Irrigation machine on one support in open ground. Watering flower and tree and shrub plants. In urban environments

Irrigation machine on one support in open ground.  Watering flower and tree and shrub plants.  In urban environments
Irrigation machine on one support in open ground. Watering flower and tree and shrub plants. In urban environments


§ E18-37. Watering flower and tree and shrub plants


Operator of watering machine 4 raz.

Table 1

Name and scope of work Meter Time standards Prices
When watering with sprinklers

1. Removing the hose.

2. Watering plants

3. Cleaning the hose

PM-8 100 trees

or holes

1,5 1-19 1
PM-8 100 m 2 0,13 0-10,3 2
PM-130 Same 1,3 1-03 3
When watering with a sprinkler

1. Pipeline installation.

2. Bringing to working position pump and motor.

4. Disconnect the motor from the pump.

5. Dismantling of the pipeline SDU, KDU-55M

100 m 2 0,45 0-35,6 4


Scope of work

1. Filling the watering machine tank with water.
2. Connecting the hydraulic drill system to the machine hose.
3. Watering green spaces with hydraulic drills, applying 10-12 injections into the soil around the tree trunk.
4. Moving the machine during work.
5. Disconnecting and cleaning the hydraulic drill system.

Operator of watering machine 3 r.

table 2

Time standards and prices for meters indicated in the table

Green spaces Age of plantings Meter Time standards Prices
Single trees 7-10 1 tree 0,23 0-16,1 1
14-20 Same 0,3 0-21 2
Group planting of trees 7-10 « 0,21 0-14,7 3
14-20 « 0,28 0-19,6 4
Single bushes 100 bushes 3,7 2-59 5
Group plantings of shrubs Same 1,8 1-25 6


Green construction worker 3 grade.

Table 3

Time standards and prices for meters indicated in the table

Title and composition of the work Meter Time standards Prices
When watering from buckets and watering cans

1. Filling water into buckets or watering cans.

2. Carrying water over a distance of up to 50 m.

3. Watering plants

100 watering cans 2,4 1-68 2
Add water every 10 m when delivering more than 50 m 100 buckets or 100 watering cans 0,21 0-14,7 3
When watering with a hose

1. Hose extension for a distance of up to 100 m.

2. Unwinding the hose and connecting it to the water supply.

3. Watering plants from a hose using a nozzle.

4. Cleaning the hose by disconnecting it from the water supply and carrying it at a distance of up to 100 m

Note. Standard line No. 4 requires watering from a hose 40 m long and 35 mm in diameter. For a larger length and diameter of the hose, multiply the Time Standards and Prices by 2 (PR-1).


Green construction worker 2 jobs.

Table 4

Time standards and prices per 100 m²

Watering methods. Forestry requirements for irrigation. Classification of machines and installations for irrigation. Features of watering plants in urban conditions. Classification of machines and installations for watering and irrigation. Working bodies of irrigation machines. Calculation of engine power to drive a sprinkler pump. Machines for washing tree crowns. Main directions in improving machine designs and irrigation technology.

Watering (irrigation) is necessary to regulate soil and air humidity, which allows you to create favorable conditions for ra stenia regime throughout growing season. The norms and frequency of watering plants depend on their biological and environmental characteristics, phase of development, branching of the root system, reaction to excess or lack of moisture, physical and mechanical properties of the soil and other factors. Urban plantings develop in conditions that differ sharply from the conditions of natural habitats. The soil around them is covered, as a rule, with a waterproof layer of asphalt; urban underground farming prevents normal development root system. The possible spring supply of moisture in the soil partially falls outside the holes onto the sidewalk and roadway and goes into storm drains. Therefore, already at the end of May, soil moisture becomes below optimal, which determines the need for systematic watering of plantings, especially on city streets.

Based on the nature of the water supply to the plants in the irrigated area, two irrigation methods are distinguished: surface and subsoil .

Surface irrigation is divided into : gravity, sprinkling, aerosol, drip.

Gravity irrigation It is used on relatively flat terrain and is carried out by supplying water to the plants through special furrows, strips, channels, etc.

One of the types of gravity irrigation is the supply of water to the tree trunks of urban plantings. This irrigation technique has its own characteristics. Tree-trunk holes are usually filled to the brim with water from a hose. As it is absorbed, the filling is repeated several times, after which the hole is filled with fresh soil. The irrigation area should be no less than the crown projection area, the irrigation depth should be 60...70 cm.

Amount of water required to maintain optimal humidity per 1 m 2 of hole area is called the irrigation rate.

Sprinkling - This is the most common method of watering. It is used in areas of unstable moisture, when irrigating areas with complex terrain and permeable soils with close groundwater.

