Is lightly salted trout healthy? Lightly salted trout. Trout dishes

Is lightly salted trout healthy?  Lightly salted trout.  Trout dishes
Is lightly salted trout healthy? Lightly salted trout. Trout dishes

Trout is one of the most delicious fish of the salmon family. Its habitat is very wide. It can be caught in the seas, oceans, and even rivers. Sea fish usually has red meat, while river fish usually has white meat. Trout lives in clean waters, but when the water is polluted, all harmful substances are then found in its composition.

The nutritional value

The calorie content of raw trout is about 96–100 kcal per 100 grams of product. It contains 19 grams of protein and 2.2 grams of fat, and no carbohydrates at all. The chemical composition of trout is diverse. It contains the following elements:

  • fat-soluble vitamins (vitamin A, K);
  • B vitamins (B1, B6, B12);
  • minerals (Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn);
  • fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6);
  • unsaturated fats (linoleic, linolenic, palmitoleic, arachidonic).

All these substances are necessary for the proper and harmonious functioning of our body. Scientists have long proven that modern people need to eat fish at least 2 times a week. Members of the salmon family are some of the best options for meeting your vitamin, mineral and essential fatty acid needs.

Does the ratio of KBJU change after cooking?

Heat treatment changes the composition of any product. Trout is no exception. It is worth considering in more detail how the ratio of KBJU in the finished product changes.


Like any fish, trout is undoubtedly beneficial for the body. It contains almost all the macro- and micronutrients necessary for our body. The vitamins contained in the composition provide antioxidant protection for the body, strengthen the vascular wall, promote the restoration of nerve fibers, and are involved in hematopoiesis. The minerals present in fish help our body maintain healthy skin, strengthen hair and nails, and support the immune system. Trout is an excellent source of essential fatty acids. Medicine has long proven that omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids protect blood vessels from the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, nourish the heart and improve brain function. Unsaturated fats are part of cell membranes, so they are also necessary for tissue regeneration.

Trout is also irreplaceable for adherents of proper nutrition. The large amount of protein and low presence of fat make this fish attractive to those on a diet. It is important to remember that trout dishes are some of the most satisfying. If your work involves intense physical activity, this fish is not suitable for your daily diet. On the contrary, for those losing weight, this fish is the best choice, since trout has a unique BJU ratio (20: 2: 0).


To get the most out of trout, you need to know how to cook it properly. It is worth considering which side dish trout goes best with. Salmon fish dishes go well with a side dish of non-starchy vegetables, namely:

  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • eggplant;
  • various varieties of cabbage.

Groats also have a place next to the trout. It is best to choose unrefined grains such as brown rice and bulgur.

For a couple

The calorie content of this dish is 125 kcal. 100 grams contain 17 grams of protein and 6 grams of fat. To steam trout, follow these steps:

  • clean the fish from scales and giblets, cut off the head, cut into portions;
  • pour 1 liter of water into the steamer, wait until it boils;
  • at this time, rub portions of trout with a mixture of salt and pepper, although you can use various seasonings for fish; let marinate;
  • after locking the water, transfer the pieces into the steamer bowl;
  • after 16–20 minutes you need to turn the fish over to the other side;
  • After about 13–17 minutes, when the fish is ready, remove to serving plates; Serve with fresh vegetable salad.

Baked in the oven

The KBJU of this dish per 100 grams is as follows:

  • 170 kilocalories
  • 22 grams of protein;
  • 9 grams of fat;
  • no carbohydrates.

Cooking trout baked in the oven involves the following steps:

  • prepare the fish, form steaks approximately 2–2.5 cm thick;
  • Sprinkle each piece with lemon juice, then rub with salt and spices; marinate for about 20–30 minutes;
  • take a baking dish, grease it with olive oil, place the steaks in it; If you wish, you can add vegetables to the fish, for example, bell pepper or eggplant; you can put onion, cut into rings, on each piece of fish;
  • place the baking dish in an oven preheated to +190°C; Ready time: 40–45 minutes.

Important! Focus on your oven. Due to the nature of ovens, cooking time may increase or decrease.

