Presentation - the formation of communicative learning through the technology of educational cooperation. Municipal educational institution "Chernavskaya Secondary School" Elena Aleksandrovna Mishina is a primary school teacher. Formation of communicative learning skills among junior schoolchildren in the educational complex “School of Russia” - presented

Presentation - the formation of communicative learning through the technology of educational cooperation.  Municipal educational institution
Presentation - the formation of communicative learning through the technology of educational cooperation. Municipal educational institution "Chernavskaya Secondary School" Elena Aleksandrovna Mishina is a primary school teacher. Formation of communicative learning skills among junior schoolchildren in the educational complex “School of Russia” - presented

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Presentation on the topic: Formation of communicative UUD

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Changing the education paradigm Development of skills for independent study of material and evaluation of the results of one’s activities The ideal employee is a performer. The modern era requires a creator Students solve subject problems, but in life all problems are interdisciplinary Formation of general educational skills, abilities and competencies

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* PERSONAL META-SUBJECT SUBJECT Self-determination: the internal position of the student; Self-identification; self-respect and self-esteem Formation of meaning: motivation (academic, social); boundaries of one's own knowledge and “ignorance” Value and moral-ethical orientation: orientation towards the fulfillment of moral standards; ability to solve moral problems based on decentration; assessment of one’s actions Regulatory: managing one’s activities; control and correction; initiative and independence Communication: speech activity; cooperation skills Cognitive: working with information; working with educational models; use of sign-symbolic means, general solution schemes; performing logical operations of comparison, analysis, generalization, classification, Establishing analogies, summing up the concept Fundamentals of a system of scientific knowledge Experience of “subject” activities in obtaining, transforming and applying new knowledge Subject and meta-subject actions with educational material Requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program

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Communicative actions: - planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - determining the goals, functions of participants, methods of interaction; - asking questions - proactive cooperation in searching and collecting information; - conflict resolution - identification, identification of problems, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve conflicts, decision-making and its implementation; - managing the partner’s behavior - control, correction, evaluation of his actions; - the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; - mastery of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language.

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COMMUNICATION AS A CONDITION FOR COOPERATION STRUCTURE Ability to negotiate and find a common solution Ability to argue one’s assumption, convince and concede Ability to maintain a friendly attitude towards each other in a situation of conflict Mutual control and mutual assistance in the course of completing a task COMPONENTS ability to negotiate, find a common solution to a practical problem (come to a compromise solution ) even in ambiguous and controversial circumstances (conflict of interest); the ability not only to express, but also to argue for one’s proposal, the ability to both convince and yield; the ability to maintain a friendly attitude towards each other in situations of dispute and conflict of interests, the ability to find out missing information using questions; the ability to take the initiative in organizing joint action, exercise mutual control and mutual assistance in the course of completing a task.

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COMMUNICATION AS A CONDITION OF INTERIORIZATION STRUCTURE Reflection of one's actions as a fairly complete reflection of the subject content The ability to construct statements that are understandable for a partner The ability to use questions to obtain the necessary information from a partner in an activity COMPONENTS Communicative-speech actions for interiorization The ability to construct statements that are understandable to a partner, taking into account what he knows and sees and what not; the ability to ask questions in order to obtain the necessary information from an activity partner; mastery of planning and regulating functions of speech; the ability to highlight and display in speech significant guidelines for action, as well as convey (communicate) them to a partner.

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Directions and methods for the formation of communicative educational activities 1. THROUGH THE CREATION OF AN APPROPRIATE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT WITHIN OU (integration of classroom and extracurricular activities) AND IN A SEPARATE LESSON 2. BY MEANS OF VARIOUS EDUCATIONAL SUBJECTS (each subject makes its own contribution to the development of educational activities). 3. USING BASIC EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES (problem-based learning, project method, ICT technologies), so information and communication technologies contribute to the development of communicative learning tools through the exchange of hypermedia messages; performances with ICT support; communication in the digital environment (e-mail, forum, chat, video conference, blog) 4. THROUGH COMPETENCE EDUCATION of the teaching staff and administration and other PARTICIPANTS OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS (parents, children)

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* 1.1. Development of ECUD through the creation of an appropriate educational environment within the educational institution: learning and playing spaces Purpose: for active activities and for quiet work, for communication and for solitude, for “testing one’s strength” and for demonstrating achievements, for searching for information Learning space: teacher’s place, a freely designed place for students to work, a “central” place for performances, a “central” board, work boards, a corner of books and other information sources, an audio and video center, a “writing” center, a table with exhibition handouts, stands, etc.

