Popular insulation based on glass wool. Glass wool. Main types and characteristics of glass wool. What buyers say - reviews

Popular insulation based on glass wool.  Glass wool.  Main types and characteristics of glass wool.  What buyers say - reviews
Popular insulation based on glass wool. Glass wool. Main types and characteristics of glass wool. What buyers say - reviews

Thermal insulation materials are used very often in construction. Each of them has individual specifications, among which not the least is the size of these products. It is known that only 5 cm of insulation can successfully replace 20 cm concrete base. Having studied the insulation, the dimensions of which correspond to design features buildings, you can build warm and comfortable housing, erect a roof, foundation and walls.

There is enough a large number of thermal insulation samples. The most popular basalt insulation, the size of its slabs corresponds to standard standards, and during installation it practically does not deform. Extruded polystyrene foam is an incredibly shrink-resistant raw material that can withstand high pressure, does not absorb dust and moisture. Having a thickness of 2-3 mm, it surpasses other samples in terms of quality. Insulation with mineral wool is achieved due to air pores located in the space between the fibers.

Solid base insulation most often has a slab configuration. Their thickness may vary: the minimum value is 20 mm. Standard sizes slabs are equal to 1250x600. Some models have some differences in dimensions: 1000x600x50, 1000x500x30. Flexible versions of such sources are produced in rolls of different lengths; accordingly, the small height of the product indicates its larger volume in such a roll. Therefore, the dimensions can have the following coefficients: 9000x1220x50, 3900x1200x150.

Types of mineral insulation

  1. Fiberglass.

Such an insulator has a small mass, has soft covering and is absolutely safe for humans. It is made by melting glass and has elongated, massive fibers. This insulation is produced in the form of rolls and slabs. Even under the influence of unfavorable external factors glass fibers do not change their properties, sizes and configurations.

Plates from this raw material are produced by gluing with synthetic resins. Rigid and semi-rigid bases differ in the following dimensions: 1000X1500X50-70 mm. Fiberglass strips and mats have the form of bags, treated on both sides with glass wool and stitched with cotton threads. Such bases are most often used for pipeline insulation. The dimensions of the mats correspond to the following parameters: length – 1400, width – 500; 900; 1000 and 1500, thickness – 30; 40; 50; 60; 70 and 80 mm.

  1. Basalt insulation.

Such insulators are produced by melting basalt and minerals of similar composition. Their external signs similar to fiberglass raw materials. The structure of basalt threads makes it possible to reduce mechanical loads. The use of such samples in practice contributes to high-quality insulation of facades, walls, ceilings, pitched roofs. Basalt insulator prevents moisture from penetrating into the room and does not allow extraneous sounds. Therefore, there is no dampness or mold in the premises.

Taking into account the average performance of thermal insulation material, their dimensions correspond to: 1200x600x100; 1000x600x100; 1200x600x50; 1000x600x50 mm. The difference in such indicators is determined by the differences in the requirements of each manufacturer, whose standards may differ slightly.

  1. Mineral wool.

Mineral wool insulators are produced in the following versions: some are in the form of slabs, others are produced in the form of rolls.

Both tiles perform the same function, determined by the conditions installation work. Insulation in the form of rolls is convenient for rooms with large areas.

To ensure convenience during the installation of thermal insulators, dimensions are established for each brand of product. The dimensions of mineral wool slabs are 1000-1200 mm in length and 500-600 mm in width.

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Polymer-based materials

Heat insulators of this type are actively used in damp rooms. The disadvantage of insulation from the polymer category is the low degree of fire resistance.

  1. Foamed polystyrene foam.

Such insulators contain granules, the size of which corresponds to 2-8 mm, and a flame retardant foaming agent. Insulation boards of this type have virtually no weight: lightweight blocks can be easily cut to the required sizes. During the heating process, the granules increase in volume. A layer of this material 5 cm high laid on the surface will provide high-quality insulation of the room, hydro- and sound insulation. Ready blocks made of expanded polystyrene have a length from 800 cm to 6000 cm. The average width is 1200 mm.

