Why do eggplants lose color? Why do eggplant inflorescences fall off and what to do? Lack or excess of nutrients

Why do eggplants lose color?  Why do eggplant inflorescences fall off and what to do?  Lack or excess of nutrients
Why do eggplants lose color? Why do eggplant inflorescences fall off and what to do? Lack or excess of nutrients

Why do eggplant flowers often fall off, but there are only a few ovaries, and even those fruits develop small and do not ripen for a long time? All these are the reasons why extreme conditions have developed in your area. unfavourable conditions for eggplants. This usually happens if they don't have enough water.

In drought conditions, eggplants may stop bearing fruit altogether. To prevent this from happening, they are watered two to three times a week. It is better to water in furrows with abundant loosening.

The ovary can also crumble due to sudden temperature changes. This happens when it is hot during the day and cold at night. In this case, the plants need to be sprayed with Novosil or Immunocytophyte.

If the plants grow very strongly, but there are almost no fruits, it means that the plants are fattening. This usually happens against the background of feeding with mullein or bird droppings. Stop fertilizing with nitrogen and fertilize the plants with a solution of superphosphate - 50-60 g per 10 liters of water.

Eggplants are self-pollinating plants. But this does not mean that they do not need help - in calm weather, the plants need to be slightly shaken to shake off pollen from the stamens and pollination occurs.


If the temperature exceeds +30° C, the pollen becomes sterile and fruits do not set. You can bring down the temperature with the help of refreshing waterings. They are carried out by wetting only the top layer of soil.

In the middle zone, eggplant flowering may stop. This happens in cold summers, when the temperature drops to +15° C. In such weather, the flowers are not pollinated and simply fall off.

Not enough can lead to the same consequences. fertile soil. Therefore, you can’t deprive eggplants of feeding.

There is an opinion that the eggplant sets fruit if the flower is exposed to sunlight. It’s difficult to say whether this is true, but eggplants should be planted on sunny areas where there is no shading.

And, of course, plants do not bear fruit if they are inhabited by spider mite ik. You can recognize the pest by the results of its work - it “decorates” the leaves with whitish dots. You can deal with it by spraying with Fufanon or Fitoverm.

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Sugar is addictive, like drugs... Eggplant is a true southerner.

This is the most heat-loving and capricious vegetable of the nightshades. It is afraid of temperature changes, suffers seriously even from slight frosts and is very demanding on soil moisture. Eggplants have particularly high demands on heat and moisture during fruiting. Fruits may not appear at all. If you don’t please the eggplants, the ovary will simply fall off.

To ensure a guaranteed harvest of eggplants, you need to plant varieties adapted to the weather in your area. Usually the Almaz variety is planted for these purposes. And the remaining varieties occupy no more than 2/3 of the area.

In order for the plants to have time to produce a harvest, seedlings are planted at the age of 6080 days. Since eggplant bushes are large, they are planted according to a 50x70 cm pattern.
Down with the extra inflorescences

If you want to get fruits of the highest quality, you will have to start rationing the inflorescences. To do this, after 10-15 inflorescences have formed on the bush, half of the top ones can be removed - the bush won’t be able to pull it all out anyway.
Eggplants in a greenhouse In greenhouses, plants grow to. Therefore, the bushes need to be normalized, leaving 2-3 of the strongest shoots, and removing the rest. We tie the remaining shoots to the trellis. This is especially important for indeterminate varieties, that is, those with unlimited growth.

We do not form only early ripening varieties - they produce only 5-8 fruits and stop growing on their own.

The fruits will set more actively if the trellis is periodically shaken. This simple technique will improve pollination of flowers.

Why do flowers fall off?
Eggplants have one problem - the flowers often fall off without setting fruit. The reason is temperature changes. Eggplant fruits set when the temperature at night does not drop below +15° C.

The second feature of eggplants is that they love water even more than peppers. The soil under eggplants should be moist all the time. If the soil dries out, the buds, flowers and even ovaries will fall off.

About fertilizing
He loves eggplant and fertilizing, so he needs to be fed every 10 days. First of all, they rely on nitrogen. That's why ammonium nitrate or urea must be on hand. Although complex fertilizers containing at least 20% nitrogen will also work.

You can replace mineral fertilizers using chicken manure. Eggplants respond well to feeding with microelements: copper, manganese and molybdenum.

About pests
Spider mites love eggplants, so you need to grow them alone, away from tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. If the mite does appear, then until the fruits have set, you can use Actelik or Fufanon against it.

Even experienced gardeners face the problem of eggplant flowers falling off. Most often this happens when. What are the reasons for this phenomenon? How to prevent or solve the problem that has arisen? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

What might plants lack in a greenhouse structure?

