Rules for the operation and storage of gas cylinders. Rules for storing oxygen and propane cylinders Inert gas storage requirements

Rules for the operation and storage of gas cylinders.  Rules for storing oxygen and propane cylinders Inert gas storage requirements
Rules for the operation and storage of gas cylinders. Rules for storing oxygen and propane cylinders Inert gas storage requirements

509. Operation (filling, storage, transportation and use) of cylinders must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the instructions of the organization (individual entrepreneur) carrying out the specified activities, approved in the prescribed manner.

510. Workers servicing cylinders must pass a test of knowledge of the instructions and have a certificate of access to independent work issued in accordance with the established procedure.

511. Placement (installation) of gas cylinders at places of consumption (use) as an individual cylinder installation (no more than two cylinders (one working, the other reserve) of each type of gas used in the process), a group cylinder installation, as well as on site storage of the technological stock of cylinders must be carried out in accordance with the equipment placement plan (project) taking into account the requirements of these FNP and the requirements fire safety.

512. When using and storing cylinders, it is not allowed to install them in places where people pass, loads move, or vehicles pass.

513. Cylinders (with individual installation) must be at a distance of at least 1 m from heating radiators and other heating devices, stoves and at least 5 m from heat sources with open fire.

514. The placement of group cylinder installations and the storage of cylinders with flammable gases must be carried out in specially equipped premises in accordance with the design and fire safety requirements or in an open area, while the location of group cylinder installations and the storage of cylinders with flammable gases in the room where the technological process use of the flammable gas contained in them.

515. Before use, the gas cylinder at the place of use must be installed in a vertical position and securely secured from falling in the manner established by the production instructions for use. During the production of repair or installation work cylinder with compressed oxygen It is allowed to lay on the ground (floor, platform), previously completely cleared of fuel and oil spills, providing:

A) positioning the valve above the cylinder shoe and preventing the cylinder from rolling;

B) placing its upper part on a gasket with a cutout made of wood or other material that prevents sparking.

The use of cylinders with liquefied and dissolved gases under pressure (propane-butane, acetylene) in a horizontal position is not allowed.

516. When using cylinders, it is not allowed to completely consume the gas in them. For a specific type of gas, taking into account its properties, the residual pressure in the cylinder is established in the operating manual (instructions) and must be at least 0.05 MPa, unless otherwise provided technical specifications for gas

517. The release (supply) of gases from cylinders into a vessel, as well as into technological equipment with a lower operating pressure, must be carried out through a reducer designed for a given gas and painted in the appropriate color. A pressure gauge with a scale must be installed at the inlet to the reducer, providing the ability to measure the maximum operating pressure in the cylinder; and on camera low pressure In the reducer, a spring safety valve must be installed, adjusted to the appropriate permitted pressure in the vessel or process equipment into which the gas is released, as well as a pressure gauge corresponding to this pressure. Pressure gauge type and safety valve determined by the project developer and the gearbox manufacturer.

518. In order to prevent fire and explosion of cylinders with flammable gases and oxygen, the equipment connected to them, as well as the pipelines and (or) flexible hoses used to connect it, must be in good condition and correspond (in materials and strength) to the gas used in them.

519. If it is impossible, due to a malfunction of the valves, to release gas from the cylinders at the point of consumption, the latter must be returned to the filling station separately from the empty (empty) cylinders with the corresponding temporary inscription (marking) applied to them by any in an accessible way, without compromising the integrity of the cylinder body. The release of gas from such cylinders at the filling station must be carried out in accordance with instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

520. Filling of cylinders should be carried out by organizations (individual entrepreneurs) that have filling stations (filling points), industrial premises(sites) which, in accordance with the design and requirements of these FNPs, are equipped for filling cylinders specific type gases; provide for the possibility of acceptance and delivery and separate storage of empty and filled cylinders; equipped technical means and equipment providing filling, emptying (including draining of unevaporated residues, in case of liquefied gases, release of gas from cylinders with faulty fittings), repair and painting of cylinders.

The release of gas from cylinders with faulty fittings and the repair of cylinders must be carried out by organizations (individual entrepreneurs) that meet the requirements of paragraph 486 of these FNP.

The organization that fills the cylinders must ensure the availability required quantity specialists certified in accordance with the certification regulations, and workers with qualifications corresponding to the nature of the work performed, as well as production instructions defining the procedure for acceptance, issue, storage, filling, emptying and repair of cylinders.

