The procedure for repairs in a new building with rough finishing. How to renovate a new building from scratch. What repairs can be done

The procedure for repairs in a new building with rough finishing.  How to renovate a new building from scratch.  What repairs can be done
The procedure for repairs in a new building with rough finishing. How to renovate a new building from scratch. What repairs can be done

By purchasing real estate in a new building, you become not just the owner of a primary, new home, making apartment renovation from scratch in a new building With the company "YASK"-STROY, you will have significant advantages compared to secondary real estate:

  • open plan - on your space you are given the opportunity to make repairs based on your own needs;
  • There is an opportunity to implement the very renovation that you have always wanted and arrange the apartment the way you want!
  • On our company’s website, in the section “ apartment renovation from scratch in a new building photo", You can use the online service and choose a ready-made design for a one-room or two-room apartment;
  • You can choose the interior items you want!
  • Order a project for a small bathroom in a new building with heated floors and much more!

To take advantage of the above benefits, as well as understand exactly how much it costs apartment renovation in a new building, You just need to order a call back on our website and wait for the arrival of the specialist, who will advise you locally and tell you all the steps renovating an apartment in a new building from scratch.

Apartment renovation in new buildings in the Moscow region, cost calculator

Our company conducts turnkey apartment renovation in a new building in such regions and cities of the Moscow region as Korolevo, Balashikha, Khimki, Podolsk, Mytishchi, Vidnoye, Tver, Tyumen etc. In all cities, finishing craftsmen with extensive experience work quickly, efficiently and with a guarantee; they carry out assigned tasks responsibly and treat construction materials with care. The cooperation of the YASK-STROY company with large supermarkets gives us advantages over customers in providing you with large discounts on the purchase of construction materials!

Apartment renovation from scratch in a new building turnkey cost calculator

How to find out the cost of materials for renovating an apartment in a new building

To find out the cost of materials, you can read photos of apartment renovations in new buildings on our website, where, in addition to photographs, the repair time frame, its cost and the materials used are posted. For more accurate information, you need to call a specialist to your home, who will offer you different repair options, from economy to original design, for each he will tell you what materials and what finish will be used. In addition, an accurate estimate for renovating an apartment from scratch in a new building, a design project for an apartment, and a project for electrical, heating and sewerage installations will be drawn up completely free of charge!

It is too early for buyers of apartments in new buildings to relax after receiving the keys, because if the housing was purchased without renovation from the developer, then the new owner gets literally bare walls. The RIA Real Estate website decided to remind new residents about the basic technologies and stages of rough finishing, on the quality of which the quality of the future decor depends.

Technological memo

Currently, there are two main design schemes for apartment buildings. Firstly, these are houses whose frame and external walls are built from reinforced concrete panels. And secondly, these are houses whose frame is made of monolithic reinforced concrete, and the openings are filled, as a rule, with blocks of cellular concrete. There may be other design schemes, but they make up a small percentage of newly built apartment buildings, explains Alexander Bortnikov, head of the training center of Knauf Gips LLC.

“It should be noted that newly constructed buildings using reinforced concrete as the main material are subject to shrinkage. Shrinkage is a feature of all cement-based materials, since cement stone decreases in volume during hardening. Therefore, it is recommended to begin finishing work when all shrinkage phenomena have passed, and this is about a year after construction, or take this phenomenon into account when choosing certain materials and systems for finishing,” the expert recommends.

Thinking through the design

Oddly enough, even before starting the rough work, it is necessary to decide on the interior design, since, based on this, it will depend on where and what communications to lay and what finishing solutions to use. Before proceeding with the rough finishing, if necessary, windows, heating radiators, plumbing communications and electrical wiring are replaced. Replacement of all of the above can be carried out either completely or selectively; it is important that all this work is completed before performing rough finishing, Bortnikov points out.

Leveling the floors

The first step is to level the floor. If your apartment is completely “bare”, then you have a monolithic slab on the floor, which needs to not only be leveled, but also insulated, because it transmits all vibrations and sounds. To do this, it is advisable to first fill in a layer of expanded clay, which has excellent sound and heat insulation properties (layer thickness is approximately 5 cm). Before starting work, you need to make sure that there are no cracks in your concrete floor, otherwise water from the screed may leak down to the neighbors. Typically, holes may remain in the area of ​​risers and ventilation shafts. They need to be sealed with foam or adhesive mixture. Next, we fill in the expanded clay, starting from the place that has the greatest depth. We pour the expanded clay with a solution of liquid concrete, the consistency of which resembles milk. This solution dries in about a day or two. You can also immediately make an expanded clay-cement-sand mixture and lay it on the base.

For bathrooms, it is advisable to make floor waterproofing before laying expanded clay, extending up to 10 cm onto the walls. If it has already been done before handing over the house, then its quality must be checked, since defects often occur.

