List of regulatory and technical documentation for the boiler room. Design, executive and operational documentation of the boiler house

List of regulatory and technical documentation for the boiler room. Design, executive and operational documentation of the boiler house

The administration of the divisions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is obliged to ensure the maintenance of boilers in good condition, as well as safe operating conditions, by organizing maintenance, repair and supervision in accordance with the requirements of federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety “Industrial Safety Rules for Hazardous Production Facilities Where Equipment is Used” operating under excess pressure."

Approximate list of boiler room documentation.

  • 1. Boiler passports.
  • 2. Axonometric diagram of the boiler room - diagram of the boiler room pipelines (if gas, then gas pipelines).
  • 3. Boiler operating chart (drawn up by the commissioning organization).
  • 4. Graph of network water temperatures depending on the outside air temperature.
  • 5. Chimney passport.
  • 6. Conclusion on diagnosing the chimney.
  • 7. Certificates of commission inspection of the chimney.
  • 8. Technical data sheets of auxiliary equipment.
  • 9. Order on the appointment of persons responsible for the good condition and safe operation of hot water boilers, as well as their replacements during absence.
  • 10. Order on the appointment of a person responsible for supervising the technical condition and safe operation of the chimney.
  • 11. Job description for those responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal installations.
  • 12. Order on the appointment of equipment maintenance personnel.
  • 13. Order on internship at the workplace.
  • 14. Production instructions for service personnel with information about issuance.
  • 15. Not expired certificates of responsible persons and service personnel.
  • 16. Staff shift schedule.
  • 17. Staff briefing log.
  • 18. Shift magazine.
  • 19. Schedule of preventive maintenance (schedule for maintenance and repair work of boiler room equipment).
  • 20. Repair log.
  • 21. Schedule of emergency and fire drills.
  • 22. Journal of emergency and fire training.
  • 23. Journal of verification of instrumentation and automation.
  • 24. Journal of checking pressure gauges with a control pressure gauge.
  • 25. Water treatment journal.
  • 26. Journal of coal, fuel oil.
  • 27. Boiler room operation inspection log.
  • 28. Journal of work according to orders and orders.
  • 29. Order on the creation of a commission to test the knowledge of equipment maintenance personnel.
  • 30. Protocols for periodic testing of personnel knowledge.
  • 31. Registration plates on boilers.
  • 32. Availability of visual propaganda on occupational health and safety.

One of the leading employees of the institution (the head of the center for labor adaptation of convicts, the chief engineer) should be assigned responsibilities for registering boilers and water heaters when they are put into operation, monitoring compliance with the Rules by the personnel of institutions and bodies of the penal system.

To carry out a technical examination, ensure good condition and constantly monitor the safe operation of boilers and water heaters, the administration of the institution must appoint a person responsible for the good condition and safe operation. The specified person is appointed from among the engineering and technical workers (head of workshop, section, foreman) who have the appropriate qualifications and, as a rule, thermal engineering education. In some cases, responsibility for good condition and safe operation can be assigned to an engineer and technical worker who does not have a heat engineering education, but has been fully trained in a special program (see Appendix 4) and has passed the exam of the commission of a specialized energy enterprise or has been trained in an educational institution. - a course center or institute for advanced training.

The appointment of a responsible person is formalized by an order from the institution, recording the number and date of the order in the boiler (water heater) passport. During the absence of the responsible person (vacation, business trip, illness), the performance of his duties must be assigned by order to another engineering and technical employee who has passed the knowledge test of the “Rules for the design and safe operation of boilers.”

Responsible for good condition and safe operation must provide:

  • a) maintaining boilers in good condition;
  • b) carrying out timely scheduled preventative repairs of boilers and preparing them for technical examination;
  • c) timely elimination of identified faults;
  • d) boiler maintenance by trained and certified personnel;
  • e) service personnel - instructions, as well as periodic testing of knowledge of these instructions;
  • f) compliance by maintenance personnel with production instructions.


