Full name is Rashid. The origin of the name Rashit. Name and career

Full name is Rashid.  The origin of the name Rashit.  Name and career
Full name is Rashid. The origin of the name Rashit. Name and career

The male name Rashid is of Arabic origin. The meaning of the name in translation into Russian is “reasonable”, “going the right way”. You can also find such interpretations as “wit”, “prudence”, “superiority of mind”, “correct point of view”.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Aries, Scorpio
  • Ruler Planet: Mars
  • Talisman Stone: Jasper
  • Color: red
  • plant: mustard
  • Animal: horse
  • Favorable day: Tuesday

Character traits

Rashid's character is formed under the influence of his innate independence. This is a person worthy of respect. Decent, restrained, purposeful, kind - only a small list of his virtues.

From an early age, he is distinguished by obedience and peacefulness. He never gives unnecessary trouble to his parents, teachers, but on the contrary, he takes care of his relatives and friends. This is a capable child, doing well in all subjects. Success in studies is achieved mainly due to perseverance and the desire for knowledge.

Rashid is a smart, assiduous and inquisitive boy, always ready to listen to the smart advice of adults, while having his own opinion on what is happening around. He tries not to enter into conflicts and quarrels, does not show aggression. Having become a witness or participant in disagreements, he never runs to complain, does not call adults for help, and does not cry for a long time. This guy is ready to solve all the problems himself and makes every effort to reconcile the quarreling children. He is always ready to stand up for the younger or weak, therefore he is highly respected by the neighbor boys, friends and adults. He also values ​​justice and decency in people.

Adult Rashid demonstrates perseverance in achieving his goals. He rarely abandons his plans and in his plans he goes to the end, but without fanaticism. In the event of a clear defeat, he is ready to accept, following the laws of reason. The owner of this name is quite insightful, able to calculate in advance the actions of his competitors. Thanks to this quality, he often achieves success in business and relationships.

Hobbies and profession

The secret of the name Rashid hides a person with diverse interests. He reads a lot, draws well, is fond of mathematics, he especially likes logical problems. The man plays chess well, loves to play sports. Can get carried away with the study of foreign languages ​​and achieve success in this.

He decides very early on the choice of his future profession, and the tips of adults or friends are of little interest to him. He always knows how to calculate his strength and feels his potential. Therefore, even from the school bench, this boy makes every effort to study exactly those subjects, the knowledge of which will be very useful to him in the future.

In his professional activities, Rashid can quite successfully realize himself as a scientist studying mathematics or physics, as well as an entrepreneur. He is able to become a good translator, public figure, engineer, economist, architect, doctor.

Love and family

For Rashid, getting married is a very big decision. Therefore, before accepting it, he checks a thousand times for the sincerity of his feelings and his chosen one. Having married, he becomes just an ideal family man. As a spouse, he most often chooses a woman with a soft character, but energetic. He rarely makes a mistake in his choice.

The bearer of the name is a sensitive, attentive and caring husband, always ready to listen to the opinion of his wife, despite the position of the leader in the family. He is a kind and good father who sincerely loves his children.

Synonyms for the name Rashid. Rashit, Rashat, Rashad, Rashidi, Rishat, Rishad.
origin of the name Rashid The name Rashid is Tatar, Muslim.

The name Rashid in Arabic means "going the right way", "reasonable". Sometimes there is a different spelling and pronunciation - Rashit, Rashat, Rashad. Sometimes the meaning of this name is interpreted as follows: “prudence, quick wit”, “the right point of view”, “the superiority of the mind”, “the right, right way”. The names Raushat, Rushat, Rushad, Rishat, Rashidun, Rashidetdin became related names.

Little Rashid grows up as a calm child, does not like conflicts and tries to reconcile those who quarrel. If someone offends him, he does not cry or complain, he solves all his problems on his own. He listens to his parents in everything and lends himself to education.

At school, Rashid studies well and is distinguished by perseverance. Of all the subjects, she loves mathematics the most. Excellent abilities for foreign languages ​​usually appear in boys born in January. Rashid is usually good at drawing and playing chess. He is always distinguished by discipline, diligence and does everything on his own.

Such men usually read a lot and like to discuss what they read with others. It is quite difficult to convince him of something, he trusts only obvious facts. He greatly respects decency and justice in people.

