Why does the Decembrist's leaves fall? We are treating the green friend. Why does the Decembrist have limp soft leaves and how to correct the situation? How to water correctly during flowering

Why does the Decembrist's leaves fall? We are treating the green friend. Why does the Decembrist have limp soft leaves and how to correct the situation? How to water correctly during flowering

Few people know that the Decembrist, a popular home flower in Russia, is a cactus. Despite the fact that this plant loves water, avoids the sun, and has no thorns, Decembrist still belongs to the cactus family. It was brought to mid-latitudes at the beginning of the 19th century. Decembrist has many scientific names - zygocactus, Schlumbergera and others. But we know it under the name Decembrina, Christmas cactus, Rozhdestvennik and, of course, Decembrist, because it begins to bloom in the midst of winter - in December.

This beautiful plant is generally easy to care for, which is why it is found in many homes. If you organize proper care for it, the Decembrist can bloom twice a year. And in some cases the plant begins to wither.

Why is the Decembrist withering?

The reasons why the leaves of this home flower begin to fade, maybe a few.

  1. Root disease. If the roots of the plant are damaged, then the leaves of the Decembrist will react accordingly. Straight lines are bad for roots Sun rays. If a flower pot for a long time was in the sun, the roots will be damaged. But the Decembrist doesn’t like the cold either. Root damage can be caused by watering if the water temperature is too low.
  2. Oversaturation of soil with fertilizers. The substrate in which Decembrist grows should be fertilized periodically. But if you feed the Decembrist too intensively, then oversaturation will occur, which will negatively affect the plant. If this is the reason, the flower must be immediately transplanted into clean soil.
  3. Late blight, phytium. This fungal diseases, which amaze the Decembrists. The causative agents of these diseases are contained in the soil where the plant is planted. The likelihood of diseases occurring is especially high if you took the soil from your own personal plot. The fungus infects the root collar of the flower, and the leaves react to this by wilting. For late blight and phytium, treatment consists of treating special drugs. Such products as “Topaz”, “Maxim”, “Vitaros” are good in this matter.

Sometimes, along with leaf wilting, other symptoms are present that indicate specific problems. If yellowish spots are visible on the leaves, then the Decembrist is affected by a red flat mite due to dry air. If the color intensity of the leaves fades and they wither, it means that the plant has been exposed to direct sunlight.

How to care for the Decembrist to avoid withering?

Decembrist is a special cactus. If ordinary cacti can long time If you don’t water them and don’t pay attention to them at all, then the zygocactus needs care. He likes moderate watering warm water, pre-settled. Humidity should be high and direct sunlight should be avoided. Decembrist prefers air temperatures between 20-23°C.

If you can organize all these conditions for your zygocactus, then it will definitely delight you with bright and beautiful flowers December.

It’s hard to believe, but in nature there are cacti that love water, are afraid of the sun and do not have thorns, and they are called Decembrists, or Schlumbergers, or Zigocacti. They belong to the genus of South American epiphytic cacti growing in tropical forests on tree branches.

Why are they called Decembrists? Yes, because they begin to bloom at the height of the tropical summer - in November-December, and end at the end of January. Zygocacti were brought to our latitudes by collector Allan Cunningham in 1816.

Decembrist flower - features:

All plants have their own characteristics. main feature Decembrist is that it blooms when other flowers are resting. But he also has other qualities that distinguish him from all the other inhabitants of your windowsill.

Firstly, the Decembrist is uncomfortable on southern and western window sills, since intense lighting can cause the terminal segments of the plant shoots to die off.

Secondly, in summer time Decembrist, like no other indoor plant, needs fresh air: a shaded place on a balcony, loggia, or terrace is suitable.

Thirdly, in the summer, the Decembrist likes to take a shower, but if this is not possible, then at least spray it from time to time.

Fourthly, when good care the long-living Decembrist can congratulate you with his bouquet on the New Year for about 15-20 years.

