Sew a tulle curtain like for a balcony. Decorative curtains on the balcony: new design for the new year. Video - Roman blind: a simple method

Sew a tulle curtain like for a balcony.  Decorative curtains on the balcony: new design for the new year.  Video - Roman blind: a simple method
Sew a tulle curtain like for a balcony. Decorative curtains on the balcony: new design for the new year. Video - Roman blind: a simple method

Modern homeowners use a balcony (loggia) as an additional space, often turned into a corner. It undoubtedly requires appropriate decoration and, first of all, curtains on the windows.

Curtains dim bright light sun rays and protect objects on the balcony from burning out, but, most importantly, do not allow penetration to prying eyes into the personal lives of housing residents.

And it is not necessary to purchase ready-made curtains. It’s easy to make curtains for the balcony with your own hands and give the room a unique look. However, first you should determine which curtains are suitable for your balcony (loggia).

What you need to know about balcony curtains

A feature of a balcony (loggia) is its vulnerability to dust and moisture, especially if the homeowners keep open windows for access to fresh air.

To make curtains (blinds) for a balcony room, you need to know which side the windows are facing.

If you face the south and the sun's rays constantly peek into the room, you should prefer thick fabric– she won’t let the light through.

The north and east will require the use of light curtains, including organza and tulle. But in any case, you should abandon multi-layer curtains with lambrequins and ruffles - they instantly turn into dust collectors.

An excellent choice would be ecological fabrics made from bamboo, linen, and reed, which are appropriate in a laconic design.

Roman and roller curtains look great on a small balcony. A spacious, well-lit balcony will be decorated with Japanese curtains and elongated translucent curtains.

You cannot cover balcony windows with dark curtains: this color will “eat up” the space and light in the room. The emphasis should be on light tones - it is “friendly” with any color, creates a cozy microclimate in the room, absorbing excess sun and adding warmth to the balcony, which faces the cool side. It is worth choosing a curtain color that matches the interior.

Fits perfectly into the space horizontal blinds, roller blinds, Roman and Japanese curtains.

Their placement is suitable for balcony windows, since they are mounted directly on the window door. Classic curtains are not always possible to place on a balcony window due to the lack of free space between the top of the window and the ceiling surface.

Do-it-yourself curtains for the balcony - step-by-step instructions will help

Horizontal blinds are a proven method of decorating a balcony, which has long been known and has found its admirers. In addition, minor flaws in them are easily corrected. Their advantages:

  • wear resistance, since the profiles successfully resist temperature fluctuations and oversaturation of air with moisture, and the enamel coating is not subject to abrasion and scratches
  • variety of installation - on the wall, in window opening or on each leaf separately
  • excellent compatibility with tulle and airy curtains;
    the ability of the slats to rotate 360°, which helps regulate lighting


  • not suitable for sliding windows
  • to some extent prevent the doors from opening completely
  • make a ringing noise in drafts
  • The plastic fasteners located at the bottom break

Roman blinds on the balcony look like curtains made from a single piece of fabric. They are gathered into pompous identical folds of 20-30 cm. Such curtains are made in 2 types: with manual adjustment with twine (chain) and with electric control.


  • utilitarianism, manifested in resistance to possible dirt deposits, long service and saving balcony space
  • ease of mounting not only on the window, but also in the alcove
  • harmonious combination with tulle
  • diverse, allowing you to fit into a different style interior, be it country or classic, eclectic or minimalism

No shortcomings were noticed with Roman blinds, however, when choosing, you should prefer lightish shades of the fabric, abandoning the large patterned print on the fabric in the interior small balconies and taking into account the “makeup” of the rooms next door combined with them.

The second name for roller blinds is roller blinds, because when opened, the material is rolled up or covered in a box.

The panels are attached separately to each window door and, if desired, darken, which is something that conventional blinds lack.

Step-by-step instructions for making curtains for a balcony with your own hands will help you complete them without difficulty.

Roller blinds are made from fabric of various colors and textures. Such curtains have different prices and fasteners. The simplest and a budget option- Mini, which looks like a canvas with a fastening roller onto which the curtain is screwed. These curtains are easy to make with your own hands.


  • immunity to dust formation, precipitation and blinding sunlight
  • likelihood of installation on plastic or aluminum profiles window
  • variety of colors of materials
  • ease of use
  • significant cost spread
  • Easy to clean by dry cleaning or using wet wipes


  • reducing the opening angle of window doors
  • Some systems are not intended for sliding sashes

Japanese curtains or Japanese blinds embody Asian asceticism and simplicity. They look like several canvases attached to a special cornice and moving along horizontal guides.