Eggplant is a heat-loving plant. IN open ground grown only in southern regions. In all other areas there are eggplants or greenhouses.

Therefore, do not be surprised if you were unable to enjoy the taste of dishes prepared from ripe fruits grown on your own plot in middle lane Russia.

Eggplants are very demanding in terms of care, watering, light, and soil. It is especially difficult to grow them in a greenhouse. The reason is due to improperly created conditions and errors in care. Let's look at why plants sometimes don't bloom or drop their ovaries. Here's why this can happen.

  • A lack of nitrogen fertilizers leads to slower growth and further yellowing and falling of leaves (read more about yellowing of leaves and fruits).
  • If it's not enough phosphate fertilizers, then the eggplants may not bloom or bloom sparingly and may not form ovaries.
  • Potassium deficiency may be indicated by brown spots on the fruits.
  • The lack of organic fertilizers. The best mixture for eggplants is a mixture of bird droppings, cow dung and weeds diluted with water.
  • Eggplant also reacts painfully to a lack of microelements: boron, iron, manganese, copper, which are responsible for the formation of buds and subsequent fruiting.

    Important! An excess of mineral and organic fertilizers is just as dangerous as their lack. In this case, it is better to err on the smaller side, that is, give less feeding rather than more.

  • Eggplants may not have enough light. The light should be moderate. Moreover, lighting is also necessary on the underside of the leaves. To do this, use the method of mulching with a white film that reflects light.
  • Very often, eggplants suffer from insufficient watering.

Why do the flowers fall off?

If eggplants are dropping their flowers, it is important to understand why this is happening. The reasons may be the following.

  • Insufficient light. Eggplants require a lot of light. And in the film greenhouse access sun rays limited.

    The problem of lack of light can be solved with the help of artificial lighting.

  • Improper watering: unsystematic watering; watering cold water; too much or too little watering. The water temperature should be at least +20 degrees. Watering with cold water weakens the plant. If you water the plant too much, it will begin to rot or, conversely, dry out if there is not enough moisture. As a result of mistakes in watering, flowers wither and fall off.
  • High air humidity. During the flowering period, eggplants need dry external environment. If humidity is high, pollen swells. The inflorescences cannot withstand the weight of wet pollen and fall off.

    To equip a ventilation system in the greenhouse.

  • Spider mite infestation. Characteristic signs: the presence of barely noticeable, almost colorless dots on the leaves, the appearance of a marble pattern and cobwebs on the underside of the leaf.

    Reference! To combat spider mites, use the drug “Fitoverm”.

  • Low temperature. Eggplants do not tolerate low temperatures. Comfortable temperature for their development: +25°C in daytime and not lower than +15°C at night.
  • Lack or excess of mineral fertilizers. The plant needs to ensure the correct ratio of elements such as phosphorus, potassium, boron and nitrogen. Lack of potassium and boron is one of the main reasons why flowers wither and fall off.

For what reasons do the bushes not bear fruit?

The reasons listed above for flower falling lead to a decrease in yield. However, it happens that the plant blooms, but there are still no fruits. Why is this happening? Main reasons.

  • Temperature violation. Optimum air temperature for eggplant growth and fruiting is +25°C-+27°C
  • Unsuitable soil. Eggplants cannot grow in acidic and very dense soil.

    Eggplants grow well in fertile, well-drained soil with neutral acidity.

  • Insufficient or improper watering. It is necessary to maintain constant moderate watering during the period of flowering, formation of ovaries and active fruiting.
  • Excess of mineral and organic fertilizers.

    Nitrogenous fertilizers are applied in early spring. Application of such fertilizers during the growing season - severe stress for a plant that can lead to the fall of flowers or already formed ovaries.

  • Large amount of pollen.

    Most eggplants are self-pollinating plants. Forms on flowers a large number of pollen. Sometimes it sticks together and becomes heavier, as a result of which self-pollination does not occur. Normally, only 60% of flowers self-pollinate and bear fruit, the rest fall off after flowering. If a lot of flowers fall off, the problem can be solved with the help of artificial, hand pollination.

What to do to save the harvest?

In most cases, it is possible to solve the problem and save the harvest. There are several effective ways.

  1. Spraying with preparations that stimulate growth, flowering and ripening of eggplants.

    “Bud” biostimulants are perfect for this purpose. “Ovary”, “Ivin”, “Biolan”, “Radostim”, “Regoplant” and their analogues.

