Do-it-yourself hanging mechanism for sliding doors. Installation of sliding interior doors - independent installation of a sliding system for the door. Sliding design - "accordion"

Do-it-yourself hanging mechanism for sliding doors.  Installation of sliding interior doors - independent installation of a sliding system for the door.  Sliding design -
Do-it-yourself hanging mechanism for sliding doors. Installation of sliding interior doors - independent installation of a sliding system for the door. Sliding design - "accordion"

If you set out to create an unusual design in your apartment, using components that have already been proven, reliable and well known to you, then be sure to pay attention to interior-type sliding doors. Using them in the interior, you can achieve a more ergonomic placement of interior elements in the apartment space, dividing it into various zones. At the same time, you will maintain the integrity of the premises.

Moreover, making sliding doors with your own hands will not be difficult. All you need is an understanding of the process, some basic knowledge of building tools, and some knowledge of construction.

Before using interior structures in the interior, you need to know their strengths and weaknesses. Depending on the goals you pursue during the planning of the design, it will be rational to choose a specific type.


  • saving room space;
  • unlike swing structures on hinges, sliding structures do not close under the influence of drafts;
  • The doors are fairly simple and easy to open.

The only feature that needs to be taken into account is the timely maintenance of roller mechanisms, as well as keeping the room clean and tidy in order to avoid dust and dirt getting on the functional elements. One of the unique features of these interior elements is the absence of thresholds. This advantage is debatable, since the sliding complex has in its design lower guides that act as a threshold.

In a well-insulated loggia, you can use interior doors with a top sliding mechanism, which almost never clogs and contributes to easier and quieter movement.


  • low sound and heat insulation (increased heat and sound insulation qualities are included in complexes that are equipped with a special seal at the end; the doors themselves drive into a special niche);
  • you will not be able to install this door as an entrance door (on the other hand, a door of such a plan will not look like an entrance door, but is most suitable as an interior solution);
  • the cost of locks and accessories is several times higher than for standard options; such designs are more expensive;
  • installation near the opening of any furniture or large household appliances is not possible.

It should be noted that, in the case of a private house, in which there is a wall of sufficient length, it is possible to make glass sliding doors that lead from the room to the street.

Structure and types

There are a large number of different systems that differ in appearance, but their principle of operation has been and remains unchanged. The structure of these structures is a complex, which consists of a roller mechanism, canvas and guides. The roller mechanism is attached to the Janus, and the rollers move along guides fixed above the opening. Various types of sliding interior janus can have four or more roller mechanisms. In addition, they may include several guides and canvases. Moreover, the sliding type design includes decorative panels that cover the mechanism, platbands, extensions, and special fittings.

Among these elements, the following main types can be distinguished:

  • coupe;
  • cascading;
  • one-, four-leaf;
  • radius;
  • "harmonic".


Due to their unique design, sliding portuns require only a strictly defined type of fittings. Handles and locks for such layout solutions differ in many ways from the standard ones. A characteristic feature of the handles is that they are recessed into the canvas. This is done so that the doors can move to the side without any problems and, if necessary, drive into the allotted niche. Castles, in turn, are also curious. If we compare them with the standard locks that everyone is used to seeing on many doors, then you can see that their mechanism is designed for vertical snapping.

Accessories are usually supplied with the canvas. However, if there is a need to mount locks and handles with your own hands, then you should pay great attention and carefully select them. The best option would be to contact a specialist so that the latter can help you or search through the catalog number.


Sliding doors were named so because of the method of opening used, which is ensured by the movement of the rollers along the guides. The guides and roller mechanism must be selected based on the type of sliding structure, the number of leaves and the material of the leaf. The fact is that different systems have different weights and create different loads on the overall structure. Thus, if we compare a single-leaf sliding type structure made of MDF and a double-leaf glass sliding one, then in the first case the weight will be much less and a less complex roller-type mechanism can be selected for it.

In addition, during the installation of specific types of sliding structures (accordion, coupe, cascade), you need to take into account the number of roller mechanisms and choose the right guides. For example, for a cascading opening, you need to install guides with two gutters and 2 roller mechanisms for each blade. It is also important that in order to create cascading doors and compartments, it is imperative to provide at least one gutter in the guides for each leaf.

The convenience and functionality of this type makes it possible to implement a variety of design solutions, both in rooms with large square meters, and in those that have limited space. Such doors make it possible to modify the interior space and organically fit into the interior.