Fifthly, the Decembrist flower is one of those capricious plants that cannot be disturbed at the moment of budding - rearranged from place to place and even turned the pot with the plant.

Sixthly, Decembrist can be grown as an ordinary plant, or as an ampel plant.

How to care for the Decembrist.

The agricultural technology of the Decembrist zygocactus is directly opposite to the agricultural technology of cacti themselves; their requirements for the most part coincide with the conditions for growing ordinary, deciduous indoor plants. If you can forget to water a cactus, and it will not suffer much from this, then the Decembrist needs regular watering with settled water. cold water and increased air humidity, which is achieved by regular spraying or placing a pot of Decembrist on a tray with wet pebbles.

Cacti tolerate the sun well, but Decembrist suffers from direct sunlight and requires shading. As for air temperature, the Decembrist is not capricious in this matter. Since March, the Decembrist needs monthly fertilizing with complex fertilizer for flowers, but the dose must be taken half as much as suggested by the manufacturers. In the summer, when intensive growth of stems begins, the plant needs to be fed twice a month, and from September, feeding should be stopped. Preventative treatment with fungicides will not harm the plant.

How to trim Decembrist.

Decembrist pruning is carried out in June, and the excess part of the shoot is not cut off, but unscrewed by hand, giving the plant beautiful shape, shortening shoots that are growing incorrectly. Plants formed in this way have attractive appearance and bloom more abundantly.

How to transplant Decembrist.

The Decembrist is transplanted after flowering, at the very end of February. Young plants are replanted annually, adults - once every 4-5 years. Choose a wide and low pot for the plant, since the Decembrist’s root system is superficial. The drainage layer should fill the pot by a third. As for the soil, store-bought soil for cacti is suitable, but you can make the soil yourself: mix one part each of turf soil and sand and two parts leaf soil, for disinfection, add crushed coal, and for better water permeability, add brick chips or expanded clay. The soil for Decembrist should be slightly acidic.

Reproduction of the Decembrist.

The answer to the question “how to propagate Decembrist?” very simple: vegetatively, by cuttings. 2-3 outer “links” are unscrewed from the shoot, dried for several days, then planted in moist soil and covered glass jar or plastic bottle to create a greenhouse effect. The container is placed in the shade and ventilated regularly. Optimal temperature for rooting Decembrist cuttings 15-20ºC. Christmas trees are often propagated at home immediately after pruning, since as a result of the formation of the bush, ready material for cuttings.

Pests and diseases of the Decembrist

Enemies of the Decembrist.
The Decembrist is plagued by fungal diseases and insects. Fusarium, phytium and late blight - fungal diseases, the pathogens of which penetrate the plant from contaminated soil, and the root collar of the plant is the first to suffer from them. As a result, the flower becomes pale, gray, loses segments and withers. wet soil. Fusarium is treated with fungicides, and phytium and late blight are treated with the preparations “Maxim”, “Topaz”, “Vitaros”.

If the plant is covered with a rusty coating, then most likely it was struck spider mite- small point insects of brown, yellow or reddish color that appear on the plant in conditions of insufficient air humidity. The drugs “Actellik”, “Fitoverm” or “Neoron” will help get rid of the tick. Whitish lumps that suddenly appear between the shoots, similar to cotton wool, are traces of the vital activity of mealybugs, which can be neutralized with the help of Aktara.

Why does the Decembrist wither?

The Decembrist withers, as we have already found out, if he is sick with late blight or phytium. Another reason for leaf wilt may be root disease. If the plant has lost its stability and its trunk is swaying, then it is quite possible that the roots of the plant died from hypothermia as a result of watering with cold water in a cool room or, conversely, from the fact that the flowerpot overheated in the sun. A too strong concentration of fertilizers could also burn the roots of the Decembrist. In this case, the plant must be immediately transplanted into another substrate, because the old one is saturated with concentrated fertilizer, which continues to destroy the roots.

Why does the Decembrist not bloom?

