Floors made from sip panels: advantages and disadvantages. Houses made of SIP panels - advantages and disadvantages of this technology. Easy to use material and great results

Floors made from sip panels: advantages and disadvantages. Houses made of SIP panels - advantages and disadvantages of this technology. Easy to use material and great results

Sip panels are a convenient material with excellent characteristics and a long service life, allowing buildings to be erected in the shortest possible time. Sip panel houses have their own strengths and weaknesses, which will need to be studied in detail. This material gained its popularity in Canada, but after that it began to be actively used throughout the world. Sip technology for building houses is not particularly complex, which is why this material is being used more and more recently.

Panel composition

The advantages of sip houses are provided due to the composition of this material. It consists of the following elements:

  • The basis of such a product is OSB board. These slabs are made from long and narrow chips, laid in multi-layers and compacted so that they lie perpendicular to each other on all sides of the sheet. This production technology increases the flexibility of the product under loads in different planes; such properties are not found in ordinary wood. Often, chips based on pine or aspen are used for sip panels. These boards are 97% wood, the rest is made up of connecting components. The structures are treated with a special water-repellent solution, which provides protection from moisture, rot and mechanical stress.
  • Expanded polystyrene is also used, which has low thermal conductivity and is lightweight. During manufacturing, gas is added to the polystyrene mass. Depending on the properties of the product, the substance can vary greatly; for example, carbon dioxide is used for fire-resistant structures. A sheet of such a product with a thickness of only 11 cm is capable of providing a level of thermal insulation comparable to a wall consisting of sand-lime brick 2 m thick.

Knowing what sip panels are and what their pros and cons are, it is not difficult to understand why this material is so often used for the construction of buildings.

Video description

Together with Sergei Petrusha (StroyKhlam) we will show the results of an air sample in a SIP house in this video:

Panel characteristics

To evaluate the quality of a house made of sip panels, the pros and cons of using such material, you need to carefully study its characteristics. According to European standards, the material has the following dimensions:

  • The width can be 1.25 or 1.2 m.
  • The length can be 2.5 or 2.8 m, in some cases 3 and 6 m.

Sip panels of standard sizes

The thickness of the product may vary greatly. It mainly depends on the thermal insulation layer. The insulation can have a thickness of 100, 150 or 200 mm.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building houses from SIP panels. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Advantages of using sip panels

To build any building you will need to first make a foundation. When using brick or monolithic structures, it is necessary to create a base with a large depth. Sip technologies will help to significantly reduce the size of the foundation. This is explained by the fact that the walls after construction will not exert much pressure on the base. The average weight of one panel will be no more than 60 kg.

The main advantages of such panels include:

  1. High fire resistance. During experiments, experts found that the material is able to hold fire for an entire hour. The product also has the ability to self-extinguish. This is ensured due to the presence of anti-peren in the composition. Stories about well-burning sip panels are a myth that usually refers to homemade products from unverified manufacturers.
  2. The material is environmentally friendly and does not emit any harmful substances during combustion. All components are completely safe for humans.
  3. High strength indicators. This is one of the key advantages of panels, which is very important in the construction of buildings. Walls made of such material can withstand heavy loads.
  4. stability. This characteristic can be improved by adding a stiffening frame using bars inside the structure.
  5. Material hardness. It is achieved thanks to special production technology.
  6. Long service life. On average, sip panels can last more than 50 years.
  7. Small material thickness. This property is very useful when constructing a building.
  8. Various materials can be used for interior and exterior wall cladding. Ideally smooth panel surfaces do not require any preliminary preparation.
  9. There is no need for additional insulation of the structure; vulture materials are already equipped with insulation in the form of foam plastic.

Cons of sip panels

Sip panels have disadvantages that must also be taken into account when choosing such a material. Knowing the weaknesses of such structures, you can try to correct them, this will help extend the life of the buildings. The main disadvantages of sip panels include:

  1. Flammability is considered one of the main disadvantages of sip panels. Although the panels are highly resistant to fire compared to wood, they still burn easily. When building a house, it is extremely important to do the wiring correctly and choose the best places to place sockets and switches in order to avoid a possible fire in the house. For additional protection, you can use a substance called anti-peren. Also, to increase fire resistance, you can line the walls with non-combustible material.
  2. In rare cases, panels may be damaged by rodents. During construction, it is important to take into account all joints so that there are no gaps through which rodents can enter.
  3. A structure made of such material can be destroyed by intruders, which will allow them to enter the house.
  4. The tightness of the building. If ventilation is not taken care of in a timely manner, the humidity in the room will increase significantly, which will lead to the formation of fungus and mold.
  5. During operation, the slabs gradually dry out, which leads to a decrease in their size. Because of this, gaps may form between the plates.
  6. The house will need finishing in any case. The fact is that the plates are subject to mechanical stress, and if they are scratched, they will quickly lose their attractive appearance. So it’s better not to put off facing procedures.