  1. Extruded polystyrene foam.

This material is produced in the form of slabs, their traditional sizes are: 1250x600. They are very easy to cut and easy to install. Another name for this insulator is penoplex. If you want to achieve high thermal insulation coefficients and absorption of extraneous noise in your home, it is recommended to use thicker material. You can find out these values ​​from the markings presented on each of the packages: 15, 25 and 100.

A remarkable advantage of such plates is self installation these samples. For indoor installation, sheets with a thickness of 15 mm are often used. A higher insulator helps reduce the area of ​​the room. For this reason, its values ​​are determined by the dimensions of the insulated object.

The length and width indicators for such slabs are standard: 60 cm and a length of 120-240 cm.

  1. Foamed polyethylene foam.

This thermal insulation material from the category of polymers, produced by foaming with chemical and physical blowing agents. When installing it, there is no need to use a vapor barrier layer. It is produced in the form of rolls, the width of which is 0.5-1.5 meters, thickness - from 2 to 15 mm.

  1. Polyurethane foam.

It looks like infusible plastic with a mesh base. Used as insulation for windows, doors, roofs and external walls.

Glass wool insulation is a thermal insulation mineral wool material, consisting of glass wool fibers. For its production it is used quartz sand, broken glass, dolomites and much more. The quality and safety of the insulation, as well as its manufacturing technology, directly depend on the type of raw material. The most famous brands for the production of glass wool are Knauf, Isover and Ursa.

Overview of properties and description of characteristics

Unlike mineral wool made from basalt ore, the fibers of glass wool thermal insulation are 2 or even 4 times longer, so it is more durable and elastic. Even at the lowest density, insulation in rolls, after pressing, restores its original shape. The minimum temperature for using fiberglass thermal insulation is -60°C, and the maximum is +450°C. When a flame hits it, glass wool decreases in size, but does not support the further spread of fire. In terms of thermal conductivity characteristics, insulation made from fiberglass and basalt are the same. Cotton wool is produced with a density from 11 to 130 kg/m3.

Positive qualities of fiberglass insulation:

  • long service life;
  • wide range of shapes, sizes and thicknesses;
  • non-flammable;
  • not interesting to insects, rats or mice as a source of food;
  • vapor permeable;
  • resistant to acids, alkalis and other chemicals;
  • is not a habitat for colonies of mold or other fungi;
  • suppresses airborne noise well;
  • has a low thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • does not shrink throughout the entire service life;
  • simple and convenient installation both insulation in rolls and slabs.

Due to its property of allowing moisture to pass through, glass wool can be used to insulate buildings built from wooden building materials. Since it will not interfere with the ventilation of the walls and the removal of excess moisture from them, as a result, the likelihood of condensation is eliminated. Also, metal structures will not be subject to corrosion. Fiberglass wool is lightweight, and as a result, it does not create significant loads on the insulated base.

The disadvantages include mandatory installation steam and windproof membranes. If fiberglass wadding is placed outside, for example on walls, and is not covered with windproof film, the insulation fibers will gradually blow out. As a result, the thermal conductivity characteristics will begin to deteriorate. Like any other mineral wool, glass wool retains heat well in a building due to the presence of air voids between its glass fibers. Therefore, when installing rolls and slabs, they should not be pressed down or pressed. The cotton wool should be in a free position so that it can expand as much as possible, but at the same time sit well and tightly in the frame, without gaps.

If you do not work properly with fiberglass insulation, the dust released from it can be harmful to human or animal health. Dust is small debris of cotton fibers that is created when rolls and slabs are transported, unpacked and installed. When working with it, be sure to use personal protective equipment such as a respirator, goggles and protective clothing. All areas of exposed skin should be covered. In case of contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes, skin or Airways, prickly dust causes irritation.

Glass wool produced using the simplest technology from low-quality raw materials is more harmful. Distinguish it from quality material possible at a price - the cheaper, the worse the thermal insulation. You can view reviews professional builders who already know from experience which insulation is best worth buying and which one really won’t cause harm.

