Paints for facades of wooden houses. How to paint the outside of a wooden house - the best facade paint for a wooden house

Paints for facades of wooden houses.  How to paint the outside of a wooden house - the best facade paint for a wooden house
Paints for facades of wooden houses. How to paint the outside of a wooden house - the best facade paint for a wooden house

Wooden houses- it's not just buildings Brown, today they can be yellow, green, red, purple, and multi-colored. What's the secret? It is known that in nature, for example, there is no blue wood, so how then does the house turn out to be blue? Everything is very simple - paint is used to wooden house outside.
If you have wooden house, then during its operation you can completely change appearance facade of the building without causing significant damage to building materials.

An important aspect of painting a building is additional protection walls from influence external factors(climatic conditions of the area, insects and harmful biological organisms).

How to paint the outside of a wooden house?

There are several answers to this question. For processing façade walls modern market paint and varnish products offers a wide range of products that allow you to both preserve and highlight the naturalness of the wood panel, and completely hide it under protective layer. The exterior of a wooden house is painted using the following substances:

Let's take a closer look at the features of using this or that product.

Exterior: façade finishing options

1. Varnishing of the facade wooden structure(durability – about 8 years).

To properly varnish outer surface the walls of the house are made of wood, you need to have a special set professional means. Varnishing is carried out in several stages. First, the wood must be treated with an antiseptic composition with biocidal components.

The next product is a tinting primer. The substance does not interrupt the texture of the wood surface, but is applied evenly, providing deep coloring.

If your wooden house is built from timber or solid wood, then the ends of the building should be treated special means, protecting the wood profile from cracking and warping.

The finishing varnish is applied in at least two layers. Please note that the technical characteristics of the façade varnish must indicate: weather-resistant, that is, not sensitive to moisture and ultraviolet radiation.

2. Tinting antiseptic with preservation of wood texture (durability – 5-15 years).

As in the case of varnishing, the facade is first treated with an antiseptic solution with biocidal components. The ends of the building are processed in the same way as in the previous case. The final coating is a two-layer application of a glazing wood antiseptic. Antiseptics usually contain a high content of natural resins, which reduces the level of hydrophobicity of wood several times.

3. Covering antiseptic, which hides the texture of wood, but reveals its texture.

The first stage of treatment is an antiseptic solution with biocidal components. Next, a special primer solution is applied, with excellent adhesive properties, the task of which is to increase adhesion finishing coating with wood, extend the durability of lumber. Be sure to use a product to protect the ends or solid boards.

The last stage is the application of at least two layers of covering antiseptic.

Unlike paint for the outside of a wooden house, antiseptics form a strong, elastic film on the surface of the wood, allowing the walls to “breathe.”

How else to paint the outside of a wooden house?

Of course, the fourth option is to paint the facade wooden building There will be special facade paint. The durability of this finish is at least 15 years. It is also worth noting good maintainability. Please note that a coat of paint will hide textural features wood canvas, but at the same time you can choose absolutely any color for your home to paint the facade.

Paint and varnish products for external works has excellent specifications resistance to the influence of external factors. Traditional compositions are acrylic facade paints.

Painting occurs in several stages. Required steps– treatment with an antiseptic with biocidal components and the use of special protective agent for processing the ends of a wooden house. In the case of paint for a wooden facade, you will need to use a primer (as with a covering antiseptic for wood).

The last stage of facade work is the application of two layers of special acrylic paint.

Please note that, if desired, each client can order a mixture of an exceptional shade of color.

How I want it to own house he was radically different from those standing next to him and attracted the views of those around him. This effect is quite possible if paint is applied to the facade, which, in addition to its aesthetic function, also performs a protective one. Nowadays there are many types of emulsions on the market and it is difficult to choose the right one for specific type the work is not that easy. Of course, the cans of dye contain instructions and tips for use, but it doesn’t hurt to listen to additional recommendations from experts. Especially if it concerns saving money from the family budget.

What types of paints are there?

