Fruit trees and shrubs for the northwest. The best varieties of fruit crops for cold regions. Positive aspects of northern conditions

Fruit trees and shrubs for the northwest.  The best varieties of fruit crops for cold regions.  Positive aspects of northern conditions
Fruit trees and shrubs for the northwest. The best varieties of fruit crops for cold regions. Positive aspects of northern conditions

Organization of the garden area
Planting a garden
Soil preparation
Main types of soils and their properties
Regulation of soil water regime
Soil liming
Deepening the root layer of soil
Planting fruit trees
Caring for a young garden
Caring for a fruit-bearing garden
Pruning and shaping fruit trees
Trimming methods
Pruning technique

Timing of pruning 1.20. Fruit tree formation systems 1.21. Pruning young trees 1.22. Pruning apple and pear trees that have entered fruiting Pruning apple and pear trees during the period of full fruiting

Pruning old trees
1.24. Pruning and shaping stone fruit trees and varieties can be different, but at the same time is not strictly constant and changes under the influence external conditions and agricultural technology. In vaccinated people fruit trees the time of their entry into fruiting, as well as the nature of growth and fruiting, is greatly influenced by the rootstock. Apple tree varieties grafted onto china and wild apple trees grow vigorously, begin bearing fruit later and have a longer productive period.
Trees of the same varieties, grafted on dwarf rootstocks, have limited growth, quickly begin to bear fruit, but their life expectancy is shorter. Fruit species are divided into pome and stone fruit. From pomaceous plants in the North-West paramount importance

There are apple and pear trees, and stone fruits include plum and cherry. Apple tree
- the main and most common fruit breed. It occupies up to 90% of the gardens area. The leading position of the apple tree is due to its good adaptability to natural conditions. climatic conditions
and relatively high endurance.
Over 500 varieties of apple trees are grown in the zone, of which 40 varieties are zoned by region.
The apple tree belongs to the Rosaceae family, genus Malus. About 30 species of apple trees are known, 5 of which are important for fruit growing.
Most cultivated varieties of apple trees come from forest apple trees, and many summer varieties (Naliv Belyi, Grushovka Moskovskaya, Arcades, etc.) come from early apple trees.
The varieties Papkrovka, Pepin Litovskiy, Korichnoe and others originated from the plum-leaved (Chinese) apple tree. Siberian apple trees participated in the formation of some northern varieties. The ancestral form of the Siberian apple tree has a small fruit, the size of a currant berry, which is why it is called berry. Its garden varieties have fruits the size of cherries.
The low-growing apple tree also participated in the formation of apple tree varieties. It has a number of varieties, of which dusen and paradiska are used as rootstocks in fruit growing. Cultivated apple trees are mostly powerful trees with various forms
crowns: round or spherical, wide or narrow pyramidal, oval, etc. The shape of the crown depends on the variety and is determined by the angle at which the main branches extend from the trunk, and small branches from larger ones.
The apple tree is a durable and high-yielding species. The most productive age of a tree is 18-50 years.
According to the timing of fruit ripening, apple tree varieties are divided into summer, autumn and winter. There are no sharp boundaries in groups of varieties based on ripening time.
The fruits of many late varieties have the ability for long-term storage.

Pear. Pear is not widespread in the regions of the North-West zone. The reason for this is the lack of winter-hardy varieties with high qualities fruits and long shelf life.
Pear belongs to the Rosaceae family, genus Pirus. There are about 20 types of pears, and the number of cultivated varieties is several thousand.
There are about 150 varieties distributed. Pear trees are powerful, growing up to 25 m in height. The lifespan of some varieties of trees reaches 200 years. In the Northwestern region of the Non-Black Earth Region greatest distribution

have varieties Bessemyanka, Tonko-vetka, Dulya Novgorodskaya. Common cherry.
Cherry belongs to the Rosaceae family, genus Cerasus. The common cherry is unknown in its wild state. It came from crossing sweet cherries and steppe cherries. In total there are up to 127 species of this genus, of which 5 are the most important.
Cherry is widespread - it grows far in the north and east. It grows in the form of a tree and a bush, producing root shoots. The crown of the tree is spherical or spreading, with hanging or drooping branches. Cherry begins to bear fruit 2-5 years after planting; the fruits ripen in June-August. The yield with good agricultural technology reaches 50 kg per tree.
In cherries, there is a certain relationship between growth and yield.
The shorter the growth, the lower the yield in future years, since during short growth, mainly flower buds are formed and only the apical ones produce growth shoots. As a result, the branches gradually become bare, their fruiting surface decreases and the yield drops sharply.