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2.1. Development of ECUD by means of various educational subjects through standard tasks Personal UUD Communicative UUD For personal self-determination For the development of self-concept For motivation For moral and ethical assessment For taking into account the position of a partner For organizing and implementing cooperation For transmitting information and displaying subject content Communication skills training Role-playing games Group games Cognitive UUD Regulatory UUD Tasks and projects for building a strategy for finding solutions to problems Tasks and projects for serialization, comparison, evaluation Tasks and projects for conducting empirical research Tasks and projects for conducting theoretical research For planning For reflection For orientation in a situation Forecasting For goal setting For assessment For decision making For self-control For correction

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2.2. Development of CUUD through the specifics of individual subjects (example) Reading as CUUD Reading skill - as a general educational ability to understand and reproduce the meaning of what is read. 1. Analytical skills to work with educational, artistic and popular science texts. 2. Bibliographic skills. 3. Mastery of the information retrieval algorithm (search for information from various sources) 4. Screen reading Planned result Classify, label, label, find by table of contents... Experiment, identify, find, perform, analyze... Demonstrate understanding/awareness, use... Hear, articulate, intonate... Recognize, define, explain... Provide and accept help in case of difficulties

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4. Development of ECUD through competency-based education of participants in the educational process Formation conditions Determination of communication goals A partner is selected Functions and roles are assigned Students are able to act and interact Types of exercises Associative Mental Speech Reflective Interpretation Forms of work: organization of mutual checking of assignments, mutual assignments of groups, educational conflict, discussion by participants methods of action, project assignments, special training sessions

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Formation of communicative learning tools in foreign language lessons in primary school

Mirzakhanova Nelya Chulpanovna

The concept of “universal learning activities”

In a broad sense, the term “universal learning activities” means the ability to learn, i.e., the subject’s ability to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

  • ensuring the student’s ability to independently carry out learning activities, set educational goals, seek and use the necessary means and methods to achieve them, monitor and evaluate the process and results of the activity;
  • creating conditions for the harmonious development of the individual and his self-realization based on readiness for lifelong education; ensuring the successful acquisition of knowledge, the formation of skills, abilities and competencies in any subject area.

The task of forming UUD in primary school students

  • Personal:
  • Self-determination
  • Sensemaking
  • moral and ethical


  • Cognitive:

Working with information

  • educational models,
  • the use of sign-symbolic means, general solution schemes,
  • performing logical operations
  • Regulatory:
  • managing your activities
  • Control, correction
  • Initiative and independence
  • Communicative:
  • speech activity
  • collaboration skills

  • Speech activity
  • Ability to communicate orally and in writing
  • Language knowledge and skills in operating them
  • Collaboration skills (using the example of learning in cooperation, project activities)

As a result of studying a foreign language, primary schoolchildren acquire

basic communicative competence , i.e. the ability and willingness to communicate with native speakers, taking into account their speech capabilities and needs in different forms: oral (speaking and listening) and written (reading and writing).

The graduate will learn:

  • participate in elementary dialogues: etiquette, questioning dialogue, incentive dialogue;
  • make a short description of an object, picture, character;
  • talk about yourself, your family, your friend.

Dialogue speech

Planned result: participate in elementary dialogues: etiquette, questioning dialogue, incentive dialogue.

A new student has arrived in your class. Get to know him/her. Find out his/her name, age, what he/she likes to do. Role-play the dialogue with a classmate.

A new student has arrived in your class. Get to know him/her. Find out his/her name, how old he/she is and when his/her birthday is, what he/she likes to do, what academic subjects he/she likes and why. Role-play the dialogue with a classmate.

Monologue speech

Planned result: write a short description of an object, picture, character.

Basic level assignment (primary school)

Tell us about your favorite fairy-tale character (appearance, where he lives, what he can do).

Basic level assignment (high school)

Tell us about your favorite fairy-tale character/celebrity (appearance, character, what he likes to do) without naming him. Let your classmates guess and name the hero of the fairy tale...


The graduate will learn:

  • correlate the graphic image of a foreign word with its sound image;
  • read aloud a short text based on the studied language material, observing the rules of pronunciation and appropriate intonation;
  • read silently and understand the content of a short text, built mainly on the studied language material.


Basic level assignment (primary school)

Read the text. Choose the correct answer to the question. Mark the answer

Wer hat eine Woche Urlaub?

  • Berni.
  • Bernds Mutter.
  • Berni und seine Mutter.

Reading text


Basic level assignment (high school)

Read the text. Complete the sentence by choosing from the proposed options the one that matches the content of the text. Mark answer

Berni und seine Mutter haben Eier gekauft, um …

  • Darauf ein kleines Papierstück zu kleben.
  • Eier zu essen.
  • Sie mit den Farben zu bemalen.

