water and a heating system. For example, in garages, chicken coops, sheds, cottages, where temporary cooling will not damage the pipes.

Unfortunately, freezing residential premises from bedbugs is almost impossible in many cases. Even if all plumbing systems are completely drained, temperatures around minus 20 ° C can be detrimental to wallpaper and plaster, so freezing bedbugs in an apartment or private house can have more costly consequences than calling professional exterminators.

In other rooms for freezing, it is enough to open windows and doors on a frosty day and leave them like that for the maximum possible period. With frost at minus 20 ° C, most of the bugs will die on the same day.

In addition to this, if possible, sofas, armchairs, mattresses are taken out into the street, in the thickness of which the temperature can drop slowly, and therefore, the bugs in them die over a longer time.

Safety rules for temperature removal of bedbugs

The main thing in the fight against bedbugs with the help of high and low temperatures is to follow the safety rules during operation:

Sometimes fan heaters (heat generators) are used against bedbugs - analogues of household dueks. They allow you to raise the temperature in the room to 60-65 ° C for several hours, and after such treatment, all the bugs die out. However, such powerful devices are quite bulky, expensive and difficult to access, and therefore this method is used only by very large companies specializing in pest control. The main advantage of such systems is that the bugs die during their work, even without directed processing of the nests.

This article will talk in detail about how, using the temperature regime, you can destroy all bed bugs.

The harm of bedbugs

A healthy person suffers less from a bug bite than someone who is prone to allergies. These insects, when bitten, inject an allergen, which causes the skin to turn red and itch. The bite sites soon swell and cause an allergic reaction.

Allergy symptoms are:

  • heat;
  • headache;
  • dry cough;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • dyspnea.

Therefore, allergy sufferers, as well as infants, may show one or more of the above symptoms.

Harm from bedbugs can also cause unpleasant effects:

  1. poor sleep or insomnia;
  2. irritation of the nervous system;
  3. there is weakness in the body;
  4. distracted attention;
  5. severe migraines;
  6. there is aggression towards everything that happens;
  7. asthma attacks.

Bedbugs can carry diseases such as:

  • syphilis;
  • hepatitis;
  • tuberculosis;

However, doctors believe that bedbugs do not carry serious diseases through the blood, but this has not yet been 100% proven.

Bed bug bites fall into three categories:

  • Easy degree. The affected areas are washed with cold water or wiped with alcohol. Aloe juice also helps.
  • Average degree. When helping folk remedies that can be bought in pharmacies. These include:
    • Fenistil-gel;
    • Bepanthen;
    • "Star".
  • Severe degree. If the reaction to bites worsens, Diazolin or Elcet should be taken orally.

To improve the nervous system after bites, you need to drink medicinal herbs that are added to tea.

These include:

  • chamomile;
  • thyme;
  • mint;
  • lemon balm.

Dependence of the life cycle of the bug on climate

Bed bugs do not fly, but when in large numbers they produce a specific odor.


I would like to give you a few final tips:

The destruction of bedbugs by the so-called burning method is also very effective. This does not mean the use of an open flame in the room at all - we are talking about heating the air in an apartment or house to 55-60 ° C and maintaining it at this level for about 2-3 hours.

Often used from bedbugs and a steam generator, with the help of which nests are treated with even higher temperatures: bedbugs die on contact with hot steam almost instantly.

However, the effectiveness of such methods is somewhat limited, and the technical implementation is rather complicated, which does not allow temperature control methods to compete with the use of insecticidal preparations in terms of frequency of use. However, in some cases, only such methods can become, perhaps, the only salvation from bedbugs, so it is useful to get to know them in more detail ...

Critical temperatures for bedbugs

Adult bugs and their larvae are able to withstand temperatures of about minus 15 - minus 17 ° C during the day, which makes them quite resistant to moderate freezing of the room.

At temperatures below minus 20 ° C, the bugs die within a few hours.

