Why you shouldn't leave food in cast iron dishes. Cast iron cookware - or how to continue living.... Advantages and disadvantages of cast iron cookware

Why you shouldn't leave food in cast iron dishes. Cast iron cookware - or how to continue living.... Advantages and disadvantages of cast iron cookware

Cast iron cookware has always been popular. There was a certain period in the history of the kitchen when, in the wake of the popularity of non-stick coatings, grandma's frying pans faded into the background, but now it is difficult not to appreciate the quality of cast iron cookware, because it has been tested for many decades. Today we will tell you which cast iron cookware is better.

Features of cast iron cookware

There are many opinions about cast iron cookware, but they all boil down to the fact that it is one of the best for preparing tasty and healthy food.

Cast iron cookware meets almost all the needs of housewives. It has a long service life, is easy to use, and food does not stick to it.

An important fact is that products prepared in such dishes have a good taste and can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time if there is an internal enamel coating. It is not recommended to leave prepared food in cast iron cookware without some kind of factory protective layer; food can cause corrosion on the surface of the cookware.

What types of cookware are made of cast iron?

Cast iron cookware is in good demand in the kitchen utensils market, because it has proven itself to be durable and convenient. The range of such cookware is expanding, many varieties are appearing, adding additional properties to cast iron. Let's look at what it is like and which cast iron cookware is better.

Cast iron cookware for induction cookers

Many owners of induction cookers may be concerned about whether cast iron cookware is suitable for use on such cookers.

The peculiarity of the dishes should be that they are susceptible to magnetic attraction. This is the main indicator. Cast iron alloy has the property of attracting magnets, so it is excellent for induction cookers.

Another criterion is the evenness of the bottom, but as a rule, cast iron cookware does not have problems with this.

Enameled cast iron cookware is also suitable for use on an induction cooktop because the enamel layer is not so thick that it blocks the magnetizing properties.

Enameled cast iron cookware

Enameled cast iron cookware has a number of undeniable advantages over uncoated cookware.

Let's start with the fact that the dishes are enameled both inside and outside. On the outside, enamel gives cast iron cookware a beautiful, aesthetic appearance; it can be matched in style to the interior of the kitchen.

The inside of cast iron cookware can be coated with glass enamel. This substance is approved for use in kitchen utensils because it is inert: it does not affect the products it comes into contact with, and food cooked in enamel cookware does not interact with the protective layer of enamel.

The food in such dishes does not spoil for a long time, and it itself does not need to be prepared for use for a long time; it is enough to heat it once and cool under natural conditions, lubricated with oil.

The enamel coating lasts a long time, but not forever. To preserve it for as long as possible, do not cool the dishes under cold water, let them cool naturally.

The situation is the same with dishes from the refrigerator: do not heat the food right away, either transfer it to another dish and heat it in it, or leave it for a while at room temperature to prevent damage to the enamel due to strong temperature changes.

It is better to put abrasives, hard sponges, metal spatulas, spoons and other utensils that can harm enamel away if you do not want good cast iron cookware to become unusable. After all, chips and scratches on the enamel lead to the development of rust at the damage site. In this case, it is best to stop using this utensil for preparing and storing food.

Cast iron cookware with Teflon coating

Teflon coating is a cheaper and less durable analogue of enamel.

Firstly, it is applied only from the inside, and on the outside you still have a black, uniform surface.

Secondly, after the service life, as a rule, no more than 3-4 years of active use, or even less, the Teflon coating begins to peel away from the walls of cast iron, and not only, cookware, which makes it impossible to use it for cooking.

This protective layer is also quite easy to damage, so you need to take special care when caring for cast iron cookware with a Teflon coating.

However, the Teflon coating has 100% non-stick properties, so you don’t have to worry about the quality of your culinary dishes.