If the trout is not very large, up to two kilograms, then you can bake the whole fish by following these steps:

  • clean the fish from scales and giblets, but do not cut off the head;
  • rub the fish with salt and spices;
  • make cross cuts on the fish, put half a lemon in there;
  • Grease a baking sheet with sunflower or olive oil;
  • preheat the oven to +180–+200°C and place a baking sheet with fish there; in about 45–50 minutes the dish will be ready.


When frying fish, its fat content will increase slightly. This is due to the fact that the trout will absorb some of the oil. Thus, the calorie content of fried trout will be 215 kcal, and it will contain 19 and 14 grams of protein and fat. To cook fried trout, you need to adhere to the following algorithm:

  • preparing the fish – clean the trout, rinse well; if you have a large representative of the species, then cut it into portions, and small-sized fish can be fried whole;
  • Sprinkle the prepared trout with lemon juice and rub with salt and herbs; marinate for an hour;
  • then roll the fish in flour and place in a hot frying pan;
  • fry until golden brown, first on one side, then on the other;
  • Serve the fish, slightly cooled, with your favorite side dish.


If you want to cook trout, you can prepare a set lunch right away. For the first course there will be fish soup, for the second - boiled fish with fresh vegetables. The calorie content of boiled trout is low and amounts to 107 kcal per 100 grams of fish, while it contains 19.5 grams of protein and 2.1 grams of fat. The nutritional value of trout fish soup is only 28 kcal per 100 g, 4 g of protein, 2.5 g of fat and 2 g of carbohydrates.

To prepare a delicious fish soup, you need to follow these steps:

  • take half a kilo of fish, small onions and carrots, 3-4 pcs. potatoes;
  • rinse the trout well, cut into small pieces, add water, salt to taste and put on fire;
  • cook for 15–20 minutes; at this time, peel and chop the vegetables;
  • when the fish is ready, remove it from the broth and add all the vegetables to it;
  • When the potatoes are ready, reduce the heat to low and add peppercorns and bay leaves to the soup; if desired, you can add 50 grams of cognac;
  • boil for 5 minutes and let it brew;
  • Serve portioned pieces of trout separately along with a salad of fresh vegetables.


In such a dish, per 100 grams of product there are 213 kcal, 21 grams of protein, 6 grams of fat. It goes well with baked vegetables: peppers, champignons, eggplants, zucchini. To cook trout on the grill, you should follow these recommendations:

  • marinate cleaned and well-washed fish in a lemon-salt solution for about one hour;
  • Place the trout steaks on the grill and cook until done, alternately turning the fish about every 5 minutes.

Important! Steamed trout dishes are considered the healthiest. With this method of heat treatment, all the beneficial properties of the fish are preserved. It does not accumulate excess fat, as a result of which the calorie content of the finished dish does not increase.

Trout is one of the most valuable representatives of the salmon family. It contains a diverse amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The calorie content in its raw form is about 100 kcal per 100 grams of product, which makes it attractive for adherents of proper nutrition and those losing weight, for whom the number of calories is important. By eating trout dishes, you help your body fight stress and “bad” cholesterol, and replenish essential fatty acids and vitamins.

To learn how to cook baked trout, watch the following video.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Trout is a commercial fish of the family Salmonidae, lives in seas, lakes, rivers and streams. The size and color of trout directly depends on the reservoirs, so fish are found from 400 grams to 20 kilograms, from 30 to 120 cm. The main color of trout is silver-gray, there are shades of yellow, brown, olive green , some varieties have a large number of dark specks and spots. The trout's body is of a traditional shape, slightly compressed from the sides, and has no special features. Trout meat is juicy, dense and elastic, red-orange or gray-pink (river trout) in color. Trout has an amazing ability to sense pollution in water bodies, so live fish are an indicator of water purity.

Calorie content of trout

The calorie content of trout is 97 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Trout is a supplier of easily digestible, high-quality protein necessary for the body to build cells. Fish contains polyunsaturated acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which successfully reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. In trout there are, especially important, which significantly improves the elasticity and protection of the skin. The main useful mineral is , an indispensable element for the growth and strengthening of bones in childhood and adolescence, as well as in old age.

Harm to trout

Eating trout can cause allergic reactions, so introducing fish into the diet of young children should be done with caution.

