Preschool teacher, distance learning. Preschool teacher. What is taught in distance learning

Preschool teacher, distance learning.  Preschool teacher.  What is taught in distance learning
Preschool teacher, distance learning. Preschool teacher. What is taught in distance learning

02/44/01 Qualification: Preschool teacher

How to apply for distance learning to become a teacher in the specialty Preschool Education?

If you want to get secondary vocational education at a Moscow college under the preschool education program, then you will need:

  • Conclude a contract for training in the preschool education program.
  • Provide documents confirming your level of education. Admission to our college for the preschool education program is possible only if you have a certificate of secondary education - 11 grades.
  • Submit medical certificate No. 086-U to the admissions committee - original.

Why is college education to become a teacher so popular?

There have been discussions for several years now that many specialties will soon die. But you and I know for sure that preschool teachers will always be needed.

Modern preschool institutions place very high demands on the qualifications of the teacher, his general culture and creative potential.

And this is absolutely correct, because a college graduate with a degree in preschool education is entrusted with the responsibility for introducing children to the world around them, developing the interests and capabilities of each child. And all this takes into account the stage of development of the child and his environment: family, kindergarten, city, country, world.

College graduates, preschool teachers, are well versed in what types of activities allow a child to:

  • Learn and master new material;
  • fun to play;
  • solve problems of development of different types of children's activities;
  • Combine disparate children's information into a single whole;
  • Stimulate children's creativity;
  • Encourage active communication.

Having successfully completed correspondence training to become a teacher in college, you will know for sure that every type of children's activity: artistic and visual arts, music, speech, mathematics, etc. has its own development logic. The logic of development is preserved from year to year, but moves to new stages of development of the children's community and each child individually, taking into account age, time of year, moment of the pedagogical process, and the current content of the surrounding reality.

7 most important professional skills that can be obtained through distance learning at a pedagogical college:

  1. Flexibly and variably change the forms of organizing the pedagogical process in accordance with the initiatives of children, their mood, and significant events in the world around them.
  2. Select forms of activity that optimally correspond to the child’s developmental goals.
  3. Provide space for children’s emotional expressions, develop their activity and initiative.
  4. Build cause-and-effect relationships within individual areas of the surrounding world being studied.
  5. Diagnose the real level of formation of personal qualities, motives and interests of children.
  6. Timely identify and eliminate the reasons that prevent the child from achieving the goal.
  7. Study and know well the individual characteristics, temperament, character traits, views, habits of children.

If you have decided to go to college for part-time preschool education, check to see if you have the traits of a teacher:

  • IN- Attentiveness and expressiveness.
  • ABOUT– Sociability, learning ability and optimism.
  • WITH– Fairness, independence and self-criticism.
  • P– Professionalism and commitment to progressiveness.
  • AND– Initiative, intelligence and desire for innovation.
  • T– Hard work, tact and love of creativity.
  • A– Activity, adequacy, authority and passion.
  • T– Patience and tolerance.
  • E– Like-minded person
  • L- Leadership skills
  • b- Kindness and gentleness.

Do you feel your teaching calling and want to realize yourself in such an area as working with young children? Do you believe that you can contribute to the formation of the next generation, but do not know how to put your desire into practice? To fully reveal your teaching talent, enroll in courses for preschool teachers remotely and receive a profession that is honorable at all times. Affordable online education will open up the prospect of professional demand for you and will be the main step towards the speedy implementation of your life plan.

The high-quality educational programs of the Russian Synergy University are structured in such a way that online learning will allow you not only to receive the coveted diploma, but also to acquire knowledge and skills that will make you a valuable specialist in the field of preschool education. The benefits of modern education at home include full control over your time, the ability to fit your studies around your work schedule, and no need to travel to lectures and exams. Thus, you will personally manage the process of acquiring knowledge, because it is not only convenient and harmless to the quality of education, but also very modern!

Distance learning: preschool teacher

If you expect to receive an up-to-date higher education and such a noble specialization as a preschool teacher without interrupting your work activity, distance learning is one of the best options to achieve your desired goal. You will study the features and specifics of conducting educational work with children of early and young age, learn the patterns of development at this age, learn how to organize and implement educational, cognitive, educational and play activities for your students, as well as plan and analyze its results.