Scope and installation rules

Fiberglass thermal insulation is used to insulate the following places:

  • walls, ceilings, floors;
  • balconies, attics, attics, roofs;
  • under siding;
  • facades;
  • partitions, ceilings and so on.

This insulation can be used to decorate rooms both inside and outside. Rolled thermal insulation It is better to use fiberglass for insulation in a horizontal position. If you insulate the walls with it, then over time the material will begin to sag, eventually creating air-ventilated cracks.

For vertical structures It is recommended to use slabs. To install them, you will need to install a frame. If the insulation is placed from the inside, then it must be covered with a vapor barrier film on the side of the room. Outside the house the thermal insulation closes windproof membrane. There is no need to secure the slabs to the wall with anything additional, since they are placed in a spacer and covered with film. In the kit, all this provides reliable fixation of the insulation in the frame. It is better not to use glass wool insulation in places subject to heating up to high temperatures– more than +450°C, regardless of its thickness and size. Since then the binding component of the wool begins to evaporate, as a result its technical characteristics deteriorate.

Manufacturers and cost

1. The URSA company produces building materials for “green construction”. For glass wool, only high-quality and natural raw materials are used, not broken glass. URSA thermal insulation has a low thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.034-0.046 W/m·K. Available in thicknesses from 5 to 20 cm. One of the best insulation materials this company is the Pureone series. URSA Pureone thermal insulation is a unique fiberglass insulation that does not cause any harm to human health. She was one of the first to receive a safety and environmentally friendly certificate. Thanks to production using a special technology, URSA Pureone thermal insulation practically does not emit dust. Therefore, it is better suited for insulation than other similar insulation materials. medical institutions, schools and kindergartens.

2. Knauf mineral wool has increased elasticity, thanks to which it fits perfectly to any structure, and does not delaminate or shrink during its entire service life. Knauf fiberglass insulation is recommended for use in areas with high humidity, as it is protected from moisture. This thermal insulation does not retain moisture, but lets it pass further. Knauf insulation meets all fire safety standards and does not support the spread of fire. It is also odorless and does not rot. For the production of Knauf glass wool, phenol-formaldehyde components are not used, due to which this thermal insulation is considered environmentally friendly and safe. Available in thicknesses from 5 to 15 cm.

3. Isover insulation has high strength characteristics. The products of this company are marked with the EcoMaterialAbsolute certificate - this marking confirms that natural raw materials are used for production, without hazardous compounds. Belongs to the group of safe materials.

The price for 1 m2 of glass wool depends on its density, size and purpose. Table with prices at which you can buy fiberglass thermal insulation in the form of rolls or slabs of different sizes:

NameDimensions, mm (length/width/thickness)Quantity per package, pcs.Price, rubles
KnaufCottage5500x1220x1501 1 200
Cottage plus1230x610x1008 700
Thermo Roll10000x1200x502 1 500
Pitched roof9000x1200x502 1 500
IsoverProfi-1005000x1220x1001 670
Classic stove1170x610x5014 520
Sauna-5012500x1200x501 1 930
URSAGeo M-1110000x1200x502 1 160
Terra 34 PN1000x600x5010 380
Pureone6250x1200x502 1 220

The good property of glass wool to restore its structure allows it to be reduced in size by 6 times. As a result, it is more convenient to fold and transport. It is necessary to store glass wool in non-airtight packaging under a canopy so that it is not exposed to precipitation. If it is packaged in a special multipack, then outdoor storage is allowed.

The most popular brand under which glass wool insulation is produced is . This material is in demand due to its low price, but there are some types of work for which it is not recommended to be used. For example, for insulating concrete floors under a heavy layer of screed or for insulating walls from the outside according to the method wet facade.

Characteristics and scope of application of glass wool insulation

Glass wool fibers are soft and long.

Glass wool insulation is environmentally friendly pure material, it is made from glass production residues. As you know, glass is made from sand, which is absolutely chemically inert, so thermal insulation does not affect any chemical reactions. Its density is quite low, and accordingly the weight of one cubic meter is also small.

