Planting carrots glued to toilet paper. Planting carrots on toilet paper strips is the best way to avoid thinning. Materials for production

Planting carrots glued to toilet paper.  Planting carrots on toilet paper strips is the best way to avoid thinning.  Materials for production
Planting carrots glued to toilet paper. Planting carrots on toilet paper strips is the best way to avoid thinning. Materials for production

Many people are waiting for spring to open summer season and start planting vegetables. First of all, prepare personal plot, buy seeds, plant seedlings in order to harvest in the fall and enjoy them on long winter evenings.

Experienced gardeners prefer to plant carrots on toilet paper

Before planting the crop in the ground, the grains are germinated. Most often, planting is done using toilet paper, on which you need to stick the seeds. This is a progressive method, proven over the years. The method can be used for all seeds, including especially small ones - carrots. Most summer residents who have at least once tried this remedy, begin to use it constantly. Stores sell carrots on a strip, but they cost several times more than a regular bag of seeds. Therefore, in order to reduce costs, you can prepare such a tape yourself.

Germination of seeds

Despite a large number of In other ways, this method is popular with summer residents. You can sow seedlings for germination in a regular box filled with soil, in a saucer, or in a damp cloth. Planting in the ground does not guarantee crop germination. But in addition, constant control over humidity is necessary.

It is much more convenient to germinate seeds in toilet paper. Let us highlight the main advantages of the method:

  • Space saving. Even if a large number of bags with various seeds are prepared, this does not play any role.
  • Moisture retention. Constant control over it is not required here.
  • Visualization of the method. Everyone will be able to personally verify that the seeds have sprouted and can be further transferred to open ground.

Clearly visible on paper good seeds and those that will not bear fruit

How do seeds germinate?

Germinating carrot seeds on toilet paper is very easy. You can do this yourself with your own hands. What is needed to apply the method:

  • toilet paper (three-layer);
  • sprayer;
  • dense polyethylene;
  • small capacity.

Cut the polyethylene into strips 7-8 cm wide. Make the length as you need. On each strip the variety of vegetable is indicated, which is necessary if carrots were purchased of more than one type. Toilet paper is placed on top of the film. Using a sprayer, thoroughly moisten the paper. For greater effectiveness, special preparations can be diluted in water.

The process is not complicated and very convenient, and does not require special care for the seedlings. You can see if all the carrot seeds have sprouted. If after a certain time no sprouts appear, then this type There is no point in purchasing carrots in the future.

Place the carrot grains on the prepared tape. Leave 1 cm from the top edge. In case of good germination and leaving it in this form for for a long time To prevent the seeds from getting tangled with each other, it is necessary to maintain a distance. After these manipulations, roll the tape. Further everything will happen without your participation. Place the roll in the container so that the bottom edge of the tape is at the bottom. Pour some water, cover with film and send the homemade greenhouse to a warm place. After some time, check the seedlings. If they appear, then transfer the seedlings to open ground; if not, repeat the procedure.

Planting carrot seedlings allows you to get maximum yield

Sowing carrots in the ground

Quite often, carrots are planted directly in open ground. But since the grains are very small, it is difficult to plant them immediately at a certain distance. Therefore, after germination, the plant has to be pruned, and this is fraught negative consequences. After all, during transplantation the crop can be damaged, and it is not known how it will survive the dive, so many people prefer to thin out and throw out excess seedlings.

In addition, it often happens that a lot of time is spent on planting and the seeds are immediately scattered from each other at a decent distance. But suddenly it started raining... What happens to the planting material? It just floats away and then comes out in the most unexpected places in the garden.

To prevent this from happening, initially sow carrot seeds on toilet paper. This will help you keep it in place. And you can forget about picking. It will grow through the paper, take root and stay in place. You can make such ribbons in the winter, and in the summer all that remains is to plant them in the ground.

For sowing, it is better to take high-quality seed material, so that you do not have to wait for seedlings all summer. Materials needed for the process: glue and toilet paper. Make strips of paper 2-3 cm wide. Lubricate it with homemade glue and use tweezers to transfer the seeds, placing them at a certain distance from each other.

If you don’t want to mess around with glue, you can take two-layer paper. When moving the layers apart, you need to carefully place the grains between them.

The paper strip method can also be used for planting in open ground.

Preparing homemade glue

To stick the seeds, you need glue. But PVA will not work here. You need a homemade paste, which is not difficult to prepare. You will need the following ingredients:

To prepare the paste, pour the prepared dry mixture into boiling water. If desired, you can add some mineral fertilizer to the paste. Cool the mixture and get to work. Grease the paper with cooled paste and glue the seeds. You can glue them using tweezers or a damp cotton swab. Before rolling the strip into a roll, wait until it is completely dry so that you don’t have to tear it off later. Place the roll in a bag, labeling the variety of carrot.