Rashid approaches the choice of his future profession very seriously and from school he pays more attention to those subjects that, in his opinion, will be useful to him. Colleagues at work appreciate him for his erudition, eloquence, responsibility, restraint and the ability to control himself in any situation.

Winter representatives are more inclined to the exact sciences and can devote their lives to scientific activities. They believe in ideals and are patient in anticipation of success. He can foresee and calculate the outcome of any business. Colleagues can only envy his talents and knowledge.

Autumn Rashid can take risks. He rarely makes mistakes in business and does not take up work if he is not sure of success. His own ideas, on which he spends a lot of time, he is ready to stubbornly defend.

Summer Rashid usually does not aspire to the position of leader and power. He has a very developed imagination and artistic talent.

Family is very important for Rashid and he thinks for a long time before getting married. He does not avoid marriage, he simply does not want to be disappointed in him, so he listens to his feelings for a long time. He will be a good father and an attentive husband. In choosing a wife, he usually does not make mistakes.

In communication, Rashid is very calm. Spring representatives do not pay any attention to public opinion and are devoid of prejudice. He loves to be talked about, and what is not very important. He will always capitalize on his popularity. Summer Rashid respects the opinions of others and does not impose his own. He does not seek self-affirmation. People around him are attracted by his reliability.

Rashid's name day

Rashid does not celebrate name days.

Notable people named Rashid

  • Rashid Sunyaev ((born 1943) an outstanding Soviet and Russian astrophysicist, full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1992))
  • Rashid Nugmanov ((born 1954) Kazakh Soviet director, architect, public figure)
  • Rashid Nurekeyev (artist - painter)
  • Rashid-bek Efendiyev ((1863 - 1942) an outstanding Azerbaijani teacher, writer and ethnographer)
  • Rashid Nurgaliev (Minister of the Interior of the Russian Federation, General of the Army (since December 27, 2005))
  • Rashid Ponomarev ((1919 - 1998) one of the patriarchs of chess art, a classic of chess composition)
  • Rashid ad-Din Fazlullah ibn Abu-l-Khair Ali Hamadani (Rashid ad-Doule; Rashid at-Tabib - "doctor Rashid") ((c. 1247 - 1318) Persian statesman, doctor and encyclopedic scientist; minister of the Hulaguid state (1298-1317).He entered the civil service during the reign of Abaqa Khan (1265-1282).Under Ghazan (1295-1304) he advanced to leading roles, actually taking the post of vizier, and carried out the most important economic reforms.Under Khan Oljeitu (1304 -1316) was actually the first person in government. At the beginning of the reign of Abu Said (1316-1335), he lost power due to the intrigues of political opponents, and then was executed on false charges. Compiled a historical work in Persian, "The Collection of Chronicles", which is the most important historical source, especially on the history of the Mongol Empire and Iran of the Khulaguids. The correspondence of Rashid ad-Din is also of great source study value.)
  • Abdul-Rashid Dostum ((born 1954) Afghan military and political figure, general)
  • Rashid Arain ((born 1935) Pakistani conceptual artist, sculptor, painter and curator, works in England; known primarily as the founder and editor of the Third Text magazine)
  • Rashid Akhriev (the first pilot from the peoples of the North Caucasus, the first pilot of Tajikistan; by nationality Ingush, captain of the tsarist army, who went over to the side of Soviet power; flew in Central Asia in 1924-1925, died in 1941)
  • Rashid Meredov (Turkmen politician, Deputy Prime Minister of Turkmenistan (2007), currently considered one of the most influential politicians in Turkmenistan)
  • Rashid Gasanov (Russian footballer)
  • Rashid Rakhimov (Soviet, Tajik and Russian football player, coach, Master of Sports (1988))
  • Rashid Musin ((1927 - 1982) Soviet party and statesman, first secretary of the Tatar regional committee of the CPSU, known for his active struggle against "Tatar nationalism")
  • Rashid Khunagov ((born 1953) Russian scientist, scientist, rector of the Adyghe State University (ASU) (1996))
  • Rachid Bouchareb ((born 1953) French film director, screenwriter and producer of Algerian origin)
  • Rashid Nezhmetdinov ((1912 - 1974) international master in chess, master of sports in checkers, honored coach of the USSR (1962), five-time champion of the RSFSR, three times champion of the USSR in the country's team championships)
  • Rashid Asanov (former Russian football player, defender (formerly midfielder))
  • Rachid Azzuzi (former Moroccan football player)
  • Rashidi Yekini (former Nigerian footballer, striker)
  • Rasheed Wallace (American former professional basketball player, former player in the National Basketball Association)
  • Rashidi Kawava ((1926 - 2009) the first Prime Minister of Tanzania (1972 - 1977))
  • Rashid Karabek oglu Mammadbekov (Azerbaijani and Soviet freestyle wrestler, who competed for the USSR in the weight category from 52 to 57 kg; silver medalist of the 1952 Olympic Games, the first among Azerbaijani athletes to win an Olympic award)
  • Rashid Aushev ((1966 - 1997) Russian military man, civil servant, awarded state awards; name
  • Rashid Aushev named the main stadium of the Republic of Ingushetia)
  • Rashid ibn Maktoum ((d.1894) the fourth Emir of Dubai from the al-Maktoum dynasty (in 1886 - 1894))
  • Rashid Kadyrkaev (Soviet figure skater who performed in pair skating. He achieved the greatest success in tandem with Elena Kvitchenko, with whom they were bronze medalists of the USSR Championship and participants in the European and World Championships in 1989. As a junior, paired with Marina Nikityuk twice became the winner of the world championships among juniors (silver in 1980 and bronze in 1981. Master of Sports of the USSR of international class.)
  • Rashid Gafurov (Uzbek footballer)
  • Rashid Ibraev ((born 1948) Kazakh statesman, diplomat)
  • Rachid Taha (Algerian composer and performer)
  • Rashid Tusupbekov (politician of Kazakhstan)
  • Rashid Behbudov ((1915 - 1989) singer, People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the State Prize, holder of the Order of Lenin)
  • Rashit Ibraev ((born 1959) Russian oceanologist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (2003), Chief Researcher of the INM RAS, Corresponding Member of the RAS (2008). Laureate of the International Science Foundation Grant (1993), State Scientific Scholarship 2000-2003, Foundation for the Promotion of National Science in 2003-2004. Awarded with a Certificate of Honor from the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Trade Union of Workers of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2005. Head of a number of national scientific projects to develop mathematical models and study intra- and inter-annual variability of circulation and water levels in the inland seas of Russia. Participant in national modeling projects of ocean currents. Participant of a number of international scientific projects on the study of thermohydrodynamic processes of the Caspian and Black Seas. Director of the international project on interdisciplinary analysis of the ecosystem of the Caspian Sea.)

