Why you should never work for big companies. Which company is better to start a career in?

Why you should never work for big companies. Which company is better to start a career in?

Companies big and small and when it comes to Which company is better to work for?, the majority of compatriots are most attracted to large holdings, with a long history, high salaries, focused on the European and world markets. It's prestigious. Even a little experience working in a similar company is a requirement for subsequent employment. However, it is quite difficult for a young employee starting his work history to get into such a company. In a large company you can gain a wealth of experience, thanks to a narrow specialization, and make useful contacts. may be difficult due to the large number of employees, but for the ambitious, talented and purposeful, this opens up additional opportunities. In this case, they will have to go through all the “steps” of the career ladder, gradually “growing up” to a mid-level manager. Small companies cannot be called ineffective in terms of experience, although this is experience of a different kind. Often, employees of small companies have to combine several positions, performing additional responsibilities. After such a “broad profile” company, which will successfully cope not only with, for example, the duties of a secretary, but will also perform the functions of a personnel manager and clerical worker.

Attractive employer

What companies are good to work for? Among applicants, the most attractive employers are those who have the following characteristics.

  • Stable, no delays salary.
  • Availability of career prospects.
  • Acceptable working conditions.
  • Stable position in the domestic or global market.
  • An attractive social package, which, in addition to the standard set, may include not only children's camps, beauty salons, professional coaching, free lunches and even car washes. Skeptics believe that with such expanded “social services” the company buys employee loyalty, but representatives of the companies themselves have a different opinion. It is necessary to give a person everything he needs, and then the employee will work with the greatest efficiency.

State or private?

The most attractive structures for Russians are civil service structures, the advantages of which include a stable salary with various benefits and payments, a stable work schedule, and vacations. Government structures are quite different. This means that with a relatively small salary, you will be paid endless sick leave for child care. In a state institution, the norms of Labor Legislation are observed, which means that the employee is protected from the arbitrariness of the boss.

If your career is attractive and the prestige of your future job is attractive to you, it is better to get a job in a large or small private company. If various benefits are needed for various reasons (close to retirement age, small child, etc.), then your option is government agencies.

Is the employer domestic or foreign? Job seekers answer this question in different ways. Patriots have never worked and do not even consider the possibility of working for a foreign employer. Such people believe that by working for foreigners, they are helping to “conquer” Russia. Representatives of this type are very rare, and among them there are many professionals to whom any foreign company could offer a very good social package. However, a peculiar understanding of patriotism prevents such applicants from working for the benefit of other countries. Workers who have already “tasted” the delights of working for foreigners are extremely wary of new offers. They quite rightly note the lack of career growth, since all key positions are occupied by foreigners. Among the limiting factors are the traditions of Western management, which on Russian soil sometimes seems not only unnecessary, but also ridiculous. A separate line includes Indian companies, which are characterized by low wages and instability. Compatriots are most willing to work for German and American companies, which are the most predictable. In answer to the question: “in what companies are good to work for?


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Which company should I go to work for? International or aimed at the local market? What is better to choose when looking for a job: a young and actively developing company or a government organization with clear prospects? Or perhaps an important selection criterion will be whose office is closer to home? Which company would be most comfortable for you to work for? And most importantly, how to get your dream job? Read the answers to these questions in our article.

My name is Victoria Nadezhdina, I work as a recruitment manager. One day I realized that if I go to work every day, even if the conditions are comfortable, but do not meet my inner needs and values, then life turns into a small swamp: it seems warm, but the smell is embarrassing. And if you go to work, which is also stressful due to the conditions, then the swamp turns into a quagmire, which sooner or later will absorb you completely.

Life does not tolerate compromises and will definitely pose the question bluntly: either a swamp or an endless ocean. The choice is mine. The ocean is scary, but life is vibrant. Life is interesting, bright, limitless. My most important question was: “How to make life as interesting as possible?” Interest in my understanding is an internal source of light and energy of a person, and not external circumstances. I devoted quite a lot of time to studying this issue, but only now have I found my way.

Now I can say that I have an amazing road ahead, full of adventures. I see my mission as finding my inner source of light and illuminating the path to my source for others. Helping people find their source of inspiration. Helping people understand their strengths and favorite activities, and believe in themselves.

All the steps that I take myself and invite others to take are focused exclusively on internal values ​​and needs. In this issue dedicated to the topic of planning, I want to tell you about an alternative job search.

Why is this even necessary?