Next, we begin directly leveling the floor. This can be done using a cement-sand screed or self-leveling floor. The main advantage of cement-sand screed is its price, from 90 rubles (on average 150 rubles) per 40 kilograms, depending on the manufacturer, region and composition. The consumption of the screed depends on the applied layer. However, the screed does not allow you to obtain a perfectly flat and smooth surface, and its drying time is 28 days, which significantly delays the progress of repair work. Self-leveling floors are a more technologically advanced option. Due to its fairly liquid consistency, the mixture spreads over the floor surface and takes on the level of the horizon, that is, it self-levels. The master needs to select the optimal amount of water and slightly help the mixture to spread over the surface. It must be said that before installing a self-leveling floor, the base must be primed. You can prime with a regular or acrylic primer, rollers or brushes. Concrete contact is usually used when the apartment is from an old foundation and the foundation is very poor - there is no point in using it in a new building, especially considering the difference in price (3-4 times more expensive than primer, namely 1500-2000 rubles per 10 liters). Priming should be done either in two layers, or immediately with a generous layer - before applying the second layer of primer, the previous one must dry. Also, the installation of a self-leveling floor should be carried out over a dried primer, but the time gap between priming and the completion of floor laying work should not be large - no more than a day, and preferably an hour or two, in order to avoid dust settling on the surface.

Repairing a “bare” apartment in a new building on your own is akin to a feat. For those who are planning to implement it, the RIA Real Estate portal has prepared an infographic that will help you navigate the prices of basic materials and work.

The only drawback of a self-leveling floor is the price - from 240 rubles per 25 kilograms (on average 400 rubles), so usually self-leveling floors are used when height differences are no more than 4 cm. Also, the self-leveling floor can be laid on a cement-sand screed (after it dry), this will allow you to get a smoother surface at lower cost. You can walk on self-leveling floors after 5 hours, lay linoleum or tiles after two days, and wooden floors after 7 days.

Under some finishing coatings, it is advisable in any case to use a self-leveling floor, for example, under a laminate - it is not attached to the floor, but simply lies on the substrate, which is why it can move and rub against the surface during use. If you just have a sand-cement screed on the floor, dust will form, but self-leveling floors completely eliminate this.

Another way to level the floor and prepare the base for laying the finishing coating is to use dry prefabricated floors, says the Knauf Gips expert. "When using this solution, floor elements or, for example, Knauf-superfloor, are laid either directly on the base, or on an insulating layer (expanded polystyrene or mineral wool boards), or on a layer of dry expanded clay sand backfill. The latter option of a dry prefabricated floor is the most is popular because it allows you to quickly level the floor surface. The use of this method of preparing the base allows you to install the finishing coating a day after it is laid, and at the same time, the issues of reducing the load on the floors are resolved, and the sound insulation of the floor is improved,” says Bortnikov. Gypsum fiber boards (GVL board) can be up to 20 millimeters thick. Their cost ranges from 315 to 566 rubles.

Plastering the walls

As for the walls, indoors you can encounter various surfaces made of reinforced concrete, cellular concrete, very often gas silicate and ceramic bricks, with the help of which internal partitions can be made, notes Bortnikov. It should be noted that currently some manufacturers produce reinforced concrete panels with a high surface quality, which can only be puttied, but in most cases, leveling the walls with plaster is required. "Indoors, it is more advisable to use gypsum-based plasters, with the exception of rooms with high humidity (bathrooms, showers). Before applying plaster, the surface of the walls must be primed. For weakly absorbent surfaces, for example, concrete, a primer like Knauf Betokontakt is used to improve adhesion (adhesion) of plaster to the surface,” explains the expert. For priming highly absorbent surfaces, such as ceramic bricks and aerated concrete, primers are used that reduce the absorbency of the substrate and prevent uneven setting of the plaster mortar.

How to calculate the amount of building materials for repairs?Repair itself is a very expensive undertaking, so you really want the process to leave as little waste and unnecessary materials as possible, because they cost money. The RIA Real Estate website, together with the online repair ordering service and repairman Andrey Simchev, has compiled a guide on how to independently calculate the volume of building materials.

The maximum thickness of the plaster of one layer should not exceed 50 millimeters. The interface between various surfaces, for example, cellular concrete and reinforced concrete, must be reinforced with fiberglass mesh with a mesh size of 3x3 or 5x5 mm. If it is necessary to perform leveling with a thickness of more than 50 millimeters, it is recommended to use cladding on a metal frame covered with plasterboard or gypsum fiber. In rooms with high humidity, you should use cement-based plasters or wall cladding on a metal frame using slabs (aquaplates). The cost range for plaster is from 250 to 550 rubles per 25 kilograms.

We put up barriers

In houses built from monolithic reinforced concrete, apartments are sold with an open plan: that is, there are no interior partitions and the owner creates the interior space at his own discretion. The best option for installing partitions in this case is the use of dry construction systems, that is, structures consisting of a metal frame and sheathed with plasterboard sheets or high-strength sheets. The advantage of this solution is that such structures have less weight compared to other options, allow the creation of curved partition configurations, and have good soundproofing properties. In addition, their installation is completed in a short period of time.

But it is important to remember some features when constructing such structures, Bortnikov emphasizes. “Installation of plasterboard and gypsum fiber partitions should be carried out when all wet processes in the room have been completed, or rather, plastering of existing walls should be completed and the plaster layer should dry,” he says.

To construct the frame, the expert recommends using a profile with a metal thickness of 0.6 millimeters. It is better to use plasterboard 12.5 millimeters thick as cladding for the frame. Its cost ranges on average from 200 rubles per sheet to 360 rubles. When installing sockets on both sides of the partition, they should not be placed opposite each other, as this worsens the soundproofing characteristics of the structure, notes the agency’s interlocutor.