Do-it-yourself installation

After you decide on the type of sliding door and get everything you need, you can safely proceed with the installation. In this case, the installation will be considered using the example of a single-leaf sliding door. This is a fairly common and simple door that is easy to install. However, it should be noted that there are some nuances that are characteristic of other species.

First you need to take the following steps:

Make markings for installing guides. This can be done in two ways. The first is to simply measure the height from the floor to the door with a tape measure and add 15-20 mm to it to determine the gap between the door and the floor. Then add to this height the measurements of the guide and roller mechanism. Then you need to put 2-3 marks on the wall and draw a horizontal line between them. The second option implies a certain similarity with the first, however, in this case, the canvas is attached to the opening and the marks are placed along the upper edge. After that, you need to add the height of the guide and roller mechanism to them.

Remember! Before installing the guide, it is necessary to make sure that the marks are in a strictly horizontal position (use a level for this). Otherwise, after installation, the doors will open in any direction without your participation.

Guide rail installation

Now it is necessary to install the guide along the already marked line so that it is mounted strictly under it. Depending on the type of guide, it can be fixed in different ways. Certain types can be attached directly to the wall using dowels, while others can be attached to a wooden beam or special brackets. Actually, the guide should be placed at some distance from the wall, so that when opening the doors, they do not touch the casing and the doorway. You need to carefully select the guides and know how to do the installation correctly. Compartment doors and other sliding door designs that have a floor-to-ceiling height provide for fixing rails to the floor and ceiling.

Remember! In order to prevent the door from breaking when first opened, it is necessary to calculate the length of the guide 2 times the opening. To this length, you need to add 4-5 cm of an additional stroke. In view of this feature, such doors require a lot of free space directly next to the opening.

After you fix the guide, you need to insert the fixing bolt inside the roller carriage and bring the entire roller mechanism inside the guide. For a conventional single-leaf design, only two rollers are needed, however, if you plan to install an "accordion" or a cascade mechanism, then you will need to buy rollers for each of the wings in advance.

Mount brackets for roller carriages in the upper part of the web. They need to be fixed with an indent from the edge of the door of 3-5 mm.

Glass structures

Remember! For such structures, a completely different type of fastener is used. Actually, the fasteners are two steel paws that clamp the glass together and are pulled together thanks to the screws. Moreover, due to the large weight of the glass, it is advised to mount the Janus using two guides (both in the floor and above the doorway).

Once you have installed the hardware and rollers, put the curtain in place, lift it up and screw the bolts into the brackets at the top of the doors. This stage of work is best done with a partner who will lift and hold the door from time to time while tightening the bolts. After carrying out this operation, check the horizontal position of the structure (if necessary, align it by tightening the bolts).

The opening and slopes can be hidden behind trims and architraves, and a decorative strip is hung over the roller mechanism.

At the end of the installation, mount the fittings. Installing a door with a special niche in the wall will be more difficult. In order to accomplish this, it is necessary to create a partition of drywall sheets, where the door will go. For doors with a guide in the floor, a groove must be cut out. This will require the use of a perforator. The rest of the installation is a fairly simple and easy process.

The use of doors on wheels in creating an interesting design in the interior allows you to significantly expand the space in the room. Sliding doors help to use every free centimeter in the apartment more rationally, dividing the space and creating new zones.

Sliding doors - the main advantages and some disadvantages

Before making a final decision regarding the installation of sliding interior doors, it is worth spending a little time to study all the positive aspects of this design, as well as the disadvantages, the study of which may affect the choice.

The main advantages of the design of sliding doors:

  • allow you to save space to a large extent;
  • with constant drafts in the room, they do not close and do not prevent the penetration of fresh air into the room;
  • easy to open;
  • can be fully automated;
  • the design completely eliminates the need to make thresholds.

Disadvantages, of course, they are, but there are not so many of them:

  • do not provide a high level of sound insulation and sound insulation;
  • the structure cannot be used as an entrance door;
  • the cost compared to the traditional type of doors is not democratic;
  • installing doors on rollers, it will not be possible to place pieces of home furniture along it.

What types of doors you can choose today

Manufacturers offer us to choose from a sufficient number of systems that may differ from each other:

  • appearance;
  • design.

Despite the fact that the designs may be different, the principle of their operation remains always the same. Sliding doors are a design, the components of which are the following mandatory elements:

  • roller mechanism;
  • door leaf;
  • guides.