By providing you with a full-fledged diploma with a specialization in “preschool education teacher,” distance education will help unlock your potential in the field of pedagogy. As part of the specialization, you will also master such disciplines as “social psychology”, “multicultural education”, “personality psychology”, “preschool pedagogy”, “fundamentals of psychogenetics”, “fundamentals of pedagogical skills” and others.

You will be able to apply the acquired knowledge when working with preschool children in children's educational institutions for the little ones, be it a private or public kindergarten, a children's club, an early development center, a children's creativity center, or find a job as a tutor. You will be among those who help to reveal the abilities of children, consolidate successes in their development, and establish relationships between parents and children. And it is important that you can apply the experience gained in your own family if necessary. A specialist in the field of preschool education is more than just a profession!

A preschool teacher is a profession that requires quite a long training and internship.

Recently, distance learning as a preschool teacher has become especially popular, because it makes it possible to obtain higher education without interrupting work.

What are the responsibilities of the profession of a preschool teacher?

There is such a thing as a professional standard for preschool teachers - it was developed by the Ministry of Education and includes the following obligations for specialists:

  • Know the features of organizing the education of children of early, middle and late preschool age;
  • Ensure the development of children by putting into practice object-based, manipulative and/or play activities;
  • Know the principles of development of preschool children in different areas - physical, intellectual, cognitive, personal;
  • Have an idea of ​​the organization and analysis of one’s own work activity in accordance with the federal program for the education of children in preschool institutions;
  • Recognize and take into account the individual characteristics of each child and draw up a plan of work with wards in tandem with a psychologist;
  • Monitor children's development in mental, intellectual and physical areas;
  • Be able to work with children with developmental disabilities;
  • Conduct observations, draw conclusions and report children’s problems to speech therapists and psychologists;
  • Follow the recommendations of specialists in case of speech disorders of the child, unstable psycho-emotional state of the wards;
  • Be able to conduct analytical work and adequately assess the development of children, their readiness for further education in primary school;
  • Have knowledge of working with parents, be able to conduct parent meetings, inform them about the results of monitoring the development of their children.

What is taught in distance learning

Distance learning pedagogical preschool education is formed on the basis of the requirements that are put forward to specialists in this profile. They are all specified in current legislative acts and require full implementation. In the process of distance learning, students are taught the following professional skills:

  • Empathy. This skill requires noticing and analyzing even minor changes in the child’s behavior. In this context, it is mandatory to study the psychological characteristics of children of different ages in tandem with a psychologist. During distance learning, the student is provided with lecture materials and seminars that provide basic knowledge of psychology and the opportunity to distinguish between a child’s “bad mood” and the symptoms of serious problems using a practical example. The program includes online seminars and consultations with teachers - each student can ask a question of interest on the topic;
  • Tact. Understanding the aspect of pedagogical tactics is very important - only a teacher with the ability to work productively with children can bear the title of specialist teacher of preschool education. Distance learning allows you to study and understand the compatibility of jokes and severity, trust and control, affection and firmness when working with preschool children;
  • Communication culture. A professional must be able to build cultural relationships with all participants in the pedagogical process - educational psychologists, speech therapists, music workers, parents (guardians). This concept also includes the ability to resolve conflict situations between children, respect the opinions of colleagues and listen to their recommendations.

Why is distance learning in demand?

  • This is convenient, practical and profitable - the future certified specialist has the opportunity not to lose his job, but conduct practical classes in the disciplines studied directly in his preschool institution;
  • There is an opportunity to get one of the additional specialties - speech therapist, psychologist. This will be a definite advantage in future employment;
  • This type of education allows you to study according to the latest plans, gain access to closed databases, and conduct your own research work.

Where to apply

To enroll in higher pedagogical preschool education remotely, you must submit a package of documents, which are approved directly by the educational institution. As a rule, it includes:

  • Passport (original for presentation and copy for delivery);
  • Photos 3x4 - 4 pieces;
  • Application form;
  • Unified State Examination results.

If you plan to obtain a second higher education, you must provide a previously obtained diploma of your first higher education.

Distance learning is carried out in many specialized higher education institutions - just send a request. One of the advantages of this type of education is the availability of the most popular universities for residents of any region.

The most famous educational institution specializing in distance learning for preschool education specialists is "Training and Methodological Center" .

