A selection of bedroom wall colors from the shadow side. Recommendations for choosing a color scheme for the bedroom. What color to choose for the bedroom - main factors

A selection of bedroom wall colors from the shadow side.  Recommendations for choosing a color scheme for the bedroom.  What color to choose for the bedroom - main factors
A selection of bedroom wall colors from the shadow side. Recommendations for choosing a color scheme for the bedroom. What color to choose for the bedroom - main factors

Scientists have proven more than once that the environment in the bedroom plays an important role in how you sleep. By decorating this room in one color or another, you can increase or decrease even the duration of sleep time. Therefore, decorating this room was not such a frivolous matter. It may be better to take your time and try to choose the best wallpaper color for your bedroom. The design of this room must be approached thoroughly, having carefully thought through the colors of the walls, furniture, textiles and flooring.

What color is better to make a bedroom?

  1. Many people, when choosing the best wall color for the bedroom, preferred blue and cyan colors. They have a refreshing effect, even relieve fatigue a little, and remind you of the sea elements. It is difficult to find a more comfortable environment for good rest and relaxation.
  2. Solar yellow and light brown shades always brought warmth and comfort to the atmosphere. This is especially important where the windows face north. Certainly this situation will not have a depressing effect on you. A Orange color In general, many associate it with happiness. Although there is another side to this - it is believed that orange shades involuntarily cause a desire to eat again, which people who are on a diet do not like.
  3. can also successfully claim to be the best color for the bedroom. It is not as hot as yellow and orange, it evokes peace, and an interior decorated in these shades looks as natural as possible.
  4. Pink bedroom color. Undoubtedly, a girl in love who dreams of passion and tender hugs will like it. The color pink is believed to suppress aggression and promote positivity.
  5. Purple bedroom. Such an interior always looks chic, especially if the decoration includes silver, gilding, and mirrors. It always has a noble, aristocratic appearance and evokes a romantic atmosphere.
  6. . Suitable

The bedroom is a place where people relax and unwind after hard work. The interior of a bedroom is, first of all, based on the right color scheme, so it is very important to choose the best colors and create a pleasant atmosphere. What color schemes are popular in 2018 and how best to decorate your bedroom is described below.

For several years now, white has remained one of the most popular colors for decorating both the bedroom and living room. It has a number of advantages: versatility, which allows you to combine it with other bright colors, white color is calm, does not irritate the eyes, and sets you up for relaxation and recuperation. Its purity allows it to be combined with any colors, be it dark or bright.

Light colors of decoration are present in such modern interior designs as:

  • High tech;
  • Minimalism;
  • Modern;
  • Fusion;
  • Loft.

Calm gray, beige, milky, and ivory remain popular. Furniture and various decorative elements in dark or bright colors can contrast with light wallpaper and flooring.

If you don’t like the idea of ​​a light bedroom, then you can use dark blue or black colors, they allow you to tune in to sleep and relax.

In the bedroom it is better not to use bright colors; instead of purple, take delicate lilac, heavenly, pink, light green. They can be combined with each other, but remember that there should be no more than three primary colors in the interior.

Color range for the bedroom: optimal solutions

The north side of an apartment or house should not be decorated in cold colors; if blue, blue, and purple shades are used, then only in the bedroom facing south. Otherwise, you will end up with a cold and gloomy bedroom.

Beige is a wonderful color for a bedroom, it is calming and goes well with any color on the color spectrum. At the same time, it looks softer than white or gray, which makes the bedroom more comfortable.

Bright colors also remained popular in 2016, for example:

  • Marsala;
  • Eggplant;
  • Mahogany;
  • Lime;
  • Mustard;
  • Cherry blossom;
  • Green.

Also popular was an orange fusion bedroom with champagne, sand or milky colored wallpaper.

Color solutions for the bedroom: what is relevant

The color scheme is divided into “warm”, “cold” and “neutral” tones. Warm colors include most bright shades, and cool colors include most dark shades. Universal neutral colors are white, black and gray.

It is necessary to select the color of the bedroom in accordance with its size. Options for a small bedroom certainly include light wallpaper and curtains to visually enlarge the space.

In a modern bedroom, the key role is played by the contrast of colors, for example, decorate the walls in a powdery color, and pillows, vases and other decorative elements in a rich color, for example, raspberry.

White color goes well with blue and cyan; together they create a sea or heavenly atmosphere, which allows a person to relax and fall asleep faster. These colors are also universal for both a boy’s and a girl’s room, and a wide palette of shades of blue will allow you to find suitable accessories and finishing materials without any extra effort.

The following colors are favorable for sleep:

  • Blue;
  • Beige;
  • Mustard;
  • Light green;
  • White;
  • Grey.