Reading text

Reading text OSTERFERIEN Bernds Mutti hat eine Woche Urlaub. Sie ist zu Hause und spielt mit ihm. Das findet Berni gut. Heute haben Berni und seine Mutti einen Ausflug ins Dorf gemacht. Dort haben sie Eier gekauft. Mutti sagt: “Nun kochen wir die Eier und malen sie an.” Wo sind die Farben?“ „Hurra!!!“, ruft Berni. Ein Ei legt er heimlich weg. Er will es Mutti am Ostermorgen schenken. Auf das Ei klebt er ein kleines Papierstück. Er hat einen Wunsch darauf geschrieben


The graduate will learn:

  • copy the text and write out words, phrases, simple sentences from it;
  • restore a word, sentence, text in accordance with the educational task being solved;
  • write a short letter to a foreign friend based on the model;
  • write a greeting card for New Year, Christmas, birthday (based on the sample).


Setting the baseline

Read the letter you received from your pen pal and write a response, completing the unfinished sentences.

Text of the letter

Text of the response to the letter O Lieber ____________________________________________________________ Vielen Dank für deinen Brief Ich heisse_______________________________________________________________ Ich komme aus ____________________________________________________________ Ich bin ____________________________________________________________ Ich lerne in ____________________________________________________________ Ich habe eine_________Familie. Das sind ________________________________________________ Ich _____________________________________________________gern. Viele Grüsse_Dein__________________________________________________________


Planned result: write a short letter to a foreign friend following the example.

Basic level assignment (high school)

Read the letter you received from your pen pal. Write

a letter to him. Tell us about yourself and answer his three questions (Was machst du gern? Welche Fächer hast du besonders gern? Warum?)

Text of the letter

Text of the letter Mein lieber Freund, Ich heisse Kurt. Ich komme aus Deutschland. Ich wohne in München. Ich bin zwölf. Mein Geburtstag ist am 22.März. Ich habe eine nicht besonders grosse Familie Das sind meine Mama, mein Papa und mein Bruder. Ich schwimme gern und spiele am Computer. Was machst du germ? Ich lerne auch germen. Meine Lieblingsfächer sind Russisch und Biologie. Welche Fächer hast du besonders gern? Warum? Ich bin schon gespannt auf deine Antwort. Viele Grüsse dein Freund Kurt

Collaboration skills

Our guests were students from Austria. One of them is Anna Wilander.

She taught classes selectively for almost the entire third quarter.

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Presentation - Formation of communicative educational activities through the technology of educational cooperation

Text of this presentation

Baborenko Natalya Ivanovna, primary school teacher, MAOU “School No. 55”, Kanavinsky district, Nizhny Novgorod Teaching experience: 30 years Contact phone: 89030522867
Certification work for the highest category Formation of communicative learning activities through the technology of educational cooperation in Russian language and mathematics lessons

Conditions for the formation of a teacher’s personal contribution to the development of education
Research conditions: Analysis of pedagogical, psychological and methodological literature on the topics “Formation of communicative educational skills of junior schoolchildren”, “Functional capabilities of educational cooperation technology”.
Methodological conditions: Development of educational resources, technological lesson maps, use of effective technologies in teaching, including technologies of educational cooperation.
Organizational and pedagogical conditions: Participation in seminars, the work of the school methodological association, Internet communities, advanced training.

Relevance of the topic of teaching experience
The need to work on the formation of communicative universal actions of junior schoolchildren is determined by the requirements for learning outcomes in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of NEO. The implementation of the technology of educational cooperation in the educational process makes it possible to fulfill the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education for the formation of the characteristics of a primary school graduate, his personal, subject and meta-subject competencies: “the foundations of the ability to learn and the ability to organize one’s activities - the ability to accept, maintain goals and follow them in educational activities, plan your activities, monitor and evaluate them, interact with the teacher and peers in the educational process.”

In the context of the concept of universal educational activities, communication is considered as a semantic aspect of communication and social interaction, the basic components of which include: the child’s need to communicate with adults and peers; mastery of certain verbal and non-verbal means of communication; positive attitude towards the collaboration process; communication partner orientation; the ability to listen to your interlocutor.

The purpose of the pedagogical research: to develop the communicative learning skills of junior schoolchildren through the use of various forms of organizing group and pair work in Russian language and mathematics lessons in primary school. Objectives: Analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem. Studying the essence and significance of communicative universal educational actions. Development of a set of techniques used to organize educational cooperation in the educational process for the development of communicative universal educational actions in Russian language and mathematics lessons. Development of leaflets - instructions for individual topics in the Russian language and mathematics according to the educational complex “Primary School of the 21st Century”, aimed at the development of communicative learning tools. Establishing the effectiveness of the work done in practice.
Goals and objectives of teaching experience

Leading pedagogical idea: A modern lesson should form the foundations of the ability to learn and the ability to organize one’s activities - the ability to accept, maintain goals and follow them in educational activities, interact with teachers and peers in the educational process. This will allow younger schoolchildren to develop communicative universal learning activities.
Novelty of the research: Memos have been developed - instructions on the educational complex “Primary school of the 21st century”, aimed at the development of communicative educational learning; the methods of educational activities for the development of communicative learning activities within the framework of the technology of educational cooperation have been systematized.
Pedagogical research base: students of grades 1-4 “B” (2012-2016), where education is conducted according to the “Primary School of the 21st Century” system.