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Rashid is a detailed description of the origin and features of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Synonyms for the name Rashid. Rashit, Rashat, Rashad, Rashidi, Rishat, Rishad.
origin of the name Rashid The name Rashid is Tatar, Muslim.

The name Rashid in Arabic means "going the right way", "reasonable". Sometimes there is a different spelling and pronunciation - Rashit, Rashat, Rashad. Sometimes the meaning of this name is interpreted as follows: “prudence, quick wit”, “the right point of view”, “the superiority of the mind”, “the right, right way”. The names Raushat, Rushat, Rushad, Rishat, Rashidun, Rashidetdin became related names.

Little Rashid grows up as a calm child, does not like conflicts and tries to reconcile those who quarrel. If someone offends him, he does not cry or complain, he solves all his problems on his own. He listens to his parents in everything and lends himself to education.

At school, Rashid studies well and is distinguished by perseverance. Of all the subjects, she loves mathematics the most. Excellent abilities for foreign languages ​​usually appear in boys born in January. Rashid is usually good at drawing and playing chess. He is always distinguished by discipline, diligence and does everything on his own.

Such men usually read a lot and like to discuss what they read with others. It is quite difficult to convince him of something, he trusts only obvious facts. He greatly respects decency and justice in people.

Rashid approaches the choice of his future profession very seriously and from school he pays more attention to those subjects that, in his opinion, will be useful to him. Colleagues at work appreciate him for his erudition, eloquence, responsibility, restraint and the ability to control himself in any situation.

Winter representatives are more inclined to the exact sciences and can devote their lives to scientific activities. They believe in ideals and are patient in anticipation of success. He can foresee and calculate the outcome of any business. Colleagues can only envy his talents and knowledge.