Filling stations that fill cylinders with compressed, liquefied and soluble gases are required to keep a cylinder filling log, which, in particular, must indicate:

A) date of filling;

B) cylinder number;

B) date of examination;

D) mass of gas (liquefied) in the cylinder, kg;

E) signature, surname and initials of the person who filled the cylinder.

If cylinders are filled with different gases, then a separate filling log should be kept for each gas.

The procedure for keeping records of filling (refueling) cylinders (fuel containers) of vehicles at gas stations is established production instructions taking into account their specificity, determined by the requirements project documentation and other regulatory legal documents, establishing requirements for these objects, subject to the requirements of paragraph 523 of these FNP.

521. Filling cylinders with gases must be carried out according to instructions developed and approved by the filling organization ( individual entrepreneur) taking into account the properties of the gas determined by the design of the filling station, local conditions and filling technology, as well as the requirements of the operating manual (instructions) and other documentation of the cylinder manufacturer.

Before filling oxygen cylinders, the absence of flammable gases in them must be checked using a gas analyzer in the order established by the instructions. When filling cylinders with medical oxygen, they must be purged with the pressure of the medium being filled in the manner prescribed by the instructions.

Filling cylinders with liquefied gases must comply with the standards established by the cylinder manufacturer and (or) technical specifications for liquefied gases. In the absence of such information, filling rates are determined taking into account the permitted pressure of the cylinder in accordance with Appendix No. 6 to these FNP.

522. Cylinders filled with gas must be firmly secured and tightly connected to the filling ramp.

523. Filling with gas and using cylinders that have:

A) the period of the assigned survey has expired, the service life (number of refills) established by the manufacturer;

B) the period for checking the porous mass has expired;

B) the cylinder body is damaged;

D) valves are faulty;

E) there is no proper painting or lettering;

E) absent overpressure gas;

G) there are no established marks.

Filling of cylinders in which there is no excess gas pressure is carried out after their preliminary check in accordance with the instructions of the filling station.

524. Re-attachment of shoes and rings for caps, replacement of valves, cleaning, restoration of painting and inscriptions on cylinders must be carried out at cylinder inspection points.

After repairs involving its disassembly, the valve must be checked for tightness at operating pressure.

525. It is allowed to attach shoes to cylinders only after releasing the gas, unscrewing the valves and appropriate degassing of the cylinders.

Cleaning and painting gas-filled cylinders, as well as strengthening the rings on their necks, is prohibited.

526. Cylinders with gases (except for cylinders with poisonous gases) can be stored both in special premises and on outdoors, in the latter case they must be protected from precipitation and sun rays.

Storage of oxygen and flammable gas cylinders in the same room is prohibited.

527. Cylinders with poisonous gases must be stored in special closed rooms.

528. Filled cylinders with shoes mounted on them, as well as cylinders that have a special design with a concave bottom, must be stored in vertical position. To protect against falling, cylinders must be installed in specially equipped nests, cages or protected by a barrier.

529. Cylinders that do not have shoes can be stored horizontally on wooden frames or racks. When stored at open areas it is allowed to stack cylinders with shoes in stacks with rope spacers, wooden beams, rubber or other non-metallic materials with shock-absorbing properties, between horizontal rows.

When stacking cylinders in stacks, the height of the latter should not exceed 1.5 meters, and the valves of the cylinders should face one direction.

530. Warehouses for storing cylinders filled with gases must comply with a design developed taking into account the requirements of these FNP and fire safety requirements. The warehouse building must be one-story with light-type coverings and not have attic spaces. Walls, partitions, and coverings of gas storage warehouses must be made of fireproof materials that comply with the design; Windows and doors must open outwards. Window and door glass should be frosted or painted over with white paint. The height of storage areas for cylinders must be at least 3.25 meters from the floor to the lower protruding parts roofing covering. The floors of warehouses must be level with a non-slip surface, and warehouses for cylinders with flammable gases must have a surface made of materials that prevent sparking when hitting them with any objects.

531. The equipment of warehouses for cylinders with flammable gases that are dangerous in relation to explosions is determined by the project.