Aerosol(fine) watering mainly used for growing planting material under film and in greenhouses. This method is based on covering plants with fog, when drops of water, deposited on the leaves of plants, do not roll off, but remain on them until they completely evaporate.

Drip irrigation consists of supplying water to the root system of plants in small doses through special pinholes. The advantages of this method are: significant savings in water consumption supplied to the root system, maintaining the soil near the root system in a moist state, and in the inter-row spaces in a semi-dry state, which makes it easier to process the plantings.

Root watering- supplying water directly to the root zone using hydraulic drills, injectors and individual care systems for green spaces. Such devices provide strictly dosed watering rates and prevent the formation of uncomfortable zones on pedestrian and roadways during the watering process.

According to the method of supplying water to the irrigation area, irrigation can be:




As a rule, manual and mechanized watering is used in the open ground of nurseries, in urban, forest and parkland plantings.

Automated irrigation is used in greenhouses and modern systems of autonomous watering and fertilizing of urban plantings.

Over time, manual watering of a plot turns into a burdensome task that you want to do less and less. Automatic or automated irrigation will help solve the problem. The design of the system and installation of all its components can be handled on our own. How? Read on.

Choosing a water supply source

We provide instructions for installing two irrigation systems: a large-scale automatic one using a programmable controller and a modest non-automated one based on a barrel.

Before proceeding with the arrangement of any of the two systems under consideration, you need to select a source of water and a suitable one for specific situation pump equipment. Water can be taken from:

Find out which one to choose, and also consider the types and installation process in our article.

Electric water pump prices

Electric water pumps

Table. Pump Malysh, used for pumping water from open reservoirs, wells and wells. Characteristics

Pump Baby, characteristicsIndicators
Pump typeHousehold vibrating submersible
Current consumption3 A
Power165 W
Water intakeLower
Pressure40 m
Performance432 l/min
Length of cable10-40 m
Continuous operationNo more than 12 hours at a time
The need to turn off the power for 15-20 minutesEvery 2 hours
ConnectionTo flexible hose

We do full automatic watering

Drawing a plan

Let's start by drawing up a site plan. On a scale, we will mark on it the main elements of our estate: house, veranda, entrance, outdoor stove, etc. - this way we can determine the permissible area of ​​action of sprinklers.

On the diagram we mark the water intake point. If there are several water sources and they are located in different places on the site, we select a tap located approximately in the middle. In such a situation, we will be able to provide approximately equal length irrigation lines

Choosing an irrigation method

In the example under consideration, the system is set up to water a large lawn and several beds, as well as an area with bushes and trees. You can adjust the layout taking into account the characteristics of your site.

We will water the part with the lawn and flower beds using retractable sprinklers. When turned on, they rise above the surface, and after watering is completed, they lower and become almost invisible.

For the second part of our plot, this irrigation option is not suitable: the plantings are too tall and the plot width is small.

Important note! It is not recommended to use sprinklers to water areas less than 2 m wide. Such devices have too large a range, which can cause a number of inconveniences.

To water this part of the plantings, we install a drip line. It is a pipe of the required length with holes arranged along its entire length. Such a pipe can be buried or simply laid between the beds.

Prices for guns, nozzles, hose sprinklers

Guns, nozzles, hose sprinklers

We draw up an irrigation scheme

We mark on the plan of our site the installation points of sprinklers and the radii of their coverage. We adhere to this design order:

  • We install sprinklers at the corners of the site for watering at 90 degrees;
  • along the borders of the territory we install devices that irrigate the space 180 degrees around;
  • in the corners of the site near various buildings and structures we install sprinklers at 270 degrees;
  • We install devices that water 360 degrees throughout the area.

We select the number of sprinklers so that the coverage radii of devices installed nearby intersect. With this arrangement of devices, not a single plant will be deprived of moisture. However, this method is only relevant for large areas that have the correct shape.

In our example, the area of ​​the plot is relatively small, but it has a narrow strip along the residential building. Therefore, we draw up the project in the following order:

  • First, we mark the installation locations of sprinklers that have the greatest radius of action. We will use them to water the main part of the garden;
  • on the narrow side of the site we mark places for sprinklers with a more modest irrigation radius;
  • In places where sprinklers cannot reach, we plan to lay a drip line.

Important! Double check the project. Make sure all plantings will receive water.

We check the water intake for throughput

The finished plan allows us to establish required quantity sprinklers. However, before installing the system, we must find out whether the productivity of the water supply source is sufficient to effectively service the system being installed. We do it this way:

Now we determine whether the water intake can ensure the simultaneous operation of all planned irrigation lines. The need for sprinklers remains the same and is determined in accordance with their coverage area. In our example we set:

  • 180 degree devices with a coverage area of ​​up to 200 m2 - 2 pieces. The water requirement of each device is 12, for a total of 24;
  • 270 degree sprinklers with a coverage area of ​​up to 200 m2 – 2 pieces. Each person's need is 14, for a total of 28;
  • 180 degree device with coverage up to 50 m2 – 1 piece. Need – 7;
  • 270 degree device with coverage up to 50 m 2 – 1. Requirement – ​​9;
  • 90 degree sprinkler with a coverage area of ​​up to 50 m2 – 1. Water requirement – ​​6.

