Vegetables - growing vegetables, caring for vegetables, storing them. Growing vegetables in open ground Storage space

Vegetables - growing vegetables, caring for vegetables, storing them. Growing vegetables in open ground Storage space

Already, many gardeners grow onions through seedlings, receiving a good harvest of onions from seeds per season. To do this, you need to grow strong seedlings and plant onion sprouts in the beds in mid-May with a formed root system and the first bunch of leaves.

When and how to sow onions for seedlings was described here.

When growing onion seedlings at home, problems often arise - the plants become elongated, thin, weak, easily lie down, bend or turn yellow, and the tips of the leaves dry out. To avoid problems, you need to know what conditions are favorable for this crop and what mistakes in care should be avoided.

13 Mar 2020

In order for eggplant seedlings to be successful, strong and healthy, you need to know what kind of care this crop likes and create favorable conditions for the plants to grow.

What eggplant seedlings like and dislike:

1. Eggplants love warmth. . Seedlings of this crop grow quickly at air temperatures above +20 degrees; when the temperature drops to +16 degrees, plant growth stops. It is necessary to control not only the temperature of the air where the seedlings are located, but also the temperature of the soil in the seedling containers, since if boxes or cups are placed on a cold windowsill, this can inhibit the growth of seedlings.

02 Mar 2020

When growing flower and vegetable seedlings at home, the problem of plants stretching often arises. You need to combat the pulling of seedlings immediately after emergence.

There are only five reasons that cause seedlings to stretch; by eliminating them, you will get strong, stocky plants for planting in the ground.

1. Lack of light causes plants to drag . It is important to provide the crops with lighting for about 12 hours a day immediately after the first shoots appear.

28 Feb 2020

When sowing vegetable and flower seeds for seedlings, in order to prevent misgrading and remember what is growing in a particular container, gardeners use various methods of marking crops. If seedlings are planted in cups, then you need to label each cup, since when rearranging or planting in the ground, the plants will be mixed and confused; only the labels on the cups will help prevent the plants from being mis-sorted.

What labels are convenient to use for marking seedlings? These can be either homemade or purchased flags and signs, but since you always need to label a large number of seedlings, it is better to save money and make labels for the seedlings yourself.

21 Feb 2020

The most exciting period of growing eggplant seedlings is waiting for the emergence of seedlings.

Most gardeners consider eggplant seeds to be difficult to germinate. Due to the long germination of seeds, eggplant seedlings are sown early - from mid-February.

Eggplants can sprout after 1 week and after 3-4 weeks. When there are no shoots a week after sowing, we consider that the seeds are of poor quality or the moon has influenced them, but we do not take into account the mistakes made when sowing this crop.

The germination rate of eggplant seeds is influenced by two factors - temperature and sufficient humidity.

14 Feb 2020

First of all, everyone has a problem - there is not enough space on the windowsills to accommodate everything that you want to sow.

09 Feb 2020

When growing vegetable seedlings, you must strictly follow all the rules of agricultural technology from sowing to planting in the ground. Even a small mistake, for example, an incorrectly chosen time for sowing seeds, leads to a decrease in the quality of seedlings, which can cause a decrease in plant productivity.

I will list the 5 main mistakes that kill seedlings:

29 Jan 2020

Growing vegetable seedlings begins with preparing the seeds for sowing. The first stage is that the seeds must undergo disinfection or preventive cleansing from fungal and bacterial diseases. Disease infections can persist on seed coats for a long time, and after sowing infected seeds, plants become diseased already at the seedling stage.

It is imperative to disinfect the seeds collected yourself. If the manufacturer assures that the seeds have passed all stages of preparation for sowing, then you can immediately begin sowing, bypassing the stages of disinfection and soaking of the seeds.

24 Jan 2020

WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. This article was produced by 14 people, including anonymously, to edit and improve it.

Vegetable gardening is a source of pleasure and a rewarding activity in spring and summer. Plan to grow the vegetables your family loves most, then find the best planting spot on your property (or patio). With a little time and care, your summer table will be full of ripe, delicious produce.


Planting planning

  1. Decide what to grow. What vegetables do you like best? Think about what you'd like to have on your plate all summer and plan your garden accordingly. Most vegetables grow well in a variety of climates, but it's best to find out what grows best in your climate zone before deciding what to grow.

    • Consider choosing vegetables that ripen at different times to have fresh produce throughout the summer, rather than having them all ripen at the same time.
    • Some plants do not grow as well in some regions as they do in their native region. Find out whether the vegetables you want to grow require cool temperatures, or whether they wither and die when the temperature gets too hot. You may have to be more selective about what you grow if you live in a climate with very short summers or in an area that suffers from a lack of water.
    • Choose plants that need the same growing conditions and soil conditions to make your garden easier to maintain.
  2. Choose a place to plant. Most vegetables need bright sunlight, so choose the sunniest places in your garden to plant. Avoid areas that may be shaded by a house or tree during the day. Choose a location that has good drainage and rich soil.

    • You can tell if an area has good drainage by checking it after heavy rain. If puddles form, the area is probably not suitable for a vegetable garden. If the water immediately seeps into the soil, then everything is fine.
    • Select an area that is relatively flat and without a lot of roots and rocks. This will make it easier to cultivate the land and prepare the beds for planting.
    • If the soil is of poor quality or does not have good drainage, you can still plant a vegetable garden by creating raised beds that allow you to grow plants above ground level.
    • Some vegetables grow well in large pots. Peppers, tomatoes and potatoes can be grown in pots on the patio or fire escape if you don't have a yard.
  3. Vegetable garden design. Now it's time to figure out how much space the garden should take up and what plants will grow there. Different types of vegetable plants require different amounts of space, so figure out how much space the plants you want to grow need when you're planning your design.