Refresher courses

Distance learning for preschool education specialists can also be carried out if there is a need for advanced training for existing specialists. The program of such courses includes the following disciplines:

  • Fundamentals of preschool psychology and pedagogy;
  • Forms of activity of a preschooler;
  • Personality-oriented models of preschooler education;
  • Aesthetic and sensory education in preschool educational institutions;
  • Teaching methods, their classification and characteristics;
  • Methods of mental development of a preschooler;
  • Fundamentals of physical education;
  • Family education.

Cost of remote training for preschool education specialists

The cost of distance learning for preschool teachers depends on many factors: the duration of the courses, the chosen direction and the methods of the educational process used.

As a rule, the cost of a retraining program designed for 200-300 hours ranges from 15 to 25 thousand rubles. Programs requiring 600 - 700 hours of study are estimated at 25,000 - 35,000 rubles.

A kindergarten teacher- raises preschool children. The profession is suitable for responsible and active people who love children. A teacher can work in municipal, departmental or private kindergartens. Education can be secondary vocational, but to improve your qualifications you need to graduate. There are for kindergarten teachers. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in psychology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

The teacher is engaged in educational work: conducts classes, games and generally organizes the stay of children in kindergarten.
Preschool teachers are most often called educators.

Men usually do not work as preschool teachers, and if this happens, it certainly becomes a sensation, which local newspapers are sure to write about and even film stories for television news.

Children aged 3 to 7 years go to kindergarten. Preschool age is divided into three periods:

  1. junior preschool age - from 3 to 4 years;
  2. average preschool age - from 4 to 5 years;
  3. senior preschool age - from 5 to 7 years.

Each age requires a special approach, educational and training methods. But in general, we can say that play is the main thing for any kindergartener. Therefore, educators use many gaming techniques in their work. Even in educational classes, didactic games are used - they better hold children’s attention and help them learn the material without them noticing.

The kindergarten program includes classes on children's speech development, mathematics, music, and physical education. Children are also introduced to the works of children's writers, taught how to draw and sculpt, and instilled in them basic work skills. Much attention is paid to getting to know nature and the surrounding world.

And of course, an important place is occupied by the moral education and socialization of the child: in kindergarten, he learns to interact with peers and adults, and acquires life skills in society. The teacher is the leader of all these processes, and a lot depends on his personality and skills.

Important! The teacher is responsible not only for the quality of teaching work, but also for the life and health of children.

Typically, the teacher leads one group of children, starting from a younger age until they graduate from kindergarten. The group's teachers work in pairs, replacing each other according to a schedule: some work in the morning, some in the afternoon, and vice versa. Methodological assistance to educators is provided by methodologists - teachers with higher education.


Municipal, departmental, private kindergartens.


Salary as of September 19, 2019

Russia 15000—60000 ₽

Moscow 20000—90000 ₽

Important qualities

A good teacher is characterized by love for children, cheerfulness, lack of irritability, a high sense of responsibility, a sense of justice, a high level of culture, organizational skills, and activity.

Knowledge and skills

The teacher must possess pedagogical methods and skills in organizing the educational process.
Correct speech and good manners are also required.

Training to become a kindergarten teacher

The Higher School of Technology and Management (HSTU) provides training in the specialty “Kindergarten teacher” and other pedagogical areas. Training takes place in full-time and part-time format using distance learning technologies, which will allow you to combine study with work. The educational activities of GSTU are licensed and comply with professional standards. Now you have the opportunity to get a 50% discount using the promo code uchitel50. The cost, taking into account the discount, will be 4,975 rubles, and only 1,000 rubles. Get professional training at the lowest price!

Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" - recruits students to obtain a specialty through a distance program of professional retraining and advanced training. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and quick way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for completing documents and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

A significant part of the capital's secondary vocational educational sector is represented by. Graduates of institutions devote their lives to work in preschool institutions, schools, sports clubs, sections and other institutions whose activities intersect with the content of education at pedagogical secondary educational institutions.

On the prospects of teacher education in Russia

The development of preschool and additional education systems is named as a priority area of ​​activity for the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as defined in the state program designed for the period from 2013 to 2020. The main goal of the program is to restore the prestige of the teaching profession. The government has outlined specific steps designed to ensure a high standard of living and respect for teachers of schools, universities, secondary educational institutions, and kindergarten teachers.

At the initial stage, it is planned to increase teachers' salaries, after which government officials intend to consider increasing the income of employees of preschool institutions, secondary vocational educational institutions and employees of the field of additional education. The implementation of these prospects will certainly cause an increase in the number of people wishing to enroll in one of the state pedagogical colleges of Moscow.

