Why is macbook pro slow? Has your Mac started to slow down? Speeding up OS X. Unnecessary startup issues

Why is macbook pro slow?  Has your Mac started to slow down?  Speeding up OS X. Unnecessary startup issues
Why is macbook pro slow? Has your Mac started to slow down? Speeding up OS X. Unnecessary startup issues

Users even the most modern gadgets sometimes they blindly follow a rule that was widespread at the dawn mobile communications: Before using, the device must be completely discharged, then fully charged.. The most fanatical users have developed this rule to the point of absurdity, proposing to fully charge and discharge the iPhone three times. Whether this makes any sense at all – we’ll look at it in the article.

Practical research on the issue of charging mobile devices someone was doing Eric Leamer - his experiments led him to unexpected conclusions. It turns out that charging your iPhone to 100% is not possible at all. harmful– the optimal charge level should be from 50% to 70%. When charged to 100%, the iPhone battery can withstand only 500 cycles, while when charged to 70%, it can last over a thousand.

Where did the prejudice about the importance of a full charge come from? First Cell Phones were equipped with nickel batteries susceptible to so-called memory effect. Memory effect is that if the operating instructions are violated active substance nickel battery crystallizes - as a result, it decreases maximum amount energy that the battery can store. The battery “remembers” that it was not fully used before, and therefore releases energy only up to a fixed limit - hence the name of the effect.

Modern gadgets are equipped with lithium-ion batteries, which There is no memory effect. Almost everyone who talks about the need before use completely discharge the phone, belong to the older generation and started with black and white “dialers”, for which this rule was relevant. Nowadays, a buyer will not hear such a recommendation from a competent consultant in a salon.

How long does it take to charge an iPhone?

iPhone charging time depends on a number of conditions:

Battery capacity. The latest modifications 6 and 6S have larger batteries, so they take longer to recharge.

  • power unit. There is one secret: If you use the iPad's power supply, charging time will be reduced to a minimum. There is no need to fear that this method will negatively affect the battery: by Apple this is not forbidden.
  • Parallel use. If the owner of the gadget is using the gadget while charging (for example, playing), more time will, of course, be needed.

A “healthy” battery does not need more than 3 hours to charge from 0 to 100%.

If the iPhone does not have enough nights to fully recharge, it is better to contact a service or sales office under warranty.

Don't let your gadget overheat. Pay attention to this scale, which is posted on the official Apple website:

The ideal temperature for operating the iPhone is from 16 to 22 degrees. Using it at a different temperature will not degrade the quality of the battery, however, the device itself will hold a charge for less time.

Recharging is a different matter: if it is done in conditions high temperatures, devastating consequences for the battery cannot be avoided. Statistics say: constant recharging at a temperature 10 degrees above normal leads to the fact that the battery drains by 20% in a year - within three years your iPhone will need expensive repairs.

Therefore, under no circumstances leave your smartphone “charged” on a windowsill in the summer, in a car, do not cover it with a pillow and blanket, or remove the case from it while it is charging!

Use only certified accessories. note that we're talking about not about original ones, but about certified USB cables and power supplies. The latter can be produced not only by Apple, but also by another company, which means they have less high price. You can determine which accessory is certified by the “Made For iPhone” inscription on the packaging.

Certified accessories (like the iPhone itself) have special PMIC controllers that “monitor” that the current, voltage, and temperature do not exceed acceptable limits. If, for example, the iPhone overheats, charging will stop and a message like this will appear on the screen:

There are no controllers on Chinese “no-name” accessories, so the user uses them at his own peril and risk. Note the statistics: increasing the charging voltage by just 4% above normal will cause the gadget’s battery to wear out twice as fast.

Fully discharge your iPhone, but don't do it more than once a month. A monthly full discharge is needed to calibrate the power controllers. Many Apple users notice that their devices turn off when the charge is 2-3% - this is a sign of uncalibrated controllers. However, it is impossible to constantly “wear out” the iPhone to zero - this is extremely detrimental to the battery. Try not to force your gadget to turn off more than once a month.


Sooner or later you will have to spend money on a replacement iPhone batteries you have to - that's a given. Regarding the timing, the opinions of many experts and the author of the article differ: you can often find recommendations to change the battery every 2 years of intensive use of the gadget, however, the author’s iPhone battery is constantly in use and has not caused any complaints for 3 years now. It is important to monitor the quality of accessories and recharging conditions and then you will not have to enrich the service center technicians.

