Under the sun, astronomers noticed a strange cosmic body. Are several UFOs approaching Earth? Unidentified objects are approaching the ground

Under the sun, astronomers noticed a strange cosmic body.  Are several UFOs approaching Earth?  Unidentified objects are approaching the ground
Under the sun, astronomers noticed a strange cosmic body. Are several UFOs approaching Earth? Unidentified objects are approaching the ground

For quite some time now, there has been news in the media about the approach of three space objects to the planet Earth, which will exactly fly up to the Earth by December 2012. Whether this is true or fiction, we have to wait a year. Some believe that this is just cosmic dust, others say that Christ is flying towards us, others believe that these are UFOs hostile to earthlings, others that the Anunnaki, the fifth that this is a distortion of the film, etc.

In this regard, an interesting event. A new missile defense initiative is being discussed in Moscow, providing for the creation of a joint system with the United States and NATO that would protect the planet not only from missiles, but also from asteroids and other threats from space. Apparently the intelligence services and heads of state have some information that something from outer space may actually threaten us.

Note: Those who talk about the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012 may be right. Or they may be wrong: 50/50.


Obviously, the most successful and loudest in 2010 was an Internet horror story, which on Russian-language sites was titled “An armada of giant UFOs is moving toward Earth” (40 thousand links). In English - "Giant Spaceships Heading Towards Earth". Which sounded even more threatening, since the literal translation was not about some unidentified objects, but specifically about giant spaceships approaching our planet. But this generated “only” 23 thousand links.

The author or authors of the horror story claimed that the American government was curtailing the SETI (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program to search for extraterrestrial intelligence. The reason is that it - the mind - has already been found. After all, its representatives are in those very giant spaceships.

It was further reported that the objects reach 240 kilometers in length and 50-90 kilometers in width. They are still beyond the orbit of Pluto, the last planet in the solar system. That is, far away. But by December 21, 2012 - exactly the date on which the ancient Mayans predicted the end of the world - the aliens will already be on Earth. For what? And they will start to rob her. Or, conversely, they will take part of humanity on board in order to save them from some inevitable cataclysm. Allegedly, there is such an opinion among SETI specialists.

The blue ones are flying

The people were impressed. Especially after hints that NASA, aware of the imminent alien invasion, is trying to hide such important information. And there is no doubt that it exists. Everyone was invited to go to the interactive website, where the starry sky was presented in great detail. If you enter certain coordinates into a special window, you can take a personal look at the giant spaceships. They look like blue objects of bizarre shapes.

There are eight objects. They are located approximately in the same sector - where the Eridanus star system is visible. But for some reason on the Russian-language Internet the number of “giant UFOs” was reduced to three.
I found all eight at the indicated coordinates. It wasn't a big deal. That is, there really is something among the stars. And it is not a fake. After all sky-map It is considered a very high-quality demonstrator of the sky. He is respected by serious astronomers. It was they who, in the end, had to intervene to calm the trembling of the World Wide Web.

Following the sensation

The “Armada of Giant UFOs” shook up Russian-language websites and many newspapers in late November to mid-December of this year. The wave passed through the West a little earlier. The visible epicenter then became the website http://beforeitsnews.com. Which is immediately alarming. Because gossip from anonymous authors is published here. But it was this site that was the first to notify about the upcoming alien invasion back in September.

A more in-depth search showed that the horror story itself appeared much earlier. And for some reason on YouTube. Under the title "Huge UFO Starship Is Coming Towards Earth" on December 12, 2009, several short stories were posted there, which in total collected more than 200 thousand views. The stories are about the same blue objects. And in one of them, an attempt was even made to imagine and draw what approaching starships might actually look like.

But a year ago the “information bomb” did not work. And blue UFOs did not cause a worldwide stir. Soon the stories themselves were blocked. Reason: they used some kind of music without permission, which was described in the responses as stupid.

The second attempt was successful. And even the first one can now be looked at differently. Like, it was NASA or even the CIA that blocked access then.