532. Instructions, rules and posters for handling cylinders located in the warehouse must be posted in warehouses.

533. Warehouses for cylinders filled with gas must have natural or artificial ventilation.

534. Warehouses for cylinders with explosive and flammable gases must be located in the lightning protection zone.

535. A warehouse for storing cylinders must be divided by fireproof walls into compartments, in each of which no more than 500 cylinders (40 liters) with flammable or poisonous gases and no more than 1000 cylinders (40 liters) with non-flammable and non-toxic gases are allowed.

Compartments for storing cylinders with non-flammable and non-toxic gases can be separated by fireproof partitions with a height of at least 2.5 meters with open openings for the passage of people and openings for mechanical equipment. Each compartment must have its own exit to the outside.

536. Gaps between warehouses for cylinders filled with gases, between warehouses and adjacent industrial buildings, public spaces, residential buildings determined by the project and must comply with urban planning standards.

537. The movement of cylinders at the sites of their use (places of work) must be carried out on specially adapted carts or with the help of other devices that ensure transportation safety.

538. Transportation of cylinders filled with gases within the boundaries of hazardous production facilities, production site enterprises and other sites for installation and repair work should be carried out on spring vehicles or on vehicles in a horizontal position, always with gaskets between the cylinders. Can be used as gaskets wooden blocks with cut-out sockets for cylinders, as well as rope or rubber rings with a thickness of at least 25 mm (two rings per cylinder) or other gaskets that protect the cylinders from hitting each other. All cylinders during transportation must be stacked with valves in one direction.

It is allowed to transport cylinders in special containers, as well as without containers in a vertical position, always with gaskets between them and protection from possible falling.

Transporting gas cylinders by road common use road (rail) transport does not apply to activities in the field industrial safety and is carried out in accordance with the requirements of other regulatory legal acts and international agreements in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

539. Transportation and storage of cylinders must be carried out with the caps screwed on, unless the design of the cylinder provides for other protection of the cylinder shut-off organ.

Storing filled cylinders before distributing them to consumers is permitted without safety caps.

540. During operation, filling, storage and transportation of cylinders made of metal-composite and composite materials, must be fulfilled Additional requirements, established by the project developer and (or) the cylinder manufacturer and specified in the operating manual (instructions) and other documentation of the manufacturer.

GOST 26460-85

Group L19



Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage

Air separation products. Gases. Cryogens. Packing, marking, transportation and storage

MKS 71.100.01

Date of introduction 1986-07-01


1. DEVELOPED and INTRODUCED by the Interstate Technical Committee MTK 137 "Oxygen"

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by the Resolution State Committee USSR according to standards dated 03/21/85 N 674

Change No. 1 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (minutes No. 13 dated May 28, 1998)

The following voted to accept the changes:

State name

Name of the national standardization body

Republic of Armenia


Republic of Belarus

State Standard of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan



home state inspection Turkmenistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan



State Standard of Ukraine



Item number

5. The validity period was lifted according to Protocol N 5-94 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 11-12-94)

6. Edition (March 2004) with Amendment No. 1, approved in November 1998 (IUS 1-99)

This standard applies to gaseous and liquid air separation products - oxygen, nitrogen, argon, neon, krypton, xenon, as well as gas mixtures based on these products with other gases and establishes the rules for their packaging, labeling, transportation and storage.

The standard does not apply to calibration gas mixtures - standard samples composition, as well as in terms of packaging and labeling, for gases intended for metrological purposes.

This standard does not apply to permanently installed tanks and vessels intended for storing gases and cryogenic products.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).



1.1 Gaseous air separation products are filled into small and medium-volume steel cylinders in accordance with GOST 979, as well as large-volume cylinders in accordance with GOST 9731 and GOST 12247, permanently mounted on a vehicle and trailer (auto-recipients).

1.2 The outer surface of the cylinders must be painted, the content of the inscriptions and the color of the transverse stripes must correspond to Table 1.

Table 1

Gas name

Coloring of the cylinder

Inscription text

Lettering color

Stripe color



High purity nitrogen

High purity nitrogen

High purity nitrogen

High purity nitrogen

High purity nitrogen

High purity nitrogen

Argon raw

Argon raw


High purity argon

High purity argon





High purity oxygen

High purity oxygen

High purity oxygen

High purity oxygen

Medical oxygen

Medical oxygen

Oxygen produced by electrolysis of water

Oxygen electrolysis







High purity neon

High purity neon

Gas mixtures without flammable components based on:

nitrogen, krypton, xenon, neon, air, carbon dioxide, argon

The word "Mixture" and
name of the components, starting with the base gas (with the highest volume fraction)

