Painting decorative plaster in two. Painting decorative plaster. What are the methods for painting plaster?

Painting decorative plaster in two.  Painting decorative plaster.  What are the methods for painting plaster?
Painting decorative plaster in two. Painting decorative plaster. What are the methods for painting plaster?

When renovating apartments and houses, owners try to make them look not only neat, but also beautiful and original. Many property owners today, of course, have already abandoned simple whitewashing of walls. For finishing enclosing structures indoors and facades, it can be used, including decorative textured plaster. In some cases, this design may also be two-color. Later in the article we will look at how to paint decorative plaster in a similar way.

How to choose paints and varnishes

There are two main methods of coloring decorative plaster in two colors:

  • tinting the mixture itself before application;
  • painting the finished plastered surface.

The first design method is used very rarely. Decorative plaster from almost all modern manufacturers should be painted after application to the walls.

There are many ways to do this. In this case, the answer to the question of what paint to paint decorative plaster can be, for example, the following:

  • water-based;
  • latex;
  • acrylic.

When choosing paints and varnishes for painting walls, you should definitely pay attention to what type of work they are intended for. To decorate facades, of course, choose paints whose composition allows them to be used outdoors. For indoor use cheaper and less resistant to high humidity and temperature changes of the product.

Preparing the walls

Is it possible to paint decorative plaster with paint? The answer to this question is obvious. Of course yes. However, the surfaces themselves must, of course, be prepared in the most thorough manner before using such a product.

Whatever paint and varnish material is chosen for the decoration of premises or facades, the plastered surface must be primed before using it. Otherwise, the paint will subsequently begin to peel and peel off quickly.

You should start painting decorative plaster only after the primer has completely dried. A product that increases wall adhesion is applied to the surface, usually in two layers.

Painting methods

So, we found out how to choose paint and varnish materials for decorating walls in two colors. But how to paint decorative plaster correctly when choosing this finishing method? Enough original walls look in the rooms even when using the usual method of contrasts. In this case, some parts of the rooms or facades are simply painted one color, and others another.

But very often, more complex technologies can be used to decorate walls in two shades, making it possible to obtain very original design. In this case, at the first stage, paintwork materials of the same color are usually applied to the entire surface. Next, on top of this layer, the walls continue to be decorated with paint of a different shade. The following finishing methods can be used:

  • star dust;
  • old surface;
  • abstract pattern;
  • wrinkled skin.

Also, painting walls finished with decorative plaster can, of course, be done using a stencil.

star dust

In this case, simply apply to the painted surface. paint material a different color using a very hard brush. The main task of the painter when performing this technology is to get pronounced specks on the walls different sizes. Surfaces are finished using this technique as follows:

  • the brush is dipped into the paint and wrung out thoroughly;
  • bring it to the wall, bend the pile back and release it.

As a result, small drops of paint begin to fly onto the wall, thereby achieving the stardust effect.

How to paint decorative plaster in two colors: old surface

This technology of painting decorative plaster in two colors is also called stippling. In order to “age” the surface of the walls, in this case use a wide flat brush.

For decoration, a special glaze is first applied to an already painted wall. Next, without waiting for this layer to dry, the master begins to touch the surface in different places flat brush. Ultimately, an original texture is formed on the walls.

Design using abstract pattern technique

Next, let's see how to paint decorative plaster using this chaotic method. For this type of wall decoration home handyman You will need to make your own special tool - a roller with a “torn” surface. To do this, you just need to take a regular roller and secure the tissue flagella folded several times along its entire length. Fixing such elements with fur or foam rubber requires two simple knot. The strips of fabric on the working part of the roller should be held as firmly as possible.

By painting a wall with such a tool, you can get a very unusual chaotic pattern. In addition to the fact that the surfaces in this case turn out to be unusual and original, the work can be done very quickly when using a torn roller.

How to paint decorative plaster with your own hands: the effect of wrinkled leather

Using this technique, you can also design very original rooms or facades in the house. Vinyl paint is most often used for this type of decor. To perform work using this method, paper is also prepared.

