The first fruiting of sweet cherries after planting. How to plant cherries and get a good income

The first fruiting of sweet cherries after planting.  How to plant cherries and get a good income
The first fruiting of sweet cherries after planting. How to plant cherries and get a good income

An amateur gardener who competently selects and grows cherry seedlings in his garden different terms ripening, will be able to consume unprocessed fruits for two months. In addition, there are varieties whose fruits may not fall off the tree for several days after ripening, and also be stored in a cool place for some time.

Scientists and amateurs have developed a significant number of new varieties of cherries. The gardener should grow those varieties that have been tested at experimental stations for a long time. Those varieties that are quickly promoted to the market based on results obtained over a period of one or two years may not meet the declared characteristics. The loss of time in this case will be several years. It is also not necessary to plant the root shoots of cherries; special techniques must be used to grow them.

To eliminate errors, you need to purchase varieties grafted onto rootstocks that have increased resistance to cold winters.

Classification of cherry varieties

Winter hardiness of a tree

Low: Kentskaya, Rusinka, Malinovka.

Medium: Crimson, Rossoshanskaya black, Molodezhnaya, Turgenevka, Zhukovskaya, The same age, In memory of Vavilov, Surprise, Zagoryevskaya-2, Oblachinskaya, In memory of Enikeev.

High: Octave, Shubinka, Voleka, Prima, Lyubskaya, Muse, Anthracite, Generous, Vladimirskaya, Volochaevka, Brunette, Moscow Griot.

Productivity of cherry fruits from one tree

Low: Vladimirskaya.

Medium: Kentskaya, Crimson, Moscow Griot, Oblachinskaya, In memory of Enikeev, Rusinka, Malinovka.

High: Rossoshanskaya black, Octave, Shubinka, Voleka, Prima, Lyubskaya, Muse, Anthracite, Generous, Volochaevka, Brunette, The same age, In memory of Vavilov, Zagoryevskaya-2, Molodezhnaya, Turgenevka, Zhukovskaya, Surprise.

Characteristics of varieties


Ripens from 5 to 15 July. Rounded dark red fruits have a sweet and sour taste. The winter hardiness of the tree and fruit buds is at the level of averages. The yield from one mature tree is about 10 kg. Does not require special measures to protect against coccomycosis. Flowers pollinate themselves.


Ripens from 15 to 25 July, the fruits are elongated heart-shaped black-red. Fruit flavor, sweet and sour. Winter hardiness of fruit buds and trees is high. It is necessary to plant next to one or more cherry trees of other varieties that bloom at the same time as this variety. Affected by coccomycosis, requires chemical methods protection. Productivity is high, ranging from 10 to 15 kg per perennial tree.


A very famous old variety, the fruits of which are more suitable for making jam, because they have a slightly sweet and sour taste. High winter hardiness and productivity find admirers among gardeners who have plots close to home. The variety has poor resistance to coccomycosis and needs chemical treatments for this disease. Flowers pollinate themselves.


Old variety. The shape of the fruit is round. The color of the cherry is dark red, the taste is sweet and sour. The variety ripens from June 20 to July 5. Although the winter hardiness of flower buds is very high, the tree itself can freeze slightly in cold winters and requires additional protective measures. Snowing and warming of skeletal branches will help to get from 8 to 10 kg of fruits from each tree. The variety is slightly affected by coccomycosis. Flowers pollinate themselves.


Ripening time July 15-25. Fruits of medium size, elongated heart-shaped, weighing up to 4.0 g, dark red. The taste of cherries is sweet and sour. The variety is frost-resistant, requires protection from coccomycosis. Productivity from one cherry is from 8 to 15 kg of fruit. Flowers pollinate themselves.

In memory of Vavilov

Ripens from 15 to 25 July. Round-heart-shaped fruits, sweet and sour taste have a weight of up to 4.0 g. The color of the fruits is dark red. Both the tree and the flower buds are frost resistant. The flowers of this variety do not need additional pollination. The variety practically does not require protection against coccomycosis. The yield is high, up to 20 kg of fruit from an adult cherry tree.


It has small fruits, weighing up to 3.0 g. The taste of cherries is sour. Such features are needed for the preparation of certain types of jams, jams and other culinary dishes. Winter hardiness of fruit buds and trees is high. Flowers do not need additional pollination. Requires protection from coccomycosis. From one tree you can get up to 20 kg of fruit. The fruits are red, rounded, ripen July 20-30.


Ripens July 20-30. The fruits are dark cherry, rounded, the taste is sweet and sour. The flowers of this variety pollinate themselves. The variety is resistant to frost. Requires protection from disease. From one tree you can collect up to 15 kg of cherries.


