Crafts from plastic watering bottles. DIY crafts from plastic bottles: decorations for the garden, vegetable garden, cottage. And apple trees can bloom on Mars

Crafts from plastic watering bottles.  DIY crafts from plastic bottles: decorations for the garden, vegetable garden, cottage.  And apple trees can bloom on Mars
Crafts from plastic watering bottles. DIY crafts from plastic bottles: decorations for the garden, vegetable garden, cottage. And apple trees can bloom on Mars

Many summer residents use a variety of available materials to decorate their plots; one of the simplest options is to make various decorations from plastic bottles. The use of this option has a lot of advantages: low cost and availability of the material, ease of operation and the ability to make a wide variety of crafts. You don't need to have any special skills or use a special tool, everything is very, very simple.

What do you need for work?

As you know, plastic bottles are often simply thrown away, however, the material can be given a second life, especially since very little is needed:

Bottles Products of a wide variety of colors and sizes are suitable for work - from small to large. In some cases, the color of the products matters, but if desired, you can use any materials
Scissors and sharp knife Almost any work involves a lot of cutting; sometimes it is more convenient to use scissors, but sometimes a knife is better. It all depends primarily on what is more convenient for you to work with.
Rigid wire or metal rods These materials are needed when creating products that are additionally reinforced with a frame to impart reliability and resistance to deformation. It is important to choose the optimal elasticity option so that it can ensure sufficient stability of the frame
Paint for plastic Any composition that fits well on plastic will do. The choice of colors depends on what color scheme you have chosen for future designs. Acrylic-based compositions are most often used; their price is low and their quality is quite high.

Remember that all products will be located outdoors and will be subject to many adverse influences: sun, high humidity, temperature changes, and so on.
That is why it is necessary to use weather-resistant compounds that can maintain color and structure for at least several years.

Main Use Cases

As noted above, you can make a wide variety of crafts from plastic bottles for your garden. It is important to choose an option that you like and that will organically fit into the decor of your site.

Palm trees

A very popular option due to the fairly simple workflow and excellent results in the end. The most important thing is that, having learned how to make palm trees, you can easily make any other tree, since the principle of operation is exactly the same.

Let's consider the manufacturing technology step by step:

  • To work you need a knife or scissors, wire or metal rod to make the frame and the bottles themselves. It is best to use green products for leaves, and brown for the body. As a last resort, the trunk can be painted, but it is still better to make the branches initially green.
  • First, brown bottles are cut in half and teeth are cut along the top edge as shown in the photo. It is worth considering that the work will require a very large number of blanks, so take care of the necessary supply in advance so that the work does not stop halfway.

  • Next, take a strong pin with a diameter of 5-8 mm, you can use reinforcement, or you can use any other metal element that is suitable in height. It is worth considering that part of the element will go into the ground, for reliable fixation; for large crafts, it may even be necessary to concrete the base in order to give the necessary stability.
  • Next, the blanks are strung onto a pin, after which the corner elements are bent to give the trunk even more naturalness and resemblance to a real tree.. Of course, you don’t have to make folds, but with them, similar crafts from plastic bottles for the garden look much more interesting.

Be sure to remove labels from bottles in advance, as they can ruin the appearance of the finished product.
Sometimes they come off easily, but if they are difficult to remove, you can place the products in hot water for a few seconds - then the process will be much easier and faster.

  • Next, green products are taken, first of all, the bottom is cut off, after which the petals of future branches are cut. They can have a wide variety of configurations - from straight to figuredly carved. Everything again depends on your desires and preferences; your imagination is not limited to anything.

  • Next, the finished leaves are strung on pins, after which they can be bent to make them even more naturalistic.. Lastly, all the elements are connected to each other, the easiest way to do this is by welding, but if you don’t have the equipment, you can use special clamping clamps, which are sold in all construction fastener stores.


Compact flower bed:

  • You can take any container as a base, the main thing is to choose the optimal size; a barrel cut in half, a stack of car tires or anything else will do.
  • Next, the base is installed in the right place and a cement-sand mortar is prepared in a ratio of 1 part cement to 2 parts sand. Water is added until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained.
  • Next, take bottles, and you can use both plastic and glass products. The walls of the container are coated with a thick layer of solution, after which the necks of the bottles are stuck into it. The rows are arranged in a checkerboard pattern; you can use variations of different colors to create a pattern or ornament.

  • After the solution hardens (after 1-2 days), the container can be filled, the bottom layer is gravel or crushed stone, it will serve as drainage, and the top layer is fertile soil in which flowers will be planted. The solution, which is visible from above, can be decorated with any available material.

Compositions from bottoms

The instructions for making such a composition are quite simple:

  • Take half bottles, they can be of a wide variety of colors, this allows you to create the most unusual compositions.
  • A hill of soil is poured, and the halves are stuck into it, depending on the shape of the slide and the color of the elements, you can create any flower beds.