Already in 2009, among the responses of the first wave there were sensible ones. And several people expressed the correct version explaining the appearance of the “armada”. But at first they didn’t listen to the experts, and then, probably, they forgot about them. And the “bomb” was not immediately defused.

So what's there among the stars? What are these eight "giant spaceships"?

This is what experts say the ship might actually look like.

Filtered Truth

The nature of the anomalies was explained to me by the famous astrophysicist Garik Israelyan, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, employee of the European Northern Observatory - he came to Moscow to talk about a grandiose project - the scientific and musical festival Starmus, which will be held in the Canary Islands and will be dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight.

The point is that the website http://www.sky-map.org does not present the same sky that can be seen today by pointing, say, through a telescope. There are scanned and digitized photos taken at different times. Many - a very long time ago, back in the 50s of the last century during the so-called Palomar Observatory Sky Survey. Then many stars were photographed - up to magnitude 24-25.

Initially, images of stars were contained on glass photographic plates and were black and white. To make them color, they were first photographed on plates with a photographic emulsion sensitive to blue, and then to red. And in the end we used filters of the appropriate colors.

All UFOs are blue. Therefore, they appeared on the corresponding plates and during manipulations with the blue filter. Most likely, dust particles fell on the surface, which, when transforming the negative image into a positive one, first became white and then “colored.”

It is possible that the photographic plate itself - the UFOs were “huddled” on only one - was defective.

Photos from open sources

Despite the fact that the Sun is perceived by all of us living on Earth as a colossal burning ball with a fantastically high temperature on its surface (as we are taught from school), modern space equipment launched specifically to monitor the state of our Sun , constantly records some other objects near it that are difficult to identify and explain their appearance there logically. (website)

If these are alien ships, then why are they so huge (sometimes comparable to our planet), why are they not afraid of the colossal temperature of the Sun? And if this is not a UFO, then what?

The other day, a virtual researcher under the nickname MrMB333 presented to YouTube video hosting users another similar video material obtained from the cameras of the SDA AIA171 satellite. In this video, the author suggests looking at something that appeared near the Sun, commensurate with either a mysterious planet or a second luminary.

Photos from open sources

What is this, asks MrMB33, inviting Internet users to take part in the discussion of this mysterious phenomenon. Is it possible that this is the notorious ninth planet of ours, which is called Nibiru. Or is our Sun double?

No one has ever talked about the double Sun, so this version seemed the most fantastic to users of the video hosting, but the mysterious Planet X may well end up not far from our Sun, hiding behind it, and so on. It is no coincidence that many even prominent astronomers speak quite seriously about the danger that Nibiru poses to the Earth, that this is far from being a fairy tale of home-grown space explorers, but a completely harsh reality.

A strange cosmic body under the Sun may be the planet Nibiru

For example, South African physicist and astronomer Claudia Albers proves that Planet X actually exists, and that it is indeed approaching Earth, ready to turn our “blue ball” into a lifeless desert. According to the researcher of this cosmic phenomenon, Nibiru emits an infrared color that is not visible to our eyes, but NASA employees perfectly record it with the help of their modern telescopes and simply pretend that nothing terrible is happening. And all this so that earthlings are unaware of the approaching catastrophe.

I don’t know how humane this is, the woman says, the fact is that panic is really bad, but lying doesn’t bring anything good either. Moreover, Nibiru is not the only object that crosses our solar system. In this case, it is not necessary that the Earth collide with Nibiru or other space objects approaching our star system; the Apocalypse may occur, for example, as a result of magnetic resonance, which will cause the death of all life on the planet.

Perhaps the SDA AIA171 cameras recorded just one of these “space aliens” near the Sun? But no one simply can know how dangerous this is for the Earth...


It is not known for certain whether recent solar flares were the cause of such news or were just a favorable background for the next “news from space.” One way or another, alien researchers claimed that an alien armada would arrive on Earth in a month. Now, according to researchers’ forecasts, the objects allegedly veered off course and should be expected no earlier than December 2017.

Ufologists claim that caravans with alien ships are approaching our planet - we are talking about more than a hundred UFOs, URA.RU reports with reference to Nation news.