Having assessed sip panels, the pros and cons of their use, you can decide whether it is worth using such a material. When choosing, you will also need to take into account the nuances of construction using such structures.

Video description

What are sip panel manufacturers hiding? Ecology in a vulture house. What is she really like? Are SIP house manufacturers deceiving us? See the answers to all questions in this video:

Features of construction using Canadian technology

In order for the construction to be reliable and durable, you will need to take into account the features of using sip panel technology. These include:

  1. You must try to choose the highest quality materials. Only high quality panels can withstand all the pressure placed on them. Some manufacturers may use poor quality adhesive, which will lead to rapid unsticking of structures. Also, low-quality materials can lead to easy ignition of the structure and the release of harmful substances during a fire. The choice of manufacturer must be approached with full responsibility.
  2. When choosing a foundation, it is better to give preference to screw piles or strip monolith. This will reduce construction costs.
  3. The special manufacturing technology of the panels provides them with high rigidity. Thanks to this, the construction of the building can be carried out at any time of the year, even at low temperatures. After construction, the building does not shrink and is protected from seasonal soil movements.
  4. Particular attention must be paid to the frame that will support the walls. For exterior decoration, it is better to use thicker varieties of vulture structures; for interior partitions, ordinary panels are suitable.

Knowing the characteristics of sip panels and the disadvantages of their use, you can erect a building without any special complications. The main thing is to carry out all work step by step and in compliance with technology.

Assembly of sip panels

The assembly of such material must be carried out with careful monitoring of the reliability of the connection of each section of the structure. The main fastening points for sip panels are:

  • Areas where the floor structure joins the main part.
  • Elements for fastening wall corners.
  • Joints connecting walls, ceilings and roofing.
  • Elements that fasten the roof to the panels.

All installation procedures for joining structures must be additionally strengthened using self-tapping screws and fixed with special foam for installation. Although the material has good thermal insulation properties, if assembled poorly, the problem of drafts may arise. Cold air can enter spaces where panels are poorly connected to each other. If such complications arise, you can get rid of them using construction tape.

Video description

In this issue we will examine in detail common mistakes when building a house from a sip panel. A sip house is the same frame house, but inside with a wooden skeleton, inside of which panels are laid. What should the frame of the house itself be made of? How to find out the moisture content of a material? About all this: in the next video?

Choosing a foundation for vulture houses

The construction of any house begins with the choice of foundation. For panel buildings using Canadian technology, the following types of foundation can be used:

  1. A screw foundation is the most optimal solution, since it will allow you to build a base with ventilation, which is extremely important for vulture panel buildings with contraindications to high humidity. This base has a long service life and allows you to expand the house at any time by adding an extension.
  2. A shallow foundation is also an excellent solution. It is durable and low cost.
  3. For unstable soil, an excellent solution would be to use a foundation based on reinforced concrete slabs.

When choosing a foundation for vulture houses, you need to take into account the composition of the soil, the weight of the building, and the type of heating and ventilation.


Like any other construction technology, a sip panel house has pros and cons. But it is important to remember that a house made of vulture panels built according to technology can serve as a full-fledged year-round home. If all standards are observed, it will delight its owners for many years.

If our ancestors were content with logs and stone to build housing that was acceptable by dilapidated standards, and in most cases simply dug into the ground, then in our enlightened times we are given the right to an expanded choice of building materials. Do you want fast and reliable? Beautiful and inexpensive? In this article we will talk about SIP panels using reviews from residents and installers, and reveal the pros and cons of using this material.

SIP panels - a recipe for success

For the sake of fairness, we note that SIP panels did not appear in Russia. While we were wasting invaluable forest resources, frame construction technology was born in other northern countries. Indeed, why use a material that requires special preparation, if you can take ready-made panels and literally in a matter of days assemble a neat house, some 200-300 m? usable area. Accordingly, the Russian SIP is nothing more than the English abbreviation SIP (Structural Insulated Panel) - structural thermal insulation panel. We will find out why it is so good by disassembling the panel into its components.