Blue when oxygen is present in the mixture



The word "Mixture" and the name of the components, starting with the base gas (with the highest volume fraction)

Yellow if there are toxic components in the mixture

Gas mixtures with flammable components based on nitrogen, krypton, xenon, neon, air, carbon dioxide, argon at a volume fraction of the combustible component:

up to the maximum permissible explosion-proof concentration (MAEC) according to GOST 12.1.004


above maximum permissible limit


Yellow if there are toxic components in the mixture

The inscriptions on the cylinders are applied around the circumference for a length of at least 1/3 of the circumference, and the stripes are applied along the entire circumference. The height of the letters on cylinders with a capacity of more than 12 dm must be 60 mm, and the width of the strip 25 mm. The sizes of inscriptions and stripes on cylinders with a capacity of up to 12 dm should be determined depending on the area of ​​the lateral surface of the cylinders.

Painting of newly manufactured cylinders and application of inscriptions is carried out by manufacturing plants, and later - by filling stations or testing points.

The coloring of the spherical part of the cylinders, distinctive stripes and inscriptions are updated as necessary, ensuring good features cylinder according to the product being filled.

1.3 Medium-volume cylinders used for filling with technical gases must be equipped with valves type VK-86 and VK-94 according to regulatory document.

Medium volume cylinders used for filling high and high purity gases, as well as gas mixtures based on them, must be equipped with membrane valves of the KVB-53 type.

Medium-volume cylinders used for filling with high-purity argon, high-purity and high-purity nitrogen and high-purity oxygen can be equipped with valves of the VK-86 and VK-94 types.

Small volume cylinders must be equipped with membrane valves of the KV-1M type.

Cylinders used for flammable mixtures must be equipped with valves of types BB-55, BB-88 and VVB-54 according to the regulatory document.

The side fittings of the valves of cylinders filled with high-purity gases, gas mixtures based on them, as well as mixtures containing toxic or flammable components, must be hermetically sealed with metal plugs.

1.2, 1.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.4 After filling the cylinders with krypton, xenon or a krypton-xenon mixture, the cylinder caps must be sealed.

1.5 Preparation of cylinders and auto-recipients and their filling with gaseous products of air separation and gas mixtures is carried out in accordance with technological instructions (technological regulations), approved in accordance with the established procedure.

1.6 Nominal pressure gases at 20 °C in cylinders and auto-recipients must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for each product.

When filling cylinders and auto-recipients with nitrogen, argon and oxygen, storing and transporting them in the temperature range from minus 50 to plus 50 ° C, the gas pressure in the cylinder must correspond to that specified in the mandatory annex.

Filling, storing and transporting filled cylinders at temperatures above 50 °C is not permitted.

class not lower than 1.5 - for high-purity gases, as well as gas mixtures based on them;

class not lower than 2.5 - for technical gases.

Before measuring gas pressure, the filled cylinder must be kept at the measurement temperature for at least 5 hours.

1.8 When filling cylinders with xenon, the mass of the product in the filled cylinder should not exceed 0.7 and 1.45 kg per 1 dm of cylinder capacity for operating pressures of 9.8 and 14.7 MPa, respectively.

1.6-1.8. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.9 It is prohibited to fill cylinders with gases that do not correspond to the cylinder labeling, and to carry out any operations that could lead to contamination inner surface balloon.

1.9a When transporting railway, by road and river transport, small-volume cylinders must be packed in wooden boxes in accordance with GOST 2991, types II and III, manufactured in accordance with GOST 15623 and GOST 18617. Cylinders must be placed horizontally in boxes, with valves in one direction, with obligatory gaskets between the cylinders to protect them from hitting each other. The gasket material must be inert to oxygen. The weight of cargo in each box should not exceed 65 kg.

Small-volume cylinders transported by all types of transport, and medium-volume cylinders transported by rail and river transport, are formed into transport packages in accordance with GOST 26663 and GOST 24597 using fastening means in accordance with GOST 21650 and pallets in accordance with GOST 9078 and GOST 9557.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

1.10 Liquid nitrogen, oxygen and argon are poured into transport tanks in accordance with the regulatory document, intended for the storage and transportation of cryogenic products, and into transport gasification plants in accordance with the regulatory documents.

Liquid technical oxygen and nitrogen are also poured into cryogenic vessels according to the regulatory document.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.11 The amount of cryogenic product poured into a transport tank must comply with the regulatory and technical documentation for the tank being filled. The amount of product in the tank is determined by the liquid level indicator or by weighing.