  2. Adding potassium-phosphorus fertilizers or ash to the soil if the reason for the falling of flowers and the lack of ovaries is due to excess nitrogen.
  3. Regular shaking of flower stalks to prevent pollen from drying out or sticking together.
  4. Hand pollination.
  5. Timely correction of errors related to watering, temperature and light conditions.

Eggplant, although a very whimsical plant, is proper care, creating suitable conditions for its growth and development, will certainly delight you with ripe, tasty fruits. By following the recommendations given in the article, you can avoid the problem of eggplants dropping flowers.

Tasty and healthy, eggplants are one of the crops traditionally grown in gardens and greenhouses. Both experienced gardeners and beginners are engaged in their production. Having studied special literature on plants and listened to advice, we select seeds for planting, select and fertilize areas or soils in greenhouses, plant healthy and strong seedlings and hope to receive excellent result. But suddenly we encounter a problem: the buds and flowers of the plant fall off. Why do eggplant flowers fall off?

Shedding of flowers on eggplant due to irregular watering

Eggplants are quite demanding of moisture; there should be enough of it, although excess water makes eggplants sick. With a lack of water, the bushes stop growing, and their buds, ovaries, and flowers fall off. And if the eggplants have already grown, they will grow ugly in the future. Before they bloom, plants should be watered once every seven days with water at a temperature of 25-30°C from a 10-liter watering can. per 1 m2, and if it’s hot, then twice a week. When they bloom and then begin to bear fruit, they are watered twice a week with 12 liters each. per 1 m2. In this case, water at the root, being careful not to splash water. The greenhouse must be constantly ventilated to prevent water droplets from appearing on the film.

Shedding of flowers on eggplant due to high humidity

Sometimes flowers fall off due to high humidity air. During the period of flowering and pollination, the vegetable needs an extremely dry external environment (with the exception of moist soil) so that pollen does not settle inside the bud. Under the weight of wet and swollen pollen, the inflorescences leave the bush. To avoid such developments during the flowering period, arrange ventilation in the greenhouse. This will have a positive effect not only on the inflorescences, but also on the eggplant leaves.

Shedding of flowers on eggplant due to non-pollination of the plant

Flower drop in eggplants most often occurs as a result of the flower not being pollinated for one reason or another. Although eggplants are self-pollinating plants, mechanical “irritation” of the flower is necessary for pollination. In nature, this is done by insects. In greenhouses, this must be done manually (move the flower with a brush). Falling flowers may also be due to a lack of any nutrients in the soil or with insufficient lighting.

Shedding of flowers on eggplant due to weather conditions

A long and cold spring very quickly gave way to a hot summer, and therefore we tried to grow eggplants as much as possible more green masses and bloomed a little later than usual. It was here that they were overtaken by almost constant heat over 30 - what kind of fertilization is that? And pay attention to the almost complete absence of bees, which we mercilessly destroy while fighting pests and diseases.

Flower shedding on eggplant due to excess nitrogen

All nightshade crops should not be given excess nitrogen before the first ovaries appear. With excessive doses of nitrogen in initial period development, they shed buds and flowers.

Falling flowers on eggplant due to boron deficiency

One of the main reasons for the loss of white flowers is a lack of boron. In addition to the named symptom, this deficiency is also manifested by slow growth greenhouse plant. Decide this problem quite simple. To do this, it is enough to spray the solution boric acid(5 g of substance per bucket of water). You can also apply special fertilizers with a high boron content. This measure is resorted to more than three times a year.

Boric acid is a microfertilizer. Boron, which is part of this substance, is extremely necessary for eggplants, especially during the growing season. If you neglect this, you risk losing all the flowers and buds of this plant, which means you will lose your harvest.

Eggplant diseases and measures to combat them

Blackleg. The causative agent of this disease is a fungus. During the disease, darkening and constriction of the root collar occurs; sometimes a grayish coating can be seen on the darkened parts of the plant. When a plant is severely damaged, it gradually withers, and after the disease spreads to the roots, it begins to dry out. The disease appears after the start of germination. Increased soil and air humidity can accelerate the development of the disease, and the pathogen passes into the soil.

Control measures. If eggplants are grown in a greenhouse, then the soil is replaced or disinfected with a 200-gram solution of bleach per 10 liters. water. If a diseased plant is discovered, it is discarded and immediately destroyed. In order to prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to avoid sudden temperature changes. Also thin out the crops regularly to avoid thickening.

Tobacco mosaic. A fairly common and dangerous viral disease of eggplants. The leaves first lighten, and then spots of light green or dark green shades appear on them, reminiscent of a mosaic with their appearance. Often this causes deformation of the sheet. The disease must be stopped immediately at the first manifestations, otherwise it will lead to the death of the bush. There are cases when the virus affects only the root part of the plant. With this development of events, it is almost impossible to find out the cause of the death of the bush.