  1. Bottom and top layer. Here, manufacturers managed to combine the advantages of natural wood and new technologies. The insulation is protected by OSB boards, which are made from pressed wood chips oriented layer by layer parallel/perpendicular to the main axis. As a result of such “ordered chaos,” the material acquires properties of increased strength and elasticity. Next, the “wood-chip set”, impregnated with waterproof resin, is supplied to the press, where, under conditions of high temperature and pressure, it consolidates the resulting properties. The composition of OSB boards is 90% wood, but without the knots and defects inherent in ordinary wood.
  2. Insulating material. The middle of our modernized sandwich, or according to foreign classification - a sandwich, is polystyrene foam. A material that is environmentally friendly, not emitting harmful substances under normal operating conditions (according to manufacturers), and has been used in practice for more than 50 years. Low thermal conductivity and vapor permeability form the main list of characteristics required in the construction of houses and non-residential premises.

By adding all the layers together, we get panels that are used in construction, providing sufficient structural rigidity, resistance to loads and high thermal insulation characteristics.

Protection or visibility. Characteristics of SIP in comparison

The characteristics of SIP panels are a set of characteristics of the materials that are used in their creation. Like, for example, a bun with sausage. Separately, nothing remarkable, but together a product that evokes worthy admiration. Well, let's move from words to dry numbers.

1.Thermal insulation properties of building materials

Therefore, with a SIP panel thickness of 174 mm, which uses 12 mm thick OSB boards, we obtain a heat transfer resistance of 3.9 m?*°C/W. According to SNIP building codes, the heat transfer resistance of walls for residential buildings in Moscow is approximately 3.2 m?*°C/W. To determine the thickness of insulation in other regions, you can use a calculator.

2. Physics and mechanics without lyrics

When materials are combined into one structure, a slab with new properties is obtained, providing both flexibility and strength. SIP slabs are very similar in structure to an I-beam. The shelves are OSB boards and the wall is foam.

A car weighing about 1.1 tons drives onto the slab. Visually, the bending of the SIP panel was approximately 1-2 cm. You must agree that wind loads are not comparable to the weight of the car, and the additional rigidity of the frame will ensure the stability of the residential building under the influence of snow loads and even during small earthquakes.

And if we cannot yet detect a “catch” when listing the advantages of SIP panels, then it’s time for us to turn to users who have experienced the pros/cons of building houses from this material.

Positive reviews

Forums are a complete reflection of reality, a clear justification of emerging problems and the expression of impartial opinions. It was there that we were able to find opposing points of view on the use of SIP panels.

1. A very warm and stable home

Our interlocutor from the Moscow region highlights several advantages of building a house from SIP panels. This is his third house, which he built in a couple of decades, he used brick, foam concrete, and wood, but he was simply delighted with the SIP panels.

Even in the coldest weather outside, I literally walk around the house in shorts and a T-shirt. There are practically no drafts, no blowing from sockets. The temperature is almost the same in the corners and along the walls. I took an infrared thermometer and measured it. Of course, having previously visited Europe, I examined similar houses. They last 50 years and are like new. Carrying out interior finishing - no questions at all. Everything is smooth, perpendicular and parallel. I have never seen mice, although this figure is stretched; I didn’t have rodents in my brick house either. The house was built in 3 weeks, but it depends on the company, I changed four of them until I found a normal contractor.

2. Fast and inexpensive solution

We turned to a person who built a house from SIP panels in the Vologda region, where thermal insulation of housing is one of the main indicators.

This is my first construction experience. I spent a long time choosing, comparing the characteristics of materials, studying the technology. The end result was a warm and comfortable home. Fast and inexpensive. When using panels, it is difficult to make mistakes that would be fatal using bricks or blocks. A house is like a thermos. For walls I took 160 mm panels, for internal partitions 110 mm.

3. Easy to use and consistently good results

Our team was hired to build a house from SIP panels. Before this we worked with frame buildings, but this time everything turned out to be much simpler. The panels fit like a glove, without any distortions or tolerances. We used standard fasteners, although there were doubts, but practice has shown that all fasteners hold up perfectly. Yes, probably the main thing for us is that the panels are lightweight and the order was completed in record time. And, therefore, we were able to take a new object earlier than the estimated time. We repent, we tried to set fire to a piece of material in a safe place - it didn’t burn! Or rather, as long as you hold the burner, it smokes, and then immediately goes out. And it doesn't smell like styrofoam or plastic.

Based on positive feedback, we were able to formulate the main advantages of SIP panels:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • correct geometry;
  • Fire safety;
  • ease;
  • easy installation.

In this video, the real owner of a house made of SIP panels shares his impressions of its construction, finishing and living. The main advantages of such a house are simple finishing work and reliability of the structure.

The owner of this house talks in the video about the really low price for materials and installation work. The cost of a house made of SIP panels was 2.5 million rubles, which is comparable to a one-room apartment on the outskirts of Moscow, and the comfort is disproportionately higher.