In this case, the walls are painted using approximately the following technology:

  • apply the first layer of paint to the walls;
  • apply and crumple decorative paper;
  • apply a second layer of paint;
  • remove excess from the folds.

Using a stencil

Many apartment and house owners would probably like to learn how to properly paint decorative plaster in two colors. The technologies described above allow you to get enough beautiful surfaces. But, of course, pronounced drawings with specific subjects can only be applied to the walls using a template.

You can develop stencils for decorating walls using paint of a different color yourself or buy ready-made ones for the appropriate theme. Today there are many different patterns and designs for decorating walls.

The technology of painting using stencils is very simple. The template is simply applied to the wall and then painted over.

How to apply the first layer correctly

Of course, a beautiful two-tone finish on plastered walls will only work if they are decorated correctly, including on initial stage. Before applying the first coat of paint to the surface, you need to wait completely dry primers. In this case, the actual wall finishing itself is performed as follows:

  • The corners of the room and those areas where the furniture will subsequently be located are the first to be painted;
  • They try to apply the paint on the surface evenly in thickness and with same speed in different areas.

The wall is painted before applying the second color, usually in several layers. Most paints used for decorative plaster have a fairly liquid consistency. This is necessary to ensure that no residue remains on the treated surfaces. various kinds sagging and pieces. However, the first time white plaster when using such liquid products, it may not stain.

Color combinations

Of course, before you start decorating the walls, you should decide what color to paint the decorative plaster. Paintwork materials of any shade can be used to decorate such surfaces. However, combinations of tones when decorating surfaces in this way should be chosen correctly. It is believed that the following are best suited for decorating rooms and facades in this way:

  • close or related colors (beige and gray, white and black);
  • gradients (paints of the same color, but different shades).

You can also select paints for finishing that are similar in temperature, saturation and sound. For example, orange goes well with green paint, and olive paint goes well with peach.

How to tint the mixture correctly

So, we found out how to paint decorative plaster correctly. Most often, this coating is finished in two colors after the mixture has been applied to the walls and it has completely dried. However, sometimes such plasters are tinted at the preparation stage. In this case, the technology is usually used as follows:

  • mix the plaster itself in a bucket;
  • draw into a large syringe (color), focusing on the divisions;
  • squeeze the paint into a bucket of plaster;
  • mix the solution thoroughly with a construction mixer.

Decorative bark beetle plaster is usually tinted this way. By preparing solutions of two different shades and using a little imagination, you can effectively and originally decorate rooms or facades with a colored composition.

Today, having studied the technology of applying a structural base and knowing how to paint decorative plaster, you can quickly and effectively decorate any living space: the living room and hallway, dining room and kitchen. Moreover, modern manufacturers offer big choice ready-made solutions and dry compositions, from which anyone, even an unprepared person, can create stylish decor with excellent performance characteristics.

Wall decoration with decorative plaster is currently in great demand among city apartment owners, country dachas and cottages, due to its practicality, aesthetic appeal and durability. By doing repair work This type of room decoration does not require complex, expensive preparation, multi-stage alignment of walls and partitions.

Features of plaster painting

Tinting of the relief surface of the plaster is carried out after completion of all preparatory and general repair work, which allows consumers to select the color, dullness or shine as accurately as possible. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with the rules for applying paint in advance, choose quality materials and tools. Surface painting can be done not only during repair work, but also to update the interior after some period. In addition, during operation, knowing how to paint decorative plaster, you can quickly and easily change the design of the surrounding space yourself, giving the wall surface a new, original look.

Preparatory work

The color scheme for painting walls, partitions and other surfaces is selected from a huge variety of shades and tones, which allows you to diversify and decorate the interior as much as possible. For execution painting works interior and facade paints, produced on an organic basis: acrylic, silicone and silicate. In order to determine the volume of decorative plaster required, you should first measure the room, taking into account the sizes of window and doorways. The manufacturer usually indicates the paint consumption on the packaging. It also usually explains the technology for diluting paint with water and indicates the recommended primer for surface preparation.

An additional 10% of material should be added to the calculated volume for various unforeseen events.

