Fern and wonderful magical properties. Fern flower: a beautiful amulet

Fern and wonderful magical properties.  Fern flower: a beautiful amulet
Fern and wonderful magical properties. Fern flower: a beautiful amulet

In the culture of the Slavs, many plants acquired a secret meaning. One of the most common is the fern flower. The amulet made from a fern flower had a strong effect and protected its owner from illnesses, the evil eye and curses. Another name is Perunov color.

Amulet "Fern Flower"

There are many legends and beliefs about endowing plants with properties that are unlike other plants. Why is this happening? The plant does not bloom in nature; it reproduces by spores; no one has ever seen it bloom. Among the Perun people, the color is associated with a specific date - July 7 and is endowed with magic, believing that only on this day does it bloom its petals. According to legend, the bud of a fern flower has an elongated shape and resembles a spark. It is bright, so it drives away animals, and the flowering period is reduced to one day. Since it is quite difficult to find a bud that is hidden, the fern flower was considered endowed with insight, protection, and prosperity. Luck accompanied him all his life while he kept the amulet with him. Slavic philosophy also added properties. Many residents used the fern flower as an amulet. True, everyone could not do this, since the symbol only helped good plans that did not harm others.

The belief about the origin of the Slavs is very romantic. Perun's brother fell in love with a girl not from his class. They were not destined to be together, but after their union, which fell on the day of the equinox, two children were born. In honor of the event, Perun presented brother Semargl with a fern flower of extraordinary beauty. He made dreams come true that seemed unattainable.

Features of the fern flower symbol

Due to the fact that most people were unable to find the desired plant, the Slavs created their own sign that corresponded to the properties of the amulet. Perun's color is often called solar. It has the power of the sun and protects the wearer from evil, bringing life to the owner. The power of the symbol is so great that it can protect the entire family from adversity. Everyone had things in their house with the image of the Sun. The power of the plant was associated with the thunder god Perun. He is the main one in the religion of the Slavic people and he was worshiped and feared most of all. Since Perun possessed the power of thunder and fire, he could give gifts quite well. The fire gave the owner of the amulet strength, activity and perseverance to approach the goal. The amulet also saved from illnesses, hid from the evil eye and brought treasures as a gift.

Who can wear a fern flower amulet?

The symbol of the fern flower is universal. It is suitable for both men and women. The amulet can be called a family amulet. The activity of the sign of the ancient Slavs will force household members to fulfill personal responsibilities, not be lazy, and develop spiritually and physically. Therefore, students and professors often use the symbol of the sun as a carrier of knowledge. The plant will drive gambling people crazy, as it is ready to do anything to achieve its goal. Risk lovers should protect themselves from such a symbol. If you are already bored with everything in this life or have lost its meaning, then he will help you find a goal to strive for. The amulet motivates well, lifts you out of depression and inspires. A fern flower will serve a creative person and a military man very well, and will also increase the power of a magician. The only reservations are risk and anger towards the other. The talisman will not help a negative person, but, on the contrary, will turn everything against him. You should not use such symbolism in black magic.

Nowadays, everyone wears jewelry with a fern flower, but previously it was predominantly worn by men. After looking at history, you can see that battles for territory and religion happened all the time, so self-confidence and courage should be possessed by every young man.

Patronage in everyday life

Like any other amulets, the symbol of a fern flower was used to drive out spirits who wished harm to residents. There were dried leaves and stems hanging around the house, or pictures of him on towels. The grass was dried and tied with string. Every corner of the house was protected by force. For frequent nightmares or insomnia, it was necessary to place the leaves under the pillow. To protect the entire house from evil spirits, bundles of leaves were hung high from the ceiling, where there was a better view.

Jewelry with fern flower amulet

The most common type of protection against evil spirits was wearing an amulet. It was made of stone or metal, wood or silver. Since a person without money could not afford to make a talisman, the leaves of the plant were simply dried and sewn into a bag. It came into contact with the owner’s body throughout the day and cleansed it of negativity. Previously, any object acquired the energy of its owner through the ritual of revival. The talisman was hidden under the pillow and left there overnight. In the morning, the owner took the object in his palm and talked to it about his desires. Goals need to be formulated clearly enough so that the talisman will help achieve results in the future.

Symbols on fabric

Believers paid great attention to what they wore. Patterns with the theme of a fern flower were placed on clothes. They embroidered towels and scarves. Images could be painted with paints and applied using threads. Cotton and linen should be used as materials. The craftsman who made the outfit had to make the seam precisely so that there were no gaps, stitches or snags. The pattern was considered magical when it had an ideal structure, and was also sewn by blood relatives. The spouses were not blood relatives of each other. Sewing clothes took time. During it, not only pieces of fabric were sewn together and an ornament was applied, but the energy of the master and the future owner was also united.

Sewing instructions

The application of a pattern to fabric was clearly structured and had a set of symbols and rules. One of them was observing the calendar. The sewing process necessarily coincided with the setting of the moon. When the master wanted the wearer to get rid of his addiction to alcohol, he applied, if the person had difficulty seeing, then cornflowers were sewn on. Children’s clothes always had a drawing of an animal on them, and spruce branches meant longevity, oak cured lung diseases, and hops protected the family.

The meaning of flowers in the ornament

Since the embroidery patterns were made in different shades, their symbolism was given a special meaning. The bright palette, reminiscent of a flame, scared away traitors and infidels and preserved the marriage. The shade of green attracted wealth and prosperity. Blue and purple protected the owner from hostility. Black as a symbol of space helped with conception.

Tattoo on the body

You should approach getting a tattoo seriously, since the energy of the sign is strong. If your thoughts are impure or have the purpose of fraud, then you should not spoil your body with this symbol. Now, of course, you can remove a tattoo that you don’t like, but you shouldn’t waste your time or even try. will act exactly the opposite and will only bring harm to such a person. If your thoughts are pure, then the fern flower will protect you from evil and help in curing diseases.

Fern Flower Tattoo

Men tattoo the sign on their chests and arms as an indicator of wealth and masculinity, while women prefer the image of a leaf. It looks sleeker and looks great on the owner's back. The leaf indicates a woman’s loneliness and helps to find happiness. A vertical image has more power.