In fact, the design is very simple. For its successful operation, the roller mechanism must be attached to the door and installed in the guides. The rollers will move in different directions along the guides that are installed above the doorway.

Different versions of modern designs may contain a different number of components. So you can choose a design with several guides, or an increased number of mechanism with mechanism rollers. Among the most popular types of designs of this type of door, only a few receive special attention from consumers:

  • coupe;
  • cascading;
  • accordions;
  • structures with multiple door leaves;
  • radius doors.

What accessories to choose

Non-standard shapes and design of sliding doors involves the use of fittings, which also has certain features. Door handles, door locks are significantly different from those that we are used to seeing on classic door options. A distinctive feature of door handles for structures of this kind is their recession in the door leaf. This design of the handle allows you to achieve unhindered opening of the doors.

The lock has a vertical latch mechanism. As a rule, acquiring a design, all the necessary accessories are supplied with it. However, if it becomes necessary to change the lock, or to replace the handle yourself, the choice of fittings should be taken with special care.

How is a sliding door

As the name of the design indicates, the opening method is the sliding of the door leaves, which became possible due to the use of rollers in the design, moving along specially designed guides. When choosing a roller mechanism and guides for it, you should always focus on:

  • selected door model;
  • materials from which the door leaf is made;
  • how many doors will be in the design.

Why is it so important? Different types of system may differ in their weight, which creates a different level of load. It is clear that if we compare a simple design with a single sash made of classic MDF with a double-leaf door, where solid glass serves as the material for the sash, then the weight of the second structure will be much more massive, and a much more complicated roller mechanism will be needed, which will be able to withstand a considerable weight of the structure.

It is very important to choose the right roller mechanism and guides for it.

For example, if you decide to install a cascading door, you will need to take care of buying a couple of rollers. The guides will also not be a classic option, they will have to consist of two gutters.

The process of installing a sliding structure with your own hands

All types of doors have been studied, all their pros and cons are clear, everything is clear with the choice, it remains to assemble the door structure. The simplest design to install is single-leaf models, which is probably why they are the most in demand today. The technology for installing single-leaf doors is also characteristic of more complex structures.

To install on your own, you must:

  • we apply markings for installing guides, for this, using a regular tape measure, we determine the height, measuring it from the floor, add a couple of millimeters to the result, which will allow us to organize the gap, and add the height of the roller mechanism. We put two marks, connect them with a straight line. It is very important to make sure that the line is drawn clearly horizontally, a level is useful for this;
  • install guides below the horizontally marked line on the wall. We choose the type of fastening depending on how massive the structure is. Dowels can be used, a bracket can be used or a wooden beam can be used;
  • install the roller in the fixed guide;
  • on top of the leaves and the door leaf we fix the brackets that are designed for the roller carriage, if the door is installed with a glass door leaf, it is necessary to select the appropriate fasteners;
  • install the door leaf.

To install the canvas, it is better to have a partner who will help lift it up and hold it while you screw the bolts into the installed brackets.

Using the level will allow you to determine how correctly and evenly the doors are installed, and, if necessary, perform correction work, for which you will need to tighten the bolts.

We mask the roller mechanism with a decorative strip, install fittings.

If sliding doors are installed in a niche prepared for this, one of the installation steps will be to create a special recess with drywall, a pocket that must be made on the adjacent wall where the structure will be installed.

Having completed all the work on installing doors in the house, you need to make sure that all the details of the structure work clearly, without a hitch. The rollers move along the guides without tension, there are no obstacles in their way. To verify this, it is worth opening and closing the installed door leaf several times. The door opening mechanism works smoothly, the door movement is quiet and smooth, there are no defects in the work of the installed structure.

You can be congratulated, you not only know how to make a sliding door with your own hands, but you can also successfully complete all the work to establish the structure.

Video - how to make a sliding door with your own hands

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Having set out to create an unusual interior, using time-tested and well-known elements, you should pay attention to sliding interior doors. By applying them in the interior, you can use the space more ergonomically by dividing it into different zones and at the same time maintaining the illusion of the integrity of the room. In addition, making sliding doors with your own hands is quite simple, you will need an understanding of the process and the ability to handle the tool, as well as knowledge about sliding doors.

Advantages and disadvantages of sliding doors

Before using sliding interior doors in the interior, you need to know their strengths and weaknesses. It will depend on what tasks are faced when planning the interior, and it will depend on whether you stop your choice on sliding doors or not.