In total, the water requirement of our irrigation devices is 74. The water intake is only capable of delivering 60. It will not be possible to connect all devices to one line for simultaneous use. To solve the problem, we make two lines of sprinklers. One will be used to service large devices, the other for small ones.

For drip irrigation we make a third line. She demands individual control, because The main lines are turned on for about half an hour every day, while the drip lines should work for at least 40-50 minutes, depending on the characteristics of the soil and the needs of the plantings.

Connect the drip line and sprinklers to common line it is forbidden. With such a system arrangement, either the area served by sprinklers will be watered too abundantly, or the area with drip irrigation will not be able to receive liquid in sufficient volume.

We automate the system

To regulate the operation of the system, we install a programmable controller. Using this device we can set the time to turn on and off the irrigation. To protect the device, it is recommended to install it indoors, for example, in the basement.

Near the water supply tap we install an input column for connecting the system, as well as a special installation box for placing shut-off valves according to the number of irrigation lines. We have 3 of them. We connect each valve to the controller using a two-wire cable. We divert one irrigation line from the valves. Such arrangement of the system will allow it to be programmed to turn on each irrigation line separately.

We arranged the lines as follows:

  • one was allocated to power large sprinklers. For the manufacture of the line itself, 19 mm pipes were used, for branches to the sprinklers - pipes of 16 mm diameter;
  • the second was used on small sprinklers serving an area of ​​up to 50 m2. The pipes used were similar;
  • the third line was allocated for drip irrigation. A 19mm pipe was used to make this line. Next, we connected a special drip pipe to it. It is made in the form of two closed loops. We connected the end of the drip pipe to the supply pipe.

To improve irrigation efficiency, we included a rain sensor in the system. It will not allow watering to turn on during rainfall. We connect the sensor to the controller according to the included instructions. In most cases, the controllers themselves are plugged into a regular outlet, which is very convenient.

Connecting and setting up irrigation

First step. We place irrigation elements on the site and connect them to each other using special connectors and splitters. We make sure that no earth gets into the pipes.

The design of the connectors is very simple - even a woman can easily handle the work

Second step. Connecting assembled system to the water supply and do trial run

. We position the sprinklers in the required directions. If everything is in order, we proceed to excavation work.

Fourth step.

We fill the bottom of the trench with a layer of crushed stone. The backfill will take on the functions of a drainage cushion, ensuring the removal of residual water.

Fifth step.

Sixth step.

We backfill the trench. Seventh step. We turn on the system to check. We adjust sprinklers.

Eighth step.

We program the controller to turn irrigation on and off at the required time. Remember: the lines must work alternately; they can be turned on simultaneously only with sufficient

bandwidth water intake Irrigation is connected and configured. We can accept it for permanent use. In the future, we regularly check the condition and correct operation of the elements of the irrigation system. Budget watering option There is no need to arrange a large-scale

automatic watering

? Then use simple a budget option barrel based. First step We make a stand for the barrel. We use a profiled pipe or channel.

Optimal height

supports – 1.5-2 m.

Support posts

should be inclined to each other at such an angle that the dimensions of the upper frame allow us to stably lay our barrel. We connect the supports with horizontal jumpers at the bottom, middle and top. We dig 70-80 cm holes for installing supports, set up the structure, fill 10-15 cm of the height of each hole with crushed stone and pour concrete. Important! While the concrete hardens, we fix the supports with spacers.

Drip irrigation - water tank

Second step

Prepare a container for water. Any intact and not rusty barrel will do. At the top of the barrel we cut a pipe for connecting the hose. Through it the barrel will be filled with water. We will connect the second end of this hose to the water intake. We also install a pipe in the lower part. We connect a watering hose to it. Both hoses are equipped with taps for turning the water supply on and off. Place the barrel on the support. For greater reliability, we secure it with clamps, bolts and nuts. Third step On the site plan we indicate the places that need watering. We draw a diagram of the irrigation system indicating all the splitters, connectors, plugs, taps, pipes, hoses and other elements. Fourth step We assemble an irrigation system. The simplest and convenient option- buy

Sprayer for watering

Good luck!

Video - DIY watering system

Lecture outline

1. Watering methods

2. Types of watering installations

  1. Watering methods

Based on the nature of water supply to plants in the irrigated area, two methods of irrigation are distinguished: surface and subsoil. Surface irrigation, in turn, is divided into: gravity, sprinkling, aerosol, drip.

