VKontakte mozilla plugin. Plugin for downloading videos from VKontakte in Firefox. VKontakte search plugins for Mozilla Firefox

VKontakte mozilla plugin.  Plugin for downloading videos from VKontakte in Firefox.  VKontakte search plugins for Mozilla Firefox
VKontakte mozilla plugin. Plugin for downloading videos from VKontakte in Firefox. VKontakte search plugins for Mozilla Firefox

Judging by the statistics of visits to this site, the most popular browsers among my readers are Google Chrome And Mozilla Firefox.
There are extensions for these browsers that allow you to easily download from the siteIn contact with music and videos. Today I will tell you how to install them and how to use these extensions (plugins).

How to download music and videos from VKontakte in Google Chrome

So, let's launch the browser Google Chrome. We go to the Chrome Online Store website. Here, in the left column, select the section “Extensions” - “Social networks and communication”. So that we don’t have to search for the required plugin for a long time, enter the phrase “Additional settings” in the search bar at the top and press the key Enter:

After this, the extension we need will appear in the column on the right, which is called “ Additional VKontakte settings" To install, click the “Free” button next to it: A window will appear in which we click “Add”:

The plugin is installed!

Now let's try it with it Download the music.

We go to our page In contact with. Open “Audio Recordings”.

When you hover your mouse over the name of a musical composition, an arrow will appear on the right. If you hold the cursor on it, the size of the audio recording (in MB) will immediately be displayed.

Click on the arrow and the song will be downloaded!

You can go to the folder with the downloaded files and see it there (by default, everything is saved in the “Downloads” folder). If you don’t know where the downloaded song was saved, then click on the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” button in the upper right corner in the Google Chrome browser: Then select “Downloads” - under the file name, click the “Show in folder” button:

Now let's check how to download VKontakte video. Go to “My Videos”. We launch any video. After that, “Download” buttons will appear under the video in the column on the right. Click one of them (depending on what quality of video you need) - the video will be downloaded immediately!
Don’t be surprised if suddenly the “Download” buttons don’t appear under some of the videos. The fact is that download links appear only for those videos that are posted on the contact server. This is a minus of this plugin (perhaps the author will improve it over time). If you need to download the video urgently and desperately, you can use the service, which I already talked about once.

How to download music and videos from VKontakte in Mozilla Firefox

Launch the browser Mozilla Firefox. We go to the page with additions. Find the extension here and click the “Add to Firefox” button next to it:
In the window that appears, click the “Install Now” button:
Then restart your browser.

After this, an icon will appear on the panel representing three connected balls:If you are currently on a site page where there are no running audio or video recordings, then it will be inactive (and black and white). If you turn on any audio recording or video for playback, the icon will instantly become active and the balls will become colored.

Let's check how the plugin works in In contact with.
To do this, go to your page in the “My Audio Recordings” section (not necessarily your own). We include any composition. Then we find our multi-colored spinning icon on the panel and click on the arrow to the right of it: The name of the audio recording being played will appear (albeit in a somewhat inconvenient form - alphanumeric). Hover your mouse cursor over it and select “Download”:
Then all you have to do is select a folder to save and click “Save”. All! Music downloaded!

Video from VKontakte downloaded in exactly the same way as audio. I probably won’t describe it again.
By the way, Video DownloadHelper can download videos not only from vk.com, but also from other services (for example, Youtube).

That's all. I hope it won't be a problem for you now download audio or video from Vkontakte to your computer.

Small software solutions, applications, add-ons, VKontakte plugins for Mozilla Firefox can simplify a number of important tasks for the user of the VKontakte social network. So, for example, VK plugins for Firefox can:

  • save interesting links from the Internet on the VK user page;
  • share your favorite posts on the Internet by transferring them to VKontakte;
  • download audio recordings, songs, music, musical compositions;
  • download videos, videos, films, clips, videos...