Main characteristics of glass wool insulation:

  • thermal conductivity – 0.032 -0.044 W/m*C;
  • hygroscopicity – very high;
  • degree of flammability - NG;
  • Available with or without foil.

High hygroscopicity, in other words, the ability to absorb moisture, is the scourge of glass wool, which must be combated by all available means.

Therefore, the material must be protected with vapor barrier and waterproofing, the installation method of which we will talk about a little later. The range of application of this material is quite wide. Glass wool is used to insulate roofs, walls and horizontal ceilings. There are even varieties that can be applied to thin layer plaster. At the same time, due to its low density, instead of glass wool, it is better to use basalt wool to insulate external walls using the wet facade method.

But this is not the entire list of works for which glass wool insulation is used. Technical characteristics allow it to be used for chimney insulation to minimize the formation of condensation in them. This procedure must be carried out on sections of the pipe that pass through unheated room and on the street.

Glass wool installation methods

Glass wool is placed between the guides.

Glass wool insulation is possible both indoors and outdoors. External work includes thermal insulation of the ventilated facade and insulation of the chimney. The most important thing when arranging a ventilation façade:

  • the wall is leveled;
  • the sheathing is stuffed;
  • glass wool is laid - depending on the type, the material is glued or placed apart between the bars;
  • Films and membranes are not needed between the glass wool and the wall;
  • a wind barrier is laid on top of the insulation; it can be replaced with a diffusion membrane;
  • the second level of sheathing is filled in and the exterior trim is attached.

There is no special technology for insulating a glass wool chimney. You just need to wrap the thermal insulation around the pipe and cover it with foil, which will serve as waterproofing and protection from IR rays. The foil should be wound with a good overlap and start from the bottom.

When it rains, all the moisture will go down and will not get into the insulation layer; if you start wrapping the pipe with foil from above, all the water will seep inside. The foil is fixed with aluminum wire, which is soft enough and does not rust.

Inside, glass wool is used to insulate floors, walls and floors if the attic is not heated. There are some differences in installation, which lie in the selection of the desired film and its installation. To insulate wooden house You must first lay down a diffusion membrane and then put insulation on it. You can also cover the glass wool with a vapor barrier on top, but this condition is not necessary, since warm air, saturated with steam, rises upward.

Therefore, if insulation is planned attic floor, then on the side of the room you need to lay a vapor barrier that protects the insulation from moisture getting into it. It is possible to leave the glass wool open on top; if you want to further protect it from liquid ingress, then use diffusion membranes.

Glass wool strongly absorbs moisture, so it must be covered with a vapor barrier.

  • the sheathing is being erected;
  • thermal insulation is installed;
  • creep vapor barrier;
  • the structure is sewn up with finishing.

Two options are allowed - with and without a gap between the film and the finish. Both are correct, but having a gap is preferable. The gap is of particular importance when insulating the roof. Correct technique the following (layers from the inside):

  • vapor barrier;
  • glass wool;
  • waterproofing;
  • gap;
  • roof finishing.

If the technology is not followed, problems may arise during operation. Although the cause of troubles can sometimes be factors that are beyond your control.

Possible problems with glass wool and their solutions

Let's consider what problems may arise: their causes and solutions. Problem #1 – glass wool is wet. The reason for this may be the erroneous conclusion of thermal insulation between two vapor barrier films. This can also be caused by styling diffusion membrane the wrong side. In addition, moisture can get into the insulation due to a leak in one of the film layers. The solution to the problem is to disassemble insulation cake, give the glass wool time to dry and do everything again, following the technology.

Problem No. 2 – the glass wool has shrunk. This happens when walls are insulated with a material with a very low density without the use of dowels with a wide cap. The solution is to add insulation to the voids.

Problem No. 3 – there are mice in the glass wool. In fact, the situation is very common and despite all attempts to remove rodents the best option All that remains is to get a cat. It is not recommended to poison mice, as they usually die in their burrow. This ensures a stench throughout the entire house.