Gravity irrigation used in gardens and parks with relatively flat terrain and is carried out by supplying water to the plants through special furrows, strips, channels, etc. At landscaping sites, gravity irrigation is used and water is supplied to tree trunks. The amount of water required to maintain optimal humidity per 1 m 2 hole area is called watering norm(Table 8.10). The irrigation rate is calculated using the following formula:


Where A- irrigation water norm per 1 m2 area, m3;

B - maximum field moisture capacity in % of soil volume, %;

IN- optimal soil moisture for plants in % of the maximum field moisture capacity, %;

G- soil moisture from the maximum field moisture capacity,%;

D - depth of the wetted layer, m.

Depth and area of ​​soil moisture depending on location

Tree planting

Sprinkling - a technique that allows you to easily regulate the rate and depth of soil wetting and supply water frequently and in small quantities. Water intake for sprinkling can be done from open or closed canals, reservoirs, urban plumbing systems followed by spraying with sprinklers and installations.

Aerosol (fine) watering - a technique used mainly when growing planting material in decorative nurseries under film in greenhouses. It is based on covering plants with fog, when drops of water, deposited on the leaves of plants, do not roll off, but remain on them until they are completely absorbed by plant tissues.

Drip irrigation- a technique consisting in supplying water to the root system of plants in small doses through special pinholes using special automatic installations. The advantage is, first of all, significant savings in water consumption supplied to the root system of the tree, maintaining the soil moist. Row plantings on streets and highways make it easier to care for the plantings. However, such irrigation presents increased requirements to water purification.

Root watering consists of supplying water directly to the root system of the tree. This method carried out using hydraulic drills, injectors and individual care systems for plantings located in difficult environmental conditions. Such devices provide strictly dosed irrigation rates, virtually eliminating the formation of crust on the soil surface, do not allow the formation of uncomfortable zones on pedestrian roadways during irrigation, and can be used to apply liquid mineral fertilizers and aeration.

According to the method of supplying water to the irrigation area, irrigation can be: manual, mechanized, automated.

Manual watering of plantings is carried out using hoses from irrigation washing machines on the surface seats trees and shrubs. Can only be used in cramped conditions. The use of watering and washing machines is rational in areas that do not have irrigation networks.

  1. Types of watering installations

Mechanized irrigation in gardens, parks, squares and boulevards requires the installation of a technical water supply system, the laying of special routes and the installation of pumping structures. For watering small plots For lawns, it is recommended to use short-stream sprinklers with nozzles and a spray radius of 3...5 m.

To irrigate lawns, flower beds and plantings located directly along the banks, reservoirs, especially on slopes and dams, it is advisable to use long-range sprinkler systems DDN-45, DDN-50, DDN-70, etc., located on floating craft (boats, pontoons and etc.) In this case, there is no need to lay a technical water pipeline along the coast. For watering areas in the shape of a circle or oval, cantilever watering carousels are recommended, which can be installed at large traffic intersections, large flower beds in gardens and parks.

According to the method of movement, sprinkler systems are divided into: stationary, semi-stationary And mobile.

Stationary installations allow, as a rule, to fully automate the irrigation process, since sprinklers are installed for the entire irrigation season. Such installations are usually powered by a single device (a pump that takes water from a nearby reservoir, a water main, etc.). Disadvantage stationary installations is their low utilization rate over time. The number of installations depends on their productivity, the distance of the water jet, and the size of the irrigated area.

Mobile units more maneuverable, but require specially assigned personnel to service them.

Semi-permanent installations usually carried out in the form of mobile semi-automatic units for hose irrigation.

Based on the type of sprinklers (nozzles), sprinkler systems are divided into fan And jet.

Fan nozzles form a flow of water in the form thin film, breaking down into fine droplets. The nozzles have a short range of action (up to 10m), which is important for small areas. At the irrigated site, the nozzles are installed motionless. Fan nozzles include slot nozzles (Fig. 8.48, A), deflector (Fig. 8.48, b), centrifugal (Fig. 8.48, V).

Rice. 8.48. Types of sprinkler heads: a- slotted; b- deflector; V- centrifugal: 1- slot cutout, 2- deflector plate

Jet nozzles create a directed flow of liquid in the form of an asymmetric jet. When watering, the nozzles rotate around vertical axis, while irrigating the entire area adjacent to the installation, depending on the corresponding spray radius. Nozzles are divided into short jet with a radius of action up to 20 m, medium jet with a radius of up to 30 m and long jet with a radius of more than 40 m.

The water supply system to sprinkler machines and installations includes the following elements: water sources, a pumping station, pipelines or supply channels and an irrigation network in the treated area.