It would seem, what could be simpler? And why choose a company at all? Wherever they take me, I’ll go there! But, comrades, is this our way? Where is awareness? Where are your own interests and wishes? Where is the excitement of the race and the happiness of mutual love with the employer? Yes, yes, you heard right! After all, finding a job you love is like finding a life partner. 8 hours a day, 5 days a week - is that more time you spend with your partner?

Unfortunately, when I was looking for a job (almost 6 years ago), I did not see such an article, I did not know many important things, and I took everything simply. And although I was lucky (I still continue to work for the same company), I would have conducted my search six years ago differently.

Fortunately, people are now consciously and more responsibly approaching their job search. The tips that I give in the article will help you find the best employer for you and decide which company you will be comfortable working for!

First, let's find out what company you want to work for and what needs to be done to be invited for an interview.

So, If you are faced with the task of changing your employer (or finding a job in general), then do it consciously!

It’s easiest when you are already working and know about competing companies in your field. At a certain point, you simply send them a resume (if you want, for example, to increase your salary and do the same activity).

But even in this seemingly obvious option, I recommend doing an exercise that will help you understand and prioritize.

Which company should I go to work for? Priority identification exercise

The work is done as follows (based on the prioritization exercise from Richard Balls' book What Color Is Your Parachute?):

  1. First of all, write down all the factors that did not suit you in your previous jobs. In the order in which they will be remembered. For the most objective assessment, we need 10 factors.
  2. When all the factors are written down, formulate a positive opposite to what did not suit you. It’s better to formulate it in such a way that you feel comfortable with the positive characteristics (that is, you look at them and your soul rejoices).
  3. Now identify the most important positive characteristics using the prioritization grid. I was surprised to find that the things that come first after this exercise are truly the most important to me. But the brain arbitrarily sets priorities completely differently. So don't ignore the grid! Compare the items in the order shown in the diagram, from top to bottom. First, we compare points 1 and 2 (at the very top of the iceberg) and circle the most preferable one; then we compare points 1 and 3 and circle the most preferable of these two options; then we compare points 2 and 3 and again circle the preferred option, and so on. When all comparisons are completed, we count how many times each item was circled. It may also be that some items are circled the same number of times. Then prioritize them too.

1/3 2/3
1/4 2/4 3/4
1/5 2/5 3/5 4/5
1/6 2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6
1/7 2/7 3/7 4/7 5/7 6/7
1/8 2/8 3/8 4/8 5/8 6/8 7/8
1/9 2/9 3/9 4/9 5/9 6/9 7/9 8/9
1/10 2/10 3/10 4/10 5/10 6/10 7/10 8/10 9/10

For better understanding, let's look at an example.

Negative factors:

  1. far from home;
  2. low salary;
  3. bad management;
  4. uninteresting work;
  5. no career growth opportunities.

Let's formulate positive factors:

  1. work in the same area as home;
  2. high (decent) salary;
  3. adequate management;
  4. interesting activity;
  5. There is an opportunity for career growth.

Now we need to put these priorities in order. Using the pyramid (see above), we first compare point 1 and point 2. What is more important to me: proximity to home or a high salary? Seems like a high salary. Circle item 2. Next, let’s compare point 1 and point 3. What is more important to me: proximity to home or adequate management? Adequate management. Let's circle. Next, let’s compare points 2 and 3. What is more important: a high salary or adequate management? No, I’m not ready to be yelled at, even for a lot of money - point 3 is more important. Then we compare proximity to home and interesting activities (1/4). Let's say you've chosen an activity. Let's circle. The following comparison of high salaries and interesting activities (2/4). Salary is more important. Let's circle. Next - adequate management and interesting activities (3/4). Let's say the boss is more important. Let's circle. Then we compare proximity to home with career growth (5/1). We choose, we circle. And so on. At the end, we count how many times each item was circled and prioritize from the most important to the least important.

And now we already have a list of priority requirements. We need to analyze it a little in order to get a list of specific companies where we will send our resumes. Please note that ultimately this list must meet two requirements:

  • it should contain only those companies, looking at the name of which you can definitely say to yourself: “Yes, this is where I want to work!”;
  • There should be at least 5 of these companies, but no more than 10. Then you won’t have to worry about being lost if you don’t get somewhere, and on the other hand, you will have enough strength and desire to “process” the entire list.

Which company is comfortable to work for? Narrowing the search

Let me make a reservation that by default we are looking for a company in our city. Of course, you can expand the search further (our Internet has no borders), and from Voronezh you can easily find the necessary companies in Moscow.
In order not to go far for an example, I’ll tell you about my job search experience.