1.12 Design and operation of cylinders, auto-recipients, cryogenic vessels and tanks, which are subject to the rules of design and safe operation pressure vessels approved by Gosgortekhnadzor must comply with the requirements of these rules.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


2.1 Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of the handling sign “Keep away from heat”.

Marking characterizing the transport danger of the cargo - according to GOST 19433 in accordance with the classification of products given in Table 2.

table 2



cation group cipher

Danger signs (drawing number according to GOST 19433)

UN serial number

Compressed nitrogen

Argon compressed

Liquid nitrogen

Argon liquid

Compressed oxygen

Liquid oxygen

Krypton compressed


Neon compressed

Gas mixtures based on inert gases:

with inert gases and carbon dioxide

with oxygen:

at volume fraction of oxygen:

over 23%

With toxic gases at mass concentration of the toxic component:

up to the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) according to GOST 12.1.005

above the maximum permissible concentration

with flammable gases at a volume fraction of the flammable component:

up to the maximum permissible explosive concentration (MAEC) according to GOST 12.1.004

above maximum permissible limit

with toxic and flammable gases at a mass concentration of the toxic component up to the maximum permissible concentration and a volume fraction of the flammable component up to the maximum permissible limit

above the maximum permissible concentration and/or maximum permissible concentration

Gas mixtures based on oxygen with toxic gases with a mass concentration of the toxic component:

above the maximum permissible concentration

Note. On large containers or containers, railway vehicle there should be a danger sign serial number UN, as well as the emergency card number for transportation within the country.

2.2 Transport markings may not be applied when transporting cylinders by car.

2.3 Signs and inscriptions on railway tanks for liquid oxygen, nitrogen and argon must comply with transportation rules dangerous goods operating in railway transport.

2.1-2.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


3.1 Gases and cryogenic products are transported by all modes of transport in accordance with the rules for the transportation of goods in force for this type of transport, the rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels approved by Gosgortekhnadzor, as well as the safety rules for transporting dangerous goods by rail, approved by Gosgortekhnadzor.

Products not listed in the alphabetical lists of cargo transportation rules of the railway department, but approved for transportation by analogues, are transported in accordance with the current additions and amendments to these rules.

Dangerous goods are transported by road in accordance with the instructions for ensuring the safety of transportation of dangerous goods by road.

3.2 Filled cylinders, as well as empty cylinders from mixtures based on inert gases with toxic gases (subclass 2.2) and with flammable and toxic gases (subclass 2.4), are transported by rail by carload in covered wagons or containers. Small and medium volume cylinders are transported in transport packages.

3.1-3.2. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.3 To mechanize loading and unloading operations and consolidate transportation by road, medium-volume cylinders are placed in special metal containers (pallets).

3.4 Small and medium volume cylinders are transported by river transport in closed cargo spaces of ships and in universal containers on decks in accordance with clause 1.9a.

Cylinders with gas mixtures with classification codes 2211, 2311, 2411 and 2221 are transported in quantities not exceeding 500 cylinders per ship.

Premises where accumulation is possible gas products, must be equipped with a mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation and control devices air environment according to GOST 12.1.005.

3.5 Technical gases nitrogen, argon and oxygen are also transported through pipelines. Pipeline painting - according to GOST 14202. Gas pressure in the pipeline is measured with a pressure gauge in accordance with GOST 2405, class not lower than 1.5.

3.6 Cryogenic air separation products are transported:

by rail - in special railway tanks of the consignor (consignee) approved for transportation;

by road transport - in transport tanks for liquid oxygen, nitrogen and argon according to the regulatory document, as well as in cryogenic vessels according to the regulatory document and in automobile gasification plants according to the regulatory documents;

by air - in transport tanks according to the regulatory document and in cryogenic vessels according to the regulatory document.

3.4-3.6. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


4.1 Cylinders filled with gases and gas mixtures are stored in special warehouses or in open areas under a canopy that protects them from precipitation and direct sunlight.

It is allowed to store cylinders with various air separation products together in open areas, as well as together with cylinders filled with flammable gases, provided that storage areas for cylinders with various air separation products are separated from each other by fireproof barriers 1.5 m high, and from areas for storage of cylinders with flammable gases - fireproof protective walls with a height of at least 2.5 m.