There are open, closed and combined systems water supply.

IN open system Water enters the site through main, distribution and local canals. With surface irrigation, water flows into irrigation furrows, strips or checks by gravity.

Closed system formed by a network of permanent or temporary pipelines laid from pumping station to the site, as well as on the site itself. When installing stationary irrigation networks, pipes are laid: on special racks at a height of 20 to 70 cm; directly on the soil surface, below possible digging of the soil - at a depth of 20...35 cm; below the ground freezing level. Temporary pipelines (for one watering season) are placed on the soil surface.

Combined system includes both open channels, and the pipeline network.

The main elements of a sprinkler installation are: pump, pipeline network, sprinkler nozzles, supporting structures, engine. Sprinkler nozzles are designed to produce artificial rain and are made in the form of special elements (wings, fire nozzles, etc.). The rotation of the nozzles is carried out under the influence of a water jet. For this purpose, mechanical turning systems (“rainbow”, “rosa”, etc.) or deflectors (sk-16) can also be used.

The sk-16 sprinkler system (Fig. 8.49) is designed for work on urban lawns; radius of action is 10 m. The jet nozzle, fixedly mounted on a tripod, rotates under the action of the reactive force that occurs when part of the jet ejected from the nozzle hits the deflector plate. Depending on the installation angle of the nozzle deflector, it can rotate up to 60 revolutions per minute around its axis. The distribution of water over the surface is determined by two positions: watering is carried out by one or several installations simultaneously. In the first case, it is desirable to have a sprinkler that would allow uniform irrigation of the entire operational area of ​​the installation. In the second case, a uniform distribution of precipitation is undesirable, since waterlogging of the soil will be observed in the overlap zone of two adjacent installations. Therefore, in this area it is beneficial to reduce the intensity of water supply. The design of the SK-16 sprinkler system allows you to change the intensity of moisture in the irrigation zone.

8.49. Sprinkler installation sk-p1 - supply hose; 2-tripod

Tripod; 3 - deflector plate; 4- water jet; 5 - jet nozzle

At landscaping sites, sprinkler nozzles with a deflector rigidly fixed relative to the stream are used. For watering lawns, trees, shrubs, flower crops In parks, squares, boulevards and city streets, special watering machines are used. Such machines can also be used to clean asphalt paths and areas from dust and dirt. The most widespread are watering trailers for tractors and special vehicles on automobile chassis.

Watering trailer usb-25pm (Fig. 8.50) is included in the set of replaceable working units universal machine usb-25 for the maintenance of squares and boulevards. It is intended for watering green spaces, washing and watering road surfaces, as well as feeding the root systems of trees and shrubs. In the latter case, special solutions are used. The modernized T-25a tractor is used as the base machine. The tractor is equipped with a number of additional components and mechanisms. The watering trailer is a tank with a capacity of 2000 liters, mounted on a single-axle chassis. The chassis is equipped with a braking system. To suck in water when filling the tank with water from reservoirs, as well as to pump liquid into the pipeline system during working operations, a gearbox with a pump is mounted on the trailer.

Rice. 8.50. Watering trailer usb-25pm: 1 - tractor; 2 - tank; 3 - nozzles (nozzle)

The gearbox is driven cardan shaft from the power take-off shaft of the tractor. The water system pipeline is equipped with taps and connecting pipes. Nozzles are installed for washing and watering. You can also water with a pressure hose connected to one of the nozzles; the same nozzle is connected to a distributor of hydraulic drills, which are necessary when feeding plants with a special solution. The nozzles through which the water spills are located behind the driver - on the trailer. You can regulate the water flow from the nozzle during watering and washing using replaceable gaskets that change the size of the nozzle slot. To water green areas, you can turn on both the front and rear nozzles, and watering is done from the left and right sides of the trailer.

The Ko-705pm single-nozzle trailer with watering equipment mounted on a special chassis and connected to a T-40a tractor works similarly.

Of the watering machines installed on a car chassis, the most widely used are the p m -130 on the ZIL -130 car chassis and the AKPM-3 and KPM-64 machines on the same chassis. The use of a hydraulic drill system allows three operations to be carried out simultaneously - irrigation, fertilizing and aeration. In this case, water, aqueous solutions of mineral fertilizers and growth stimulants are evenly distributed at a given depth directly in the zone where the bulk of the roots occur.

For irrigation, you can use the Krona-130 and Krona-1r machines.