Ripens from 10 to 20 July. The fruits are large, maroon in color, weighing up to 4.5 g. The shape of the cherries is heart-shaped, the taste is sweet, slightly sour. The variety is frost-resistant, the flowers pollinate themselves. One mature tree can produce up to 20 kg of fruit. Requires prevention from coccomycosis.


The fruits of this variety are burgundy-black in color, rounded in shape, ripen from 20 to 30 July. Productivity from one tree to 15 kg. Fruit weight is about 4.0 g, the taste is harmonious, sweet and sour. The variety is frost-resistant, does not require special measures against diseases. Flowers pollinate themselves.


It has dark red fruits, weighing about 4 g. The shape of the cherries is bulbous. Taste, sweet and sour. Frost resistance and resistance to coccomycosis are above average. Productivity up to 15 kg from an adult tree. For guaranteed pollination of flowers, it is necessary to plant pollinating cherry varieties nearby.


It has very large round-oval fruits, weighing about 6.0 g. Cherry color, dark red. Fruit ripening occurs from 5 to 15 July. The taste of cherries is sweet and sour. Frost resistance and resistance to coccomycosis are above average. Yield up to 15 kg per tree. Measures are needed to pollinate flowers.


Ripens July 10-20. The fruit weighs approximately 4.0 g. The shape of the cherry is round-oval, the color is light red. The pulp is sweet and sour. Flower buds and the tree itself are frost-resistant. Does not require special measures to protect against fungal diseases. Productivity is high, about 15 kg per tree. Flowers pollinate themselves.

Zagoryevskaya - 2

Ripens July 10-20. Dark red rounded fruits reach a weight of 4.5 g. The taste is sweet and sour. Flowers pollinate themselves. The tree tolerates cold winters well. Resistance to fungal diseases is below average. Cherries of this variety can produce up to 15 kg of fruit.

Rossosh black

Ripens July 10-20. The fruits are round, dark cherry in color, weighing up to 5.0 g. The taste is sweet and sour. The variety has a high transportability. The index of winter hardiness of the variety is at the level of average values. From one tree you can collect up to 20 kg of fruit. Does not require special measures against diseases.

In memory of Vavilov

One of the most tall varieties in the world. Round fruits of dark red color reach a weight of 6.0 g. The pulp of the fruit has a sweet and sour taste. Does not require special measures against diseases. The index of winter hardiness of the variety is at the level of average values. When the tree is overloaded, the fruits become smaller. Fruit ripening occurs on July 10–20.


Ripens early July. Cherries are oval in shape. sweet-sour taste, dark red color. The frost resistance of the tree and fruit buds is above average. Productivity is high, about 25 kg per plant. Resistance to coccomycosis at the level of average values.


An old, time-tested variety, registered about 60 years ago. The fruits are flat-rounded, weighing up to 3.0 g. The color of the cherries is black-red. The variety ripens July 15-25. The taste of cherries is sweet and sour. From one tree you can collect up to 10 kg of cherries. Does not require special measures against diseases. The index of winter hardiness of the variety is at the level of high values. For guaranteed pollination of flowers, it is necessary to plant pollinating cherry varieties nearby.


Ripens July 10-20. The fruits are black-red, rounded, sweet and sour taste, weighing up to 4 g. Up to 15 kg of cherries can be collected from one tree. The index of winter hardiness of the variety is at the level of high values. Flowers pollinate themselves. Resistance to fungal diseases and winter hardiness of flower buds are at the level of average characteristics.


Ripens July 15-25. Cherries have a flat round shape. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour. From one tree you can collect up to 15 kg of cherries. The frost resistance of the tree and fruit buds is above average. This cherry variety high yield, up to 20 kg per plant. Requires increased attention to protection against fungal diseases.


Ripens July 20-30. Cherries have a flat-rounded shape and weight up to 2.5 g. The taste is sour. The color is dark red. Used to make confitures, jams and similar desserts. From one tree you can collect up to 20 kg. The winter hardiness of the tree and fruit buds is at a high level. Requires protective measures against fungal diseases.


Ripe cherries are harvested on July 20-25. Fruits of medium size, weighing up to 4.0 g, rounded. Cherry color is dark burgundy. The taste is sweet and sour. One tree can produce up to 12 kg of cherries. Flowers pollinate themselves. The winter hardiness of the tree is higher, and the fruit buds are below average. Requires normal disease control measures.


Ripens July 20-25. The fruits are large, weighing up to 4.5 g. The shape of the cherries is oval, the color is dark red. The taste is sour-sweet, Winter hardiness is at the level of average values. The variety requires protection from fungal diseases. The average seasonal yield is 15 kg per tree. Flowers pollinate themselves.

Moscow griot

Ripens July 15-20. Cherry has a rounded shape and weighs about 3.5 g. The color of the fruit is dark red, the taste is sweet and sour. The variety requires additional pollination. Up to 9.0 kg of cherries can be harvested from one tree. Winter hardiness of the tree is high. Resistance to coccomycosis at the level of average indicators.