In this video we will see fire safety tests of a house model made from SIP panels. SIP panels will be exposed to an open flame, and the result will exceed all expectations.

Negative reviews

It’s hard to believe in the flawlessness of SIP panels, so we tried to find consumers on the forums who are dissatisfied with the results.

1. Too much “chemistry” in the slabs

I built a house and it seems like I live in a matchbox. And in a box soaked through with formaldehyde. Somehow I don’t trust thin walls, even though the house is warm. Probably, there are no mice either because gnawing on these panels is simply dangerous for mouse health. And so that the air in this “thermos” does not stagnate, we had to invest in good ventilation. What's the point? Turn on the hood to let the heat out? I don’t know yet, I’ll probably sell the house and focus on brick construction.

Yes, this is the first negative review on SIP panels, but the next forum regular is next.

2. Houses made from SIP panels are not in demand

I am engaged in the construction and sale of finished houses. There is a small team of specialists. With them we buy a promising plot of land, build a house and sell it on the real estate market. With SIP panels it turned out to be complete nonsense. They did it quickly, beautifully and seemingly reliably, but there were no buyers. Our people are not interested in such technology. They say that it will fall apart in ten years, and you will only throw away money. Now I am listing the house below cost, just to get the money back.

The issue of money is very sensitive for everyone, but maybe another home owner will make more specific claims about a house made from SIP panels.

3. Poor sound insulation

We built a house for two families and thought it would be cheaper. Of course, we paid less for the material, but the sound insulation tends to almost zero. Judge for yourself, as long as the TV is on or music is playing, it’s still tolerable. But when the neighbors’ children start fussing with the ball, jumping ropes, then at least run out of the house. Impact sound insulation is very low. I had to buy additional material and come up with a design to isolate myself from noise.

4. Service life of polyurethane foam

To seal panel joints, polyurethane foam is used, which entered the building materials market relatively recently. The manufacturer claims a guaranteed service life of up to 20 years. And what will happen next? Not yet known.

5. We didn’t have time to enjoy the construction process

This also happens. Usually, the construction of a country house lasts from 2 seasons. House 150 m? SIP panels can be assembled in two weeks. Close attention to the construction process certainly won’t hurt.

And so, the result, of course, is very subjective, but we identified the following “cons”:

  • the use of resins in the material that can cause health problems;
  • low noise insulation against impact sounds (for a private single-family home this is not critical);
  • the house is a “thermos” and requires additional ventilation, which implies rather complex solutions.

However, the positive aspects of houses made of SIP boards are much stronger and argumentative than the negative aspects inherent in any building material.

Price range for SIP panels

Another argument in favor of using SIP panels can be the price, an overview of which we provide in the table.

Price range of SIP panels relative to size range
panel size, mm
size, mm
Expanded polystyrene size, mm Panel weight,
Price per one.
Heat transfer resistance m?*°C/W
1 SIP panel 2500x1250x118 2500x1250x9 2440x1190x100 39 2 600 2,6
2 SIP panel 2500x1250x120 2500x1250x10 2440x1190x100 43 2 800 2,7
3 SIP panel 2500x1250x124 2500x1250x12 2440x1190x100 49 3 300 2,8
4 SIP panel 2500x1250x168 2500x1250x9 2440x1190x150 42 3 000 3,7
5 SIP panel 2500x1250x170 2500x1250x10 2440x1190x150 46 3 200 3,8
6 SIP panel 2500x1250x174 2500x1250x12 2440x1190x150 52 3 300 3,9
7 SIP panel 2500x1250x224 2500x1250x12 2440x1190x200 54 3 700 5,0
8 SIP panel 2800x1250x118 2800x1250x9 2740x1190x100 44 3 360 2,6
9 SIP panel 2800x1250x120 2800x1250x10 2740x1190x100 48 3 400 2,7
10 SIP panel 2800x1250x124 2800x1250x12 2740x1190x100 55 3 450 2,8
11 SIP panel 2800x1250x168 2800x1250x9 2740x1190x150 46 3 700 3,7
12 SIP panel 2800x1250x170 2800x1250x10 2740x1190x150 50 3 800 3,8
13 SIP panel 2800x1250x174 2800x1250x12 2740x1190x150 57 3 900 3,9
14 SIP panel 2800x1250x224 2800x1250x12 2740x1190x200 60 4 100 5,0


Based on reviews from residents and installers, SIP panels can be considered a controversial building material. However, most of the parameters of the panels indicate their undeniable advantage over traditional materials.