1. Oil-based alkyd paint ideally fits on cladding boards, railings, and fences. The composition may contain special substances that protect the wood from mold. Dissolves with primer, alkyd solvent and white spirit. It is applied to the walls with a spray gun, brush or roller and dries in about a day. Over time, due to exposure weather conditions may lose shine.

2. Acrylate-oil paint for wooden facades is optimal for both rough and sanded and primed surfaces. Approximate consumption – 4-6 m2/l, depending on external treatment.

3. Oil glossy has high resistance to temperature changes and moisture. Has good covering power, forming a reliable protective film, visually hides damage and defects on the tree. Extends the service life of wooden surfaces. It is not recommended to dilute this emulsion, otherwise the shine will be lost. Consumption about 6 m2/l. All-season facade paint is equally effective for planed and sawn surfaces.

choosing paint is your own designer!

4. Water-dispersible semi-matte enamel is designed to protect wood from negative impact precipitation and sun, is not afraid of dampness, dries quickly, does not leave streaks and is ideally applied to the surface from the first layer. This paint requires regular mixing. When using a brush and roller, it does not require dilution, and the spray uses 1 liter of water per 10 liters of color mixture.

5. Water-dispersion paint-glaze is used both as a tinting and as an independent coating substance. It has water-repellent properties and protects wood from fungus and mold. The following façade paint on wood is used for log cabins: window frames, fences. Drying time for one layer is about 2 hours. However, the surfaces can be used only after a day.

How to choose suitable composition emulsions

Facade paint for wood combines several significant functions. To give a beautiful decorative look structure and increase the service life of wood, it is necessary to use correct composition. It should be perfect for performance characteristics in specific climatic conditions. As a rule, manufacturers add up to 40 different components to raw materials, including plasticizers and drying accelerators.

The finished emulsion must be resistant to ultraviolet radiation, aggressive environments and sudden temperature changes. Also, when purchasing, you should pay attention to guarantee period services. Alkyd enamels do not lose their qualities for 5 years, oil enamels retain their characteristics for 3 years.

Acrylic mixtures are considered the most durable; they cope well with external loads for 12 years or more. In addition, acrylic is one of the safest, most environmentally friendly and breathable materials. It is recommended to pre-treat the wood with a primer, preferably from one manufacturer.

Which manufacturer should you prefer?

Now on construction market more than two dozen domestic and foreign manufacturers. For example, coloring wooden walls and the facade of the house with FORESTER paint will cost about 300 rubles for 0.9 liters of acrylate enamel.

Exactly the same emulsion produced by TIKKURILA will cost 100 rubles more. Feidal Dekorlasur - offers similar products for 300 units of Russian currency. WOOD GUARD estimates its raw materials are 50 rubles cheaper for the same 0.9 liters. Each company provides a guarantee for its products and assures of unsurpassed quality. Therefore, here you need to focus only on personal preferences and your own pocket.

Often, the consumer’s desire to purchase durable and eco-friendly paint Not applicable for painting wooden facades. Paint, the object of which is the facade of a building or other wooden elements the exterior should not lose its qualities under the influence of temperature changes and moisture.

Manufacturers are not always to blame for the rapid loss of attractiveness. Very often the consumer himself is poorly informed about the application technology coloring matter onto a wooden surface.

Is it possible to paint a wooden house with facade paint?

The answer to this question is clearly positive, only during the application process it is necessary to follow a certain technology. This will guarantee the durability of the painted coating.

According to façade paint manufacturers, the coating remains unchanged for about two decades. But in practice, after only a couple of years, you can notice cracks and chips on the painted surface.

Facade paint for wooden surfaces should be applied not only to the primer layer. An antiseptic (antiseptic primer) protects the wood itself, but does not in any way increase the life of the painted surface. The paint should be applied to an alkyd primer, which increases adhesion to the surface.

Choosing paint for a wooden facade

Is it possible to paint wood with façade paint while preserving the natural structure? The surface color can be more or less dense, it depends on the paint chosen.

