DIY lampshades for chandeliers: original ideas and decorating workshops. How to make a lampshade with your own hands: making a lampshade for a lamp at home How to make a lampshade for a table lamp

DIY lampshades for chandeliers: original ideas and decorating workshops.  How to make a lampshade with your own hands: making a lampshade for a lamp at home How to make a lampshade for a table lamp
DIY lampshades for chandeliers: original ideas and decorating workshops. How to make a lampshade with your own hands: making a lampshade for a lamp at home How to make a lampshade for a table lamp

Agree, a lot depends on the light in the room; compare at least the “cold” hospital light and the “warm” home light. But not everything depends on the lamp: DIY lampshades will help you “domesticate” the light. Only in this article, you will receive complete information on how to make a fashionable lampshade quickly, inexpensively, and beautifully! Read and enjoy!

How to make a lampshade with your own hands

Before choosing a design and starting to create a lampshade with your own hands, let’s dwell on several important points. So, pay attention to the following points:

1. The greatest freedom will be provided by the use of energy-saving or LED lamps, since incandescent lamps get very hot and can burn a paper or fabric lampshade.

2. When remaking a finished lamp, try to handle the wires as carefully as possible, and upon completion of work, check their integrity.

3. When choosing a lamp, remember that depending on the color temperature they are often divided into “cold”, neutral and “warm”. For a home lamp, the best choice would be “warm”.

The differences in color temperature are clear. The higher the value on the package (the higher the temperature), the cooler the light the lamp will produce and vice versa.

A little about the frame

For your own lampshade you will need a base. Often it consists of two rings on which a cardboard or plastic backing is attached to hold the shape.

Such frames can be woven from wire using only pliers.

The frame can be bought at a craft store, but since our stores cannot always boast of such a variety, it is worth looking for frames in construction stores.

The simplest solution: the cartridge is held by the neck of a 5-liter bottle.

You can also buy an old lamp at a flea market or make a frame yourself from wire.

Ready-made cylindrical frame from a hardware store (metal mesh).

Green lamp... literally

You can use a special lamp for plants, but a simple “housekeeper” or LED lamp will also work.

Repeating the design with your own hands will not be difficult, especially since it is very easy to change it, based on what materials you have at hand.

The main thing is that in the hanging version the pot is not too heavy (in the tabletop version this can be neglected). You also need to insulate the wiring well; you can run it along one of the supporting wires.

10 steps to a fabric lampshade

DIY fabric lampshade: master class

The process of creating a fabric lampshade begins with preparing everything you need so that you don’t have to be distracted by searching for missing parts.

You will need:
- textile;
– masking tape;
– measuring tape and plastic ruler;
– chalk (or other material for marking fabric);
- pencil;
- scissors;
– thick self-adhesive film (from a craft store);
– lower and upper wire rings;
– clothespins-binders for paper;
- PVA glue;
– brush;
– threads;
- paper strip.

1 Step

2 Step

Cut out a rectangle of the required size from the self-adhesive film, and then cut a piece of fabric 5-6 cm larger at the edges. Glue the fabric right side to the table.

3 Step

Select the part of the pattern you want to keep on the lampshade and, using a ruler and something rectangular (like a book), draw cutting lines and corners.

4 Step

Flatten the fabric and begin gluing the film onto it. Do not tear off the entire backing from the very beginning: first separate 4-5 cm and glue them. After this, simultaneously tear off the backing and level the glued part of the film.

5 Step

Attach the lampshade to the frame, starting from the middle, using binders. When you reach the end, turn the lampshade over and start at the other end.

6 Step

Using a pencil, mark the line of contact and label the side that will be at the top. Next, glue the halves of the lampshade together and let them dry.

7 Step

Turn the lampshade over, apply a thin bead of glue to the edge, and insert the wire ring. Immediately secure it with paper clips, let it dry, and then repeat at the other end.

8 Step

9 Step

Also close the seam on the side of the lampshade.

10 Step

Put everything together and enjoy the finished lampshade.

Advice: Using the lampshade given in these instructions as a basis, you can make no less interesting designs, for example: the ever-popular lamp made of threads.