Machine "krona-130" for intrasoil nutrition, irrigation and aeration of tree plantations, it is made on the basis of a commercially produced industrial watering machine PM-130b (Fig. 8.51). Installed on the side members load-bearing beam, on which a hydraulic manipulator is mounted similar to the boom of a small excavator. An injection manifold equipped with four injectors is installed on the manipulator. The manipulator is controlled from the driver's cabin. Moving along the roadway, the car stops at a tree at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the tree trunk area, covered with standard gratings. The driver, using a manipulator, installs the injection manifold on the near-barrel platform, while all injectors must be located in given points sites. A special feature of the machine is the ability to carry out work without removing the tree trunk protective grilles. When they hit their ribs, the injectors, thanks to automatic devices, slide off them and continue moving down until they come into contact with the soil. After installing the injectors, the centrifugal vortex pump is turned on, and the liquid from the injectors under a pressure of 20-10 5 pa creates channels 50 cm deep in the soil within a few microseconds.

Rice. 8.51. Injection machines:

A - “krona-130”: 1- spars, 2 - supporting beam, 3- hydraulic manipulator4- injection manifold, 5 - injectors; 6- “crown-ip”

After this, the pressure automatically decreases to 3-10 s pa and a smooth injection of liquid (water or solution) occurs nutrients) through the canal into the root zone. The process lasts for 30 s, after which the injectors are installed in

Initial position and the machine moves to the next tree. The machine's productivity when working on streets and avenues is 250...300 trees per shift. The composition of nutrient solutions, injection depth and dose are determined depending on the type and age of trees, as well as taking into account data from agrotechnical soil analyses.

The Krona-1r root plant feeder works similarly to the Krona-130 machine, but is mounted on T-25, T-40, MTZ-82 tractors. This makes it possible to provide care for trees located both along roadways and in internal spaces landscaping objects. The machine has a tank with a capacity of 1,200 liters. Injection depth is up to 50 cm, injection dose is up to 100 liters per tree, productivity is up to 140 trees per shift. The Krona-ip machine can be used for washing tree crowns, foliar feeding, and to combat pests and plant diseases.

Construction complex systems automatic irrigation, allowing you to irrigate areas with large area– this is the task of specialized highly specialized companies. An interested owner can build a system on his site that will automatically provide all plantings with life-giving moisture. And if everything is calculated correctly, then the plants planted on the site will receive water taking into account individual needs.

Organization of automatic watering on the site: types of irrigation systems

1. Sprinkler systems - irrigation installations that simulate natural precipitation in the form of rain. Such installations are common due to their simplicity and ease of use. They are used for watering lawns and flower beds. The basic principle of organizing and arranging nozzles in a sprinkler system is that the radius of irrigation of adjacent nozzles should completely overlap. That is, after watering, there should be practically no dry areas left on the territory.

grom1300 User FORUMHOUSE

Ideally, sprinklers should be located at the tops of the triangles. Each waterer should be watered by at least one more waterer.

Irrigation system on site.

2. Installations for root drip (spot) irrigation are irrigation systems that deliver water directly to the planting zone, irrigating it in a directed manner root system. A similar site irrigation system is mainly used for watering trees, shrubs, greenhouses and garden plants(for watering flora representatives with a deep root system). The principle of arranging irrigation equipment in such systems is that water lines with watering drippers (drip tapes) are located along the planting rows at a short distance from the plant trunks.

3. Installations for underground (intrasoil) irrigation - irrigation systems, the functionality of which is similar to drip irrigation. These automatic watering systems differ from others in that porous watering pipes are laid underground and deliver water directly to the plant's root system.

Humidifiers for subsoil irrigation (pipes with round or slot-like holes) are located at a depth of 20...30 cm. The distance between two adjacent lines is 40...90 cm (depending on individual characteristics irrigated crop and soil type). The gap between the humidifier holes is 20...40 cm. The subsurface irrigation system is problematic in terms of operation, so few people decide to install it on their own site.

Regardless of which watering method you choose, the design automatic system irrigation will be built on the same principles. Significant differences will only consist in the use of different elements for irrigation and the fact that different types of systems have different operating pressure.

Thus, gravity drip systems can function even at a pressure of 0.2 atm.

Vladimir User FORUMHOUSE

The first operate at very low pressure from 0.2 to 0.8 atm. Roughly speaking, those who do not have a water supply on their site can connect to a tank or barrel. True, the barrel must be raised by 1.5 - 2 meters.

In sprinkler systems this figure is much higher (several atmospheres). And it depends on the characteristics of the equipment used.

Schematic diagram of an irrigation installation

The main elements of organizing a combined (having drip and rain irrigation circuits) installation automatic irrigation shown in the diagram.

Automatic watering. Connection diagram.

This scheme functions as follows: water from the source (using a pump or by gravity) is delivered to the irrigation zones through main pipelines with a diameter of 1 - 1 1/2 inches. Irrigation zones are equipped with small diameter pipes (3/4 inch).

SergoDonbass User FORUMHOUSE

There is a plot of 18 acres and a well in the pit ring (pump in the same place). The system is equipped with 1" and 3/4" polypropylene pipes.