Cast iron cookware comes with enamel and Teflon coating

Caring for cast iron cookware

If the cast iron cookware you purchased does not have any coating, then before using it for the first time you need to take a number of measures to ensure that it lasts a long time, and that the food in it does not burn and has excellent taste.

Don't treat preparing dishes for use as a chore. This is rather a ritual from which your cooking creativity begins, together with the acquired kitchen utensils.

After you have thoroughly washed your brand new cast iron cookware with detergent, it needs to be annealed several times over a fire. The first time - just ignite and cool. Then heat it again by pouring salt into it. You will need a lot of salt, about a kilogram or a little less, depending on the type of container. Cool again. The last time you need to ignite the empty container, and immediately after that, generously grease it with oil and leave it. And you should leave it in a preheated oven for several hours. And only after this the new dishes are ready for use.

This way, cast iron cookware will acquire the non-stick qualities you need, will be less prone to oxidation and will serve you for many years. And you can rightfully call it yours, because you contributed to its creation, invested work, strength and soul.

Subsequently, after each use of cast iron cookware, you need to follow certain simple care rules. After washing with detergent, pour hot boiling water over the dishes and grease with oil. There is no need to wash off the oil; it creates a protective barrier against corrosion.

Damage to cast iron cookware

The harm of cast iron cookware has not yet been proven or noticed.

The only thing that may cause concern to the buyer is the oil coating from the factory, which must be removed before first use, as described above.

Cast iron cookware with an enamel coating can also be harmful if chips appear there and the rusting process begins.

During normal use, cast iron cookware is quite environmentally friendly, and even long-term use does not pose a health hazard.

What to cook in cast iron cookware?

Cast iron cookware has such remarkable properties as thick walls and relatively low thermal conductivity. Due to this, the entire cookware is heated evenly and acts on the products placed in it during the cooking process from all sides.

This feature, coupled with the non-stick properties of cast iron cookware, makes long-term simmering and stewing possible without compromising the taste and without the fear of burning the dish.

It turns out that cast iron cookware is ideal for people who adhere to a healthy diet for whatever reason. If you have a desire to lose weight, cast iron cookware will help you. It will provide you with healthy, vegetable-based meals without a drop of oil.

If you are forced to follow a special diet for health reasons, then stewed food is just what the doctor ordered.

From the above it follows that in cast iron cookware all kinds of stews, stewed vegetables with meat, fish with stewed side dishes, julienne, pilaf and other dishes that require a long cooking time are excellent.

Cast iron skillets can be used to cook pie or other baked goods that are baked in the oven, because many models have cast oven-safe handles.

Pancakes in a cast-iron frying pan turn out especially thin and “lacey,” but if you wish, you can make thick pancakes with equal success; they will also fry evenly and have a ruddy, appetizing appearance.

Cast iron cookware is non-stick and durable

The best manufacturers of cast iron cookware

When choosing cast iron cookware, the manufacturer plays an important role. What is its reputation, production and supply conditions, product range, focus on which market - all these and many other questions need to be addressed for yourself.

We will present you with a brief description of the best manufacturers of cast iron cookware both in Russia and abroad.


The Ukrainian company Siton has a wide range of cast iron cookware and occupies a stable position in the market.

The Seaton product range includes both uncoated and enameled cookware. Please note that the enameled coating of Siton cast iron cookware has several colors, which is quite an interesting style solution and diversifies the market offer.


Another Ukrainian company producing cast iron cookware is Biol. Here, cast dishes are produced, the so-called “workhorse”, which will serve you faithfully for many years.

At the factory, each unit of product is treated with oil, which prevents corrosion and has a non-stick effect.


The Lodge company has been originating from America for over 100 years. Cast iron cookware is produced here without special coating.

When choosing tableware from this brand, you can rely on their many years of experience and desire to meet modern realities. Lodge are constantly modernizing their production, adjusting it to the modern wave.

Their main trump card in the market is adherence to traditions.