Design of flower beds and beds

You don’t have to make full-fledged crafts from bottles for your garden, but use them as a decorative element, which, among other things, also has a practical function, which we will consider below:

  • You can take products of the same color, or you can use any options, but later they will have to be painted to improve the appearance of the composition. The most important thing is that the size and shape of the bottles are approximately the same.
  • Next, you need to cut off the necks approximately at the point where the narrowing begins, after which the resulting containers are filled with white sand or black soil– this will give them rigidity and simplify installation.
  • Filled blanks are dug in around the perimeter of flower beds or beds; this design will help give the summer cottage originality. In addition, such improvised fences prevent soil from spilling onto the paths - they can be sprinkled with gravel to further improve the appearance of the garden.


Another very attractive option is a flowerpot; such crafts from plastic bottles for the garden are very easy to work with, but the result is excellent.

There are several options:

  • The simplest solution is to cut off the top of the bottle(then you will get a straight pot) or its bottom (then you will get a cone-shaped one). Naturally, it is best to use large containers; almost any plant can fit in them. Products can be decorated with paints, pebbles or shells - it all depends on your imagination.
  • You can cut off the side of the bottles and make hanging flower pots, this way you can decorate any wall. This option allows you to decorate nondescript surfaces.

  • From large containers you can make flowerpots in the shape of various animals or birds, this option is somewhat more difficult to implement, but the result is much more interesting and attractive.

Other options

DIY country crafts made from plastic bottles are not always large in size; they can also be very tiny decorative elements.

There are a huge number of options, and we will look at just a few of them:

  • From the bottoms, which often remain during the work process, you can make various figurines of animals or fairy-tale characters. In this case, coloring is also required in order to achieve maximum similarity.

  • Using a grid with large cells, you can create a flower arrangement. You can do it even simpler: just create flowers, in which the middle will be the bottom of the bottle, and the petals will be the cut elements. The final result depends on how the plastic is cut.

  • If necessary, you can even decorate a fence with bottles– such a fence will last for many years and will perfectly fulfill its intended purpose – protection from the penetration of animals. (See also article.)

  • You can do this: simply decorate the products in the form of fairy-tale characters and place them in the garden or vegetable garden. Children really like these figures, and in just a few hours you can create a whole fairy-tale world.

Using traffic jams

During the work process, very often a large number of caps remain, which can also be used to make quite interesting products and compositions:

  • Corks are great for creating bright and elegant garden curtains. The process of their manufacture is extremely simple: each cap is punched using an awl or a screwdriver with a thin drill, after which all the elements are strung on a fishing line or cord.

  • Another fun option is to create paintings from caps.. You can make any composition; the more elements are used, the more colorful the picture will be.


You shouldn’t throw away plastic containers, because with their help you can make your summer cottage unique almost free of charge. The video in this article will clearly show some of the manufacturing options being considered.

Unnecessary things, which, unfortunately, litter the environment in abundance today, can successfully serve as building material and affordable material for all kinds of crafts, the main thing is to have enough imagination, desire and basic skills in handling available tools.

You may be surprised to learn what a huge variety of crafts - from basic little things to quite presentable and comfortable furniture - can be made from, say, used plastic bottles from mineral water and drinks! With the widespread use of such containers, craftsmen paid close attention to them, effectively and often ingeniously using the characteristic shape and strength-plastic properties of the material. Separate caps from these bottles also provide many opportunities for creativity.

Fantasy manifests itself well with experience, and experience, as everyone knows, is a gainable thing. We invite you to take advantage of the available developments of folk craftsmen: by repeating them with your own hands, you will definitely come up with your own unique ideas, which, with the development of skills in working with simple tools like a construction knife and hot-melt glue, you can perfectly implement in the material and make them an example for other novice home-made craftsmen to follow. ! Therefore, if you don’t yet have an exciting (and, importantly, useful!) hobby, it’s time to turn to a plastic bottle. And we will help you with advice and ideas for the first, and not only, crafts.

Tools for crafts from plastic bottles

The main advantage of such a hobby is its outright cheapness with enormous creative possibilities. All you have to purchase is a convenient and high-quality construction knife, a hot-melt glue gun, an awl, scissors and, perhaps, a sheet of the finest sandpaper: for a start this will be enough, in the future you may need paints and some other materials that will also not work significant burden on your personal budget. Much can still be found, as they say, underfoot and near nearby garages - wire, colored cable insulation, etc. Over time, a useful ability develops to notice the necessary objects where an ignorant person simply would not notice them.

An important advantage of used plastic bottles is their absolute safety for health, in contrast to old car tires. The material of the bottles does not cause allergic reactions, it is very difficult for them to get injured.

Preparatory stage of working with plastic bottles

At first, one or two bottles of the same type will be enough; for more ambitious projects, however, much more will be needed, and this is the main problem that requires time and some effort to solve. Excellent options are to involve family and friends, friends and classmates in collecting plastic bottles, who, instead of throwing them in the trash, will collect them for you. The process of collecting bottles suitable for creativity is reminiscent of preparing the right types of wood by a master cabinetmaker, who must have enough suitable material in stock.