Expected results The student will be able to
Development of communicative UUD
Consider the position of the interlocutor (partner)
Adequately convey information
Display subject content and conditions of activity in speech
Organize and carry out collaboration and cooperation with the teacher and peers
Communicative UUDs provide opportunities for cooperation - the ability to hear, listen and understand a partner, plan and coordinately carry out joint activities, distribute roles, mutually control each other’s actions, be able to negotiate, conduct a discussion, correctly express one’s thoughts in speech, respect the partner in communication and cooperation and myself.

Theoretical background
The model of joint educational activities in A.B. Vorontsov’s group confirms Piaget’s idea of ​​the success and high effectiveness of educational activities under the condition of educational cooperation; Hypothesis by G.A. Tsukerman about the need for educational cooperation for the full mental development of a child. The implementation of the technology of educational cooperation in the educational process makes it possible to fulfill the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Educational Education for the formation of personal, subject and meta-subject competencies.

Communicative actions
Planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers Posing questions Resolving conflicts Managing the behavior of a partner Proficiency in dialogic and monologue forms of speech

Development of communicative learning skills through group forms of training
Group discussion, dialogue
Group and pair work
Group Poll
Non-traditional lessons
Knowledge Show
Project-based learning

The scientific basis for highlighting this problem
compiled the works of V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonina, G.N. Tsukerman, Rubinshteina S.L., I.M. Cheredova, S.P. Ivanova and others.
Their research convincingly demonstrates not only the possibility of practical organization of effective forms of cooperation among elementary school students regarding the acquisition of educational content (Russian language, mathematics and other subjects), but also recorded the positive impact of the experience of cooperation on the development of communication and speech.
Collaboration in a group of equals is the source of the development of decentering - the unique ability to understand the point of view of another and act from the position of another person, both in the intellectual, emotional and personal spheres. (G.N. Tsukerman)
The cooperation of children with each other is the basis for organizing a group (collective) form of education in primary school.

Collaborative learning has been used in pedagogy for quite a long time, the origins of which come from collaborative pedagogy. The idea of ​​a humane approach to the child passed through the hearts and works of all the classics of pedagogy.
Sukhomlinsky V.A. believed that “cooperation between teachers and children is possible only on the principles of equality, participation of teachers and students in a common cause. The pupil is understood as a participant in common affairs, and not as an object of education.” Methodist and scientist Soloveichik M.S. believes “that cooperation is an atmosphere of kindness, respect, mutual understanding, common interest, collective search, mutual satisfaction from cognitive victories.” Tsukerman G.A. in his book Why Children Learn Together? considered “cooperation as the ability to learn - the ability not only to follow, to be led, but also to do without a teacher, to teach oneself, to independently acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities.”

Development of communicative UUD
Creation of reminders - instructions for individual topics in the Russian language and mathematics according to the educational complex “Primary School of the 21st Century”, aimed at the development of communicative learning skills.
Implementation of a set of techniques used to organize educational cooperation in the educational process for the development of communicative universal educational activities in Russian language and mathematics lessons.
The activity aspect of teaching experience

At stage 1, instructions are detailed and detailed. They are important in stages and sequence of actions. They are mainly designed to teach children to listen carefully to their partner and express their opinion using cliché phrases: “I agree,” “I disagree.”
At the 2nd stage, in the memos - instructions, argumentation appears, evidence is given, points are added: Prove... Explain...
At stage 3, creative tasks appear: Make something similar... Continue with your own examples... And the reminders themselves - the instructions - are minimized and become more concise.
Reminders - instructions

Russian language 2nd grade Topic: “The root as a common part of related words”
Card 1. Find related words. Write down related words. Select the root. chair, armchair, bench leaf, leaf, foliage Card 2. Make words from syllables. Choose related words.
cat garden
IR house
Memo No. 1 Read the assignments one sentence at a time. One reads the top chain of words and tells how to complete the tasks. The other one listens carefully. If you agree, continue working further. If you don’t agree, add more, correct your friend’s answer and move on to the lower chain of words. Another person reads the bottom chain and tells how to complete the tasks. Memo No. 2 I read the assignment to a friend. I think for myself. I express my opinion. I listen to my neighbor. We come to a common opinion. We record each other's dictation one word at a time. We highlight the root in the words.