In addition to the connection source, it is recommended to include in the irrigation system storage tank. It can be a darkened container with a volume of 2 m³ or more (depending on water consumption during irrigation). The container is equipped with a float fill sensor. If you place it in direct sunlight, it will perform a double function: it will be able to accumulate and heat water in an amount sufficient for one irrigation. The tank is filled with water from a water supply, well or well. In order to prevent the growth of algae inside the storage container, it can be darkened with black film.

Natural reservoirs cannot be used as the main source of water for the automatic irrigation system. Microorganisms and algae contained in such water will quickly damage the irrigation system.

Rain watering zones are equipped with rotary (dynamic) or fan (static) sprayers. Drip tapes are laid in drip irrigation areas.

Sprayers of only one type and model should be installed on one irrigation line. Otherwise, no one guarantees their normal performance.

Electromagnetic valves installed in the water distribution unit turn on a certain irrigation circuit at a given point in time.

The opening and closing of the solenoid valves is carried out using a controller (also called a programmer or irrigation computer) in accordance with a given schedule. The programmer is installed next to the water distribution unit. The pump begins to pump water into the system automatically (at the moment the pressure in the line drops). And the pressure drops as soon as the solenoid valve opens.

To ensure that the system operates without failure, it is equipped with filters installed directly into the main water supply.


To prevent sprinkler filters from becoming clogged, it is necessary to install a disc filter at the inlet or, better yet, at the outlet of the tank.

The pumping station indicated in the diagram includes storage tank, filter fine cleaning, check valve, a purge unit (to preserve the system for the winter), as well as a pump that supplies water to the irrigation main.

Do-it-yourself irrigation system on the site.

The figure shows the simplest configuration of an irrigation installation. Depending on specific needs, the system can be equipped with additional elements, and some devices (main pump, rain sensor, purge unit, solenoid valves etc.), may be missing.

When creating an automatic watering system, we will have to complete several mandatory steps.


I would like to inform you about the steps we will take to achieve the goal:

  1. Draw detailed plan plot with all existing facilities.
  2. Selection and placement of sprinklers on the drawing.
  3. Ungrouping sprinklers into zones (a zone is an area controlled by one valve).
  4. Hydraulics calculation and pump selection.
  5. Calculation of pipe cross-sections and determination of pressure losses in the system.
  6. Purchase of components.
  7. System installation.

Points 3-5 are carried out as if in parallel, since changing any parameter leads to the need to change the rest. If there are more sprinklers in one zone, a more powerful pump is needed, and this, in turn, leads to an increase in the cross-section of the pipes.

Let's look at these steps in more detail.

Site plan

We will need a site plan to draw up a layout of irrigation equipment.

The plan is drawn to scale. It should indicate irrigation zones, the water source, and also separately standing plants(trees, etc.) that are planned to be irrigated.

Development of an automatic watering scheme

When the site plan is ready, the routes of the main pipelines can be drawn on it. If you plan to create a rain irrigation zone, then the diagram must indicate the installation locations of the sprinklers, as well as their radius of action.

If a drip irrigation zone is created on the site, then its lines should also be marked on the general diagram.

If the distance between the rows of drip-irrigated plants exceeds 40 cm, then a separate irrigation line must be installed for each row. If the specified distance is less, then watering in the garden or vegetable garden can be organized between the rows (in order to save pipes and drippers).

System calculation

Having drawn detailed diagram irrigation, you can determine the length of the pipelines and calculate the exact number of irrigation points (number of sprinklers and drippers).

In terms of calculating the cross-section of pipes, as well as determining the volume of the storage tank and the power of pumping equipment, everything is very ambiguous. To implement correct calculations you will need to know the watering rates for all plants planted on the site. The calculations should be based on theoretical knowledge of hydrodynamics, and this issue requires separate study. Therefore, in order to avoid mistakes, it is better to contact the services of appropriate specialists or representatives of a company that sells components for auto-irrigation systems. They will be able to select equipment and system elements that are suitable specifically for your site.

If you want to do everything yourself, then a simple solution to the problem regarding the calculation of the irrigation system is offered by the user of our portal.

Konstantin User FORUMHOUSE

Making sure everything is watered is quite simple. The water consumption is indicated for each sprinkler. By adding up the consumption of all sprinklers, you get the total consumption. Next, a pump is selected where this total flow rate is at a pressure of 3–4 atm. This turns out to be so-called. "working point".

The pump flow should cover the water needs of the irrigation system by at least 1.5 times.