In this material we will share with you . You will learn how to decorate flower beds and make a beautiful one with your own hands. palm tree made from plastic bottles, as well as beautiful animals made from this unnecessary material. Simple and intuitive master classes with photos of the sequence of work stages will help you make amazing plastic crafts for the garden! Passionate . Use some of them:

- bright garden paths that can be made from sea pebbles, from multi-colored paving slabs, in the form of paving stones with green grass breaking through between them, from silvery coarse and small gravel or rounded wood cuts. Pay special attention to the fact that diverse paths throughout the garden plot will allow you to divide its total area into interesting thematic zones - garden, vegetable garden, recreation area, children's playground and barbecue;

- solar-powered mini-lanterns are the simplest and most inexpensive decoration option that adds coziness to any garden plot. They will require absolutely no professional installation, unlike other expensive street lighting options. Since they are cordless, you just need to stick them into the ground or along garden paths or flower beds. Also for the garden you can make crafts with your own hands in the form of decorative lanterns from a plastic bottle ;

Beautiful hanging flowerpots, all kinds of flowerpots , designer flower pots can be moved throughout the summer season. Your garden plot will always look new if you make these garden decorations with your own hands. It is best to place the pots in the barbecue area, on the veranda or around the playground. Use old unnecessary boxes, multi-colored plastic bottles, barrels, watering cans and other items that you would never need again and that you wanted to throw away as decorative containers. Give them a second life by decorating your garden with handmade crafts;

Hand-made fences along garden paths look great. It can be woven from willow or hazel. As a rule, people like to hang beautiful old clay jugs and pots on such fences as garden decorations. Planted decorative sunflowers will look great next to such a fence;

Country furniture always creates a unique comfort in any corner of the garden. Plastic bottles can also be used as a material for making garden furniture (in the previous tutorial we told you how to make a durable sofa from large plastic bottles ). Forged benches, chairs with wooden seats and tables are currently the most popular. When choosing furniture, pay attention to the fact that the legs have special tips so that they do not fall into the ground. Wicker furniture made of wicker and rattan is great for summer verandas. Larch and teak are excellent for our latitudes. All unpainted furniture must be pre-coated with special compounds.

Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden will become his real decorations. Avid summer residents spend all their free time in their favorite areas. To make it more original and beautiful, you don’t have to run to the store for newfangled garden figurines or expensive materials. The simplest craft item is a used plastic bottle. To implement your ideas, first read the useful recommendations.

What you need to start making DIY crafts from plastic bottles for garden? You will need - a precious plastic bottle, scissors, plastic paint and wire. The main thing is not to be afraid to use your imagination to make crafts from used plastic bottles for the garden. Can involve children in making such crafts . This can be a fun and exciting family activity.

Crafts from various plastic bottles for the garden
are the most budget option, and plastic will last at least 3 years.

Crafts made from a plastic bottle, as you can see on the picture, can be placed on the playground: make a palm tree out of plastic bottles or flowers, put a plastic peacock, hare or other animals.

There are ideas for a variety of crafts made from plastic bottles. This can be seen in the photo - flowers, birds, animals, toys.


Plastic bottles are an excellent material used in home garden crafts. They can be from ordinary water or carbonated drinks. You can also reuse plastic from detergents and shampoos, giving it new life. No need to treat it like useless junk. After all, from plastic, from practically nothing, you can make useful and interesting things for the dacha, garden, and toys for children. Below you will find information with which you can use plastic bottles You can easily make a beautiful palm tree with your own hands. If you make 5-8 of these palm trees and decorate your garden with them, then your site will look very advantageous and exotic compared to others!

As we already told you in one of our materials, if you have a huge number of bottles of the same shape and size, it is quite possible to make country furniture . It’s very easy to secure 15-20 1.5-2 liter bottles with tape and thereby get the basis for a pouf. It can then be covered with a beautiful fabric, making a soft foam seat.

A palm tree made from plastic bottles will show off at your summer cottage or in the garden all year round. It will definitely decorate any garden plot.

How make your own palm tree from plastic bottles ? Photo with the stages of work should encourage you to do this (see below Master Class). In order to make your own garden products in the shape of a palm tree, you will need some simple materials. Of course, these are plastic bottles, which are the main material.

For palm trunk from plastic bottles you will need to stock up on 10-15 plastic bottles. Their capacity is one and a half to two liters. Depending on the height of the palm tree, different bottle capacities are taken. With a palm tree height of 15 plastic bottles, two-liter containers should be used. For a height of 10 bottles, one and a half liter bottles are used. You need to take brown ones plastic bottles to make a palm tree trunk from them.

For the palm tree crown you will need green plastic bottles. The larger the bottle, the longer the palm leaves will be, and the more natural it will look.

To make a plastic palm tree reliable and durable, you need to select either a strong and thick willow rod or a thick metal rod for its base.

Tools needed to make your own palm tree from plastic bottles:

an awl or drill to make holes in the bottles;
large scissors or a well-sharpened knife.