Japanese curtains differ from the usual ones, vertical blinds the fact that their lamellas are stationary and made wider. In addition, the “Japanese” ones are made in strict accordance with the standard, where the length of the cornice does not exceed 6 m, the width of one lamella ranges from 0.2 - 1.5 m, and the number of panels in one line is 3 - 6.


  • have a variety of colors and combinations
  • protect from the penetration of dust and excessive light
  • are practical - a broken fabric panel can be easily replaced with a new one
  • easy to install - the cornice is secured with adhesive tape
  • suitable for various design decorations and are not only placed on the windows - located on doorway act as a partition if the balcony (loggia) is combined with a living space

Flaw Japanese curtains- they are “watchable” only in spacious balcony rooms. On a small loggia, the unusualness and elegance of such curtains is instantly lost.

Master class for those interested

With all the saturation of the modern textile market with various curtains (from rustic roller blinds to luxury blinds), choosing curtains is not so easy.

You don’t want to buy an inexpensive, nondescript option, but you can’t always afford a high-quality, stylish one.

Therefore, many owners of balcony windows strive to sew Roman or roller blinds for a loggia with your own hands.

The result is money saved and a unique curtain obtained.

The simplest roller blind can be made even by a person who is not experienced in the tailoring profession. It is more appropriate to place such curtains on a wall where there is some gap above the edge of the window.

To sew curtains for a balcony by hand, a master class for those interested requires stocking up the right amount meters of fabric (preferably compacted linen), 2 counterweights, links in the form of plastic rings, clasps and ribbons of sufficient width.

The fabric is cut based on the measured length and width of the balcony window. The fabrics in the upper and lower parts are stitched, turning these areas of the curtains into narrow pockets. Under the upper pocket, 2 plastic rings are attached to tapes, after which, after pulling through the counterweights, one of them is mounted on the wall.

2 hooks are fixed on the window frame, placing them on 2 sides of the panel. Pull 2 ​​elongated twines through the hooks, lower them down, pass through the rings and pull 1 twine through the second ring. These twines will serve to lift and twist the curtain into a bundle.

As you can see, it is not difficult to make curtains and decorate balcony windows with unique curtains. This does not require a significant amount of time and money. How to make a Roman blind from scrap materials yourself is shown in the video:

The balcony has long ceased to be a place where garbage and rubbish accumulate. Modern balconies most often built in the form of loggias, which apartment owners most often equip as summer room or a terrace, arrange a study there, a mini Gym or just a place to relax. No matter how the balcony is arranged, and no matter what function it performs, most often there is a need or desire to cover the glazed part with curtains. Tulle is rarely hung on balconies, but light tulle fabrics are sometimes used to sew curtains. Before making curtains for the loggia, you need to decide on their type, material for production and their color scheme.

What types of curtains are used for balconies

The most common types of curtains for balconies are the following three:

  • classic;
  • Roman;
  • roll

The advantages, disadvantages and features of using each type will be described below.


Curtains made in the simplest style are suitable for simple balcony, which is used as a small storage room. This universal look, however, it is too simple for large and spacious loggias, which are almost completely glazed. Sometimes tulle curtains are used for the balcony, which are not weighed down with any additional material.

The huge advantage of this type of curtain is its low cost, ease of sewing and operation. In addition, such tulles can be freely sewn and hung by yourself. However, this type also has a number of disadvantages. As mentioned earlier, this is too simple an option for furnished or decorated balconies; in addition, the materials from which such curtains are made are short-lived and require periodic washing and ironing. This makes it very difficult to care for products of this type.


Roman blinds are most often used for window openings loggias, even if almost the entire height of the balcony is glazed. A significant advantage of this type is that the curtain can be raised and lowered required amount times, and also open partially, which will allow daylight get onto the balcony, but it will protect its contents from the harmful rays of the sun.

There are a lot of color options for Roman blinds, so choosing the right ones won’t be difficult.


Roller blinds - perfect solution for a loggia, however, they have one significant drawback - their high cost. However, it pays off with ease of use, since these curtains are rolled up at the top, which allows you to easily operate them and, as in the case of Roman blinds, cover the glazed part of the balcony completely or partially.

A huge advantage of roller blinds Another advantage is that, due to storage in rolls, they always remain perfectly smooth and there is no need for frequent washing and ironing.

As can be seen from the description below, perfect choice are Roman or roll options. They are not suitable for a balcony - they are too bulky, and since the balcony area is most often minimal, they will take up (albeit a little) the space that can be used usefully.

Sewing classic curtains

Using previously secured ties, the curtain is rolled up. The same mechanism lowers it.