You can prepare the paste in a matter of minutes

Preparing the soil for planting

In order for carrot grains to germinate well and smoothly, the soil should be prepared for planting. It is best to dig up the soil in the fall, so it can have a good rest. Two weeks before the start of spring seasonal work Rake over the dug up beds. Remember the time. Sowing carrots must be done a little earlier, since it will not be possible to germinate seeds glued to the tape with paste. Even if the seeds were chosen successfully, you will have to wait about three weeks.

Do not delay sowing, otherwise the autumn root crop will not have enough time to fully ripen.

The soil for carrots should be well loosened


The carrots are ready for planting, the beds are ready too, you can start sowing in open ground. We take a rake and re-harrow the bed prepared for sowing, after which we make furrows and thoroughly soak them warm water. We lay out unfolded strips of tape along the grooves, the seeds should be facing towards the soil.

Another advantage this method. To do this, imagine sowing seeds when there is wind. When planting using this method, neither wind nor rain is a problem.

All you have to do is put the seeds glued with paste on paper and sprinkle them with soil. Now cover the plantings with black polyethylene and leave it like that for about 1.5-2 weeks.

Advantages of the method

  • ribbons are prepared in comfortable conditions;
  • clear distribution of seeds over the entire surface;
  • they are sown at the same depth, which is also important. Thanks to this approach, the seedlings will be friendly;
  • crops are not afraid of any weather conditions;
  • way saves family budget, because everything can be done with your own hands;
  • ease of care in the first weeks: no need to water or weed, even the carrot fly has no opportunity to lay eggs.

Thus, carrot seeds glued to tape using paste are in a good way landings vegetable crop, besides, it is completely safe for humans.

Today, buying seeds already glued to special tapes is not a problem. True, they are a little expensive, but the process of sowing seeds is significantly accelerated. You just need to lay the tapes in the grooves and cover them with soil.

We took a roll of toilet paper, carrot seeds, and Agricola for fertilizer

Your well-being depends on how quickly you sow seeds in the spring. After all, sowing has to be done when the weather is cold or stormy and extra time I don’t want to go to the garden. And tapes will help you speed up this process.

Rolled out the roll on the table

If you don't want to buy, you can make the ribbons yourself. For this you will need seeds, paste and... toilet paper. Just glue the seeds onto toilet paper with paste.

Use a match to measure the distances between drops of paste

Paste recipe
A paste made from flour and starch adheres well to both paper and drying oil with paint, and only moisture quickly destroys it. This is what we need when sowing seeds in the ground.
Properly welded and filtered paste is not inferior in adhesion strength to modern adhesive compositions. You can use any flour to cook it. But coarsely ground wheat or rye is best. To prepare it, it is better to use enamel or stainless steel utensils.

Apply paste to the length of the paper

Flour will be required for approximately 1/3 of the volume, and water for 2/3. First, pour in water and bring to a boil, then add flour evenly, stirring constantly. The solution is brought to the consistency of a very liquid dough. Then remove from the heat and allow to cool to about 30-40 C. After which the paste is filtered through cheesecloth and used for its intended purpose.

One carrot seed was applied to each drop of paste

How to improve paste
To increase the beneficial effect of taking it, add a little ash or nitrophoska to the paste. Only the fertilizers must first be properly crushed. Then dilute it in a paste, stirring until the fertilizers are evenly dissolved. For 1 liter of solution it will take no more than 5 g of nitrophoska or 50 g of ash. You can (like us) add Agricola.

Use a match to drown the seed deeper into the paste

How to store tapes
Ribbons with evenly sown seeds can be prepared in winter and, wound into rolls, left until spring sowing. You can sow seeds either with the grains up or down: the paper will very quickly collapse under the influence of moisture and not a trace will remain of it.

After the paste has dried, roll the paper and put it in a dry place until spring

Almost everyone grows carrots in their garden or vegetable garden, but not all gardeners and gardeners know that it is possible to plant carrots on toilet paper. That is why this article will be of interest to all those who are interested in this method of planting carrot seeds. You will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of this method, get step by step instructions on planting carrots on toilet paper and tape.

This is very new interesting method sowing carrot seeds and it has its undeniable advantages:

  1. Since the seeds for planting are prepared indoors, you can lay out all the necessary things that you will need during work on the table next to you. That is, convenience and comfort are an advantage over carrying out work in field conditions, where it is very difficult to sit comfortably and prepare necessary tools and containers.
  2. On the paper strip, the carrot seeds will be applied evenly, so in the soil their location will be at the same distance from each other.
  3. The result will be clear. You will be convinced of the germination of carrot seeds and only then transfer the seedlings to open ground.
  4. The method is economical in that everything is done manually without extra costs.
  5. It's the same with depth. Paper tape will be evenly placed in the soil along its length, therefore the seeds will lie at the same depth.
  6. Moisture retention. You don't have to constantly monitor humidity.
  7. During normal planting, not all seeds germinate, so seed consumption increases almost 30 times; when planting seedlings on toilet paper, you will save seeds and get good harvest.
  8. Simultaneous germination of planted seeds.
  9. With this planting method, root crops will be protected from carrot flies. This pest feeds on the roots of sprouts and lays eggs in the beds. When using this method, the bed is covered with a covering material, so the root crops are protected and egg laying is impossible.
  10. Not afraid of weather and climatic conditions when sowing.
  11. At this method there is no need to water and weed the seedlings for some time. After the weeds spontaneously burn out from the sprouts, there is no competition between carrots and weeds for some time.