The Decembrist must feel when it is time to bloom. To do this, it needs to be provided with a full rest period: from the end of September to the end of November, reduce watering and stop feeding the plant, placing it in an unheated room. Now remember how to make the Decembrist bloom: move the flower to a bright, warm place and start watering, thereby helping the Decembrist to wake up. Rotate the plant around its axis to achieve uniform illumination on all sides of the flower. As soon as buds begin to form, make sure that the substrate in the pot does not dry out and that no one else in the house moves or turns your flower, otherwise the plant may panic and drop the buds. If you follow these rules, your Decembrist will definitely bloom.

Why does the Decembrist fall?

Sometimes, seemingly for no reason at all, the leaves of the Decembrist fall off. But nothing just happens. Let's try to figure it out. It is known that the cause of “leaf fall” can be a spider mite, and you already know how to get rid of it. If the pest is not detected by you, then probable cause there may be a lack of nutrients (irregular feeding, depleted substrate).

Try spraying Decembrist once or twice with a solution of fertilizers for epiphytic cacti or apply it at the root, and you will see how quickly the plant will restore its strength. If it doesn't help, change the soil. The reason for the fall of the final segments may be too dry air or stress suffered by the plant - a sharp temperature change, a change in the environment, a draft, or a transplant done at the wrong time.

Indoor Decembrist after flowering

When the Decembrist flowers have faded, begin to gradually reduce watering by placing the plant in a cool place, where it will remain until the end of March, resting after flowering. At the end of March, the Decembrist begins its growing season, so move the flower to its usual place, gradually increase watering and begin to fertilize the plant.

At the moment when there are crackling people outside the window winter frosts, an unusual tropical cactus blooms on the windowsills. It has no needles, has dark green shoots and pleases the owner with the appearance of buds only once a year. Caring for a Decembrist flower at home is different from caring for other cacti, but there is no difficulty in it.

Decembrist is a forest cactus that wildlife grows on trunks tropical trees. Their root system is not very resistant to unfavorable factors, this can cause the death of the plant. Decembrist flowering begins in November and ends in February.

At proper care the plant can live up to 20 years

During flowering, you should not turn or move the pot, as this may cause the buds to fall off. Decembrist does not like dry air, so spraying it with a spray bottle is acceptable. In order to prolong flowering, you can cover the trunk of the plant with snow or ice from the refrigerator.

How to properly care for a plant at home

Decembrist loves water, which is why it differs from other cacti. You need to water it with warm liquid, and you can also place the flower on a tray with wet pebbles. It is better to grow it on eastern windows. In summer, the flower can be taken out Fresh air, and in winter maintain the room temperature at least 10-11 degrees Celsius. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight and do not turn only one side towards the light, otherwise the plant will be “lopsided”.

Decembrist is susceptible to fungal and bacterial diseases, so it needs to be examined periodically. The flower may be damaged by spider mites, scale insects and mealybugs. At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to begin treatment with drugs.

Lighting, temperature

The Decembrist cannot be kept under the scorching rays of the sun; he will be much more comfortable in diffused lighting. It is best to place it on east or northeast windows. If you can place the zygocactus only on the south side, then the plant will need to be shaded to avoid sunburn.

To flower, Decembrist needs the days to become short; this period occurs in winter. During this time, the room temperature drops to 10-15 degrees. It often happens that only that part of the flower that was facing the cold window blooms. But you also can’t lower the temperature too much; the plant cannot tolerate frost and may die. In summer, Decembrist feels great at 18-24 degrees Celsius.

Soil requirements

First of all, you need to carefully consider the choice of soil for the pot. Decembrist loves light nutritious soil with good drainage. The soil should easily allow moisture and air to pass through. Often a mixture of peat, leaf soil and sand is used for these purposes. You can also add humus and turf to the soil. The best soil for Decembrist is slightly acidic. You can use ready-made soil mixture for succulents.

Before planting a flower, the ground must be disinfected. For these purposes, you can use crushed coal. To make the soil more airy, small pieces of tree bark and perlite are added to it.