Sequence of actions for making a plastic palm tree:

to make a palm tree trunk, you first need to cut brown bottles to a height of 10-15 centimeters. The bottom of the bottle with a bottom is best suited for this. The tops can also be used. This is also a good option, because in this case there will be no need to make holes;

when will the necessary plastic blanks be made? , cloves are cut along their edges with scissors or a very sharp knife. They need to be bent a little in order to give the palm bark from plastic bottles a natural and natural texture;

For the crown of a palm tree, green bottles are taken from plastic bottles. They cut off the bottom. On the very first workpiece, you must leave the neck with a lid. It will later serve as a good fastener during the assembly of the entire palm structure. The necks of the remaining blanks must be cut off;

to make leaves from blanks, they must be cut out, but not reaching the edges by about 5 centimeters or more. Next, the leaves need to be secured by screwing the lid;

the next stage is drilling holes to connect all the prepared parts.

Such a hole, which serves as a connection, must also be made in the lid - the fastening of the palm tree crown. Pay special attention to the fact that the size of the connecting hole is directly dependent on the diameter of the base rod. A hot awl or drill will be a good helper in this;

The last stage is collecting the plastic palm tree with your own hands. It is necessary to plant all the brown plastic blanks on a securely fastened rod, and secure the crown on top, which was prepared from green plastic bottles.

The palm is ready. Now think about where to place it in the corner of the garden so that it looks most impressive. But it’s better to make several of these palm trees, install them side by side and plant green spaces around them.


What can be made from plastic bottles to decorate the garden? Next, we will look at options with photos on how you can make a decorative flowerbed with your own hands.
Have you ever thought that the garden is a real creative territory? And this is not at all because its diversity consists only of growing a variety of fruit trees, flowers and shrubs. Your unlimited imagination and ideas picked up from other gardeners and summer residents will transform your garden into an original and unique look.

From plastic bottles you can create useful little things for your dacha and landscape works, including palm trees, flower beds, gazebos, supports for greenhouses and canopies, frames for climbing plants, and so on. To do this, you just need to collect a sufficient number of the same type of plastic bottles. Palm trees made from plastic bottles for any garden will become a real decoration.

But what else, besides palm trees, can be made from this waste material for decoration? your garden? A simple option is a gazebo made from plastic bottles. Or rather, the basis of its design. Since the fastening of the gazebo must be rigid, small screws must be used. If you have a design with solid bottles, then they need to be filled with sand so that they are stable. Please note that in case using plastic bottles as frames (the base of a canopy, for example) do not overload the structure and use only light fabric and film.

Summer residents have long been using plastic bottles to grow seedlings and decorate flower beds. They serve as an excellent container for it. A very original idea is to make an outdoor washbasin from them. Nothing complicated - just hang a plastic bottle upside down with the base cut off, pour water into it. The cap serves as a tap; you only need to turn it a little to let the water flow.

A modernized version of this type of outdoor washbasin is the following - a plastic bottle is hung upside down. Make a small hole in it. To supply water, you need to slightly unscrew the cap and let air inside the container. You can build a real shower in the same way. To do this you will need a plastic bottle with a large diameter. Several holes are made in the bottom of the bottle, like a shower.

Flower beds made from plastic bottles for the garden are quite common among amateur gardeners. They simply dig into the ground, representing a small fence.

In addition, you can make a variety of flowerpots of different sizes and shapes. , depending on the plastic containers used. For example, small bottles can be used for tabletop and hanging pots. Try cutting off the bottom of a bottle and you will immediately get a cylindrical planter . If you use only the top part of a plastic bottle, then you will get a cone-shaped flowerpot . Such pots can be decorated with colored corrugated paper, fabric or tied with yarn. A simple decorative option would be painting with paints. Inverted plastic bottles with a capacity of 5 liters will serve perfectly as decorative flowerpots.

The fantasies of summer residents are irrepressible, and they making palm trees from used plastic bottles for your garden. You can make real beautiful decorative palm trees from brown and green plastic bottles for your garden.


Summer residents love to decorate their garden plots with all kinds of garden figurines made from clay or plaster. In order for the territory of the garden plot to become original, it is not at all necessary to go to an expensive store to buy decor. Animals from a plastic bottle, which you can see in the photo, can be easily made with your own hands. This option for garden decoration is also very practical for a personal plot, because the plastic is resistant to both rain and sunlight.

After reading this manufacturing review, you will learn how to make various animals from an ordinary plastic bottle (see photo with the stages of work). In fact, making a hare or pig from a plastic bottle with your own hands is not at all difficult, and after reading the material, you will be convinced of this!

Plain plastic bottles can serve as a source of inspiration for creating mini-masterpieces, and not just a constant headache for environmentalists. A variety of plastic figurines of animals or birds can be made together with children, using your own and the children’s imagination. All you need for this is a plastic bottle, cardboard, glue, scissors, markers and acrylic paints (you can use spray paint).

To make animal figurines (hare or pig), you can take any plastic bottles you have. Come up with interesting ideas and choose which animal you like best. We suggest you make a cute pig from a plastic bottle. In its finished form it is shown in the photo.