Reviving the amulet

In order for an object to gain strength and become faithful to its owner, it must be tied and energy exchanged. The meaning is associated with Perun; Thursday was considered his day. Calculate the new moon to fall on a given day and prepare. Clear your head, wash, replace your clothes with fresh ones. The standard ritual for charging an object in Slavic customs was the use of natural elements. The procedure took place mainly in nature, in a place hidden from prying eyes.

Elements of water and fire

Traditionally, Slavic purification of an object through flame is considered. A candle or fire is suitable for this. The thing should be held over the fire, at this time relax and remove everything extraneous from your head. When you feel that the amulet is charged, hide it for a day. An alternative to a fire is the Sun. The beams are also capable of charging an object, although the process takes longer.

Water will do. It is better to use a source that does not stand still. His energy will pass through the object and take all the evil with it. Magicians like to use water from rain for purification, as it is as pure as possible and contains the power of thunder.

Elements of air and earth

In order for the amulet to receive air energy, it is enough to place it in an open place where the wind blows. Do not use city streets with dirt, gas and dust for such actions. You will need to go out into nature, preferably into the forest near the river, where the air is clean and the wind gusts are stronger. Wait until the energy of the item mixes with the air energy and charges.

The earth imparts energy to an object directly through the soil. Bury a fern flower for a day (night) and take it out in the morning. Do not wash off the remaining soil immediately. You can simply blow on the item and wipe the item.

The energy of thought was used together with nature. The amulet was clutched in the palm of your hand or placed under the pillow. The owner lay down at night and thought about his goals. In the morning the amulet was put on and never taken off.

The amulet is quite versatile. He is responsible for harmony in the family, protection from diseases and the evil eye, victory in battles and disputes, helps insecure people find wealth and take risks. Both sexes can wear the jewelry, despite the fact that it is a male symbol. Depending on which part you decorate with the amulet, as well as what exactly will be depicted on it and in what color, the power of the item will change. Choose an amulet purely for yourself, your intentions and character. Think positively, then the energy of the sun will definitely help you achieve your goal.

The ancient Slavs constantly deepened their knowledge of plants. They knew that specific plants were not only healing, but also magical. That is why these plants participated in rituals and ceremonies.

One of the most famous rituals is the holiday of Ivan Kupala, which takes place on a July night. On the night of this holiday they look for a fern flower. According to legend, there is a fern flower amulet that has magical properties.

What does the belief say?

An ancient Slavic belief says that whoever finds a magical fern flower on this night will soon find happiness, and all his desires will certainly come true.

On this holiday, they not only looked for a real flower, but also made artificial amulets with its symbolism. The amulet made this night has magical powers. The Slavic amulet of the fern flower is endowed with the same power.

Magical properties of plants

Like other Slavic amulets, the fern flower was designed to protect its owner from external negative influences. And also from the negative influence that a person can create for himself, from bad thoughts and doubts. The fern flower is endowed with not only protective properties, but also attractive ones. It attracts good luck, wealth and joy into a person’s life.

Along with ferns, the aspen tree was held in high esteem by the Slavs. This tree was famous for its protective properties. Aspen strengthened a person’s energy and actively protected him from negative energy. Aspen was also busy actively absorbing energy that could be sent by a person with bad intentions.

Overcome grass also has magical properties. The properties of overcome herb are also protective. This herb protects well from evil tongues.

If you want to protect your home from the energy of ill-wishers, then place a vase with three aspen branches in your home. Aspen bark can be used for personal protection. Carry a piece of bark with you, it will also absorb the negative energy of evil people. It is advisable to wear such a tree talisman in secret from other people. Sew a beautiful fabric bag for a piece of bark and put a small piece of bark there. Say a prayer on top of such a talisman and carry it with you as often as possible.

The color of fern also has enormous magical properties. This is an excellent countermeasure against black magic. If you manage to find a fern flower between the beginning of July and the end of September, then consider yourself lucky.

Legends about fern

They say that the fern flower blooms only once a year and this is the night of Ivan Kupala. This flower looks very atypical. In general, it is believed that those who managed to see a fern in their lives will soon discover a treasure. One legend says that we are talking about a treasure not in a material sense. Treasure refers to internal knowledge that a person discovers within himself. These are creative abilities, talent that finds a channel for implementation.

Another legend says that by treasure they mean material values. After meeting a fern, a person finds ways to get rich or wealth falls on him.

People of science say that ferns by their nature cannot bloom. But folk legends say that this still exists. But not everyone is lucky in finding this flower. This is a real miracle. For the ancient Slavs, the flower of this plant was a symbol of prosperity, favor of the gods, and happiness. In ancient times, it was difficult to find a person who did not dream of this plant.

How to make a talisman from a fern flower?

But even if you have not yet managed to find a flower of this plant, you can make a talisman from fern leaves:

  1. On Kupala night, pick two or three fern leaves and bring them home.
  2. Spread the stems and dry in a bright place.
  3. You need to tie the dry leaves with wool thread.
  4. On a dry fern, read a prayer or spell.
  5. After this, the amulet made from fern leaves is considered ready.

If you want to protect your home from evil spirits with the help of this plant, then place dry leaves in every corner of the house. If you have insomnia or suffer from bad dreams, then this amulet should be kept under your pillow.

If you have a goal with the help of this amulet to attract luck, joy and wealth into your life, then you need to take the amulet with you. So that he accompanies you in all matters. It is believed that the effect of the amulet is enhanced if a dry fern leaf is in contact with bare skin.

Fern symbol

Symbolism is dedicated to the color of fern in Slavic culture. True, its symbol does not at all resemble a flower. But it has strong protective properties. Externally, the symbol resembles fire, this can be seen in the photo. The ancient Slavs applied this symbol to clothing and jewelry, which served as a talisman.

What is the meaning of the amulet? The Slavic amulet is the fern, its meaning is to protect from illnesses and troubles.

In ancient times, when a person was sick, they always put a talisman with such a symbol on him. The Slavs firmly believed that after a short time the illness would go away from the patient. The amulet was made of metal or stone. After the amulet had fulfilled its task, it was necessarily subjected to a cleansing ritual.

In order for someone else’s energy to come off the Slavic amulet of the Kupala fern flower, you just need to hold it under running water for half an hour. Then it is advisable to carry it three times over the fire. It could be a candle. These elements will cleanse the amulet and reset its energy.

Who needs a fern amulet?

The fern flower is a talisman; its meaning is suitable for those who have not yet decided on their purpose in life, their dream. The amulet will tell you where to look for it and lead you in the direction of your dreams.