Bedbug eggs are even more resistant to low temperatures. They can survive short-term cooling to minus 30°C, and at minus 7°C they die only after a month and a half, but their development completely stops. At +50°C and high humidity, bedbug eggs can remain viable throughout the day.

Bed bugs can be frozen out only in those rooms that are not afraid of long cooling periods, and in regions where in winter temperatures stay below minus 15 ° C for a long time. At the same time, freezing must be repeated at least twice: this is a guarantee that the bugs that hatch from the eggs that survived the first freezing will die during the second procedure.

It is interesting

At temperatures below + 10 ° C, the development of bedbug eggs stops, and the embryo falls into anabiosis. At temperatures below + 14 ° C, female bed bugs stop laying eggs, and the larvae do not grow and do not molt. Interestingly, in nature, in caves, from where bed bugs, in fact, moved into human habitation, they normally develop and multiply at temperatures around +9 ° C.

Are bed bugs afraid of hot steam?

Hot steam is even more destructive to bedbugs than just high air temperatures. Under a stream of steam with a temperature of about 100 ° C, the bugs die instantly, but under steam with a temperature of about 40 ° C (more precisely, this is already the so-called hot fog) they can stay without damage for a long time.

Bedbug eggs are just as vulnerable to hot steam as adult insects. That is why steam is more effective against eggs than many insecticides - most insecticides have little to no effect on eggs, while hot steam simply physically burns the bedbug eggs, denaturing the proteins, and the developing embryos die.

On a note

Some steam cleaners work on the vacuum principle - they produce steam at reduced pressure and at a lower temperature. Accordingly, if the steam generator does not heat the steam above 50 ° C, it is pointless to use it from bedbugs - they simply will not die.

Steam from a simple kettle should not be used against bedbugs. Not only is such a process extremely complicated, dangerous and inefficient, it can also lead to furniture damage. Therefore, if you already start fighting bedbugs with steam, it is worth using steam cleaners or steam generators.

We destroy bedbugs with a steam generator

Generally speaking, a steam cleaner or steam generator is unlikely to completely eliminate bed bugs in a room. If only because even a jet of steam cannot get into some places where bedbugs can hide - at the joints of the wooden parts of the bed frame, behind the baseboards, behind the wallpaper. Therefore, the destruction of bedbugs with a steam cleaner can only be carried out where they are on open surfaces: on mattresses and beds, on the back of carpets hanging on the wall, under things.

To remove bedbugs with a steam cleaner (steam generator), it must be set to a steam temperature above 60 ° C, and the nozzle should be wrapped with a cloth so that the steam jet is wide. The ferry should process all the possible habitats of bedbugs, which makes this method of struggle quite laborious.

As a general rule, a bed bug steam cleaner won't do much in one use, except to get rid of insects on one mattress or sofa. And best of all, he copes with accumulations of insects in their nests, where, due to the high concentration of eggs and individuals of different ages, the bugs die en masse with minimal time and effort.

Bedbugs in winter in most of the territory of our country can only live in human housing. On the street in such conditions, they quickly die, having no chance of survival. In addition, only in apartments and houses do bed bugs constantly find a source of food, without which they would also quickly die (although sometimes bed bugs live up to 6 months or even more without food).

You can freeze bedbugs indoors only where there is no running water and a heating system. For example, in garages, chicken coops, sheds, cottages, where temporary cooling will not damage the pipes.

Unfortunately, freezing residential premises from bedbugs is almost impossible in many cases. Even if all plumbing systems are completely drained, temperatures around minus 20 ° C can be detrimental to wallpaper and plaster, so freezing bedbugs in an apartment or private house can have more costly consequences than calling professional exterminators.

In other rooms for freezing, it is enough to open windows and doors on a frosty day and leave them like that for the maximum possible period. With frost at minus 20 ° C, most of the bugs will die on the same day.