Attention to the ceiling

Another surface in apartments that may also need leveling is the ceiling. It can be plastered (layer no more than 20 millimeters). Before plastering, the ceiling surface must be primed to avoid peeling of the plaster layer.

We dress ceilings: how to successfully choose the ceiling covering for an apartmentInsufficient height or shabby appearance of the ceiling can negate all the positive qualities of the room, so you need to approach its decoration very carefully. Experts told the RIA Real Estate website how to successfully choose a ceiling covering for a typical apartment.

"To level the ceilings, suspended structures can be created on a metal frame and sheathed with gypsum-based sheet materials. Suspended ceilings have two main frame structures: one-level and two-level. If the finishing is carried out in buildings in which shrinkage phenomena have not occurred, it is recommended to make a choice in favor of a two-level ceiling. In this case, the frame is fixed to the ceiling using hangers and is not attached to the walls and, accordingly, is less susceptible to deformation, explains Bortnikov from Knauf Gips.

Finishing rough finish

“We have leveled the walls and ceiling, now we can begin finishing, but depending on what material will be used for this, final puttying of the surface of the plaster or sheets may be required,” says the expert.

“If tiles are glued to the surface or decorative plaster with a fraction of more than 1 millimeter is applied, then there is no need to perform finishing puttying. But when using matte paints and structural plasters with a fraction of less than 1 millimeter as a finishing layer, it is necessary to putty the surface,” instructs He.

In this case, puttying is performed in a thin layer using the “scraping” method. “The method of puttying “to tear off” is that a putty mixture is applied to the surface, then a wide (at least 600 millimeters wide), hard spatula is pressed against the surface at an angle of approximately 70 - 80 o and passed along the surface. With this method the excess putty is “ripped off” from the surface, and small irregularities below the level of the spatula are filled with putty mixture,” Bortnikov explains the intricacies of the technology.

When using, for example, vinyl wallpaper, glaze or medium gloss paint, the putty is applied to the surface in a layer of up to 1 millimeter and smoothed with a thin, elastic spatula (at least 600 mm wide, but it is better to use a wider spatula). Puttying is performed using a bright lamp (spotlight), the light from which is directed at an acute angle onto the surface in order to see irregularities. After the putty has dried, grind it to remove small burrs that remain from the edges of the spatula. If necessary, the puttying operation is repeated, the expert explains.

For finishing puttying of the surface, putties based on gypsum or polymer binder can be used. Polymer putties can be ready for use, that is, just open the container with putty, mix the contents and you can use it.

“Gypsum-based putties require experience and skill, since it is necessary to quickly apply and process the mixture, otherwise it will set. Polymer putties allow you to work more measuredly. In addition, polymer putties prepared from a dry mixture retain their properties and can be used for 72 hours, provided that the container with the product is closed. Ready-made polymer putties retain their properties and can be used for several months, but it is also necessary to hermetically seal the container with the product,” the agency’s interlocutor points out. The cost of putties ranges from 200 to 1.3 thousand rubles per 25 kilogram, depending on the quality and purpose.

On average, materials for rough finishing will cost 6 thousand rubles per square meter.

When choosing an apartment in a new building, preference is most often given to housing without finishing. This is due to the fact that the price of such real estate is much lower than apartments with simple renovations. In addition, this is an excellent opportunity to carry out all repair and finishing work taking into account your own wishes, preferences and financial capabilities. Renovating an apartment in a new building from scratch has many nuances, which are described in detail in this article.

Photos of interesting design solutions. The main rules and effective techniques when decorating the interior design of the kitchen, living room and hallway.

Sequence of renovations in an apartment in a new building

Where to start renovations in a new building? From rough finishing. These are the dirtiest jobs that are performed in all rooms at once. After which all construction waste is removed and the elements of the premises are cleaned of dirt and dust. This stage is also called the pre-finishing of an apartment in a new building. Let’s look at what kind of work this is in more detail:

  • dismantling windows and entrance doors with possible expansion or reduction of openings;
  • installation of a new door and windows;

  • demolition of old and construction of new partitions, according to the project;
  • cutting holes and grooves in walls for laying communications;
  • carrying out electrical wiring according to the plan with the installation of a panel, distribution boxes, socket boxes into which the ends of the cables are inserted;
  • laying low-current wiring (telephony, Internet, TV, security systems);
  • soundproofing of ceilings and walls;
  • laying hot and cold water supply pipelines, connecting to a sewer riser;
  • leveling the ceiling and walls;
  • installation of a suspended ceiling;
  • putty and priming of ceilings and walls;
  • glazing and finishing of a balcony or loggia;
  • floor preparation: insulation, sound insulation and pouring screed with a reinforcing layer;
  • finishing of the bathroom and bathroom.

You can make repairs in a new building yourself, but it is better to entrust it to specialists, or use the services of performing a certain stage. Among the large number of proposals from construction organizations, you can choose the most acceptable option. The price of a rough renovation in a new building with materials starts from 6,000 rubles. per sq. m. and depends on the nature of the work and types of building materials.

After completing the rough work, they begin the final stage of repairs in the new building. It consists of the following list of works:

  • wall cladding with finishing materials;
  • laying flooring;
  • installation of interior doors;
  • securing platbands and baseboards;
  • installation of sockets and switches;
  • connecting household appliances;
  • installation of furniture and decorative elements.

Helpful advice! It is better to complete the final stage of work after several years of operation of the residential building.