By the way, experts recommend immediately tinting the paint when purchasing it in a store using special machines and color inserts. The fact is that if the material turns out to be insufficient or in the future something needs to be corrected, repainted or repainted, then you can always buy paint of the required color by number.

In addition, before painting decorative plaster, you should select the following high-quality tools:

  • roller;
  • special tray for paint and roller dipping;
  • wide and narrow brush;
  • textured mitten;
  • masking tape for gluing joints;
  • film for covering furniture and floors.

Technology of painting decorative plaster

Before applying paint, you should carefully treat the surface of the walls with a pre-selected primer, which should correspond in its properties to operational features premises. The base should be primed in accordance with the manufacturer’s technology and be sure to withstand exact time specified in the instructions. While the surface is drying, decorative plaster should be prepared and diluted in accordance with the chosen technology and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Often, two or three tones are used for structural coatings to emphasize the volume of texture and textural stains.

Each layer must be allowed to completely set and dry.

When carrying out work, two methods can be used: washes or dry brushes. Applying plaster with a wash more clearly emphasizes the depressions and all the features of the relief of the walls, and working with a dry brush emphasizes the unevenness more. In any case, the background color is initially applied in two or three layers. To do this, it is recommended to apply the paint using a special roller with long pile. However, care must be taken to thick layer decorative plaster did not hide the small structure of the coating.

To highlight the relief, it is better to use contrasting, lighter tones, and to emphasize the wash and texture, on the contrary, select darker shades.

In conclusion, experts recommend covering the painted textured surface with a special varnish or protective wax. This reception will provide a more rich and bright color, shine or noble matte finish. Usually, protective covering applied to the paint in several layers in pure form after adding a small amount of water. Additionally, special pearlescent, silver or golden tones can be added to the finishing layer, which will look impressive in directional lighting.


The video shows a master class on applying Versagele decorative plaster.

This video shows the process of painting bark beetle plaster.

Painting decorative plaster is done quite often. WITH practical point vision this will protect the plane from external environment. And from an aesthetic point of view, an excellent solution to the appearance.

Today we will tell you how to paint decorative plaster correctly and take care of everything. Also many the right moments You can watch the video in this article and instructions for this work will be given below.

The main advantages of painting

Decorative plasters (see: Decorating walls with decorative plaster: creating a beautiful interior) and paints have a number of advantages as a finish.

Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Rich color palette , which allows you to implement any design solutions;
  • Simplicity and flexibility of application– there is no discomfort when working with this material, and thanks to its plasticity, there will be no problems with application;
  • Environmental friendliness- this factor in present time extremely important. Everyone pays attention to what surrounds them, especially if we are talking about a children's room;
  • Durability– long service life helps save future costs.

Types of paints

There are several types of paints and decorative plasters. The dye acts as a protective layer. And before deciding how to paint decorative plaster, you need to choose a dye, because they are quite different in composition and have different characteristics.


Paint for decorative plaster of this type based on acrylic is quite popular and good material. It is used for painting rooms with high humidity and living rooms.

Such compositions have the following characteristics in their arsenal:

  • They respond well to evaporation, which is why during their service life they can be wiped with wet wipes without fear, and the aesthetic appearance will not deteriorate;
  • Manufacturers for tinting produce huge assortment a variety of colors and shades, thanks to this quality, the coloring composition can be selected to suit any interior;
  • After the composition is applied to the plaster, the walls will acquire a matte surface;
  • The material, made on the basis of acrylic, is affordable. It can be called the golden mean between price, production, modern technologies and quality.

There are some nuances that simply cannot be ignored.

Attention: Experts do not recommend buying this type of paint for those rooms where there is a risk of liquid getting on the ceiling and walls. This includes bathrooms, as well as rooms where the car will be washed. If contact with water cannot be avoided, then latex-based compositions are best suited.

Latex paints

The point of working with dyes of this type is to dry the material, which becomes thin, but at the same time quite durable.