  • a) regularly inspect boilers in working condition;
  • b) check the entries in the shift log every day on working days and sign in it;
  • c) work with personnel to improve their qualifications;
  • d) conduct technical inspection of boilers;
  • e) store boiler passports and manufacturer’s instructions for their installation and operation;
  • f) conduct emergency training with boiler room personnel;
  • g) check the correctness of technical documentation during operation and repair of boilers;
  • h) participate in the certification commission and periodically test the knowledge of engineers and service personnel.

Responsible for the good condition and safe operation of boilers has the right to:

  • a) remove from boiler maintenance personnel who violate instructions or show unsatisfactory knowledge;
  • b) submit proposals to the management of the institution to bring to justice engineering and technical workers and service personnel who violate rules and instructions;
  • c) submit proposals to the management of the enterprise to eliminate the causes of violations of the requirements of rules and instructions.

The basic principles of organizing the operation of boiler houses are to ensure reliable, economical and trouble-free operation of the equipment.

To do this you need:

  • entrust boiler room maintenance to trained personnel and periodically improve their qualifications;
  • provide service personnel with “Production instructions for servicing boiler room equipment” and other service instructions;
  • organize constant monitoring of the operation of all boiler room equipment, create a system of technical accounting, reporting and work planning;
  • properly operate all equipment in the most economical modes. Maintain the thermal insulation of hot heating surfaces in good condition and use other measures to save fuel, heat and electricity;
  • draw up and accurately implement annual schedules of preventive maintenance and major repairs of all boiler room equipment, having the required number of spare parts, repair and auxiliary materials;
  • conduct constant monitoring of the working condition of operating equipment and promptly detect malfunctions.

The following types of repairs are carried out in the boiler rooms of the production divisions of the penal system: service(ABOUT), current(T) and capital(TO).

For boilers and boiler auxiliary equipment, the structure and duration of repair cycles are applied:

  • maintenance - once every 6 months;
  • current repairs - once every 12 months;
  • major repairs - once every 3 years.

According to this duration of repair cycles in boiler houses, a scheduled preventive maintenance (PPR) schedule is drawn up for all equipment.

Most of the tasks in preparing boiler room equipment for operation are related to the concept of the quality of a product or material during its operation or use for its intended purpose. In particular, the influence of the quality of the repair performed affects the operating conditions and, ultimately, determines the service life of the equipment.

Among the factors influencing the technical condition of equipment, among others, we can also include factors of the technological group: the influence of maintenance and repair and the quality of operating materials. All of them are indirectly related to operation through maintenance and repair. The training manual edited by A.V. Paturov and E.A. Koryakin “Preparation of boiler equipment of penal system departments for work in the autumn-winter period” (Kirov branch of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, 2011) discussed the repair of the main equipment of boiler houses and the construction and repair materials used .

The administration of the institution must ensure timely repair of boilers according to the approved schedule of preventive maintenance and commissioning work after major repairs, modernization, reconstruction, changes in the type of fuel and water regime. Repairs are carried out in accordance with technical specifications in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Boilers.

The boiler room must be repair log, which contains information about repair work and boiler shutdowns for cleaning and flushing. Replacement of pipes, rivets and beading of connections of pipes with drums and chambers should be noted on the pipe (rivet) arrangement diagram in the repair log. The repair log also reflects the results of the inspection of the boiler before cleaning, indicating the thickness of the layer of scale and sludge deposits and defects corrected during the repair period.

Information about repair work that necessitates early inspection of boilers, as well as data about materials and welding used during repairs, must be entered in the boiler passport.

Before starting work inside the drum, chamber or manifold of the boiler, connected to other operating boilers by common pipelines (steam line, feed, drain and drain lines, etc.), as well as before inspecting or repairing boiler elements operating under pressure, the boiler must be separated from all pipelines by plugs or disconnected. Disconnected pipelines should also be plugged.

When operating on gaseous fuel, the boiler must be securely disconnected and disconnected from the general gas pipeline in accordance with the boiler maintenance instructions.

When disconnecting the corresponding sections of pipelines, steam pipelines, gas pipelines and flue ducts, as well as on the starting devices of smoke exhausters, blower fans and fuel feeders, posters must be posted on valves, gate valves and dampers: “Do not turn on - people are working.” For starting devices of smoke exhausters, blower fans and fuel feeders, it is necessary to remove the fuse-links.