When studying the history of urban planning throughout the “growing up” of humanity, one can observe interesting changes in the preference for materials for the construction of buildings. At first these were buildings made of reeds and branches coated with clay, then wooden architecture appeared, which was replaced by stone buildings, then by the 21st century people have come with a large selection of building materials that correspond to modern concepts of comfort and safety.

Houses made from SIP panels, which came to us from Canada, are extremely popular today.

History of SIP panels

This is how people are designed: they are constantly looking for the opportunity to surround themselves with maximum comfort at a minimum cost. Since bulky and expensive materials no longer suited contractors, manufacturers began to look for an alternative. The first were Frank Wright and Elden Doe, who came up with sandwich panels, which were based on sheets of plywood with thermal insulation between them.

Only after Dow used polystyrene foam as insulation did mass construction using SIP panels begin, which became most popular in Canada, hence the name of the technology for constructing houses from this material. This was in the early 60s of the 20th century. To date, manufacturers have so improved both the panels themselves and their assembly that by purchasing a ready-made house kit made from SIP panels from the factory, even a beginner can build his own house.

As practice shows, nowadays houses using Canadian technology are being built all over the world, and this is due to the qualities they are endowed with:

  • unique composition;
  • mode of production;
  • installation features;
  • speed of building construction.

On the modern market you can find SIP panels, the price of which depends only on the place where the materials for them are produced. Today it will not surprise anyone that external slabs are manufactured in one country, thermal insulation in another, and SIP panels are assembled in a third, but this is still cheaper than transporting finished products from distant Canada.

Therefore, many companies have appeared on the European and domestic markets that manufacture SIP panels locally using the same technology. Feedback from residents (pros and cons, first of all) living in such houses means more to them than any advertising. It was the low cost of the material and the high quality of the finished buildings that made them so popular among the population.

Panel composition

As a rule, houses made of SIP panels serve their owners for a long time, have an attractive appearance and are reliable. This is due to the quality of the materials from which they are made:

It is important to know: when testing the panels, it was revealed that with a thickness of 22.4 cm they provide a heat transfer resistance of 5.2 W/m ℃, while for a brick wall 40 cm thick it is only 2 W/m ℃.

Considering that construction from SIP panels is several times cheaper, and the quality and external attractiveness of the structure itself is not inferior to similar brick houses, it is understandable why many consumers choose Canadian technology. This is just such an option when you can create maximum comfort at an affordable price.

Advantages of SIP panels

Since technology does not stand still, but is constantly evolving, it is possible that soon houses with walls made of SIP panels will be more common than those made of brick or foam concrete. This is due to the benefits they provide:

  • The most important advantage of these panels is their thermal insulation. If we take the heat transfer value of 3 W/m °C as the basis for the wall resistance value, then the thickness of the SIP panels will be 16.4 cm, whereas:
    • timber - 52 cm;
    • foam concrete - 60 cm;
    • expanded clay concrete - 101 cm;
    • brick - 230 cm;
    • concrete - 450 cm.

It is important to know: this ability to retain heat inside the house allows you to significantly save energy costs when heating it.

If you believe the information, SIP panels (resident reviews, pros and cons of this technology, etc.) so far have no equal in price, quality and reliability. Since manufacturers are always looking for ways to make them even cheaper without changing the technical characteristics for the worse, there is hope that Canadian houses will soon begin to lead in the number of new buildings.

Disadvantages of SIP panels

For more than 50 years, houses have been built around the world using Canadian technology, so we can safely say that it has been time-tested. To find shortcomings in a SIP panel, you need to try very hard, because most often complaints occur due to the fault of careless sellers or inattentive buyers. For example:

  • Everyone knows that this material is absolutely safe for human life and environmentally friendly, but not everyone knows that this only applies to panels of the “E0” category. There are so-called household SIP panels, the price of which is much lower, but they are marked with the “E3” sign and are not suitable for building houses, especially for permanent residence in them. Instead of safe polystyrene foam, they are insulated with ordinary polystyrene foam. It is good to assemble ancillary buildings from such panels, for example, a woodshed. The problem is that this “fake,” as unknowing consumers call it, produces harmful substances when exposed to heat, but this does not mean that utility rooms cannot be built from it, where human presence is minimal.

It is important to know: if you want to build a house from SIP panels for permanent residence, before purchasing materials you need to look at their certificates not only for quality, but also for safety, and examine them visually, since polystyrene foam is easy to distinguish from expanded polystyrene. As a last resort, you can submit them for examination and, based on its results, decide whether to buy the product or not from this manufacturer.