First, carefully prepare the plastic bottle for use. The label must be thoroughly removed from it and then washed.
Well, now let's get back to making crafts. . Cut out ears, tail and paws from cardboard. Glue all the cut out parts of the animal to the bottle. Let's take pink paint and paint the resulting blank from a spray can. Let the paint dry. Now the fun begins. After drying, use markers to draw the pig’s eyes, snout and mouth. You can also use another option - pre-cut these parts from colored paper or paint it and then stick it on the bottle.

Sounds funny, but pig made from a regular plastic bottle and showing off in the photo, has become a real, as they now say, fashion trend lately. We can say that now a lot of people make such piglets.

It is clear that thanks to different imaginations, different interesting crafts are obtained. These can also be cute little piglets made from small bottles. These are real wild boars or sows made from huge plastic bottles. Some are trying to copy Piglet. Some people have such a fantasy that they create entire plastic pig farms on their plots.

This, of course, is the topic of all kinds numerous figures made from plastic bottles cannot be exhausted. There are still many types of animals that can be made using a used plastic bottle.

And such an animal can be a hare from an ordinary plastic bottle, which you see in the photo. It can be made for a summer residence in different ways. This will depend on the shape of the bottle you take and the very idea of ​​​​a decorative garden hare.

To make using the simplest method hare from an ordinary plastic bottle, as shown in the photo, you will need: plastic bottle, acrylic or spray paint, brush, scissors, hot glue, sand and cardboard.

Note that if you are making this figurine for a child, and not to decorate your garden plot, then take a small plastic bottle. The bunny will turn out cute and very neat. But bulk bottles are great for making garden hares.

Sequence of actions for making a plastic hare:

thoroughly remove the label from the plastic bottle;

Coat the cleaned bottle with spray paint and let it dry;

After the spray paint has dried, fill the plastic bottle with sand. This will give it good stability;

Carefully draw the face and paws of a hare on a plastic bottle;

You need to cut out ears from colored cardboard and carefully paint them with paints and hot glue;

If the hare is intended for the garden, then its ears will also be plastic. They are cut from another prepared plastic bottle. In this case, you can only paint with spray paint. Details are drawn with acrylic paint;

At the last stage, the ears are glued with hot glue.

Here is another way to make a beautiful funny hare from a plastic bottle with your own hands. To do this, you will need the simplest things - sand, two used plastic bottles, acrylic primer or acrylic paints, a brush and scissors.

The sequence of making a hare using this method is the same - we thoroughly wash the plastic bottles, clearing them of unnecessary labels. One of the blanks must be filled with sand for stability. From the second plastic bottle we cut out the bunny's ears and bangs. Do not touch the top of the plastic bottle with the cork.

We cover all prepared parts of the garden bunny with acrylic primer. In this case, paint consumption will be less. Let the thoroughly applied primer dry. After the soil has dried, we draw a hare’s shirt, a butterfly and its face on the main plastic bottle. In general, we create his image at your discretion.

As a result of this individual approach, such funny and unique bunnies are obtained. It would be better to paint the ears with silver paint. The cork is usually painted with gold paint. In the place where the bangs will be, use scissors to create an original fringe. After the paint has completely dried, carefully combine all the prepared parts. Your bunny is ready and waiting to take his place of honor in your garden!

As you can see, making a flower bed, palm tree or any animals from plastic bottles is not at all difficult! Fantasize yourself, don’t be afraid of anything, take and rework existing ideas, engage in real creativity , and then yours will acquire its own unique look!

Plastic bottles are generally considered garbage and are sent to the appropriate places - garbage cans and landfills. But in the right, creative hands, these things can sparkle with new colors. And you don’t have to be a master to breathe a second life into ordinary plastic. You just need a little patience and imagination.

The crafts are quite simple and anyone can make similar things with their own hands. Or maybe for some this business will become a real hobby.

Useful things from trash

Plastic bottles come in different shapes. They are also different in color and size. Therefore, it is quite possible to make small decorative items from them for the garden plot. And for a dacha, plastic furniture or even a summer gazebo, built from the same plastic dishes, is quite suitable.

And even caps from plastic bottles in skillful hands can turn into real masterpieces - mosaics on the walls, a hot stand, cute toys for children and other useful little things.

Everyone can make one thing or another. Here fantasy plays the main role. After all, the material for making crafts is available almost everywhere. They can be found in parks, on lawns, near rivers and in landfills.

And by collecting them for his creativity, a person thereby cleanses nature of harmful things. After all, plastic these days has become a real disaster that threatens the environment. This material is durable, so crafts made from plastic bottles will serve and delight you for a long time.

Where to begin

The most important thing in every decision is the action plan. In order to start working on the craft, you will need the following:

  • detailed description and photo of crafts made from plastic bottles or one individual craft of your choice;
  • bottles of suitable sizes and colors;
  • additional materials and tools that may be useful: knife, scissors, tape, glue, paint, fabric, etc.

Then you just need to be patient and follow the instructions. And soon the children will enjoy the new fairy-tale playground, the guests will enjoy spending time in the “almost crystal” gazebo, and the hostess will appreciate the unusual practical devices in the kitchen.