Where to start renovations in a new apartment without finishing: dismantling work

Repair from scratch in a new building begins with a complex of dismantling work. Before the start of this stage, a new floor plan has already been prepared, which shows all the necessary enclosing structures. Existing non-load-bearing partitions may be subject to dismantling for the purpose of redevelopment, expansion or reduction of the room area. Usually these are partitions between rooms. They must be installed without harm to the building.

Important! Capital load-bearing walls are not subject to demolition, the functional significance of which is reflected in the technical passport of the room.

If desired, you can dismantle a certain part of the balcony in order to be able to turn it into a loggia with stained glass windows. Often in new buildings apartments, low-quality double-glazed windows are installed, which require mandatory replacement with more expensive and reliable products. This stage also includes the construction or strengthening of doorways. In a new apartment, it may be necessary to dismantle elements of the heating system when there is a need to replace the location of radiators.

All dismantling work can be carried out independently, armed with the necessary tools and personal protective equipment, or you can use the help of specialists, having first studied in detail the question of how much repairs in a new building cost. Today, most construction organizations offer a list of services with their own prices. So, when renovating turnkey apartments in new buildings, the price for dismantling a wall is 300 rubles/m², windows – 500 rubles. per piece, doors - 400 rub. per piece, radiators - 410 rubles. per piece

Installation of partitions

Where do you start renovating a new apartment with an open plan? To form the internal space of the room, interior partitions are installed according to the developed plan. The best option in this case is to use a dry construction system. These are structures that consist of a metal frame sheathed with a thickness of 12.5 mm. Compared to other options, such partitions have a small mass, which does not increase the load on the supporting structure of the building.

Using this material, you can make partitions of any configuration in a short period of time. In addition, the material has good sound insulation properties. The cost of the material is 200-350 rubles. per sheet. The installation price will be 1000 rubles/m².

Helpful advice! M Between the ceiling and the top of the partition, a shrinkage gap of 35-40 mm should be left, which is filled with polyurethane foam.

Another equally popular option is the installation of interior partitions from gas or foam concrete blocks. The material is characterized by a high quality surface that does not require labor-intensive plastering. For rooms with high humidity, it is better to use foam concrete, which is characterized by low hygroscopicity.

To create good sound insulation, products with a thickness of at least 75 mm should be used. In addition, thicker blocks can withstand cantilever loads well without compromising the integrity of the structure. Thanks to the large format of the blocks, the speed of installation work increases. The cost of products averages 800-850 rubles/m², taking into account construction and installation work - 1500 rubles/m².

A less popular option is the construction of partitions from solid building bricks, the grade of which must be at least M100. For the partition to be stable, its thickness must be at least 170 mm, taking into account the plaster layer. Such a partition not only takes up a significant part of the free space, but also creates additional load on the ceiling due to the high density of the products.

This design has high strength and increased moisture resistance. However, the construction process is very labor-intensive, requiring significant consumption of masonry material and plaster mortar, which affects the overall cost of the structure. The price of work including material starts from 1650 rubles/m².

Electric installation work

Where to start renovating a new apartment without electrical wiring? Electrical wiring to the apartment starts from the distribution board, which can be located on the wall or in a niche. When the electrical panel is installed outside the apartment, a cable with copper conductors should be pulled from it to the panel into the apartment. Circuit breakers, a residual current device and terminal blocks are installed inside the switchboard.

In new-building apartments, electrical wiring is laid in a hidden way, that is, the cables are installed under a layer of plaster, in the floor under a screed, above a suspended or suspended ceiling. If the partitions are made of plasterboard, then the wires are laid in.

Before carrying out electrical installation work, you should develop a detailed plan for the electrical supply of the apartment, indicating all connection points. Based on the plan, markings are applied to the walls, along which holes are drilled. The size of the groove depends on the number of electrical cables and wires being laid and their thickness. When the holes are prepared, wires are laid in them and secured with special clips. Then the grooves are covered with alabaster and plastered.

Helpful advice! It is recommended to leave a small supply of wires in all junction boxes for future repair work.

You can do electrical installation work yourself, or use the services of specialists. The cost of electrical installation work when renovating a turnkey apartment in a new building starts from 800 rubles/m². For apartments with an area of ​​40 m², the work will cost 18 thousand rubles, for an area of ​​70 m² - 30 thousand rubles.

Basic rules and necessary materials for electrical installation work

It is important to follow some rules here:

  • At least two branches must enter each room: for lighting and sockets;
  • Wiring is carried out strictly horizontally or vertically without slopes or angles;
  • all connections and branches of wires must be packed in insulating boxes;
  • switches in rooms should be located near the front door at a height of about 1.5 m;
  • sockets are located at a height of 0.5-0.8 m;
  • the number of sockets for a typical apartment with average electricity consumption is 1 pc. by 6 m²;
  • for installation of electrical wiring, stranded copper wires with the appropriate cross-section and double insulation are used;
  • sockets and switches should have brass contacts, and internal parts should be made of ceramic.

To install electrical wiring, you should purchase the following components:

  • three-core cable VVG for sockets with a cross-section of 3x2.5 mm², for the lighting line - 3x1.5 mm²; for connecting powerful electrical appliances – 3x4 mm²,
  • main circuit breaker rated 25-32 A;
  • RCD 50 A;
  • automatic switch rated 10 A for the lighting line, or 16 A for sockets;
  • sockets with a degree of protection of at least 44;
  • backlit switches;
  • distribution boxes and terminals for connecting wires.