To make the amulet work better, carry it with you. Then the influence increases. It is believed that the amulet contains more male energy. But a woman can also use a fern flower amulet if she believes that she lacks masculinity.


The myth of the fern

Fern is a mysterious and enigmatic plant, shrouded in many myths and legends. Our Slavic ancestors often called it “Perunov’s color” in honor of the revered god of thunder and military valor. According to legend, on the night of Ivan Kupala, Perun won a battle with a demon who sent a drought to the earth. After the rain, at exactly midnight, a fiery red flower blossomed on the fern, illuminating all the hidden treasures. It is believed that since then Perun's color appears at the same time every year for one moment, but only selected people can see it.

The Slavs endowed the fern with magical properties and considered it the personification of strength and insight. Many people who dreamed of discovering the gift of providence in themselves decided on a dangerous ritual that contributed to the activation of supernatural abilities. To do this, it was necessary on the eve of the holiday of Ivan Kupala to find a fern bush, spread a tablecloth around it, draw a circle with a knife and look at the plant without taking your eyes off. Terrible images, snakes and monsters should appear around you every now and then. If the daredevil passed the test, a beautiful flower would eventually bloom. It was necessary to pick it, cut the hand and apply the plant to a fresh wound. After this, the person gained access to secret knowledge.

Tattoo meaning

A fern flower tattoo has a sacred meaning and is a powerful amulet for its owner. Its main meaning is the desire for knowledge, renewal, peace. Externally, the tattoo resembles a swastika, so the design should be selected with special care so as not to incur troubles and troubles. An image with magical meaning is often chosen by shamans and sorcerers. A fern tattoo on the arm helps them activate supernatural abilities. Uninitiated people should refrain from such a symbol, since not everyone can cope with its unbridled energy.

The fern leaf signifies humility and loneliness and characterizes its owner as a sincere and open-to-communication person. Although among the Maori tribe this same symbol had a different positive interpretation: harmony, peace, change for the better and the beginning of a new happy life. That is why such a tattoo can often be seen on women. Representatives of the fair sex, who want to emphasize beauty and grace, love to decorate their bodies with elegant carved sheets. A fern leaf looks very impressive on the back in open clothes, but in this case the tattoo serves only a decorative function.

Perunov color is of particular importance for men. The Slavs believed that the Thunderer put part of his powerful fiery energy into the plant, so this symbol is suitable for the strong half of humanity. It is believed that a fern tattoo on the arm gives its owner strength and endurance, and therefore is also a talisman against negative influences from the outside. The owner of such a tattoo has excellent health and is protected from disease.

Choosing a style

For those who attach special magical meaning to tattoos, the ethnic style is suitable. You can choose the Polynesian style, where the fern is harmoniously woven into the overall composition. This tattoo looks impressive thanks to authentic patterns and ornaments. Men should consider the ancient Maori style, which is one of the ancestors of the art of body painting in general. Usually the tattoo is done in black and white (sometimes with the addition of one color), and the place of application is chosen on the hand, wrist, chest or shoulder.

The fern tattoo (see photo in the gallery) looks beautiful in do-it-yourself and minimalist styles. Monochrome images are distinguished by their laconicism and simplicity, but this is precisely their main highlight. Minimalism is dominated by clear lines, while the dotwork technique is applied using many small dots that harmoniously form smooth transitions and shadows. A small tattoo under the breast will be an exquisite decoration for the fair sex.

Less common are images of ferns in color. Fans of rich, bright sketches can choose the styles of realism and watercolor. This tattoo is as close as possible to the original, so it looks very beautiful and natural. Any part of the body is suitable for the application site, depending on the size of the sketch.

Photos of tattoos


Fern flower (Perunov's color) is one of the oldest solar ornamental symbols in Slavic religious culture. The fern flower is a kind of eight-pointed swastika, to which our ancestors attached special esoteric meaning. Like any swastika symbol, the fern flower personified the all-conquering power of solar energy, the energy of life that nourishes all things.

The fern flower, which is also called Perun's flower, is associated with an ancient legend telling about the forbidden love of Semargl, the first defender of the solar throne, and Bathing Lady, the gentle and kind goddess of summer nights. Semargl and Bathing Lady loved each other, but could not be together, since the protector of the sun did not have the right to be away from the luminary for even a moment. But one day Semargl allowed his feelings to prevail over duty, and from that very day (the day of the autumnal equinox, September 21), the night gradually began to lengthen, defeating the day. Soon the Bathing Lady and the heavenly warrior had two children, who were named Kostroma and Kupala. On their birthday, Perun gave his brother's children a gift - a blossoming fern. Perun put a piece of his power into this magical flower.

The Slavs believed that Perun's color was able to protect its owner from all kinds of ailments, damage and the evil eye. The fern flower has a destructive effect on all dark forces without exception, so the owner of this artifact is impenetrable and invulnerable to evil. In addition, the fern flower allows its owner to discover treasures hidden in the ground, and also fulfills the most cherished and sincere desires.

According to Slavic beliefs, the fern blooms only once a year, on the very night when Kostroma and Kupala were born, that is, on the day of the summer solstice (June 20, 21 or 22, depending on the shift of the sun). But this unique flower is not open to everyone, and it is very, very difficult to find. But every member of the clan needed protection from evil and disease, which is why our ancestors created this solar symbol, which was called the fern flower. At the same time, this sacred sign had another unique property. Our ancestors believed that Perun's color reveals the Spiritual Powers of a person and cleanses his soul.

You can buy amulets with a fern flower here:


From the origin story

fern flower

The fern flower is also called “Perunov’s flower”. The amulet reveals hidden talent and human spirituality, helps to fulfill your wishes. Among our ancestors, this symbol was considered one of the most important. It’s not in vain that there are so many interesting legends around him. Some of them have reached the modern era.

For example, there is the following legend about the Fern Flower. Once upon a time, a sincere love arose between a goddess named Bathing Suit and Semargl (guardian of the solar throne). In this wonderful union, children appeared, whom Perun once came to congratulate. It was he who gave the children this Fern Flower for good luck. In addition, the flower had a powerful energy force and developed patience and endurance. After this gift was given, all the ferns on earth began to bloom in the summer season, only once a year, on the night of the birth of the children of the goddess Bathing Suit and Semargl.