Ripens July 25-30. The fruits are dark red, rounded, weighing up to 4.0 g. The taste of cherries is sweet and sour. The variety requires additional pollination. Requires protective measures against fungal diseases.


Ripens July 15-25. The fruits have a weight of about 3.0 g. The shape of the fruit is round, the color is dark red. The taste is sour. The fruits are used to make jam. The variety does not require additional pollination. From one tree you can collect up to 10 kg of cherries. Indicators of frost resistance and resistance to coccomycosis are at the level of high values.

In memory of Enikeev

Ripens July 10-29. The color of the cherry is dark red, the shape is heart-shaped. It has a weight of about 5.0 g, the taste is sweet and sour. Flowers pollinate themselves. Cherries of this variety can produce up to 10 kg of fruit. The winter hardiness of the tree and the resistance of flowers to reverse frosts are at the level of average values. Resistance to coccomycosis at the level of average indicators.


Ripens July 15-30. The fruit has a heart-shaped shape, weight up to 3.5 g. The taste of cherries is sweet and sour. Flowers pollinate themselves. Winter hardiness of trees and flowers at the level of high values. Does not require frequent treatments for fungal diseases.


Ripens July 15-30. The fruit has a rounded shape. Dark red color, sweet and sour taste. Flowers pollinate themselves. The indicators of frost resistance of a tree and flower buds are at the level of high values. Requires protection from fungal diseases.

As you can see, the choice is quite large. For planting a cherry orchard, use proven varieties, introduce new ones with caution. Accumulate statistics on the cultivation of new varieties and share with us, just like you, amateur gardeners.

At the beginning of this article, I would like to pay attention to the issue protective structures and refrigerators. The climatic conditions of Russia are very different from the conditions of the North and Central Europe. The decision of local gardeners to protect plantings from rains, even if there are varieties of sweet cherries resistant to cracking in the assortment, is influenced by a large amount of rainfall, which predetermines warm gulf stream. One of the main tasks today is to protect fruits from hail damage - now in Europe 98% are equipped with anti-hail structures (in the 70-80s of the last century, 10-12% of gardens were protected with nets there). The use of special expensive polyethylene-polyvinyl chloride fabrics for rain protection, as they do in Australia and New Zealand, is also justified, because local gardeners have very high incomes from exporting cherries to China for Chinese New Year, and to Japan for Christmas and Valentine's Day: at a price of $15-30 per kilogram (premium product reaches $40/kg), demand exceeds supply.

Also, it would not hurt to install refrigeration equipment for domestic varieties to extend the period of their sale behind a conveyor type.

Instead, the high, often absolute resistance of the main industrial foreign varieties to rain and the low frequency of rains and hail in Russia compared to Western Europe, the abundance of foreign varieties and the long period of their ripening and sale violate our concept of the seasonality of sweet cherry consumption. If you grow certain varieties, then the fruits can be consumed within 4-5 months: at the end of May, the season will begin Bulgarian variety Kossara, Hungarian Rita and French Primulat, and in August-September they will finish the Canadian Centinial and the Australian Sweet Valentine. And the cultivation of such a high-quality conveyor will make it possible to abandon the use of all kinds of protective systems and refrigeration equipment: because such costs would be inappropriate.

Poverty is not a vice

The origins, causes and consequences of the poverty of the population of Russia are not comparable with the poverty of citizens of third world countries, where poverty is associated with illiteracy of the population and a low level of government. Representatives of the poor population of Russia are the cream of society and the intellect of the nation: doctors, miners, teachers, farmers, mid-level civil servants, employees of research institutes who may buy social varieties of bread, but not rotten, as well as budget-social small cherries. The Russian buyer, regardless of what stratum of society he belongs to and what income he receives, will give preference to fruits High Quality: if these are apples, then without visible manifestations of damage by diseases and pests (without black dots of scab and wormholes), if these are cherries, then they are large, without cracks and rot.

Usually in supermarkets they pay for the delivered products in two weeks. However, this does not apply to sweet cherries of high marketability. This is a casuistic, but not an isolated case, when the rules of pricing policy and payment for delivered products are dictated not by supermarkets, but by the manufacturer. A similar situation is with apricot, when, in contrast to pale yellow, grassy and non-aromatic, of unknown varietal, weighing 30 g and priced at 100 rubles / kg, fruits are supplied with intense orange, with a red blush, powerful aroma and good taste, fruits weighing 50- 70 g of Benoit Eskandande series - Tornado, Tsunami, Kyoto from the beginning of June, and Faraday series - Farado, Farkalo, Frison until the end of September.