  • If you look for the disadvantages of houses made of SIP panels, then one of the most alarming is that such a structure, if desired, can be destroyed and penetrated inside.
  • If there are violations in the technology, the installation of SIP panels will be unreliable, and their integrity can be easily damaged. Gaps will appear at the joints, which will have to be further strengthened and insulated. You should act strictly according to the instructions from the manufacturers or hire a team of professionals.
  • One of the advantages of the technology is its tightness, creating the effect of a thermos. But this is also considered a disadvantage of such a material as SIP panels. The disadvantages here are that if you do not ventilate the house, then soon you will be able to observe the effect of wet walls, followed by fungus and mold.
  • A prerequisite when installing walls made of SIP panels is to protect the joints with timber or polyurethane foam in order to avoid moisture getting into the thermal insulation.

As a rule, the technology itself has no drawbacks, unless the manufacturers of SIP panels are being cunning and, for the sake of saving money, do not use cheap materials or the installation rules have not been violated. Otherwise, it is an excellent building material.

Features of the foundation for houses made of SIP panels

As a rule, a house begins with a foundation, and for panel houses using Canadian technology, any type of foundation is suitable. Most often used:

It is important to know: when deciding on the foundation for a “Canadian” house, you need to rely on such indicators as the composition of the soil, the weight of the structure and the type of heating and ventilation.

Connection nodes

The assembly of SIP panels should be carried out with careful monitoring of the reliability of the connections of each part of the structure. The main connection points for buildings made of sandwich panels are:

  • Places where floor panels join the base.
  • Connections for wall corners.
  • Joints connecting walls, ceilings and roofing.
  • Units connecting the roof to SIP panels.

It is important to know: all installation work on joining panels must be secured using self-tapping screws and fixed with polyurethane foam.

Exterior decoration of the house

No matter how attractive the shape and layout of a house made of SIP panels, from the outside it looks completely unattractive. To provide it not only with a presentable appearance, but also to protect it from bad weather or mechanical damage, finishing work should be carried out. The following types of facade work are suitable for houses assembled using Canadian technology:

It is important to know: decorative plaster and natural stone can give a fairly inexpensive house made from SIP panels an incredibly attractive look, but you need to keep in mind that these materials require professional skills when installing them and are expensive.

Interior decoration

A house assembled using Canadian technology can be given elegance on the outside and comfort on the inside. Walls made of SIP panels are an excellent material for interior decoration, which consists of the following stages:

  • Decorating walls, for which you can use completely different materials: from tiles in the kitchen and bathroom, to PVC panels, wallpaper and drywall in other rooms. The material must be selected based on the condition of the room, for example, with high humidity, the best solution would be to use plastic, and for additional insulation of the walls - decorative plaster or cork wallpaper.
  • The ceiling decoration does not require additional leveling, so you can immediately begin decorating it. This could be suspended ceilings or plasterboard finishing. To reduce the cost of interior work, many consumers use polystyrene foam tiles, which are both inexpensive and look impressive.
  • Everyone chooses flooring according to their taste and budget. This could be tile or linoleum, laminate, parquet or a heated floor system.

It is important to know: when choosing materials for interior finishing work, you need to focus not so much on their cost, but on safety. Some attractive-looking materials change their properties when exposed to temperature changes, which is something you should know before purchasing them.


Today you can find both one-story houses made of SIP panels and two- and three-story mansions. This suggests that the technology, which has been popular all over the world for more than 50 years, has begun to “take root” in the domestic construction market.

This is due to the fact that the possibility of producing ready-made sandwich panels locally has significantly reduced the cost of the material, and the consumer now faces only one task: to figure out which manufacturer can be trusted. The most popular domestic companies are:

  • The Hotwell company has won the hearts of customers not only with its discounts and promotions, but also with high-quality products, which are made both according to standards and to order. This allows the consumer to independently decide what size SIP panels should be for his home.
  • The Bauen House plant is famous not only for the quality of its products, but also for its high price, which is not at all surprising, because materials from Germany are used here for the production of SIP panels.
  • The company “Building Together” also uses German components in its technologies, but its distinctive quality is its work without intermediaries, which significantly reduces the cost of panels.

This is not a complete list of domestic manufacturers who guarantee the quality of their products, but even if you have the most positive reviews from customers, it is worth asking to see certificates for the quality and safety of their SIP panels.

Sometimes inexperienced clients become victims of unscrupulous manufacturers who, in order to reduce the cost of the manufacturing process of SIP panels, use obviously low-quality materials or glue. This leads to the fact that, at first glance, a strong house literally begins to crumble after a winter or two. To avoid this, you need to carefully study all the documents for the products, and not just ask about their availability.