So our ancestors began to look for ferns on the night of Ivan Kupala. They believed in the magical power of this flower, which not only protects from evil, but also helps to fulfill cherished desires and brings prosperity to the home. Of course, only a few managed to find this flower. Since then, the Slavs came up with this Slavic amulet, Fern Flower.

Legends of the Fern Flower

There are many legends associated with this flower. For example, in one of them it is written: once upon a time a beautiful maiden fell from a cliff. Since then, a clear spring has formed in this place, and her curls have acquired the face of a fern.

There are other equally interesting legends. For example, the story is related to Venus (goddess of love). According to legend, this beautiful plant grew from her dropped hair. By the way, one of the types of this plant is called Venus hair.

Also, many people know about the existence of another equally interesting legend, according to which this flower opens at night on the day of Ivan Kupala. According to legend, it is on this night that the flower opens. They say that whoever finds it on this night will gain power and will rule over everyone.

Today, of course, few people celebrate this day. However, in many villages this tradition is maintained.

Appearance and meaning of the Fern Flower amulet

In shape, this amulet resembles Kolovrat with 8 rays. The image of this symbol was applied not only to clothing, but also to household utensils, and was also worn around the neck as an amulet. Usually our ancestors embroidered designs depicting the symbol on festive dresses. This sign was also used to decorate the housing of soldiers.

The Fern Flower symbol also has a negative side. It can cause aggression, conflict, provoke conflict. Therefore, it is not recommended to be worn by people who lead a quiet lifestyle. Since the quiet energy of a person and the ambitious nature of the sign will not change life for the better, but, on the contrary, will turn it in the opposite direction, without positive changes. It is for this reason that many parents did not embroider the symbols of the ancient Slavs, the Fern Flower, on children's clothing. Because the child could grow up disobedient. But in families where warriors lived, this symbol was revered and used. Therefore, if you plan to use this sign for a child, get ready for the fact that you will grow up to be a fidgety and hyperactive little person.

The amulet has a number of magical properties:

  • treats any diseases of both the physical body and the spiritual;
  • provides protection from evil forces;
  • attracts wealth and luck;
  • Helps you find balance with your surroundings.

How to wear a talisman?

Amulet Overcome grass Fern flower is best worn as a pendant or embroidered on fabric. This flower strengthens sleep. Therefore, if you often have nightmares and cannot sleep peacefully, try embroidering this symbol on natural materials, and then hide your work under your pillow.

Moreover, in order for the power of the talisman to act, it is better to wear it under clothes so that it is in contact with the body. Then you will get the maximum benefit.

How to properly care?

Over time, the properties of the amulet disappear. It accumulates foreign energy, which emits negativity. It is for this reason that the talisman is recommended to be cleaned periodically.

To cleanse the amulet, it is enough to use the power of fire. This is provided that the talisman is made of metal. If the symbol is made of fabric, it must be placed under the scorching rays of the sun for a couple of hours.

Who is this talisman suitable for?

This symbol is considered universal. It will serve the owner who sincerely believes in its powerful power, and will not harm other people. Most often this Fern Flower talisman is chosen for:

  • schoolchildren, students, for people whose activities are related to science. The talisman helps to gain new knowledge and improve regularly;
  • travelers. This flower helps to open up new horizons;
  • those who prioritize not material wealth, but family traditions, love for loved ones, and spiritual development.

The amulet should be worn by those who value every day they live. The power of the amulet helps to reveal one’s purpose and restores spiritual balance.

How to charge the amulet?

Glory to our gods and ancestors

To charge the talisman, you will need to find a deserted place, surrounded by nature. For example, this could be your favorite place since childhood. It will be good if you light a fire near a pond and walk barefoot on the ground. Of course, if it is winter, shoes are allowed for the ceremony.

To charge a gold amulet, you will need a handful of earth, which, after singing the hymn, will need to be sprinkled on the talisman, and then washed in water and dried near the fire. During this ritual, it is necessary to address each element with sincere requests and wishes to endow you with the necessary qualities of the amulet.

If you can’t find privacy in nature, you can perform the ritual at home. In this case, you must have all the elements. Therefore, to charge the amulet at home, you will need to choose the most comfortable room, where there are fresh flowers and other decorative elements.

Before you begin the ritual, take a shower or bath and put on clean clothes. And if there is still such an opportunity, then perform the ritual naked, so the talisman will receive the necessary powers.

For the element of fire, you will need a natural wax candle. In order to enhance your energy vibrations in the process, turn on pleasant and calm music.

All of the above recommendations are general. The ritual itself, which is carried out directly by specialists of the occult sciences, is much more complex and powerful. The main thing in this process is serious and sincere tuning, only then will you be able to receive feedback and help from the gods and elements.

After charging, try to treat the amulet with special care. Keep it clean, do not touch it with dirty hands and do not let others do it.

Useful information: how to clean the amulet?

To cleanse your talisman you will need a candle. Step-by-step action:

  • carry the talisman over the candle flame 2 times and mentally imagine how the entire negative clot burns out in this flame;
  • then say the following words: “the candle fire consumes evil, all my experiences and failures disappear”;
  • At the end of the ritual, the candle must be thrown away.

How to cleanse a talisman using earth?

To perform a successful ritual, you just need to bury the amulet in loose and dry soil. The talisman must stay there for 1 night. There is an even less simple method - you can simply leave the amulet on the surface of the earth.

The cleansing process itself will be more effective if you surround the burial site with stones. If you feel very bad and accumulated energy from the talisman, you will need to immerse it in a container with salt for 3 days. This method will cleanse the object of dirt and negative energy. At the end of the ritual, the salt must be thrown away.

Remember that when the amulet is completely cleansed, you will feel it. You will regain strength and other pleasant sensations. If no changes occur, you will need to repeat the cleansing ritual again. And then do not touch your talisman for 1 day.


The Science of Flower Symbolism

The language of flowers today is a field of study of an entire science, which is called fluorography. This discipline studies the historical aspects of the origin, distribution and subtleties of everything related to the symbolism of such plants.

In Japan, this science is called “hanakotoba”. The language of flowers is used not only when composing compositional combinations and designing bouquets. It can also be floral paintings of dishes and objects, drawings, creating jewelry and wreaths.