In addition to this, if possible, sofas, armchairs, mattresses are taken out into the street, in the thickness of which the temperature can drop slowly, and therefore, the bugs in them die over a longer time.

Safety rules for temperature removal of bedbugs

The main thing in the fight against bedbugs with the help of high and low temperatures is to follow the safety rules during operation:

Sometimes fan heaters (heat generators) are used against bedbugs - analogues of household dueks. They allow you to raise the temperature in the room to 60-65 ° C for several hours, and after such treatment, all the bugs die out. However, such powerful devices are quite bulky, expensive and difficult to access, and therefore this method is used only by very large companies specializing in pest control. The main advantage of such systems is that the bugs die during their work, even without directed processing of the nests.

What is important to know about bed bugs to successfully deal with them

Useful video with an example of using a steam generator to treat linen and furniture from bedbugs

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At what temperature do bed bugs die?

The appearance of bedbugs in the house is an unpleasant, but easily solved problem. Heat treatment has long been considered the most effective means of combating this harmful insect. Let's try to figure out at what temperature the bugs and their larvae die.

Heat treatment can compete with chemical pest control only at an early stage of apartment infection. If the bugs flooded the entire apartment, every corner and stopped hiding in the daytime, it will no longer be possible to “cure” your possessions on your own. However, timely measures to eliminate bedbugs will help to avoid serious consequences.

In order for our actions to bring the desired result, let's talk about heat treatment in more detail.

Contrary to our expectations, adult bedbugs have an enviable resistance to temperatures from -10 to -15 degrees. They can survive in such conditions for more than 24 hours. However, if the mercury column drops to -17 degrees, the process of neutralizing them will noticeably accelerate. Ideally, to quickly get rid of bed bugs, you need to create a temperature of -30 degrees in the room (insects will die in 40-50 minutes), but after that there is a risk of being left without heating and household appliances.

Bedbug eggs have an even more interesting feature. Their shell can keep the fetus intact during short-term cooling of the air to -35 degrees. In addition, they are able to maintain the body's performance for one and a half months at an ambient temperature of minus 7 degrees. Of course, at this time the embryo is in a frozen state and does not develop.

The scorching air flow also acts on the eggs of pests in the same way. The steam melts the shell, instantly destroying the embryo itself.

Steam treatment is much more effective than chemical baiting of "settlers", if only because many insects develop immunity to certain poisons as they develop. Carrying out pest control in the house, you, without suspecting, can contribute to the adaptation of the insect organism to the "updated" living conditions. With a ferry, such jokes will not work. No amount of protection and a strong immune system will save the bed bug from the "killer" flood.

Remember! An air stream, the temperature of which is not lower than 70 degrees, can instantly destroy insects. Otherwise, you will simply arrange hot baths for bedbugs that have settled in the house and do not harm them in any way. Important! Do not use the kettle as a bed bug killer. This method is dangerous to health and ineffective. In addition, you can pretty much spoil the upholstery of your furniture.


  1. Knowing at what temperature the bugs and their larvae die, set up your device. Set tempo to 60 degrees or higher;
  2. Wrap the end of the nozzle with a cloth - this will expand the radius of influence of the steam generator;

Rewards for hard and conscientious work may also not follow: it is unlikely that it will be possible to kill all living individuals. The bugs that survived and lurked in inconspicuous cracks will soon bring offspring again.

Basic rules for freezing

As we have already said, instant neutralization of insects occurs at a temperature of -35 degrees. However, it is impossible to achieve such conditions in residential premises. In an apartment building, no one will allow you to drain the water from the heating system, because then not only bedbugs, but also neighbors will freeze. This should not be practiced in private homes either: the repair of the entire room will become unusable, household appliances will fail, and it will also be problematic to restore heat in the house. In addition, there is no guarantee that bedbugs will leave such fearless measures.

Freezing is effective where the heating system is not connected: in garages, sheds, summer cottages, in other words: where pipes will not be damaged.