Russian language 2nd grade Topic: “Similar words”
Pair work
Card. Read the dialogue carefully. Write down related words. Select the root. - Who are you? - I am a goose, this is a goose, and these are our goslings. And who are you? - And I’m your aunt – the caterpillar. Memo No. 3 Read the assignment to a friend. Assign roles and read the dialogue. Switch roles and read the dialogue again. Let a friend explain which words are related. Listen carefully, check, correct your friend’s answer. Write down related words, dictating one by one. Select the root.
"Speech development"
Memo. Algorithm for working on the presentation I. Read the text aloud in a chain. 2. Discuss who is it about? 3. Using the text, describe the main character to each other. 4. Title the text. 5. Together, divide the text into parts. 6. Make a plan for the text together. 7. Take turns retelling the text to each other in parts. 8. Close the textbook and write your own summary. 9. Check each other's work. 10. Evaluate each other's work and your overall work.

Topic: “Repeating the spelling rules for unstressed vowels at the root of a word”
3rd grade
Card 1. Select and write down test words. Fill in the missing letters. Add 5 more words to the same rule. b_r_zhet st_r_live g_l_sok Card 2. Select and write down the test words. Fill in the missing letters. Add 5 more words to the same rule. k_l_sok m_l_dezh g_v_rlivy Card 3. Select and write down the test words. Fill in the missing letters. Add 5 more words to the same rule. long_live z_l_net pose
Memo No. 4 We write test words and the word being tested, dictating to each other. Select the spelling. I make up a chain of 5 words using the same rule. I present my chain to my friend.

Work in pairs
Game "Carry On"
Treasure Hunt
The Zigzag technique or the Saw method
Mosaic or Puzzles
Group work techniques

Paired interaction of students
Two teams produced 128 parts during the shift. How many parts did each team produce if one of them has 7 people and the other has 9 people? 96 colored and simple pencils were placed in boxes: 6 colored and 2 simple. How many colored and simple pencils are there separately?
In 2 days, the service technician serviced 56 machines. On the first day he worked 8 hours, on the second 6 hours. How many machines did the operator service each day? There were several bouquets, each containing 15 daisies and 10 cornflowers. Total 125 colors. How many daisies? How many cornflowers?

A.S. Granitskaya identified 3 types of pairs: static, dynamic, variation. Cards - tasks for working in dynamic pairs in a mathematics lesson in 4th grade.
Cards for working in variational pairs. Children perform oral tasks on their cards. Then they change according to the pattern with their neighbors, checking each other. The work continues until your card is returned. For the success of the test, the correct answers are given on the reverse side.
Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4

1) Fleeing from the dog, the cat climbed up the tree at a speed of 2 m/s in 3 seconds. How high did the cat climb? 2) The motorcyclist rode for 4 hours at a speed of 80 km/h. How far did he travel? 3) The boat sailed at a speed of 7 km/h for a distance of 28 km. How long was she on the road? 1) The mouse, running away from the cat, ran 12 m to its hole in 4 seconds. How fast did she run? 2) How long will it take a pedestrian to cover 15 km, walking at a speed of 5 km/h? 3) The plane flew for 4 hours at a speed of 600 km/h. How far did he fly? 1) At what speed should a cyclist travel to cover 33 km in 3 hours? 2) How long did it take the tourist to cover 28 km if he walked at a speed of 4 km/h? 3) The skier covered a distance of 24 km in 3 hours. How fast was he going?
Changing the task question. Work in groups with differentiated tasks. Olya hung 7 toys on the tree, and Lyuba hung 3 toys. How many more toys did Olya hang? 1 group. Solve the problem. Think about what other question can be asked about this condition? 2nd group. Solve the problem. Put a question to this condition. Write it down and solve a new problem. 3rd group. Add another question to this condition. Write it down and solve a new problem. Can you pose another new question to this condition? If you can, write it down and solve the problem.

Fast, high-speed. Moving, rushing, honking. A car makes it easier for a person to move. Highly dangerous product!
We compose syncwines according to the rules. Technique “Brainstorming” Russian language Technique “Game “Continue”” In the speech development lesson, writing mini-essays in groups is used. Each member of the group offers one sentence on a given topic. Suggestions are heard by the whole group. Based on the discussion and discussion, a common text is compiled and written down by each group member. Checking the work can take place in the form of a presentation in class in front of the whole class.

Russian language Topic “Repetition of what has been covered”
3rd grade
What is a root? Which elephants are called cognate? Which part of the word is called the ending? What is it used for? What is a prefix? What is it used for? What is a suffix? What is it used for?
Treasure Hunt Technique
Grade 4 What are the main members of a sentence called? What does the subject mean? What questions does it answer? What does the predicate mean? What question does it answer? What are the other parts of the sentence called? What questions do they answer?

Working with phraseological unitsTask. Working in pairs, correlate the lexical meaning and situation of use with the phraseological unit.
1 class

The bear in my ear started to fall asleep. When I was reciting a poem by heart, Kolya prompted me. The teacher decided that I had learned poorly and gave me a “3”. Kolya gave me...
2nd grade
Phraseologism Lexical meaning Application situation
Nodding off Provide unnecessary help Sasha was so tired during training that on the bus on the way home...
When the cancer on the mountain whistles. We will never go fishing...
It’s a disservice to fall asleep When I was reciting a poem by heart, Kolya prompted me. The teacher decided that I had learned poorly and gave me a “3”. Kolya gave me...