APPENDIX (required). Dependence of the pressure of nitrogen, argon and oxygen on temperature during filling, transportation and storage of cylinders


Temperature, °C

Operating pressure of the cylinder, MPa (kgf/cm)

Gas pressure in the cylinder at filling temperature, MPa (kgf/cm)


Note. When filling cylinders, as well as storing or transporting filled cylinders at temperatures exceeding those indicated in the table, the gas pressure in the cylinder should not exceed:

at a temperature of +40 °C -

15.0 MPa (153 kgf/cm)




14.7 MPa (150 kgf/cm)

19.7 MPa (201 kgf/cm)

19.6 MPa (200 kgf/cm)

at a temperature of +50 °C -

15.7 MPa (160 kgf/cm)

14.7 MPa (150 kgf/cm)

20.6 MPa (210 kgf/cm)

– the room for storing cylinders must be one-story, have no attic spaces, and have a light-type roof; the height of the premises must be at least 3.25 meters; the room must be divided into compartments in which it is allowed to store no more than 500 40-liter cylinders with flammable gases and no more than 1000 cylinders with non-flammable gases; compartments must be separated by partitions at least 2.5 meters high with passages for people; each compartment must have a separate exit to the outside;

warehouse space must have natural and artificial ventilation in accordance with sanitary standards and lightning protection;

– walls and partitions must be made of fireproof material of at least 2 degrees of fire resistance;

– windows and doors must open outwards; window and door glass should be frosted or painted White color;

– floors must be level, with a non-slip surface; for cylinders with flammable gases, the floor must be made of a material that prevents sparking;

– instructions, rules and posters for handling cylinders should be posted on the walls.

Operation of cylinders

When using cylinders, the contents in them must not be completely consumed. The residual gas pressure must be at least 0.05 MPa.

The release of eider from cylinders into containers with lower operating pressure should be done through a reducer designed for this gas and painted in the appropriate color.

The low pressure chamber of the reducer must have a pressure gauge and a spring safety valve adjusted to the appropriate permitted pressure in the container into which the gas is transferred.

If it is impossible to release gas from the cylinders at the point of consumption due to a malfunction of the valves, they must be returned to the filling station. Gas is released from such cylinders at the filling station in accordance with instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

Filling stations are required to keep a cylinder filling log, which indicates: date of filling, cylinder number, inspection date, mass of gas in the cylinder, signature of the person who filled the cylinder.

If cylinders are filled with different gases at one station, then a separate filling log should be kept for each.

Filling must be carried out according to instructions developed and approved by the organization in the prescribed manner. The filling must comply with the standards specified in the Rules.

Cylinders filled with gas must be firmly supported and tightly connected to the filling ramp.

It is prohibited to fill gas cylinders that:

– the period of the appointed examination has expired;

– the period for checking the porous mass has expired;

– the cylinder body is damaged;

– valves are faulty;

– there is no proper painting and inscriptions;

– there are no established stamps;

There is no excess gas pressure; filling of such cylinders is carried out after preliminary inspection in accordance with the instructions of the organization carrying out the filling.

Re-attachment of shoes and rings for caps, replacement of valves must be carried out at cylinder inspection points.

After repairs involving its disassembly, the valve must be checked for tightness at operating pressure.

It is allowed to attach shoes to cylinders only after releasing the gas, unscrewing the valves and appropriately degassing the cylinders.

Cleaning and painting filled cylinders, as well as strengthening the rings on their necks, is prohibited.

Before use:

– install the cylinder vertically and secure it with a chain or clamp; the oxygen cylinder can be laid inclined - so that the valve is above the shoe;

– unscrew the cap and plug of the fitting; make sure that the oxygen cylinder (as well as on your hands and overalls) has no traces of oil or fat;

– briefly (1-2 s) turn the handwheel half a turn to blow through the fitting to remove dirt, moisture, etc. from it, standing behind or to the side of the fitting, without testing the gas with your hand;

– attach the union nut of the gearbox by hand;

– tighten the union nut of the gearbox with a wrench;

– when connecting an acetylene gearbox, ensure that the clamp is installed correctly;

– turn out the adjusting screw until the pressure spring is completely released;

– connect and securely fasten the hose;

– slowly turn the handwheel 0.5-1 revolution, open the supply of eider from the cylinder;

– turn the adjusting screw to set operating pressure;

– check the tightness of the connections:

a) close the gas flow valve on the burner (cutter);

b) unscrew the adjusting screw until the pressure spring is completely released;

c) after a slight increase in pressure, the needle on the working pressure gauge should stop (the pressure should not increase);

– a break in work or its end:

a) during short breaks in operation, close only the burner valve without changing the position of the adjusting screw;

b) in case of any malfunction, immediately close the cylinder valve and release gas from the reducer;

c) stop gas sampling when the pressure drops to residual;

d) close the cylinder valve, screw on the plug and cap and return the empty cylinder to the warehouse.