Kama dishes

Several years ago, Kamskaya Posuda LLC entered the Russian market. This company, one might say, is still on the threshold of development and is focused on the Russian consumer.

Products made from uncoated cast iron are produced here; the assortment fully meets the needs of customers.

Kamskaya Posuda LLC follows the principle that demand creates supply and does not deviate from it, especially since we get quite good quality at an affordable price.

Le creuset

If you're looking for something stylish and functional for your kitchen, consider Le Creuset cast iron cookware.

This company has its own large production in France and focuses on design and the durability of the enamel.

Le creuset juggles with all sorts of colors and external decoration of products, so that there is a stylish solution for every kitchen.

Internal glass enamel does not create restrictions in the use of abrasive surfaces and detergents; it is resistant to temperature changes and wear.


A very young company, Ecolit, has Ukrainian roots and entered the market only in 2016.

Despite such a young production, Ecolit already has an impressive range. According to them, all products undergo mandatory quality control and meet all standards accepted for cast iron cookware.


The French manufacturer of cast iron cookware, Staub, is known throughout the world for its excellent quality and wide range of products. Staub cast iron cookware is prepared at the factory, so there are no special rituals that need to be performed before you start cooking with it.

The durable enamel coating is resistant to chipping - this is also one of the “pluses” for which Staub is so valued by both ordinary consumers and owners of expensive restaurants.

Staub has a large production base, strict quality control, and a development center that consistently develops various innovations for cast iron cookware.

Where to buy cast iron cookware?

It will be difficult for you to find cast iron cookware in hypermarkets. If you suddenly come across it, carefully study the manufacturer and reviews, since not all products from the “massmarket” series can be trusted. You should also not buy cast iron cookware from hypermarkets under the hypermarket’s own brand; it is better to spend money and buy a quality product with a good reputation.

Good cast iron cookware can be bought in specialized cookware stores that stock the main brands, and a sales assistant will help you with your choice if you find it difficult to decide.

Also, one of the options to have high-quality cast iron cookware in your kitchen is to order directly from the manufacturer. Now in the Internet era, almost every consumer-oriented manufacturing company has its own online store where you can purchase branded products with a guarantee of quality.

If a defective batch is delivered to you, for example, with chips, you can exchange it by sending it back, because every manufacturer cares about its image. Although it would be a good idea to clarify the terms of return and delivery.

When buying another set of dishes, few of us think about the dangers of a new purchase. Housewives are happy to update their kitchen equipment, choosing new items based on their appearance. In other words, most women buy dishes based on the principle of like it or not. But as practice shows, today there are samples of kitchen equipment on sale that can harm human health. How to choose safe and durable cookware?

About the article:

Safety utensils

In the assortment of modern stores you can find various types of kitchen containers made from various materials. You shouldn’t rush and buy the first pot or pan you like. First, you need to find out from the seller or from the information on the label from the manufacturer what material this product is made of.

  • Cast iron
  • Clays
  • Of stainless steel
  • With enamel surface

Any other material used for the production of kitchen utensils can cause significant harm to human health.

If the product is of poor quality, made from a material that contains nickel, the following effects are possible:

  • Release of toxic substances during heating.
  • Causing a severe allergic reaction that leads to poisoning.
  • Getting into the gastrointestinal tract of harmful substances that can cause an unpredictable reaction in the body.

About the benefits and harm of different dishes

Cast iron kitchen utensils are great for frying and boiling any food. Cast iron has unique environmentally friendly properties. When exposed to high temperatures, this material does not emit any harmful substances, which means it is absolutely safe for humans. An interesting fact is that over time, cast iron cookware becomes even safer and much more durable.

Kitchen utensils made of aluminum are considered the most dangerous for human well-being. Under the influence of high temperatures, ions are released from the metal. If you boil milk or any dish with an acidic environment in an aluminum ladle, dangerous ions combine with the acids contained in the product and form a dangerous compound.