Try the manager of a supermarket, after he realized the success of selling a large and delicious cherries, which can withstand 4-5 days in trade without loss of marketability, offer budget-social cherries, which on the 2-3rd day of sale become soft, ferment and mold, with the assurance that the poor urban population will ensure the success of the sale of such cherries!

Yes, the demand and purchasing power of the Russian population is affected by the exchange rate, the investment climate, the rise and fall of the popularity of the product, urbanization, smuggling, the modernization of trade within the state, official state-created barriers to trade, tariffs, bans, quotas. So far, the exchange rate, investments and other things in Russia are not very good, but the desire to purchase at least half a kilogram of excellent berries is not enough for the Russians. High-quality cherries in all countries on all continents are perceived by the population as a luxury that one irresistibly wants to buy and try! And high-quality cherries are actively bought, in Russia - as well! This is evidenced by the wholesale prices for cherries in 2015: 104 rubles / kg, incredible demand and the speed with which the products were sold. It is dark red varieties of sweet cherries with large fruits that are most successfully sold, and smaller fruits have no chance.


And what about the control of sanitary and hygienic indicators of sweet cherries? In Russia, the content of residues of organophosphorus-chlorine pesticides is controlled. Cherry producers who respect the consumer have not used such pesticides for a long time.

Sanitary services, which in Russia were the only effective organization that controlled the content of pesticide residues in products, have been disbanded. In urban markets at a mediocre level by methods jurassic control the content of nitrates in products. With this level of control, the consumer loses, not suspecting what kind of allergenic, carcinogenic, androgenic, mutagenic surprises can be expected in the future, because even a slightly overestimated rate of pesticides does not appear immediately in the human body.

The Russian producer, in order to somehow protect the harvest of domestic varieties of cherries, is forced to apply excessive pesticide rates. Most often it happens that 10 days before harvesting, insecticides and fungicides are applied in the garden with a waiting period of 25-40 days. The chief agronomist of one of the leading farms in the South of Russia admitted that in order for the fruits of domestic varieties of sweet cherries to have the proper commercial quality, he must perform eight sprays - against cherry flies, aphids, cocomycosis, cracking and rotting of fruits. Drugs of II-III groups of toxicity are used, in particular, pyrethroid and phosphate-pyrethroid insecticides and a number of fungicides. Draw your own conclusions.

But when growing foreign varieties of sweet cherries, it is not necessary to use fungicides to protect against cocomycosis, cracking and rotting of fruits. Long before the fruits ripen, only one spray is required to protect against the cherry fly; for this, a preparation of class III toxicity is used, which is safe for bees. In Western Europe, where the use and residues of pesticides in products that end up in supermarkets are carefully controlled, unscrupulous farmers have no chance of supplying their fruits to consumers.


The return on the cost of creating a garden with the receipt of the first profit comes in the first year of obtaining a marketable crop. A marketable harvest of sweet cherries on the floor of dwarf rootstocks VSL-2, Weirut-158, PHLA is obtained on the 4th-5th year, on medium-sized rootstocks Colt, Pika-1 - on the 5th year, when using the stock Fox-12/1 - on 6th year.

In the first year of obtaining a marketable crop, the net profit exceeds the capital costs of creating a garden, provided that all agrotechnical activities, except for pruning and harvesting, are carried out independently.

The capital cost of creating one hectare of a cherry orchard is $12,500, including the cost of purchasing 1,900 seedlings, which cost $5.5 each on the market, which is $10,450.

With proper care, a yield of 19 t/ha and a wholesale price of 104 rubles/kg, the gross profit per hectare of an intensive cherry orchard will be 19,000 x 1.36 = 25,840 dollars.

If the gardener starts from scratch, then he will have to take into account the costs of a tractor, sprayer, rotary mower, well (if there is no reservoir). In this case, the payback of the garden occurs upon receipt of the second marketable crop.

Net profit in the year of the second commercial crop (five-year orchard) of the Tehlovan variety on the VSL-2 rootstock, using two pollinators - the Celeste and Sir Douglas varieties, with a planting pattern of 4.2 x 1.8 m (density 1322 trees / ha), taking into account the tendency of the Tehlovan variety to form a crown of a larger habit, with an average yield per tree of 19.5 kg, and current care costs of $ 2,050 at a wholesale price of 104 rubles / kg, it is $ 33,174, which is 16 times higher than the amount of current costs.

On average, 90 hours are spent on pruning one hectare of a 5-6-year-old cherry orchard on a VSL2 rootstock with a density of 1322 trees/ha (detailed summer, cyclic spring or general spring pruning). 900 hours are spent on harvesting.

It is very strange: how do cherry producers exist all over the world, and even manage to build very expensive anti-hail systems, refrigerators, and at the same time live well?