Enriching children's vocabulary
Grades 3 - 4 Pair and group work effectively develops communicative learning skills. Table with gaps: Recover the gap in the lexical meaning (work in pairs). Pass in the situation of application - think of how you can use the phraseological unit “the cat cried” at home, at school, in a store, in the yard, in the theater, at a party (the “Puzzles” technique). Create a skit and show it to the class (Brainstorming technique).
Phraseologism Lexical meaning Application situation
The cat cried. There was milk left in the bottle, just...
The chickens are not pecking There is time left before the start of classes...
It turned out that the potatoes were in the barn...
A cart and a small cart of toys at Vasya’s...

Approximate thematic planning of the course “Russian language” 2nd grade
35 Learning to write the letters of unstressed vowels in the root of a word Working with unstressed vowels, when checking which it is necessary to take into account the meaning of the sentence. Comparison of sound and letter recordings of words Selection of related words with a given root. Technique “Game “Carry On””
42 Learning to write the letters of consonants in the root of a word Exercises: practicing a method for checking spelling. Development of spelling vigilance Technique “Brainstorming”
47 Learning to write the letters of vowels and consonants in the root of a word Development of spelling vigilance. Activation of vocabulary in the process of selecting test words. Working with texts “Snowball” technique
52 Learning to write words with unpronounceable consonants at the root Observation of linguistic material (function, meaning and location of the suffix in the word) drawing conclusions. Exercises: working on the rule “Zigzag” technique

Lesson No. Lesson topic Contents, methodological techniques Elements of additional content
72 Learning to write prefixes Practicing the spelling of prefixes with the letter a. Derivation of the action algorithm “Snowball” technique
75 Learning to write a dividing solid sign (ъ) Analysis of language material: formulating a rule, working out an algorithm for its application. Constructing words, identifying the relationship between sound and letter recordings of words. Special cases of spelling words with ъ and ь signs. Brainstorming technique
94 Repeating the spelling of parts of the word Work in the spelling notebook “We write correctly.” Spelling training. Comparison of sound and letter recordings of words Transcription of words. Brainstorming technique
109 Learning to apply spelling rules Work in the spelling notebook “Write correctly.” Spelling training. Development of control action. Comparison of sound and letter recordings of words Spelling of prefixes and suffixes. Different ways to form words. Reception "Puzzles"

Methodological recommendations for the use of educational collaboration technology in the classroom The use of educational collaboration technology should be systematic and targeted. A variety of technological forms, techniques and methods at each stage of work will make the lesson effective and efficient. Cooperation between teacher and students should be aimed at jointly constructing a lesson, while the most important component is the presence of a problem situation that forms the motivational basis for educational cooperation. A clear step-by-step implementation of the technology of educational cooperation during the lesson is the key to high efficiency and effectiveness of mathematics and Russian language lessons.

Communicative UUD (basic types) Main assessment criteria Typical diagnostic tasks
Communication as interaction: orientation to the position of the interlocutor, understanding, respect for another point of view; the ability to substantiate and prove one’s own opinion Method “Brothers and Sisters” (J. Piaget) Method “Who is right?” (G.A. Tsukerman and others)
Communication as cooperation - the ability to negotiate, find a common solution; the ability to argue your proposal, persuade and yield; the ability to maintain a friendly attitude towards each other in a situation of conflict of interest; mutual control and mutual assistance during the task; the ability to distribute roles and carry out joint activities in a coordinated manner. “Mitten” technique (G.A. Tsukerman)
Communication as a condition for internalization - the ability to reflect on one’s actions; the ability to construct statements that are understandable to a partner, taking into account what he knows and sees and what he does not; the ability to ask questions and obtain the necessary information from a partner. Methodology “The Road to Home” (modified version)
Diagnostics of communicative UUDs

Levels of formation of communicative UUD
Input diagnostics
Control diagnostics

Results of diagnostics of the formation of communicative UUD (subject to cooperation)

Effectiveness of teaching experience
The use of group forms of cooperation provided the junior schoolchild with the ability to: plan educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, pose questions and obtain the necessary information from a partner, answer questions from the teacher and friends, express his thoughts fully and accurately, observe the norms of speech etiquette, understand the speech of another person , resolve conflicts peacefully.

Translatability of teaching experience
2013-2016 speeches at meetings of the educational organization of primary school teachers on the topics: “Functional effectiveness of the technology of educational cooperation in elementary school”, “Forms of technology of educational cooperation in project activities”, “Features of group work in the lessons of the Russian language and literary reading”, “Project activity”. 2013-2016 participation in the work of in-school experimental sites and speaking at pedagogical councils. 2013-2016 management of government practice in their classes for students of the Nizhny Novgorod Provincial College, methodological work and organization of annual open lessons and events.