  • Thanks to these characteristics, you can safely carry out wet cleaning, because compositions made on its basis are not afraid of liquid ingress.
  • The coating is absorbed into the base and lasts quite a long time. Moreover, you can apply it yourself. This will make the finishing price significantly lower.
  • The composition of such paint can create both matte and glossy surface, which is perfect for painting walls that have been plastered.
  • If decorative plaster is applied to the surface, then a latex composition (see Latex paint: how to work with it) is ideal. This is all due to the fact that no other material will highlight the texture and volume of a putty pattern of this type.
  • This material will be an excellent solution for coatings in unheated rooms. It is also effective for use on external surfaces.

But this material It also has its disadvantages:

  • If you want to remove the paint, it will be quite difficult to do.

Attention: If this material is frozen, then there is no need to make a purchase. It loses its properties. Therefore, refrain from purchasing from winter time on open trays.

Water-based paint based on PVA

This composition is sufficient convenient option, if you want to stick to the “cheap and cheerful” style, besides appearance will be quite attractive. Despite the fact that the water emulsion does not have a rich range of colors, it is simply created for rooms that do not require color saturation and a special design.

Do not forget that water-emulsion material is not used in rooms with high humidity, as well as in places where it is possible to wipe it with wet wipes.

Every day, painting walls is becoming more and more popular, displacing the wallpaper we are used to. Decorative painting Painting walls in an apartment with your own hands will give you the opportunity to change your interior beyond recognition, making it refined and unique. Thanks to various devices For repairs, the surface can be made either smooth with a velvet effect or with a variety of textures.

So, with the help of improvised means, you can imitate wrinkled skin on the surface of the walls, creating the effect Venetian plaster, artificially age the coating. There is a huge selection of paints and varnishes available in specialized stores for decorating walls. Depending on the component composition there are paints: on water based, alkyd and silicate.

Water based paints

Today, water-based formulations are most often used. Thanks to your positive properties they are used much more often than other types. Thus, among water-based compositions, emulsion and dispersed ones are distinguished. Among them are the following types:

  • Water-based;
  • Silicone;
  • Acrylic;
  • Latex.

The main advantages of such paints are as follows:

  • They do not have a strong odor during repairs and after drying;
  • Dries quickly;
  • The ability to make absolutely any color and shade;
  • Easy to use;
  • Vapor permeable.

This type of material is distinguished by its versatility. Special components make it resistant to mechanical stress and abrasion. Due to different fillers such as quartz or marble chips, you can achieve different surface textures: imitation sand, silk or glossy shine.

Water-based paints

Such coloring compounds the most affordable ones. This makes them the most widely used. The main condition for using these materials is painting walls that are not exposed to water and are not susceptible to friction. It can be applied to plaster, putty and wallpaper for painting. This mixture is sold colorless, and desired color can be done using pigments.

Silicone paints

Silicone-based paints are a water-dispersed composition. They have a number of advantages and are almost universal. Silicone compounds have excellent hiding power. Paint applied in two layers can even hide small cracks on the surface. After painting, a smooth film is formed on the surface, which protects the walls from abrasion; makes them practically waterproof.

Acrylic compounds

Today, acrylic paints occupy a leading position among coating materials. Used for painting surfaces made of any materials: wood, brick, plasterboard, concrete. The color range of these compositions is striking in its diversity. Using acrylic paints, the surface can be made glossy, matte or pearlescent. They differ in that they dry quickly, have virtually no pungent odor, and are relatively resistant to moisture. All these characteristics allow the use of acrylic-based paints and varnishes for children's rooms, hallways, and bathrooms.

Decorative painting of walls (video)

Latex painting materials

The most expensive water-based paint There is a composition based on latex. High price explainable excellent characteristics which he has this type LMB. Their main advantage is the absolute water resistance of the treated surface. Therefore, latex paints are used for wet areas: kitchens, bathrooms and shower rooms. With their help you can disguise small defects and cracks. Among the disadvantages is that it burns out quickly.

Alkyd compositions

The solvent for such paints is gasoline, turpentine, and white spirit. Therefore, dyeing is accompanied by a strong solvent odor, which is very toxic. Thanks to alkyd resins, the paint is easy to use, very durable after drying, resistant to sun rays and temperature changes. But it is not different for a long time service - quickly fades, acquiring a yellow coating.