The Russian education system is in great need of qualified teaching staff. Today it covers about 700 educational institutions, including:

  • approximately 350 teacher training colleges and schools;
  • 55 industrial-pedagogical and vocational-pedagogical secondary educational institutions;
  • 160 public universities;
  • about 100 professional retraining institutions and advanced training institutions.

(Secondary Vocational Education): section “Education”

After graduating from one of the capital's colleges, graduates have a real chance to continue their studies at one of the pedagogical universities in Moscow. As part of secondary vocational education, Makarenko’s followers receive the following specialties and professions:

Specialty in secondary education Number Teaching profession
Adaptive physical education 050721 Physical education teacher
Geography 050103 Geography teacher at school
Preschool education 050704 Teacher of psychology, preschool pedagogy
Fine arts, drawing 050603 Fine arts (drawing) teacher
Foreign languages 050303 Foreign language teacher
Story 050401 A history teacher
Corrective pedagogy in primary education 050719 Organizer and methodologist in preschool education
Mathematics 050201 Mathematics teacher (work in a basic education school)
Musical education 050601 Music teacher
Organization of educational activities 050702

Profession of teacher-organizer plus additional qualifications in the following areas:

  • folk art;
  • youth policy;
  • psychology; choreography;
  • home education;
  • theatrical performance;
  • management in education;
  • decoration.
Pedagogy of additional education 050710 Teachers in the field of additional education
Primary school teaching 050709 Primary school teachers
Professional education 050501 Technician, designer, technologist, fashion designer, etc.
Native language, literature 050302 Teacher of native language and literature with the possibility of teaching at a basic educational school
Russian language, literature 050301 Teacher of Russian language and literature with the possibility of teaching at a basic educational school
Social pedagogy 050711 Social teacher plus additional qualifications, for example, counselor, teacher, etc.
Special pedagogy in special or correctional educational institutions 050718 Teacher of school-age children with preserved development or developmental disabilities
Special preschool education 050705 Teacher of children with developmental disabilities or developmental disabilities
Technology 050503 Technology teacher
Physical Culture 050720
  • Physical education teacher;
  • educator;
  • organizer of a tourist club at school;
  • physical education instructor at a preschool institution.

Separately, it should be noted the special status of some pedagogical secondary educational institutions, for example, socio-pedagogical colleges of Moscow. Along with the general admission rules and specialties indicated above, in these educational institutions you can get something more than a teaching profession. Take, for example, the socio-pedagogical college of MSPU (Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University). The institution organized admission of students among children with certain medical pathologies. Within the walls of the college, students can obtain a profession in the following specialties:

  • publishing;
  • programming.

Attention: students of Moscow pedagogical colleges who entered after 9th grade are entitled to a deferment from the army until they reach the age of 20.

Moscow pedagogical colleges: general admission rules

Anyone can become a student at the pedagogical college, provided:

  • availability of basic general education and relevant document;
  • availability of secondary education and the relevant document;
  • having primary vocational, secondary vocational or higher education.

Citizens of foreign countries, as well as Russian citizens living abroad, have the right to enter the Moscow Pedagogical College. The educational process involves full-time, evening, part-time or part-time training, including distance learning. The basis for citizens to enter the best pedagogical colleges in Moscow is the application of the applicant.

Documents for admission to Moscow Pedagogical College

The list of documents to be submitted to the admissions committee of the secondary school includes:

  • Passport (when sending documents by mail, you must provide a copy).
  • State-issued education document (copy or original).
  • Photos, 4 pcs., black and white, size 3 x 4.
  • Medical certificate.

When applying for part-time or part-time study, some secondary educational institutions, for example, University College No. 5, require additional documents, including a copy of the registration certificate, work book (copy), certificate of employment, etc. It is better to find out about the documents required for admission at your college's admissions office.

All documents must be sent by mail to the address of the institution or brought to the admissions office in person.

Exams for admission to pedagogical colleges

The main disciplines, the level of knowledge in which is of particular interest, are:

  • Russian language;
  • biology;
  • mathematics;
  • foreign language.

Not all pedagogical colleges in Moscow accept the results of the State Examination or the Unified State Exam as a basis. It is necessary to find out in advance about exams in pedagogical colleges based on grades 9 or 11.

Average score according to the results of the Unified State Examination (GIA) upon admission to a pedagogical college