Fluorography studies legends and myths, various characteristics, associations of people with flowers at all times. It was from the data of this discipline that it became known that the language of flowers originated in the East. Its founders are considered to be beautiful oriental beauties, who expressed hidden feelings, dreams, fantasies and desires through buds and bouquets. It was for them that plants became something more than decorations. Then this feature became widespread in Europe. In many countries, a state symbol has appeared - a flower.

What does the fern symbolize?

Angiosperms, or flowering plants, are the dominant group among all existing ones from a biological point of view. This was facilitated by evolutionary development, the acquisition of special characteristics and adaptability.

At the same time, ferns are plants of the past. Once upon a time, in the distant Carboniferous period of the development of life on the planet, lush, powerful beauties - horsetails, mosses and ferns - reached perfection and diversity. But over time, their appearance became more and more modest, from woody forms they turned into shrubs and herbs. Today their numbers are very small.

Nevertheless, they exist. These are spore-bearing plants that can reproduce only in the presence of water. This means that they are not capable of flowering. However, since ancient times it was believed that the fern flower is a symbol. They looked for it, waited for it to form on the plant, deified it and gave it more and more superstitious meaning.

The most progressive in this regard were the Slavs, for whom the fern flower is a symbol of the fulfillment of the most cherished desire, the fulfillment of a secret dream. Anyone who manages to find a flowering plant of this species must be lucky. He should become rich, happy, lucky, strong and so on.

Of course, this is just a symbol. No one has seen a fern flower and no one will ever see it, because biologically it is not feasible. However, images have appeared that represent swastikas superimposed on each other in a pattern. It was they who began to be personified with such a coveted fern flower.

Today, many jewelry, medallions, and amulets have such patterns. They are called not only fern flowers, but also “Perunov Tsvet”, named after the Slavic god of fire Perun, who patronized all craftsmen and craftsmen.

Flowers - symbols of countries

Since ancient times, when no state had a flag as a national distinctive feature, flowers played this role among most nationalities. It was these beautiful creatures that personified the uniqueness of the country, its greatness and beauty.

A lot of time has passed, but even today many large and small states have their own national flower, their own plant. As a rule, each of them is associated with a folk legend, passed down from mouth to mouth through generations.

I would like to give examples of states that have a symbol - a flower.

Country name Symbolic plant

In Turkey it was considered the flower of the ruling family during the Ottoman Empire. Only members of the Sultan's family had the right to wear jewelry with this flower and its image.

In Holland today these flowers are the most popular; the best and unique varieties are bred there and supplied all over the world.



It is considered the personification of supremacy, greatness, splendor. Imperial flower, symbolizing loyalty and truth.


It was depicted on coins, the scepters of rulers, and the headdresses of divine servants were made in the form of these flowers. This plant was dedicated by the Egyptians to their god Osiris.


Flower of family happiness and prosperity. An essential element of the New Year's feast. It also represents self-respect and dignity.



The plant is prickly, the flower is not so beautiful, but according to legend it was he who saved the country from the attack of enemies. Once upon a time, Danish subjects decided to capture Scotland at night and made their way to its main castle. But one of the warriors stepped on a thistle and woke up the entire sleeping army. The enemy was defeated, and the flower became a symbol of the country.

Germany Knapweed
Switzerland Edelweiss
France Lily
Singapore Orchid
Finland 9 white roses
Italy Daisies
Ukraine Red poppy
Mexico Dahlia
Latvia Chamomile

And many other countries have tender and touching, inexpressibly beautiful buds and blossoming flowers as their symbols. Moreover, it also happens when one flower has several admirer states that have chosen it as a symbol (orchid, tulip, rose).


The symbol of Ireland is the shamrock or clover flower. This is a plant that adorns all the sunniest and brightest meadows and clearings. This is what animals eat with pleasure.

The people of Ireland consider this plant and its flower a symbol of freedom, emancipation, and rebelliousness of spirit. In many other countries it is the personification of good luck and success in everything. The historical legend of St. Patrick, who used the example of a shamrock to explain divine dogmas to the people, became the basis and reason for choosing such a symbol of the country. During the festival of this saint, the Irish attach images of the plant to their clothing.

From the 16th century to this day, the symbol of Ireland is the clover flower (shamrock), simple, sweet, very gentle and bringing good luck.


The queen of flowers, beauty, noble and elegant, arousing admiration and delight is, of course, a rose. All species, without exception, are expressive and beautiful. Red roses are the brightest flowers, symbols of England. It was this country that first chose them to personify its individuality and rich state history.

The ruling king always came out to the people with this flower, either alive or as a decoration. Today the red rose is a symbol of the USA, Great Britain and Canada. It means love, nobility, wisdom, happiness and good fortune.


According to the art of Feng Shui, this flower is the personification of wealth and love, good luck and prosperity. He must be present in the house. Peony protects spouses from quarrels, gives peace and tranquility. Helps unmarried people find their happiness.


There are very different interpretations of these symbolic colors. It all depends on the color. White lilies - innocence, awe, modesty. Yellow and orange - envy and revenge, jealousy. Tigers - wealth and glory.

Lycorises are red spider lilies. They are artificially produced by humans and are the main decoration of the streets of Japan and other countries. Represents loneliness, separation, parting.

What do white flowers say?

Since ancient times, it was believed that white flowers are a symbol of purity of spirit and body, innocence, kindness and purity. Roses, daisies, peonies, chrysanthemums and many other representatives of plants of this color personify all that is most sublime and good - truthfulness, modesty, eternal love, humility, silence, secrecy.

However, white carnations are a symbol of contempt and melancholy. Therefore, each white flower has its own interpretation.

Symbolism of yellow flowers

This is a sunny, bright, cheerful and rich color. Yellow flowers are a symbol of prosperity, prosperity and wealth. They represent fun, gratitude, success, friendship, happiness and joy.

But yellow carnations mean neglect, refusal, disappointment, bitterness, separation. Yellow lily - lie, deceit, betrayal.


The meaning of the Fern Flower amulet

Our ancestors believed that the Slavic amulet Fern Flower was able to protect against the evil that befalls a person. The main thing that the wearer of the amulet should have is a bright soul and pure thoughts. There is a legend that states that a person who sees a blossoming fern will find treasures and become truly rich. Of course, many may mistakenly assume that this means material wealth, but in fact, the meaning of the concept of “treasure” is somewhat different. The image of the Fern Flower implies spiritual wealth.