1. Asmolov A.G., Burmenskaya G.V., Volodarskaya I.A. and others / Ed. Asmolova A.G. How to design universal learning activities in primary school. From action to thought: a manual for teachers. – 3rd ed. – M.: Education, 2011.2. Panyushkin V.P. Group teaching methods as a means of developing student cooperation //Psychological problems of the learning process for junior schoolchildren/ Ed. L.M. Friedman. - M., 19783. Romaneeva M.P., Tsukerman E.A. The role of cooperation with peers in the psychological development of younger schoolchildren // Questions of psychology. - 1980.- No. 6.4. Rubtsov V.V. Organization and development of joint actions in children in the learning process. - M., 1987.5. Ryabtseva S.L. Dialogue at the desk, -M..1989.60. Joint activities / Methodology, theory, practice // Ed. A.A. Zhuravleva. - M., 1988.6. Tsukerman G.A., Elizarova N.V., Frumina M.I., Chudinova E.V. Training in educational cooperation // Questions of psychology, No. 2, 1993. 7. Tsukerman G.A., Elizarova N.A. and others. Training in educational cooperation // Questions of psychology. - 1993. - No. 2.8. Tsukerman G.A. Qualitative features of children’s joint educational work // New research in psychology. -1981.-No. 2.9. Tsukerman G.A. Joint educational activities as the basis for developing the ability to learn: Diss. doc. psychol. Sci. -M., 1992.

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The formation of educational learning largely depends on the pedagogically correct interaction between teacher and student and the effectiveness of their communicative activities. This is expressed both in the wording of the questions and in the accuracy of the teacher’s comments, aimed directly at the formation of learning skills. It can be said without exaggeration that all primary school subjects have potential prerequisites for the development of communicative and speech actions due to their universality, i.e. of the most generalized nature.

The main sources of acquiring communicative competence are: -communication with adults and peers; – mastery of certain verbal and non-verbal means of communication; – acceptable attitude towards the cooperation process; – orientation towards the communication partner; – ability to listen to the interlocutor.

Basic forms of educational communication. Monological forms of speech activity Dialogue forms of speech activity Give a speech prepared in advance Educational conversation between teacher and student Tell Educational conversation in pairs Ask and ask questions Educational conversation in groups RetellDiscussion Report Answers to questions Answer questions Role-playing game Criticize Blitz tournament Prove and disprove Project defense

The concept of the development of school communication has the following stages Stages 1 E T A p Skills practiced under the guidance of a teacher. - Students’ willingness to participate in class communication. - Answer questions, while giving a comprehensive answer. - Ask questions, following the content of work on a problem or topic. - Comment on questions or answers. - Make messages. - Tell the story logically and consistently.

Development of school communication. 2 E T A P Simplicity and clarity of speech. Practicing the ability to make your statement understandable to every person. The ability to express your thoughts figuratively, vividly and concisely. Ability to use techniques to support statements. Ability to use rhetorical questions. The ability to communicate with a partner and interlocutor. Ability to regulate the volume and speed of speech.

“There are many living creatures on earth. Of these, only man has the gift of speech. The gift of words." L. Uspensky To create an emotionally favorable situation in the lesson, you must use: 1. Game techniques. 2. Tasks aimed at developing literary abilities and creative imagination

Types of tasks in literary reading lessons First-person narrative. A story from the fox's perspective about how she treated the crane; Narration on behalf of the subject, the hero. Compliment. (Say a compliment to a literary character) A fairy tale in a given key (introducing a new character into a fairy tale) Changing the fairy tale ending (come up with a different ending to the work)

Listening to the teacher's reading (story); preparation of oral stories (about literary characters, personal impressions based on what they read); staging and dramatization; oral word drawing; creative retelling of the text from the perspective of different heroes-characters, an essay based on personal impressions (3–4 grades) and on reading (4 grades); interview with the writer; letter to textbook authors, etc.

Rules for dialogue. Any opinion is valuable; You have the right to any reaction other than inattention; Turn around so that you can see the speaker's face; If you want to speak, raise your hand; The address begins with the name; Criticism must be tactful; Your voice is your divine gift, know how to wield it.

2nd grade, ex. 73 “Read the words. Find and write down the words that... In the first sentence, the author plays with words. Did you notice which ones? Read them." 2nd grade, exercise 118 “Read. Are all animal actions named correctly? Write it down correctly. Name a fairy tale." Types of tasks in Russian lessons

Assignment: You need to convince your parents that you need... (finish it yourself). Your parents refuse to comply with your request. Find at least two convincing arguments and write them down. Dear Parents! I really need to____________________ I want to explain why I need this:1)___________2)_________ ___ Types of tasks in Russian language lessons

Development of oral scientific speech in mathematics lessons This area includes all tasks accompanied by the instructions “Tell”, “Explain”, “Justify your answer”, and all tasks indicated by a question mark in a yellow field (the main question of the lesson);

Development of a set of skills on which competent effective interaction is based This area of ​​​​formation of communicative universal educational actions includes a system of tasks aimed at organizing communication between students in a pair or group (all tasks related to the stage of primary application of knowledge; work on a text task carried out by the method brainstorming, etc.)