When 6 years ago I was looking for a job as a recruiter, having only 4 months of experience working in a recruitment agency as a “researcher” (English researcher - researcher; another direction, albeit from the same field), I needed to solve a difficult problem. I had to convince the employer that I could handle it, despite my little experience in personnel selection. But I was only interested in this position, period.

So the first point for me would be:

  1. I am looking for a job as a recruiter.

Since I had knowledge of English, it was important for me to work in an international company. Accordingly, point two:

  1. I am looking for a job as a recruiter in an international company.

It has always been important to me that I can get to work quickly and conveniently. And I categorically did not want to work in Moscow City.

  1. I am looking for a job as a recruiter in an international company close to home.

This is exactly the kind of job I found. Perfect for me at that moment. But I didn't take into account my ambitious nature and need to grow over time because I didn't have such a great grid to set my priorities. And where I found a job, career opportunities in HR are limited due to the specifics of the company.

If it is important for you to spend less time on the road, then you need to look for a job closer to home, this is understandable. In some cases, at this stage you can go to “Yandex.Maps”, enlarge the map to the boundaries of your area and select the “Directory of Organizations” checkbox in the left menu. There you can select the field of activity of the company that interests you. Of course, there is no “international companies” item there, but teachers, hairdressers, notaries, cosmetologists, tourism managers and many others can find enough companies in their area.

A more advanced search by company location can also be done on the website HeadHunter.ru. Go to the main page, on the left there is a block “Work in companies”, and at the bottom there is a link “All industries”. Click on it and select the industry you are interested in (in my case it is “Human Resources Management, Trainings”). Then a map appears, and on the left you can select the region and city of interest, and then enlarge the map to the desired area or select by metro line (for Moscow). There are also many useful filters by salary, experience, schedule, etc.

If your first priority is the desire for a favorable atmosphere in the team, then you will be able to understand your feelings only after passing the interview.

But there is also this factor: the smaller the company, the more friendly it is. Of course, there are exceptions, but in my practice I have encountered the fact that even large international companies that are just opening their representative offices in Russia and employ up to 50 staff have a much more positive atmosphere. Old-timers of such companies, which have now grown to 200-300 people, note that when the business started, it was much more pleasant to work in the Russian market. Everyone knew each other, there were more corporate parties, and the bosses knew everyone by sight and name, “the bonuses were bigger, and the carrots were sweeter.” But on the other hand, you may be attracted to a large company where you feel more comfortable.

Returning to my job search, we can say that career growth as an HR specialist is possible either in a recruitment agency, or in consulting (also a kind of agency, but providing slightly different services), or in companies where the HR department is very developed. Agencies and consulting companies have very strict boundaries and strict adherence to the plan. And this doesn’t quite suit my freedom-loving nature (one of my priorities now). As for the developed HR sector, these are usually companies in the FMCG sector (fast-moving consumer goods) and pharmaceutical companies. But here, as a rule, the salaries are not the highest.

Now let's talk about the role of recruitment agencies in your search. They work for those who pay them money, that is, for the companies of employers, but for you they can become an indispensable source of information. My personal advice: visit agencies a lot, collect information - it's free! No one can tell you better what companies are represented on the market, who pays the market rate and who underestimates it (although you should try to extract this information), what is the atmosphere in the company, and whether their corporate culture is suitable for you personally.

If you are interested in the field of working with personnel, then when you come to the agency, you can say: “I want to work as a recruiter in an international company. As a professional in your field (you can flatter a little, but don’t go too far), tell me which companies are on the market where it’s more interesting to work?” Of course, you were also invited to the agency for a reason, but for a specific vacancy. Having found out everything about this particular vacancy, ask a couple of general questions. But be wary if the agency is “selling” you a company. Most likely, the company will not suit you in some respects, but the recruiter hopes that you will endure it and fall in love with it. Remember: no compromises! As practice shows, after such sales, the employer and employee often part ways within three months of the probationary period, without ever getting along.

The second is inexhaustible and useful source of information - dating. In this concept I include both your personal acquaintances and potential ones who can tell you a lot about other companies. What I mean? Nowadays a huge number of exhibitions, seminars, and conferences of various types are being held. Search by keywords (for example, “events in Moscow for HR”). From the list, select the ones that are most interesting to you and visit them. At free exhibitions and master classes, you can learn a lot of interesting things about potential employers (who themselves often act as speakers). You can talk directly with specialists, avoiding the intermediate link in the form of the company’s HR department, and draw your own conclusions about the company and its representatives after seeing them in person.