Blue is favorable for people of any gender and age; it has a positive effect on the psyche.

By combining these colors with some bright elements, you can get a variety of variations and ideas and create a truly beautiful bedroom design. Decorating a bedroom is a responsible process, so choosing a color scheme must be approached carefully.

What color to choose for the bedroom

Different colors have different effects on the human psyche, so it is very important to choose the right color for the bedroom. The overall atmosphere of the bedroom should not be flashy or annoying. The bedroom is precisely the room in which the colors of the walls and accessories play the most important role, so you need to approach the problem of choosing a color for the bedroom carefully.

First of all, you need to decide on the finishing materials; as noted earlier, this year wallpapers in cream, beige and other soothing colors are popular. You can pair them with furniture with bright, unusual elements so that the bedroom is not too dull.

Soothing colors can be contrasted with dark ones or come in different shades. You can create a play of colors, make the main one, for example, green, and complement it with red, purple or unusual photo wallpaper.

It is better to replace bright red with coral, and green with coniferous or light green. The room should not be dominated by just one shade; bright and dark must be correctly combined with basic colors to make the room look complete and stylish.

For a small bedroom you should choose light colors of wallpaper without any pattern, only abstract patterns. For the floor, it is better to choose dark wood or linoleum.

In general, we can note the best colors that are suitable for a bedroom of any design and size:

  • White;
  • Chocolate;
  • Golden;
  • Grey;
  • Light green;
  • Blue;
  • In a sandy shade.

These colors are suitable for both small and spacious bedrooms. Wallpaper and furniture shades of these colors are suitable for both classic interiors and modern trends.

The best colors for the bedroom: the right choice

What are the best colors for a bedroom to coordinate the color scheme?

To feel comfortable in the bedroom, you need to pay attention to the following colors:

  • Red is the color of passion, you should not use it in the bedroom, it is better to leave a few accents in the form of paintings or bed linen, but under no circumstances should you put red wallpaper in the bedroom;
  • Orange is a warm color that lifts the mood; it is best to use its shades in the bedroom: peach or coral;
  • Yellow is suitable for creativity, it can be used as accents and for gluing bright wallpaper, it also improves mood, and delicate shades of yellow calm;
  • Green is a natural color, relaxes, sets the mood for rest, reduces blood pressure, and is one of the best colors for the bedroom;
  • Blue and light blue colors are also relaxing, associated with water, which is calming. Designers around the world consider blue and its shades to be ideal for the bedroom, the retina of our eyes reacts best to it, the body relaxes and rests faster in a bedroom with blue walls;
  • It is better not to use purple in its pure form, pay attention to lavender and lilac;
  • Another ideal color for a bedroom is white - the color of cleanliness and order, it is universal, goes well with other colors, and allows you to expand the space;
  • Brown is the ideal, right color for a spacious bedroom, promoting health and good rest.

A good bedroom design should, first of all, please you, so first create a color scheme at your discretion, and only then pay attention to fashion trends. Every year the color schemes change, and the bedroom you like will always delight you.

Choosing colors for the bedroom (video)

In conclusion, it should be noted that at the moment the finishing materials market offers a huge number of wallpapers of various textures and colors, which must be combined with furniture and other decorative elements to create a complete and cozy interior. If you approach the issue of color design for your bedroom responsibly and comprehensively, then it will set you up for rest and relaxation for a long time.

Sound sleep promotes good health and sets a great mood for the whole day. The color of the walls in the bedroom, furniture, accessories - all this affects the emotional and psychological state of a person. Therefore, the choice of color scheme for decorating a relaxation room should be approached thoroughly.

From this article you will learn what colors for the bedroom have a beneficial effect on a person, how to choose the predominant tone for the interior, combine different shades with each other, so that the end result is a comfortable, harmonious room.

Determining the color scheme for the rest room

Even ancient scientists noticed that some tones affect a person’s mood and well-being positively, while others negatively. The science that studies the features of this effect is called chromotherapy. Based on it, you can choose the color for the bedroom.

Note: to prevent the interior of the recreation room from being boring, it is better to use a combination of at least 2 colors (main and accent).

An example of how to successfully combine furniture, accessories and wall color in a bedroom, photo

Choosing favorable colors for the bedroom

According to the latest scientific research, the tones and patterns used in the decoration, decor and textiles of the rest room affect the duration and quality of sleep. Recommended colors for the bedroom are blue, green, gray, and yellow-orange shades. They contribute to good rest and relaxation. So that you can decide what color the bedroom should be, consider the role in the interior and the effect of the most popular tones on a person.

Shades of blue are best perceived by the retina. Blue colors are soothing, relaxing, promote sound sleep, and therefore are ideal for decorating a relaxation room.