You can make an excellent box from plastic bottles, in which you can conveniently store various small things: hair bands, buttons, paper clips. To do this, you will need two bottom parts of plastic bottles of the same size. They are connected to each other by a zipper, which is sewn along the edges.

Or a simpler option is to cut off the top of the bottle at the point where it begins to narrow. The container is ready. All that remains is to decorate the bottle using decorative ribbon, buttons and beads. They are glued with glue. Sew a fabric cap, which is tightened with a cord, and also glue it to the edge of the container.

And it’s not at all difficult to make a convenient and original container for sandwiches that you won’t be embarrassed to take to school or work. The main thing is to decorate it with intention. And it is done in just a few steps.

In the bathroom there is also a place for a plastic box in which you can put all the necessary supplies: toothpastes and brushes, washcloths and shampoos. If these boxes are hung on the wall one above the other, you can free up space.

Plastic bottles can make an unusual stand for pencils and pens. It is enough to cut it out in a circle in the shape of a cat or owl’s face and paint it. The same technique is used to make a flower vase. Just to make it stable, you should add a handful of small pebbles to the bottom.

Playground toys and decorations

To decorate children's playgrounds, decorations are made in the form of plants, animals and even insects.

For a palm tree you will need about 15 brown bottles, from which the palm trunk is made, and 7-10 green bottles for the leaves. The trunk is assembled from bottles cut across, stringing them onto a frame made of durable rod.

To create leaves, green bottles need to be cut lengthwise, forming the desired shape. To make longer leaves, you need to attach an additional one to the main sheet using a stapler.

You can decorate your garden plot even in winter. Funny penguins in colorful hats and scarves will cheer you up on a cold winter day. You can make penguins of different sizes. For one bird you will need two identical bottles, which have a “waist” at the bottom.

This bottle needs to be cut in half. This will be the penguin's body. For the second bottle you only need to cut off the bottom with a small margin - these are the legs. Connect the two parts using a glue gun and paint. Make a pompom from wool and a scarf from a strip of fabric.

Such crafts are not stable, since plastic is a very light material. In order for the penguins to stand quietly in the chosen place, before gluing the parts together, they need to be filled with sand or small pebbles placed.

Even plastic lids turn into cute ladybugs in skillful hands. You just need to color them accordingly and glue funny eyes on them.

If the plastic lids are connected to each other with the edges in the form of a small circle, you will get an original stand for a hot pan or kettle. This device will come in handy in the kitchen.

Flowers and plastic bottles

Flowerbeds can also be decorated in an original way using plastic bottles. If you take the bottom parts of the bottles, paint them in different colors and stick them into the ground next to each other, you can create a flowerbed that will “bloom” all year round.

The tops of bottles with caps can also be used as flower pots. They are not stable, but in the form of flower pots they will look fabulous.

Plastic bottles with a volume of 3-5 liters will make a bright flower bed-train. You need to cut out one side of each bottle. Paint it in different colors. Fill the bottles with soil and transplant low-growing garden flowers into them. Lay them horizontally and lean against each other, creating trailers.

Furniture and buildings

Building a summer gazebo will require more expense and effort. After all, for construction you will first need to make a frame made of wood or metal. The walls are built from whole bottles, which are strung on wire or rod.

First, a hole is made in the bottom of the bottle and the cap is unscrewed. A rod with stringed bottles is attached to the frame in a horizontal or vertical position.

Using bottles you can create a sofa, armchair, ottoman. Here you first need to make separate blocks: seat, armrests, backrest. Then connect them according to the design. It is better to make blocks from 2 liter identical bottles.

You need to put the lower part of another bottle on the top of the bottle (where the cap is) so that you get the bottom of the bottle on both sides. All bottles and blocks are attached to each other using tape. To make the seat soft, you need a foam block of a suitable size. The cover is sewn to the size of the furniture.

Photos of crafts made from plastic bottles

at 05/28/2017 148,798 Views

You can make many useful things for your garden and dacha from plastic bottles

While lovingly arranging our city dwellings, we are no less touching about our summer cottages. We try to improve them, create comfortable conditions for ourselves and add special notes of attractiveness to the even rows of beds and berry bushes. Many summer residents have chosen the most accessible and flexible material for their creative experiments - ordinary plastic bottles. We will talk further about what products can be made from it for the garden and dacha!

  • House made of plastic bottles
  • Country crafts from plastic bottles step by step: palm tree made from plastic bottles
  • Plastic crafts: some tips
  • Master class from plastic bottles step by step

Wonderful hanging cactus pots made from plastic bottles

Resourcefulness in ways to place many plants in the garden area

Plastic bottles in skillful hands will become a wonderful decoration for your landscape

Beautiful flower made from plastic caps

Crafts from plastic bottles step by step: from flower pots to fairy-tale towers

The idea of ​​making useful devices and decorative items from plastic containers is not new. The first attempts led our grandparents to build low fences for paths. Having appreciated the plasticity and low cost of the material, craftsmen from among the people moved on. And now the summer cottages are decorated with full-fledged fences, funny figures and unusual devices made from plastic bottles.