The market with its global laws of market relations cannot be bribed. Wishful thinking will not conquer the market. And even more so - do not convince progressive professional gardeners to use technologies that do not work. The special talent and ability of some representatives of domestic science to reshape world scientific achievements into shortcomings, and vice versa - the shortcomings and imperfections of domestic technologies - into their advantages, delights and upsets at the same time. It would be better if these scientists directed their talents not to combat dissent in horticulture, but to the proper scientific and theoretical support of the industry.

Cherry - a fruit tree belonging to the genus Plums and the Pink family, is considered the closest relative of the cherry.

it thermophilic plant also known as "bird cherry".

It reaches a height of 10 to 25 meters, has a lush crown of dark green leaves, blooms profusely and bears fruit with sweet and juicy berries.

This is one of the most ancient cherry varieties known to the world.

The plant is very popular due to the unpretentiousness of cultivation, fertility and high organoleptic qualities of the fruit.

See what a mature garden cherry tree looks like in the images below:

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The value of cherry fruits (with photo)

The berry of any kind of sweet cherry has a special value for the human body, because it has a unique composition of vitamins.

The high level of iron provides a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and hemoglobin levels. The fructose contained in its composition not only gives a sweet taste, but is also allowed for use by children, diabetics and nursing mothers. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the intestinal tract, contributing to its purification.

For a detailed review, study the photos of ripe cherries, which are presented below:

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The berries of this fruit tree have a valuable chemical composition, which makes them so useful, dietary and in demand in the diet:

  • they practically do not contain fat, but are rich in carbohydrates (up to 16%);
  • the berry is rich in organic acids and useful sugars (fructose and sucrose);
  • contains vitamins: C, E, group B. The composition contains iodine, iron, sodium, calcium and potassium.

Cherry has a large amount of pectin, which contribute to the process of gelation.

What does a cherry fruit tree look like: what kind of berries and leaves does it have

Description garden tree cherries must start with general characteristics appearance. it woody plant is an individual with an average height of 12-14 m, with lush crown in the form of an ellipse, densely covered with leaves. Has a horizontal root system, which with age can also spread vertically deep into the soil. It grows quickly and unpretentious.

The bark is thin Brown color with a small amount of peeling on the surface. Shoots can be formed both with the presence of one internode, and one by one (such shoots are longer).

Take a close look at the photo of an adult cherry tree, this will help in its detailed study:

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The fruits are round or slightly elongated, with juicy sweet pulp, thin skin and a spherical bone inside. The juice is almost transparent and fragrant. The color of the berry can range from yellow to maroon. It depends on the type of tree and the ripeness of the fruit.

It is not difficult to imagine what kind of leaves a cherry tree has, because it is the closest relative of a cherry. They are oval with one pointed end, thin and wrinkled with pronounced veins, but slightly lighter in color than cherry foliage. The edge is slightly "ragged" with a zigzag cut. In length reach 14-15 cm.

How healthy cherry leaves look like can be judged based on the color and shape of the leaf itself. Normally, the foliage has a uniform color, has elasticity and a sufficient amount of cell sap.

Signs of pests may include:

  • sharp yellowing of the leaves and their dryness during flowering or fruiting;
  • the appearance of red and brown small spots;
  • the presence of dry holes in the sheets;
  • swelling and growths on the foliage.

For a more detailed understanding, look at the photo depicting healthy cherry leaves:

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What year does the cherry bear fruit after planting, and what is the yield from one tree

One of the most beautiful and important periods for fruit trees is the flowering time. After all, the amount of the future harvest depends on it. Sweet cherries are self-fertile trees that require other trees for pollination. That's why the best way to achieve full pollination of flowers, several specimens will be planted in the garden with a simultaneous flowering period.

Cherry blossoms in normal comfortable conditions happens abundantly. The crown of the tree is covered juicy greens and umbrellas of white flowers, reaching up to 2.5-3 cm in diameter. Inside each there are 4-5 yellow stamens and 1 pistil. Despite the family ties of cherries and cherries, pollination between them is possible only one-way. Cherry individuals are not capable of pollinating cherries, but pollen from the cherry tree may well fertilize cherry blossoms.

The timing of the flowering of cherry trees depends on its variety and place of growth. The first flowers appear on southern trees in mid-April, and more northern plants- closer to the middle of May. Stable flowering occurs when average temperature air during the day 18-20 degrees. This “beautiful period” lasts from 20 to 25 days on average, but there are varieties whose flowering period is no more than two weeks. The first flowers appear a little earlier than the first young leaves bloom. With its lush white color, this plant attracts a lot of insect attention. Compared to other stone fruit crops, sweet cherry is in first place in terms of the quantity and quality of nectar. Also, the color of the cherry is valued among beekeepers due to its abundant and valuable honey plant.

In order to visually study the description of flowering cherries, look at the photos below:

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The yield per tree depends on a number of factors:

  • landing sites;
  • tree age;
  • degree of care.