Cherry varieties are divided into the Morel (or Griot) group and the Amorel group. The fruits of Morel cherries are dark red, almost black, with colored juice and a sour taste. This group includes the varieties Vladimirskaya, Lyubskaya, Lotovaya, and others. The varieties of the amore-lei group are light-colored (pink), fruits with colorless juice, less sour (Amorel Nikiforova, etc.). Plum belongs to the Rosaceae family, the genus Prunus, in which there are 29 species, of which 12 are known in cultivation. Cultivated varieties of the common domestic plum originated from crossing thorns and cherry plums. It grows in the form of a tree or bush. The root system lies shallow in the soil, the main
the mass of roots is located at a depth of up to 0.5 m. The plum forms a root barrier. It has a pyramidal or spherical crown.

The lifespan of a tree is up to 30 years.

2. Berry garden 3. Selection of breeds and varieties of fruit and

berry crops

4. Wild fruit and berry plants and their use in culture

5. Protection of fruit and berry crops from pests and diseases For growing in Leningrad region It is recommended to choose varieties that are characterized by rapid fruit ripening and have also successfully passed the frost resistance test. Along with old, proven varieties, new products have proven themselves well here. recent years

resistant to diseases and pests. Their flavor range is varied - from sweet apples with a honey taste to the classic sour Antonovka.

Conditions for growing apple trees in the North-West The North-Western region, including the Leningrad region, is often called a risky farming zone. Conditions here are not good for most garden crops . Harsh climate and poor soil affect the quantity and quality of the harvest. It should also be taken into account that in many places there remains a high level of.


Apple trees in the Leningrad region begin to bloom at the end of May at intervals of several days - from 3 to 7, depending on the variety. Flowering can last up to 15 days; the cooler the spring, the longer this period. Some trees bear fruit within a year, and longer breaks are possible. This is due to unfavorable weather conditions (severe frosts, dry summers) and depleted soil.

Apple tree blossoms in northern regions begin at the end of May and can last for two weeks

How to choose an apple tree for the northern regions

  • When choosing apple trees for planting, pay attention to characteristics such as:
  • tree height;
  • precociousness;
  • winter hardiness;
  • disease resistance;
  • ripening time;
  • taste qualities of fruits;

frequency of fruiting. Tall apple trees can reach a height of 15 meters. But as a rule, the tree grows 5–7 meters, and the roots go three and a half meters into the ground. Vigorous apple trees do not tolerate stagnant water, they are adversely affected by high groundwater levels. Under waterlogged conditions, the top begins to dry out and the tree dies.

Medium-sized apple trees (semi-dwarfs) do not grow higher than 3.5 meters, low-growing ones (dwarfs) do not exceed three meters in height. The roots of these trees are located close to the surface of the earth. The lumpy root system of “dwarfs” and “semi-dwarfs” is best suited for planting in the Leningrad region.

Low-growing apple trees are better suited than others for growing in the Leningrad region

When choosing a variety, follow the following recommendations:

  • Disease-resistant varieties will require less effort from the gardener when caring for apple trees.
  • Despite the fact that tall apple trees retain the ability to bear fruit longer, in the northern and eastern regions of the Leningrad region preference should be given to apple trees grafted onto a dwarf rootstock.
  • For the Leningrad region, with its rather harsh climatic conditions, resistance to frost is one of the most important characteristics.
  • The more early fruiting a variety has, the higher the likelihood of obtaining high yields. A good indicator is fruiting 3–4 years after planting. Apple trees grafted onto a dwarf rootstock also begin to bear fruit earlier. Almost all varieties of apple trees with medium-sized fruits have a high early fruiting rate.

The highest resistance to scab was observed in triploid varieties of apple trees (with a triple set of chromosomes). They are distinguished by their precociousness, early fruiting, and produce large apples with increased content vitamin C. The disadvantage of these varieties is defective pollen, which reduces the percentage of fruit set.