Autumn Rashid can take risks. He rarely makes mistakes in business and does not take up work if he is not sure of success. His own ideas, on which he spends a lot of time, he is ready to stubbornly defend.

Summer Rashid usually does not aspire to the position of leader and power. He has a very developed imagination and artistic talent.

Family is very important for Rashid and he thinks for a long time before getting married. He does not avoid marriage, he simply does not want to be disappointed in him, so he listens to his feelings for a long time. He will be a good father and an attentive husband. In choosing a wife, he usually does not make mistakes.

In communication, Rashid is very calm. Spring representatives do not pay any attention to public opinion and are devoid of prejudice. He loves to be talked about, and what is not very important. He will always capitalize on his popularity. Summer Rashid respects the opinions of others and does not impose his own. He does not seek self-affirmation. People around him are attracted by his reliability.

Notable people named Rashid

  • Rashid Sunyaev ((born 1943) an outstanding Soviet and Russian astrophysicist, full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1992))
  • Rashid Nugmanov ((born 1954) Kazakh Soviet director, architect, public figure)
  • Rashid Nurekeyev (artist - painter)
  • Rashid-bek Efendiyev ((1863 - 1942) an outstanding Azerbaijani teacher, writer and ethnographer)
  • Rashid Nurgaliev (Minister of the Interior of the Russian Federation, General of the Army (since December 27, 2005))
  • Rashid Ponomarev ((1919 - 1998) one of the patriarchs of chess art, a classic of chess composition)
  • Rashid ad-Din Fazlullah ibn Abu-l-Khair Ali Hamadani (Rashid ad-Doule; Rashid at-Tabib - "doctor Rashid") ((c. 1247 - 1318) Persian statesman, doctor and encyclopedic scientist; minister of the Hulaguid state (1298-1317).He entered the civil service during the reign of Abaqa Khan (1265-1282).Under Ghazan (1295-1304) he advanced to leading roles, actually taking the post of vizier, and carried out the most important economic reforms.Under Khan Oljeitu (1304 -1316) was actually the first person in government. At the beginning of the reign of Abu Said (1316-1335), he lost power due to the intrigues of political opponents, and then was executed on false charges. Compiled a historical work in Persian, "The Collection of Chronicles", which is the most important historical source, especially on the history of the Mongol Empire and Iran of the Khulaguids. The correspondence of Rashid ad-Din is also of great source study value.)
  • Abdul-Rashid Dostum ((born 1954) Afghan military and political figure, general)
  • Rashid Arain ((born 1935) Pakistani conceptual artist, sculptor, painter and curator, works in England; known primarily as the founder and editor of the Third Text magazine)
  • Rashid Akhriev (the first pilot from the peoples of the North Caucasus, the first pilot of Tajikistan; by nationality Ingush, captain of the tsarist army, who went over to the side of Soviet power; flew in Central Asia in 1924-1925, died in 1941)
  • Rashid Meredov (Turkmen politician, Deputy Prime Minister of Turkmenistan (2007), currently considered one of the most influential politicians in Turkmenistan)
  • Rashid Gasanov (Russian footballer)
  • Rashid Rakhimov (Soviet, Tajik and Russian football player, coach, Master of Sports (1988))
  • Rashid Musin ((1927 - 1982) Soviet party and statesman, first secretary of the Tatar regional committee of the CPSU, known for his active struggle against "Tatar nationalism")
  • Rashid Khunagov ((born 1953) Russian scientist, scientist, rector of the Adyghe State University (ASU) (1996))
  • Rachid Bouchareb ((born 1953) French film director, screenwriter and producer of Algerian origin)
  • Rashid Nezhmetdinov ((1912 - 1974) international master in chess, master of sports in checkers, honored coach of the USSR (1962), five-time champion of the RSFSR, three times champion of the USSR in the country's team championships)
  • Rashid Asanov (former Russian football player, defender (formerly midfielder))
  • Rachid Azzuzi (former Moroccan football player)
  • Rashidi Yekini (former Nigerian footballer, striker)
  • Rasheed Wallace (American former professional basketball player, former player in the National Basketball Association)
  • Rashidi Kawava ((1926 - 2009) the first Prime Minister of Tanzania (1972 - 1977))
  • Rashid Karabek oglu Mammadbekov (Azerbaijani and Soviet freestyle wrestler, who competed for the USSR in the weight category from 52 to 57 kg; silver medalist of the 1952 Olympic Games, the first among Azerbaijani athletes to win an Olympic award)
  • Rashid Aushev ((1966 - 1997) Russian military man, civil servant, awarded state awards; name
  • Rashid Aushev named the main stadium of the Republic of Ingushetia)
  • Rashid ibn Maktoum ((d.1894) the fourth Emir of Dubai from the al-Maktoum dynasty (in 1886 - 1894))
  • Rashid Kadyrkaev (Soviet figure skater who performed in pair skating. He achieved the greatest success in tandem with Elena Kvitchenko, with whom they were bronze medalists of the USSR Championship and participants in the European and World Championships in 1989. As a junior, paired with Marina Nikityuk twice became the winner of the world championships among juniors (silver in 1980 and bronze in 1981. Master of Sports of the USSR of international class.)
  • Rashid Gafurov (Uzbek footballer)
  • Rashid Ibraev ((born 1948) Kazakh statesman, diplomat)
  • Rachid Taha (Algerian composer and performer)
  • Rashid Tusupbekov (politician of Kazakhstan)
  • Rashid Behbudov ((1915 - 1989) singer, People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the State Prize, holder of the Order of Lenin)
  • Rashit Ibraev ((born 1959) Russian oceanologist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (2003), Chief Researcher of the INM RAS, Corresponding Member of the RAS (2008). Laureate of the International Science Foundation Grant (1993), State Scientific Scholarship 2000-2003, Foundation for the Promotion of National Science in 2003-2004. Awarded with a Certificate of Honor from the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Trade Union of Workers of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2005. Head of a number of national scientific projects to develop mathematical models and study intra- and inter-annual variability of circulation and water levels in the inland seas of Russia. Participant in national modeling projects of ocean currents. Participant of a number of international scientific projects on the study of thermohydrodynamic processes of the Caspian and Black Seas. Director of the international project on interdisciplinary analysis of the ecosystem of the Caspian Sea.)
  • Arabic