Your children will definitely like this beautiful ostrich from a pet container!

Thanks to imagination and such excellent material as plastic bottles, we have almost limitless possibilities for creating crafts for every taste, any complexity and direction

Paintings made from the caps of plastic bottles and other containers have grown into an entire art movement.

Plastic bottles have long been in great demand among gardeners

Gorgeous orange flowers from pet containers

Crafts and decorations for the cottage and garden made from plastic bottles do not require the use of complex tools and specialized skills. The main thing is to have time and desire, as well as enough material. Those who have both have convincingly proven the limitless possibilities of such handicrafts, and we have prepared a review of the best examples of crafts.

DIY furniture, flowerpots and a vase made from a plastic bottle

Comfortable and very stylish chair made from plastic bottles

A sheet of plywood, sixteen one and a half liter bottles, adhesive tape - and a comfortable and durable coffee table will appear on your site. Plywood can be replaced with plastic or hardboard, an old countertop or plexiglass. From the same materials, slightly changing the design, you can make a garden bench. Some diligent and patient craftsmen manage to assemble full-fledged sofas and armchairs from bottles.

You can even make the basis for a full-fledged sofa from plastic bottles if you fasten them firmly and carefully

Hanging flowerpot or base for flowerpots

DIY ottoman made from plastic bottles

How to make a pouf from pet containers

House made of plastic bottles

Among the summer residents there are also real builders who know that they can build whatever their heart desires from plastic bottles. They collect gazebos, toilets, sheds and even from plastic bottles. The only difficulty with such structures is not in their assembly, but in collecting the required number of bottles.

House with a roof made of 7,000 bottles

Plastic bottles are a good base material for building the walls of a summer house, greenhouse, shower, toilet or other partitions

Greenhouse walls made of containers on a wooden frame

Bottoms from plastic bottles will help you decorate garlands for the garden

Children's playground: flowers made from plastic bottles and toys made from plastic bottles

Crafts made from plastic bottles will help decorate the playground

All kinds of crafts made from plastic bottles are especially attractive for decorating a children's playground. Absolutely safe, they can become the basis for toys, fun decorations, and for creating story compositions. Funny elephants, bees, bunnies and hedgehogs, bright flowers, cheerful lanterns will turn the country island of childhood into a fairy-tale kingdom.

A whole plot for a children's playground from the caps of plastic bottles and canisters

Together with children, you can make small crafts and large plot mosaics from the caps of plastic bottles

Plastic bottle doll

Examples of a variety of crafts that will help the gardener with placement, easy transportation and care of plants

Piglets from large plastic bottles - stable stands for germinating seedlings or small plants

Craft for garden or lawn decor: parrot from pet container

Crafts for the garden and useful little things

Multi-colored turtles will be an excellent element of your garden decor.

You can see how easily the “crazy” hands of summer residents transform used plastic containers into useful summer cottage devices by walking through suburban areas. Here, on the trunk of a tree, a washbasin was nestled comfortably, and in the next yard, the gazebo was decorated with multi-colored, fragrant and ampelous geraniums. We have also prepared for you several descriptions of crafts made from plastic bottles for the garden.

DIY bird made from plastic bottles

DIY painted garden owl lanterns

Birdhouse made from a plastic bottle

It’s very easy to make a birdhouse from a plastic bottle

Plastic bottles cut in half will become cute flower pots; it is important to carefully paint them. It is also advisable to take opaque bottles for this.

The ever-tangling and stuck twine for tying seedlings will stop tormenting you if you hide the ball in a plastic bottle. Just cut the bottle in the middle, insert a ball into the top, pass the end of the twine into the neck, connect the parts, secure the cut with tape - and your convenient storage is ready.

Drip irrigation from plastic bottles

Your seedlings will not wither, even if you go away for several days: install semi-automatic watering. Once again, plastic bottles come into play. We cut off the bottom of the bottle, about 2/3, drill 4-8 holes in the cork, close the neck, bury the bottle upside down, pour water - and the seedlings are provided with moisture during your absence. A similar garden made from plastic bottles (photo confirms this) will significantly save your time and money.

Automatic watering "Aquasolo" - these are conical nozzles on a bottle with a thread that do not require wasting time on drilling slots, digging into the ground, and so on.

Anthurium with a convenient automatic watering system "Aquasolo"

Maximum space saving: plastic bottles suspended one above the other with a cut tube with water passing through them

  • For the same seedlings, plastic bottles make excellent containers. After cutting the bottle in half and taking the bottom, pour the prepared substrate into it, plant the plants and place them on a shelf made of wooden planks. This design is also suitable for decorating your home with flowers.

Beautiful hanging pots made from plastic bottles will not only decorate the interior, but also make it unique

Excellent flowerpot made from a shampoo bottle with your own hands

Arrangement of compact placement of seedlings or small plants at the dacha

Bird feeder made from a plastic bottle

Some crafts made from plastic bottles for the garden amaze the owners with their ingenuity. By placing a bottle on a hose and making many holes in the bottom, you will get an excellent diffuser for watering your garden. From a five-liter container you can build an elegant lamp for the veranda, and a mineral water container is suitable as a bird feeder.