Tip: an excess of blue causes a feeling of cold in the room; these shades should be complemented with neutral or warm tones.

A beneficial microclimate will provide a balanced color scheme for the bedroom, photo

To make the recreation room a source of energy, decorate it in yellow or orange tones. These colors fill the space with light, which is especially true for a small, dark room. To soften the design in bright shades, you need to dilute the yellow-orange palette with a splash of white, gray, or blue.

This is interesting: yellow shades can normalize the functioning of the nervous system; in such an environment you can easily forget about all the hardships of the day.

Sunny design using yellow color in the bedroom interior will set you up for positive thinking

Green color creates a harmonious environment and promotes relaxation. It is associated with nature, and therefore is very calming. Lemon, apple, pistachio shades will add freshness to the bedroom interior and can be used as main ones, but dark emerald tones are best used only as accents.

Note: yellow and white tones harmonize perfectly with green.

A cheerful and joyful awakening will be provided by rich color solutions for the bedroom

To create a calm and measured atmosphere in the recreation room, pastel colors are used - beige, cream, ivory.

Please note: black, red and purple are very active colors. To avoid overdosing, use them in the interior as accents.

A gray bedchamber, complemented with silver accessories, looks elegant and sophisticated.

You can view interior options with well-chosen colors in our photo selection.

Color Basics

To determine which colors are suitable for a bedroom, you need to consider the layout of the room. If it is located on the north side, it is preferable to use a warm palette in its design; if it is on the south side, it is preferable to use a cold palette.

Tip: dark furniture will stand out in contrast against the background of light walls, and vice versa.

To avoid chaos in the room, it is important to correctly place color accents

An interesting technique in the design of a bedchamber is to highlight one of its walls with a bright color, or with the help of an image, while the remaining surfaces are painted in pastel colors. This emphasis will allow you to focus on one detail, diverting attention from the small volumes of the room.

Selecting the color of wallpaper for the bedroom, highlighting the accent group, will allow you to create a non-trivial interior

The best shade combinations for a relaxation room

How to choose the optimal combination of colors in the bedroom interior? To do this, you should take into account the shape and dimensions of the room. For decorating a small room, light but cool colors (blue, green, lavender) are more suitable.

The right combination of colors in the bedroom visually expands the space, photo

Warm, dark shades provide a cozy feel to the room, but visually make it smaller. It is better to use them in a muted form, or dilute them in a neutral tone.

White accents on a sandy background add lightness to the room

The best colors for a bedroom that suffers from excess sunlight are a combination of turquoise and white tones. The aquamarine shade will bring a feeling of coolness, and the white will balance its brightness and coldness.

A piece of the sea in a city apartment

In a spacious recreation room you can combine several bright colors. Blue goes well with light green, silver with light green, chocolate with beige, burgundy with gold.

An example of what colors to use in a bedroom if you want to divide the space into zones

Bottom line

The quality of sleep and a person’s mood depend on the color scheme used to decorate the rest room. The choice of the optimal color combination depends on the size and location of the room, and what effects need to be achieved.

The bedroom is the most individual room. The design of this room creates an intimate atmosphere that allows the owners to relax and unwind after a hard day's work. In bedroom design, any details are important, such as lighting, window curtains, furniture, textiles. When designing the interior of a room, the first step is to decide what color the walls will be. The color scheme of the bedroom walls is a very important factor.

The color of the walls in the bedroom is selected taking into account several parameters.


  • Room area;
  • Location of windows and their size;
  • Basic functionality of the room;
  • Individual preferences of owners;
  • Selected furniture.

If the bedroom is intended only for sleep and relaxation, it is customary to choose light and warm colors that will not strain the eyesight. Cream and peach shades work well. If there is a work area in the bedroom, the best option would be to use green and light green shades. Green colors stimulate the mental functioning of the brain and increase concentration.

Warm lilac colors or any bright accents are suitable for a matrimonial bedroom.

This color scheme will create an atmosphere of romance and passion in the bedroom. For a children's bedroom, it is best to choose two shades that will highlight the area for relaxation and play. It can be blue or soft pink depending on the gender of the child. Also, when choosing a color, you should take into account the furniture that will be in the room. The combination of furniture with the color of the walls is a very important point in the overall picture of the interior. If the bedroom is made in light colors, you should not choose furniture made of dark wood, this will greatly burden the image of the room and create the impression of a cluttered room.

What color should the walls be in a small bedroom?

Very often, when developing the design of rooms with a small area, the first question is to visually increase the space. Designers use very effective techniques, playing with the color of the walls to make a small bedroom look large and spacious. For example, for a narrow and long room, a contrasting wall technique is used.