Lampshade – both photo album and map

Marie Darby shared online her success in creating a lampshade - a photo frame. To do this, she writes on her blog, you need a base, for example, like the one in the previous section, or a ready-made lamp with a white lampshade.

You will also need tracing paper (several sheets, you can buy it at craft and stationery stores), scissors, glue, pencil, ruler and printer. The result in the photo was obtained from using inkjet, but you can also use laser, the main thing is that it does not “chew” thin tracing paper.

You can make a collage from the photos on your computer using Photoshop or another collage program such as Picassa. You can collage photos by cutting them out with scissors.

Please note: if you are printing with an inkjet printer, allow the ink to dry. You also need to be careful with tracing paper and not bend it, otherwise the mark from the bend will always be noticeable.

In exactly the same way, you can transfer anything to a lampshade: a child’s drawing or a favorite quote, or even a map of your favorite place.

rope sun

Making a popular openwork lampshade is actually easier than ever. You will only need threads (acrylic or natural), glue (PVA or wallpaper), as well as a balloon or ball that can be blown away, and Vaseline.

The inflated ball is smeared with Vaseline (so that the threads do not stick to it) and they begin to wrap it with threads previously soaked in glue. When the structure dries, the ball is deflated and removed. That's it, the lampshade is ready!

Advice: before making a “finish” test, make 2-3 small lamps for testing. Also, immediately mark with a marker a place on the ball where there should be no threads - through it you will need to remove the ball and insert the cartridge.

Do-it-yourself indoor “night sky”

The pattern on the lampshade can be formed in different ways, each having its own advantages. But in terms of originality, few can compete with a perforated lamp.

To make one, you just need to prepare a base on which you will make the first row of holes (outline) with a thin awl. After this, you need to add many smaller holes and secure the perforated blank to the lamp.

How to make a lampshade video:

Knowledge of English is not necessary, everything is clear without words.

As you can see, you don’t need a lot of resources or experience to make a lampshade with your own hands (), but the result can be excellent. And if you involve a male colleague in the business who will help make a good frame, you can consider that the matter is in the bag.

It happens that you really want to update your interior, but you don’t know where to start. Sometimes you just need to change the lighting. But buying a new lamp is expensive, and in some cases it is not even necessary. We invite you to consider several master classes on how to update a table lampshade

What you need to create lampshades

You can update lampshades for yourself with absolutely any materials:

  • cloth;
  • artificial flowers;
  • skin;
  • threads and rope;
  • paper and so on.

It is also necessary to have tools such as scissors and a glue gun.

A simple and original way to decorate an old lamp

Such lamps are very well suited for a feminine chic style interior. To give the lampshade this look, take the following materials:

  • shade;
  • artificial flowers (peduncles can be bought in craft stores, but you can buy bouquets and cut off caps from them, sometimes this works out cheaper);
  • glue gun;
  • scissors.

Master class on how to update a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands:

  1. Cut off excess parts of the stem from the flowers, leaving only the calyx that connects the petals.
  2. Warm up the glue gun.
  3. Apply a little hot glue to the calyx of one flower stalk and glue it to the lampshade. Start working from the top or bottom edge. Glue the flowers either in a circle or in rows, pressing them tightly together.
  4. Hot glue dries quickly, so work carefully.
  5. When you have covered the entire lampshade, fluff the flower petals.

Tip: interesting DIY lampshades for table lamps are obtained by combining several shades of colors that flow smoothly.

Geographic lampshade

This lamp will look great both in the living room and in a child’s room.

You will need:

  • shade;
  • map;
  • ribbon;
  • PVA glue;
  • some water;
  • brush;
  • glue gun

Master class on how to make geographic lampshades for table lamps with your own hands:

  1. Prepare a map. You can buy it in a store, print it, or it can be special sheets for decoupage.
  2. Mark the required width on the card and cut out a rectangle. If you don't have enough to completely wrap around the lampshade, add another piece.
  3. Dilute in a small amount of water.
  4. Cover the back of the card with glue and carefully glue it to the lampshade. Use your fingers to smooth out any bumps if any appear.
  5. Wait until the card is completely dry.
  6. Cut off any excess paper.
  7. Heat it up and use it to glue the tape along the edge of the lampshade at the top and bottom.