Knowing about the dangers from aluminum cookware, it is prohibited:

  • Cook vegetable soups and fry any foods in such pans.
  • Use these containers for daily cooking.
  • Store any food in them.

If possible, you should stop using aluminum kitchen utensils and opt for cookware made from other, more harmless materials.

Copper utensils are not harmful to health. During heating, copper ions can enter food, but they do not pose any particular danger to the body, since they are very quickly eliminated by the excretory system. But still, cooks know about the dangers of copper cookware, which consists in the destruction of a large amount of vitamins contained in vegetables and fruits. Given this fact, it is recommended to cook meat and fish without vegetables in copper pans.

Popular enamel kitchen utensils are safe in most cases. However, you need to know the secret.

It turns out that the following enamel colors are considered the most harmless to human health:

  • Snow White
  • Creamy beige
  • Sky gray
  • Black
  • Cobalt

Yellow, red and brown enamel are not able to protect the user from ions that form in the metal when heated.

Popular sets of stainless steel pans can also be harmful to health. If you buy cheap Chinese cookware, you will probably suffer from its use. Chinese stainless steel contains a high nickel content. Under the influence of high temperatures and due to the influence of acids contained in vegetables and fruits, nickel forms harmful compounds. Chefs do not recommend preparing vegetable juices in stainless steel containers. Because when heated, acids are activated and react with nickel.

The benefits and harms of plastic dishes are clearly demonstrated when heated. On the one hand, there are convenient containers in which most housewives store ready-made dishes. On the other hand, it is better not to heat plastic dishes. When exposed to high temperatures, plastic releases chemical components harmful to humans that penetrate food. Moreover, low-quality plastic can melt when heated. Considering the negative aspects of plastic utensils, it is not recommended to use them daily.

About dishwashing detergents

When studying the degree of harmfulness of dishes made from a particular material, let’s not forget that there is harm from dish detergents. Washing kitchen utensils is a mandatory daily activity. Of course, every housewife uses fashionable chemical cleaning products. Are they harmful to health? The question is rhetorical. Of course they are harmful. However, to reduce the harmful effects after soaping plates and pots, it is recommended to rinse the equipment as thoroughly as possible.

In custody

So, the safest types of cookware are cast iron, clay, and enameled. They do not emit harmful substances when exposed to high temperatures, and do not enter into dangerous chemical reactions with acids contained in products. When choosing detergents and sponges for washing kitchen utensils, it is recommended to choose products with a minimum amount of hazardous components.

Now the time has come when people are trying to forget everything that happened literally 20-25 years ago. We try our best to keep up with the times, and we don’t notice how we attribute even good things that have been tested over the years to relics of time. This particularly applies to cast iron cookware. In pursuit of fashion and new technologies, we almost lost such kitchen utensils forever.

Of course, it is not as beautiful as, for example, new Teflon frying pans or cauldrons, but a cast iron frying pan is much stronger and more durable. Our grandmothers would never trade a cast-iron cauldron for a Teflon “it’s not clear what” for anything in the world.

Once you try to cook something with such a wonderful invention, you will never want to cook at all again. Of course, Teflon has several advantages - it is “non-stick” and light, but that’s where all the positive qualities end and the downsides begin...

As for cast iron cookware, it is made from an alloy of iron and carbon. There are no more additives in such dishes, and there cannot be. This means that food prepared in such dishes will be much less harmful. Cast iron has simply fantastic properties of high heat capacity and low thermal conductivity, i.e. It heats up slowly and cools just as slowly, thanks to this the food has time to steam a little more after being removed from the stove.

It is also important to note that cast iron does not react with food, is very resistant to acids and does not rust. Cast iron cookware has another excellent quality - uniform heating. Not only the bottom, but also the sides are heated evenly. Such dishes require almost no maintenance; it is not even recommended to wash them; simply wipe them with a napkin or rag after use. Of course, this presupposes the presence of a large number of cast iron utensils in the house, so that there is a separate “pancake” frying pan, “fish” frying pan and for meat.

