Prevention of economic crime by criminal legal means. The high importance of the profession of lawyer and political scientist in modern society determines a special attitude towards the formation of requirements for their training

Prevention of economic crime by criminal legal means. The high importance of the profession of lawyer and political scientist in modern society determines a special attitude towards the formation of requirements for their training
Charter of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education “Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov​"​​​

License of Rosobrnadzor No. 1016 dated June 10, 2014 for the implementation of educational activities, granted to the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov​"​​​​

Order of Rosobrnadzor No. 769 of May 22, 2015« On state accreditation of educational activities of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education“Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov​ »​ ​

Strengths of REU im. G.V. Plekhanov

License to carry out educational activities from the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "REU im. G.V. Plekhanov" dated November 30, 2015 No. 1789.​

State accreditation

International accreditation

Cost of educational services (2010 – 2014)

​​ Cost of educational services in 2015

The Faculty of Economics and Law is one of the innovative structural divisions REU im. G. V. Plekhanov, where it is carried out A complex approach to the study of problems of economic law, allowing to eliminate the traditional problems for lawyers in the field of economics, for economists - the lack of knowledge on issues of law and economic policy.

The high importance of the profession of lawyer and political scientist in modern society will determine a special attitude towards the formation of requirements for their training. Our students– lawyers learn to apply laws based on constitutional provisions, analyze judicial and other law enforcement practices, and be professionally prepared to defend human and civil rights.

The Faculty of Economics and Law prepares bachelors who will study a number of legal disciplines in English in their senior years.

The selection committee of the Faculty of Economics and Law has been working since June 19, 2016 in room No. 215 (3rd building)

Opening hours: Mon – Fri: 09.30 – 17.00. Saturday: 10.00 – 14.00.

Number of places (bachelor's degree):


15 b budget places, incl. 2 places for persons,having special rights​;

40 extra-budgetary places.

Political science:

15 b budget places, incl. 2 places for persons,having special rights​;

20 extra-budgetary places.

​Master's degree in Jurisprudence, for persons with a basic legal education - Bachelor of Law or Lawyer (specialty): 5 budget places / 10 extra-budgetary places (see below for more details).

We are waiting for you - an interesting future awaits you!

Jurisprudence (bachelor's degree)

– 290 000

PROFILE: « Civil law"

Our graduate lawyers, solving legal problems of a market economy and business activity, provide legal support for contracts - the main structure of Russian civil legislation.

Unified State Exam:
- Russian language
- Social science
- Foreign language

Political Science (Bachelor's Degree)

230 000​ rub. per year (fixed price)

Profile: « Theoretical-instrumental"

The knowledge gained will help graduates - political scientists - to qualitatively perform the functions of political managers of experts in government bodies and in the sphere of the Russian economy.

Unified State Exam:

- Russian language

- Story

- Social science

To the selection committee of the Faculty of Economics and Law, applicants provide:

1) Application written in the prescribed form.

2) A document and its notarized copy of secondary (complete) or special education.

3) 6 photos 3 x 4

The applicant presents a passport proving his identity and citizenship.

Master's programs implemented at the Faculty of Economics and Law of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov​:

1. Legal support for economic activity

2. Legal support of financial services

3. Prevention of economic crime by criminal legal means

Classes are organized taking into account the wishes of students in the evening.

Budget places are allocated for master's programs in accordance with the CCP.

The cost of studying for a master's degree on an extra-budgetary basis is: 225 thousand rubles. per year (2015 price).

Exams: Testing is organized separately for those who enter on a budgetary basis of study, and for those who enter on a non-budgetary (paid) basis of study.

Deadlines for accepting documents:

from June 19 to August 25, 2016 – for those entering on a budget-funded basis;

from June 19 to September 3, 2016 - for those entering non-budgetary (paid) training.

List of required documents:

1) original state document on higher education or a copy thereof.

2) five photographs measuring 3x4cm.

3) passport (or a copy thereof).

4) For males - military ID or registration certificate.