The ancient Slavs believed that the Slavic amulet Fern Flower was capable of not only protecting a person from all kinds of evil, but also protecting the wearer from various diseases, damage, the evil eye and much more. The Fern Flower amulet, which can be purchased on our website, was considered a universal protector against all manifestations of evil and dark forces in the earthly world. Also, with the correct and respectful attitude towards the Perun amulet, the color can fulfill various desires of its wearer, of course, if they are not aimed at harming other people. This symbol is capable of giving mental strength and purifying the soul - at least that’s what our ancestors said.

Slavic amulet Fern Flower - Odolen Grass double-sided

It is worth noting that the Fern Flower amulet is double-sided and has incredible energy potential. But first things first, so, the integral accompaniment of Perun’s color is Odolen Grass, the most famous amulet of the Slavs for protection against various ailments. The ancestors believed that all diseases on the human race are sent by Dark forces, and the dual sign, with its fiery power, is capable of protecting and destroying all diseases and misfortunes. The Odolen-Grass amulet – Fern Flower is universal and is suitable for both men and women. He will always come to the aid of the suffering, show the right path and reward with fortitude, the main thing is to unshakably believe and honor the amulet. Also, this symbol will become an indispensable assistant in the life of travelers; the amulet will protect against problems on the road and various dangers.


The legend of the amulet

Legend describes the fern flower as a symbol of love. The ancient Slavic god Semargal was the first guardian of the throne of the sun. He could not leave his post for a single moment. But love crept into his heart. The beautiful and gentle goddess of summer nights, Bathing Suit, conquered the brave warrior. He resisted the feeling for a long time and fulfilled his duty. But one night, on the day of the autumn equinox (September 21), passion took over, and he left his post and went down to his beloved. From that day on, the dark time of the day became longer than the light time.

Semargal and Bathing Lady had two children, exactly on the day of the summer solstice. They were called Kostroma and Kupala. Semergal's brother, Perun, gave his nephews a real fern flower amulet on their birthday. He put a piece of his power into the plant. Since that time, once a year, on the night of Kupala, the fern blooms. Whoever manages to see the amazing color of Perun will find untold riches, all misfortunes and illnesses will bypass him, true love will meet in his life, no matter how much he searches for it. In addition, the magic flower fulfills cherished and hidden desires, elevates and purifies the human soul.

The meaning of the amulet

The Slavic amulet fern and its meaning have hardly changed over the centuries. People in Rus' valued him for his power of good and ability to protect from evil. And now it is generally accepted that Perun’s color has the following properties:

  • Heals diseases of body and mind
  • Shows the owner the way to treasures
  • Helps the soul find peace, get rid of confusion and endless tossing
  • Gives harmony in relationships with loved ones and with yourself
  • Fulfills deepest desires
  • Protects from evil forces, evil eye, damage
  • Brings good luck and happiness.

An important property of the fern flower amulet is the revelation of spiritual power. Like the overpowering grass, he is able to spin energy flows and collect them in the center. Only he acts more harshly, because the power of Perun, the son of Dazhdbog, lives in him. This means that the entire primitive essence of the universe can be collected into Perun’s color and a talisman with his image. The owner is able to see the true light in one moment and choose the right path in his life.

The symbol of the fern flower deprives a person of fear; he is ready to go through fire, water and storms. He is not afraid of thunder or earthquakes. The talisman opens the path to wealth and treasures for its owner. It's not always a chest of gold. We can say that these are extremely rare material benefits. The Slavic amulet, the fern flower, reveals to a person a real treasure of life - spiritual perfection, sacrifice, the ability to distinguish between good and evil, and to live in truth.

Who will need the amulet?

The fern plant symbolizes the forces of good, the power of truth, and spiritual growth. It reveals to a person the true goals of his earthly destiny. The fern flower as a talisman is of great importance. He is able to cure illness, stands guard over the human body and protects it from illness. A Slavic amulet with a fern flower protects the house and those who live in it. Helps men and women achieve mutual understanding and maintain peace in the family. It is also worth wearing for those who are looking for a source of strength for themselves and loved ones.

  • Sick in soul and body.
  • People who study (schoolchildren, students) and those who are passionate about science.
  • Seeking spiritual improvement and meaning in life.
  • For travelers who are eager to explore the world.
  • People for whom love, family, and spiritual search are more important than material wealth.
  • For those who have lost interest in life, wasted energy, have been exposed to the evil eye or damage.
  • Those who want to protect themselves from the action of dark forces.

The color of the fern has meaning and the symbolism is very strong. You cannot dress it with bad intentions. He will never help people who put material wealth above spiritual wealth. It can harm those who carry grievances in their souls and want to take revenge for them. It is not recommended to wear a fern talisman if your thoughts and desires are unclean. After all, he reads the innermost secrets of the soul. When there is darkness and evil reigns, it will become dangerous for others and for the owner himself.

What amulets can you make?

Which fern flower performs its role as a talisman better? It is believed that the greatest power is possessed by a silver amulet. It is recommended to wear it around the neck so that the symbol is in direct contact with the body. You can place the amulet in the solar circle to enhance its protective properties. In addition to the pendant, you can make a ring from silver. It is suitable for lovers as a symbol of fidelity, happiness, and a future strong family. A bracelet on the hand heals those who suffer from high blood pressure and diseases of internal organs.

In addition to silver, wood is suitable for making a fern-colored amulet. It has warmth and natural strength. Nourishes a person with the energy of the Earth. You can decorate your room interior with a fern flower, especially wooden furniture. A tattoo or tattoo is not the best way to wear a fern flower. She has too much contact with people and cannot cleanse herself of the negativity that she accumulates. Over time, the sign will not only lose its power, but can also harm its owner.

A good solution is embroidery with a fern flower. It is recommended to do it on the clothes of the sick in order to heal them. Embroidery will protect babies and pregnant women. It will be useful for purposeful people to gain strength and grow spiritually. For mothers of the family, a Slavic amulet and a fern flower will help protect the house from evil. If you embroider the symbol of a fern flower on the shirt of a schoolchild, teenager or young man, their memory will improve, their concentration will improve, and there will be an increased interest in knowledge.

How to care for an amulet

It is important to remember that the Slavic fern flower helps only good people. You must believe in its power, otherwise the amulet will be useless. You can buy and gift items with his image only to close people, and from the bottom of your heart. It is better to charge the symbol of Perun's amulet color in nature. The best time is Kupala night, on the day of the summer solstice. You should not keep the amulet only at home; you must carry it with you.