The train of thought is correct. Only when calculating should one take into account the height of the water rise and the resistance force of the liquid that occurs when water moves through pipes, as well as when it passes through branches (from a large diameter to a smaller one). If the irrigation system is combined (with a sprinkler and drip circuit), then errors in calculations can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Liss1970 User FORUMHOUSE

From the “hard-won little things”: everything is always determined by the flow rate of the well (water source) and the pressure in the supply hose! There is no pressure - the sprinklers do not work, too much pressure - the drip hose tears.

This problem is easily solved by installing a reduction gear at the entrance to the drip line. The reducer allows you to reduce the operating pressure in the drip circuit to 1.5...2 Bar. The sprinkler line will remain fully operational.

The drip irrigation line does not need to be connected to the common line coming from the pump if the storage tank is located at a height that can provide effective watering.

If we're talking about O small system drip irrigation, then calculating it is much easier. Moreover, such a system, as we have already said, can work without a pump.


I've had it idle for 3 years now drip system: steel bath(200 l), and hoses with droppers are extended from it. Approximately 17 cucumber bushes in the greenhouse are watered around the clock. The water is coming by gravity.

Automatic watering connection diagram

Pipeline installation

When starting to build a system, we first determine the best way pipe laying. There are only two such ways:

1. On the surface of the ground - suitable for seasonal watering (in the country). This method of laying pipes allows you to completely dismantle the system at the end of the irrigation season and protect its elements from damage (or theft).
2. Underground - suitable for areas intended for permanent residence. In this case, the pipes are laid to a depth of at least 30 cm. This is done so that they cannot be damaged by a walk-behind tractor, cultivator or shovel.

ElektraIrina User FORUMHOUSE

For my site I want to make a main pipe along the central path, and from it hoses with sprinklers to the sides. So that they can be collected and stored for the winter, and then quietly plowed with a walk-behind tractor in the fall and spring.

We dig trenches according to a pre-developed scheme. If the main route runs along an already growing lawn, then along the future trench you should lay cellophane onto which the soil will be removed.

Or this is the option offered by one of the FORUMHOUSE users.

Naoumov FORUMHOUSE user,

I buried a shovel on one bayonet. You stick a shovel in at three edges, and then you lift this cube of grass with soil, lay a pipe and close it back. The effect is amazing. A week later, after the rain, it was as if nothing had happened! And the pipe is already there – it’s nice to look at it.

Automatic watering wiring is most often installed from polymer pipes. They are not subject to corrosion and have low internal resistance and are easy to install. Ideally, polyethylene pipes should be used low pressure(PND). They are UV resistant and can be connected using threaded compression fittings. This is their advantageous difference from polypropylene pipes which are connected by welding. Indeed, in the event of an accident, the functionality of a polypropylene-based system is difficult to restore.

By the way, if the elements of the system are not hidden underground, then threaded connections on HDPE pipes, at the end of the watering season, you can quickly dismantle and remove all components for winter storage.

It is important to ensure that equipment installed underground can withstand frost without damage.

In order for the automatic watering system to overwinter “without shocks,” water is discharged at its lowest point. For these purposes, you can use water release valves, which are activated when the pressure in the system drops below a certain value. After the valve is activated, water is removed from the system by gravity. If the system has several irrigation circuits, then it is advisable to install valves on all supply lines. If there is no lower point on the site (if the site is flat), then it is created artificially.


Every water outlet and sprinkler has an anti-freeze valve, so it's been 5 years since I've ever drained the water!

For the winter, the water is drained from the storage tank, the filters are cleaned, and the pumps are dismantled and stored in a warm room.

Installation of connections

All branches from main pipelines, as well as peripheral connections, taps and tees should be located in special hatches. After all, these elements of the system are the most problematic (leaks occur at the joints). And if the location problem areas known and access to them is open, then system maintenance becomes easier.

After everything underground elements the systems will be assembled and put in place, the system needs to be flushed. This will help remove debris that will interfere with the normal functioning of the automatic watering system.

At the next stage, drip tapes and sprinklers can be connected to the system. Sprinklers are standard products purchased in specialized stores. To create a drip circuit, you can use ready-made drip tapes, but there is also an alternative - ordinary irrigation hoses, into which droppers are mounted at a given interval.

The pumping station with all its elements, the water distribution unit and the programmer - all these devices are installed in a pre-planned location, to which electricity and water are supplied from the main source.

Automatic watering on the site: optional elements

It may be advisable to equip the main line of the irrigation system with water outlets, allowing you to connect a hose for manual watering, for washing a car and for other needs. Rain and temperature sensors will allow you to turn off the system if watering is not practical. All these devices are installed solely at will.

If you are interested, then you can always read the opinions of other users of our portal who have practical experience construction of such systems. If you are interested, then there is a corresponding topic for you on the forum. For those who wish to water, we recommend visiting the corresponding FORUMHOUSE section. You can also learn about the advantages and features of drip irrigation systems from our video.