    If you use the iPhone 4S only for calls and do not go online, and the iPhone is constantly in standby mode, then it will last for 4-5 days. If you use your smartphone to its fullest, connecting to 3G and playing various iPhone games, and even use iPhone apps, then 8-10 hours, and then the iPhone will have to be charged again.

  • charging for iPhone 4S

    If you use the IPhone 4S only as a phone, then charging this device will last for 4, 5 days, but if you use the IPhone 4S to access the Internet, play games, watch videos and listen to music, then the charging will last for a maximum of one day, and with wi on -fi, charging is enough for 8 hours of active work. These are not bad results, since similar devices burst faster.

  • This is after mobile phones, and some models could be charged once every four days, but talking as much as needed made it inconvenient when working with the iPhone, and the battery power was consumed very quickly. But if you count how many times and for what we use an iPhone, then everything adds up like this. You use your iPhone during the day and charge it at night. Look here, they offer to download a program to determine the further capabilities of the battery. iPhone allows you to listen to audio, watch videos, talk, go online, play games, use other applications and calculate it all this program Battery Juice

    I have 1% now

    From 7 am it was 100%


    I think it’s normal when the phone works all day long from morning to evening, the phone is also a kind of living creature, treat it with respect, or can you go the whole day without food? The phone also wants to eat, while working on maximum!) some people just got too drunk... :)

    The operating time of the iPhone 4S without recharging the battery depends on the nature of its use. Switched on 3G especially reduces operating time. According to official data, the iPhone can work without charging for quite a long time, but in practice everything turns out differently. In standby mode, the phone consumes 10% of its battery in approximately 8 hours.

    It all depends on how you use your iPhone. If only for calls, then it lasts for 2-4 days.

    If games, music, photos, videos + calls, then for some even a day is not enough.

    It also depends on how long you have been using the iPhone. The longer the period of use, the worse the battery holds.

    And yes, if you don’t use the Internet, turn off 3G because it consumes a lot of battery.

  • How long does the iPhone 4S charge?

    The iPhone 4S has enough charge for a maximum of one day, I mean a working day, not a day.

    But this is provided that within of the day IPhone is actively used not only for telephone conversations, but also for games and for accessing the Internet.

    A friend also has enough for his wife to play Angry Birds before bed.

  • It all depends on how you use it. With active use (Internet, games, movies, music, calls), the battery lasts for a day or a little less. All modern smartphones have this problem. Some don't even hold a charge for a day. Charging lasts for the longest time Samsung Galaxy S III - can last about two days (this is with active use).

    Good afternoon, I have an IPhone 4s, if you play games on it, it lasts 2 hours, if you just surf the Internet, then 4 hours, I read that it should last 8 hours on the Internet and I can’t understand that with my phone I have a Chinese cable and bought a block used, what to do, and please, if you see that your opinion has already been written, then why write it again, there are simply completely identical SMS.

    The more you use your iPhone 4S, the faster it will drain. The charge will be enough for about a day of active work, and then you will have to charge the battery. If it is in standby mode, it will last for three or four days.

    Many IPhone 4S owners complain that the batteries of their devices drain quite quickly. The presence of this problem was also confirmed by Apple engineers, who found out that this is due to some errors in the operation of iOS 5.

    For iPhone 44s, charging lasts about 8 hours, and this is true if you access the Internet, games and many other programs. Charging may decrease if geolocation is turned on time zone, and 3g

  • How long does the iPhone 4S charge?

    Depends on how you will use it. If the minimum functions of the device are used, the phone will need to be charged every few days. And if you constantly run heavy applications, you will charge it every day.

Advantages: display, Beautiful design, simple controls, synchronization, stylish, good camera, good application speed
Flaws: bluetooth, price

I only bought it in 2014, because I don’t see the point in chasing new products and updating the phone every year. Its price now corresponds to the amount (I bought it at Yulmart for 14 thousand) that I am ready to spend on mobile phones.

I’ll say right away that I really love the products. appearance, material and durability. I really like the design of the 4S, unlike the last one, which, to me, is very similar to the same Samsung. Personally, I prefer the old “cobblestones”, although, of course, this is a matter of taste. Now to the point.