Because in the winter season, bugs live mainly in warm city apartments, and not in frozen garages; it is not advisable to cool the room.

If all furniture, mattresses, carpets and clothes are taken out of the infected apartment in the cold, the bugs that settled there will die in 2-3 hours

This measure also does not give any guarantees, but is most effective at an early stage of infection.

Let's talk about security

Carrying out heat treatment, it is impossible not to mention the precautionary measures.

  • You can not check the temperature of the steam on the skin (your own and your neighbor's);
  • wooden, varnish and some fabric surfaces are afraid of hot air; take this fact into account when carrying out work;
  • plastic deformation begins at a temperature of +70 degrees Celsius, therefore, if possible, avoid contact of the steam generator nozzle with plastic surfaces;
  • when setting the steam humidity, do not increase the indicator above the 30 percent mark.

See also: how to properly destroy bedbugs with a steam generator!

To begin with, the temperature method is considered one of the most effective for getting rid of bed bugs. It's easy to explain. A prerequisite for their normal existence is the usual room conditions.

A strong drop negatively affects their condition, eventually leading to destruction.

  • At what temperature do bed bugs and their eggs die?
  • Frost exposure
  • Useful video

Today we are talking about such a topic - at what temperature do bed bugs die: bed bugs, linen bugs? Are bedbugs afraid of frost, do they freeze at sub-zero temperatures?

And at -20 ° C, several hours are enough for adults to die. Eggs in this situation are more stable and will last a couple of days. But over time, the frost kills them too.

The surest way to deal with bed bugs is steaming and boiling water.

Remember that insufficiently hot water will not bring the expected result.

On a note! In the summer heat, your own car will help fight insects.

Inside a car in the sun, the air sometimes warms up to 60-65°C. Exactly what is needed! Place all items to be processed in the salon for several hours. During this time, the bugs die.

The advantages of this method are many. Some of them should be highlighted:

  1. Ecological purity. As a weapon of struggle, plain water is used, which does not harm either domestic animals or humans.
  2. The cost of a steam cleaner or steam generator is not worth considering. After all, it not only helps to fight household pests, but is also a constant tool for cleaning and cleaning clothes.
  3. On bedding: pillows, blankets and mattresses, it is forbidden to apply insecticides. But you can steam them.
  4. Steam and boiling water can easily and quickly treat rooms of any size.
  1. Steam will not penetrate through thick layers of material or narrow gaps. Therefore, some insects can survive.
  2. Steam cannot handle items such as books. They will deteriorate under its influence.
  3. In addition, electrical appliances may fail during steam processing.

Frost exposure

Is it possible to freeze bed bugs? They are accustomed to destroying bed pests with frost in the northern regions. This method is even easier. It is enough to open windows and doors in the room for two days. If necessary, repeat this procedure again. If the owners of the house have nowhere to go at this time, they can simply take the infected things and interior items out into the cold.


Fast and free way to control pests.


Freezing is more suitable for non-residential premises: a garage, a barn, a summer cottage. Living rooms can suffer greatly from frost: it is possible that plumbing will fail in two days, wallpaper will fall behind the walls or pipes will burst.

If these methods do not help to clean the house from bedbugs, it is best to seek help from professionals. They will get rid of this misfortune qualitatively, inexpensively and in a short period. Exterminators use both evaporation and chemical treatment in their work. There is no doubt that a 100% result will be guaranteed.

So, we found out at what temperature the bugs die, do the bugs die from frost (freeze or not) and are the bugs afraid of the cold at all? Described the pros and cons of using the temperature method of dealing with them.

Watch a video on how to process furniture with a steam generator:

At what temperature do bedbugs die and their eggs die

For the effective destruction of insects, you should find out at what temperature the bugs die. Mattresses, carpeting and baseboards are their main habitats. In any case, when using any method, and given the temperature at which the bugs die, it will take a lot of effort to eliminate them.