  • save room space;
  • do not close under the influence of drafts, unlike swing doors on hinges;
  • simple and easy opening of the shutters. The only thing to consider is the cleanliness and timely maintenance of the roller mechanism;
  • can be easily automated if necessary. This is one of the main advantages of sliding doors, which can be implemented very easily with the help of modern technologies;
  • no thresholds. This advantage is somewhat controversial, since there are sliding door systems that have lower guides in their design, which can act as a threshold or be embedded in the floor.


  • low rates of heat and sound insulation. Slightly improved sound and heat insulation characteristics are possessed by systems in which a special seal is glued to the end of the door, and the doors themselves drive into a special niche;
  • impossibility of installation as an entrance door. It is worth noting that if it is a balcony, loggia or country house with a wall of sufficient length, then you can install sliding glass doors leading from the room to the street;
  • the price of fittings and locks for sliding doors is an order of magnitude higher than the prices for ordinary doors. In addition, prices for sliding doors are also slightly higher, which imposes some restrictions on the choice according to the budget;
  • when using a certain type of sliding doors, it will not be possible to put any furniture or large household appliances next to it.

Design and types of sliding doors

There are various sliding door systems that differ from each other in appearance, but the design itself, in its basis and in the principle of operation, remains unchanged. The design of sliding doors is a system consisting of roller mechanism,guides and door leaf. The roller mechanism is attached to the door, and the rollers move along the guides fixed above the doorway. Various types of sliding interior doors can include from two to four or more roller mechanisms, as well as several guides and door panels. In addition, the design of the sliding door includes decorative panels that cover the mechanism itself, various special door fittings, platbands and extensions.

The figure below shows the different types of sliding doors:

But among all the variety, the following main types of sliding doors are distinguished:

  • sliding compartment doors;
  • cascading sliding doors;
  • sliding doors accordion;
  • one, two, three and four-leaf sliding doors;
  • radius sliding doors.

Sliding door hardware

Due to their unusual design, sliding doors require certain types of hardware. Locks and handles for sliding doors are not the same as we are used to seeing on ordinary doors. A characteristic feature of the handles is that they are recessed into the door leaf. This is done so that the doors can move freely to the side and, if necessary, drive into the niche allotted for it. Castles are also not quite ordinary. If you compare it with a conventional lock, you can see that the locking mechanism is designed for vertical snapping.

When buying a sliding door, the fittings usually come with the door leaf. But if there is a need to install handles and locks on your own, then you need to be extremely careful and choose them correctly. It is best to seek help from a specialist or search by part number.

Sliding Door Mechanism

Sliding doors got their name due to the way of opening, which is provided by the movement of the rollers along the guides. The roller mechanism and guides for sliding doors must be selected based on the type of sliding door, the number of leaves and the material of the door leaf. The thing is that different systems have different weights and create different loads on the structure as a whole. So, if you compare a single-leaf MDF sliding door and a double-leaf glass sliding door, the weight of the first will be much less, and you can choose a simpler and lighter roller mechanism for it.

Also, when installing some types of sliding doors (cascade, accordion, coupe), it is necessary to take into account the number of roller mechanisms and choose the right guides. For example, for a cascading door, it is necessary to install 2 roller mechanisms for each door leaf and guides with two gutters. It is especially important to pay attention to the fact that in order to create compartment doors and cascading doors, it is necessary to provide one groove in the guides for each door leaf.

As noted earlier, the reliability of sliding doors directly depends on the roller mechanism and the guide. But sometimes, as in the case of a glass sliding door, you have to install two guides - one at the top of the doorway, the other at the bottom. This is the only way to get a stable and reliable door with a large mass of the door leaf.

Sliding door installation options

The functionality and convenience of interior sliding doors allow you to implement various design solutions both in rooms with limited space and in rooms with a large area. Such doors allow you to transform the interior space, organically fitting into the interior.

The most popular option is to install sliding doors between two residential areas. Using a double-leaf door type, you can zone the room while maintaining its integrity. With the doors closed, these will be two different rooms, and with the doors open - one, but with a large area. For example, by installing sliding doors, you can separate a small office, and with the doors open, it will be a common room for business negotiations.

Another option for using sliding doors is to install them. between living quarters and loggia, balcony or terrace in a country house. In this case, it is advisable to use sliding glass doors. A large luminous flux will flow through them, and in the warm season, by opening them, you can expand the room to infinity.

Quite often, sliding doors are used for technical rooms. So, by installing sliding compartment doors, you can separate a utility room or pantry, while saving precious space.