It is noted that ufologists previously stated that representatives of alien civilizations will reach Earth within a month. However, now UFO researchers are clarifying that due to a change in the flight path, guests from outer space will arrive later.

NASA experts have already given answers to statements of this kind, reacting to the theses of ufologists with humor.

However, those convinced of the existence of alien intelligence do not intend to joke and point to a possible conspiracy between the US government and aliens.

Researchers warn that a large number of UFOs are flying towards our planet.

In September, astronomers, during their observations, noticed more than a hundred huge unidentified objects in space heading towards the Earth. If the objects had not gone astray, they would have reached our planet already in mid-October.

Fortunately, the initial course of the UFO changed - the objects shifted several degrees, and in general moved away a couple of light years from the previous line of movement.

Ufologists are not happy with such guests. Scientists warn that the approach of UFOs of similar dimensions (the area of ​​some of them reaches over 4,000 square meters) can have an impact on the nature of the Earth.

If earlier they said that they would reach Earth by the middle of next year, now most of them have changed their trajectory. Their appearance is possible at the end of 2017.

According to the publication, experts created a panic and suggested that an alien fleet was moving towards Earth. NASA scientists have not yet commented on this situation.

When discussing the purpose of the arrival of such a large number of UFOs on Earth, ufologists cannot come to a common opinion, assuring that this will become known only when the “ships” reach our planet. At the same time, experts do not deny hostile sentiments on the part of these flying objects.

Amateur ufologists said that with the help of NASA space agency devices, they were able to calculate the coordinates of the UFO - 19 25 12 - 89 46 03. According to preliminary calculations, several alien ships were supposed to reach Earth by mid-December of this year.

Of course, after such a loud statement, many ufologists from all over the world, as well as amateur astronomers, began to look for hundreds of UFOs in space approaching earthlings. As it became known, now the situation has changed - approximately half of the space objects have changed their trajectory. It has changed by two light years and now the coordinates of the UFO are as follows - 19 27 12-89 46 03.

If the direction does not change, then many ships will never reach Earth. However, this does not apply to all UFOs that were heading towards the orbit of our “blue planet”, since out of hundreds of ships, slightly more than half of the objects changed their flight path. But the rest can reach Earth in December 2017.

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First Interstellar Asteroid Wows Scientists
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Scientists were surprised and delighted to detect --for the first time-- an interstellar asteroid passing through our solar system. Additional observations brought more surprises: the object is cigar-shaped with a somewhat reddish hue. The asteroid, named ‘Oumuamua by its discoverers, is up to one-quarter mile (400 meters) long and highly-elongated—perhaps 10 times as long as it is wide. That is unlike any asteroid or comet observed in our solar system to date, and may provide new clues into how other solar systems formed. For more info about this discovery, visit https://go.nasa.gov/2zSJVWV.

For the first time in the history of astronomical observations, an object of unknown origin has arrived from deep space. People have dreamed about this for hundreds of years, and thousands of science fiction books have been written about such situations.
And now, when humanity has a real chance to learn something new about other star systems not with the help of telescopes, but in situ, it suddenly turns out that no one is ready.

The world's elites were so busy dividing up the surface of planet Earth that they abandoned the space industry long ago. There are no satellites or manned spacecraft on Earth to send them to the alien object for research.

In Russia, despite the victorious reports, Roscosmos is barely keeping the Soviet space exploration afloat. Under Yeltsin, the production of Buranov was liquidated (probably at the urgent request of “our Western partners”).

Well, for the Western elites, consisting of degenerate Satanists and dreaming of establishing a global dystopia with medieval paraphernalia on Earth, space is generally of little interest to them. This is understandable: what kind of space is there when Western elitists are busy taking over the planet, serving black masses in temples, ritual cannibalism and homosexuality? It’s clear that they have no time for the stars.

As a result, a space object of unknown origin will fly away on its own path from the solar system unexplored.

Moreover, it is possible that this object is of artificial origin.
This will generally be a number: humanity dreams of contact with brothers in mind, and then such an opportunity will disappear from under our noses! However, about this

We We won’t know anything for sure.