Installation of plumbing communications

When wondering where to start renovating an apartment in a new building without communications, you need to understand that the installation of plumbing in the apartment is carried out according to a pre-planned plan, on the basis of which the necessary materials and plumbing fixtures are purchased. The distribution of hot and cold water supply pipes can be carried out hidden in pre-prepared grooves in the walls of the room. If the thickness of the partitions does not allow such installation, then the pipes can be hidden behind plastic or plasterboard boxes, which are lined with the same material as the walls.

Today, polypropylene products are very popular for the installation of plumbing communications. This is a durable, high quality material. Pipelines are installed using solder fittings. This assembly method guarantees a long service life of the product, which can withstand coolant temperatures up to 130 degrees. and pressure up to 12 atm.

When laying pipelines in a niche, the size of the groove should be twice as large as the diameter of the pipes. This is due to the fact that the material of the products is characterized by a high coefficient of thermal expansion, which promotes bending and expansion of the pipeline under the influence of high coolant temperatures. The water supply system can be collector or tee. The first option is considered the most preferable. Here it is possible to install taps to shut off all plumbing fixtures.

Installation of plumbing fixtures is carried out after completion of rough repairs. They are located in specially prepared places, near which there are fittings for connecting devices to communications. The water connection is carried out after installing taps and other shut-off valves on the device.

This type of work can be done with your own hands, or you can invite an experienced specialist. The average cost of renovating an apartment in a new building with materials is 50 thousand rubles.

What is the best ceiling for a new building?

Due to the shrinkage of the house, cracks may appear on the ceilings. Therefore, you should choose the most suitable finishing option that is not afraid of such defects. Where to start from scratch in a new building? The most budget option is to paint or whitewash the ceiling surface. This is a justified method for a perfectly flat surface. In addition, after cracks appear, you can immediately restore the original appearance of the ceiling. However, if the surface has minor irregularities, they will have to be eliminated using plaster, which is a costly, time-consuming, painstaking and dirty process.

A more acceptable option is to install a plasterboard structure of any configuration with a floating frame fastening, so that the integrity of the surface will not be compromised as a result of shrinkage of the building. This solution allows you to obtain free space between the coating and the supporting slab, which can be used for installing lamps or laying communications.

Note! The disadvantage of this option is the high cost of the material. In addition, the construction of a hanging structure will reduce the height of the walls by 10-15 cm.

The most popular option is to install a stretch ceiling using PVC fabric. This work is carried out by a specialized organization in a short time. As a result, you can get a perfectly flat ceiling of any color and texture. The cost of this design is comparable to the previous option, but the process is less labor-intensive, messy and faster. The main disadvantage of such a ceiling is its low strength. Furniture or a sharp object can irreversibly damage the integrity of the surface.

Another suitable option for a new building is finishing the ceiling using PVC or MDF panels. This coating is not afraid of shrinkage of the building. Among the wide range of products, you can choose products with imitation of expensive wood species.

Features of wall preparation

The walls in the room can be made of cellular concrete, reinforced concrete, brick or gas silicate. In some cases, the developer can use reinforced concrete panels with a high-quality surface for the construction of wall structures, which only needs to be puttied. In most cases, walls must be leveled using plaster.

For interior spaces, it is better to use gypsum-based mixtures. For rooms with high humidity, it is advisable to use cement-sand compositions, for which a reinforcing mesh is pre-installed. To level the surface, the walls are plastered along the beacons in several layers. The layer of plaster should not be more than 5 cm. The price of the material is in the range of 250-550 rubles. per bag weighing 25 kg.

Helpful advice! D To eliminate significant surface unevenness, it is advisable and less expensive to use plasterboard boards.

Before applying plaster, the base should be primed. For weakly absorbent surfaces such as concrete, any primer is suitable. For walls made of aerated concrete or ceramic bricks, it is advisable to use special compounds. They help reduce the absorbency of the base and prevent uneven setting of the plaster layer.

After the plaster layer has completely dried, the surface must also be primed twice using an acrylic compound.

Leveling and screeding the floor

Start of renovations in a new building. Where to start installing the floor? The floor in the new apartment is a bare monolithic slab, which must not only be leveled, but also insulated and soundproofed. To do this, you can use expanded clay, which has good heat and sound insulation properties. The minimum layer thickness is 5 cm.

Before carrying out work, all holes in the floor in the area of ​​ventilation shafts and risers should be sealed using polyurethane foam or an adhesive mixture. Next, a layer of expanded clay is poured. You need to start from the place with the greatest depth. This layer is filled with liquid concrete, which has a consistency similar to milk. This base dries in about a day. You can use another option and lay an expanded clay-cement-sand mixture on the base.

Helpful advice! Before laying expanded clay in the bathroom and toilet, you should lay a layer of floor waterproofing extending up to 8-10 cm onto the walls.

High-quality floor preparation is the key to a long service life of the floor covering

Next, you need to directly level the floor. This can be done using a cement-sand screed or self-leveling floor. The first option is more budget-friendly. The cost of a 40 kg bag is only 150 rubles. The consumption of the solution depends on the screed layer. However, this option will not provide a smooth and even base. In addition, the cement-sand mixture dries completely in three to four weeks, which will prolong the progress of repair work.