And this is only an incomplete list of the unique features that VKontakte plugins for Mozilla Firefox have. We would like to talk about how to find such applications that can expand the capabilities of an ordinary browser, how to install them on your computer, in the next article on our website.

First of all, the following step-by-step instructions will be useful to everyone who uses the Mozilla Firefox browser and often accesses the VKontakte social network. Plugins are a wonderful tool that allows you to adjust the browser’s capabilities to specific VK tasks.

VKontakte plugins for Mozilla Firefox: how to find

Step #1

First, you need to launch (i.e. turn on) the Mozilla Firefox browser, with which all subsequent work will be done.

Once the browser is running, you will have to go to its add-ons (Manage Add-ons settings window). This is done in two ways:

a) key combination Ctrl+Shift+A
b) through the menu “Tools” - “Add-ons”

Step #2

On the plugin settings page for Mozilla Firefox, on the “Get add-ons” tab, we will be interested in the search bar “Search among add-ons”, where we can enter a search word associated with the social network VKontakte, since we want to receive VKontakte plug-ins for Mozilla Firefox.

There are a variety of options to consider here, for example:

To start a search, you can either click on the magnifying glass icon to the right of the search bar, or simply press Enter on your keyboard.

Step #3

The search will start and return results - the very same plugins, applications, extensions and add-ons for VK that you wanted to find.

As you can see, there are VK plugins for Firefox, with which you can download music and videos, you can share interesting pages, you can add a “Publish” button to the browser, and other useful and interesting plugins.

Step #4

In order to install and try out a specific plugin, you need to click on the corresponding “Install” button, which is on the right side of any of the found applications.

In principle, they could even install them all at the same time, and after testing, remove those that you don’t like or will not work well (incorrectly).

Step #5

After installation, some plugins ask us to restart the browser. If this extension is the only one that you would like to install, if you will not install other plugins, you can restart the browser immediately after the installation is complete.

If you want to install several VK plugins for Mozilla, then install them all, and only then restart the Firefox browser.

There is even a special option for restarting (see screenshot). As a last resort, you can always cancel the installation by clicking on the “Cancel” option.

The Learn More link will help you learn more about the application you are installing. However, often the description is provided in only one English language, which makes familiarization with the information not entirely convenient.

Step #6

After installing and restarting the browser (if necessary), you will be able to work with the plugins. It’s difficult to talk about specific instructions here, since all plugins are different.

Lately, more and more people are interested in how to download music from the VKontakte website. I decided not to ignore this problem and study some ways of how this can be done, due to the fact that there is no direct such function on the social networking site.

After studying some materials and spending a lot of time, I identified the following methods:

VKontakte search plugins for Mozilla Firefox

If you are constantly opening new tabs, this extension is no problem. Take your downloading experience to the next level with this add-on. Not only can it speed up loading with some behind-the-scenes tricks, but it can also make it easier to pause and resume loading, and collect all the links and images on a web page in one go.

It includes some handy search, filter and comparison features. This is another addon to manage your important sidebar. Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best. Shutdown. Titles activate a "cinema" mode when you're watching videos online, darkening the rest of the screen to give you less eye strain and a better video viewing experience.

1. Using special programs. I won’t list them, but you can find a couple or three if you want. The method is not entirely reliable, since you need to enter your username and password directly in the programs themselves, and I personally don’t need this, because I don’t want to become a spammer later when my password is stolen. Yes, besides, installing additional software and learning it is an additional hassle.

Regarding security, you can, of course, register an additional “left” account and let them hack it, but this is also unnecessary gestures.

2. Installing scripts. Some people don’t even know what they are, but they still need to be used somehow. In addition, it is not clear who wrote the scripts and it is not a fact that tomorrow they will work as well as today. Doesn't fit either.

3. Online services. It’s a good thing, but they grow like mushrooms and disappear very quickly, but we need a reliable way.

4. Dig into the browser cache. A good method where you don’t need to install anything, but it’s very long and labor-intensive. If anyone is interested, you can read its essence in the article “”.