The plugs used when shutting down the boiler, installed between the flanges of the pipelines, must be of appropriate strength and have a protruding part (shank), by which the presence of a plug is determined. Gaskets installed between the flanges and the plug must be without shanks.

Work in boiler installation elements (inside furnaces and drums), as well as gas ducts, air ducts and chimneys must be carried out after ventilating them from harmful gases and checking the air for gas contamination at a temperature inside the boiler installation elements, gas ducts, air ducts and chimneys not exceeding 306 K (33 ° C) with written permission (along with) the head of the boiler room.

The time spent inside furnaces, drums, gas ducts, air ducts, chimneys, as well as the duration of rest is determined by the person issuing the work order, depending on the conditions and nature of the work, indicating this in the “Special Conditions” line of the work order.

When working inside furnaces, drums, flues, air ducts and chimneys, it is prohibited to use kerosene or other lamps containing flammable materials.

When stopping the boiler for a long period, it must be preserved.

The boiler room must have a clock, telephone or sound alarm to call administration representatives in case of emergency.

Appendix 5 contains tickets for testing the knowledge of responsible persons and test questions for management employees related to the operation of hazardous production facilities.

1. A copy of the title documents for the land plot;

2. A copy of the permit for construction work;

3. A copy of the situational plan for the location of the construction site with reference to the territory of the populated area;

4. Copies of constituent documents, certified in accordance with the established procedure for a legal entity.

5. Documents confirming the powers of the person(s) representing the interests of the owner.

6. List of organizations involved in construction and installation work, indicating the types of work performed and the names of the engineering and technical staff directly responsible for the performance of these works.

7. A project for the construction or reconstruction of a boiler house agreed with the state energy supervision authorities of the Russian Federation.

8. Conclusion of an industrial safety examination certified by RosTechnadzor authorities in the prescribed manner;

9. A set of working drawings for construction, presented for acceptance of an object developed by design organizations, with inscriptions on the compliance of the work performed in kind with these drawings or changes made to them made by the persons responsible for the construction and installation work (set of as-built documentation);

10. Documents and technical specifications for the fuel regime;

11. Documents for special water use;

12. Permission to use technical devices at a hazardous production facility;

13. Passports of buildings (structures) and power plants;

14. Certificates for equipment in accordance with the approved list of products subject to mandatory certification;

15. Technical conditions for connecting thermal power plants and a certificate of compliance with technical conditions;

16. The act of delimiting the balance sheet and operational responsibilities of the parties;

17. Interim acts of completed work;

18. Primary acts of measuring the settlement of the foundation of buildings, structures, boiler room equipment (boilers), deviations from the vertical of the chimney;

19. Results of technical examination of industrial chimneys and power plants;

20. Certificate of acceptance by the working commission or acceptance certificate between the installation organization and the customer;

21. Technical report on testing (measurements), including non-destructive testing methods;

22. Permission to operate electrical installations;

23. Permission for admission to operation of a thermal energy metering unit at a heat source;

24. Certificate of comprehensive testing of thermal installations;

25. Certificate of acceptance of gas pipelines and gas-using installations for comprehensive testing (commissioning works);

26. Technical device passport: boiler units, pipelines, pressure vessels;

27. Report on work with personnel before admission to independent work;

28. Regulatory documents on organizing the safe operation of thermal power plants;

29. An extract from the knowledge testing journal or copies of knowledge testing protocols of persons responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants and their deputies (thermal power personnel);

30. As-built diagrams of pipelines and shut-off valves;

31. Job descriptions, occupational health and safety instructions;

32. A set of current instructions for the operation of power plants, buildings and structures;

33. Positive opinions of expert organizations on design documentation and inspection of the technical condition of the power plant;

34. List of technical documentation approved by the technical manager;

35. Approved program for warming up and commissioning of the boiler room;

36. Approved list of protective equipment: fire extinguishing equipment and medical assistance;

37. Fire extinguishing operational plan;

38. Other documentation on the organization of safe operation of the boiler installation (boiler room).

For each boiler house, the owner must keep design and executive documentation, including: a design assignment and a gas supply project, in which all changes that took place during installation work and during operation have been added, or relevant documents that have the force of a project have been added (letters of permission, references to other design solutions or normals). The as-built drawings of the gas supply system must be accompanied by copies of drawings from other sections of the project for this boiler room (chimney, prefabricated flues, ventilation systems, etc.), which are referenced in the gas supply project.