Selection and storage of trout

When choosing chilled trout, you should touch the skin of the fish - it should be slippery and elastic, this is evidence of the freshness of the product. The eyes of the trout should be without a matte film, the gills should be a rich burgundy color. Fresh trout smells fresh, there is no specific fishy smell. Fresh trout should be cooked immediately or stored in the coldest part of the refrigerator for no longer than a day (calorizator). When frozen, trout retains maximum of its beneficial properties and does not lose its taste.

Trout in cooking

Cooking trout is a creative process and pleasure, because the fish is difficult to spoil even for a beginner. Trout is steamed and grilled, baked and fried. The taste of the fish is so rich that the use of spices is minimal -

Very often, lightly salted trout is prepared, which is a real delicacy, is an ingredient in sushi and many delicious snacks, and also has a great effect on health.

Description of lightly salted trout and its characteristics

To prepare lightly salted trout, take a fresh piece of fish and keep it in a special marinade of salt and a small amount of sugar for several days. Such trout has almost all the same properties as fresh trout; it retains 80% of vitamins and 95% of minerals. The calorie content of lightly salted trout is only slightly higher than that of fresh trout.

The benefits and harms of lightly salted trout

Eating lightly salted trout will not only be a real treat for the stomach, but will also have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. This product improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, has a beneficial effect on brain function, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, improves metabolism in general and slows down the aging process.

The harm of lightly salted trout does not manifest itself in anything, with the exception of the high salt content in this product. That is why its consumption should be limited to people who suffer from salt deposits and other problems associated with the level of salt in the body.

Trout is a famous delicacy with a unique taste. This fish lives only in clean waters, so trout lovers can be sure that they are eating a pure product without toxins or harmful substances.

Trout and its caviar are recognized some of the most delicious delicacies. The meat is tender and has a cream, white or red color. People call fish red not only because of the color of the meat, but also because of the importance and significance of this delicacy.

Fish contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, various amino acids, vitamins of all groups, phosphorus, iron, iodine, and selenium. The benefits and harms of trout depend on these substances, which is highly valued in medicine, dietetics and cosmetology.

Calorie content of trout per 100 g – 88 Kcal.

Trout contains many useful substances, with which it saturates the human body. It improves brain function, reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, and eliminates the feeling of fatigue and lethargy.

Fish meat has a positive effect on the nervous system, calms, lowers cholesterol, helps normalize blood pressure, improves memory, strengthens the heart muscle, protects against depression.

Trout is a hypoallergenic fish, this product is absolutely safe for allergy sufferers. Doctors advise patients suffering from diabetes and psoriasis to eat fish meat.

Fish also has cosmetic benefits, its components are included in creams, masks and gels. Products based on trout oil have a powerful rejuvenating effect, which many cosmetologists compare with light injections of botulinum toxins or mesotherapy.

But since trout has little fat, cosmetics based on it are expensive and not popular; they can only be found in the lines of well-known cosmetic companies.

In dietetics, this fish is famous as one of the most beneficial for weight loss.. But a lot depends on the method of preparation. Substances that enter the body in the form of boiled fish are well absorbed and help in the breakdown of fats.

But, despite all the beneficial qualities of trout, it can be harmful. This product should be used with caution by those who suffer from diseases of the liver, stomach and intestines.. You should completely avoid trout if you have an individual intolerance to the product, but this is an extremely rare occurrence.

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Lightly salted trout - benefits and harms

Lightly salted fish is no less healthy than boiled or steamed fish. It makes delicious snacks, sandwiches and canapés. It contains large amounts of thiamine (vitamin B1) and riboflavin (vitamin B2). Calorie content of the product – 229 Kcal per 100 g.

Lightly salted trout is often recommended for melancholic people, since the vitamins it contains fight depression and stress. If you eat the product regularly, you can forget about your bad mood forever. Trout removes harmful toxins and prevents intestinal problems.

Due to the high phosphorus content in trout, eating fish improves the functioning of the brain and circulatory system, and has a positive effect on the body.

However, lightly salted trout is contraindicated for hypertensive patients, since the salt included in its composition increases blood pressure.