Cigar-shaped object with a reddish tint: Scientists have discovered an interstellar asteroid for the first time?
Janusz Sierpneń 11/24/2017

For the first time, NASA was able to detect an interstellar asteroid moving between stars for hundreds of millions of years in the Milky Way and ending up in our Solar System in October. The agency's report refers to an object called 'Oumuamua, which resembles a cigar, has a reddish tint and reaches four hundred meters in length. Previously, bodies of this shape had not been found in the Solar System, which gives researchers the opportunity to suggest differences between objects in different galaxies.

Thomas Zuburchen, assistant manager of NASA's Space Mission Directorate in Washington, noted that for decades, different versions of existing interstellar objects have been put forward. And now, for the first time, evidence of this has appeared. Therefore, this fact can be attributed to a historical discovery in a new milestone in research into the formation of stellar galaxies located outside the Solar System.

As soon as this celestial body was noticed in October 2017, the world's main observatories immediately began to monitor it in order to immediately collect as much information as possible about the shape, color and orbit of the discovered body. As a result of observations, scientists concluded that the object apparently consists of stone and metals. There is no water or ice on it, and the surface of the body has a reddish tint due to prolonged exposure to radiation. Such a dense “blanket” transmits heat rather poorly, and therefore the heat of the sun may reach the inner layers of ice only after a long period of time. Therefore, researchers need to continue to observe the cosmic body in order to catch the period of ice melting, as well as the beginning of cracking of this crust.

According to the head of a group of scientists at the Institute of Astronomy from Hawaii, Karen Meech, such uncharacteristic diversity suggests that it is similar to other bodies outside the solar system. She also clarified that the asteroid is not moving at all, since there are no traces of dust around. At the same time, assessing the trajectory, it can be assumed that the cigar-shaped asteroid came into our system from the brightest star in the constellation Lyra - Vega. At first, the body was classified as a comet, but later it turned out that the space object does not have the properties of a comet. NASA also drew attention to the fact that such cosmic bodies theoretically fly through the solar system no more than once a year, but at the same time their parameters are quite small, which is why it was not possible to record them previously.

At the same time, a group of astronomers led by David Jewitt from the University of California, Los Angeles, determined the shape and physical properties of the first ever observed interstellar object in the solar system. Based on their characteristics, a cosmic body with a reddish tint is an elongated cigar-like object with the parameters of half an ordinary city block. Between the stellar comet C/2017 U1 (PANSTARRS), it eventually turned out to be an ordinary asteroid. It was first discovered on October 18 from the PANSTARRS 1 observatory in the United States. Observing the discovered cosmic body, scientists determined its speed of approximately twenty-six kilometers per second along an open hyperbolic trajectory. Moreover, its eccentricity (a numerical characteristic of a conic section - the degree of deviation from the circle) is approximately one point and two tenths. This suggests that a body that appeared from outside will soon leave the Solar System.

Somewhat later, using the VLT telescope of the European Southern Observatory, it was possible to find out that C/2017 U1 is without any signs of coma, without a gas shell near the core and, in all likelihood, is an ordinary asteroid. Then the comet index “C” in the name of the body was changed to the asteroid index “A”, and then to “I” (from interstellar). In addition, the body was named 'Oumuamua, which translates from Hawaiian as “scout” or “messenger from afar.”

Scientists noted that in total they know of 337 long-periodic comets with an orbital eccentricity of more than one. But previously, Oort cloud comets were observed, accelerating to the speed of escape from our system due to gravitational planetary influence or due to asymmetric gas jets that arise when approaching the Sun and melting volatile substances on the surface of these cosmic bodies. Whereas U1 is singled out as a special cosmic body due to its rather high speed - approximately 25 kilometers per second, which is difficult to explain by gravitational perturbations.