It is important during the job search period to listen carefully to all the people you talk to. Find out where and who they work for, collect information. It’s ideal if you meet a person (or you know one) who works in the industry that interests you. Be sure to ask him the following three questions:

  • How did he get into this company?
  • What does he like most about her?
  • What does he dislike most about her?

There is also the “HR Brand Award” - an independent annual award for the most successful work with the company’s reputation as an employer. At this link, for example, you will find the 2012 winners in various categories. These are companies that try to “motivate” their employees as much as possible. The website HeadHunter.ru constantly publishes studies that are interesting for job seekers. By following this link, for example, you can read about what is happening in a particular field of activity at the moment. You can read more about most professions. There is also a calendar of events.

When choosing which company to work for and collecting all the necessary information, do not forget to check each company you like for reviews from current or former employees.

Let's make contact

Let's say you've gone through all these steps and have a list of 5-10 companies. What to do with him?

Now we need to go to the website of each company and familiarize ourselves with it in detail. First of all, we are interested in the “Vacancies” or “Career” tabs. See what vacancies are open. If a suitable vacancy is published, you can either respond to it on the website (not very advisable) or send a letter to the address specified in the description (as a rule, there is always an addressee).

The text of the letter should be clear, concise and to the point. In the subject line of the letter, indicate the name of the vacancy for which you are applying to immediately attract attention. Alternatively, you can write “An ideal candidate for such and such a vacancy,” but this is an option for the brave, it can either play into your hands or irritate your self-esteem - it all depends on the recruiter. The text of the letter itself could be something like this:

Good afternoon On your website I saw the vacancy “title”. Let me express my interest in your filling this vacancy as soon as possible. In this regard, I would like to propose my candidacy for consideration. I have the necessary skills, so you won't need to waste time training me. I am highly motivated to work for "name company" as I believe it can provide me with the opportunity to prove myself as a top professional and will allow me to be proud to belong to you as one of the major players in my sector. I am also an excellent match in terms of personal qualities, since I am proactive, ambitious, stress-resistant, and your team of professionals, which I read about on the site, consists of just such individuals. You will find my resume attached.
Thank you for attention,
Vasily Vasiliev,

You can also add a couple of lines about the company itself (it’s always flattering to read that a person wants to come to you), carefully study the website and highlight some specific information in the letter (for example, the company’s recent awards).

When you apply for a job, you have 2 goals:

  1. be brief;
  2. have time to interest in this brevity.

In order for this text to be “alive”, you need not just copy the template, but breathe life into it by studying in detail information about the company (when, where and by whom it was founded, mission, goals, values, what successful projects were recently completed, details of these projects or facts from the company’s biography that particularly struck you). Review employee information. I very often look at the education of people holding similar positions in companies that interest me. This way you can find out where to get additional education in order to delve deeper into the profession.

Under no circumstances should you send a mass email to all 10 recipients. Forgetting to change the name of the company (and this happens very often), the name of the recruiter, etc., you will immediately spoil the impression of yourself. If you decide to make an effort, put it in quality, not quantity.

If there are no suitable vacancies on the company website, this is not a reason to be upset. As practice shows, recruiters still work and look for those who may be potentially interesting. What if someone quits tomorrow, goes on maternity leave or goes on vacation for an indefinite period? Personally, my folder of “good candidates” was constantly replenished, and I periodically called them. So recruiters always have their finger on the pulse.

You can also feel free to send a letter with your resume to the recruiter. But I want to tell you about one trick. There are various professional communities, such as LinkedIN, E-graduate, Professionals ru, and others. The advantage of LinkedIN is that it lists the names of various company representatives who you can contact directly. It is important to try to find the person who makes decisions on your position - the final authority, so to speak.

Why is this a smart move? As a rule, such people rarely receive resumes, and they consider it their duty to answer the letter and forward it to the recruiter with the note “hire.” In this case, regardless of your resume, the recruiter will be required to contact you and invite you for an interview. And here you try to show yourself in all your glory.

Of course, there are different scenarios for the development of events; the boss may ignore your letter, or he may schedule a meeting bypassing the HR department. You can't guess anymore.

But the boss who makes the decision also needs to be interested. You can write a letter with the above text. Or, what would be better, study in detail information about the company and this person (try to find it on the Internet) and make the letter much more personal, not forgetting to mention your most important skills that are key to this position. Composing such a letter is a creative and labor-intensive process. As Coco Chanel said: “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” So give it your all!