In addition to the right place for planting a tree in the garden, you need to choose the right one for weather grade. If these are the northern and eastern stripes of the country, then the selected variety must be frost-resistant in order to survive the cold.

It does well with moderate fertilization, but does not tolerate overly fertilized soils. In addition, this variety of fruit tree loves the light, so you should not plant it in the shady side of the garden.

Active fruiting of the cherry tree begins from late June to mid-July and at the age of 7-8 years, but already from the age of five, small crops may appear. Unlike many fruit trees, sweet cherries produce a crop every year. With proper pruning, fertilization and watering, fruiting activity can increase over the years (up to 50 kg). The amount of harvest depends on the type of tree, some bear fruit from an early age, and some only for 11 or 12 years.

Therefore, in order to know what year after planting the sweet cherry actively bears fruit, find out the name and features of the variety. So, for example, from the age of 5, varieties such as Zhabule, Golden Cherry and Franz Josef bear fruit. At 8-9 years old, white Bordeaux and black Dibera are distinguished by high yields. At the age of 10 years, in principle, everything begins to bear fruit. garden varieties if this does not happen, then pay attention to the condition of the tree: it may be affected by pests.

The yield of healthy cherries at maturity from one tree can reach 20 kg per season, but especially high-yielding varieties can produce up to 50 kg. This amount depends on the degree of pollination of flowers during the flowering period. That is why it is best to plant several trees different sort, so they will mutually pollinate, and thereby bring large quantity harvest.

Where and how cherries grow, a list of popular varieties

Where cherries grow best can be judged based on the climate of the region. Since this is a heat-loving plant that does not like shade, it grows best on the sunny slopes of southern Europe, the Crimea, Iran, Turkey and Asia, and in general in stripes with a warm dry climate. Less common culture in America, Africa and Australia. It can grow in the forests in the wild, outwardly it differs from the garden one in smaller crown dimensions and smaller berries.

Sweet cherries do not grow well in both sandy and putrid wet soil. She does not like excessive moisture or dryness. She likes loose fertile soil, with the ability to spread the roots deep into the layers.

This plant is very common in our area due to its tasty and healthy fruits.

Based on the characteristics of the crop, all fruit varieties are divided into groups:

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Gini includes varieties with very tender flesh that have sweet and soft berries. They have high organoleptic qualities, but lose them during storage. The shelf life is very short, which makes such berries unsuitable for transportation. This group mainly includes varieties with early ripening fruits.

Bigarro is a group of sweet cherries with a denser berry structure that are sweet and juicy in taste. Such varieties are widely used not only fresh, but also for conservation. At heat treatment the pulp of such berries does not boil soft and retains the shape of the fruit.

The most popular and common fruit varieties of garden cherry trees:

Photo gallery

This is not the whole list, breeders have more than 4,000 varieties of this delicious berry. All of them are good and durable in their own way. Such a tree grows and bears fruit up to 100 years, which makes it possible to enjoy delicious and beneficial fruits not one generation.

Cherries are loved by adults and children. Kissels, compotes, wine, pies, dumplings, jam are prepared from it, and also consumed fresh. Cherries are often used in confectionery: cakes, ice cream, burnt, etc.

Cherry's homeland is Black Sea coast Crimea and the Caucasus, and after the merchants brought her to Rome. From there it spread throughout the world. This berry one of the ten most useful popular plants. She has an excellent combination of vitamins (C, B1, B2, B6, B9), folic acid and mineral elements (boron, potassium, magnesium, copper, etc.). A glass of cherry juice improves the duration and quality of sleep. The coumarin in cherries reduces blood clots. And according to recent studies, it has been proven that ellagic acid, which is contained in cherry berries, blocks the growth of cancer cells.

Cherry berries are healthy and tasty, so the demand for them is always stable. If you have small savings and a desire to start a small but promising business, then growing cherries on personal plot can be a "start" to more serious matters. For beginners, we will reveal all the nuances of planting, caring for and processing the fruits of cherry trees.

Profitability of the "cherry" business

Features of growing cherries for business are in two economic justifications:

  1. Simple care for an unpretentious tree.
  2. High demand for a sought-after product.

Cultivation of cherries suburban area at proper organization and proper care is beneficial. Any region is suitable for such an entrepreneurship, because the tree is frost-resistant and unpretentious in care. It practically does not require fertilizers. It is enough to feed it with compost or rotted manure once every 3 years. This tree responds very well to organic fertilizers!

About 400 trees can coexist on 1 hectare comfortably. Even if we take into account the minimum yield per tree, up to 14 tons of fruit can be grown and harvested on this area. Naturally, the industrial yield of the 1st tree is much lower than with home cultivation.

Important! When planting, it is important to maintain the space required by the trees. Ideally, an adult cherry requires 25 m2. Minimum distance between seedlings - 5 m.