The geographic lampshade is ready!

Book sheets as decor

In the same way as in the previous tutorial, you can decorate lampshades using book pages.

To do this, tear out several sheets from an old book and trim their edges so that they are not frayed. Lubricate each sheet with PVA glue and glue it onto the lampshade in a chaotic manner. The paper should protrude slightly at the edges. When all the sheets are glued, tuck the protruding edges inward.

Warm lampshade with ombre effect

This lamp is ideal for the cold season, as it will bring a note of warmth and comfort to any interior.

List of what you will need:

  • shade;
  • several types of yarn that match each other in color palette (for example, white, dark blue and turquoise);
  • glue gun

Master class on how to make a beautiful lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands:

  1. Place a small bead of glue just above the base of the lampshade (about one centimeter from the edge).
  2. Glue one end of the yarn to the drop. Choose the one with a darker shade.
  3. Wrap yarn around the lampshade, making sure that each new row fits tightly to the previous one.
  4. Wind a certain height with one color. The last turns should not fit tightly to each other, but be at different distances, covering the lampshade a little chaotically (picture 1).
  5. Glue yarn of a different shade with a glue gun. The new color should be at the same level as the old one (picture 2).
  6. Wrap the yarn around the lampshade, this will allow you to overlap two colors in some rows. This is necessary so that the shades have a smooth transition and do not have a striped pattern.
  7. When you have wound the required level of yarn in the second color, make a few loose turns (picture 3).
  8. Wind the third color of yarn, not forgetting to glue the tip.
  9. Finish wrapping the lampshade. To do this, the third yarn should go in tight rows to the edge of the lampshade, and glue the end (picture 4).
  10. Turn the lampshade over and wind the yarn to the end.

The warm lampshade is ready!

Lampshade with roses

You will need to take the following tools and materials:

  • shade;
  • cardboard;
  • pieces of fabric;
  • green yarn;
  • ribbon;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • pencil.

Master class on how to decorate a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands (photo of the process is attached):

  1. Draw flower leaves on cardboard and then cut them out (picture 1).
  2. Glue the green yarn to the edge using a glue gun (picture 2).
  3. Wind the yarn tightly around the leaf (picture 3).
  4. Glue the tip of the thread and make a few more leaves in the same way (picture 4).
  5. Cut several strips from the fabric about one or two centimeters thick (picture 4).
  6. Fold one strip in half, dripping a little glue inside along the entire length (picture 5).
  7. Roll the strip tightly, occasionally dripping glue onto the edge to keep it from coming apart (pictures 6 and 7).
  8. Straighten the edges of the figure a little, and you will get a rose (picture 8).
  9. Make several roses of different sizes in the same way.
  10. Carefully glue the roses onto the lampshade (picture 9).
  11. Don't forget to glue some leaves under the roses in some places.

The volumetric lampshade is ready!

New lampshade with ombre effect

To make a smooth and beautiful transition from one color to another, you need a suitable coating. To do this, it is recommended to make a lampshade with your own hands.
You will need:

  • lampshade frame;
  • plain cotton fabric (preferably white, beige or light gray);
  • small bath or basin;
  • paint (watercolor, hair, fabric, gouache and any other liquid);
  • glue gun

Master class on how to make a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands with an ombre effect:

  1. Take the lampshade frame and fabric.
  2. Turn on the glue gun.
  3. Wrap the fabric around the lampshade and carefully glue the edges. Cut off the excess fabric.
  4. Wrap the top and bottom edges inside the lampshade and glue them with a glue gun.
  5. Fill a bowl or tray halfway with water and dilute the paint in it.
  6. Lower the lampshade partially into the bath and pull it out.
  7. Do this procedure several times, gradually reducing the dipping height. This way the paint will be absorbed more at different levels, creating a smooth transition of shades of the same color.
  8. Hang the lampshade in the bathroom and let it dry.

All is ready!

How to make a lampshade from scratch

The previous master class described how to update a boring or outdated lampshade. What to do if there is nothing to work with and there is not even a frame? Then you can easily make a lampshade yourself.