The amulet fern flower has the meaning of a protector from evil. It absorbs negative energy, preventing it from reaching its owner. But over time, a bad aura accumulates in the amulet, and it weakens and loses its power. To return its energy to the fern flower symbol, it is recommended to cleanse the amulet. When it is a pendant or bracelet made of metal, it is best to use fire. It is enough to hold it over the flame for a few minutes and leave it to cool in a bright place.

It is impossible to clean a wooden Slavic amulet and a fern flower or embroidery with fire. Therefore, they should be exposed to direct sunlight for several hours. It is important to ensure that the subject does not fall into the shadow for a minute. Otherwise, the cleansing process will be incomplete. A real fern plant will enhance the energy of the amulet. To do this, you need to pick its leaves, put an amulet on them, and expose them to the sun. The leaf will absorb negative energy and enhance the effect of the fern flower talisman.

Perunov tsvet amulet (fern flower, Fern color) is a famous Slavic symbol. It is believed that Perun's color amulet can help reveal magical abilities, give strength, good health, and protect against illnesses and illnesses. Perun's amulet color turns by force to God Perun, and to God Kupala, is associated with the summer holiday Kupala (Kupala), the holiday of Fire and Water, the summer Solstice.

The color of fern is a symbol of eternal and true love. According to legend, the God of the Summer Sun, Kupalo, gave Perun a fern flower on the longest night of the year. Only after this the stern warrior was able to fall in love with the incomparable beauty - the Goddess Diva-Dodola. The Goddess of the Thunderstorm became his constant companion, and is remembered by the Slavs under the name Perunitsa.

On Kupala night, when the Fern Flower blooms, all men's hearts turn from strict and hard into tender and loving. To this day, on a magical night, exactly at midnight, all young boys and girls try to find such a flower. Those people who practice divination and northern magic are also looking for it.

Image of the amulet Fern Flower (Perunov color)

Externally, the “Perunov Color” sign has a pronounced swastika structure. Swastika signs for the ancient Slavs were always sacred and were also called solar - that is, those that are subordinate to the Sun or His movement. Swastika signs have always denoted and still denote the movement in a spiral, the movement of galaxies in the Universe. Those four rays that emanate from the center of the sign are curved and have “shoots”. All together they create the bizarre outlines of a labyrinth in the four cardinal directions. The design of the symbol is such that it does not imply closure - the ends of the rays can be completed, continued indefinitely, creating a salt-and-pepper rotation - clockwise or in the direction of the Sun.

The power of the amulet Perunov color (fern flower)

How will Perun's amulet help, what action does it perform?

Perunov color, Fern color or Fern flower is popularly called “break-grass” or “flight-grass”. They called the gap-grass because there were craftsmen who used this sign to make it rain. Those in the know used to say that with Perun’s color, like a key, you can open the Vaults of the Heavenly Abyss. They called it grass flight because they believed that the fiery fern flower was very shy and fluttered from stem to stem, like a butterfly or bird. Whoever it is given into the hands of, whoever catches it, will get what he wants, or he will be lucky in love for life.

This amulet of God Perun grants:

  • self-confidence and self-confidence;
  • happiness, the ability to approach life more easily and positively;
  • body strength, health, endurance;
  • good changes in life, its renewal.

The powerful power of this amulet will provide protection from:

  • ailments, illnesses or diseases;
  • male weakness;
  • unkind slander associated with harm to health.

Who is this amulet suitable for?

Amulet The color of fern was traditionally embroidered on clothes and towels; amulets were made with the image of a sign on birch bark, wood, and bone.

Perunov's color is suitable for boys and girls who dream of finding successful love in life.

The color of Perun's amulet is not suitable for children. This sign was not used to decorate any toys, children’s dishes, clothes or a child’s cradle.

Fern flower is suitable for women to gain inner confidence and strength.

Since this sign takes its power from God Perun, the amulet is perfect for men.

The fern flower amulet is an ancient Slavic symbol that protects a person from evil forces, cures diseases, and helps to find treasures. It must be worn on the body, or the symbol can be embroidered on clothing. It is best to make the symbol from silver or wood. The shape of the flower is an eight-pointed swastika or Kolovrat. It signifies the solar runes of power or the symbol of life.

The legend of the amulet

Legend describes the fern flower as a symbol of love. The ancient Slavic god Semargal was the first guardian of the throne of the sun. He could not leave his post for a single moment. But love crept into his heart. The beautiful and gentle goddess of summer nights, Bathing Suit, conquered the brave warrior. He resisted the feeling for a long time and fulfilled his duty. But one night, on the day of the autumn equinox (September 21), passion took over, and he left his post and went down to his beloved. From that day on, the dark time of the day became longer than the light time.

Semargal and Bathing Lady had two children, exactly on the day of the summer solstice. They were called Kostroma and Kupala. Semergal's brother, Perun, gave his nephews a real fern flower amulet on their birthday. He put a piece of his power into the plant. Since that time, once a year, on the night of Kupala, the fern blooms. Whoever manages to see the amazing color of Perun will find untold riches, all misfortunes and illnesses will bypass him, true love will meet in his life, no matter how much he searches for it. In addition, the magic flower fulfills cherished and hidden desires, elevates and purifies the human soul.

The meaning of the amulet

The Slavic amulet fern and its meaning have hardly changed over the centuries. People in Rus' valued him for his power of good and ability to protect from evil. And now it is generally accepted that Perun’s color has the following properties:

  • Heals diseases of body and mind
  • Shows the owner the way to treasures
  • Helps the soul find peace, get rid of confusion and endless tossing
  • Gives harmony in relationships with loved ones and with yourself
  • Fulfills deepest desires
  • Protects from evil forces, evil eye, damage
  • Brings good luck and happiness.

An important property of the fern flower amulet is the revelation of spiritual power. Like the overpowering grass, he is able to spin energy flows and collect them in the center. Only he acts more harshly, because the power of Perun, the son of Dazhdbog, lives in him. This means that the entire primitive essence of the universe can be collected into Perun’s color and a talisman with his image. The owner is able to see the true light in one moment and choose the right path in his life.