The best varieties for the Leningrad region

Not all varieties of apple trees can demonstrate their qualities in a cool and humid climate. Because of short summer in the Leningrad region there is a danger that winter apples will not have time to ripen on the tree. Therefore, give preference to summer and autumn apple trees, adding zoned varieties to them late date maturation.

If you plant summer, autumn and winter varieties in the garden, the likelihood of pollination of apple trees will be much higher.

Summer (early) ripening apple trees

Apples of summer varieties ripen in July - August. They are sweeter than the fruits of later varieties, but have loose pulp. They can be eaten immediately, but these apples cannot be stored for a long time. The fruits retain their marketable appearance for no more than a month after harvest.

Apples grown in the Leningrad region have a higher content of vitamin C compared to fruits grown in southern regions.

Table: summer apple trees for the Leningrad region

Group Variety name Winter hardiness Scab resistance Early pregnancy, year Average fruit weight, g
Tall Avenarius Average High 4 70
Wine Average Average 5–6 120
Grushovka Moskovskaya High Average 3–4 70
friendship of Peoples High High 4–5 120
Apple Spas Average High 2–3 200
Medium height Antonovka golden Average Average 4–5 200
White filling High Average 3–4 100
High Low 3–4 30
Candy Average Low 3–4 90
Melba Average Average 3–4 120
High High 3–4 100
Pirya High Average 3–4 100
Silver hoof Average Low 3–4 90
short Lingonberry High Average 2–3 100
High High 3–4 100
Wonderful High Average 3–4 140

Photo gallery: early ripening varieties of apples

Juicy and fragrant fruits Antonovka gold has a sweet and sour taste
White filling apples have delicate sweet-sour pulp
The fruits of the Avenarius apple tree, named after the monk who bred this variety, are distinguished by their sweet taste and loose pulp. The Lingonberry variety annually pleases gardeners with sweet and sour fruits with juicy coarse-grained pulp.
The small-fruited Chinese golden early is literally strewn with sweet and sour fruits. pleasant aroma apples
Apples of the Candy variety - sweet, with a honey-candy taste
Lungwort - partially self-fertile variety, which produces juicy, sweet fruits with a honey aroma
Sweet and sour Melba apples have juicy pulp medium density and have a caramel aroma
Apples of the Mechta variety are sweet and sour, with loose flesh and without a pronounced aroma The Finnish variety Pirja annually pleases with aromatic sweet fruits with a slight sourness
Sweet and sour juicy fruits Wine apple trees have a wine taste
Fruits of a triploid variety Apple saved juicy, medium density
Apples of the Druzhba Narodov variety are sweet and sour and juicy, with medium-density pulp
In August, aromatic sweet and sour fruits with juicy and loose pulp ripen on the branches of the Grushovka Moskovskaya apple tree.
The fruits of the Silver Hoof apple tree are dense, sweet and sour, with a raspberry aroma
The apples of the Chudnoye variety are juicy, sweet and sour, with a pleasant aftertaste

Autumn apple tree varieties

Apples of autumn varieties ripen in early September. After harvesting, they must be kept for 10–20 days before being eaten. These apples can be stored until December.

Table: autumn varieties for the Leningrad region

Group Variety name Winter hardiness Scab resistance Early pregnancy, year Average fruit weight, g
Tall Antonovka 600 High Average 6–8 350
Aelita High High 5–6 130
Bessemyanka Michurinskaya High High 5–6 175
Cinnamon Striped High Average 7–10 90
Medium height Auxis High High 4–5 120
For a long time High Average 3–4 20
Marat Busurin High Average 4–5 120
Multivitamin High Average 5–7 100
Riga Dove Average High 3–5 120
Sergiana High High 5–6 150
Ural liquid High Average 2–3 70
short Delight High High 4–5 120