To do this you will need to take:

  • textile;
  • masking tape;
  • large ruler and centimeter;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • plastic sheet (can be found in hardware stores or among craft supplies);
  • wire rings;
  • large paper clips;
  • PVA glue or;
  • glue gun;
  • special splitter for lamps (sold in lighting stores).

Operating procedure

Master class on how to make a new lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands:

  1. Take a tape measure and measure the diameter of your wire rings. This will be the diameter of the lampshade.
  2. Place a plastic sheet on the table and measure the length and width of the future lampshade on it
  3. Cut off the marked rectangle.
  4. Unfold the fabric wrong side out on the table.
  5. Secure the edges of the fabric so that it does not move.
  6. Cover the plastic rectangle with a layer of PVA glue or double-sided tape.
  7. Carefully place the rectangle with the sticky side on the fabric.
  8. Press the fabric onto the sheet and straighten it out.
  9. Trim off excess fabric.
  10. Roll the fabric.
  11. Glue the fabric together using a glue gun.
  12. Connect the seam with clothespins and place the piece on the table.
  13. Place a weight on top of the seam to prevent it from unraveling.
  14. Wait for the part to dry.
  15. Place the parts inside the top and bottom along the ring.
  16. Attach a special splitter to the upper ring.
  17. Glue the rings using a glue gun.
  18. Attach paper clips to the edges so that the rings stick better. Leave the part like this for a while.
  19. Glue a ribbon to the top and bottom of the lampshade, wrap half of it inward.
  20. Cut a strip of fabric, fold its edges and glue it to the seam.
  21. Cut two more strips of fabric, also turn the edges and glue them to the top and bottom of the lampshade.
  22. Wait until all the elements are dry.

A completely new lampshade is ready!

If a person loves creative experiments and wants to spend the day off profitably, you can make a new beautiful lampshade.

This craft will decorate your home. And only at first glance it seems that making lampshades for table lamps with your own hands is too expensive. There are ready-made, proven diagrams with dimensions. All you need is some wire, fabric and thread (or fabric glue). This is easy to do, and simple materials at hand are suitable for the craft. An interior element such as a lampshade will add a new motif to the familiar interior of a room or will be a wonderful gift for acquaintances and friends.

How to make a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands?

What's a living room without a beautiful lampshade? Masters of handmade art have a lot of tips in their arsenal on how to create a wonderful lampshade for an old lamp dating back to your grandmother’s youth. The most practical option is to make a round lampshade frame for a table lamp from wire. Stretch the fabric over the wire and secure it.

There are ready-made, proven diagrams with dimensions. By following the instructions, a beginner will avoid many mistakes. Let's give an example of the most common classic lampshade frame design. We also make a pattern for the fabric according to these dimensions, but with an allowance.

The best fabric for a lampshade is felt or cotton. Felt allows you to make multi-layered unusual crafts. And on plain cotton, before attaching the fabric to the frame, you can apply a design using an iron. To secure the fabric correctly and evenly, it is convenient to use transparent textile glue. You can easily find it in a decoupage store. The end result is an excellent lamp.

How is the drawing applied? There is no special trick to this either. You need to find special paper for thermal photo transfer. A suitable design is printed on it, and then you need to take a heated iron and iron every millimeter of paper well. You don't need to do anything else. When the pattern has cooled, the fabric is securely attached to the frame. Just don’t forget to leave a small gap when cutting out the fabric scraps so that the edges (top and bottom) can be folded and carefully glued from the inside out. Or use regular colored tape for these purposes.

Frame options

Lampshades for table lamps made by yourself are, in any case, nicer than factory-bought ones. Anything that the author's imagination allows is possible. But for a round shape, the easiest way is to choose a pattern that is glued to the fabric.

If you don’t want to bother with drawings, just take regular plain chintz fabric and make patterns suitable for the shape of the wire frame. The main elements of crafts are imagination and the ability to work with your hands. Therefore, you can make the wire frame of a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands.

Unusual lamps for a new interior

When a new room has been renovated, and you want to complement the image of the living room with some exclusive detail, you can put one lamp with an unusual design on a small coffee table. Or on the dressing table in the bedroom. This will be an excellent solution. After all, even when decor costs are minimal, creative taste is always appreciated.