Mineral wool or glass wool - which is better to use as insulation for your home? The choice of material will depend on the intended purpose - to insulate the room or, for example, to provide sound insulation; Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages.

To correctly determine what would be better suited to insulate a living space - glass wool or mineral wool, you must first become familiar with the properties of these materials.

Mineral wool is common name for the group of all inorganic insulation materials having a fibrous structure, which are made from rocks, slag and glass. The insulation “fixes” the air layer, using it to effectively insulate the room from the cold. Mineral insulation consists of millions of fibers that are intertwined in the right order.

Based on the composition of the fibers, mineral insulation is divided into groups: glass wool, slag wool and stone. Stone wool is often abbreviated as “mineral wool”.

Phenolic or urea compounds are used as a binding component for insulation. Phenolic components give the material water-repellent properties, but they are also toxic. This mineral insulation can be used exclusively for outdoor work.

Mineral insulation is a specific material. Only with professional installation using blow-moulding machines can you achieve cost-effective insulation without wasting material. Equipment for installing mineral wool is located at some distance from the site. Two people can completely insulate a new-building cottage in 2 days.

Stone mineral wool has another positive difference from other insulation materials; it does not shrink the material throughout its entire service life. Due to the fact that its installation is carried out with the required density, it is in building structures in a compressed state and, accordingly, has good contact with walls.

Stone wool does not support combustion. It fades out immediately after the source of open fire ceases to influence it. This happens thanks to salts boric acid. Under the influence of high temperature, water is released from them, which prevents the combustion process of mineral wool. When burning, it produces virtually no smoke.

Mineral wool based insulation is good when it comes to thermal insulation. But they easily let water vapor through. In addition, they easily absorb moisture from environment(for this reason they are not used for insulation structural elements, located in the ground). Therefore, a layer of vapor barrier is placed under the layer of wool, which will stop the steam seeping through the ceiling.

Vapor barrier materials can reduce the amount of moisture seeping in thousands of times. If steam does pass through it, it will settle on outer surface layer. There the condensation freezes, forming ice. The additional insulation causes the wool layer to quickly fill with ice. It will begin to melt in the spring, raising suspicions of a leak.

A type of mineral wool is glass wool. The main difference between glass wool and mineral wool stone wool- in the thickness of the fibers. The thickness of the fibers of mineral stone wool is 2-10 microns, and that of glass wool is 3-15 microns. Due to this, glass wool products are more durable and resilient. Glass wool provides better sound insulation. This occurs due to attenuation sound waves in fibers.

Other differences between glass wool and mineral wool have several disadvantages. Glass wool is highly susceptible to shrinkage. Glass wool has the ability to absorb moisture, which leads to the fragility of its fibers and the transition of their structure to crystalline. Because of this glass wool May be subject to severe shrinkage over long periods of use. Other mineral insulation Due to the elasticity of the fibers, they practically do not decrease in volume over a long service life.

The thermal conductivity indicators of both materials are almost the same, since they have a similar thermal conductivity coefficient. Mineral wool has a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.030-0.052 W/m K, and glass wool - 0.041-0.043 W/m K.

Works with glass wool less safe and require special precautions. Glass is used to produce glass wool, so the fibers are sharp. During operation, they can crack and form tiny particles of glass. The crushed fibers that are released into the air enter the lungs when you breathe. Therefore, when working with glass wool, you must use a respirator.

Cost difference

Both insulation materials are inexpensive. Average cost of mineral wool various manufacturers ranges from 860 to 2500 rubles. per roll. Glass wool is available in the product lines of many home insulation manufacturers. The most popular brands are:

  • Isover - average price is 700-1800 rubles;
  • URSA - average price ranges from 800 to 2600 rubles;
  • Knauf - average price of material - 1100-2100 rubles.

Miscellaneous production

Mineral wool or glass wool are materials of mineral origin identical in structure and characteristics.

Broken glass and naturally occurring quartz are the main components of glass wool. Fiberglass is formed by melting both components in furnaces.

Stone wool or mineral wool is made from various rocks, but the highest quality material is considered to be one based on basalt fibers. After heat treatment they obtain cotton wool with a specific structure that can withstand high temperatures well.