Methods of struggle. To prevent virus infection, treatment must begin with seed prevention before planting. To do this, they need to be soaked in a 20% solution. of hydrochloric acid for 30-40 minutes, then rinse well running water. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to process eggplants with skim milk, to which is added laundry soap(20 g of soap per 1 liter of milk). If you spray once every 10-15 days, the risk of tobacco mosaic will significantly decrease.

White rot (sclerotinia). First of all it is affected root system eggplants, and then the disease spreads to the stems and fruits.

On the affected stems appears white coating, solid inclusions form inside, which gradually become softer, as a result of which they disrupt the plant’s nutritional processes from the root system. The plant begins to wither and dry out. Affected eggplant fruits become watery and soft, and a whitish coating is also noticeable on them.

The disease usually manifests itself at the stage of planting seedlings in the ground, and develops especially well at low air temperatures. The pathogen may long time persist in the soil.

Protective measures. Timely removal of the affected parts of plants, dust the cut areas with wood ash and after 4-5 days fertilize with complex mineral fertilizer(per 10 liters of water 2 g of the drug), keep the garden bed clean, ventilate the greenhouse. As a preventive measure, three sprayings are carried out every 10-14 days with a 10 liter solution. water 2 tbsp. washing powder and 1 tsp. copper sulfate.

Eggplant pests and measures to combat them

Whitefly. In eggplant plantings you can see clusters of these small flying insects. They collect on the bottom of vegetable leaves. These pests (adults and larvae) feed on the sap of the plant, greatly weakening it. In large concentrations they can lead to death.

Control measures: we hang special yellow glue traps in the plantings. You can make them yourself by arranging small pieces of plywood or cardboard, painted white or yellow and lubricated with Vaseline, rosin or honey.

As insects accumulate, the adhesive is washed off and a new one is applied. To destroy whiteflies, you can also use insecticidal preparations such as Fitoferm, Iskra-bio, Aktara. These pests are well destroyed by Confidor.

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To do this, we spray the eggplant plantings with this preparation once a season.

Spider mite. The main thing is to detect the appearance of spider mites on eggplants in time, since this pest is very small and can only be seen with a very careful examination of the leaf surface under the light. During the initial period of a plant being affected by spider mites, small discolored dots (like pricks) can be seen on the surface of the leaves. Later, “marbling” appears on back side the leaf has a slightly noticeable web. The spider mite colony develops rapidly and with favorable conditions in 2-3 weeks it can destroy eggplants irrevocably. If measures are not taken in time, the spider mite can successfully overwinter under plant debris.

Control measures. To combat this pest, you can use an infusion of onion or dandelion, adding a little liquid soap. These infusions can be used even during the fruit formation phase.

Aphid. She loves warmth and high humidity. Very dangerous for plants growing in greenhouses. Plants grown in open ground, with plenty of rainfall and sufficient high temperatures may also suffer from aphid infestation.

Over the course of one summer, up to 20 generations of this pest grow, which cling to all parts of the plant and suck the juices out of them. At the same time, the flowers dry out and fall off, the leaves curl, and the fruits grow ugly.

Control measures. Can be used to control aphids special drugs(Arrow, Phosbecid, Spark). Or prepare solutions tobacco dust or wood ash(1 cup per bucket hot water, leave for 1 day, strain, add a little liquid soap and spray in the morning).

In gardening, it often happens that when flowering, a crop such as eggplant simply does not set. Meanwhile, plants could develop and grow perfectly well before this. But the factors that could lead to this problem include many various reasons. And they consist mainly in illiterate care vegetable crop. This often happens when growing plants in a greenhouse.

Reasons for the absence of ovaries

Eggplant is considered a rather fastidious crop, which is why you should provide the plant with everything the necessary conditions for growth and development, while unfavorable conditions should also be excluded.

There can be many reasons why there are no ovaries on eggplants.

  • The landing site was chosen incorrectly. When plants are planted close to each other, a shadow is created, and this is considered a direct threat, since the shadow can have a bad effect on the formation of ovaries. Therefore, planting should not be done near trees or tall crops.
  • Temperature conditions are not suitable. For excellent growth optimal temperature considered to be 25°-27° C. Development stops at 15°-18° C. At a set point of 32° C and above, eggplant fruits simply will not form. Temperature changes will also negatively affect the formation of ovaries.
  • The soil is not suitable for the crop. To obtain a rich harvest, planting should be done on fertile and drained soil, the pH level of the soil should be neutral. Podzolic soil and clay soil with a high level of acidity and with high density– all this simply will not allow the earth to warm up. It is under such conditions that eggplant fruits will set poorly.
  • Watering is carried out incorrectly. Moistened soil promotes the formation and further formation of flowers, and this will accordingly affect fruiting. Watering should be done infrequently, but the crop should be watered deeply. The soil needs to be moistened to a depth of 50 cm. Frequent watering can lead to a decline in the formation of ovaries, as well as to their further falling off.