Ways to eliminate bedbugs using high temperatures

When killing bedbugs with heat, you must be very careful that high temperatures or steam do not damage the health of others, things, and the room.

Bedbugs die when their body temperature reaches 45°C. At home, this can be achieved through hot water, dry heat and steam.

All things that are subject to washing, including bed linen, and woven furniture covers, are loaded into the washing machine at a temperature of more than 50 degrees and washed for at least 30 minutes. There are items that cannot be washed at these temperatures, as they may deteriorate. In this case, they are folded into hermetically sealed plastic bags and sent to a clothes dryer, setting the temperature to 70 degrees.

Upholstered furniture and other interior items affected by bedbugs are exposed to steam using a steam cleaner. It is necessary to carefully process each fold on the furniture. In this case, the bugs will have nowhere to go and they will die.

Professional approach

One of the most effective methods to eliminate bed bugs is to use an integrated space heating system. Industrial heaters in its composition heat the air inside the entire space to a temperature of 49 to 57 degrees Celsius.

Help of low temperatures

Leaving infested items in the freezer can kill bed bugs if certain conditions are met:

  • in the freezer, the temperature must be maintained at (or below) minus 18 ° C;
  • this process will take a long time (at this temperature regime, at least 4 days);
  • it is best to place items that need to be treated from bedbugs in bags and freeze.

The time can be reduced to 48 hours if the average temperature stays below -20°C. The lower the temperature, the less time it will take to kill bed bugs. The bags will ensure that bed bugs do not spread throughout the freezer. The bags will also protect items from changes in condensation or damage caused by moisture.

Most dry household items can be frozen, including:

  • fabric products (bedding) that are not intended for washing at high temperatures;
  • modern (not antique) books;
  • shoes;
  • toys.

Some things require extra care when trying to freeze them. These are items that could be damaged if condensation occurs. Also, these are products that have high moisture or liquid inside.

However, even in very cold winters, it will not be enough just to open the windows in the house.

However, it will still not be possible to achieve sufficiently cold conditions. Sunlight, humidity, temperature fluctuations throughout the day increase the risk that bed bugs will survive. This method will also damage wallpaper, pipes, and interior items.

On a frosty winter day, you can put things on the street. If the temperature remains at minus 18 degrees Celsius, you will need to wait two to four days. If the temperature reaches minus 7 degrees Celsius, you will need to wait about a week. A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher (-66 °C) or liquid nitrogen (approx. -200 °C) can also be used for this purpose. These methods will help kill insects instantly.

Steam and dry cleaning

When using steam against bed bugs, the process will take a long time. The steam temperature should reach between 71 and 82 degrees Celsius. Applying heat evenly throughout a carpet, for example, can kill bed bugs wherever they hide, which is almost never achieved with chemical types of pest control.

Steam is another form of heat that kills bed bugs, their larvae and eggs. Steaming is no more labor intensive than other methods. This option works best for:

  • blankets, sheets;
  • curtains;
  • pillows.

The heat in the form of steam can also be used to clean:

  • carpets;
  • places behind the plinth;
  • upholstery of upholstered furniture, especially if it has a lot of seams, complex (in its cut) details.

Dry cleaning of clothes at a temperature of 71 degrees Celsius will also help. The findings of textile experts indicate that most dry-cleanable garments (e.g. cotton, wool, silk, linen, viscose, nylon) will not be damaged if placed in a clothes dryer. Things must be dry. Hot dryers and portable heat chambers can be used to kill bed bugs in infested household items.

The practice of destroying bedbugs has proven that these insects do not respond well to temperature changes. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether frost bugs are afraid is positive. Since ancient times, in the absence of powerful insecticides, bugs were etched precisely by high and low temperatures. Even small deviations from the average temperature marks (-10 and +20 ° C) are difficult for the bed bug to withstand. This weakness of pests is successfully used in the fight against them, especially if the use of poisons is unacceptable indoors (there are animals and children, there is expensive furniture).