To insulate a house, special thermal insulation materials in the form of cotton wool are often used (an example of this). Cotton wool for insulation is a soft and easy-to-process material that is easy to install and performs its functions perfectly.

The most popular insulation materials Mineral wool and glass wool have a similar structure. However, although they have a similar design, as well as scope of application, the qualities of insulation of this type themselves are slightly different from each other.

It is precisely the consideration of the characteristics of mineral wool and glass wool that we will now deal with.

1 General information

Cotton insulation is extremely useful and convenient in quality building materials. With their help, you can insulate structures of any type. This especially applies to load-bearing structures small buildings. Here, such materials are the best solution.

However, do not be misled by comparing ordinary household wool and wool insulation.

They are called that only because of their similar consistency to ordinary cotton wool, but in fact, such insulation materials have extremely high reliability indicators. They are durable and almost impossible to tear or damage. Such materials also cannot burn. This is due to their chemical formula.

If mineral wool is considered, then it comes in two main types:

  • Stone;
  • Slag.

Stone wool is made from rocks. Basalt is most often used. This stone is crushed, melted, and then saturated with special additives.

The result is a material that is quite interesting in its properties. Being quite light and airy, stone wool nevertheless perfectly resists stress, practically does not burn in fire and has extremely high durability.

Slag wool is in many ways similar to the previous variety. But if stone wool is created from basalt rocks, then slag wool is made from industrial slag. Therefore, it is slightly different from standard stone.

If we compare these two mineral wool samples, then the first option will be the undisputed leader. Stone wool is better in all its characteristics, but also costs more. By the way, it is practically not harmful.

However, the popularity of stone wool is difficult to overestimate, because it is from it that household insulation materials are most often made.

Glass wool is a material of a slightly different order. It uses fiberglass, which stands out from broken glass. It is ground, then melted and combined with special chemical materials and fillers, turns into a pretty good building material.

However, glass wool has its own characteristics, which we will consider below. Only after they have been fully assessed can you decide which material is best for you.

1.1 Properties of glass wool

So, let's turn to the specific properties of glass wool. As we have already said, it is made from broken glass and small crystalline materials, which can no longer be used anywhere else.

Due to quite a long production process As a result, manufacturers are able to produce fiberglass, which forms the basis of fiberglass insulation.

Fiberglass has a fairly strong structure and it is usually 2-3 times longer than basalt wool fiber. This affects the strength of the roll or board, because the longer the fibers, the more closely they are intertwined.

Glass wool has excellent thermal conductivity, in this regard it is even ahead of many other, simpler insulation materials.

At the same time, wool is relatively easy to install, it can be cut as desired, and used for insulation of both civil and industrial buildings.

1.2 Disadvantages and features of working with glass wool

As for the shortcomings, here first of all you need to take into account that you can only work with glass wool rolls in personal protection. This is a required parameter.

The fact is that fiberglass retains its fragile crystalline structure. Under extreme pressure, it can break, releasing microscopic glass particles into the air. They settle on the skin, mucous membranes of a person, and can even get into the lungs.

Therefore, you can work with glass wool only in full protection. These can be either gloves or goggles, plus you will need a respirator. Ideally, you need a full protective suit or at least normal work clothes.

Moreover, microscopic particles are almost impossible to notice without looking closely. At the same time, they cause allergies on human skin, and when they enter the lungs large quantities, can cause various diseases.

Nothing really bad will happen to you, but it is still a serious inconvenience, and this parameter is worth taking into account.

It is also important to understand that fiberglass is not as durable as fiberglass, so it shrinks over time. And this already has a bad effect on the entire structure.

Glass wool is also capable of absorbing water. It does this in extremely small quantities, but it is almost impossible to remove water from it, and when it hardens, it only worsens the performance of already seriously crystallized fiberglass, which leads to even greater fragility.

1.3 Pros and cons of glass wool

So, let’s bring together all the above points in order to draw several conclusions on the subject under consideration.