5. What you should focus on is downloading music from Vkontakte using the Mozilla Firefox browser. The only downside here is that those who don’t have it will have to install it. I advise everyone to switch to this browser: it is optimal in terms of capabilities, speed and security.

If the browser is installed, you will need to install a plugin for it. I recommend installing from the official website here is the link https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/video-downloadhelper/. Install the plugin and restart your browser. Three balls should appear in your lower right corner (not necessarily right and not necessarily bottom), and an additional item “” in the “Tools” browser tab.

If the installation was successful, go to the VKontakte website and look for the desired entry there, click on the triangle so that the track starts playing.

The balls should start spinning. Click on them and from the drop-down menu select “ Download».

We wait a while for the file to download and go check it out. Click the tab " Tools - Downloads»

And it is clear that the last file was downloaded from the site vkontakte.ru.

If we run the file, we will hear the song that we wanted to download to our computer.

Download video or music from youtube, vkontakte very simple! You will need the DownloadHelper extension and Firefox browser

Downloading music or video is easy: DownloadHepler to help

For downloading music or videos(I repeat again) Firefox must be installed.

After we have successfully installed Firefox, let's install DownloadHepler. Launch Firefox and go here and click Add to Firefox.

After installation, gray circles appeared on the panel, which will help us download videos or music on computer!

To check how this works, let's go to youtube and try to download a video. If we notice, when we start watching the video, these circles start spinning. When they spin, it means that DownloadHelper is ready to download videos or music. To do this, you just need to click the arrow next to it, select the quality and click download!

By the way, this program can also download and convert videos in one of the listed formats!

That is, the program will automatically do video downloaded from the Internet for iPhone or iPad format.

By the way, we note that if you want, for example, to extract only audio from any video, then use the article. Although the program has this option, it will cost you $30.

You can do the same download music in contact, video in contact and from other video hosting sites. In general, the program is very useful and worthy of attention!

Video downloads in Firefox 2016 design change

Open any video after installation video download hepler
Right click and select button video download help r -now we can download videos

How to download videos from Youtube and Vk in Firefox. Conclusion.

A few more words. I recommend that you use multiple browsers. For example, Chrome as the main one, and Firefox for certain purposes, for example for downloading videos and music. Although most browsers already have their own extensions and add-ons, they also slow down the browser. And when it’s full of different plugins and extensions it actually works 2-3 times slower than without them

If you have a browser on your computer, this is “Fox,” which is the name of the Mozilla Firefox Internet viewer, so you will need Mozilla Firefox plugins that will help you download music from Contact.

Residents of the metropolis are accustomed to the noise of the streets, and are also accustomed to drowning it out with music. It sounds from the speakers of shopping centers, from the radios of buses and minibuses, in the headphones of random passers-by. Most often, music reaches the user through a social network. Television and radio broadcasting are losing ground; online communities have completely replaced them for the younger generation.

The social network with the largest number of Russian-speaking users is undoubtedly VK, or its full name VKontakte. The network was founded eleven years ago in 2006. For many users, it has become not only a messenger for communication or access to the latest news, but also a personal free library of music.

A natural phenomenon was the emergence of various plugins for downloading music from VK. These can be either individual applications or browser extensions.
According to the results of social surveys, the top three most used web browsers are:

"Fox" takes the position of a web browser that is more optimized than "Chrome" and more functional and visually pleasing than "Opera".

Quick navigation:

Mozilla Firefox plugins for downloading music from Vkontakte:

Many plugins have been written for Mazila, among which there are also those that are more popular due to their ease of use. For example, .


VkOpt- an application that, before the redesign of the social network, served not only as a way to download music, but also significantly expanded the possibilities of interaction with the network.
When VKontakte completely updated its design and added many functions to the “Audio Recordings” section, the plugin did not work for some time. However, now this extension does an excellent job of downloading music from VK.


Another popular add-on for downloading music is Savefrom. This utility works not only with “Audio Recordings”, but also with other social networks and services where there is access to media content.
Visual changes after installation of Savefrom are less noticeable than in VkOpt. But this in no way affects the functionality of the plugin.