You can find unusual ideas for a lamp, and, in particular, a new lampshade, at exhibitions of handicrafts, or simply by using your maximum imagination. Rice paper lampshades of various shapes are now popular. Many people love colored things and decorate the frame with decorative colored beads.

The main thing in creative experiments is to choose the right shade of small decorative elements. When the style, color scheme and shape are chosen correctly, even the simplest things will look elegant in your room.

Stylish cardboard lampshade

You can make a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands from cardboard. He will be completely different from the others. The material for the craft needs to be durable, but thin. The benefit of this option is that it is an incredibly easy way to create a lampshade from scratch.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. 4 identical frames are cut out of cardboard. The same frames in which photographs are placed.
  2. A piece of fabric is glued to the back of each frame.
  3. Carefully make a few holes on the side with a gypsy needle and sew the frames together with laces. You need to make a small flashlight. The cardboard is pre-glued. It is stitched to make the craft look more beautiful.

The advantage of this option is that it is a completely simple way to create a lampshade from scratch. In addition, this “flashlight” is a very light object. And it is possible to repaint it in any color, but preferably to match the selected fabric. It looks unusual and suits the style for elegant interiors.

Lampshades for table lamps, made by hand for the nursery

An interesting lamp in a nursery will come in very handy. Make a better lampshade for your child together. Trust his personal taste. After all, for a child, the most important thing is the process, not the result. You can use denser materials that do not transmit light well, for example, plastic covered with paper. With a lampshade made of plastic, the lamp dimly illuminates the room and acts as a night light.

Maybe the child will want to see his favorite cartoon character on such a night light. Using the cotton print idea this can be done.

Lampshade for a cozy bedroom

But for a woman’s bedroom, a lampshade with a knitted pattern is more suitable. Some stores sell simple knitted napkins as decorations for tables or shelves. These wipes are great. If a woman knows how to crochet, she can make such a napkin herself.

When you need to give the napkins the shape of a ball, you need to put a few of them on a children's ball, cover them completely with glue and let them dry a little. Remove unnecessary parts in advance. Then the fabric is removed and hung on the prepared circle of wire lampshade.

A self-knitted napkin already has the required size in advance; it does not need to be adjusted to the dimensions of the frame. The napkin is sewn to the edge of the frame using regular threads. Making a DIY crochet lampshade for a table lamp is as easy as shelling pears.

A ball of thread as a lampshade

A very popular method is a glued ball made of thin threads. All you need is a skein of thread, PVA glue and a balloon. You can also use thick threads.

What to do?

  • The balloon is inflated and smeared with glue.
  • Using fresh glue on the ball, wind the threads layer by layer in any order.
  • There is space left at the bottom so that you can screw in the light bulb later.
  • When you get a ball, apply another layer of PVA on top of the thread chaos.
  • This ball is left to dry for 12 hours.

After this, the balloon is pierced with a needle and pulled out. The lampshade is now ready to be installed on the lamp. DIY lampshades for table lamps made using this technique do not have to be round. Instead of a ball, it is convenient to take a plastic 5-liter bottle or other square-shaped object and apply the same “pattern”. You will get a wonderful lampshade if you take an inverted plastic flower pot instead of a mold.

New life for an old lampshade

What to do when you have lamps with lampshades, but the old glass shade is broken? How to repair a table lamp shade with your own hands? Sometimes you don’t want to say goodbye to your old favorite things, even though they grow old and fade with time. What can be done to ensure that they continue to serve? They can be refined and restored to a beautiful, stylish look. But how to update the lampshade of a table lamp with your own hands?

Of course, the old frame needs to be repainted and repaired if it is cracked somewhere. Now many types of glue for the restoration of such things are sold.

Then think about what base you will choose for your craft. If you are new to handmade crafts, ask for advice from those who are more familiar with the details of this hobby. But still, the best basis for a lampshade will be classic fabric.


The most suitable and accessible materials are paper and textile. They are easy to transform, each of us is familiar with them and can be found in everyone. home. Wonderful lamps are also obtained from threads or yarn. Naturally, glass can also be used for lampshades. At home, these are ordinary or unusual, with an interesting shape, jars or bottles. Particularly daring projects include plastic containers, coffee packaging, and plastic children's toys.