On October 28, 2017, the body was observed using the WIYN telescope with a primary mirror diameter of 3.5 meters and placed at the Kitt Peak Observatory in Arizona. But even the most powerful telescopes do not allow researchers to determine the details of the surface of asteroids. In this regard, based on the brightness and spectrum, they have to presumably talk about the shape, parameters and surface features of the observed space object. For this purpose, astrophysicists measure the absolute magnitude (H), or rather the apparent magnitude of the stellar body, exactly the one that the object could have based on the assumption of a witness who is removed just by the average radius of the earth's orbit (astronomical unit). Having in advance the approximate reflectivity, albedo, of a similar space object, it is possible to calculate their size. So the absolute magnitude of U1 is in the region of 21.5 or 23.5 with an eight-hour period. Taking this fact into account, the researchers calculated the available corresponding versions of the shape of the space object. As a result, they decided that the body shape was cigar-like with parameters of 230 meters in length and 35 meters in diameter. The approximate density of this “cigar” is quite high, approximately 6 times higher than the density of water - 6 thousand kilograms per cubic meter.

While scientists from the European Southern Observatory and the Institute of Astronomy in Hawaii give a different aspect ratio of 10:1 with a length of more than 400 meters. The object's spectrum is slightly reddish, but not as red as most bodies outside our galaxy, in the Kuiper Belt. This shade is more typical of inner Trojan asteroids.

R. Kotulla (University of Wisconsin) & WIYN/NOAO/AURA/NSF
Interstellar asteroid 'Oumuamua turned out to be a "cigar" the size of half a block
Sergey Kuznetsov 11/20/2017

Astronomers have determined the shape and physical properties of the first-ever interstellar body to enter the solar system—an elongated, cigar-shaped body the size of half a city block with a reddish tint, according to a paper by a team led by David Jewitt of the University of California, Los Angeles. Angeles, published on the arXiv.org server.

Interstellar comet C/2017 U1 (PANSTARRS), which later turned out to be an asteroid, was first discovered on October 18 by the American PANSTARRS 1 observatory. Further observations of the new object showed that it was moving at a speed of about 26 kilometers per second along an open hyperbolic trajectory, with its eccentricity being about 1.2. This means that the object arrived from outside our planetary system and will soon leave it. Later, additional observations with the European Southern Observatory's VLT telescope showed that C/2017 U1 does not have any signs of a coma - a shell of gas around the core - and is more likely an asteroid. After that, the “comet” index “C” in the name was changed to the asteroid “A”, and then to “I” (from interstellar). In addition, the object received its own name 'Oumuamua, which in Hawaiian can mean "scout" or "messenger from afar."

Jewitt and his colleagues note that a total of 337 long-period comets are known with orbital eccentricities greater than 1 (that is, an open orbit - a parabola), but in each case these were Oort cloud comets that accelerated to escape velocities from the Solar System under the influence of the gravity of planets or asymmetric jets of gas that arise when approaching the Sun and melting volatile substances on their surface. U1 is a special object because its extremely high speed - about 25 kilometers per second - cannot be explained by gravitational perturbations.

The observations were made on October 28, 2017, using the WIYN telescope with a 3.5-meter primary mirror located at the Kitt Peak Observatory in Arizona. Even the most powerful telescopes do not allow scientists to see details on the surface of asteroids, so they can only judge their shape, size and surface features based on their brightness and spectrum. To do this, astronomers measure the absolute magnitude (H), that is, the apparent magnitude of an object that it would have from the point of view of an observer removed exactly one astronomical unit (the average radius of the Earth's orbit). Knowing the approximate reflectivity of cosmic bodies of a given type (albedo), we can calculate their size.

The absolute magnitude of U1 fluctuated from 21.5 and 23.5 with a period of 8 hours, scientists calculated possible body shapes that could correspond to these and came to the conclusion that they correspond to a cigar-shaped body with a length of 230 meters and a diameter of 35 meters. The approximate density of the “guest” turned out to be quite high - about six times the density of water (6000 kilograms per cubic meter).