To do this, the end wall is painted in a dark, rich color, and the other walls in light colors.

This technique makes the wall much wider and adds dynamics and depth to the image in the bedroom. Most often, small bedrooms are painted in warm pastel colors, but sometimes they are diluted with photo wallpaper or wall ornaments. Bedrooms with white walls also look very beautiful. They play up such an interior with the help of bright details. Bright orange textiles, original lamps and large paintings will look chic against the background of a white wall. In a small bedroom, a smooth transition of wall colors will look good, which makes the room not only wider, but also taller. Professional designers can help you choose the right wall color.

Choosing the right color scheme for the walls in the bedroom

The color scheme of the walls in modern design depends on the style of the bedroom. There are many styles that dictate their own rules for choosing colors. If this is a classic style, then dark and deep colors dominate, complemented by gold and silver trim. High-tech style is characterized by restrained cool shades such as gray. Oriental style is replete with bright, saturated colors with various patterns and monograms.

The currently popular art deco style dictates the use and combination of light shades and colors.

Each style has its own color scheme, which should be followed to create a complete look in the bedroom interior. Under certain conditions, many designers combine several styles, which makes it possible to combine different colors for contrast. It is also worth remembering about lighting, which plays an important role in how the color of the walls will look at different times of the day. It is very important not to be afraid to experiment and bring bright colors into the interior that make the atmosphere of the room more cheerful and rosy.

If choosing the color of the walls has not become an easy task, you can use several practical tips recommended by the best experts in this field.


  1. It is necessary to choose shades from a small number of colors. This works when the owner has decided on a primary color. When you come to the store to buy paint, you need to ask the seller to show a catalog of shades of this particular color.
  2. When choosing a wall color, you should definitely remember the intended purpose of the room. If it is a bedroom, you should avoid colors that are too heavy and can affect your mood.
  3. Don't listen to the advice of your neighbors and friends. A bedroom is a personal space in which only the owner should feel cozy and comfortable, which means the color is selected individually.
  4. To fully understand what color you need to use, you can do a test painting. In the store you can buy small jars of paint of different shades, and on the most neutral wall you can make wide stripes of all the selected colors. Over the course of a few days, colors that don't suit you will become irritating. And those that evoke warm feelings definitely need to be used.

Choosing materials for bedroom walls

Today, the construction industry is simply overwhelmed with a variety of materials that can be used to decorate walls not only in the bedroom, but throughout the house. The finishing material also plays a huge role when choosing colors. Painting walls is significantly different from decorating walls with wallpaper, although the color scheme will be the same. Each material is capable of transmitting its own color and shade.

Using wallpaper creates more coziness and warmth in a room than just a painted wall. Interesting bedroom design options using wallpaper here:

By referring to the works of psychologists, you can find out what colors, according to experts, should be presented in the bedroom. Scientists recommend using light colors, which will help you relax in the evening, and in the morning - set you up for work. Beige, light grey, lavender, smoky pink, pale yellow, peach and pale green - these shades will be appropriate in the bedroom. They give a feeling of comfort and do not cause irritation.

Taste preferences

It’s great if the opinion of psychologists coincides with your taste, however, if you don’t have a soul for light and pastel colors, but, on the contrary, you like bright and flashy ones, it would be right to listen to yourself. You need to approach the design carefully: nevertheless, making the rest room bright red or light green is not very useful. Pay attention to more muted options - burgundy, purple, deep blue. These colors are suitable for decorating the walls in the room.

Try making one of the walls bright, and for the rest, choose a similar calm shade.

Room size

It's great if you have a large bedroom. In this case, you can experiment with shades and not be afraid of dark colors, which, on the contrary, can even make the room more comfortable. It's another matter if the room is small. You'll have to choose a paint or wallpaper color that won't make the already small room appear smaller. White and light gray walls will look good in a tiny bedroom. Comfort can be added with furniture and accessories. Buy a bright bedspread and hang curtains in rich colors on the window. You will feel great in such a room.

If your bedroom has a high ceiling, and because of this you do not feel safe, use a color for its decor that is several tones darker than the walls.

Side of the world

Consider also which side your windows face. A bedroom that is located on the north or west side will be quite dark in the morning. This environment is not at all conducive to a cheerful start to the day, so it makes sense to correct it with the help of a good color scheme. Add light using pink, apricot, light beige, and golden shades. Don't be guided by the first impression that wallpaper or paint made on you in the store. Take a sample home, attach it to the wall and clearly see that the shade is suitable. It can be quite hot in a southern bedroom in summer, so the best solution for it is cool colors: blue, lavender. But a room whose windows face east will become even more comfortable if you use a delicate orange color scheme for its decor.