Student at this university: Such a leak about REU.
To begin with, I want to say that yes, for some period REU began to lose its position due to numerous rumors about bribes, poor teaching, etc. and so on.
But now, over the past year or two, it has begun to rise again - because the administration and the student council are doing everything possible to make our university better.
1. Admission.
Admission is like admission. There are no bribes (at least I haven’t heard of them), almost everyone is taken for a scarf, but still not on such a scale as in the same RANEPA. Additional educational activities are constantly conducted, both university-wide and for each faculty separately. The reception is arranged very conveniently - each faculty is in a separate classroom, everything is on one floor, there are always volunteer guys working who will tell and show everything. Recently, by the way, passing scores have increased greatly. Maybe due to the fact that most areas now require 4 items.
2. Building.
REU has 8 buildings, all of them are located in one place (almost a block, some buildings are still under renovation, one is administrative) Without help, at first you won’t understand the interweaving of passages and stairs, but you quickly get used to it. All buildings in excellent condition. Everywhere is under renovation, everything is beautiful and clean. Cleaned regularly. Honestly, when I came to REU I stayed here largely because I fell in love with this building.
3. Food.
Eat anywhere - in the numerous cafes around the university, or in the numerous cafes and food outlets in the university itself. You can eat whatever you want: salads, pastries, sandwiches, main dishes, side dishes... Recently you can order pizza and wok, everything is not very expensive, queues are like everywhere else
There are also vending machines with water/juice and all sorts of candy bars - for those who don’t like standing in lines
4. Educational process.
They study with us from 8:30 to 18:50. But the schedule is still not made by idiots, so there will be no schedule like “a couple at 8:30, then at 14:00 and then at 17:20.” I am at the Faculty of State Russian Academy of Sciences and we study mainly from 14:00.
Teachers are different, just like everywhere else. For 1.5 years I had only one teacher, with whom we did nothing at all and, accordingly, he did not give me anything in terms of knowledge. The rest are completely fine. Some are simply wonderful. By the way, I was also lucky with English - I came across good teachers, despite this 1 couple per week.
We have a point-rating and modular system. That is, we study in quarters and 4 sessions a year (but this should not frighten, on the contrary, it greatly relieves the winter and summer session). The assessment is made up of: 20 b - attendance, 20 b - work in the classroom, 20 b - knowledge control, 40 b - exam/test. However, not all teachers give exactly the final rating; many evaluate knowledge in the exam.
Studying is light compared to HSE, but there is enough workload.
And yet, they still expel you from REU, but you don’t have to do anything at all. Some teachers (only one in my memory) still take bribes for tests/exams, but they do not impose them in any way; it is rather an initiative of students who do not want to drop out.
5. Student life.
oh, Plekhanovka is famous for this. If you are an activist, then you will definitely not be bored here. Everyone has something to do: volunteering, sports club, projects, quests, balls, faculty days, etc. There are just a lot of opportunities to prove yourself. In addition, there is a small gym, a swimming pool, sections for almost all sports, and there is dancing separately - free of charge and gives credit for physical education.
It seems to me that the sense of patriotism and love for one’s university is very developed.
In addition, in REU there is one of the volunteer centers for the 2018 World Cup, if you are interested in this, this is a good chance to try.
Medvedev also recently came to us, and in general there are a lot of all sorts of nice opportunities like meetings with famous people and excursions to interesting places.
6. From myself
I came here simply because I passed on a budget, and had never been to REU before last day admissions committee. But I came there and fell in love with the beautiful building (after RANEPA and MGIMO it seemed much more modern and cozy to me). However, I was very skeptical because I had heard about scandals. But, after studying for six months, I simply fell in love with this university, my department, my direction and my group. I am absolutely comfortable living and studying at the rhythm dictated by REU.
In no case do I want to promote my REU or my GRTSI, but it’s just a shame to read about a second-rate university when you see that this is not at all true and that your university is developing and growing even though it is already 109 years old.