After determining the option of curtains for the balcony, the second important factor in the successful completion of this matter is right choice material. Although buy quality material can be much more complicated (and besides, it often costs several times more than usual), it is the quality of the purchased material that is the key to success. Currently producing special materials, which are reflective, protect from ultraviolet radiation and are equipped with the necessary seals to protect the contents of the balcony from the sun. In addition, when carrying out repairs on the loggia, you need to choose color design curtains according to color scheme premises. Still, for the balcony it is better to choose canvases of pastel colors that do not have bright designs or patterns.

Loggia in modern apartments has enough big sizes, and therefore can be used as a full-fledged recreation room. To give this room a cozy and lived-in feel. appearance you need to use curtains. Curtains also perform the function of adjusting the flow of light onto the balcony. How to choose curtains for a loggia and how to make them yourself - read on.

To decorate windows on a balcony or loggia using curtains you need to have good feeling style. After all, it’s easy to get lost among the variety of types of curtains. To make it easier for you to make your choice, we will describe to you the options that are most suitable for a balcony.

Types of curtains:

  1. Blinds are one of the most current options for decorating a loggia. Such curtains, contrary to popular belief, do not always look formal. They can be made not only of plastic and metal, but also of wood or bamboo. Such designs have the most diverse different design and incredibly easy to care for.
  2. Roller blinds are also suitable for decorating balconies. They can be made from synthetic and natural materials. These curtains look neat and stylish.
  3. Roman blinds are another option short curtains for decoration of loggia windows. With their help you can adjust the intensity of lighting in the room. Using a special mechanism, the curtains rise, folding into an accordion, and fall, straightening the folds.
  4. French and Austrian curtains are laced in such a way that by pulling the laces, you can raise them to the desired level, gathering them into beautiful flounces. Such curtains can be made from light and dense fabrics.
  5. Light tulle or standard organza curtains can also decorate the loggia windows. Another option for decorating a balcony is short cafe curtains.

Curtains on the loggia are hung either on special guides or on cornices. The type of curtains is selected depending on the degree of lighting in the room, the size of the windows and the style of the interior.

A loggia in an apartment usually plays the role of a relaxation room. This purpose presupposes cozy interior and the possibility of shelter from the scorching sun.

Curtains for a loggia are chosen depending on its design, lighting and purpose.

However, it happens that in order to increase the size of the room, a loggia is combined with next room. Such a combined loggia should be designed depending on the design of the space to which it is adjacent.

Tips from designers regarding decorating loggia windows with curtains:

  1. Curtains should not interfere with the free opening and closing of windows on the loggia.
  2. If your loggia is connected to the kitchen, then choose easy-to-clean curtain options. Great option For such rooms there will be blinds.
  3. Curtains that are mounted directly on the doors do not reduce the space of the room. They are also very functional, as they leave easy access to every part of the window.
  4. If you live in a standard building, then most likely the width of your loggia is quite small, so to decorate its windows you should not use too pompous curtains with large ruffles, flounces and lambrequins.
  5. If the balcony or loggia faces north, then the curtains should be warm colors, even better if they are transparent. For rooms facing south, choose thicker curtains in cool shades.
  6. The curtains on the loggia should match the color of the curtains in the room located behind it.

When choosing curtains for a loggia, first of all you need to follow your preferences. However, do not neglect the advice of professional designers.

6 meter curtains for the loggia

In some houses, the length of the loggia can reach 6 meters. Such rooms usually have a lot of windows, so choosing curtains for them is not always convenient.

An excellent option for such rooms would be homemade blinds made from wallpaper. They will fit well into most interiors and will not cost you too much.

Roman and roller blinds are also ideal for large loggias. They can have a wide variety of designs and fit into absolutely any interior style. These curtains are attached directly to the sashes, so you can make full use of every element of the window opening.

You can easily make most of the curtain options suitable for decorating a loggia with your own hands. You can also purchase them in specialized stores.

If you like sheer curtains, then consider short organza or tulle curtains. Such interior elements can be white or have a delicate pastel shade.

In any case, it is desirable that the curtains be divided into separate parts, each of which will hang on its own shutter. Curtains for a loggia should be comfortable and practical.

How to make curtains for a balcony with your own hands

Buying curtains for long loggias can be quite expensive. If you want to transform the interior of your balcony by spending a minimum of money, you can make a curtain yourself.

You can make the most yourself different types curtains These can be regular fabric curtains or comfortable ones paper blinds. The most simple option there will be roller curtains.