It should be noted that with this technically not difficult conditions cultivation, frozen cherries are sold at a price of $1/kg. And in winter period naturally more expensive.

There will be no problems with buyers if you have grown sweet, not wormy and large cherries. Products can be sold at:

  • trading at fairs and markets;
  • selling in bulk to supermarkets or dealers;
  • cooperating with processing enterprises (manufacturers of juices, jams, wines, etc.);
  • cooperating with confectionery factories;
  • selling simply to acquaintances or looking for buyers via the Internet.

Additional income can be obtained from processing cherries into jams and semi-finished products, as well as by agreeing with beekeepers to “rent” your garden. Cherry is a wonderful honey plant, loved by bees, which pollinate it well.

How to cut a cherry

Pruning depends on the type of cherry:

It is also important to follow the general rules:

  1. Branches, at the end of which fruits have formed, are forbidden to be shortened.
  2. You should act according to the principle of thinning.
  3. Branches growing inside the crown should be removed while the tree is young.
  4. Too long branches are moderately shortened.
  5. Every three years, the cherry is “rejuvenated” by thinning out the branches. This gives rise to new shoots.
  6. In old trees, the top is cut off by about 2 m, some of the branches hidden near the trunk inside the crown are removed.
  7. Fruit-bearing trees are pruned slightly in spring period in order to thin out an excessively dense crown. At the time of fruiting, the old parts of the shoots are removed.

Important! Features of watering and fertilizing trees with fertilizers also depend on the type of cherries. This information should be studied when buying varieties of seedlings.

Freezing cherries for the winter at home

Cherry is a product that freezes well and performs no less well after defrosting. That is why "winter" blanks are so in demand. It makes no sense to subject fruits with pits to cold, because the final product without pits corresponds to the best consumer characteristics. In addition, the bones long-term storage emit hydrocyanic acid, which can add bitterness and spoil the taste characteristics.

The freezing of cherries is preceded by a thorough washing of the fruits, removal of cuttings and twigs from them, and drying. It is better to freeze cherries separately from each other, laying them out on a tray, and then pack them in prepared containers (usually plastic bags).

Stone removal machine

You can remove the stone with the back of a teaspoon, but this will take a lot of time, during which the processed cherries have time to drain. It will help to process quickly an impressive volume of berries special equipment. The pitting machine will easily cope with the task. Moreover, it is able to process both fresh and canned cherries. Its advantages:

  • loading at the same time from 100 g of the product;
  • high productivity (average 12 kg/h depending on the cost of the model);
  • convenience and ease of use;
  • safety;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • process purity.

Buying a machine is definitely worth it if the budget allows. The costs will pay off, because the device greatly reduces the loss of product, and also saves time.

Entrepreneurs who have a "cherry business" claim that they can provide high seasonal income cherry orchards with the number of "inhabitants" in them one and a half to two thousand. However, to understand whether such entrepreneurship is right for you, it is worth a try. And, as you know, you need to start small. If you study all the nuances of growing cherries on a personal plot and make every effort to implement your plan, then the "cherry" business promises to be quite successful.

Summer has just begun, and juicy and healthy cherries flaunt on the shelves of shops and bazaars. And although the prices bite at this time, few will refuse the pleasure of trying delicious berries. Product good quality does not stay stale for a long time and is in stable demand even at the peak of maturation of medium and late varieties. Therefore, we offer you good way earnings in the village - business cherry orchard.

What is the benefit of a cherry orchard as a business:

  • early ripening and demand for fruits in the market;
  • long life and fruiting of trees under favorable conditions;
  • low susceptibility to diseases and pests;
  • good frost resistance;
  • does not require significant fertilizing with fertilizers, especially nitrogen;
  • pruning and shaping the crown, grass mowing, soil mulching - the main types of work;
  • high yield, 2 times more than that of cherries;
  • the harvest comes already 3-4 years after the laying of the garden, and the optimal one - for the 7th year;
  • from one tree you can have up to 150 kg of berries.

Registration of a horticultural business

Start a cherry orchard as a business by registering a horticultural non-profit partnership (SNT), if the territories are vast, or simply as an individual entrepreneur.

You also need to choose a taxation system. Suitable USN or ESHN from a rate of not more than 6% of net profit. For growing fruits and berry crops OKVED code 01.13.21 is selected. Registration takes about 10-15 days. The payment of state duty is obligatory.

In order to be able to officially sell agricultural products, it is necessary to obtain a GOST R declaration of conformity from the SES and a phytosanitary certificate from Rosselkhoznadzor.

Cherry cultivation technology

1. How to choose a variety and rootstock?

When drawing up a business plan for a cherry orchard, it is necessary to pay Special attention choice of rootstocks and crop varieties. It is on this stage of project development that the future stability of crops and, accordingly, the amount of profit depends.