The only disadvantage of cast iron utensils is their weight. Cast iron cookware is always cast from a thick layer and, therefore, heavy. But this can also be a plus. For example, you can replace one fitness class with baking pancakes in two pans for a large family.

In order for cast iron cookware to serve its owner faithfully, it must be properly prepared for use. A new frying pan must be washed to remove the factory grease; this will be its only “bath” during its entire service life. Then pour about 5-7 millimeters of olive or corn oil, if you don’t have it in your kitchen, then you can use sunflower oil and heat it over the fire for about twenty minutes. After this, pour out the oil and wipe the pan thoroughly. Your new cast iron skillet is ready to go.

Today, in any specialized store you can purchase a variety of non-stick, aluminum and enamel pots, kettles and frying pans. However, despite such diversity, many housewives still use cast iron cookware. This durable but heavy utensil was until recently considered a relic of the Soviet era, but today it has regained its former popularity. After reading this article, you will learn what kind of care cast iron cookware requires and how to choose the right products.

Advantages of this material

Products made from this heavy metal are characterized by increased heat resistance. They are able to withstand high temperatures and retain heat for a long time. Cast iron cookware is ideal for roasting meat. You can absolutely safely place it in a preheated oven without worrying that it will burst.

This material is chemically inert. It is resistant to aggressive acid and alkaline environments. Therefore, it will not react with food cooked in cast iron cookware.

Such utensils are considered universal. It can be used with equal success both over an open fire and in the oven. The dishes prepared in it have a special taste. Strong and durable, cast iron cookware can be passed down from generation to generation.

Does it have any disadvantages?

Like any other material, cast iron has several disadvantages. The most significant of them is the relatively large weight of the products. In addition, dishes made from it are susceptible to corrosion. Therefore, it requires special care. Due to improper use, rust may appear on the surface of pots and pans. In addition, even the best cast iron cookware is capable of absorbing certain food aromas and transferring them to other products cooked in it.

What to look for when purchasing?

On the shelves of modern stores there is a huge assortment of pots and pans. In order to choose truly high-quality products among all the variety presented, you need to pay attention to several important criteria. First of all, you need to check how heavy the cast iron cookware you like is. Manufacturers have begun to produce lightweight versions of such products, but it is still advisable to give preference to weighty frying pans. The more massive they are, the longer they will last.

You also need to consider the purposes for which the product is purchased. So, a small frying pan with low sides is ideal for cooking pancakes. If you plan to cook food for a large family in it, then it is better to opt for the option with high sides.

It is advisable that cast iron cookware be equipped with a lid, under which it is convenient to cook all kinds of dishes. Otherwise, the greasy juice will splatter all over the kitchen, and you will have to clean the stove frequently. The handle of the product requires no less attention. It would be good if it was removable. But it’s even better to get dishes with handles that don’t deform when exposed to high temperatures.

How to prepare the product for use?

Before first use, cast iron cookware must be pre-treated. This is necessary to clean it from traces of machine oil. First of all, wash in hot water using detergent. After this, you need to pour regular salt into the frying pan and heat it for 40-60 minutes. This can be done both on the stove and in the oven, preheated to 175-200 degrees. These simple manipulations will eliminate unpleasant odors.

Then the surface of the frying pan needs to be greased with vegetable oil and heated again, this time for half an hour. As a result of this simple action, a kind of protective layer is formed that has a slight non-stick effect and prevents corrosion.

How to care for cast iron cookware?

Kitchen utensils made from this material are susceptible to corrosion. To extend its service life, you must follow a few simple rules. We must not forget that such dishes are not suitable for long-term storage of food. Food prepared in it should be transferred to other containers or containers.

It is forbidden to wash cast iron cookware using abrasives that destroy the product. Do not store wet pans. After each wash they need to be dried thoroughly. To do this, it is recommended to put the dishes on the fire until the moisture completely evaporates.

