Why does my iPhone quickly run out of internet traffic? How to reduce data consumption on iPhone and iPad? How to disable self-updating of applications on iPhone

Why does my iPhone quickly run out of internet traffic? How to reduce data consumption on iPhone and iPad? How to disable self-updating of applications on iPhone

iMessage is a convenient service that allows users of iOS/MacOS devices to exchange text messages and content without the need to use SMS/MMS. If you have problems sending messages, there can be many reasons, from Internet problems to system bugs. We suggest taking a closer look at the question of why iMessage does not send messages. Get ready to learn how to set up your iOS device.

Incorrect setting

First of all, you need to make sure that the Internet is turned on and the network is available. Otherwise, iMessage will not turn on. Go to settings, check the Internet, move the switch to “Enable” mode in iMessage settings. Incorrect configuration means problems with the specified Apple ID data. It happens that the message does not arrive due to lack of Internet. In this case, move the “Send as SMS” switch. The operator will charge an additional fee for using the SMS service.

System bugs

If iMesage does not turn on on the device, the problem may be a system flaw. This happened with iOS7, where you had to turn off the Internet in the settings and reconnect. The release of the latest versions of the system solved this problem. Therefore, if you have not updated yet, we recommend that you do so. And then the iPhone and other devices will begin to receive iMessage as usual. To update, go to “Settings”, “Software Update”, the device will find the latest updates and offer to download and install them. To do this, you need to have free disk space and a sufficiently charged battery.

Server problems

It happens that problems occur on the servers themselves. As a result, iMessage is not activated and difficulties arise in working with it. All you have to do is just wait a bit until the server starts working. You can turn to a search engine and meet people on forums who are currently experiencing a similar problem.

Internet problem: operators and Wi-Fi

Internet problems can be different:

  • The money in your account has run out. If you use exclusively 3G and you do not receive the message, try connecting to the nearest available Wi-Fi network. This may completely solve the problem. Or simply deposit money into your account in any convenient and possible way.
  • Problems with 3G. Perhaps it simply does not catch the network in poor coverage. This usually happens in basements and outside the city. Sometimes the problems arise quite serious: the 3G module breaks down due to various damages. It requires replacement.
  • Wi-Fi problems. The issue may be due to incorrect configuration, network congestion, or problems with the Wi-Fi module itself. If it fails, you need to take your iPhone (or other device) to a service center, where an experienced technician will fix everything.

If iMessage doesn't work, first of all go to the settings and check if everything is configured correctly. If it turns out that there are serious problems with the Internet regarding the hardware, take your iPad or iPhone to a workshop!

Quite often, iPhone users encounter problems activating iMessage. The smartphone may report that it is waiting for iMessage to be activated, write that it cannot connect to the iMessage server, or simply not send messages, even if all the settings seem to be made correctly. This guide tells you what to do if iMessage is not activated.

Note: in the instructions we have listed various ways to fix the error with the inability to activate iMessage, starting with simple methods and ending with rather non-standard ones. If you have already tried one or more of these methods, just move further down the list - something will definitely help!

Updated May 18, 2018!Due to Roskomnadzor blocking, many Beeline subscribers. The problem in this case can only be solved in one way - using a VPN, for example, here this free application or a verified application. It is expected that the problem with iMessage for Beeline subscribers will be temporary.

Reboot your iPhone

Let's start with the simplest one - a way to solve the problem by forcing a reboot, which helps reset iOS software errors. Hold down the buttons Nutrition And Home(Volume Down button on iPhone 7/7 Plus) and hold them until the Apple logo appears on the screen.

Top up your account

Activation of iMessage occurs after sending a service message that costs several rubles. Make sure you have funds in your phone account and top up your balance if necessary, then try activating iMessage again.

Very often, users are faced with the fact that iMessage randomly “falls off”, which is why multiple debits from their mobile phone account occur. If you came across this instruction in order to find a solution to this particular problem, then try the methods listed below - they may help get rid of the problem.

Reset network settings

Go to menu " Settings» → « Basic» → « Reset" and press " Reset network settings" This operation is often a lifesaver in case of various iMessage-related problems. Please note that when you reset your network settings, saved passwords for Wi-Fi points will be deleted.

Enter your information in settings

Not everyone knows, but the correct operation of iMessage can be hampered by the lack of specified data about the iPhone owner in the smartphone’s settings. For this:

Step 1: Fill out your contact in your iPhone contact book to the maximum.

Step 2. In the menu " Settings» → « Mail, addresses, calendars» → « My details» select your contact.

Activate automatic time setting

And another simple but extremely effective way to solve problems with iMessage activation. Go to menu " Settings» → « Basic» → « date and time" and turn the switch " Automatically» to active position. Also make sure that " Timezone» in the same menu is indicated correctly.

Activate iMessage from another SIM card

If none of the above methods solve the problem, try activating iMessage from a different SIM card. According to reviews on, after successful activation, iMessage starts working without failures even after installing the iPhone owner's SIM card.

Wait a few days

And one more addition from forum visitors. In most cases, the problem with activating iMessage by phone number occurs after installing a new version of iOS or changing the Apple ID password. And very often it resolves itself after a few days.