And finally, I want to warn you: do not try to deceive yourself and compromise by gritting your teeth - you will lose time at a job you don’t like. It’s better to make an effort now and find a job so that the first three priority points are satisfied!

The capital is a personnel treasury for employing companies. Thousands of Muscovites, Russians and specialists from neighboring countries come in search of a better destiny. For them it becomes a chance for success, career growth and significant earnings, because the city gathers the best specialists, hardworking and experienced employees who are ready to do anything for the sake of the highest rung of the career ladder. Many paths for development and employment open up before them: some are satisfied with any job for reasonable money, others carefully select a company in which they plan to continue their creative and working career.

At the same time, not only employers are faced with the choice of employees, conduct many tests and multi-stage interviews with applicants for positions, but also applicants have long stopped “rushing” to the first position they come across in unknown or unpopular companies. On the contrary, some companies or government agencies enjoy a good reputation, some strongly recommend avoiding them, this is how a kind of rating of popular employer companies is formed.

Popularity has two sides of the coin: some are famous for their ease of employment, minimum requirements, and, consequently, high staff turnover, others meet the highest requirements for reliability, prospects and solvency, and therefore specialists strive, at all costs, to get into the main staff . An example of the first is McDonald's, an example of the second is Gazprom, Google and many other large companies that confidently position themselves in the market. Therefore, the ranking of the most popular may include companies from the first and second categories, but among the best you will never find companies in which employees never stay for long.

Working in a serious company gives you confidence in the future, which is why many specialists and job seekers still rely on the reliability and rating of the company in the market. Surprisingly, statistical data, various surveys of specialists and students demonstrate a modern trend: even cleaners, middle managers and specialists in rare professions strive to find a place for themselves in large and well-known companies.

What is the advantage of this choice?

1) A prestigious company is an additional plus for self-esteem. Any job in a company that everyone knows about gives them self-confidence, and for many it becomes a reason for pride and even self-confidence.
2) Confidence in the future - a large and well-known company, according to many applicants, will not disappear one day, and therefore each employee can confidently and calmly build their career, invest effort and time, without fear for the future. This is an option for ambitious applicants who plan to achieve considerable success in their industry and profession.
3) The social package and salary level in large companies are often better. The modern approach to team building, social benefits, and remuneration of employees in monopolistic companies or representative offices of foreign enterprises in many ways compares favorably with small firms. Giant companies offer decent working conditions and optimal pay that corresponds to the real complexity and labor intensity of the work.

Who remained an outsider in popularity?

It goes without saying that job seekers and students ranked insurance companies, banks, and IT enterprises at the top of their popularity among employers. Who was left behind? Poor budgetary enterprises, for example, schools, kindergartens and city hospitals. Here, hellish, nervous and difficult work is associated with a minimum wage and tedious reporting. Outsiders also include small construction contracts, thousands of beauty salons and hairdressers, and many magazines and newspapers. Only selected companies in the field of media and beauty are always heard by specialists, and therefore working for them is prestigious and profitable. Service sectors are not often popular among specialists; the principle of “hopelessness” continues to operate in the country when looking for a job, a hairdresser, or. These professions are chosen when success has not been achieved in others.

Who is at the peak of popularity?

Business giants that stand firmly on their feet have always been a tasty morsel for specialists from various fields. It is not surprising that Gazprom is one of the most desirable places to work for experienced and newly minted specialists. The trend has remained unchanged over the past few years: the insurance industry, finance and IT companies are “unsinkable” and therefore attractive for job seekers. In addition, it is easier for banking specialists, economists and programmers to find work than for journalists or advertisers. A good specialist is worth his weight in gold, and a good employer is even more valuable.

1. Gazprom is the most tasty morsel for all job seekers. Advantages: full benefits package, prestigious and well-known company, confident leader in its field, opportunities for career growth and regular salary increases;
2. Rosneft and Lukoil - share silver in the ranking of the best employers in the field of engineering and economics; in addition to them, McKinsey & Company attracts specialists from various fields;
3. Sberbank of Russia is a stronghold of stability for many specialists, therefore the company does not lose its relevance;
4. Google, Luxoft, Beeline and MTS are giants in the communications and telecommunications sector, and then they open not a large number of new vacancies regularly, as they expand their spheres of influence, but also improve working conditions for employees;
5. VTB 24, Goldman Sachs and the Bank of Moscow are desirable places of work for economists and banking specialists. They offer great prospects for development for office employees and managers of all categories;
6. Insurance company ROSNO, Ingosstrakh, Military Insurance Company - these are companies that confidently stay afloat even in the most difficult times, since insurance is gradually becoming mandatory in Russia for most areas of life;
7. Logistics operator "
The top 10 employers are constantly changing as many companies make regular improvements and changes in corporate policies. Young companies are confidently rising in the rankings and boldly asserting themselves in the employment market. Therefore, every year the number of worthy “white” employers is growing, which leads to a struggle for good specialists between competing companies, and new opportunities and vacancies open up for job seekers.