Video DownloadHelper

Video DownloadHelper is a built-in utility for Mozilla Firefox, which, like Savefrom.net, works not only with the social network. This plugin works with all services that require on-line playback of media files.

After installing DownloadHelper, an additional application icon will appear in the browser panel. In order to download music from “Audio Recordings” using it, you just need to put the track on playback and then click on the icon. In the download window that opens, select the location to save the file.

The proposed applications are easy to install and easy to use. Not all of them are compatible with other browsers, but they work well with Fox.

Any modern browser allows you to connect plugins that make it easier to work with social networks and other Internet resources. This article will discuss installing an extension for downloading VKontakte music on Mozilla Firefox. You can download audio recordings to your PC from a social network using third-party programs, scripts or online services. But the most convenient way would be a plugin - you just need to add it and enable it once, unlike other applications. Let's look at several popular extensions for Firefox.


The service is suitable for all browsers. It can be downloaded both through the extension store and on the developer’s official website. To install, follow the instructions:

  1. Open the link http://ru.savefrom.net/user.php?vid=387 in Mozilla.
  1. Click on the "Download" icon.

  1. Next, click on “Save file” to start the download.

  1. Run the installer.

  1. Accept the license agreement.

  1. Select Firefox browser from the options and click Next.

  1. After installation is complete, close the program window by clicking “Finish”.

Now restart Firefox. In the upper left corner you will see an extension icon. Next you need:

  1. Go to the social networking site and log in.

  1. Open the “Music” section.

  1. Find the arrow icon next to the track. Hover your cursor over it to see the size of the audio recording. Click on the LMB icon to start downloading the file.

  1. Wait for the process to complete.

Now you know how to download audio from VK using the most popular plugin. All songs are downloaded in MP3 format. The function of downloading videos from VK and Youtube is also available.

Other extensions

Let's move on to the Mozilla add-ons store. To do this you need:

  1. Select the side menu icon, and then select “Add-ons”.

  1. In the marked tab, go to the search field and enter the name.

Let's look at a few popular extensions.

VK Music allows you to download audio recordings from VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Yandex.Music. Follow these steps:

  1. In the search, enter the name “vk music”.

  1. Next to the first item in the list, select “Install”.

  1. Click "Add".

  1. Open the “Music” section and click on the arrow icon to start downloading.

VK Universal Downloader

VK Universal Downloader is a simple and convenient service for downloading music. To install, follow the instructions:

  1. In the settings, enter a search query with a name.

  1. In the search results, click on the “Install” button opposite the first item in the list.

  1. Click on “Add”, agreeing to allow access to browser data.

  1. The following icon will now appear in the list of audio recordings on VKontakte, and when you click on it, the file will begin downloading.

Setup and removal

Any connected plugin can be configured or deleted. To do this, open the "Add-ons" window again through the side menu or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + A. The second tab contains a list of all connected services. Using the buttons marked in the screenshot, you can disable, delete and configure settings.

Alternative options

In addition to the services described, you can connect others. It’s quite easy to find them by name - VkOpt, Vk Tune, Video DownloadHelper and the like. Use the official Mozilla catalog at https://addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/. In the search, enter a query with the name of the social network and add “download music”:

In the list you will see all plugins available for installation. Read the ratings and description, then click on the “Add to Firefox” button:

In the settings window, you can select options for displaying bitrate, download progress, position of the download icon, etc. (depending on the selected application).

Select the appropriate options and use the service to expand your music collection. Most add-ons allow you to download media files not only from VKontakte, but also from other popular sites.


We looked at installing several current add-ons for downloading files from social networks. All the described plugins do not in any way affect the functionality and performance of the browser, and also do not reduce the loading speed of VKontakte pages. Once you connect Firefox to the add-on, you can regularly download MP3s with the click of a button.


Watch the thematic video, which discusses the step-by-step actions from this manual.