The following questions are considered effective for the development of communicative abilities: Training questions Students learn the algorithm for performing educational actions. Constructive questions. They require searching for an answer based on existing experience, as well as independently formulating an answer. Alternative questions. They are used in a tested survey, when you need to choose the correct answer and prove it. Leading question. Hint question. With its help, the student quickly navigates and formulates an answer.

Information sources. “How to design universal educational activities in elementary school,” a manual for teachers, edited by A.G. Asmolov. Article by primary school teacher O.A. Pestova “Formation of communicative competence of primary school students in literary reading lessons” Animated pictures from the Internet archive. Photos from personal archive.

If a person is constantly taught to absorb knowledge and skills in a ready-made form, it is possible to dull his natural creative abilities - to forget how to think for himself. A. Diesterweg

Interrelation of universal educational actions







  • social competence and consideration of the position of other people, communication partners or activities;
  • ability to listen and engage in dialogue;
  • participate in collective discussion of problems;
  • integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

  • planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - determining the purpose, functions of participants, methods of interaction;
  • asking questions - proactive cooperation in searching and collecting information;
  • conflict resolution - identification, identification of problems, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve conflicts, decision-making and its implementation;

  • managing the partner’s behavior - control, correction, evaluation of his actions;
  • the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; mastery of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language and modern means of communication.

Communicative actions can be divided (with an inevitable degree of convention, since they are extremely closely related to each other) into groups:

  • communication as interaction;
  • communication as cooperation;
  • communication as a condition interiorization.

  • Methodology

Evaluated UUDs :

actions aimed at taking into account the partner’s position

Communication as interaction

  • Methodology "Who is right?" (modified technique of Tsukerman G.A.)

Indicators of the level of task completion:

  • Low level : the child does not take into account the possibility of different bases for evaluating the same object or choice; takes the side of one of the characters, considering a different position to be clearly wrong.
  • Average level : the child understands the possibility of different approaches to assessing an object or situation and admits that different opinions are fair in their own way, but cannot justify his answers.
  • High level : the child demonstrates an understanding of relativity, takes into account the differences in the positions of the characters, and can justify his opinion.

  • Communicative speech acts that serve as a means of transmitting information to other people, promoting awareness and assimilation of content.
  • The ability to construct statements that are understandable to a partner.
  • The ability to use questions to obtain the necessary information from an activity partner.
  • Speech planning and regulation of one’s actions.
  • Reflection on your actions.

  • Organization of group, paired forms of work - helps to comprehend educational activities, distribute the load, provides emotional and meaningful support for weak and timid students.

  • Creating an atmosphere of support and interest in the group, class and school as a whole.

Communication as cooperation

  • Task “Mittens” (G.A. Tsukerman)

Evaluated UUDs :

communicative actions to coordinate efforts in the process of organizing and implementing cooperation (cooperation);


  • One word noun - topic of discussion ___task_, exercise
  • Two adjectives _ smart , interesting, friendly, funny

3. Three verbs discussed ,_ worked in pairs _,_ thought , listened

4. Describe what happened in the lesson - “...We wrote, drew, discussed, thought for a very long time, answered questions. We also made identical mittens...”

“...During the lesson, Amina and I discussed how we could decorate the mittens. We were able to come to an agreement and began decorating the mittens...”

Communication as cooperation.

The second large group of communicative universal educational actions is formed by actions aimed at cooperation. Meaningful core this group of communicative actions is coordination of efforts to achieve a common goal, organize and carry out joint activities, and a necessary prerequisite for this is partner orientation by activity.

Example: “Mitten” technique Tsukerman G.A.

  • the student learns to answer questions;
  • the student learns to ask questions;
  • the student learns to conduct a dialogue;
  • the student learns to retell the plot;
  • students are taught to listen; before this, the teacher usually says: “Listen carefully,” “Listen.”

Such forms of work as the organization of mutual checking of assignments, mutual assignments of groups, educational conflict, as well as discussion by participants of their methods of action are important.

Working in a group helps the child comprehend learning activities. At first, working together, students distribute roles, determine the functions of each group member, and plan activities. Later, everyone will be able to perform all these operations independently. In addition, working in a group allows you to give students emotional and meaningful support, without which many cannot join in the overall work of the class at all, for example, timid or weak students.

The above forms of classes and other recommendations can only be useful if you create favorable general atmosphere in a separate class and in the school as a whole - atmosphere of support and interest. It is necessary to encourage children to express their point of view, as well as to develop their ability to listen to other people and be tolerant of their opinions.