As the global labor market has picked up noticeably, “ hunting» on talented workers can be considered open. Never before have so many opportunities and options been open to specialists. So let's find out which companies offer the highest salaries and wide range of benefits?

We have selected best employers in the world, so after reading this you will most likely want to update your resume and send it to one of the companies listed. This list answers many of the questions that come to mind when people are looking for a job:

  • salary amount,
  • additional incentives and benefits,
  • attitude towards employees,
  • the presence of a snack machine (this is also important!).

Some answers will not surprise you, others will make you think about changing your career path.

Employees working in 620 small wholesale stores , live like one big family. Costco provides its employees with amazing opportunities, a stable life and a wide range of benefits. Employees starting their careers in a store are often given a position in the central office, since most managers were " grown" inside the company.

A typical employee earns about $20 an hour, and the company also sponsors health care for workers. During the economic crisis Coscto increased wages by $1.5 per hour. The company doesn't even require employees to work on Thanksgiving Day!

A wide range of products and excellent quality make P&G a company you can rely on. Perhaps the most significant benefit of the job is the ability to start working in any brand of the company and then move to another while remaining in the same position. You don't have to start all over again.

P&G offers a generous tuition reimbursement program for employees who learn something relevant to their position at the company. They will reimburse 80% of the cost with a maximum rate of $40,000.

In addition, employees own more than a quarter of the company. Some employees mentioned on the job search portal Glassdoor that the value of their shares reached 5% of annual earnings. P&G not only provides employees with cosmetic products, but also develops programs aimed at meeting the needs of employees.

« Welcome to flight school“- perhaps one of the first phrases that new Twitter employees hear when they come to the social network’s headquarters in San Francisco for coordination. It's worth noting that Twitter is one of the most visited websites in the world.

In other coordination sessions they learn about “ bird call» - tweets that are sent from one employee to another if one of the employees has done something good. At the workplace, workers have free yoga classes, contemporary art classes, and all-you-can-eat food.

Former employee , and now director of operations Dick Costolo brought new inspiration to the company. Twice a month Costolo gathers all the workers in an open area next to the cafeteria at " Tea parties" These events are designed to refresh the goals and development vectors of the company and employees, answer questions from employees and highlight popular events and tweets.

Young professionals flock to one of the largest cosmetic companies in the world - L’Oreal, under whose wing there are brands such as Maybelline, Kiehl’s, Clarisonic, Urban Decay. This gives employees the opportunity to work with different brands and in different positions while remaining part of the team .

There's no beauty question L'Oreal can't answer. The company maintains this reputation through innovation, product research centers, proven technologies and, of course, its employees. L’Oreal gives each specialist the opportunity to propose an idea for business development: if an employee has an idea for a new tanning cream or lipstick, it can be presented to the company’s managers.

Offers benefits such as:

  • large selection of positions,
  • assistance in career growth,
  • Holiday to care for the child,
  • discounts on cosmetics.

In Europe, business school students and young professionals are combining their professional skills and love of cosmetics to join the L'Oreal empire.

Working in a corporation that owns famous chocolate brands is a great pleasure in itself. - one of the largest and richest candy manufacturers in the world.

Nestlé strategy– develop employees within the company; new employees gain experience and are promoted to higher positions. To sweeten things up even more, the company gives discounts on manufactured goods. In addition to its own products, Nestle offers employees discounts on:

  • trips,
  • telephone communication,
  • movie,
  • electronics,
  • cars.

5. IBM

IBM is not just a workplace; Work in this company is highly rewarded. The company believes that every employee's ideas should be heard and valued. That's what motivates employees to conduct cancer research and design incredible stadiums.

Employees from different departments and divisions of the company meet once a week to discuss the successes and failures of the projects they are currently working on. IBM developed a travel program to allow employees to travel to other company locations for periods of time. In addition, the company offers its specialists discounts and helps pay off loans. It is worth noting that IBM is listed among

Known not only for its influential employees, but also for its decent salaries and extensive benefits. If you think that employees - workaholics who plow for days, then you are, in general, right. But hard work is highly rewarded.