Watering, fertilizing

The plant is watered all year round. Although a cactus can store a certain amount of water in its leaves, it will not last for a long time. Decembrists naturally grow in tropical rain forests and they need liquid. Drought will cause the roots to die and the plant to die.

Watering should be constant, but moderate. If overwatered for a long time, the roots of the plant may rot. Water the flower after the top one has dried earthen layer. You can place the pot on a tray with wet pebbles.

From the beginning of September, the Decembrist plant begins to be fed with potassium fertilizers and stops after the start of flowering. After the buds fall off, the plant takes a break from nutritional supplements. Starting from March-April, the tropical cactus is fed with complex fertilizer for potted flowers.

How to trim Decembrist?

June is the best time to circumcise the Decembrist. In order to form a beautiful crown, shoots that grow incorrectly are removed. After the procedure, the plants bloom more intensely and look better. It is better not to cut the shoots, but to unscrew them, as this will cause less damage to the flower.


The young Decembrist needs a transplant once a year, spring time. The pot chosen is not too large, as it is easy to over-moisten the plant. Adult Decembrists are transplanted every 3-5 years.

It is best to choose a low but wide pot. It is forbidden to replant the plant during flowering, as this will negatively affect its health. The container is filled one-third with drainage, the rest is occupied by the soil layer, which is pre-disinfected with crushed coal.

When replanting, loosen the soil around the edges of the pot and remove the plant along with the soil. Lightly clean root system from soil residues and bury the Decembrist in new soil. After transplanting, water the flower generously.

Care after flowering

After flowering, the Decembrist is moved to a cool place and watering is slightly limited. The room should be protected from direct sunlight; it is better if there is partial shade. At the end of March, the flower is moved back and the moisture supply is increased. They also begin to apply mineral fertilizers.

Decembrist flower propagation

Decembrist flowers are propagated by short cuttings, 2-3 links each. Pieces of stems are carefully broken off from the plant and left to dry for 2-7 days. For faster rooting, the procedure is carried out in the spring and summer, when the night is shorter than the day. The best temperature for Decembrist breeding is 25 degrees Celsius.

Before planting, treat the lower tip with Kornevin and deepen the cutting into the substrate. The best soil There will be a mixture of equal parts of peat and perlite. Water the plant thoroughly. Periodically spray the flower with a spray bottle, this will promote faster rooting.

There is no need to create a greenhouse effect by covering the shoot with a glass jar or bottle. With free access of air and favorable temperature conditions The plants take root well. Make sure that the soil does not dry out. Keep the flower in the shade and avoid direct exposure to sunlight.

Many gardeners combine propagation of the Decembrist with its pruning, because in the process it forms a large number of Cherenkov. Since the plant is pruned in June, this is justified, because the summer months are favorable for obtaining new zygocacti.

Pests and possible plant diseases

Decembrist is quite resistant to pests and other diseases if properly cared for.

Insects dangerous to the plant:

  • mealybug;
  • spider mite;
  • scale insect.

Schlumbergera (zygocactus, Christmas tree) is a genus of epiphytic cacti, a branched shrub with zygomorphic white, pink or purple flowers, native to the tropical forests of Brazil. Popular name plants are Decembrist, which is due to the flowering period - in the middle of winter.

Fighting pests of the Decembrist flower

Proper care of the Decembrist will help prevent the appearance or overcome pests.

The pest belongs to the class of arachnids; its small round body is covered with sparse bristles and has a red or yellow color.

It settles on the underside of plant leaves; light dots on the surface of the leaf indicate its appearance. If you are wondering why Decembrist leaves fall, it is often the spider mite that causes this process. Soon he moves to the upper side. They can be controlled using sulfur and phosphorus chemicals. Spraying with the preparations “Vertimek”, “Fitoverm” and “Aktofit” is effective. The tick does not develop resistance to them.

A sucking insect with an oval pink body covered with a white coating, with transverse stripes on the back.