Silicate compounds

In paints based on silicates, the main component is the so-called “ liquid glass" This composition makes the surface particularly durable. In terms of vapor permeability, silicate paints rank first among other types of paints and varnishes. Special additives prevent the formation of mold and mildew, so the painted surface is not afraid of high humidity.

Preparing for painting

Decorative painting of walls with your own hands is simple process, but still has its secrets and features. Therefore, the first stage of our work will be preparation the necessary tool. So, for coloring we need:

  1. Paint container;
  2. Rollers;
  3. Cysts of different sizes;
  4. Foam sponges;
  5. Rags.
  6. Gloves.

The next stage is preparing the walls for painting. Perhaps the main condition for decorating with paint is the absolute evenness of the surface. So, if there are large cracks and irregularities, you first need to putty and prime them. And only after the solution has completely dried should you begin to apply paint.

We create a decorative coating with our own hands

There are many unusual ways application decorative paint on the walls with your own hands. To create drawings on the wall, you can use various stencils that are available in stores, or you can do it yourself by cutting out any patterns on a sheet of cardboard. To paint in this way, apply the main tone of paint to the wall. And after it dries, we apply the stencil to the wall and paint it either with an aerosol or with rollers and a brush.

  • One way to make the interior of your home look sophisticated and luxurious is to paint the walls with a Venetian plaster effect. For this finishing option, in addition to the basic shades, you will need mother of pearl. This pigment can be purchased at paint stores.

This decorating method involves applying a base color as a base, followed by a second shade. It is better to use latex paint. Then, using a plastic spatula, we make chaotic stains, thus as if mixing two shades.

  • To decorate the walls of, say, a study, or you are a fan of business style in the interior, you can create a coating that imitates natural leather. Suitable for this latex paint beige or light brown shade, glaze and shade are darker than the main one.

Apply the main tone to the wall. Then mix the glaze and a darker shade and, using a damp suede brush, apply the resulting composition to the coating, making small streaks.

  • A piece of paper will help us achieve the effect of wrinkled skin. It needs to be rolled into a tube and crushed. Then we apply it to the painted wall and smooth it out, thereby making careless drawings on the paint.
  • Now we can find a large selection on sale textured rollers with different patterns on work surface. In order not to spend money on these devices, we will make such a tool ourselves. We wrap a piece of fabric around the roller and fix it. We use two or more shades of paintwork. In this way we imitate structural plaster.
  • We will help you create the effect of a coating that has aged over time. acrylic paint, glaze, wide brush and brush. Apply the glaze to the base-painted surface, smoothing it with a brush. Then, using a brush, we make chaotic strokes over the entire surface.

Labor-intensive work on applying decorative plaster deserves to be appreciated as a design element when creating original interior. This opportunity is provided by coating the facade with applied monolithic coating at the most various colors and shades that are offered on the paint materials market today. In addition to its aesthetic role, the coating plays the role of a protective layer that protects from external influences of temperature changes, precipitation, solar radiation. You can also increase the degree of protection of a plastered façade by skillfully choosing a color - light colors will prevent overheating of the walls, which, firstly, will protect against premature destruction, and secondly, will allow you to save money when using the building's air conditioning system.

It is possible to give the façade original color without painting the material after it has been applied to the facade. To do this, a so-called tint (concentrated powder or liquid) is added to the wet plaster mass before applying it to the walls, gradually bringing its color to the required shade. It is worth remembering that when drying the color becomes lighter by half a tone or even a tone.

In this case you strip the façade additional protection from external precipitation, but reduce the amount of work by eliminating the procedure for covering plastered walls.

Staining technique

It should be noted that not every plaster mass must be tinted before being applied to the surface of the walls. This plaster must dry on the facade. Let's find out how to cover a typical decorative or other material initially white. For this purpose, special facade or interior paints are used.

Work on covering the applied plaster relief on the walls should begin only after it has completely dried. This may take from 8 to 48 hours depending on the composition of the plaster mixture.