Link iMessage to mail

If all else fails, and sending iMessage is vital, linking the messenger to your email box, which will begin to act as your number, will help out. For this:

Step 1. Go to menu " Settings» → « Messages" and turn off iMessage.

Step 2: Remove the SIM card from your iPhone and connect to a Wi-Fi network.

Step 3. Go to " Settings» → « Messages"and turn on iMessage.

Step 4: From the same menu, select “ Sending/receiving" and in the section " Your iMessage address» Check the box next to the email address, which should be your iMessage login.

After completing these settings, iMessage is successfully activated and you can continue communicating via the messenger.


Standard iOS application Messages supports text messaging using SMS and multimedia messaging using MMS.

Starting with iOS 5, another messaging service became available - iMessage. Most people don’t use it, because by default – Big-Brother-Apple-Stub is still silent about a lot of things!.. – it’s turned off.

How to enable and configure iMessage:

– on the initial page of the main screen of the iOS device, click the icon Settings –> Messages;

– set the switch iMessage to the "On" position;

– enter your Apple ID;

– the inscription will appear "Waiting for activation...";

- in the window iMessage with a message “Your network operator may charge you for SMS messages used to activate iMessage.” click OK;

– after activation the inscription "Waiting for activation..." will change to "iMessages can be sent between iPhone, iPad, iPod touch devices";

– if you want to allow notifications to be sent to other users that you have read their messages, select the switch Read receipt to the "On" position;

– if you want messages to be sent as SMS when iMessage is not available, select the toggle Send as SMS to the "On" position;

– set the switches MMS messages, Showing the theme And Number of characters to the "On" position.

How to use iMessage:

– launch the standard application Message;

– click (in the upper right corner there is a stylized image of a pen and a piece of paper);

– in the next window, click (in the upper right corner) the plus sign in the square;

– select the recipient (if the recipient is not in your Contacts, to the text field To whom enter the e-mail that is his Apple ID);

– enter a message in the text field;

– if you want to insert a photo or video into a message, click the attachment button (a stylized image of a camera);

– click Send.

Dialogues with recipients are saved in a list Messages.

Unread messages are marked with a dot.

Click on a conversation to view or continue it. iMessage Please note that the message input line when sending an iMessage changes the signature to Message(for regular SMS –

When your interlocutor types a text in response to your iMessage message, you will see a stylized “bubble” with three bas-relief dots:

iMessage allows you to significantly reduce costs when sending SMS or MMS. Particularly convenient to use iMessage in cases where you need to send SMS or MMS from an iPad or iPod touch.


1. iMessages can only be sent between iPhone devices, iPad, iPod touch.

2. In order for your recipient to receive your iMessages and respond to you, he must also have the option enabled iMessage.

3. To use iMessage, you need an open Internet connection over a network or cellular network.

4. iMessage messages are sent in encrypted form.

5. Using iMessage, you can send text messages, photos, videos, map links, contact information, voice recorder recordings.

6. Sometimes when selecting a recipient from the application Contacts, instead of iMessage, the message is sent as SMS. In this case, before typing an iMessage message in Contacts indicate not the recipient's phone number, but an e-mail (which is his Apple ID), or immediately enter this e-mail in the text field To whom.

7. iMessages appear on all iOS devices using the same account - you can start a conversation on one iOS device and continue it on another.

Friends, many of you use iMessage in everyday life, but they don’t even notice it! Naturally, I'm talking about SMS - if the message to the recipient is displayed in blue, then iMessage has come into play! Now I will tell you how to set up iMessage correctly so that there is no confusion in correspondence!

Not everyone, alas, has correctly configured this wonderful service (which, as it turns out, can still be configured incorrectly), and I very often end up with the “wrong” users :) The thing is that I write a message to someone, and it goes away in green (although I am absolutely sure that the subscriber has an iGadget), that is, an SMS, but in response I receive a message from an e-mail address unknown to me, with an answer. Is there a catch somewhere here - and many people can notice it? Now I will try to tell you how to make communication more comfortable.

How to set up iMessage correctly

First, we need to go to Settings - Messages on the iPhone and check there that iMessage is turned on at all. Next, if we are setting up an iPhone and not an iPad/iPod, we need to look into Send/Receive menu and make sure that the addresses are connected: phone number and iCloud account.

Scrolling down the list a little lower we see the item Start a new conversation with- and this is where you can choose where messages will be sent from - phone numbers or from mail! The fact is that depending on when iMessage was activated - before or after entering your iCloud account, there may be different options! Unfortunately, many people may have an e-mail address by default, which interferes with receiving and receiving messages... In general, you need to tick off your phone number.

If for some strange reason you have a different number there (for example, from a different SIM card) or email, and your number is inactive, then you need to turn off iMessage and turn it on again - after that you can activate your current phone number. If suddenly this doesn’t help, then turn off iMessage, remove your SIM card and reinsert it again, then turn on “blue” messages - everything should work! 🙂

In the case of an iPad/iPod/Mac, in the settings, by default it will be your mail linked to iCloud, and then you can communicate with other iGadgets via “mail”.

If you have friends/colleagues/relatives who are experiencing this problem, help them set up iMessage correctly to simplify and reduce the cost of your conversations! 🙂