Length mealybug from 3 to 7 mm. The pest produces white sticky mucus and seems to sprinkle the Decembrist with flour. Decembrist buds suffer greatly from mealybugs; they wither and fall off.

To prevent scale insects, the plant should be watered regularly and dried leaves should be removed. If infection has already occurred, insecticides "Aktara", "Confidor", or folk remedies: horsetail tincture, oil spray.

Did you know? Feng Shui says that the Decembrist transforms the energy in the house, kills the desire to quarrel and hurt another person.

Although the size of the scale insect does not exceed 5 mm, it can suck all the juices out of the Decembrist. Decembrist's leaves turn yellow and dry out, and the plant may even die.

You can get rid of the insect using mechanical cleaning: carry out treatment with cotton swabs soaked in a solution of "Karbofos" or "Tanrek". Also high humidity air can provoke the proliferation of scale insects, while bright sunlight

slows down their development.

Possible problems when growing zygocactus

Gardeners may face many problems when growing the plant, as zygocactus is besieged by pests and diseases. You should remember how to deal with them.

Why does the Decembrist not bloom?

Incorrect lighting and infertile soil are most often the reason why zygocactus does not bloom.

There is no need to keep the plant on a north window; if necessary, shade it from direct sunlight. You need to know how to care for the Decembrist so that it blooms. When buds appear, the plant should not be moved, as the Christmas tree may drop them. Why does the Decembrist wither Christmas tree reacts poorly to the flow of dry hot air from heating batteries: lethargic, wrinkled leaves Decembrist will report this problem.

Insufficient or excessive watering has a negative impact on the plant, it begins to wither.To avoid this, you should regularly spray the Christmas tree and periodically change the soil in the pot. Important! Experts advise that before the Christmas tree begins to set buds, leave it in

dark place

for at least 14 hours. Otherwise, the risk of segments withering increases. Why do Decembrist segments and buds fall off? If the zygocactus is left for some time without watering and then removed from the pot along with the earthen ball, you may find that the roots of the plant have rotted. In this case, you will need to plant Christmas tree cuttings or change the soil and not water it for about a week.

Why do the shoots of the Decembrist turn red?

It happens that the Decembrist appears red leaves, which indicates the growth of new segments of the cactus, excessive watering or improper feeding.

In addition, it is possible to get a burn if there is an abundance of sunlight.

Insufficient or excessive watering has a negative impact on the plant, it begins to wither.Temperature changes should not be allowed for the plant. The Christmas tree should be kept in a cool room, away from drafts at temperatures up to 20 degrees.

Why does the Decembrist not grow?

Schlumbergera may not grow due to several factors: insufficient feeding with mineral complexes or drying out of the substrate.

20.09.2017 9 918

During the growth period - from late March to August - it is necessary to fertilize with nitrogen and phosphorus, provide access to fresh air, cover from direct sunlight and do not forget about constant watering, spraying and washing with soft warm water. If the Decembrist dries out, the first thing to do is take cuttings and root again.

Decembrist - home care for long and bright flowering

Decembrist flower - care for at home, which is not difficult, still requires attention, because problems often arise - it does not bloom, the leaves are thin and limp, wrinkles and even dies. Many people don’t know how to water and fertilize, what to do if it’s overwatered and becomes soft, and how to save the plant, so it’s worth knowing how to revive and reanimate a magnificent flower...

What conditions does the Decembrist need - lighting, humidity and soil?

For the Decembrist flower, care at home is somewhat more difficult than for its closest relatives - cacti and succulents; this tropical guest on windowsills blooms in winter, when other flowers enter the dormant phase, and therefore many consider its flowering a small miracle. For zygocactus to bloom, it needs to be in certain conditions.

Low humidity can also affect the condition of the plant. In the tropics, where the Decembrist grows in natural conditions, she is quite tall in winter period(in those latitudes they occur in June-September). In the summer, Decembrist needs to be sprayed more often or placed in the shower - such care will contribute to the health of the flower and the formation of the rudiments of flower buds.