In addition, do not discard options such as rattan, bamboo and rubber. Both raw materials and a finished product can serve as the basis for a future product. For example, designers have become adept at creating delightful lampshades from beads, globes, parts of sets, mirror shards and even crumpled sheets of music! You just have to take a closer look at the objects around you...

Understanding how difficult it is to move from thought to action, especially to see an exquisite accessory in an ordinary jar, we have prepared several master classes for you. By following the step-by-step instructions, you can easily make some sweet hand-made new things for any room in the house.

Ideas and their implementation

Since we have already mentioned the materials suitable for making lampshades and lampshades, let’s start with paper.

Lamp with butterflies

For work we will need:

  • white thin cardboard
  • thin twine or fishing line
  • glue gun
  • wire for frame
  • utility knife or scissors
  • round pliers

Advice! Before you start work, decide on the dimensions of the finished lampshade. In our example, the diameter is 30 cm, which means we need a piece of cardboard 90 cm long.

  1. We make a frame. Cut a piece of wire 96-98 cm long. Roll the wire into a circle with a diameter of 30 cm and secure the ends with pliers.
  2. We cut 3 hanging elements from twine or fishing line. We measure the length of the pieces based on the height at which you plan to hang the lamp. We tie them to the wire in three places, evenly distributing the load.
  3. Draw butterflies of different sizes on cardboard and cut them out.
  4. We fold the cardboard, glue the joint with a strip of thick paper or staple it with a stapler.
  5. We fix the upper part on the wire. For this you can use both glue and thin wire.
  6. The places of joints and cuts can be decorated with butterflies remaining after cutting.
    Look what an elegant lamp we have created. It will fit perfectly into both a children's room and a bedroom. You will see a special chic when you turn on the lamp and butterflies flutter along the walls.

Advice! Instead of butterflies, you can cut out snowflakes, stars or flowers. Decide for yourself what you like best.

60s style

If you ask our grandmothers, they will certainly remember floor lamps with lampshades in the form of an inverted bucket, tied with colored threads. We can do exactly the same thing with our own hands.

We will need:

  • frame for lampshade – 2 pcs.
  • decorative braid (3 colors, choose a combination to your liking)
  • scissors
  • crochet hook

Let's start production.

  • We tie the first braid to the lower ring of the lampshade, leaving a tail of at least 5 cm.
  • We pull it onto the top ring from the outside, throw it over it and pull it through the inside of the bottom ring. We alternate actions until the next sector of the frame begins.
  • We fasten the first braid and take a braid of a different color to work. We knit it to the next sector, not forgetting to leave a tail on the first knot.
  • We do the same with the third sector, filling it with the remaining braid.
  • We stretch the tails along the bottom of the lampshade using a crochet hook.

Now our lampshade from the distant 60s is ready, all that remains is to insert the socket and assemble the chandelier in any order.

Fringed braid

Another original idea for a DIY lampshade also involves braid, but not a single layer, but with fringe. What do we need for this?


  1. two metal hoops or an embroidery hoop
  2. fringed braid
  3. fishing line
  4. acrylic paint, the same color as the braid
  5. glue gun
  6. scissors

Advice! Fringed braid can be purchased in stores that sell decor for curtains and furniture.

  1. We paint the hoops or hoops with acrylic paint. If they are already covered with varnish or other paint, it is better to sand and clean them.
  2. We wait until the paint is completely dry and make three marks on each ring of the lampshade, placing them at an equal distance from each other.
  3. I cut three identical pieces of fishing line.
  4. We tie them to the smaller ring of the lampshade, leaving the upper ends with a margin so that we can then tie them to the lamp cord.
  5. We measure the length of the fringe, subtract 2 cm from it, and tie the fishing line to the second ring using the resulting length. This way we can get a cascade.
  6. Heat the glue gun and carefully glue the braid along the bottom ring.
  7. We do the same with the upper ring, pulling it out from the lower one.

Advice! Please note that the hot glue may melt the line, so be careful not to apply it directly to the line. Drop glue onto the paper, let it cool a little, and then apply it to the fishing line.