Some mixtures are cement-based and therefore prone to crumbling or partial peeling. To strengthen it, it is treated with a special colorless primer. It is also necessary to leave time for the primer to dry completely, on top of which the plaster relief can be painted.

Secrets of painting art

You can make any painting easier, including learning how to work with decorative plaster with minimal losses, if you know some painting secrets. First of all, you need to acquire the main devices. If the coating will be carried out with a roller, then you will definitely need a tray that will allow you to economically dispense the material on the roller and make it easier uniform application. The tray configuration makes it easy to remove excess from the roller.

If the work is carried out indoors, then it is necessary to provide for the use of a covering protective material that covers the floor, furniture, window sills, windows, door jambs, etc. When covering a façade, protection will only be required for front door, windows, and it is also worth protecting the path along the wall from splashes.

Any painting is carried out with chaotic movements. This is required in order to avoid sharp color transitions and not create areas of the treated surface that differ from each other.

Coating methods

Let's look at several coating methods below.

One pass painting

The simplest method for decorative plaster is one-pass coating. To do this, use a long-haired roller or a regular brush to work through the entire surface, including protrusions and recesses. We get the “base” shade.

Dry brush technique

A more complex effect or the so-called “relief coloring” can be obtained if, on top of a darker “base” layer that has dried for at least 2 hours, a material of a different shade is applied to the relief protrusions, usually lighter by half a tone or tone. To use this technique, you will need a brush or roller with short bristles, on which you apply minimal amount material (the so-called “dry brush” technique). The technique of relief poering allows you to give the surface greater “volume”.

“Volume” elements of the plaster relief can be tinted using decorative metallics - coatings such as bronze, silver, gold. This type of paint is applied both using the “dry brush” method and using a mitten by shading the top layer. Using a mitten makes it easier to achieve smooth color transitions. It must be remembered that metallics do not tolerate excesses, which always indicate a lack of taste. The purpose of bronze or gold is to just slightly shade the base color.


In addition to the “dry brush” method, a “wash” type coating is used. If the first method helps to emphasize the bulges on the surface, then the second highlights the depressions. The surface looks more advantageous if, when applied with a “dry brush,” paints of a lighter tone are used compared to the background. In the case of “blurring”, on the contrary – darker tones.

Coating a surface using the “washing” method is characterized by very large physical and time costs, because its essence is as follows: a layer of a darker tone is applied to the main background of the surface, which is left to dry for a short time, and then this upper layer It is mercilessly wiped off the bulges with a damp cloth. As a result, the dark layer remains only in the depressions, thereby creating a three-dimensional pattern. To apply a background layer under the blur, use good quality material resistant to washing the wall surface. For the filler, on the contrary, would be better suited cheaper non-moisture resistant paint, which will be easier to wash off from the surface.

Advantages and disadvantages of various methods

The results of both methods are difficult to evaluate simple comparison, because it’s just a matter of personal taste or the customer’s request. One thing can be said - it is much more difficult and longer to wash out the coating than to apply it with a dry brush.

The more textured surface and the deep relief of the plaster, the greater the material consumption will be.

Coating can be carried out not only in one pass, but also in several stages: two layers of background color and finishing with a “dry brush” or “wash”. At the same time, we should not forget that excess material can distort the expression of the texture.

The final “chord” of any coloring can be protective layer varnish, which is applied over a layer of material after it has completely dried. Any water-based varnish will do (for example, Tikkurila, Alpina). Before use, it must be diluted in water in a 1:1 ratio, which will greatly facilitate its penetration into the cavities of the material. Ready mix applied with a wrung-out wide brush in two or even three passes with breaks for drying (varnish, as you know, dries very quickly). The mixture should be applied immediately to the entire surface of the wall, avoiding smudges. The consumption of the varnish mixture will be approximately 2.5 liters of varnish per 50 square meters. meters of surface.

The varnish will add decorative plaster exquisite shine, will refine the colors, make it easier to care for the surface, and protect not only the material, but the plaster design relief itself from the influence of external destructive factors.