  • Wear resistance. I can’t stand plastic, so all my gadgets “for constant wear” are from Apple. Many people complain about glass, I don’t know. I've already dropped it a hundred times, even fell into a puddle for a second, nothing broke, everything works. My husband bought the same model as soon as it came out. Looks like new. The sound was a little bad (apparently from a fall), they even fixed it under warranty.
  • Battery.I used to have a Galaxy, and it was really scary to leave the house every time without charging. God forbid you listen to music on VKontakte, that’s it, the phone turns off. With my iPhone, I’m constantly on 3g, mail, browser, listening to music on YouTube, since audio recordings have been removed from the VKontakte application, it keeps me on almost until the evening.
  • Screen quality. I really like the color rendering and brightness. I like the quality of the photos, even though the model is outdated, plus these divine built-in photo filters are better than on the iPhone, I can’t get them anywhere (although the lighting should be good) I attached the photo.
  • AppStore. Maybe it's a matter of habit, but I prefer applications under . Let me remind you, I compare it with the Samsung Galaxy. All the necessary applications, and I have a lot of them for work and study, are free.
  • iTunes. Specifically, I like iTunes and all the delights of instant synchronization. Relevant if there are a lot of products in the house.


  • These terrible cables.I have an Apple laptop, iPad and iPhone. And everywhere the first thing that fails (after 4-5 months) is the cables! They are very thin and instantly bend near the outlet and stop transmitting charge. At first I chalked it up to the appeal, but I was REALLY shaking over the iPhone I bought last. Still, the cable looks like it was used for maritime knots some years. Naturally, you need to buy a new one every time, and original Apple cords are expensive (for cords). I have a suspicion that short-lived cords are special marketing ploy. Well, okay, on their conscience.
  • Lack of functions familiar to Android. I'm used to it, but I know it bothers many people. If you don’t hack, you won’t be able to listen to music on VKontakte, you won’t be able to download a torrent, you won’t be able to transfer anything via Bluetooth (although I have long since forgotten what Bluetooth is in general).
  • Memory.I bought the cheapest one, with 8 gig memory, this is really not enough. There are practically no games, not much music, photos have to be cleaned periodically. The most Last update can’t be installed anymore, there’s not enough space. Below I show my statistics for clarity. Therefore, take a phone immediately from 16 gig, and an iPad from 32 gig, my opinion.

Well, about “loading quickly” this is fantastic =))
Why, are there instructions for the pattiphone???
It loads quite quickly, even for me, an eternal racer with high demands on the speed of gadgets. In principle, I can turn on 3G, it’s not difficult for me, but in the city I mainly use Yandex traffic and look through my forums, mail, and look at everything else on the Internet at home and at work.
iOS 4.1 instructions (http://manuals.info.apple.com/ru_RU/iPhone_iOS4_User_Guide_RS.pdf)

I haven’t connected with the headset yet
but with another iPhone it’s not possible to transfer photos (
We also turned both devices into search mode...
I use PhotoShare from the app store for this.

Gooooooh, what the phone is missing is a gyroscope :)) well, the phone is for making calls, and also qwerty for the quip... for me, E63 is for the eyes and ears...
no, the iPhone is undoubtedly an interesting device, a lot of possibilities and so on.... but the tasks that it undertakes to solve are limited by a small display and, as I understand it, a 2-day battery...
but why buy a multi-tool with pliers, screwdrivers and tweezers to cut a sausage when the usual victorinox spartan is quite enough?
I’m just wondering what everyday tasks iPhone owners solve that they considered it necessary to purchase a device, please share...by the way, what’s it like with SSH?

P.S. aesthetics and so on can be omitted...
When asking a question about the gyroscope, I wanted to justify Anry13’s answer, what determines the cost of the iPhone, it’s lazy to describe all the technical characteristics, I threw a link and in general there is a search.
Some people only need calls from their phone, others need a multifunctional assistant device for leisure, work and development. I think for many gamers the iPhone's gyroscope has become decisive in choosing it as an everyday phone and game console outside the house. I know grown men who play online games on iPhones:065:
Small display? I do not know what to say. The only thing I can recommend is the iPad :))
Vitronix Spartan I don’t know what this is, please enlighten me.
SSH (http://www.lifeoftech.net/?p=1411). Terminal (http://idownloads.ru/330/term-vt100-iphone-terminal-tricks/) the only thing is that a jailbreak of the iPhone is required, as Apple’s policy does not imply user intervention in file system iPhone, which the US legislature did not approve when Apple went to court on this issue in July of this year.
I installed this on my old iPhone out of curiosity when I was tormenting it after the first jailbreak, but since I’m an ordinary user I didn’t need them :)