    The meaning of the name Rashid

    Hidden Spirit Number: 2

    Body number: 4


    The planet Mars.
    Element: Fire, warm-dry.
    Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio.
    Colour: Fiery red, bloody, glandular.
    Day: Tuesday.
    Metal: Iron.
    Mineral: Magnetite, jasper, amethyst, Lappish blood.
    Plants: Garlic, onion, tobacco, radish, mustard, nettle, asparagus, heather, bean, hot pepper.
    Animals: Wolf, rooster, raven, vulture, horse, dog.

    The name Rashid as a phrase

    R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
    A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
    Sh Sha (From the Hebrew square letter; Shin - primordial fire)
    AND AND (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
    D Welcome

    Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Rashid

    P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, the desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
    A - a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
    Ш - attentiveness to life, the ability to assess the situation at the slightest hint, whisper, rustle. Modesty and the ability to arrange your affairs in a quiet way. Developed sense of humor.
    And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.
    D - reflection, reflection before starting a business, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes capriciousness. Often - the ability of a psychic.

    Full name:

    Similar names: Rashit, Rashat, Rashad, Rashidi, Rishat, Rishad

    Church name: -

    Meaning: prudent, on the right path

    Middle name: Rashidovich, Rashidovna

    The meaning of the name Rashid - interpretation

    The male name Rashid is not so common in what is now Russia. It is widespread in eastern countries and in the Caucasus. The name is of Arabic origin. There are several interpretations of it. Rashid is translated as “reasonable”, “walking the right path” or “smart”, “reasonable”. In some interpretations, there are meanings “superiority of the mind”, “correct point of view”, etc. The name Rashid has several related ones - Rushat, Rashidun, Raushat and others.

    Astrology named after Rashid

    Favorable day: Tuesday

    Years later

    Since childhood, Rashid has been an obedient, kind, peaceful child. It brings joy to parents and teachers. Does not get into trouble and does not play pranks. At school, the boy excels in all subjects. This is facilitated by perseverance and a thirst for new knowledge.

    For your information, the kid always listens to the advice of his elders, but he has his own opinion on everything. He is not prone to conflicts and quarrels. Having become an unwitting witness to disputes, Rashid calmly and judiciously looks for a way to get out.