A frozen valve or gearbox is only warmed up hot water or steam, use of open fire prohibited;

It is forbidden to open the valve suddenly; the gas stream electrifies the neck of the cylinder and the reducer, which can cause them to ignite and explode; immediately close the valve and release the gas from the reducer.

It is not allowed to have more than one propane-butane cylinder at the workplace.

It is prohibited to work with propane-butane in wells, intakes, and trenches.

At least once a quarter, check the safety valve by forced opening (increasing pressure until it operates).

Systematically check gas leaks with soap emulsion.

Cylinders are not allowed for use if:

Gearbox: when the adjusting screw is fully turned out, the gas passes into the working chamber; the thread of the union nut is damaged; one or both pressure gauges are faulty; the pressure in the working chamber increased after the gas supply was stopped; safety valve is faulty.

The pressure gauge is clear.

Valve: there is no fitting plug; presence of traces of oil, grease, dust; the flywheel does not turn; there is a gas leak.

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DECISION of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 09-10-2001 72 ON THE APPROVAL OF INTER-INDUSTRY RULES ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY IN ELECTRIC AND GAS WELDING... Relevant in 2018

2.17. Requirements for storage and operation gas cylinders

2.17.1. Gas cylinders must be stored and used in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels.

2.17.2. When storing cylinders in open areas, canopies protecting them from exposure to precipitation and direct sunlight must be made of non-combustible materials.

2.17.3. Flammable gas cylinders with boots must be stored vertically in special nests, cages and other devices to prevent them from falling.

Cylinders without shoes must be stored horizontally on frames or racks. The height of the stack in this case should not exceed 1.5 m, and the valves should be closed with safety caps and facing one direction.

2.17.4. Empty cylinders should be stored separately from cylinders filled with gas.

2.17.5. Gas cylinders are permitted to be transported, stored, issued and received only by persons who have been trained in their handling and have the appropriate certificate.

2.17.6. When operating, storing and moving oxygen cylinders, measures must be taken to protect the cylinders from contact with materials, workers’ clothing and cleaning materials containing traces of oils.

2.17.7. Gas cylinders must be protected from impacts and direct sunlight. Cylinders must be installed at a distance of at least 1 m from heating appliances.

2.17.8. During breaks in work, at the end work shift The welding equipment must be turned off. The hoses must be disconnected and blowtorches the pressure is completely relieved.

2.17.9. At the end of work, gas cylinders must be placed in a specially designated place for storing cylinders, excluding access by unauthorized persons.

Gas cylinders are steel vessels cylindrical having a semicircular bottom and neck. Liquefied gas is classified as an explosive, so to avoid dangerous situations cylinders are operated in accordance with safety rules. Failure to comply with regulations is fraught not only with huge fines, but also with irreparable consequences.

Gas storage rules

Gas cylinders are often used in the construction and industrial industries. In addition, people install them in country houses to provide yourself with a heating source. According to the current GOST, the operation of one cylinder is permitted for 40 years.

At the enterprise

The operation of liquefied and technical gas on the territory of enterprises has a number of regulated standards. The tank volume can be up to 50 liters or more than 100 liters.

Below are several requirements according to which storage of cylinders is allowed:

  • Gas must be stored either in a warehouse or in a specially designated room. The room must be equipped with ventilation and not have an attic. The walls must be made of non-combustible materials, and the floors are laid at least 0.1 m from the ground level. Window frames repainted white. Storage in the open air is allowed, but under a canopy to protect the cylinder from precipitation and sunlight.
  • Oxygen cylinders, acetylene and liquefied gas stored in different rooms. Placing all types of gases in one space is dangerous.
  • The tanks are installed in a vertical position. To prevent falling, they are fixed with clamps and protected with barrier structures. The distance between cylinders should be 10 cm. Tanks that do not have shoes, on the contrary, are stored horizontally on special racks.
  • Warehouses should be located 100 m from public building. Allowable distance between warehouses is 20 m.
  • Empty containers are stored separately from filled ones.
  • It is prohibited to install cylinders near fire exits, as well as near the main facades of the building.
  • It is not permitted to carry out welding, soldering or other work involving the use of open flame near the warehouse. The distance to the warehouse must be more than 25 m.