Photo gallery: mid-season varieties of apples

Fragrant apples of the Antonovka 600 variety have a pleasant sweet and sour taste
The Aelita variety bears fruit annually, has sweet and sour fruits with a bright scarlet blush The Bessemyanka Michurinskaya variety has fruits that are sweet and sour, with a wine flavor; they have almost no seeds
Juicy sweet apples of the Cinnamon Striped variety have a characteristic aroma and taste of cinnamon
Juicy and aromatic, with a slight sourness, the fruits of the Auksis variety leave a spicy aftertaste
The Marat Busurin apple tree annually pleases gardeners with fragrant and juicy sweet and sour fruits Multivitamin apple fruits are characterized by a high content of vitamins A, B and C, and have a sweet and sour taste The Sergiana apple tree bears fruit annually, produces fruits with a sweet and sour taste, with soft and juicy pulp.
Sweet apples of the Ural bulk variety ripen on the apple tree every year, regardless of weather conditions
Apples of the Uslada variety are sweet with a slight sourness, have juicy pulp with a raspberry aroma
Sweet and sour small apples for a long time with a pronounced plum aroma look very elegant on the branches

Winter apple trees

Fruit winter varieties Apple trees are harvested at the end of September and in October. They reach maturity within a month after harvesting; some varieties can be stored until spring. Late apples have denser flesh and a mostly sweet and sour taste.

Table: winter varieties for the Leningrad region

Group Variety name Winter hardiness Scab resistance Early pregnancy, year Average fruit weight, g
Tall Gift to Grafsky High Average 4–5 300
Renet Chernenko High High 5–6 150
Sinap Orlovsky High Low 3–4 150
Stars Average High 4–5 140
short Antey High Low 3–4 200
Friendly High High 3–4 170
Imrus High High 3–4 150
Kerr High Low 3–4 40
Ladoga High Average 4–5 120

Photo gallery: fruits of winter varieties of apple trees

The Gift to Grafsky apple tree bears fruit every year, its apples are sweet and sour, of medium hardness
The Stars variety apple tree has sweet fruits with dryish pulp
The partially self-pollinating variety Renet Chernenko has sweet and sour fruits with a pleasant taste.
Apples of the Sinap Orlovsky variety are sweet and aromatic, with loose greenish-cream flesh. The Ladoga variety, bred specifically for the Leningrad region, is distinguished by juicy sweet and sour fruits
The Druzhnoe apple tree bears fruit regularly and has juicy sweet and sour fruits Apples of the Antey variety are juicy, sweet and sour taste, with a delicate aroma
The small-fruited Kerr variety has apples that are sour, sweet, and tart.
The Imrus variety is distinguished by sweet fruits with thin skin

Video: apple tree varieties for the northwestern zone

Features of growing apple trees in the Leningrad region

When choosing a place for an apple tree, pay attention to the climatic conditions and soil characteristics of the garden plot. Apple trees do not like acidic soil and do not tolerate close proximity to groundwater. For most areas of the Leningrad region, preference should be given to low-growing seedlings grafted on a winter-hardy rootstock. Tall apple trees can be planted using special technologies.

Apple tree planting

It is better to plant an apple tree in early spring, late April - early May. A place for seedlings is prepared in the fall, choosing a well-lit area of ​​the garden that is protected from the wind. In spring, it is recommended to purchase seedlings with a closed root system.

  1. When planting, add ash (2 cups) to the hole and pour in a bucket of water.
  2. The seedling is placed so that the grafting site is 2 cm above the ground, and carefully sprinkled with fertile soil.

Video: planting an apple tree with high groundwater levels

How to care for an apple tree

Caring for an apple tree in the Leningrad region includes the usual steps:

  • watering;
  • pruning;
  • feeding;
  • disease and pest control;
  • preparation for winter.

The region receives sufficient rainfall, and only in dry summers do apple trees need additional watering. Tree pruning and pest and disease control are carried out according to general rules.

Most of the territory is dominated by poor soil, so the trees need regular feeding. Mulching has a positive effect on the growth and development of apple trees. trunk circle organic fertilizers. In autumn, it is useful to apply ash under the crown (2-3 cups).

Particular attention should be paid to preparing plants for winter. At the end of the season, the following work is carried out:

In hand caring gardeners berry bushes can become a real decoration of the site. Fruits grown with love will delight you delicious harvest throughout the season.

Arranging a garden plot is not complete without fruit- berry bushes and trees. In a garden with a beautiful landscape design there must be a place for a berry bush: raspberries, gooseberries, currants, sea buckthorn, honeysuckle, blackberries, blueberries, serviceberry. We offer you an overview of the most popular shrubs.