Trout caviar - benefits

Red trout caviar is considered one of the smallest, with a diameter of no more than 3 mm. Color can vary from yellow to deep orange. The benefits of trout caviar have been known for a long time, but you still need to watch the portions.

So, let's look at how trout caviar can benefit human health.:

  • The caviar of this fish can be consumed to prevent atherosclerosis.
  • The product improves blood circulation, reduces the risk of vascular and heart diseases.
  • With the help of red caviar you can normalize hemoglobin in the blood and lower cholesterol.
  • Trout caviar strengthens the skeletal system, has a positive effect on vision and supports immunity. Doctors advise including trout caviar in the diet when treating ARVI and viral infections.

Trout has long been famous as a healthy fish, which is also considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth. Thanks to the polyunsaturated acids and complex of vitamins that make up trout, it is used in medicine, cosmetology and dietetics.

But there are also contraindications: fish should be consumed with caution if you have hypertension, liver and stomach diseases, or if you are prone to edema.

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Trout is found in both salt and fresh water bodies. It is mainly found in mountain rivers and fresh lakes.

Interesting! The color of trout varies depending on its habitat. So, for example, if you move trout from a lake to an artificial reservoir, its color will change.

Product benefits

Salted trout has a colossal number of beneficial properties. It contains Omega-3 fats, which are very necessary for the human body. Which serve to maintain normal cholesterol levels in the body, and also have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, vascular and nervous systems.

In addition, salted trout retains all vitamins A, B, and D.

Interesting! Scientists have found that a person who regularly consumes trout or any other red fish is significantly less susceptible to sunburn.

Salted trout also contains a large amount of high-quality protein with essential amino acids.

Important! The high content of healthy fats and proteins with essential amino acids makes trout invaluable for people who are fond of sports.

Interesting! Salted trout contains all 8 essential amino acids, which are so necessary for the normal functioning of the human body!

Harm to the product

People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver should refrain from eating salted trout.

Important! Some types of trout contain small amounts of mercury. As a result, pregnant and lactating women should not abuse it.

How to prepare the product

You can either buy salted trout in a store or cook it yourself. It won't take much time or effort. To salt trout you will need salt, granulated sugar, bay leaf and allspice. It is best to use coarse salt.

Prepare a mixture of sugar and salt at the rate of 3-4 tbsp. per 1 kg. trout. We take all the ingredients according to our taste, but the spices should not overwhelm the taste of the trout itself. Next, you need to cut the fish itself; if the fish is whole, you need to cut off the head, fins and tail before salting. Now cut the fish into large pieces (no need to chop).

Interesting! When salting trout, it cannot be spoiled by salt!

Now you need to cut the resulting pieces into fillets. For this we need a very sharp and large knife. Using a knife, make a cut next to the dorsal fin, along the ridge. We do the same on the other side of the dorsal fin, only now we pull it back. After this we remove the spine and ribs.

Now we place the resulting fillet in a container. Initially, pour a little mixture of salt and sugar into the bottom of the container, and also put a small amount of bay leaf and allspice. Now we place it on the bottom, skin side down. We also sprinkle them with a mixture of salt and sugar and add bay leaf, pepper and repeat this process.

After all the trout have been placed, close the container with a lid and place it in the refrigerator or any other cool place. The temperature during salting should be no higher than 10 degrees. A day later we get salted trout.

Important! Do not use metal utensils for salting trout. Since during salting, the brine can react with the metal.

Interesting! It is worth saying that both when you salt it yourself and when you buy salted trout in a sealed package, it retains all its beneficial properties!

The excellent taste and benefits of salmon fish are known to everyone. The salmon family includes a variety of species. What they have in common is that their habitat is cold water. Therefore, fish contains significant quantities of healthy fats, which help maintain life in harsh conditions. Trout is a prominent representative of the salmon family, and is especially valued as a product that is ideal for the human diet.

In appearance, trout is a fish with an elongated body, compressed at the sides and covered with small and slightly shiny scales. It is noteworthy that it has the unusual property of acquiring the color of the water in which it is located. Trout on average reaches a length of 40-50 cm and a weight of about 1 kg. Males are larger in size and have a large head. This fish grows and lives in mountainous and rocky rivers and streams, in water with currents and a high oxygen content.