If the choice fell on Chinese companies, then you need to be prepared that their SIP panels contain highly flammable polystyrene foam as insulation. Perhaps none of their houses are destined to go up in flames, but no one knows for sure. Cheap material ignites quickly and, when burned, releases smoke harmful to the human body, while real polystyrene foam is difficult to set on fire, and when it catches fire, it goes out quickly.

When choosing SIP panels for assembling a house, you need to study the company, find out how many years it has been on the market, what materials it uses and on what equipment it produces its products.

Canadian construction technology has gained popularity in many parts of the world. First of all, the structure is built very quickly. In northern conditions, SIP panels are an excellent option because they have high heat saving rates. To produce this building material, OSB board and thermal insulation material are used. Most often, polystyrene foam is used for this purpose. Before starting construction, it is important to know all the pros and main disadvantages of houses made of SIP panels.

This building material is distinguished by its simplicity of design and affordable price. With all this, their advantages stand out:

  • high thermal insulation;
  • strength;
  • light weight;
  • durability;
  • affordable price.


When weighing the pros and cons, it is also worth considering the main technical characteristics of the slabs. According to European standards, such a slab can have the following dimensions:

  • width - 1.25 and 1.2 m;
  • length - 2.5 and 2.8 m (in some cases 3 and 6 m).

American standards are measured in inches. In Russia, such sizes are extremely rare. The most popular is the standard 2.44 and 1.22 m. The thickness of the material may vary. To a greater extent it depends on the thermal insulation material. The insulation can be 100, 150 or 200 mm thick. For the manufacture of SIP panels, OSB sheets with a thickness of 9 or 12 mm are used. These are the main advantages of the building material. In addition to this, you also need to become familiar with the main disadvantages.


In order to start building a house, you need to make a foundation. Using brick or concrete blocks, you need to make a monolithic foundation with a sufficiently large depth. Using SIP panels, the foundation can be made less bulky. This is because the walls will ultimately exert little load. The average weight of one panel is 60 kg.

The advantages also include high fire resistance. During testing, it was found that the material was able to contain fire for one hour. This makes the material third degree fire-resistant. They also have such a positive quality as self-extinguishing. This is due to the fact that the composition includes antiperen. The material is non-toxic and does not release any toxic substances when ignited. OSB and polystyrene foam are absolutely safe for human health. Therefore, they can be safely used for the construction of temporary and residential structures.

  • Durability is one of the advantages of SIP panels, against which nothing can be said. For construction, this indicator is very important. In the future, it will be possible to hang shelves, brackets and other heavy pieces of furniture on the walls.
  • Stability can be ensured by adding a stiffening frame, which uses vertical and horizontal bars inside the structure.
  • Rigidity is achieved due to the fact that gluing of all layers is carried out with a special adhesive composition under press pressure. Durability is an undeniable advantage. On average, SIP panels can last more than 50 years, while maintaining all their advantages and resisting various influences.
  • The small thickness of the panels is important during construction. The thickness is three times thinner than masonry, while all heat-saving characteristics meet the standards.
  • A wide variety of materials can be used for interior and exterior decoration. Thanks to the perfectly flat surface, there is no need to carry out preparatory work.


Despite the fact that they have a huge number of advantages, before starting construction it is imperative to study all the pros and cons. Knowing all the shortcomings, you can find solutions against them. This will extend the life of the house and eliminate all the risks of living in it.

The reliability and strength of the structure as a whole depends directly on how accurately the construction technology is followed. In addition, it is worth studying all the disadvantages of houses made of SIP panels.

  1. Flammability. Compared to wood, panels are not as susceptible to fire and are more resistant to its effects. But despite this, during construction it is important to do the wiring correctly and pay special attention to the locations of sockets and switches. As additional protection, you can use special anti-foam products. Also, to increase fire resistance, it is worth using non-combustible building materials as cladding.
  2. In some cases, the insulating material may be damaged by rodents. Therefore, it is important to control all joints so that there are no cracks or gaps through which pests can crawl. Such deficiencies are extremely rare.

In order for the building to be as strong and reliable as possible, it is worth using the recommendations of experts regarding construction. Knowing all the pros and cons, you can even do the work yourself.