Surely you have heard about wonderful ones. It is difficult to imagine that raspberry bushes used to grow exclusively in forests. And only several centuries later they began to breed it for garden plots. Raspberries have many advantages; they are simply necessary in the garden. Shrubs, depending on the variety, have red berries; yellow and purple-black ones are less common.

Varieties of raspberries

  • Traditional varieties of early, medium and late ripening. Adapt to any conditions. Disadvantage: low yield.
  • Large-fruited ones are considered high-yielding. Allows you to grow berries weighing up to 12 grams each.
  • The most popular are remontant ones. They begin to bear fruit in the first year.

Features of care

Berry bushes require regular watering, loosening, etc. Planting is done in spring or autumn. For the winter, the soil around the bush is insulated. In the spring it is necessary to prune and tie up. All of the above measures will be useless if you do not protect the bush from diseases.

Wear gloves when harvesting, as many varieties of bushes have thorns on their branches.


Gooseberries are often called northern grapes or Russian cherry plums. Unpretentious culture gives good yields. The bushes feel great in illuminated areas. They are afraid of shade and waterlogging. You can find gooseberries in almost all regions. The bushes begin to bear fruit from the third year. The berries can be green, yellow or red-brown. There are at least 1500 varieties

Unlike currants, gooseberries are not afraid of drought.

Varieties of gooseberries

  • European varieties are praised for their high taste. Disadvantage: instability to disease and frost.
  • American - they are not afraid of drought, they give good harvest. The size of the berries is inferior to European varieties.
  • Hybrid - combines all the best. They are considered the most common in garden plots.

Features of care

Does not tolerate gooseberries acidic soils, it is recommended to add garden compost and lime to the planting trench. Bushes are planted in September. At spring planting the plant may die. Old and dry branches need to be pruned. Collect gooseberries as they ripen. Because of the thorns on the branches, it is better to do this with gloves.


Blackberries have been grown in the garden relatively recently; previously they could only be found in wildlife.

In terms of taste, it surpassed raspberries. The shrub with a perennial rhizome was not in demand due to its sharp thorns. However, thanks to breeders, they appeared. It has an external resemblance to black raspberries. It tastes sour.

Varieties of blackberries

  • Straight-growing blackberry- considered the most common. Bushes give a good harvest and save space on the site.
  • Semi-creeping varieties are extremely rare. Experienced gardeners recommend planting this particular variety.
  • Remontant blackberry - allows you to harvest 2 harvests per season: June, August.

Features of care

It produces a rich harvest on well-fed soil. In straight-growing varieties, it is necessary to tie up young stems. Blackberries are planted in a trench strictly along the line, otherwise maintenance difficulties may arise. During the fruiting period, the bushes need to be watered abundantly.


Edible varieties of honeysuckle are popularly called “rejuvenating berries.” The name did not appear by chance, since the berries contain the element of youth - selenium. The bushes bloom beautifully, so they are often used for decorative purposes. However, the berry is mostly valued as useful treasure vitamins

Ripens in mid-May. The berry has a slightly bitter specific taste.

Varieties of honeysuckle

  • Long-fruited honeysuckle - medium-sized bushes are different cylindrical shape berries
  • Hybrid varieties - bred by breeders by crossing varieties of berries.
  • Mid-late varieties allow you to harvest honeysuckle until late autumn.

Features of care

The bushes do not tolerate shade well. When choosing a landing site, it is better to give preference sunny places. Suitable for planting both in autumn and spring period. In the spring, this must be done before the growing season begins. Honeysuckle grows slowly, so that the bush takes root and bears fruit well, it is fed.

Bushes 6-8 years old require sanitary pruning. Dried branches must be removed. Young shoots do not need to be pruned.


Perennial currant bushes can be found in garden plots and forest plantations. The berries are famous for their taste and beneficial properties. Unpretentious bushes allow you to reap rich harvests. It is almost impossible to choose one single variety for a site. The best option will be the cultivation of several species at once. The seedlings adequately overcome the harsh disasters of nature in cold winter conditions.

Varieties of currants

  • Black currants of early, medium and late ripening. Large-fruited varieties are considered the most popular.
  • Red currants are distinguished by heavier clusters. Bushes can grow without replanting for up to 20 years.
  • White currant is a variety that is not inferior to red currant in taste and benefits.
  • Hybrid varieties - bred by selecting varieties of gooseberries and currants.