  • Excessive influence of fertilizers. When feeding eggplants, you need to carefully monitor the amount of nutrients added. Since oversaturation with nitrogen will lead to a strong increase in green mass in plants, this will only negatively affect the formation and further formation of ovaries. Flowers in in this case there will be very little. And those that have already appeared will begin to dry out over time, and then disappear altogether. For this reason useful material, which contain nitrogen, it is recommended to apply only in the required dosages.
  • Excess pollen. Eggplant bushes are mostly self-pollinating. And for growing vegetables in a greenhouse this is considered quite convenient. And yet it happens when pollen simply fails to transfer to the inflorescences of bushes growing nearby. This could be due to too much pollen or too much high level moisture. As pollen accumulates over time, it becomes heavier and begins to stick together. Thus, the pollination procedure is disrupted, and then the ovaries do not form.

Too dark area. Sometimes eggplants may not form ovaries for a fairly simple reason - the beds are located in a dark area. Therefore, if trees grow close to the planted crop, you will have to trim their crown so that sunlight can peer through it. Still, it is better to immediately select the right area for planting.

You can always prevent incorrect or poor formation and formation of fruits, the main thing is to adhere to the existing rules.

  • Seedlings need to be planted in a lighted area.
  • Perform soil analysis. In the greenhouse, the soil is specially prepared before planting the crop, that is, they add turf land with humus.
  • It is necessary to form the bushes correctly, that is, completely remove incorrectly formed ovaries with leaves that prevent flowers from obtaining sunlight. The main thing here is not to overdo it. You can't remove too many leaves. Because this can disrupt the entire development process of the plant. Diseased, yellowed leaves should be removed in a timely manner. During the formation of the fruit, it is necessary to remove the remaining corollas of the flower, because if this is not done, it will begin to rot. And this can lead to spoilage and subsequent rotting of the fruit itself.
  • The greenhouse should be ventilated more often. You should always monitor the temperature inside. To lower the temperature, several frames can be raised. If the night time is set too low temperature, seedlings need to be covered with protective material. In addition, you can use ordinary hay. So that the soil has time to warm up before planting, for example, in autumn period, pre-dug trenches are filled with slightly rotted manure, sometimes compost is used instead of manure.
  • The soil needs to be moistened correctly. Watering should be done once every 7-10 days, with one square meter the plot uses about 40 liters of water. In addition, the soil must be saturated with oxygen; for this it is necessary to loosen it regularly.
  • To prevent pollen from drying out, shake it from the flowers from time to time. You can even increase pollination in this way. With varieties that require pollinators, the procedure is carried out artificial method. Here you can use a brush to take pollen from the yellow ripe anther and then transfer it to the stigmas of the flowers' pistils.

The crop must be fertilized according to a special scheme. The first fertilizing should be done a few weeks immediately after the seedlings have been planted. The next feeding should be done before the formation of eggplant fruits; here it is better to use a complex of preparations. Final fertilizing should be done during fruiting; it is better to use potassium fertilizers with phosphorus.

Reasons for falling buds

The most common unpleasant problem is the falling of buds on eggplant bushes even before they bloom.

The reasons for this, by the way, are the most common:

  • sudden temperature change;
  • drying out of the soil;
  • insufficient amounts of microelements.

To begin with, you should follow the agricultural technology of the crop itself; the soil must be appropriate, as well as fertilizers. Landing must be carried out seedling method, keep an eye on temperature conditions, properly water and care for plants.

If climatic conditions too cold for eggplant cultivation, and summer season short and short-lived, in this case it is better to choose an early ripening variety and plant it in a greenhouse.

In addition to good lighting and regular watering, you should monitor the weeds in the beds; there should not be any, and if they appear, they should be eliminated immediately. If you follow all the recommendations, the ovaries, inflorescences and leaves do not fall off and remain in their places, and the eggplant will bear excellent harvest. One should not forget about fertilizers, since none cultivated plant is not able to independently produce mineral compounds in sufficient quantities to ensure full fruiting, flowering or growth.

About secrets good harvest eggplant can be found in the video below.