  1. The very first thing is to find quality products. Only in this case will the panels withstand the entire expected load. Unscrupulous manufacturers may use a low-quality adhesive composition, and as a result, the panels may simply fall apart. You need to choose a supplier responsibly; it is best to use the recommendations of relatives and friends who have already made purchases.
  2. Practical screw piles or a shallow strip monolith can be used as a base. This makes it possible to significantly save money on the entire construction.
  3. The special production technology of the panels provides them with maximum rigidity. This makes it possible to build a house at any time of the year, even at subzero temperatures. The structure does not shrink after construction and is not subject to seasonal soil heaving.
    4. It is important to make a high-quality frame that will hold all the walls. For external walls it is worth using thicker options. A thinner option is suitable for interior partitions. It is also necessary to individually select the option for arranging the gable under the roof.
  4. All work should be carried out step by step and in compliance with all technologies and standards.

Knowing all the advantages, you can end up with a reliable structure of a temporary nature or permanent residence. The pros and cons fully characterize the material and make it stand out compared to other options.

August 6, 2017
Specialization: master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing work and laying floor coverings. Installation of door and window units, finishing of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

Don’t know what material to build a residential or country house from? Today I will tell you about one very popular option - houses made of SIP panels. This solution has long been used in Europe and America, but in our country it appeared about 10 years ago and is rapidly gaining popularity. Let's find out about the pros and cons of this technology so that you can make the right decision.

What is a SIP house?

We will look at the main advantages that SIP houses have, and then we will touch on the disadvantages. Let me make a reservation right away - the analysis is based on high-quality design options; we do not take into account cheap counterfeit SIPs, since they do not even meet the minimum safety and durability requirements.


The type of buildings we are considering has many advantages:

Illustration Description

High reliability indicators. The photo shows the structure of the SIP panel; it consists of two OSB boards on the outside and inside and a polystyrene foam filler. It provides excellent thermal insulation and fills the internal cavity completely. The result is very durable and at the same time fairly light elements from which you can build both country houses and houses for permanent residence.

High thermal insulation characteristics. In order not to give you a lot of boring numbers, the photo shows a comparison of the thickness of different materials with the same thermal conductivity.

As you can see, only 160 mm SIP panels are comparable to more than half a meter of wood.

Such houses are one and a half times warmer than frame structures insulated with mineral wool; this should also be taken into account.

High construction speed. The house kit is manufactured at the factory and delivered to the site marked. All you have to do is assemble all the elements according to the constructor principle.
As practice shows, the construction of a structure takes from one to four weeks. This is much faster than any classical technology, be it timber, blocks or bricks.
Most often, this is done like this: while the house kit is being manufactured, you make the foundation and install communications to save time in the future.

Possibility to implement a project of any complexity. This is a very important advantage, because you can bring almost any idea to life. The manufacturer will provide you with ready-made projects, and if you don’t find anything suitable, they will develop an individual solution especially for you, taking into account all your wishes and preferences.

Ease of construction. Construction can also be done with your own hands. The panels weigh little, and with 1-2 helpers, assembling a one-story house will not be difficult.

This factor allows you to save a lot of money on construction equipment. And it’s much easier to make a foundation for such a house, because there will be little load on it compared to other options.

Ease of finishing. If we consider the structure from the inside, then on a perfectly flat surface you can immediately attach drywall or glue ceramic tiles. No preliminary preparation is required; the most you have to do is apply primer.

Exterior finishing of houses made from SIP panels can be done in different ways: from plastering and putty to covering with siding or any other material.

Reasonable cost. The price of a house kit with an area of ​​approximately 100 square meters ranges from 700 thousand to one and a half million, depending on the complexity of the design and the thickness of the panels.

As for country houses, they will cost even less; an option for 30 square meters costs 300-400 thousand rubles.

The price of the house kit includes a box with a roof. Additionally, you will have to install windows and doors and finish them.

Disadvantages of SIP houses

This option also has disadvantages, they also need to be sorted out:

  • Flammability. Although OSB and polystyrene foam cannot be classified as flammable materials, they can catch fire at high temperatures. But this disadvantage is inherent in all options made of wood, be it SIP, frame, log or timber. If you follow basic fire safety rules, you don’t have to worry;
  • Assembly requirements. If during installation the elements were connected poorly, then cold will penetrate into the house through the cracks, and over time, due to moisture, fungus may begin to form in the joints. That is why it is recommended to buy ready-made slabs rather than cut them on site, and immediately fill all cracks, if any, with polyurethane foam. A good exterior finish will create an additional barrier to moisture and cold, so it must also be reliable;

  • Low sound insulation performance. For all their advantages, SIP panels conduct sound well, so if you are building a house near noise sources, it is better to additionally soundproof it. If the house is two-story, then it is also better to additionally insulate the ceiling of the second floor;
  • The need for a ventilation system. In such buildings, ventilation is mandatory, since the walls do not allow air to pass through. Provide all communications in advance so that you don’t have to spoil the finished floors later.