Radius doors are one of the most difficult and expensive to install. This largely depends on the complexity of manufacturing the door leaf and curved guides. But such doors can be seen in showers or rooms with rounded shapes. It looks very impressive.

Unfortunately, due to their shortcomings, it makes no sense to install sliding doors between such rooms as a kitchen, living room, bathroom or toilet. Of course, with the development of technology, new materials and methods of their application appear. And it is possible that the shortcomings of sliding doors with the use of new technologies will be leveled or completely disappear, which will open up new horizons for their application.

How to make sliding doors

Having decided on the type of sliding door and acquiring everything you need, you can proceed with the installation. We will consider the installation process itself using the example of a single-leaf sliding door. This is the simplest and most common door, which is the easiest to install. But it should be noted that the description will also highlight key points that are typical for other types of sliding doors.

So, to install sliding doors with your own hands, you need to do the following:

  • The first is to mark up the guides. To do this, you can go two ways. The first is to simply measure the height of the door from the floor with a tape measure, adding 15 - 20 mm to it for the gap between the floor and the door. And to this height add the height of the assembled roller mechanism and guide. Then put 2 - 3 marks on the wall and draw a line between them. The second option is similar to the first with the difference that the door leaf is attached to the opening, and marks are placed along the upper edge, to which the height of the roller mechanism and guide is then added.

Important! Before installing the guide, you need to make sure that the marks are strictly horizontal. You can do this with a level. Otherwise, after installation, the doors will spontaneously open in one direction or another.

  • Now we install the guide along the line outlined earlier so that the guide is installed under it. Depending on the guide itself, it can be fixed in different ways. Some are attached directly to the wall with dowels, some can be mounted on special brackets or wooden beams. The guide itself should be at some distance from the wall so that when the door is opened, it does not cling to the doorway or trim. You must carefully select the guides and know how to install them. For compartment doors and other sliding door designs having a floor-to-ceiling height, the rails are attached to the ceiling and floor.

Important! To prevent the sliding door from flying off at the first opening, the length of the guide should be 2 times larger than the doorway, and another 4 - 5 cm of spare travel should be added to this length. It is because of this feature that sliding doors require a lot of free space near the doorway, although they save space when opened.

  • Having fixed the guide, we insert the fixing bolt inside the roller carriage and start the entire roller mechanism inside the guide. For an ordinary single-leaf door, only two rollers are required, but if we install accordion doors or cascading doors, you will have to purchase rollers for each leaf in advance.
  • We install brackets for roller carriages on top of the door leaf. They are mounted with an indent from the edge of the door of 3 - 5 mm.

Important! For glass doors, a different method of fastening is used. The fastener itself consists of two metal paws that clamp the glass together and are pulled together with screws. In addition, due to the large mass of glass, it is recommended to install doors with two guides: one - in the floor, the other - above the doorway.

  • Now that the rollers and fasteners for them are installed, we put the door leaf in place, lift it up and screw the bolts into the brackets at the top of the door. This stage of work is best done with a partner who can lift and hold the door while the bolts are tightened. After that, we check the horizontalness of the door and, if necessary, level it by tightening the bolts.

  • The doorway and slopes can be hidden behind platbands and extensions. But the roller mechanism itself is hidden behind a decorative bar, which is hung on top.
  • Finally, install the door hardware.

A little more laborious will be the installation of a sliding door with a special niche in the wall. To do this, you will have to create a partition from drywall sheets, into which the door will enter. But for doors with a guide in the floor, you will have to hollow out a groove, which will require the use of a puncher. In all other respects, the installation of sliding doors is a very simple and easy thing.

In small rooms, every meter of usable area counts. That is why many homeowners are replacing swing doors with sliding ones. Installing sliding doors with your own hands is quite simple. However, the mechanism for such a design costs almost as much as the canvas. Such expenses are justified if it takes up too much space, in other cases it is better to install a swing model.

Sliding compartment doors have very low sound insulation, as they do not fit snugly against the wall. Much better hide the noise of the structure, installed in the pencil case. However, they do not reach the soundproofing of the swing door.

Types of sliding doors

Retractable structures differ in the type of movable mechanism. On this basis, they are divided into rail and suspended. Each model has its pros and cons.

Hanging type model on the top rail

The suspension mechanism consists of a square profile with a groove inside which there are two curved bars. The rollers attached to the product ride along these slats. The guide is made of metal, like the rollers. But they have rubber or plastic pads that provide a soft and quiet ride.