We create our own home. And how cozy it will be depends on us. Even if you are the temporary owner of your home, you can make it cozy without major expenses. The main thing in this matter is to put your soul into it. But having ennobled the walls and windows of the apartment, you cannot leave a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling bare. Let's think about how you can make lamps with your own hands.

Advantages of homemade lampshades

The need for hand made lamps is dictated by various circumstances: some were unable to choose a chandelier for the updated interior, some have a difficult financial situation, and others feel the need to decorate their home with their own hands.

Advantages of homemade lampshades:

  • independence from store assortment;
  • low budget;
  • self-realization;
  • uniqueness (exclusivity);
  • originality;
  • availability of material for work.


The chosen concept should help you decide on the choice of material for the lamp. What is your room like, what lamps are suitable here, where will they be located (on the wall, ceiling, floor)? In this case, the material for the lampshade can be completely different things: threads and veneer, bottles and branches, paper and basin, cup and lace, wire and disposable spoons, fabric and beads. From the frame and available materials you can make real beauty.

Lace lampshade

To make it you will need about 10 knitted identical or different napkins of one or more colors (optional), a balloon, wallpaper glue and a container for it, a brush, threads, a light bulb socket, a light bulb, oilcloth or newspapers for bedding. The exact number of napkins depends on their size and the size of the ball.

The sequence of our actions:

  • Dilute wallpaper glue (one pack should be enough).
  • Inflate the balloon and tie it.
  • Tie it so that it is approximately in front of your eyes or below. For example, on a clothesline or stepladder.
  • Spread one napkin on the mat and coat it liberally with glue.
  • Carefully glue the napkin onto the ball.
  • Spread the next napkin and glue it so that one napkin lies slightly on top of the other.

  • Glue all the napkins, lightly connecting them to each other.
  • Leave a small hole at the bottom without a napkin so that you can install the socket and light bulb later.
  • Your ball should dry for about a day.
  • After a day, making sure that the glue has dried completely, pierce the ball and remove it from the lampshade.
  • If you want to give the lamp a different color, before piercing the ball, paint the napkins with acrylic paints and leave them to dry again.
  • Thread an electrical wire through the center of the napkin at the top point of the lampshade, to which the socket will later be connected. Attention! Don't forget to disconnect the power supply from the wires!
  • Install the cartridge.
  • Screw in the light bulb.

If you are installing such a lamp on an already hanging socket, you can do the following:

  • at the top point of the lampshade, leave a circle with a diameter of approximately 10 cm;
  • hang a circle of cardboard on the cartridge to match the napkins with a diameter of approximately 15 cm;
  • Carefully pass the cardboard inside the lampshade and fasten them together with a stapler or double-sided tape.

Lamp made of plastic bottles

Most likely, no one will name how many options for lampshades made from plastic bottles exist. But there are two principles of use: the bottle is decorated with other materials, or elements for decoration are cut out of the bottle.

To implement the first principle, we need a three- or five-liter bottle. Its neck will be put on the cartridge, and the bottom needs to be cut off. If the bottle is made of colored plastic, then the simplest chandelier for a simple country house is already ready. But plastic can be painted with designs, and small elements such as buttons, pieces of mirrors, and shells can be glued with liquid nails. Or cover it with acrylic paint of one color, and apply an uneven layer of paint of a different color on top using a comb. In a more complex version, plastic disposable spoons without handles in the form of scales are glued throughout the bottle.

Such a lampshade will be harmonious with retro style.

To implement the idea of ​​the second principle, you need bottles of any size, but of different colors. Cut out any shapes from them: leaves, flowers, geometry. The main thing is that there are a lot of them. The lampshade will need a frame in the form of wire rings. Connect the different levels of the frame together with a vertical wire. Using fishing line or thin wire, attach a huge number of cut out figures to the frame. They can fit tightly to the frame or hang freely from it.

Paper lampshade

Cardboard, rice paper, self-adhesive, corrugated - whatever kind of paper is used for homemade lampshades. For the Art Nouveau style, we suggest you make a lampshade from multi-colored cardboard ribbons. Choose colors. Prepare strips 2-4 cm wide, a stapler or good glue. Randomly thread the strips into each other, fasten them in such a way as if you have a lump of remnants of different threads in your hands. It should not be tight so as not to interfere with the light bulb.