The as-built documentation must include: acts of acceptance into operation of the boiler room's thermal-mechanical equipment, automation systems and acts of their commissioning; axonometric diagram of gas pipelines, drawings of gas and air paths, supply and exhaust ventilation; passports or forms for all installed equipment; certificates for fittings and pipes; passports of smoke exhausters and blower fans, gas burners, economizers, automatic hydraulic fracturing equipment (GRU), measuring instruments; passport for supply and exhaust ventilation devices; construction passports for gas pipelines, hydraulic fracturing (GRU); plan of the external gas pipeline route indicating wells, canals, basements within a radius of 50 m from the underground gas pipeline; act of final acceptance of gas equipment into operation; acts of checking the grounding loop, insulating flanges; passport (certificate or verification report) of a gas indicator, gas analyzer.

For steam boilers, superheaters, economizers with excess pressure over 0.7 kgf/cm 2 and hot water boilers with water temperatures over 115 ° C, subject to registration with the Gosgortekhnadzor authorities, the boiler room must have passports that indicate: heating surface areas allowed pressure and temperature of the coolant, year of manufacture, date of commissioning and other data. Boiler rooms must have: production instructions for servicing boilers, gas and auxiliary equipment, and automation systems; an extract from the order appointing the person responsible for the gas facilities of the boiler room; a list of operators and other boiler room workers indicating the date of passing the exam on safe working methods, signed by the head of the enterprise and sealed; boiler room personnel work schedule; schedules of preventive inspections and repairs of equipment.

Operational documentation includes a list of hourly records of monitored parameters, as well as logs: shift (watch); ongoing maintenance, scheduled inspections and repairs of gas equipment; checking safety automation and instrumentation; orders of the head of the boiler room (head of the workshop, section); instruction on safe working methods; registration of work orders for gas hazardous work; bypassing the route of an underground gas pipeline; checking the operation of insulating flanges; conducting training sessions; instructions of officials of regulatory authorities.

The shift log is designed to record in chronological order the switching and other work performed during the shift, periodic operations to check, inspect and test equipment. The operator must make entries in the daily log of all the main parameters of the boiler operation according to the readings of the measuring instruments. Logs of defects and malfunctions are used to record by shift supervisors any problems noticed during work, the elimination of which requires the participation of repair personnel. When recording, the equipment, instrument or device that requires correction, the nature of the defect and the necessary measures to eliminate it are indicated. Defects and malfunctions eliminated by shift personnel are also recorded. In the log of orders for the boiler room, the head of the boiler room or the person replacing him writes down operational orders with a validity period of more than a day. If the order concerns the duty personnel of all shifts, then the senior staff of all shifts must sign. In large boiler houses, the results of determinations of the composition of exhaust gases, carried out at least once a week, are recorded in the suction control log. Based on the composition of gases, the coefficient of excess air in various places of the gas path and the amount of suction in its individual sections are determined. Simultaneously with the identification of suction cups, the condition of the lining and insulation is checked. In the journal of instructions of officials of regulatory authorities, surveys performed by representatives of Gosgortekhnadzor, Gosgaznadzor, gas sales organizations, etc. are noted. If, as a result of the survey, an order is presented to the consumer, this is noted in the journal. In small boiler houses, the number of logs can be reduced (for example, orders for the boiler room can be included in a shift log, logs of equipment defects, measuring instruments and automation can be combined).

I affirm:

Chief Engineer




Manufacturing instructions

for boiler room maintenance personnel

gas hot water boilerVitoplex 100

    General provisions

1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone special training, a medical commission, and have a certificate for the right to service boilers are allowed to service a hot water boiler.


Re-inspection of boiler room personnel is carried out at least once every 12 months.