Therefore, I will describe how he solves everyday problems for me since you were interested.
Initially, I needed a high-quality display for reading books in minibuses, queues, and airplanes. Since additional details in the form of a stylus are incompatible with my rhythm of life and constant switching between activities, and the performance of devices with them was clearly inferior for me, this was the first ball on the scale of choice. Since my car was already looming on the horizon, it was necessary to have a navigator on the same device, traffic jams, I didn’t want to create additional devices and charge them. The availability of maps for other countries for the iPhone was also already in stock.
I like the rest big choice organizers, as a person who likes to plan a lot of things and at the same time get everything done, it’s important.
Convenient direct access to electricity. mail. I use Skype sometimes. I don't use ICQ.
I’m also not into toys, but sometimes I can have fun in a queue, and even for me, a non-gamer, the above-discussed gyroscope delights with its implementation.
I use a voice recorder at my lectures so that I can then listen to what I’m bringing into the classroom:065: Also, an iPhone and Mac can be used as a mouse and a presentation control panel.
Convenient programs for searching for banks and ATMs, restaurants, etc. in the immediate environment.
For fitness, several applications for calculating loads, counting lost calories, correctly performing exercises with a barbell, recording your individual programs physical training, index calculations.
Sometimes I use it as a spirit level, because I like to hang picture shelves myself and not nag anyone about it. You also have to use it as a ruler. I didn’t touch the compass, it’s also in the navigator.
A calculator and converters of currencies and measurements are often necessary.
Storing names and passwords for numerous accounts can also be conveniently organized in different programs.
Sometimes I watch TV channels. I look through news feeds. Just like sometimes an iPod is in the car, there is also a radio outside the car in nature.
I don’t particularly click photos, only to make notes of reminders, for example, a price tag, a product I liked, or some casuistry I see on the road, so that I can show it to my loved ones later.
I use a flashlight when all sorts of things turn off the elevator...... and I wander to..... the eleventh floor along the truly Black Staircase.
There are also translators and a lexical appendix; you have to turn to them often when writing official letters.
I also like the ability to scan business cards and barcodes with decoding, it turned out to be convenient.
I also managed to find applications in my specialty that were useful. For cars there are all sorts of traffic rules, AI, Inspector, Auto-Pro, too lazy to describe, but believe me, useful programs.
more applications for general development and interests, for example, I love astronomy, but I’ve already written a lot.
I’ll share my latest favorite program, which is already like a drug for me, so I can’t live without an iPhone)) Easywakeap alarm clock - I translate it as a light awakening. The principle is based on the operation of motion sensors in the iPhone, which react to a person’s movement during sleep in the REM phase of sleep - the most favorable for awakening - and turn on the alarm clock at exactly this time. I’ll omit the details, you can find them on the Internet. After using it for a while and getting some statistics, I chose the most likely interval for me to set the alarm for; the choice is, of course, small in the morning. Someone may not believe it, but for me it turned out to be a salvation, I get up easily with a normal mood, although I sleep little, I get up early, I woke up only with the alarm clock on the TV on the Music channel at full volume, followed by family scandals from this.
That's it, exhausted:065:
I apologize for the long text, brevity is not our talent. I looked at my post and was horrified. :)) Ostap got carried away.

In the section on the question How long should an iPhone 4 charge? given by the author Neurosis the best answer is About 8-10 o'clock

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How long should iPhone 4 charge?

Answer from hospitality[newbie]
it may simply load it less and the battery will drain less

Answer from Dan MIX[newbie]
So I know Iphone 4 costs 18,000 rubles, I know that it lasts almost 1 day if you don’t play with 3 G and WI-FI turned on. Conclusion: you need to turn off 3 G and WI-FI.

Answer from Anya Piterskaya[guru]
Strange. Although I have 4c (I don’t see much of a difference) in active use (3ji, I use the Internet, programs, music in headphones, geolocation on) = 7 hours with firmware 6.1.3. What update do you have?

Answer from rostrum[newbie]
If you play and listen to music all day, then 1 day max. and if you call so purely, then 2 days. My sister has a fourth and it lasts her for 1-2 days

Answer from ADMA[guru]
What year is the iPhone? The battery drains when long-term storage quite noticeable. Also, look on the Internet for ways to save battery. It is quite possible that you always have Wi-Fi or geolocation turned on or something else.
I have enough for at least a day.