It is advisable to store cast iron cauldrons and frying pans in a dry, well-ventilated place. If for some reason the dishes begin to rust, they can be restored. This is a fairly simple procedure that does not require special skills or funds. An abrasive can be used to remove any rust that has formed. In simple cases, an ordinary dishwashing sponge is sufficient to restore cast iron; in more complex situations, sandpaper will do. After this, the product must be thoroughly washed under running hot water and calcined for half an hour.

Cast iron cookware: reviews

Housewives who use such products note that food cooked in them acquires special taste qualities. In addition, cauldrons are highly durable and can last for decades. In some families they are passed down from grandmothers to granddaughters.

For over 2,000 years, iron and steel have been used by humanity as reliable cooking surfaces. Zozhnik translated the text with a scientific analysis - how iron (and its kitchen variations: steel, cast iron) are dangerous / beneficial for our health.

Iron price: shortage and excess in the body

Let's look at what science knows.

The very fact that iron utensils have been used for thousands of years indirectly confirms the absence of acute negative effects on health. True, this does not yet mean absolute safety.

We cannot dig iron out of the ground. Pure 100% iron (the Ferrum element) can only be obtained from fallen meteorites; it is quite soft and ... it cannot be used in its pure form to create frying pans. But, one way or another, approximately 97-98% of a cast iron pan is pure iron, which makes it the most interesting in matters of health.

Cast iron is a mixture of iron with carbon and other elements. Cast iron contains at least 2% carbon, which makes the iron harder and less viscous. If the carbon content in an alloy with iron is less than 2%, then it is already classified as steel. But one way or another, both cast iron and steel are approximately 97-98% iron.

Cast iron or carbon steel are quite similar in manufacture and use, making them quite similar, while the potential health hazards are quite similar between cast iron and steel coatings.

In addition to building skyscrapers, iron makes excellent frying pans and particles of this mineral from the frying pan end up in your food.

Yes, iron is also a mineral needed by our body. And considering that about 1.6 billion people in the world (or about 1/5 of the entire population of the Earth) lack iron in their bodies, is the fact that iron from dishes gets into our body good or bad?

In civilized countries, for example in the USA, the proportion of people experiencing anemia due to iron deficiency is less than the world average - about 5 million people (about 1.5% of the population).

The main symptoms of low iron in the body:

  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Pallor
  • Weakness
  • Constantly feeling tired
  • Tachycardia

Excess iron in the body is also a problem

Excess iron is also a problem for the body and is associated by scientists with a huge number of diseases, including Alzheimer's syndrome, heart failure, colorectal cancer - just to name a few.

For the more than 1 million Americans with a family history of hemochromatosis (a condition of adults who consume too much so-called dietary iron), the risk is increased, and children are also at risk. Thus, in 1980 this led to the deliberate removal of iron from children's multivitamins.

And no matter how strange it may sound, there are some groups of people who should not worry about excess iron inside at all: girls during their menstrual period and vegans / vegetarians - they are more likely to have a deficiency of this element. For everyone else, especially red meat lovers, it would be useful to know how to get rid of excess iron.

People predisposed to excessive iron levels in the body:

Red (dangerous level) - people with congenital hemochromatosis, green (most likely excessive level) - meat consumers, men, women during menopause. Blue (reduced risk) – women during menstruation, vegans, vegetarians.

Both amateurs and professionals in their field call iron a “useful” element. However, an excess of this element can lead to disease. Some vitamins and foods contribute to the accumulation of iron, which can later develop the disease.

For example, some of the most well-known multivitamins on pharmacy shelves contain 100% of the recommended daily intake of iron in one tablet. In addition to this pill, you eat a box of iron-rich cereals (per serving can contain 50% of your daily iron requirement), plus iron-rich red meat, iron-containing energy bars, and so on every day. As a result, the iron limit in the body is exceeded.