    The boy will never complain, cry, sob, call for help from elders. He respects the opinions of his peers and fights against injustice if younger or weaker children are offended, although you can’t call Rashid the young Mahatma Gandhi.

    In adolescence, Rashid's sense of justice is aggravated, truthfulness and decency are manifested. He is distinguished by enviable perseverance, early determines life goals. It is difficult to convince him or push him off the intended path.

    This guy completely and completely surrenders to hobbies, but does not show a share of the notorious fanaticism. Defeats are absolutely incapable of breaking Rashid. Failure further tempers his truly strong character.

    Rashid, already in his youth, is seriously thinking about what he would like to do in the future. And he tries to pay maximum attention to those subjects and sciences that are really useful to him. Colleagues at school sometimes consider this teenager lucky.

    The owner of this name in adulthood is insightful, smart, strong physically and morally, reasonable, which allows you to calculate in advance the right moves to overcome the actions of competitors. He easily achieves success in any field.

    A man loves to read, always trusts only dry facts. He is popular with the opposite sex and is admired by his colleagues. Rashid is absolutely not impulsive, which indicates a high degree of his poise and equanimity.

    He is capable of vivid emotions and personal feelings, but in society he tries to control any of their manifestations. Outwardly, he looks stern and impregnable. A man is fair and decent, he expects this from close people. But often faced with misunderstanding.

    Rashid character

    The benefits of having this name are endless. Rashid is distinguished by kindness, intelligence, reliability, prudence. He is not characterized by disputes, quarrels, squabbles, fights and other manifestations of aggression, which he considers unacceptable.

    The man is quite sociable, erudite, well-read. With him you can have fun and usefully spend time, because Rashid is a first-class conversationalist. This person is also invaluable as an employee and fair as a leader.

    The unequivocal shortcomings of Rashid include excessive dedication in business. He can literally sacrifice sleep and communication with loved ones if he plunges headlong into some kind of work. May take unnecessary risks.

    Also, this person, due to certain psychological characteristics, is intolerant of other opinions. Therefore, it is difficult to convince him of something. A man is slow when this or that occupation is not very interesting to him.

    The fate of Rashid

    Rashid is a father by nature. He always achieves his goals, regardless of possible obstacles and contradictions. The man is serious about marriage. Able to become a good and reliable husband, an attentive and gentle father. In life, he is accompanied by success. Fate develops perfectly in all periods.

    and money

    and family

    and love


    and hobbies

    Career, business and money

    Rashid is attracted to the exact sciences - physics, chemistry, mathematics. He is able to become a good engineer, head of a large division, architect, doctor, economist, politician, teacher.

    A man has innate talents - artistry, the ability to stay in public. He can achieve success in writing, acting, artistic skill. He is close to the entrepreneurial path. Rashid is able to find things that promise success.

    Marriage and family

    Rashid perceives family ties as a necessity. But he tries to provide himself with the most comfortable conditions, choosing a loving and beloved woman as his wife. The man is incredibly caring. Next to him, every girl will feel like a queen. He treats children reverently, unnecessarily patronizing and limiting their freedom.

    The ideal chosen one for Rashid is a soft, gentle, active, not grumpy and not talkative woman. The man prefers the patriarchal model of the family. He tries to manage all aspects of living together - budget, time planning, social circle, shopping, distribution of responsibilities.

    Sex and love

    Rashid enjoys success and respect among the fair sex. He can easily win the heart of any beauty without much effort. Prefers to dominate in relationships. Many bearers of this name are monogamous, some are very loving. It all depends on the environment and environment.

    In a love relationship, Rashid is affectionate, gentle, ready for a long foreplay. A man loves experiments and initiative on the part of his partner, but he leads the process personally, setting his own pace of development of events.


    Rashid has excellent health, which, nevertheless, needs to be taken care of very much so as not to waste it, figuratively speaking.

    The fact is that the wrong way of life, love for harmful products, lack of time for a full meal lead this person to pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract.

    Interests and hobbies

    Rashid is a comprehensively developed personality. He has many interests and hobbies. Free time prefers to spend with benefit.

    Choose non-fiction for reading. When playing sports, he is guided by the goal of strengthening his health. He goes fishing, being completely sure of a good bite.