When mounting a sliding interior door on a rail, no fixtures and mechanisms are installed on the floor. All fasteners that are on the canvas are two rollers on top. They move along the groove due to special wheels. Such doors are considered one of the easiest to install. Installing a sliding door includes the following steps:

  • installation of a profile rail;
  • installation of rollers to the top of the door;
  • inserting the product into the groove of the rail;
  • installation of valves to limit the movement of rails;
  • inserting the lower roller into the groove and installing the door;
  • installation of a decorative overlay on accessories.

The door fastener itself is very simple, in addition to the rollers themselves and the rails, the kit includes plugs and fasteners. The product with the top rail has extremely low sound insulation performance. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such structures in living rooms.

Sliding rail structures

There are two mounting rails on the sliding doors. Movable rollers are mounted from above and below. This method of fastening makes the product very stable, so it can be shaken.

Note! Dust and debris are constantly clogged into the metal profile of the fastener, which complicates cleaning in the house.

Mounting options

Regardless of the type of fasteners, the installation of sliding interior doors can be:

  • Kupeynaya. The rollers are installed above the door leaf in the opening. The guides must fit snugly into the groove.
  • Cassette. This option is considered the most time-consuming and costly. For the product, a niche is equipped in the wall in which the guide is located. When opening, the canvas is pushed into the wall. Such designs most effectively save space.
  • Cascading. Similar designs are very popular in Asian countries. The model consists of 2-3 canvases. One is motionless, while the others ride on the rails and clean up behind it.

If you plan to install sliding doors with your own hands - choose a compartment design. Models have easy assembly and high maintainability. The main feature that is necessary for the installation of an interior door with your own hands is a smooth opening.

You can’t put anything near the wall to which the base of the sliding door is retracted, otherwise the movement of the canvas will be disturbed. A significant disadvantage of the models is their low sound insulation. This is due to the fact that sliding doors are installed with a gap. Without it, the canvas will scratch against the wall.

Cassette structures provide the best access to the space of the room. Inside the niche, you can install soundproof materials that will hide the noise. However, the installation of such a model is possible only at the stage of repair or construction. In addition, a decorative wall is assembled for the rail, and this deprives the rooms of useful space.

Cascading products are a modification of compartment structures. The main difference is the greater number of guide rails. Installing such products is the most difficult, as high accuracy is required. Cascading structures are categorized as premium for their complexity and aesthetics.

Installation Features

You can install sliding interior doors with your own hands even in the absence of specific skills. Installation instructions are included with each product. Following it, you can do all the work yourself. Below, the assembly process is described in more detail than in the standard instructions.

Do-it-yourself sliding door installation

The opening, regardless of the fastener design, the place for the structure must comply with the following characteristics:

  • Smooth surface of all planes. The walls of the opening should not have serious drops and flaws.
  • High bearing capacity.
  • Both the walls and the opening must be pre-finished with a leveling compound and a decorative coating.

After leveling the opening, you can proceed with the installation. The first step is to attach the rollers. Depending on the manufacturer and model, fasteners may have their own characteristics. To assemble some products, you need to step back 15-20 cm from the edge, but most often the rollers are mounted right at the edge.

To begin with, markings are made on the canvas for fasteners.

Important! Make sure that the distance from the edge to the roller is the same on both sides.

At the marking site with a drill, holes are drilled 1 mm smaller than the diameter of the fastener. After the grooves are ready, fix the plates. Self-tapping screws are used as fasteners, their length must be at least 75 mm. The greater the weight of the canvas - the longer the fasteners. Special support holders are mounted in the plates, into which the rollers are inserted. On the sides of the canvas, fasteners must be fixed with plugs.

Pins are included with the rollers. The movable elements themselves are wound on them. If the model is not equipped with handles, they are purchased separately. It is recommended to mount the handles before installing the product in the opening. In a model without a groove, markup is made with a pencil and a carpentry tool removes material along the contour. Fittings are attached to the hole formed.

Note! For sliding doors, only immersion fittings are suitable.

When the canvas is ready, the rail is fixed. The easiest way is to screw the guide to the bar, and not directly into the opening. To do this, take a wooden plank of square or rectangular cross-section with a side of 60 cm or more. The length of the bar should be twice the length of the door itself and a margin of 5-10 cm. A rail is cut along the length of the bar.