This method has no obvious disadvantages as such, only a huge number of advantages. There are only a couple of small disadvantages: when planting carrot seeds in open ground on toilet paper or tape, you will have to wait a little longer for seedlings, about 2-3 weeks, than if you planted the seeds directly in open ground.

Also, planting seeds on toilet paper or tape will take much more time and effort, because you need to prepare the seedlings in advance for planting than if you planted carrot seedlings directly in open ground.

How to glue carrot seeds onto paper?

Germinating carrot seeds on toilet paper or tape is not very difficult.

For germination you will need:

  • Three-ply toilet paper is best;
  • small capacity;
  • polyethylene must be dense;
  • sprayer;
  • special glue that you can buy or make yourself.

Let's pay attention to the most important point - glue, what it should be.

Starch glue will be mixed from 1 teaspoon of potato starch and a glass of water. The dry mixture must be prepared in advance while the water is boiling, after the water begins to boil, we must tip the dry mixture into it.

You can also improve the prepared paste in some way mineral fertilizer added to the glue composition. After the glue is ready, let it cool. After the glue has cooled it can be used.

Also, a flour paste is prepared, but instead of a teaspoon of potato starch, a teaspoon of flour and, possibly, mineral fertilizers are added to the composition.

Starch paste can be prepared in another way:

  1. Take 400 milliliters of water and bring it to a boil and turn it off.
  2. Then take 100 milliliters of plain water room temperature, not cold, and mix 2 tablespoons of potato starch in it.
  3. Bring 400 milliliters of water to a boil again and slowly begin pouring in the prepared starch solution in a thin stream. As a result, the solution should not turn out thick.

Another way to prepare flour paste is as follows:

  1. Take an enamel pan.
  2. Fill with water and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour flour into the water in a thin stream in small portions (1 tablespoon of flour per 100 milliliters of water).
  4. Stir the mixture regularly.
  5. At the moment when the mixture begins to acquire a consistency similar to batter, the pan with the mixture is removed from the heat.
  6. The solution is left to cool for a while.

To glue the seeds, tweezers can be used, as well as a cotton swab dipped in water in advance. After the glue has cooled, apply it to toilet paper and begin gluing carrot seeds at a distance of 4 to 5 centimeters from each other.

You can first dip a cotton swab into the cooled glue, then take a seed and stick it on toilet paper. Or, first take a drop of glue with a cotton swab, apply it to the paper, then take a seed and place it on top of the glue.

For gluing, you can use one of these methods. Then you should wait until the paste on the toilet paper dries and begin to roll the strips into one roll. Usually, complete drying paste takes a day. If you don't wait for it to dry, the layers of toilet paper will simply stick together. And the last step, the wrapped roll must be placed in a separate bag and labeled with the selected carrot variety.

Don’t forget that not all seeds are suitable for sticking on toilet paper, so you need to calibrate the seeds before planting.

The seeds are calibrated using a saline solution, which is diluted in a glass (salt by eye). Seeds that float are bad and need to be removed.

The seeds that have sunk to the bottom of the glass are good, so they are left for planting and washed in warm water at room temperature before planting.

The last step is drying the seeds. The seeds should be dried so that they can be easily picked up by hand and glued to toilet paper or tape.

Of course, store-bought ready-made tapes have a loose texture, so it is possible to use old newspapers for stickers, but we must not forget that waste newspaper paper contains a lot of printing ink, which is unlikely to be too useful for our future harvest. Thus, it is best to use multiple layers of toilet paper.

Before planting seed, the soil must be prepared. This will help the seeds germinate much faster.

It is best to dig up the ground where you plan to plant carrots in autumn period, a depth of up to 30-40 centimeters is desirable, then in winter the earth can rest.

Before starting seasonal work in spring period, just go over the beds that have been dug with a rake. This must be done a couple of weeks before the start of seasonal work. Suitable for carrots loose soil, in which there are no stones, because if the carrot encounters obstacles while growing, then you will get a crooked, forked harvest.

Don’t be late with sowing; carrots need to be sown several weeks earlier than usual so that they have time to ripen and produce a good harvest by the fall.