A more technological option is self-leveling floors. The mixture has a fairly liquid consistency, which allows it to evenly fill the entire space and take the level of the horizon.

Helpful advice! Before pouring the floor, the base should be primed twice with an acrylic primer.

The main disadvantage of self-leveling flooring is its cost. A 25 kg bag will cost about 400 rubles. In this regard, it is more advisable to use self-leveling floors when the height difference is no more than 4 cm. If the difference is more significant, you can make a cement-sand screed, and lay a layer of self-leveling floors on top of it to obtain a more even surface at a lower cost. This option is most preferable when laminate or parquet will be used as the flooring.

Self-leveling floors dry within 5-7 hours. You can lay tiles or linoleum after 2 days, and wooden flooring after 7 days.

There is another modern solution. This is the installation of dry precast floors. The material is represented by gypsum fiber boards up to 20 mm thick, which are laid on a layer of expanded clay or other insulating material. This is a quick way to get a smooth surface suitable for finishing within a day. However, the cost of the material is 310-550 rubles. per piece

Turnkey renovation of a new building with or without materials

When buying a home in a new building, the question immediately arises: where to start renovating an apartment in a new building? This depends on the degree of suitability of the apartment for occupancy. As mentioned above, it can be free-plan, with pre-finishing or final finishing. Depending on this, construction organizations offer to perform one of the types of apartment repairs in a new building, the price of which is determined by the list of works:

  • economy;
  • base;
  • full.

The Economy package includes the following types of work:

  • electrical wiring;
  • installation of partitions;
  • floor screed;
  • leveling and budget finishing of the surface of walls and ceilings;
  • linoleum flooring;
  • installation of skirting boards;
  • door installation;
  • installation of plumbing fixtures on ready-made communications.

The cost of renovating an apartment in a new building will cost an average of 3,000 rubles/m². This price does not include the cost of materials. You can purchase them yourself, or you can also order them from the contractor, who usually offers materials at reasonable prices and of good quality. In this case, the price of turnkey repairs in a new building will include the cost and delivery of materials. It should also be borne in mind that the larger the area in the apartment, the cheaper the cost of repair per square meter will be. Thus, repairs in a new building will cost an average of 155 thousand rubles,

Having decided to do major repairs yourself, you need to take into account the additional costs of purchasing or renting special equipment

The “Basic” package consists of the same list of works, to which is added:

  • installation of communications for plumbing fixtures;
  • installation of a suspended ceiling;
  • tiling the bathroom and toilet;
  • installation of lighting fixtures.

The price of renovating an apartment from scratch in a new building will cost an average of 6,000 rubles/m², excluding the cost of materials. Basic repairs can include replacement of windows and installation of a loggia for an additional fee. Thus, a set of works in a one-room apartment will cost an average of 210 thousand rubles. Renovating a two-room apartment in a new building will cost 300 thousand rubles, a three-room apartment – ​​370 thousand rubles.

A complete renovation involves a set of measures that can transform a bare space into a cozy residential apartment. The following activities are added to the work performed for the basic package:

  • creating a design project for an apartment;
  • finishing the ceiling and walls with high-quality materials;
  • laminate flooring;
  • installation of utilities and plumbing fixtures of any type and complexity.

A major renovation of a new building apartment will cost 8,000-10,000 rubles/m², excluding the cost of materials. If the cost of the work does not include a certain type of installation, it can be arranged additionally for a fee.

The price of repairs in a new building with materials will depend not only on the type, scope of work and area of ​​the room. The cost of specific building materials is also taken into account here. Thus, the price of repairs in a new building with materials from the budget range will average 6,000 rubles/m². Work using more expensive materials will cost about 12,000 rubles/m². The cost of renovating a turnkey luxury apartment in a new building will cost at least 20,000 rubles/m².

Many organizations specialize in the development and implementation of exclusive design using high-quality finishing materials. The price of renovation with materials for an apartment in a new building of this level will cost no less than 30,000 rubles/m².

Carrying out repairs in a new building without finishing requires certain knowledge and skills. The desire to save money can lead to additional costs. To get a good result in a fairly short time, it is better to entrust this matter to professionals and order a turnkey renovation of a new building with materials, the price of which will depend on the personal preferences and financial capabilities of the customer.

Almost always, new housing is purchased by a happy new homeowner from a developer’s company without interior decoration or renovation, but with communications installed in the apartment. Firstly, such housing in a new building will cost less, and secondly, almost always the renovation and furnishing of an apartment by the developer is carried out extremely carelessly, using cheap materials. Thirdly, there is a desire to complete some stages of apartment renovation with your own hands or with the hands of good craftsmen.

Where to start renovating an apartment in a new building

First, you need to make an audit and inspection of the apartment, identify problem areas of the walls, ceilings and floors. Next we proceed in the following order. We determine what needs repair and finishing first. If there is not enough time and money to completely renovate the apartment, you need to put in order first of all:

  • Entrance door and windows, apartment ventilation;
  • Carry out complete and high-quality electrical wiring and distribution of sockets throughout the apartment. This stage must be thought out in as much detail as possible, drawing up a connection diagram and a circuit for laying wires in the walls;
  • Connect the water and assemble the sewer system in the bathroom and toilet, install a toilet, washbasin and shower;
  • If the start of renovation of an apartment in a new building coincides with the heating season, be sure to check the degree of heating of the aluminum registers using a remote thermometer.