For a dense and opaque coating that completely hides the wood texture, use:

  • Oil paints;
  • Alkyd enamels;
  • Acrylic paints.

If it is necessary to emphasize wooden facade, preference should be given to varnish or antiseptics with the addition of color.

Modern coloring compositions are elastic and allow wood to breathe. Oil formulations You should choose a couple of shades lighter than desired, they tend to darken over the years. Acrylic analogues are universal in use. Their successful application is possible both outside and indoors. Enamel will allow wooden surface retain all its properties, in addition to a glossy or matte surface.

If the house is a new building, the elasticity of modern coloring compositions will allow them to withstand the shrinkage of the building without chips and cracks.

Some rules for applying facade paint to a wooden surface

  • The use of an adhesive primer is mandatory. If its use is impossible for any reason, for better adhesion of the paint to the wood (after applying the primer), the surface must be sanded. For this purpose they use sandpaper or a grinder.
  • Application of antiseptic. Wooden building exposed to fungus, mold and all kinds of bugs. To protect the wood and preserve the color of the paint, the use of an antiseptic coating is mandatory.
  • Time frame for painting a new building. Not every built house can be painted immediately, despite its elasticity modern paint. This is due to the fact that the wood needs to dry out from natural moisture. Only in cases where construction is carried out using laminated veneer lumber, painting is possible upon completion of construction work.
  • Application technique. The process uses a wide brush, which is drawn strictly along the wood pattern. The end sides are treated with sealant.
  • Working conditions. Painting the facade of a wooden building should only be done in warm and dry weather. This will ensure the durability of the coating.

I meant osmo, etc. They are expensive, but are they worth it? They say you can apply 2 layers without primer. And I like the service life. What's wrong besides the price?
My grandfather’s color was dark (I don’t remember which one), and it was also painted around that time) After about 10 years, the facade lost its appearance, but until now no one has repainted it, the color holds up even more or less. Not so good with the board either.
How long does your Tikkuril last, and what kind of paint was applied, what kind of facade do you have?

On the topic of super-oils and even without primer, I advise you to read the following article
It should be noted that the use complete system for external painting of wood, i.e. with antiseptic impregnation and sealant for the ends would significantly distort the test results. But even in this form, the information is very useful for analytics. External oils without biocides last very little, also glazes and varnishes without pigments (no UV protection), and the leaders of the test are tinted glazes with film and, of course, covering paints. All this is easily explained by the physics, chemistry and biology of the process of wood biodegradation. What should you protect wood from outside? From water, sun and mushrooms. Now let's look at these factors from the side of the materials being sold.
Oils and oil-based coatings for exterior use. Composition: tung, linseed and other oils, their combinations and combinations with other film formers. Advantages: naturalness, good vapor permeability, good indicator of abrasion ( terrace boards, decking), appearance. Disadvantages: weak water-repellent properties + washability, as a result - the coating requires frequent renewal (up to 2 times a year), which is acceptable for a terrace, but unacceptable for a facade. Application: terraces, garden furniture, berths (in general, everything that is “downstairs” and can be easily updated), for coniferous species required pre-processing antiseptic.
Azure for outdoor use. Composition: mixture of alkyd resins, water-acrylic emulsion, active components, special additives. Advantages: the most popular type of paintwork for exterior use, there are many variations, but the main ones are solvent-based alkyd and acrylic glazes. water based, as well as many hybrid combinations. Disadvantages: UV protection is lower than that of covering paints, more durable than oils due to better moisture resistance. Application: facades, gazebos, fences, garden furniture, etc., except for cases of use on terrace floors (for azures that form a film). Depending on the content of biocides in a particular azure, the use of an antiseptic may not be necessary.
Covering paints for exterior use. Composition: alkyds, acrylates, titanium dioxide. Advantages: water-acrylate coating paints are champions in durability on facades due to best protection from UV due to the high content of titanium dioxide. Disadvantages: as a rule, all consumer complaints boil down to one thing - “plastic” appearance. On light shades It is possible for water-soluble wood substances to leak through. Application: similar to glazes for outdoor use.