How to make roller curtains with your own hands:

  1. Measure the size of the window frame. You need to determine the length and width of the glass for each individual sash. To the resulting size you should add 2 cm on each side.
  2. Choose the right fabric. It is better if it is made of linen or cotton, matching the color with the main shades of the interior.
  3. Cut out two pieces of fabric for each curtain.
  4. Sew the fabrics together on two vertical and one horizontal sides. Insert into horizontal seam wooden plank and sew it there.
  5. Sew along the horizontal sides two ribbons from the front and reverse side. The tapes should run at the same level and have one seam.
  6. Tuck the top edges of the tape into the open part of the bag. Carefully fold it over and sew it together.
  7. Attach the curtain to the window using construction stapler or double-sided tape. The first method is chosen if the frame is wooden, and the second if you have plastic windows.

To raise the curtains you will need to roll the fabric into a roll and secure it at the desired level by tying the ribbons into beautiful bows. IN closed the ends of the curtains should also have ribbon bows, so these curtain elements should be 10 cm longer than the canvas.

Stylish curtains for the loggia (video)

Curtains for the loggia give this room a cozy and finished appearance. Make them yourself and you will get a stylish and beautiful interior without spending a lot of money.

Curtain design for a 6 meter loggia (photo of ideas)

Beautiful curtains on the windows will always transform even the most inconspicuous balcony. These can be elegant curtains or Roman blinds that will add coziness. Curtains or velvet drapes are necessary to protect from bright sunlight; they darken the room, giving pleasant coolness on hot summer days.

To decorate the room to your taste, you can sew your own curtains for the balcony with your own hands, choosing the fabric and design you like. After all, today, fashion allows you to decorate balcony windows in any style and color you like.

Design of curtains for balcony windows

When choosing curtains for balcony windows, do not forget to select fabric that can be easily cleaned from street dust. For a balcony, as a rule, the following types are used:

  • Roman;
  • roll curtains;
  • traditional.

Master class on sewing


They look stylish in the interior of a balcony and are attached directly to the window frame. In this case, the working plane of the window sill remains free. When opened, it gathers upward with beautiful, uniform horizontal folds, and can also be adjusted in length. They look like strips of fabric with a weighting material sewn underneath. Sewn from thin or thick fabric.

Photo of a Roman blind on a balcony

The design of Roman curtains was borrowed from Roman sailors. The way it is sewn is based on the principle of a sail that can be lowered and raised.

In the master class we will tell you how you can sew a Roman blind yourself without much difficulty. Initially, you need to buy a special cornice in the store with lifting mechanism or use improvised materials affordable houses. Sewing includes the following steps:

  • it is necessary to make a pattern according to the size of the balcony window. Next, take the material, fold it in half and make two cuts according to the pattern;
  • fold the patterns facing each other, pin them and stitch the sides and bottom;
  • turn the curtain out through the top edge, as a result we get a kind of bag;
  • then machine stitch along the edges of the front side. The result will be a preliminary version of the curtain, which will need to be processed as a Roman one;
  • Next, you will need to make the bottom pocket of the curtain, into which you will need to place a weight bar. Iron it on the wrong side and stitch;
  • On the wrong side of the Roman blind we mark the lines for the pockets in which the slats will be located. Then we sew a narrow curtain tape along the marked lines;
  • To complete the Roman blind, we begin to design the left edge, which must first be ironed and then combined with the Velcro tape using a machine stitch.

The Roman blind is now completely sewn. All that remains is to insert the slats, the weight bar along with a lifting mechanism of our own making.


They are very practical and at the same time elegant. It's quite easy to do it yourself. They are twisted at the bottom and secured with garter tapes located across the entire width at a short distance from each other. Each curtain is attached to a separate window frame, which is very convenient.

When sewing roller blinds, you can use tulle and other transparent fabric if the windows face north or west. If the windows face south or east, roller blinds are better to sew them from a denser material.

The master class on sewing roller blinds is slightly similar to Roman ones. So, initially we measure the window frame and make a pattern of two pieces required sizes from prepared fabric. Leave a couple of centimeters for extra width and seam allowance. From the wrong side we sew two pieces of fabric together, leaving one end unsewn. Next, turn the curtain right side out and sew it up. Then we make pockets for the slats: we fold the edges of the curtains, stitch and insert the slats.

To roll our curtains, we cut two cords - one of which is three times longer curtains, the second is exactly the same plus another half the length of the curtain. We thread the cords into the curtain rings on the fastening strip.

To hang roller blinds, you first need to screw two hooks into the window frame opposite the top rings on the roller blind. We hang the finished curtain.


To date, presented big choice beautiful cornices that can be used on the balcony, from round ones with strung rings to ordinary tire ones. It is advisable that the cornice be at least 15-20 cm wider than the balcony window. You also need to hang the cornice on the balcony so that it is not touched by opening windows.