Advice! Before starting repairs, a list of claims for defects or defects must be presented to a representative of the selling company. You may be able to receive compensation for repairs in a new building. Do not agree to rework by the company.

In the process of carrying out the above preparatory work, you can calculate the sequence of repairs in a new building.

What influences the sequence of repairs in an apartment in a new building

Much in home renovation in a new building depends on the availability of time and money. Having bought a “bare” apartment and completed the necessary documents for ownership, you automatically begin to pay rent and house fees, for the use of the local area, for the removal of household waste and construction waste. After connecting electricity and water, the new apartment in the new building began to bring you a loss in the form of costs for its maintenance and decoration. The longer it takes to renovate an apartment in a new building, the more it will cost you.

There are two main options for approaching the issue of finishing a new apartment in a new building:

  1. Planned renovation and finishing of the apartment. In this case, the owners draw up a detailed map and schedule for finishing work, in which all the main types of finishing and installation of appliances are prescribed step by step. Such repairs are usually carried out from scratch until completion by one team of craftsmen. The delivery time for the repaired facility may take several weeks or months. The disadvantages of this approach include the ever-increasing price and cost of work, sometimes exceeding the cost estimate by more than twice. As a result, if due to unforeseen circumstances there are not enough funds, repairs may drag on for an indefinite period.
  2. Quick repair from scratch. In this case, all of the above stages of repair in a new building are carried out by hired craftsmen with direct control of the quality of work on your part. The apartment in the new building will be prepared for further finishing of the rooms within a week. In addition to communications, the smallest room of the apartment is finished and furnished with the installation of temporary linoleum and wallpaper. Such a room does not yet have amenities, but it can be used as housing, a temporary shelter and a warehouse for building materials. We carry out all other work as available funds and time become available.

The first option is well suited if the family has small children or elderly people who need to provide certain comfort and convenience. The second option is considered more economical and faster, especially if, after finishing the kitchen, bathroom, toilet and one room, the housing is rented out, with the remaining rooms of the new building being consistently brought to condition.

We carry out apartment renovations with our own hands and head

Among the most popular horror stories for new buildings are stories about the shrinkage of the walls of the house and its foundation. In reality, a similar process for a multi-storey building should be finally completed by the time the building is put into operation. This period averages no more than 18 months. If after 1.5 years, cracks form in the corners, ceilings or at the joints and in the masonry of walls, tiles in the bathroom fall off, and doors are deformed with skewed doors, this means that the new building has certain problems with the stability of the foundation. It is worth waiting for the renovation until the main thing is clarified - what is happening with the new building.

Where to start renovations in a new building

Before starting work, first inspect the lock on the front door. The model and standard equipment of the door may be the subject of a separate agreement. Indicate in the addendum to the contract which model of door and lock needs to be installed. If there is a need to take additional security measures, first of all change the lock installed when the new building was delivered.

At the next stage, it is necessary to resolve the issue of installing an electrical distribution panel and connecting an electric meter. This will give you the opportunity to start using power tools when renovating your apartment. To eliminate the need to use a large number of carriers and extension cords, plan the layout of the electrical wiring in the apartment. The following should be taken into account:

  • For the kitchen and bathroom, the wiring must be laid in sealed hoses and sleeves;
  • Lay a separate wire into the bathroom to connect a boiler or washing machine. The cable cross-section must be designed for a current of at least 25 A;
  • An additional wire must be laid to the installation site of the air conditioner;
  • It is necessary to run a wire into the bathroom, kitchen, and living room, which will be connected and used in the future when organizing additional grounding.

Advice! When laying wiring, use only copper cable without twists or solders.

In addition to electricity, to create more or less normal conditions, it is necessary to connect hot and cold water meters and assemble sewerage in the bathroom and toilet. You need to start work by installing the toilet and washbasin.

Considering that good plumbing is expensive, at first you can install an inexpensive version of the toilet, assemble and connect plastic sewer pipes, a bellows and a washbasin. During the renovation of an apartment, plumbing fixtures can be replaced at any time. Installing expensive plumbing increases the risk of damage during renovation; it must be installed at the final stage of renovation of a new building.

To lay a plastic water supply, using a hammer drill, we will drill channels in the walls of the bathroom, toilet, and kitchen with a depth of 2.5-3 cm. Next, you need to solder the water pipes and connect the leads to the drain tank and washbasin. Lastly, we will install and connect water meters for cold and hot water to the home water supply.

Rough operations

Before starting work, you will need to do a large amount of cleaning up the remaining concrete and mortar. The main part will be spent on rough cleaning of walls, floors, ceilings, gating them, leveling and trimming seams. Such work produces a large amount of dirt and dust, so it will be necessary to organize good ventilation and wet cleaning inside the new building.

A separate item should be the preparation of the floors in each room for final finishing. During the renovation of the apartment, it will be necessary to repair all the cracks, holes in the seams between the slabs, in the floor, and in the interior walls of the new building. The most difficult will be leveling the floor using a cement mortar screed and reinforcing mesh. This procedure will need to be performed upon completion of the preparation of the walls and ceiling for finishing.

We will perform similar work in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet.