The temperature regime is not too important for the Decembrist - the main thing is that the temperature does not drop below +10 ْС. Being in a cool room with low humidity at the end of the dormant period stimulates the formation of flower buds, and when negative temperatures Decembrist dies, like most other indoor plants.

Decembrist flower - in the photo

Another rule for making the Decembrist bloom is that care at home requires complete rest during the budding period, since even turning relative to the light source can lead to a drop in color, but if you move the plant to a new place during active growth, it may die altogether.

The soil for the Decembrist should be light and loose, preferably with large inclusions - expanded clay or brick chips, lumps of coal and coarse sand. Sources of nutrients are leaf and turf land– they must be taken one part at a time, and the loosening elements must be added at the rate of 1 part of the raising agents to 2 parts of the nutrient soil mixture. When planting Decembrist in a pot, create a thick drainage layer about a third of its height, which will help avoid rotting of the plant's roots and make it easier to care for.

Decembrist, home care - watering and fertilizing

For the Decembrist flower - care at home, in addition to the subtleties described earlier, involves providing moisture and nutrients. The plant is demanding of moisture, but only that which is dissolved in the air. As for soil moisture, you need to be extremely careful here - excessively wet soil does not allow air to pass through well, which can lead to the death of the Decembrist flower.

The problem of how to water Decembrist during flowering or dormancy is most acute for those who have just acquired this flower, which is why it is worth understanding the following rules for caring for zygocacti:

  1. It is advisable to water the flower with water that has settled indoors; cold liquid will cause the roots to rot.
  2. You can determine how often to water the Decembrist by the condition of the soil - if it has dried to a depth of 5-7 cm, it’s time to moisten the flower
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the air temperature - if it is below +14 ْС, you need to water as little as possible. In the summer heat it is worth watering more often, but in small doses.
  4. In the absence of flowering, it is recommended to combine watering with spraying, while the surface of the soil in the pot should be covered with film so that water does not get to the roots of the Decembrist

Decembrist blossom - in the photo

For a plant known as Decembrist, home care from May to September should include the application of fertilizers, which are combined with watering, and carried out no more than once a month, use or ready-made mixtures for flowers Kemira, Bud and others in half the dose (can be seen on the packaging of the drug).

The main feature of the process of how to care for the Decembrist so that it blooms is to stop feeding and reduce watering from September - this is necessary to create a dormant period. You need to keep it at this time unheated room at a temperature of +10 ْ+…12 ْС. Closer to December, the pot with the plant is transferred to a bright room. warm room, the intensity of watering is increased, ½ of the recommended dose of fertilizer is added to the soil twice a month - this will lead to the awakening of the Decembrist flower and the beginning of lush and long-lasting flowering.

If the Decembrist withered - possible causes and solutions

When caring for the Decembrist, it is important to pay attention to his condition; even minor deviations can deprive not only beautiful flowering, but also the whole flower. Thus, a decrease in the turgor of leaf segments of the Decembrist may indicate serious problems with the health of the plant. If the Decembrist has become soft, and its leaves are covered with a network of small wrinkles, the reasons for such changes may be:

Sometimes there are obvious reasons why withered leaves for the Christmas tree, no, but the plant dies before our eyes - to avoid fatal consequences for the flower, it is worth transplanting it into a new substrate. The fact is that the roots of zygocactus are extremely sensitive to the influence external factors, and at improper care often begin to rot. The roots die when watered with cold water, when applying a concentrated solution of fertilizers, or when the air temperature drops excessively against the background of abundant watering.

When transplanting into a fresh substrate, remove all dead roots, sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal and plant the plant according to generally accepted rules. In the first weeks after transplantation, there is no need to water the Decembrist; caring for it should consist of daily spraying and maintaining the temperature at +20 ْ+…24 ْC.

For the Decembrist plant, caring for it at home can cause difficulties only when you get to know it. Those who follow the recommendations for caring for zygocactus will receive a truly magical gift - a waterfall of bright flowers on a winter windowsill.