Main advantages:

  • Low price;
  • The ability to cut the cotton wool as desired and place it anywhere;
  • Does not burn in fire, reacts poorly to high temperatures;
  • Good durability;
  • Easily purchased at any store;
  • Low weight.

Main disadvantages:

  • Absorbs water;
  • Shrinks over time;
  • You can interact with cotton wool only in full protection, while observing clear safety rules.

As you can see, in addition to many advantages, glass wool also has many disadvantages. Moreover, the disadvantages are quite significant, especially if you have to carry out the insulation work personally. It is noticed that it has practically no effect.

2 Properties of mineral wool

We’ve sorted out the properties of glass wool, now let’s look at the features of mineral wool. It’s not for nothing that it is used so often in construction.

Mineral wool is probably the most popular construction insulation last decades. However, it has been used for so long that it is difficult to remember.

Previously, mineral wool had many advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages could be written down weak density, ability to undergo slight shrinkage, inability to withstand direct loads, etc.

She also did not worry about contact with water. in the best possible way. Plates or rolls, just like fiberglass, absorbed moisture, accumulating it inside. But here the moisture had a different effect.

Because of it, the insulation became cold and damp, and then completely began to rot or mold. Fortunately, almost all of these shortcomings have been eliminated through the invention of new production technologies.

2.1 Advantages and disadvantages

Modern basalt wool is an extremely reliable thermal insulation material. In terms of thermal conductivity, it is even better than fiberglass. Basalt wool also weighs less than its glass wool counterpart, but here the difference is not so significant.

Moreover, modern manufacturers produce various samples of basalt wool. Found as heavy slabs for thermal insulation flat roof or walls, as well as light, airy slabs that can be easily mounted into slopes and weigh practically nothing.

Therefore, you can easily choose the option that will be better suited for a given situation. Moreover, the variety of insulation on the market is so significant that you may even get confused when purchasing.

Modern samples of basalt wool are not afraid of water. Their absorption coefficient is 1-2%, which is a very good indicator. In fact, a part of the insulation lowered into water will not absorb a drop of liquid. It will simply drain from the material as soon as you remove it from the water.

Basalt mineral wool also does not burn in fire. It's already hers unique feature. Moreover, studies by builders have shown that basalt wool can be burned without fear gas burner. And it will burn only in the place of direct contact with fire.

No damage from exposure to high temperatures is observed at all. You can place your hands on the second side of the stove and not feel the temperature rise at all.

We also note that basalt insulation is not eaten by rodents or insects. It's also much easier to work with. Roughly speaking, cotton wool is completely safe for humans, and you can install it yourself.

As for the minuses, the only thing we can note here is the high price. Indeed, the price of basalt wool is at a very decent level. In fact, it is considered the highest of all competitors.

The second point is the undesirable use of mineral wool slabs for insulation of baths, bathrooms, etc. Of course, the water absorption of modern wool is at a very low level, but with wet steam things are different.

It’s better not to take risks here, since in the aggressive conditions of the bath, cotton wool will still be prone to gradual accumulation of liquid.

Let us now bring together all these pros and cons, forming a complete list of parameters.

Main advantages:

  • Convenience and ease of installation;
  • Light weight;
  • Environmentally friendly, safe for health;
  • Does not absorb water;
  • Vapor permeable;
  • Has high density;
  • Does not burn in fire;
  • Excellent thermal conductivity.

Main disadvantages:

  • High price;
  • It is not advisable to use it to insulate baths.

2.2 So what is better to buy?

As you can see, glass wool differs from basalt wool, although standard indicators they are almost identical.

But if we start a close comparison, then mineral wool is still better in thermal conductivity and density. It does not shrink, does not absorb water as much and, most importantly, is absolutely safe for humans.

On the glass wool side low price and optimal properties.

If we talk about specific solutions, we recommend using basalt wool. It is better than fiberglass insulation in almost every way. And the price, although higher, is completely worth the money spent.

If you don’t have enough money, then you can turn to glass wool, but here you have to be careful.

2.3 Glass wool production process (video)