How to maintain optimal iron levels in the body

Before reducing or increasing your iron intake, you can have your blood tested for iron content in any medical laboratory. In the same “Invitro” it costs 430 rubles.

If you are at risk of accumulating excess iron, then there are 3 main strategies for optimizing it:

1. The first is simply to eat less iron-containing foods and opt for multivitamins without iron.

2. Secondly, you can consume inhibitors like coffee or certain phytochemicals from plants.

3. The third strategy is the most radical and involves donating blood on a fairly frequent basis, thereby freeing the iron from your red blood cells. What is the advantage of choosing donation? This does not entail changes in diet, and in addition, you are also helping someone who needs this very blood.

How much iron are we talking about?

Let's return to our frying pans.

Men need and only need 8 mg of iron per day, while a serving of tomato paste cooked in a cast iron bowl will provide as much as 5 mg of iron!

Yes, cooking with cast iron has long been used to combat anemia. Many studies have shown(a link to one of them is in the picture above) that cast iron pots and pans help increase iron in the body, and also increase its content in certain foods.

However, iron from frying pan is not a form of the same iron found in the non-protein part of hemoglobin and is not as well absorbed as iron from meat. However, vitamin C greatly increases absorption along with acidity. That is, products like lemon or tomato paste increase the absorption of this element.

If you want to prevent excessive iron release from cast iron pans, make sure the cast iron is sufficiently well oiled. A new pot or pan that is prone to food sticking will release more iron into the food than an old pan.

3 other factors that contribute to excess iron in food:

  • use of liquid
  • increased cooking time,
  • Stirring too frequently during cooking.

Stainless steel: iron in food is not an acute problem

What about stainless steel? After all, steel consists mainly of iron.

10% of the surface of stainless pans is chrome. This thin layer of chromium oxide makes them more resistant to moisture and rust, whereas cast iron pans can oxidize quite quickly.

And it’s difficult for moisture to get into stainless steel dishes, and it’s difficult for iron to find its way out of it and into food. Thus, For steel cookware, iron leaching is not a major problem.

But this does not mean that stainless steel is 100% safe, because some people are allergic to nickel and chromium, and both of these metals can theoretically be released from these cookware. We would advise such people to use enamel cookware.

Observant people note how easily a cast iron frying pan gives off iron if you don't watch it closely.

How to “oil” cast iron cookware

It is advisable to do this for several years in a row: like wine and cheese, cast iron only gets better with time.

The chemistry of the process is very simple. Take mostly unsaturated fats like flaxseed oil. When exposed to high temperature, which acts as a catalyst, the unsaturated fatty acids are oxidized, then polymerized into a pore-filling coating, and further heating chars/hardens the coating. Well-oiled cast iron has a deep black color and is non-stick.

Pots (pans) in factories are also soaked in oil, but only to prevent the formation of rust, which is clearly not enough. Gradually carry out this procedure with thin layers of oil to avoid excessive grease in the dishes.

Also, remember the importance of temperature. 260 degrees, for example, is too high a temperature and the entire layer of oil will burn out, but an insufficiently high temperature of 150 degrees will interfere with your plans, since it will not be able to ensure sufficient polymerization of fatty acids. Such enrichment of cast iron with oils is not only recommended, but necessary.

Different dishes in different dishes

Some of the disadvantages of cast iron cookware can be offset by using multiple types of pans, especially if you love to cook. Even Teflon-coated cookware, hated by many, is used by sophisticated chefs to cook scrambled eggs. Teflon does not emit harmful substances (unless cooked at extreme temperatures). However, if you use these frying pans for a long time, cooking at high temperatures, then you can talk about the dangers of the toxic fumes they emit; in addition, the Teflon coating also loses its properties over time.

Overall, it can be concluded that, based on a number of factors, There are no perfect frying pans, whether we are talking about 100% health safety, non-stick properties, ability to retain heat, ease of use or speed of heating.