Carrying out finishing work

After rough cleaning, it will be necessary to prepare the walls in the kitchen and toilet for laying tiles on the walls and floor. You can lay facing tiles with your own hands, but this is a troublesome task and requires a lot of time. Therefore, it is better to entrust the laying of tiles to craftsmen who specialize in this type of finishing. While the tile laying work is going on, you can do the renovation yourself in one of the rooms of the apartment. The best option would be to lay decorative plaster or liquid wallpaper on the walls. If at the time of the start of repairs in the apartment of a new building, the double-glazed windows in the windows were in satisfactory condition, then you can begin applying plaster to the walls of the room immediately.

Upon completion of laying tiles on the floors and walls in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, you need to lay inexpensive linoleum in the corridor connecting these three rooms and the room in which the renovation was carried out using decorative plaster. This will reduce the amount of dust raised and simplify cleaning in the apartment.

The most critical stages of repairing a new building

Before finishing the walls in the apartment, it is necessary to level them, and if a defect is found, repair the interior doors. If your future plans involve wallpapering, normally closing doors are simply necessary for high-quality wallpapering work. After the finishing of the walls is completed, we proceed to laying linoleum, laminate or carpet on the floor of the apartment. The most practical is considered to be laminate for living rooms; for corridors, an office version of linoleum with increased abrasion resistance. This type of work does not require special qualifications and can be easily done with your own hands during the renovation of a new building apartment.


The final stage of repair is connecting the lamps and installing furniture in the apartment. Approximately 70% of the work involved in renovations in a new building can be easily done with your own hands. And only when performing special types of finishing - laying parquet, installing suspended ceilings, installing double-glazed windows or entrance doors in a new building, will you need the services of specialists.

Who doesn't dream of having their own apartment? Of course, owning your own home offers a whole range of possibilities; in addition, it means freedom and almost the beginning of a new life. However, quite often, in order to start a new life you will have to tidy up the old one a little. Recently, new buildings have become increasingly popular, especially among young families.

A new building is an opportunity to get an apartment relatively inexpensively, however, in order for the apartment to be ready for move-in, you will still have to work hard. Repair is a word that few people want to hear, moreover, it is equated to natural disasters, but few people know that with the right approach, the significance of the shortcomings of repairs can be reduced, and the process of bringing the apartment into marketable condition will be painless.

Renovating apartments in a new building requires a slightly different approach compared to a similar one in an older building. However, if you approach the issue with all seriousness, then the renovation will not become an obstacle to the owners’ path to what they want, in this case, moving to a new apartment.

Renovating a new building: where to start?

When taking an integrated approach to renovating an apartment in a new building, you should first analyze the type of building in which the apartment was purchased. Basically, most new buildings are built as monolithic or panel structures. The difference between these two buildings can most often be reduced to the shrinkage of the house and the layout of the premises.

First of all, monolithic buildings are considered more reliable and stable; their shrinkage occurs quite quickly, which will not interfere with repairs. However, the layout of the premises in monolithic houses is presented due to the empty space limited by several partitions, which means that the repair will require the involvement of a team of professionals.

In addition, work on site will require significantly more time. On the other hand, in panel houses it is not recommended to carry out repairs until the structure has completely settled, which can happen in six months or a year. But, on the other hand, the layout of the premises in the panel house has already been done, and even a beginner can handle the renovation.

New building and renovation: where to start renovating an apartment without finishing?

Before the renovation of an apartment in a new building begins, a detailed design plan for the future apartment should be developed. It is necessary to consult with a designer or specialist regarding finishing work, color design, floor covering, ceiling type, lighting and other things. With such a plan, the work will proceed in an orderly and harmonious manner.

It is recommended to start the repair itself first with labor-intensive and dirty work. You should not lay tiles or tiles before pipes, plumbing, etc. have been installed. In other rooms, it is recommended to work on the floor last, when work on the walls and ceiling is completed. Naturally, work such as sewerage or electrical installations should be carried out first, this is done so that after finishing work you do not have to redo everything again.

When the main work is completed, you should begin more detailed interior design, including painting. You should pay special attention to the choice of color for painting walls, the same can be said about wallpaper. It is much better to sacrifice a few days dedicated to choosing a design than to repaint everything or re-wallpaper it afterwards. It is also worth thinking in advance about the zoning of premises, and when making changes to the decor, take them into account.

Stages of apartment renovation in a new building

The first stage of renovating an apartment in a new building is working with communications, which includes electrical wiring and plumbing pipes for hot and cold water supply, as well as sewerage. At the same time, it is best to remove the plumbing pipes inside the walls, which makes the work more difficult since the walls are usually concrete, but aesthetically and in terms of convenience it will be better.

As for the electrical installation, it is necessary to create a new electrical panel and remove it deep into the wall - stretch the wires in a protective corrugation along the floor, then pour a cement screed on top.

The second stage of apartment renovation in a new building is leveling the floors. There are many ways to level the floor in a new building. We will highlight the best one - a cement-sand screed with an expanded clay cushion. The expanded clay cushion serves as additional sound insulation and thermal insulation for the floor.

The next stage is the alignment of walls, ceilings and the construction of additional partitions. You can level the walls in new buildings in different ways, either with a gypsum mixture or with sheets of plasterboard.

The final stage of finishing a new building is painting the walls and ceilings.

If you have ordered an apartment renovation in a new building from our company, you can be sure that we will do the renovation efficiently and inexpensively. In Moscow, prices for renovation of new buildings vary significantly; approximately, they start from 5,000 rubles per 1 m2.

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