If you want to make your balcony curtains light or hang tulle, then instead of a massive cornice, you can stretch a metal string between the brackets.

You need to sew a ribbon to the selected fabric. Loops are pulled out of it into which hooks are inserted for fastening to the cornice.

Sewing traditional cornice curtains with your own hands is not particularly difficult. Simple models It’s absolutely easy to sew if you have the slightest sewing skills and follow the basic rules of the master class.

  • Having decided on the length and width of the curtain, cut off the side edges;
  • bend and stitch the edges;
  • Attach curtain tape to the top edge. When attaching the tape in time, you must ensure that the stitching does not intersect with the tying cord;
  • Finally, tighten the tape to the width of the cornice and insert the hooks.

Many have probably encountered and will remember the delight and admiration when they received or bought an apartment, and it turned out to have a large balcony or loggia. The size and location of the balcony is determined by the series of the house and the layout of the apartment itself. Balconies can be smooth, including rounded ones, in other words with bay windows. In count square meters there are also many types of them. Sometimes, by the way, the first floors are expanded by loggias, completing their construction. But such a procedure is quite complicated and expensive. Therefore, it is better to go out and ennoble what is.

Moreover, having chosen correct interior and accessories, visually the space can be expanded and given a neat look. The same goes for functionality. Let's look at three first simple recommendations How to improve the atmosphere on the balcony.

  1. Throw away unnecessary trash. The times of scarcity are far behind us, but on many balconies you can still find old cornices, ski poles, rusty sleds and much more - things that are no longer useful at all, and you never got around to throwing away. Therefore, cleansing the space is the first path to its functionality.
  2. Insulation. If you want to have cozy balcony, which you can go out to both in summer and winter, admire the beauty of the city landscape or other views; of course, the balcony must be insulated. Moreover, it is advisable to do this both outside and inside. In addition to insulation, you will also need finishing. This is also worth paying attention to; it is advisable that this extension of the room does not fall out of the overall ensemble of the entire interior.
  3. Choose the right curtains. Now let's talk about this in more detail.

Curtains can be found to suit every taste and color; if you wish, you don’t even have to leave the house. Just scroll through a couple of photo catalogs on the Internet, and a bunch of ideas will already appear. However, it is also worth noting here that there are still people who are one hundred percent sure that only old and unnecessary things should be “taken out” to the balcony. This also applies to curtains. Indeed, there is an opinion that it is better to hang old yellowed tulle on the windows, because the window will still open, dust will fly in in the summer, and in winter the fabric will be spoiled by frost, rain, sun and everything else. Such thoughts should be abandoned immediately; a person lives to rejoice, and for this all conditions must be appropriate.

So, let's see what curtains the market in this industry offers us today.


This best option for the balcony. It consists of a canvas that is attached to special strips; a small cord is pulled through them, which regulates the height and amount of light transmitted. You can buy such curtains, or you can make them yourself, but more on that later.

Roller blinds

In other words, roller blinds. This option is for self-made complicated, but for a balcony it’s just as good as the previous one. In this case, a special mechanism is attached to the windows, which allows the canvas to lower and rise semi-automatically. Such devices come with PVC canvas, which makes caring for them much easier.


Well, where would we be without pleating, drapery, tails and lambrequins? Classic curtains for a balcony are acceptable, but only if the balcony is properly designed and the height is correctly selected. Too long ones will simply hide all the zest of this small room. And by the way, oh small room, on tiny balconies they will look ridiculous. The classics are beautiful in photos of large loggias, bay windows, etc. Where all the luxury has a place to unfold without reducing functionality.


Let's try to describe how to make Roman blinds with your own hands.

  1. First, you need to measure the windows, because they will be attached not to the wall, but to the window panel.
  2. The canvas must be purchased with a gap. And to do this, first make a pattern with an allowance for the slats. The top bar should be 5 centimeters wider than the rest.
  3. For example, the height of the window is 1.2 m, 6 slats will be inserted into the canvas, 1 - 8 cm, the rest - 3 cm. That is, the indentation will be 40 cm. You can do less, this is individual. This means that for such curtains the fabric will need a cut of 1.7 m with a margin. The fact is that for each strip, separate pockets will be sewn together, respectively, their sizes are also taken into account.
  4. Once the pattern is ready and all measurements have been made, you can sew the pockets.
  5. You will also need a special riveter and a device to make holes in the strips for the laces.

Of course it's not detailed instructions, but then you can make your own products in Roman blinds, guided by logic.

WITH classic curtains it will be more difficult, because in this case you need cutting and sewing skills.