An interstellar asteroid through the eyes of an ESO/M artist. Kornmesser

However, a group of scientists from the European Southern Observatory and the Institute of Astronomy in Hawaii gives a slightly different estimate of the size of the object. According to them, it has an aspect ratio of 10 to 1, and a length of about 400 meters. The object's spectrum turned out to be somewhat reddish, but not at all as red as most objects in the outer solar system, in the Kuiper belt. This color is more typical of inner Trojan asteroids. Scientists found no signs of coma, the gaseous shell characteristic of comets. However, they note, this does not exclude the presence of volatile substances and ice on the surface. They may be buried under a thick layer of cosmic dust. This thick “blanket” conducts heat very poorly, so heat from the Sun can only reach the inner layers of ice after a long time. Therefore, astronomers need to continue observing to detect the moment when the melting ice begins to break this crust.

Interstellar asteroid 'Oumuamua turns out to be a cigar

Astronomers have determined the shape and physical properties of the first-ever interstellar body to enter the solar system—an elongated, cigar-shaped body the size of half a city block with a reddish tint, according to a paper by a team led by David Jewitt of the University of California, Los Angeles. Angeles, published on the arXiv.org server.

Interstellar comet C/2017 U1 (PANSTARRS), which later turned out to be an asteroid, was first discovered on October 18 by the American PANSTARRS 1 observatory. Further observations of the new object showed that it was moving at a speed of about 26 kilometers per second along an open hyperbolic trajectory, with its eccentricity being about 1.2. This means that the object arrived from outside our planetary system and will soon leave it. Later, additional observations with the European Southern Observatory's VLT telescope showed that C/2017 U1 does not have any signs of a coma - a shell of gas around the core - and is more likely an asteroid. After that, the “comet” index “C” in the name was changed to the asteroid “A”, and then to “I” (from interstellar). In addition, the object received its own name 'Oumuamua, which in Hawaiian can mean "scout" or "messenger from afar."

Meet "Oumuamua, the first observed interstellar visitor to our solar system
Published: Nov 20 2017
The International Astronomical Union named this strange visitor the name "Oumuamua", which means "Scout of the army" in Hawaiian.

Jewitt and his colleagues note that a total of 337 long-period comets are known with orbital eccentricities greater than 1 (that is, an open orbit - a parabola), but in each case these were Oort cloud comets that accelerated to escape velocities from the Solar System under the influence of the gravity of planets or asymmetric jets of gas that arise when approaching the Sun and melting volatile substances on their surface. U1 is a special object because its extremely high speed - about 25 kilometers per second - cannot be explained by gravitational perturbations.

The observations were made on October 28, 2017, using the WIYN telescope with a 3.5-meter primary mirror located at the Kitt Peak Observatory in Arizona. Even the most powerful telescopes do not allow scientists to see details on the surface of asteroids, so they can only judge their shape, size and surface features based on their brightness and spectrum. To do this, astronomers measure the absolute magnitude (H), that is, the apparent magnitude of an object that it would have from the point of view of an observer removed exactly one astronomical unit (the average radius of the Earth's orbit). Knowing the approximate reflectivity of cosmic bodies of a given type (albedo), we can calculate their size.

The absolute magnitude of U1 fluctuated from 21.5 and 23.5 with a period of 8 hours, scientists calculated possible body shapes that could correspond to these and came to the conclusion that they correspond to a cigar-shaped body with a length of 230 meters and a diameter of 35 meters. The approximate density of the “guest” turned out to be quite high - about six times the density of water (6000 kilograms per cubic meter). However, a group of scientists from the European Southern Observatory and the Institute of Astronomy in Hawaii gives a slightly different estimate of the size of the object. According to them, it has an aspect ratio of 10 to 1, and a length of about 400 meters.

THIS Just Spotted Leaving Our Solar System!
Published: Nov 22 2017

The object's spectrum turned out to be somewhat reddish, but not at all as red as most objects in the outer solar system, in the Kuiper belt. This color is more typical of inner Trojan asteroids. Scientists found no signs of coma, the gaseous shell characteristic of comets. However, they note, this does not exclude the presence of volatile substances and ice on the surface. They may be buried under a thick layer of cosmic dust. This thick “blanket” conducts heat very poorly, so heat from the Sun can only reach the inner layers of ice after a long time. Therefore, astronomers need to continue observing to detect the moment when the melting ice begins to break this crust.