Features of care

Gives a good harvest in well-drained soil. Do not plant in an acidic environment. During growing season loosening of the soil is required. Do not allow the soil to dry out; in dry weather it is necessary to provide watering.

In the fall, you need to rejuvenate the bushes by pruning outdated branches.


In many regions it is considered a rare berry. More often it can be found in the wild. There is a growing interest among gardeners in growing promising varieties on their plots. Thanks to proper care you can have a good harvest of healthy berries.

Blueberries resemble blueberries in appearance.

Blueberry varieties

  • Tall varieties do well as a hedge. Their bushes are branched, the berries have an intense blue or dark blue color.
  • Low-growing blueberry - blooms luxuriantly in spring, makes you happy excellent harvests and the neatness of the bushes.
  • Southern varieties - were bred through hybridization for cultivation in arid climates.

Features of care

At home, it is better to grow not wild, but more adapted cultivated varieties. The bushes take root well regardless of the method of planting by seeds or dividing the bush. Pruning is carried out on adult bushes, starting from 5-6 years of plant life.

Blueberries are very picky about the soil; they need to create fertile conditions.

Sea ​​buckthorn

Sea buckthorn bushes can be found near bodies of water, which is why they are often called “sea thorn.” For experienced gardeners I manage to successfully grow it in my own plots. The use of berries is very wide; they are mainly used in medicinal purposes. Sea buckthorn oil is considered especially valuable.

Varieties of sea buckthorn

  • Early, mid and late ripening - garden varieties sea ​​buckthorn.
  • Botanical variety - has virtually no thorns.
  • Large-fruited varieties have a sweeter taste and do not have thorns.

Features of care

The bush will bear fruit if a male and female specimen of sea buckthorn is planted nearby.. For the winter it requires covering the soil and does not tolerate severe frosts very well. Pruning is carried out in the spring. A bush 8-12 years old requires rejuvenation under the stump. It is not necessary to water the plant, except during a drought.


This beautiful plant is often used as an ornamental shrub. And only a few know how useful the berries that grow on it are. Having once tasted serviceberry berries, a gardener will definitely want to plant a bush on his property. The plant is not only useful, but also winter-hardy and can withstand harsh weather conditions.

The taste of serviceberry berries is somewhat reminiscent of cherries.

Varieties of serviceberry

  • Alder serviceberry - abundantly blooming in spring bush. Leaves turn color in autumn bright color. You can get up to 10 kg of berries from the plant.
  • Canadian serviceberry - tall tree shrub. The berries are fleshy and pleasant to the taste.
  • Irga blood-red is a slender, medium-sized shrub. The berries are very juicy, with thin, delicate skin.

Features of care

Counts unpretentious plant, requires virtually no maintenance. Shrubs love abundant watering, especially during the growing season.

The first 2-3 years it is necessary to form a bush by pruning. At a later age, the plant is rejuvenated.

The berries attract birds, and the crop must be harvested promptly as they ripen.

By planting several varieties of shrubs, you can diversify the range of fruit seedlings in the garden. Regarding the choice of plants, it is so wide that it is impossible to advise anything with certainty. Types and varieties must be selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the plants.

Fresh air, lush green plants, your own environmentally friendly harvest and other delights country life are appreciated by many people in the corners of our country. But not everyone can dare to create their own garden in such a difficult region as St. Petersburg. The climatic conditions of North-West Russia require special knowledge, skills and efforts from gardeners. In order for the seedlings of shrubs and trees to please you with all their colors in the spring, and with berries and fruits in the summer, you will have to try hard.

First of all, those plants that novice gardeners planted with seedlings grown in the southern regions are always the ones that suffer in winter. Most often, these plants do not tolerate wintering well in the North-West, and the time, effort, effort and money spent are wasted. This can completely discourage novice gardeners from further engaging in such activities, or it can become a factor that will help to understand that the North-West region is a zone of risky farming, and in order to get the desired result, an important condition is right choice planting material.

Where can I buy the best seedlings in St. Petersburg

So where to buy seedlings of fruit trees and shrubs for winter gardens? Not only should you approach the choice of seller wisely, but you should also select seedlings according to the zoned assortment of fruit and berry crops, using proven varieties that were grown in special nurseries directly in the region.