The symbol of the fern flower deprives a person of fear; he is ready to go through fire, water and storms. He is not afraid of thunder or earthquakes. The talisman opens the path to wealth and treasures for its owner. It's not always a chest of gold. We can say that these are extremely rare material benefits. The Slavic amulet, the fern flower, reveals to a person a real treasure of life - spiritual perfection, sacrifice, the ability to distinguish between good and evil, and to live in truth.

Who will need the amulet?

The fern plant symbolizes the forces of good, the power of truth, and spiritual growth. It reveals to a person the true goals of his earthly destiny. The fern flower as a talisman is of great importance. He is able to cure illness, stands guard over the human body and protects it from illness. A Slavic amulet with a fern flower protects the house and those who live in it. Helps men and women achieve mutual understanding and maintain peace in the family. It is also worth wearing for those who are looking for a source of strength for themselves and loved ones.

  • Sick in soul and body.
  • People who study (schoolchildren, students) and those who are passionate about science.
  • Seeking spiritual improvement and meaning in life.
  • For travelers who are eager to explore the world.
  • People for whom love, family, and spiritual search are more important than material wealth.
  • For those who have lost interest in life, wasted energy, have been exposed to the evil eye or damage.
  • Those who want to protect themselves from the action of dark forces.

The color of the fern has meaning and the symbolism is very strong. You cannot dress it with bad intentions. He will never help people who put material wealth above spiritual wealth. It can harm those who carry grievances in their souls and want to take revenge for them. It is not recommended to wear a fern talisman if your thoughts and desires are unclean. After all, he reads the innermost secrets of the soul. When there is darkness and evil reigns, it will become dangerous for others and for the owner himself.

What amulets can you make?

Which fern flower performs its role as a talisman better? It is believed that the greatest power is possessed by a silver amulet. It is recommended to wear it around the neck so that the symbol is in direct contact with the body. You can place the amulet in the solar circle to enhance its protective properties. In addition to the pendant, you can make a ring from silver. It is suitable for lovers as a symbol of fidelity, happiness, and a future strong family. A bracelet on the hand heals those who suffer from high blood pressure and diseases of internal organs.

In addition to silver, wood is suitable for making a fern-colored amulet. It has warmth and natural strength. Nourishes a person with the energy of the Earth. You can decorate your room interior with a fern flower, especially wooden furniture. A tattoo or tattoo is not the best way to wear a fern flower. She has too much contact with people and cannot cleanse herself of the negativity that she accumulates. Over time, the sign will not only lose its power, but can also harm its owner.

A good solution is embroidery with a fern flower. It is recommended to do it on the clothes of the sick in order to heal them. Embroidery will protect babies and pregnant women. It will be useful for purposeful people to gain strength and grow spiritually. For mothers of the family, a Slavic amulet and a fern flower will help protect the house from evil. If you embroider the symbol of a fern flower on the shirt of a schoolchild, teenager or young man, their memory will improve, their concentration will improve, and there will be an increased interest in knowledge.

How to care for an amulet

It is important to remember that the Slavic fern flower helps only good people. You must believe in its power, otherwise the amulet will be useless. You can buy and gift items with his image only to close people, and from the bottom of your heart. It is better to charge the symbol of Perun's amulet color in nature. The best time is Kupala night, on the day of the summer solstice. You should not keep the amulet only at home; you must carry it with you.

The amulet fern flower has the meaning of a protector from evil. It absorbs negative energy, preventing it from reaching its owner. But over time, a bad aura accumulates in the amulet, and it weakens and loses its power. To return its energy to the fern flower symbol, it is recommended to cleanse the amulet. When it is a pendant or bracelet made of metal, it is best to use fire. It is enough to hold it over the flame for a few minutes and leave it to cool in a bright place.

Everything, including plants, has its own biofield and energy. They will in a certain way influence the subtle bodies of a person, his psyche, and subconscious.

The aura of a fern is cold or warm depending on the circumstances.
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Parts of the plant used: above ground part of the plant
Main properties: protection from evil forces, love
Specific Uses: All varieties of fern provide exceptionally strong protection against evil forces. Plant in a shaded area in the garden or home. Always place in a vase with flowers. Throw a fern onto hot coals to create a protective aura. Burn it outside to make it rain. Carry with you an unblown male fern dried over a fire on Midsummer Day to protect against evil forces. This ritual is rarely performed today.

Ferns are coming back into fashion. They were very popular in Victorian times, when entire collections of ferns were grown in greenhouses and in special glass boxes. However, only a few species were grown as ordinary houseplants, because gas combustion products and smoke from coal, which was then used for heating, are extremely poisonous to almost all ferns.
In the era of central heating, the air in homes became cleaner and interest in ferns was revived. But central heating also has disadvantages. Few ferns can tolerate dry, warm air, so it is necessary to artificially increase air humidity.

Fern, collected on the night of Ivan Kupala, worn on a naked body, protects against witchcraft and evil spirits. Ferns of all kinds were associated in the popular mind with thunder and lightning and, therefore, protected the house in which they were located from thunderstorms. Fields - from hail. This is a talisman of the highest happiness: it has the ability to find “crystals” and “gold”, good luck in all enterprises, games and love. The devil has the deepest aversion to ferns, so he does not appear where they grow.
On the night of Ivan Kupala in Russia and Ukraine, girls look for a fern blooming with scarlet flowers in the forest, symbolizing eternal love.

The male fern is called the "lucky hand" in some areas of mid-England. In this very name one can hear echoes of ancient beliefs in the magical properties of this plant. Like all other varieties of ferns, it was endowed with the ability to protect, heal and generate love.

A small, inconspicuous fern called the rosebush was endowed with a number of magical properties, including the ability to turn mercury into silver and help women during childbirth.
A leaf of rosemary, applied to a nail, immediately made it loosely sit in the socket and be easily removed, and inserted into the hole of a lock, no matter how reliable, it immediately opened it. If a horse accidentally steps on this plant, its horseshoe will come off.

All ferns have magical properties and have been used in the practice of the occult for centuries. Any common variety can be grown indoors for these purposes, and they are especially effective if placed in front of large windows. They say that in order for the fern to grow, you need to put tobacco in the pot. This plant is ruled by the planet Mercury.

The graceful witch's broom fern provides protection to the home and its inhabitants, especially children and babies, and brings beauty to everyone.

The fern represents loneliness, sincerity and humility.
The ancients believed that ferns had no seeds. But subsequent generations rejected this theory and decided that the fern had invisible seeds (in fact, most ferns reproduce by spores).