Bird feeder made of plastic container

A simple and convenient hose sprayer for garden watering

  • Plastic bottles will help you save trees from pests. Cut the bottle lengthwise into two halves, fill it with a mixture that is attractive to pests and add insecticides, and bury it at the base of the trunk.
  • From bottles you can make a magnificent decorative all-weather and all-season flower bed. Just paint the bottoms of the bottles in different colors and make a wonderful carpet out of them by sticking them open side into the ground. The carpet pattern can be pre-reproduced on paper.

Decorating flower beds with pet containers has become very popular

  • One Brazilian engineer did the calculations and built a solar collector from plastic bottles. The structure can be placed on a summer cottage, connected to a storage tank, and you will always have a warm shower.

Construction of a solar collector made of plastic bottles

Automatic watering of seedlings and ornamental plants in your absence using a plastic bottle dug next to the roots with small holes drilled in the neck or cap

Cut plastic containers suspended one above the other are the fastest and most economical way out of a situation when you need to germinate a lot of seedlings in a limited space

Making an owl from a plastic bottle with your own hands

Bottles for germination and winter holding of plants - an opportunity to save space and ensure good irrigation and drainage

Products made from plastic bottles: artistic masterpieces

Magnificent dandelions from pet containers will never cease to delight you and your guests

The imagination of folk craftsmen is so diverse that it leads to the appearance of outlandish animals, fairy tale and cartoon characters, exotic plants, and original thematic compositions in summer cottages.

We cover the bottom of a plastic bottle or cup with dry twigs and get an unusual candlestick, protected from the wind.

Rainbow decor for a garden, workshop, garage: a fountain of spirals cut from multi-colored plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are used not only to decorate the garden, but also to decorate the home

Country crafts from plastic bottles:

If you have a small pond on your site, you can decorate it with a plastic palm tree. It's not at all difficult to make. You will need:

  • 10-15 brown plastic bottles (for the palm trunk);
  • 5-6 green bottles (preferably long);
  • iron or willow rod;
  • an awl or drill for making holes;
  • sharp knife or scissors for cutting bottles.

A palm tree made from plastic bottles looks very beautiful

Now let's start making the decoration.

  • Cut all the brown bottles in half. We take the lower parts and use an awl to make holes in the bottom of each of them, equal in size to the diameter of the rod.

Advice! You can also take the tops of the bottles, then you won’t have to make additional holes.

  • For green bottles, cut off the bottom by about 1 cm. Leave one of the blanks with a neck, cut it off for the rest to make a loop.
  • Carefully cut the green bottles lengthwise into three equal parts up to the loop.

Making palm leaves

  • We cut out the edges of the brown parts with jagged edges to create an imitation of a rough palm tree trunk.
  • We securely fix the rod in the soil. We calculate the length of the rod by laying out the brown parts on the ground in one row, plus 2-3 cm for the leaves.

We put brown bottles on it.

Making a trunk for a palm tree

  • We string our leaves onto the free top of the rod, finishing the work with a blank with a neck. We make a hole in the lid and screw it onto the last sheet, securely securing the entire crown.

Connection of trunk and leaves

Assembling a palm tree from plastic bottles

Using several rods of different lengths, you can create a real oasis. As you can see, making garden crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands is not so difficult, the main thing is to find a sufficient amount of material and take one of the proposed ideas as a basis.

Step-by-step guide: making fabric pots on bases from plastic bottles.

Hedgehog from a plastic bottle and twine rope: growing seedlings and small creeping plants

Crafts for the garden from plastic bottle caps

You can create real masterpieces from plastic lids

Don't throw away bottle caps. Decorative crafts made from caps from plastic bottles for the dacha and garden can also beautifully fit into its landscape. They will serve as an excellent mosaic material for decorating fences and walls of a country house.

Bright compositions made from plastic lids will help make your landscape design more fun.

Video master class (from plastic bottles of standard capacity):

A path made of plastic covers is not only economical, but also very beautiful

Large-scale red and blue mosaic of caps of different sizes

Having tinkered a little with the pattern, painted and drilled holes in the sides of the covers, you can use them to assemble a curtain for the door. An excellent option for protection against insects!

The lids can be turned into a beautiful tabletop or a practical doormat. Use them for decorative finishing of the interior space.

Gorgeous door curtains made from plastic covers

Carport that diffuses sunlight

Beautiful lanterns in Hawaiian style

Before starting work, remove the labels from the bottles and wash the container thoroughly.

For stability of vertical structures, fill the bottles with sand or small pebbles.

Dragonflies made from corrugated plastic bottles

An ingenious device for collecting fruit from trees

Hanging pots made from pet containers with images of animals will fit perfectly into the interior of a children's room

Choose plastic bottles of different softness for crafts. For example, for the body of a dog or elephant, take a strong base, but for the ears it is better to use softer plastic.

Master class from plastic bottles (step by step):