The guide is screwed to the bar with self-tapping screws from 85 mm. The minimum number of fasteners is 4, the more often the better. The recommended step between the screws is 10 cm, the same distance is made from the edge of the canvas to the first fastener.

Next, you need to measure the height of the bar. The rail is strung on the canvas rollers and the height is measured. According to this value, holes are made on the wall for mounting the guide rail. The canvas should not stand on the floor. From the floor to the structure itself, a distance of 8-10 mm is left. If there are no coatings on the floor, the thickness of the floor finish is added to the value.

The level adjusts the mark for mounting the bar. For this, fasteners from 12 cm are used, but anchor bolts are more reliable fasteners. Dowels are used in concrete walls.

The marking under the guide is made with a thin drill or a nail. After that, holes are drilled for dowels or self-tapping screws and the timber is mounted. The final stage is the insertion of the sliding doors into the rail. After rolling up the structure, plugs are placed on the sides of the fittings, they protect the structure from slipping.

In the open state of the door, a flag roller is screwed onto the floor. It regulates the movement of the web along the vertical axis.

To give the structure an aesthetic appearance will allow the installation of a decorative overlay on the mounting profile. It is placed on finishing nails or self-tapping screws with decorative caps. Screw the overlay directly into the bar.

To install a sliding structure, more materials and tools will be required. If you want to learn how to install sliding cassette doors, watch the detailed video instruction:

Almost any canvas can be attached to a rail, and a sliding door can be designed. But in order for the system to function without failures, it is necessary to install high-quality fittings. Durable fasteners and rollers ensure a long service life of the door. Therefore, saving on accessories is not worth it.

The canvas itself can be made independently. The cheapest option is a bar frame with a plywood or chipboard body. The most aesthetically pleasing look in the interior is a solid product made of solid wood or glued wood. However, the assembly of such a product will cost more. Products from chipboard panels are pasted over with a film or a laminating surface. Wooden canvases can simply be sanded and coated with protective compounds.

It is very difficult to design a roller mechanism on your own. If you do not have a special tool, including cutters, then you will not be able to make accessories with your own hands. It is much easier and cheaper to buy a finished product.

If earlier only specialists knew how to make sliding doors, could get the necessary spare parts and install everything in the right order, today these opportunities open up to simple “home-made” ones. This design can significantly save space in small apartments, and if you do all the work yourself, you can also save a lot.

At first it may seem that all interior sliding doors are the same, but this is a delusion. First, they differ in . It can be plastic, MDF, natural wood and even glass. Combined elements with wooden and glass inserts are in great demand. Secondly, they have a different mechanism. The canvas can move only along one guide, located at the top, or along two, installed both at the top and at the bottom. The number of rollers also varies - 2 or 4. The option with two guides is considered more reliable.

Thirdly, the number of wings is different, although single-leaf structures are most often chosen for apartments. If we are talking about a private house, with spacious rooms and wide doorways, then you can install double-leaf interior doors.

Bifold interior doors

You can also find a division into a compartment, radius structures and an accordion. The first type is most common among apartment dwellers. Simple design and easy installation allows you to do all the work on their installation yourself without the help of professionals. In this case, the sashes move in a straight line along special rails. If there is only one guide located on top, then such a mechanism is called suspended, and structures with two parts that ensure the movement of the web are of the rail type.

Interior radius doors differ in curved shapes. Bright representatives of this type are shower doors. Despite the stunning appearance, such elements are appropriate only in spacious houses. But the well-known "accordion" will fit perfectly in small rooms. It consists of several panels, which are folded according to the principle of the tool of the same name. The last bar is rigidly attached directly to the jamb, and all other panels move by means of a guide and roller mechanism. To prevent spontaneous opening of such a door, a special stopper is provided in the design.

Unlike those that open and close with hinges, these doors move on rollers along the rails. The quality and size of the mechanism depends on the material from which the door leaf is made. For example, if we are talking about glass structures, then the rollers should be more durable and reliable. And for a lighter material, such as MDF, a simple mechanism will do. Sometimes it is even enough to install the top guide.

Sliding door rollers

Somewhat different from the standard and fittings. Take, for example, the same pens. If we talk about swing doors, this fitting protrudes significantly so that it is convenient for us to take it and turn it. But by installing such an element on a sliding canvas, you simply cannot control it, since the protruding part will interfere with the movement of the sash along the guides. Also, standard horizontal locks will not work, they should be replaced with vertical ones. Fittings usually come with the selected type of door. But if you decide to make such doors yourself, then you should choose the right additional details.