The investment bank offers training seminars to new employees before they dive into work; The company has also developed mentoring programs that include communication with the heads of the bank’s sectors. Besides, offers flexible employment. If employees participate in volunteer activities during working hours, their hours are paid.

The privileges don’t stop there; the company owns medical institutions. In New York and New Jersey, these centers provide initial screening, treatment of orthopedic, dermatological and gynecological conditions, physical therapy and prescription drug delivery. The New York, Chicago and New Jersey offices have gyms, and all offices have excellent cafeterias.

Anyone who loves video games thinks from time to time about what it would be like to work in a place that makes games. doesn’t just give employees 21 days of vacation: you can rest as much as you want and take as much sick leave as you personally need—the company doesn’t restrict employees.

Studio created the popular game League of Legends, organizes the event annually “ We Riot" Employees from offices around the world gather in Seoul for an action-packed week that includes the World Cup. League of Legends.

The company has " Game fund", of which $300 can be spent on any game during the year.

You expect something big from such a huge company - it’s no wonder that newbies love working there from the first minute. Interns work alongside senior staff on interesting projects; It sounds tempting, of course, but no more attractive than the other benefits that the company offers.

Privileges include:

  • local salon and spa,
  • the doctors,
  • 11 restaurants,
  • the shops,
  • bank,
  • dry cleaning,
  • football field,
  • cricket field,
  • Xbox console.

On the territory there are:

  • three dozen cafes,
  • 37 coffee kiosks,
  • fully equipped gym with paid membership,
  • 55 sofas equipped with Wi-Fi and a separate power outlet.

If you need a ride home, the company has buses for employees. Need to charge your car? Employees have access to an electric vehicle charging station and impressive product discounts Without a hint of guile, Microsoft is one of the most successful brands in the world.

Google ranked 1st in the list of 100 best employers for 6 years according to the magazine " Fortune" Employees the real lucky ones, since here it is considered status due to the prestige and privileges provided by the company.

In addition to gyms, free snacks, healthy lunches and drinks, the corporation recently announced the creation of a program for expectant parents. They are provided with $500 and up to 12 weeks of paid parental leave.

In central offices, employees can get a haircut, swim, play ping-pong, and table football for free. If an employee is stressed, he can treat himself to a massage. All Google employees, along with their family members, are provided with travel health insurance and are guaranteed emergency care during personal vacations.

Also, if you're going to continue, will reimburse the cost of training if the training program is related to your work at the company. Also, if you have any legal difficulties, you can get a free consultation. In addition, the company has a credit union.

Google territory is a real home for employees. If that's not enough for you, Google offers employees:

  • ski trips,
  • parties,
  • movie shows,
  • picnics,
  • roller hockey,
  • volleyball.

Google makes every effort to make employees happy, and it must be said that they have outdone themselves - employees feel like they are in heaven. Check out 5 amazing scientific and technological developments from Google.

In addition to the story about the ten best companies to work for in 2016, a video about the history of the creation of the top ten - Google. History of the creation of Google.

All companies are good! Choose any!

or how choose a network company

One of the current topics in network marketing is the problem of choosing a company with which to cooperate! It’s not for nothing that I chose the title of this article “All companies are good! Choose any!" This makes some sense.

Indeed, in any network company you can build a business and earn money! But how can we make our business successful, promising, reliable and needed by other people? Of course, this depends, first of all, on ourselves and on our actions. But this may also depend on the right choice of company.

There are many different criteria for choosing a network company. I’ll focus on the main ones that I took into account when I began choosing which company to go to!

Production of the company

The first and most basic criterion for a network company is the availability of products or services. If you only get money for inviting people, and the company does not have a product that is valuable, avoid such a company!!! Most likely, this is a financial pyramid! Beware of such companies!

Any MLM company always has a product and money is paid only if the product is promoted, that is, from turnover!

What should the product be?

- High-quality and environmentally friendly product! Of course, the product must be of high quality, otherwise it will not be promoted, people will not want to purchase it again and recommend it to others. Therefore, the idea of ​​multi-level marketing will not work. After all, the main principles of MLM are personal consumption and recommendations.

- Affordable prices! The issue of product price is very important. The product must be affordable for the majority of the population of the region or country where you are going to work.

- Ask yourself: “Would I buy this product or service at retail price if I were not a distributor for this company?” If the answer is “No,” then why do you think others will buy? The product must be consumable

- ! Ideally, the product should have a short period of use (1 - 6 months), when it runs out, the person will order again. If a product has a long service life (for example, dishes - 5, 10, or even 30 years!), then you will have to constantly search and look for new customers, and we are all lazy by nature, it’s easier to work with several regular customers, acquaintances and friends! Ideal consumable products include cosmetics, perfumes, hygiene products, household products, and health products. A wide range of . The products should be in obvious demand (it’s unlikely that they will buy felt boots from you in Egypt!