If there are heating appliances in the room, then gas containers are placed at a distance of more than 1 m from them. The air temperature in the warehouse should not exceed +35°C. Only persons who have passed the professional education and received permission. It is prohibited for one person to carry out transportation - there must be at least 2 workers.

At the construction site

The construction of buildings involves hot work that requires gas. The principle of storing the substance largely coincides with the safety rules for enterprises. However, to construction industry A few more requirements have been added:

  • If there is no storage space at the construction site, then cylinders are allowed to be stored in open and semi-open places with canopies. The main condition is to avoid direct sunlight and exclude the presence of heating devices nearby.
  • Combustible mixtures can be placed in special cabinets made of fire-resistant materials.
  • During storage and operation, it is necessary to ensure that the containers do not come into contact with materials soaked in fatty and oily substances.
  • To deliver cylinders to the welding and cutting areas, you need to use special stretchers or carts equipped with clamps. When moving, shocks and sudden movements should not be allowed; workers must wear special gloves for this. During transportation, it is necessary to ensure that the cylinders have safety caps.
  • After the end of the work shift and during breaks, welding and soldering equipment must be completely turned off.

Near the location intended for storing gas tanks, it is necessary to install signs with the following inscriptions: “No smoking”, “Explosive”. On empty containers they write in chalk: “Empty.”

At home

Gas cylinders used for domestic purposes are installed either for stoves or for water heaters. Vessels come in large volume (50 l) or small (5.27 l).

  • It is prohibited to install containers in apartment buildings, namely on staircases, balconies, loggias or attics and basements. You should also not bury cylinders in the ground.
  • Installation in country houses is carried out near a blank wall, 5 m from the entrance opening.
  • Containers should only be 85% filled with gas. The fact is that gas has the ability to expand. A full tank becomes dangerous to operate.
  • Cylinders connected to gas stoves are installed in special cabinets. This requirement does not apply to 5 liter tanks. Hose length for connection to gas stove must be at least 2.5 m.
  • The room must have natural ventilation. If a strong smell of gas appears, you must stop using the cylinder. Testing parts and pipes using open flame is prohibited. You need to entrust this work to specialists.
  • Cylinders must be tested for suitability every two years. For added safety, gas detectors should be installed closer to the floor.
  • It is not recommended to connect cylinders with traces of rust or with a faulty valve to the stove. During the connection process, it is worth checking the tightness of the seams. This can be done using a soap solution.

Filling empty cylinders carried out at special gas stations. Propane is most often used for domestic needs. Sometimes technical gas is used to repair water supply networks.

Storage types

There are several types of storage tanks for LNG (liquefied natural gas). They all differ in volume and environmental factors.

Tank structures

LNG storage tanks may have different designs. For example, based on the type of roof they are divided into self-supporting and suspended.

For self-supporting construction internal roof excess gas pressure is absorbed by the internal reservoir. Suspended ones have a hole through which product vapors freely penetrate.

Underground and above ground tanks

Both above-ground and underground tanks are prescribed high level security. However, the former are the most convenient and less flammable. For example, during an earthquake, reservoirs practically do not suffer from destruction. In addition, underground can accommodate hundreds of millions of cubic meters. meters of gas.

Despite the many advantages, above-ground tanks are built more often. The fact is that the costs of underground construction are quite high. If tanks are built on the basis quality materials, and also provide facilities for spill containment, they are absolutely safe for the environment.

Metal cylindrical above ground tanks are a type of isothermal buried tank. It, in turn, has two designs: with a suspended platform and a roof. They do not require embankment, and they are installed not so far from public facilities.

Gas packaging and requirements for it

For packaging liquefied gases, containers made of:

  • copper alloys;
  • carbon steel;
  • glass

To ensure that users understand what kind of gas a particular cylinder is filled with, the containers are painted in different colors.

Each cylinder is provided with a passport containing the following data:

  • number;
  • manufacturer;
  • date of manufacture;
  • volume.

Also, a label indicating the hazard class of the gas is attached to each cylinder.