Pass a knowledge test on the rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers, steam and hot water pipelines.

Undergo a medical examination;

Perform only the work that is part of his duties;


The operator must know:

Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and

hot water boilers;

Installation of internal and external gas pipelines of the boiler room, auxiliary equipment, alarm systems and automatic control systems;

The effect on humans of dangerous and harmful factors that arise during work;

Requirements for industrial sanitation, electrical safety, fire safety;

Internal labor regulations;

Requirements of this instruction;

Prescription of personal protective equipment;

Be able to provide first aid in case of an accident.


During work, the operator may be exposed to the following hazardous production factors:

High pressure and temperature of heating surfaces;

High voltage in the electrical network;

Increased noise and vibration levels;


The boiler room operator must use the following PPE:

Suit “Mechanizer-L” or Overalls for protection against general industrial pollution and mechanical influences;

Yuft boots with oil and petrol resistant soles;

Polymer coated gloves;

Closed safety glasses;

Anti-noise headphones or earplugs;

Jacket with insulating sole;

Insulated yuft boots with oil- and frost-resistant soles.


When entering duty, personnel are required to familiarize themselves with the entries in the log, check the serviceability of the equipment, the serviceability of the lighting and telephone.


1.14. Acceptance and delivery of shifts during the liquidation of an accident is not permitted.

    Gas preparation and start-up

      Check that the boiler is filled with water to an operating pressure of 2.5 bar.

      Check the condition of the shut-off valves on the supply and return pipelines; they must be in the open position.

      Check the operation of network pump No. 2

      Check the presence of gas in the ShRP at the outlet; the readings on pressure gauge 9 should correspond to 21 kPa

      Slowly open the ball valve on the gas pipeline after the ShRP (at the entrance to the boiler room).

      Open ball valve No. 4 at the lower end and after counter No. 7

      Blow out the gas pipeline (ball valve No. 10 must be in the open position) for 10 minutes.

      Close the purge plug (ball valve No. 10).

      Make sure there are no gas leaks from gas pipelines, gas equipment and fittings by washing them.

      If there are no leaks, open ball valve No. 12 (in front of the burner).

      When leaks are detected close valves No. 7 and No. 4, open the purge plug (ball valve No. 10) and make a phone call:

    89217100582 – chief engineer (responsible for the gas facilities of the DGS) Efimov A.G.

2. 89210084628 – boiler room foreman (responsible for the operation of the boiler room) Ananyev A.A.;

3. 96-00-24, 96-14-31 96-14-81 – repair service of LPM-Service LLC (internal gas pipeline and hot water boiler)

4. 21-09-41 or 04 - emergency service of OJSC "Kaliningradgazification" (ShRP, external gas pipeline)

      The boiler burner is started automatically.

      Switch on the power switch on the Vitotronic 100 and 333

      The boiler operates in automatic mode, configured during commissioning

    Boiler operation


While on duty, boiler room personnel must monitor the serviceability of the boiler and all boiler room equipment. Record the temperature and pressure readings at the boiler, as well as the pressure and temperature at the supply and return of the heating network in a shift log. Malfunctions detected during equipment operation must be recorded in a shift log. Personnel must take measures to eliminate the malfunction. If the malfunction cannot be eliminated on your own, then you must inform the boiler room master by phone. 89062305265 or 47333 or the person responsible for the gas supply of the boiler room by phone. 89217100582.

4. Emergency shutdown of the boiler

4.1. In the event of an emergency stop of the boiler, you must:


Switch off boiler power switch E on the Vitotronic 100 controller

4.1.4. Shut off the gas supply to the boiler room, open the purge plug (Close the valves on the burners and gas pipeline)

4.1.5. Report the accident to the boiler room master by phone 89062305265 or 47333

    Boiler shutdown


    The gas boiler is stopped by the boiler room master.

Final provisions:

7.1. The enterprise administration should not give personnel instructions that contradict the instructions and could lead to an accident or accident.

7.2. Workers are responsible for violating instructions related to the work they perform in the manner established by the internal labor regulations and in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The instructions were compiled by: __________ boiler room master