The nutritional value

The incredible taste of trout is ensured by meat rich in vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids and amino acids. Fish contains a surprising number of microelements that are of primary importance. The concentration of many of them in 100 grams of product is capable of completely replenishing a person’s daily need for essential nutrients.

The benefits are obvious and confirmed by experts. The highest content in fish is achieved by:

  • Vitamin A - 10 mcg/100 g
  • Vitamin D - 32.9 mcg/100 g
  • Vitamin B12 - 5 mcg/100 g
  • Vitamin E - 2.7 mg/100 g
  • Aspartic acid - 2 g/100 g
  • Glutamic acid - 3.1 g/100 g
  • Alanine - 1.4 g/100 g
  • Leucine - 1.7 g/100 g
  • Sodium - 75 mg/100 g
  • Potassium - 417 mg/100 g
  • Calcium - 20 mg/100 g
  • Magnesium - 28 mg/100 g
  • Phosphorus - 244 mg/100 g
  • Cholesterol - 59 mg/100 g

Troutcharacterized by low calorie content. On average, this figure is 88 kilocalories per 100 grams of fish.

Beneficial features

Salmon fish are a real boon for nutrition. Nutrients have a beneficial effect on health. Trout is often recommended by doctors to be included in the diet of people undergoing treatment.

The rich content of omega-3 acids in fish prevents the accumulation of harmful waste in the body and eliminates toxins. It has been observed that people who regularly consume seafood are least susceptible to the influence of stressful situations and melancholy.

Phosphorus in the composition has enormous benefits for brain function and enhances mental activity. Optimizing cerebral circulation can, among other things, prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

The beneficial properties do not end there. Trout lowers cholesterol levels and cleans blood vessels from harmful fats. This fact has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system.

A balanced composition, which contains all types of vitamin B (including vitamin B12), is necessary for women’s health: it stabilizes the condition during PMS and menopause.

Useful video No. 1:

The properties of trout will be valuable for people suffering from anemia. Fish will help in the treatment of long-term, debilitating diseases that require a lot of effort to restore the body.

Microelements from fish meat improve the functioning of the digestive system and reduce the load on the liver.

It will help men quickly restore strength after significant stress and hard work, as it is absorbed very quickly. Selenium increases sperm motility, which helps fight infertility.

According to some data, by stimulating metabolic processes, trout prevents the occurrence of certain forms of cancer.

Among the very important beneficial properties, we can also highlight:

  • improved mood
  • activation of metabolism
  • strengthening the arteries
  • slowing down the aging process
  • prevention of complications from coronary artery disease.

Harmful characteristics

Despite many advantages, trout, like any other product, has properties that can be harmful. Therefore, it is important to consider its contraindications.

Pregnant and lactating women should consume salmon fish with caution. Since some species may contain a small amount of mercury. For an adult, such tiny doses of the substance are safe, but can affect an embryo or small child.

Toxic components from the habitat accumulate mainly in the head of the trout. Therefore, experts recommend not to use it in food.

Saturated fats activate the digestive tract, so trout meat can be consumed with caution by people with peptic ulcers and liver disorders.

Minimize the harm from unfavorable characteristics and turn them into benefits if you follow moderation and know the contraindications.

Storage conditions

The first and most important recommendation is to store trout in the refrigerator. Partial thawing of a frozen product is not allowed. It must be remembered that if the conditions are not met, the fish can become a source of poisoning and cause harm. The beneficial properties and taste are noticeably lost if the fish is re-frozen. Due to technology violations, bacteria grow on its surface.

What you need to know:

  • for chilled trout in the refrigerator, it is better to use crushed ice
  • to extend shelf life, the surface of the fish can be lightly greased with vegetable oil and rinsed thoroughly before cooking
  • If a light coating appears on the fish, it needs to be cut off and the product consumed as soon as possible
  • Parchment paper is optimal for storage in the freezer, as it will remove excess moisture and preserve beneficial characteristics
  • It is undesirable to place fish next to milk, smoked meats, and sausages
  • trout will be preserved better if you keep it in salt water before putting it in the refrigerator
  • it is important to always remember how much and at what temperature fish is stored

If you follow these simple tips, the benefits of including trout in your diet will be obvious. Its positive properties will manifest themselves to the maximum.