Fruit trees and ornamental shrubs Maxiplanta

In the plant nursery "Maxiplant", where you can always buy seedlings of fruit trees and flowers for your suburban area in the vicinity of St. Petersburg. Here are selected varieties of berry bushes, fruit trees, flowers and other ornamental plants, which will delight you every year with their flowers and delicious harvest.

Nursery seedlings for the North-West

The difference between Maxiplant is the fact that most of the plants are grown specifically for our region using special system based on the principle of a closed root system, and for plants. For plants that are not very adapted to our harsh and changeable climate, you can select the necessary accompanying products, namely soil and fertilizers suitable for these plants, which will make your garden a real tropical paradise. Every spring, we analyze the purity and quality of seedlings, and check the certification of planting material.

We sell the best seedlings

The best breeders from the Central and North-Western regions are working to expand the assortment of plants in our nursery, so with us you can always choose the plants and seedlings that you need and are already adapted for such specific conditions as the climate of St. Petersburg!

For cultivation in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, the plant nursery "Maxiplant" offers to buy the best ornamental seedlings, fruit crops, as well as conifers and deciduous trees and shrubs. Our plants will become a part of your garden for a long time! Delivery throughout St. Petersburg and Leningrad region.

The vagaries of the weather dishearten inexperienced gardeners. The apple trees in your favorite garden are dying, you can’t get a cherry harvest for several years, a healthy plum tree is an impossible dream. How to grow a garden that would not be afraid of winter and would provide the owners with fresh fruit no matter the weather changes?

Of course, a lot depends on the type of plant planted in your garden. The work of breeders in the direction of adapting plants to the climatic conditions of specific regions has made it possible to expand the list of varieties resistant to weather disasters, and at the same time promote southern crops to the middle and northern regions of Russia and the CIS countries. Gardens in cold regions have been replenished with new varieties of apple, pear, and plum trees. Apricots and peaches have been transferred outside the warm south. All large quantity Breeders offer a variety of berry plants to northerners.

It is quite understandable that gardeners in the northern regions want to plant in a limited area the largest possible range of frost-resistant crops, the characteristics of which indicate that they tolerate frosts of -35..-45 °C. However, in home plantings, such frost-resistant crops do not always meet the expectations of the owners and freeze out in relatively (for them) low frosts of -25..-30 °C. Why is this happening?

What is the difference between frost resistance and winter hardiness?

Frost resistance determined by the ability of the plant variety and species to withstand extreme conditions without damage negative temperatures for the winter period.

Winter hardiness garden crops is determined by the plant’s resistance to prolonged low temperatures during the period of rest (“deep sleep”), including:

  • to extreme cold snaps in the middle and end of winter (return) frosts,
  • to sudden drops in temperature in autumn,
  • to sharp returns of frost after the spring thaw.

Truly winter-hardy are only those varieties that are resistant to all temperature disasters in the autumn-winter-spring periods in a particular region; the trees continue to function normally, and with minor frostbite they quickly recover.

For example, varieties of fruit crops that can easily tolerate frosts of -35..-45 °C in cold regions, in the south and in middle lane, with temporary thaws uncharacteristic for Siberia, may be subject to severe frostbite.

Improper agricultural practices are one of the reasons for freezing of fruit crops

It is impossible not to notice that one of the reasons for the freezing of frost-resistant crops is a violation of the requirements for agrotechnical methods of growing the crop. It is not enough to purchase frost-resistant varieties. They must be correctly placed in the garden, taking into account all territorial and biological requirements.

  • Provide each tree with adequate spacing in the row and between rows. Do not thicken plantings, especially crops that require full sunlight.
  • Do not plant crops nearby, the proximity of which will depress root systems each other.
  • Cultures are necessary in the second half summer period provide a supply of moisture. After harvesting, in the absence of rain, carry out pre-winter watering of garden crops.
  • When applying fertilizers in the fall, eliminate or significantly limit nitrogen fertilizers.

The best frost-resistant varieties of popular fruit crops for different regions

Of course, this list of varieties includes the most familiar ones, with established qualities. But each gardener can use catalogs to select for his garden the varieties of crops that he personally likes. The only condition is that the crop variety must be selected based on the sum of indicators of resistance to weather disasters.

For a list of frost-resistant varieties of popular fruit crops for cold regions, see the next page.