The question of whether bedbugs are afraid of the cold must be answered with the help of science and practice. Observations have shown that these insects are susceptible to low temperatures, but to a greater extent do not tolerate high temperatures. At temperatures below -10 ° C, the bugs fall into suspended animation and safely survive adverse conditions. At a temperature of -15 -17 ° C, the bugs die on average in 3-4 days. The most detrimental to bedbugs is a temperature below -20 ° C. Under such conditions, they die in a few hours. Bed bug eggs are much more hardy, in order to destroy them, you need to keep the temperature below -20 ° C for more than a day.

At high temperatures, bedbug nests die out in a matter of minutes. Such success can be achieved when exposed to steam at +50 °C. A little more time, namely half an hour, is needed to kill bedbugs with a temperature of +45 ° C. Bedbug ovipositions are also less susceptible to high thermometers, so it takes a day for them to die at such temperatures. From exposure to hot steam, adult bugs die almost instantly.

Even promising results do not justify such measures. At what temperature insects die, regardless of whether it is high or low, at the same temperature the housing deteriorates. In a day in such conditions, furniture and appliances will be seriously damaged if everything is not taken out first (and where to take out all the furniture?), The wallpaper will peel off, and the flooring will swell. Of course, no one wants to risk interior items, and less aggressive actions are unlikely to help. Even implementing such global measures is very difficult. But a furniture-safe steam generator against bedbugs does not give brilliant results.

At what temperature do bedbugs die during heating

It is possible to warm up an apartment up to +50 °С with the help of industrial fan heaters. This method is preferable because it allows you not to use chemicals and aggressive poisons. Warming up can be applied at any stage of bedbug reproduction, because eggs and adult bedbugs die from exposure to high temperatures. Thus, two problems are eliminated at once. In addition, it will take only a day to solve the problem in this way.

The destruction of bedbugs with steam is best accompanied by chemical exposure. This will help prevent re-infection. However, it is very difficult to do the procedure yourself. You will need special and very powerful equipment, which hardly anyone keeps on the balcony. You will have to order equipment, pay for transportation, install. In the process, you need to monitor many factors, and not just turn on and go. Only experienced SES specialists know the procedure thoroughly. They can correctly assess the thermal dynamics of housing, they know at what temperature bedbugs die. Due to inexperience, you can harm not only the apartment, but also yourself. Prolonged exposure to heat can cause fainting or worse.

You need to start processing from the foci of infection, but not everything can be found during self-examination. A bedbug steam generator helps in just ten seconds, but too much jet will simply blow away insects and exacerbate the problem. It is difficult to get the “favorite” pest settlement sites with a steam generator. Steam treatment from bedbugs is not possible at the joints of furniture, in the cracks of the baseboard and wallpaper.

Is it possible to freeze bed bugs

The question of whether to be afraid of frost bugs has already been clarified: low temperatures are better perceived by bugs, so the lowest thermometer readings are required. Bedbugs die only from prolonged exposure, because even -30 ° C they will calmly survive if the cooling is short-term. Not higher than -20 ° C for several days - this is what kind of winter the bugs are afraid of. Freezing bedbugs is recommended to be carried out in non-residential premises or used locally, for small things or individual pieces of furniture. In winter, you can keep the windows open, and then the bug dies after a few days. It is necessary to maintain the temperature for more than a day, because not all bedbugs die on the first day, and even more so egg-laying. In addition, freezing is recommended to be repeated several times. But such freezing can only be carried out in a house with individual heating, because freezing with central heating will damage the pipes. And even in the case of individual heating, equipment under such conditions will fail.

If you can’t leave your home, you can take the most contaminated furniture outside at low degrees. Bedbugs in the cold do not freeze out immediately. The insect dies only with stable and strong cooling, and temperatures in the range of -5-7 ° C will only stop their reproduction. Small items can be kept in the freezer, but bed bugs will freeze out for more than a week this way.