An effective means of losing weight

Its nutritional value and benefits allow it to be included in the diet of absolutely everyone without exception, including children. Trout not only has a positive effect on health, but also promotes noticeable weight loss. The fatty acids that make up fish are qualitatively different, for example, from meat. They do not cause harm, but are completely absorbed by the body and do not turn into fat deposits.

Of course, the calorie content also depends on the method of preparation, but even in this case, the maximum value will be 200-220 kilocalories per 100 grams. Therefore, if girls and women have problems losing weight, then one of the best options would be to choose trout for the diet. It is quickly digested in the stomach (within 2-3 hours), and the beneficial substances are maximally absorbed into the blood.

Trout is included by many well-known nutritionists in a comprehensive nutrition system for weight loss, not only because of its low calorie content, but also because of its high content of important minerals. Microelements and vitamins support a person during weight loss and minimize the harm from lost substances, replenishing them in full.

Useful video No. 2:

Lightly salted trout Today you can buy it in any supermarket, or you can prepare it yourself. Lightly salted red fish is an excellent ingredient for small canapés, sandwiches or appetizers. The peculiarity of this fish is that trout lives only in clean waters, therefore, when buying trout, you can be sure of the purity of this product. Lightly salted trout is as healthy as steamed or boiled fish. 100 grams of this product contains only 88 kcal and little fat, so it can safely be classified as dietary. Trout is called red fish not only because of its color, but also due to its importance for the human body.

The benefits of lightly salted trout

Trout contains amino acids, phosphorus, iodine, selenium, iron, vitamins of all groups, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Regular consumption of trout reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, improves brain function, and stabilizes the nervous system. Trout meat helps lower cholesterol, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the heart muscle and improves memory. In addition, being hypoallergenic, it is approved for use by allergy sufferers and people suffering from diabetes and psoriasis.
Trout is also useful for cosmetic purposes - it is added to creams and masks, but such cosmetics are expensive.

Harm and contraindications

Due to the presence of salt in lightly salted trout, it is contraindicated for hypertensive patients. This product should also be taken with caution by people suffering from diseases of the intestines, liver and stomach.

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Trout is a fish that belongs to the salmon family. A characteristic feature of the species is its spotted coloration. It lives in bodies of water in the northern hemisphere of the Earth. Trout is called a fish of crystal clear water, since the slightest contamination of the habitat with chemical elements or toxins leads to the death of the species. In the clean, transparent water of mountain rivers and lakes, trout grows up to 90 cm and weighs about 25 kg. On average, the carcass is 30-40 cm long and weighs 600-700 g.

Rainbow trout has become widespread. Its habitat was considered to be seawater, but recently it has been successfully bred in fresh water bodies. For its tender and healthy meat, it has earned great love from consumers in all countries of the world. Due to its great demand, trout is important in the development of the fishing industry in many countries.

Possessing excellent red meat, trout is considered a valuable source of vitamins , , , K and the B complex of vitamins. Complete natural protein of trout contains the main amino acids that the human body needs. A significant number of such unique compounds as Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids bring enormous benefits to human health.

Two hundred grams of lightly salted trout contains 430 mg of fluorine, 243 mg of phosphorus, 221 mg of potassium, 60 mg of magnesium, 4 mg of molybdenum, 6 mg of nickel, 40 mg of calcium, 2.5 mg of iron and a small amount of other valuable trace elements.

Beneficial features

The beneficial vitamins and minerals contained in trout perform important functions in the human body. They ensure mobility and flexibility of joints, strengthen bones and teeth, maintain muscle tone and supply oxygen to brain cells. Eating lightly salted trout several times a week improves the course of chronic diseases such as diabetes, psoriasis, and osteoporosis.

By strengthening bone tissue with the help of the phosphorus it contains, lightly salted trout fights arthritis and arthrosis. This valuable fish helps preserve the beauty of hair, skin, nails and thereby prolong youth.


A variety of canapés and sandwiches with lightly salted trout can make even the most modest table look royal. Becoming a frequent guest on your menu, lightly salted trout will ensure health for many years.

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