). Again, these are cosmetics, toothpastes, household goods, health products. And it is desirable that the company has a wide range of products. From which everyone can choose something suitable for themselves. The more often a company releases new products and new catalogues, the better for your business. Of course, I have nothing against companies with one or two unique products, there are people who achieve success there too, but I would not cooperate with such a company.

The determining criterion for the reliability of a company is the time it has been in operation and the legality of the company in the country where you are going to work. If a company has been operating for a long time, this indicates stability - it reduces the risk of becoming a fly-by-night company, since more than 90% of all new MLM companies break up in the first 3-4 years. A company that has been operating for at least 5 years can be considered reliable. Some believe that it is difficult to make money in such companies, since many already know the company and, perhaps, are its distributors. But this is a wrong opinion! Since new people are constantly being born, some come, some leave, some remain unemployed, some retire, and more. earnings! The fame of such a company very often plays into your hands. Clients and those wishing to become a consultant are looking for you themselves; people are not scared when you hear the name of your company and do not ask unnecessary questions about the product, since they may have tried it before! Work becomes easier.

And there is another possibility! Some people are attracted to start-up companies because many want to be among the first. Here, of course, there is more opportunity to “conquer” new cities and regions, and perhaps make money quickly. But there is always a risk, since the company has not yet been tested by time. In addition, people don’t know this company, people don’t know these products, and they don’t always trust them!

Which one to choose? It's up to you to decide!

I am a supporter of the "Golden Mean". I am collaborating with a company that is still relatively young and has even greater prospects, but has already established itself as a reliable partner. The company is 5 years old, operating legally in Russia.

Conditions for joining the company

Another important point that you should pay attention to. This is the absence or presence of a fee for registration of a distribution agreement, the cost of the starter package, the initial purchase, etc. The lower this cost, the more attractive the company becomes for creating a personal group for recruiting newcomers. You should be wary of a company that tries to overload newcomers with a significant amount of product in advance or requires a large financial contribution. If it is actually just a fee for membership, then be careful, it could be a pyramid scheme.

Many online companies provide a small entry fee that is affordable to almost everyone.

Company marketing plan

The marketing plan gives the answer to how much I will earn, and what is needed for this c do. I'm not advocating choosing one in particular. Take a good look at the marketing plan, analyze all the pros and cons and make a decision!

Regarding the marketing plan, Randy Gage in his book “How to Build a Multi-Level Money Machine” gives a complete breakdown of all the options for marketing schemes that exist today and their combinations. And then he cites statistics that in 99% of cases in the world history of network marketing, the greatest success was achieved by companies that used only one marketing scheme out of all possible options. This scheme is called “breakaway” - a step-by-step marketing plan with separation of leaders or a classic marketing plan. Personally, I work with a company that has a marketing plan of this type.

Consultant training and information system

If you are new to MLM, then this should be one of the defining criteria for you.

A lot can depend on how the company’s system of preparation, training, information and motivation of distributors is organized. Having a step-by-step system for training and business development will allow you and your partners to move up the career ladder very quickly.

Of great importance here is the presence in the company of the necessary advertising and educational materials in the form of catalogues, leaflets, books, audio and video discs, presentations, the company’s official website on the Internet, etc., which are integral tools of the modern MLM business.

Product delivery system

How will your company's products be delivered to new consultants? A very important question for everyone who is going to seriously engage in this business and will certainly be faced with the delivery of products, which is especially important when “opening” new cities and regions. If there is no company office in your locality, then many newcomers do not start cooperation with the company because they do not know how to deliver the product. There are many companies that will take care of this for you. Choose a company that has clearly established delivery to any regions of Russia (if you live in Russia) or another country. First of all, this will make your work easier and you won’t have a headache about delivery.

Possibility of working via the Internet

Now MLM is thriving on the Internet! Despite this, there are network companies that prohibit their distributors from working through the World Wide Web and posting any information about products and companies. A who violated this ban They are severely punished, even kicked out of the company, deprived of all well-deserved titles and regalia.

Before joining a company, if you want to promote your business on the Internet, find out if your company prohibits it!

This, of course, is not everything, but the main criteria for choosing an MLM company. Based on them, I chose your company.

I will be glad if this information is useful to you.

March 2010