The fact is that when planting carrot seeds glued to toilet paper or tape, germination time increases.

Seeds that are planted directly in the ground germinate a couple of weeks earlier than those that are glued.

Under no circumstances should you fertilize the soil where carrot seeds grow with manure. If you previously fertilized any areas with manure, then carrots can be sown there only after two years.

It is necessary to be very careful about the depth of the grooves prepared for planting carrot seeds, because if the depth is too great, the seeds simply will not germinate, and if the seedlings are planted at a shallow depth, then most likely they will be scattered by the wind.

The depth of the grooves should be from 1.5 centimeters to 3 centimeters. The distance from one groove to another should be 20 centimeters.

Master class on planting in the video below.

Planting carrots on tape (step-by-step instructions)

This section of the article will describe planting carrots on tape step by step.

  1. This method is also not at all complicated:
  2. First of all, grooves must be made in the dug beds. Their depth should vary from 2 to 4 centimeters.
  3. Then we lay out the ribbons with seeds along the width of the beds. You can do this alone, but in windy weather it is best to invite someone to help, who will hold ribbons with glued seeds with you.
  4. It is advisable to lay the ribbons so that the carrot seeds remain at the bottom.
  5. Then, the laid out ribbons begin to be watered and sprinkled with earth.
  6. The next step is the next watering; it is necessary for the speedy germination of seeds on the tape.

In order for the seedlings to sprout faster, you can use the following secret: lay a small layer of compost at the bottom of the prepared furrows.

You can plant carrot seeds on tape without gluing, then do the following:

  1. Thin toilet paper is placed on the bottom of the prepared grooves.
  2. Carrot seeds are carefully placed on top of the toilet paper.
  3. Then another layer of thin toilet paper is placed on top.
  4. Sprinkle the planted seeds with soil.
  5. You should carefully moisten the soil and layers of toilet paper.

In dry weather, it is necessary to monitor soil moisture and water more often. Under no circumstances should the soil be allowed to dry out.

For 2 years we plant carrots on ribbons which we prepare ourselves, with your own hands. Grandma thinks that this is convenient: carrots planted on a tape do not need to be thinned - at what distance the seeds are glued, at this distance they will sprout (provided that planting material qualitative). We, like many other gardeners, use regular toilet paper as tape.

How to glue carrot seeds onto paper?

Sticking carrot seeds on toilet paper Just. A couple of evenings of work in front of the TV - and the planting material is ready. It is better to take soft, white paper (it will get wet faster in the soil).

Before gluing, we calibrate the seeds:

Prepare a saline solution in a glass (salt dosage by eye) and drop the seeds into it and stir. Those that surfaced are bad, we merge them. Those that sank to the bottom are good, we leave them and wash them in water at room temperature. Now carrot seeds need to be dried so that they are comfortable to take with your hands and stick to paper.

In the meantime, cut the toilet paper to fit the width of the bed - usually 80 or 90 cm. Then cut it into strips 2-3 cm wide.

To glue carrot seeds onto paper you will need paste. It can be cook from flour (rye, wheat) or potato starch.

Carrot paste: recipe

Starch. We will prepare 500 ml of paste. Place a container with 400 ml of water on the fire and bring to a boil. Turn off the fire. In a separate bowl of 100 ml warm water dissolve 1.5 - 2 tbsp. l. dry starch, stirring well. Then pour this starch solution into boiling water in a thin stream. Stir thoroughly. The paste should not be too thick.

Flour. Fill an enamel pan with water and bring to a boil over heat. Add flour in a thin stream in small portions, stirring regularly. Flour paste is cooked at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 100 ml of water. Once the mixture reaches the consistency of a batter, remove from heat. Let the solution cool and use it as glue for seeds.

So, can be glued:

  1. We lower the match into the cooled paste, touch it to the seed, and glue it onto the paper. The distance between the seeds is 4 cm. Another way: first drop them on paper, and then use a match to transfer the seeds onto these drops of paste. The seeds are taken and glued one at a time.
  2. After gluing the tape, dry it for 24 hours and put it in paper bags until sowing.

How to plant carrots on tape?

Planting carrots on a tape is no more difficult than the usual way:

  1. On the dug up ridge we make grooves 2 cm deep (the recommended depth for planting carrots in the literature is 3-4 cm).

2. If the weather is calm, you can lay out the ribbons on the beds alone. If there is a breeze, it's better to go together. This year we decided to plant carrots along the ridge and prepared long ribbons. Traditionally, the tapes are laid out along the width of the ridge.

3. We lay the ribbons with the seed facing up. Internet sources recommend placing the seed side down. I think there is no significant difference, because the paper will get wet and dissolve in the ground very soon.

4. Sprinkle the ribbons with seeds laid out in the grooves with earth.

5. Then water it generously so that the paper soaks faster and the seeds begin to grow.

That's it, the carrots are planted.