We often encounter this type of doors when entering a supermarket, shopping center, wardrobes are also equipped with such a mechanism, but is it relevant to install them as elements that separate rooms in a residential building? Consider the pros and cons of this design.

Sliding door type

It is worth noting that the doors on rollers look very stylish. And a huge variety of designs will allow this item to become the highlight of the room or the entire home. They will look great in spacious houses, and in a small apartment they will be a great solution to save squares. Another advantage is the durability of the structure. They do not react at all to a draft, unlike swing specimens. Free and easy to open and close. Plus, it becomes possible to automate this process.

For the sake of justice, we need to talk about the shortcomings of these sliding elements. First of all, the high cost. You will also not be able to hide from extraneous sounds behind such a door, since the sound insulation is at a low level. On the one hand, this design will significantly save space, on the other hand, you will not be able to place furniture in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rails.

In this paragraph, we will pay special attention to the practical part, because it is not so easy to make sliding doors with your own hands the first time.

DIY sliding doors

How to make sliding doors with your own hands - a step by step diagram

Step 1: Material preparation

It is very important not only to decide on the type, but also to choose the right element in size. The door leaf should be a few centimeters wider and higher than the opening to be closed. But the length of the guides exceeds the size of the door twice, and 5 cm of margin is also given. When purchasing a ready-made structure, you also receive a set of fasteners with it, but sometimes the accessories may not be included in the cost of the system, and they must be purchased separately. If you want to assemble the system yourself, for this you need to prepare all the components, namely: a wooden beam with a section of 4x4 cm, a door leaf, platbands, a rack, a fastening mechanism and a lock with handles.

Step 2: Assembling the door leaf

We take a wooden beam and make a frame of a given size. In this case, all sides of the element are connected according to the tenon-groove system. For more reliable fixation, the joints should be treated with special glue. Inside the structure we place glass, wood or a canvas made of MDF or plastic. But it is best to give preference to light materials. This will simplify the door management process. In addition, you should consider the color scheme, because such an element should decorate the room. You can also combine different options by combining wood and glass, mirrors and laminate. In principle, you can even use swing doors, the main thing is that they fit in size.

Step 3: Preparatory work

When installing interior doors of this type, it is very important to fix the guides correctly, otherwise the mechanism will not function as it should. We take the level and check how flat the floor is, and if there is a slight slope, you need to fix the top bar taking it into account. You can hide the canvas in a wall niche, for this they make a special "pocket" of drywall. All guides are installed in it, and the door drives inward. Of course, in order to bring this option to life, you will have to work hard, but the aesthetic side will greatly benefit.

Step 4: Markup

Now you need a roll. We measure the height of the door and add 20 mm to the resulting value, this gap will be quite enough. Next, you need to determine the height of the roller mechanism, as well as the guides, add up all the values. After that, we make the appropriate marks on the wall. You can apply markup in another way. We apply the door leaf to the wall and mark with a pencil the points of contact of the left and right upper corners. Then we measure the height of the guide and the roller mechanism and retreat by the obtained value from our marks even up.

Step 5: Mounting the Rails

Interior doors of this type move along special rails. We fix the top element first, and then the bottom one. Sometimes the top rail alone is enough. Mounting methods largely depend on their design features. Some are fixed with dowels directly to the wall. Others are attached to a specially installed beam or by means of brackets.

It is necessary to observe a small gap between the rails and the wall, otherwise the canvas will cling to the platbands during movement.

Step 6: Installing the roller mechanism

Now it's the turn of the videos themselves. We install them on the most massive part of the door. It should be noted that in most cases there is not even a need to embed them into the body of the canvas. But if there is a desire to minimize the gap between the floor and the moving sash, then such an operation will have to be done. You can cut out seats for rollers with a simple chisel, and you should not worry at all that you will spoil the appearance of the product, because the end of the door is not visible. Rollers should be installed at a distance of 100 mm from each edge.

Step 7: The final step

Now it remains just to collect all the elements. We start the door leaf on the side, on which the roller mechanism is installed, and set the travel limiter. But it is better not to do this operation yourself, call an assistant, as the door must be held, especially if it is too heavy or made of fragile glass. Now you need to decorate the opening and slopes. In this matter, special platbands and dobors will help us. And lastly, the fittings are installed. As you can see, installing interior sliding doors with your own hands is quite a feasible task, you just need to be patient.