Size is at your discretion. By slightly spreading the strips, you can easily hang the ball on the cartridge.

Use an energy-saving lamp - it heats up less and is safer.

Grapevine lampshade

To make a lampshade from wood, you need to select suitable driftwood or branches and process them properly. In the case of a vine, almost any one will do, with stepsons and even dry leaves. Such a lamp can be wall-mounted, floor-mounted, or ceiling-mounted. It requires a metal frame of any shape through which the branches will be passed. When the lampshade is ready, cover it with furniture varnish - it will be very beautiful.

How to make one from threads and a ball?

One of the simplest but most original ideas is a lampshade made from threads wound around a balloon. We need threads (woolen, twine, thick cotton), PVA glue, brush, balloon, Vaseline.

  • Inflate the balloon. The larger it is, the larger your lampshade will be. A more common option is a round ball, but who said that this is necessary? Perhaps your chandelier will have three oblong shades.
  • If your lampshade has an open bottom, then draw a border on the ball for further winding.
  • In order for the ball to be easily detached from the threads later, coat it with Vaseline using a brush.
  • As you wrap the threads around the ball, coat them with glue, layer by layer. Don't skimp on glue.
  • The more layers, the stronger the structure. Try using threads of different textures, winding them in different directions.
  • Leave your chandelier to dry.
  • After about 24 hours, pierce the balloon and remove the remains from the lampshade.
  • Carefully cut out the hole for the cartridge.
  • Insert the light bulb - the lampshade is ready.
  • If it is monochromatic, then it can be decorated with artificial flowers, airy butterflies or other small elements.


Lampshade for a standing lamp: master class

Such a lamp is not only in the field of vision, but also in the field of touch.

To create a pleasant atmosphere, make the floor lamp soft:

  1. Choose a boa or fringe with fluffy threads in one or more colors.
  2. Glue a boa or fringe onto the old lampshade strictly along the circumference, wrapping it around the lampshade several times.
  3. You can decorate with colored material not only in a circle, but also chaotically, with spots.
  4. If desired, you can decorate the lamp leg and the base itself.

The design itself will be voluminous and will not require additional elements.

Making for a wall model

The house lamp looks great on the wall. It can be a completely different model. But if you install such a lamp in a child’s room, place the baby’s favorite toy (for safety reasons, not fabric and away from the light bulb) in the door of the house where the light comes from.

No less interesting are figures made of dense materials (a cat, a flower, a month) mounted on a frame. The light does not come through the figure, but from under it, scattering the beam. As a rule, sconces are used specifically to dim the light, which means that any opaque models would be appropriate here.


Handmade options for street lighting

When talking about street lighting, we mean the area in front of a private house or cottage. Although, if you live in a multi-story building where people take care of what they have in the yard, then these ideas may suit you too.

Lighting the area in front of the house can be:

  • facade, when lamps are mounted on the walls of the house and veranda;
  • landscape, which can highlight the beauty of your site, emphasizing paths, plants, figures;
  • street, represented by lanterns that create diffused light in the area.

The types of light source are also different:

  • from the mains;
  • from batteries;
  • from solar panels.

Facade lamps can look different: LED strip around the perimeter of the house, sconces made of driftwood and branches. The light source will be the electrical network.

Much more imagination can be used in landscape lighting. Install multi-colored battery-powered lamps into several figures of animals and fairy-tale characters made of plaster, wood or polystone and place them around the area - the effect will be stunningly beautiful. But turning it on and off is inconvenient. Try installing solar-powered lights. In the evening they will light up on their own.

Throw LED strips powered from the mains onto trees and shrubs, and in the evening you will find yourself in a fairy tale. In stores and on the Internet, they sell lamps that operate on the principle of solar panels, with a stand that you simply need to stick into the ground in an arbitrary place. In this way you can decorate a pond or gazebo. The glass of the lamp can be pre-coated with a pattern or plain paint.

If there is no electricity or solar panels, then your evening will be brightened by candle lamps hidden in glass jars and hung from a gazebo, fence, or trees. Jars can be decorated using threads, paint, colored self-adhesive paper, and corrugated paper. But be careful with such illumination - open fire loves the careless.