When planting a cherry orchard, they are guided by the following rules:

  • Varieties are selected so that the berries ripen in waves over 4-6 months - from May to mid-October. This provides the opportunity for the gradual implementation of berries at the most favorable prices.
  • Take into account the belonging of varieties to different pollination groups.
  • In addition to commercial varieties, pollinating varieties from mutually pollinated groups with the same flowering time are also needed.
  • Provide insect pollinators. Osmium bumblebees or bees are the most effective.

To prevent losses and increase the profitability of the cherry business, we recommend giving preference to varieties:

  • undersized;
  • with dry separation of fruits;
  • with resistance to cracking from rain (foreign varieties);
  • with dark red berries, 30-40 mm in diameter;
  • with the preservation of the presentation with a delay in collection for 5-15 days;
  • with high transportability and a shelf life of at least 3 days.

An example of the selection of varieties for a cherry orchard

As for the choice of rootstock, it is better to use seedlings on VSL-2 of Russian selection. At correct formation crowns on it, commercial fruiting begins already in the 4th year and lasts 18-25 years.

2. Soil preparation and planting of seedlings.

To grow cherries as a business without significant investments, you need to buy and choose the right plot for a garden:

  • The soil is of light mechanical composition, which drains well and warms up, not saline. Non-saline chernozems, chestnut and alluvial soils of river valleys are suitable.
  • The place is well lit and protected from the wind.
  • The climate is warm, without significant temperature fluctuations.
  • Low humidity.

When choosing seedlings, pay attention to the root and bark. Ideally, they should be smooth, without any growths and seals. Also look for the presence of a place where the scion and rootstock grow together - its absence is a sign of a wild game.

Before planting, apply a mineral fertilizer with a low nitrogen content to the soil. Soak the seedlings overnight, and cut them in half when planting.

According to this business plan for a cherry orchard, 20 trees are placed on a territory of 6 acres at a distance of 5x3 m.

3. Cherry orchard care.

The cherry orchard does not need frequent fertilizing, especially nitrogen-containing fertilizers. The main thing is to cut the branches correctly, and leave the lower ones. This contributes to the formation of bouquet branches with fruit buds, prevents the "falling out" of trees, increases their frost resistance, and facilitates the collection of future crops. The method of forming the crown of the Spanish Bush tree has proven itself well.

Sweet cherries do not tolerate damage to bark and roots, so work the soil with light mulching trunk circles straw or peat.

Do not forget about watering - 1 time for 10 days.

Cherries are also sprayed chemicals from pests and diseases. Beveling of grass between rows is carried out by a rotary mower.

To maintain a cherry orchard with a size of 5 hectares, only 4 permanent employees are needed:

  • 1 manager, who is a fruit grower;
  • 1 mechanic;
  • 2 workers.

Temporary workers are hired to harvest the crops. During the ripening of cherries, 24-hour security is required or a reliable fence must be installed.

And this is how cherry pruning is done:

Calculation of profitability and payback

In the business plan of the cherry orchard, there are 2 options for calculating profit:

  • for a small family business with a garden on 6 acres (about 20 trees);
  • for a large enterprise with a territory of 5 hectares.

Garden information:

IndexFamily businessMajor horticultural organization
garden dimensions6 acresabout 5 ha
Number of seedlings (trees), pcs.20 2500
The appearance of harvests of marketable volumefor 4-5 yearsfor 3 years
Fruiting period, months4 6
Use of employeesnot usedused
The cost of seedlings, rub. per piecefrom 200from 200

What are our expected costs?

ExpendituresFamily business, rub.Large gardening, rub.
Purchase of seedlings4000 500000
Garden laying and primary work2500 102000
garden fencing0 736400
garden tools45000 474300
Shaking harvester 1346000
Starting investment:51500 3158700
Monthly running expenses:1500 1300000

Calculation of profit for the season:

IndexFamily businesslarge gardening
Productivity from 1 tree, kg80-90 80-150
Harvest per season, kg1700 287500
Retail price for 1 kg of early varieties, rub.150-200 150-200
Wholesale purchase of 1 kg of cherries, in rubles.50-80 50-80
Revenue for the season, rub.255000 23000000
Net income, rub.255000 23000000
Payback period1 year1 year

It looks like a small cherry orchard

More business ideas in crop production

1. . If you want to expand your horticulture business by introducing new crops, we suggest you grow apples. For more information about the technology of planting and care, as well as the necessary investments for a garden of 1 hectare, read our business plan.

2. . Check out ideas for growing popular and profitable crops with the least financial investment: oyster mushrooms, cucumbers, potatoes and other crops.

3. . This crop does not require large tracts of land. Suitable racks in your own yard or greenhouse. And at minimal cost you can get 130 thousand rubles of net income per month!