    Preparing for landing

    1. Buy seeds and supplies. Decide whether you will plant vegetables from seeds or seedlings and buy them from a catalog or nursery. You also have to decide what tools you need to buy. A lot of gardening work can be done by hand with simple tools, but if you're planning on having a large garden, your life will be much easier if you invest in a tiller to turn over the soil. Here's what you'll need:

      • Seeds or seedlings. Many nurseries have an excellent selection of seeds and seedlings, as well as staff who can help you decide which varieties to buy. If you decide to plant seedlings, buy them no more than a few days before planting.
      • Fertilizer. A good natural fertilizer will provide your vegetables with additional nutrients. Purchase bone meal, albumen meal, or a soil amendment mix. Compost also works quite well.
      • Mulch and topsoil. Vegetable plants should be protected from wind and heavy rain when they are first planted. Determine whether mulch is required or just a thin layer of fertile soil is sufficient. You can also use hay to protect plant seedlings.
    2. Motor cultivator. This machine is used to loosen the soil so that fertilizer can be applied and holes can be dug for plants. For a small garden, you can simply use a hoe and your own hands, but you may want to buy or rent a tiller for gardens larger than 3 square meters.

      • Shovel and rake. They are used for digging holes and moving plants and soil, and are important gardening tools.
      • Ruler or tape measure. Since vegetable plants need to be planted at different depths, it is useful to have a ruler to measure the holes you make.
      • Hose with adjustable watering modes. The ability to change water pressure can be useful.
      • Fencing devices. Creatures like rabbits, squirrels, deer and other animals love to chew on vegetables, so you can build a fence around your vegetable garden.
    3. Prepare the soil. Mark the corners of the vegetable garden you created using rocks. Clear the area within these boundaries of roots, rocks, sticks, weeds and other large debris. Use a tiller or hoe and rake to break up the soil into small pieces, digging to a depth of about a foot, depending on how deep you want your vegetables to be planted.

      • If you use fertilizer, mix it into the soil with a rake. Make sure to distribute them evenly.
      • Be sure to take the time to remove large rocks that are hidden under the soil. They will interfere with the roots of your plants and it is best to take the time to clear them from the soil.
      • If you're concerned about the quality of the soil on your property, purchase a soil testing kit to find out how much nutrients and organic matter it contains, as well as its pH level. All of these factors determine how well vegetables grow and how nutritious they will be. Once you have tested the soil, you can add anything that may be missing.

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Sometimes you want to go out onto the balcony, like Jamie Oliver, pick up your own grown vegetables and herbs and make something stunning out of them. And the balcony, by the way, looks much nicer if it contains not old pieces of iron that should be sent to a landfill, but aromatic herbs and vegetables.

website I chose several interesting plants that take root well on a windowsill or balcony.


You can grow hot pizza peppers Diablo on your windowsill. It will require a warm, bright place and varieties suitable for home cultivation: “Carmen”, “Flint”, “Ogonyok”, “Ryabinushka”, “Bride”, “Indian Summer”, etc.

The bushes are very cute and do not require large pots. One plant can bear up to 50 fruits. The optimal temperature is 25-27 degrees Celsius.


To grow carrots at home, it is better to take mini-varieties such as Parmex, Sofi, and Vnuchka. They grow in 80-90 days and do not require much space - they are quite happy with a pot or container. You can also take the funny round variety “Round Baby”.

The soil for carrots should be light and well-drained. The vegetable can be grown in cut plastic bottles. The optimal temperature is within 13-24 degrees Celsius.


Mint is a non-capricious and undemanding plant. It can grow on your windowsill or balcony even in winter, if you provide additional lighting. It can be grown from cuttings and seeds. If you have the opportunity to dig up cuttings at your own or friends’ dacha, it is better to use this method. Mint grown from seeds is not as widely accepted, and you will have to wait longer for the harvest.

It is important to remember that the plant loves well-moistened soil. And, when you choose a place for it, keep in mind that the lighting should be good, but it is better to avoid direct sunlight. The optimal temperature for mint is 20-25 degrees plus.

Green onions

To grow green onions at home, no special dexterity is required. But it’s still worth taking into account some nuances: the bulb that you will plant should be round, dense to the touch and without signs of rot, the root cup should be well formed.

Immediately after planting, you should put the onion in a cool, dark place so that the root system can better form, and only then will the onion need a lot of light. The optimal temperature is 18-20 degrees; you should not overheat, because then the growth of greenery will stop.


Any variety of basil grows well in flower pots and boxes. It is better to give it a sunny place, water it well, keep it warm and provide good drainage. For planting, you can use both cuttings and seeds. In this case, the cuttings will quickly produce the first harvest, but will not last long, as they will bloom quickly. You will have to wait longer for the harvest from the seeds, but such a bush will also last longer.

The optimal temperature for basil is 20-25 degrees Celsius. In winter, backlighting is required for approximately 3-4 hours to increase daylight hours.


To grow cucumbers on a windowsill or balcony, you should take a closer look at the hybrid varieties that are marked with the F1 icon. If all conditions are created for the plant, it can produce 3-4 dozen fruits. Here you will have to tinker a little with the seedlings, but after transplanting into boxes you will only need to water and trim the tendrils.

Plant plants in containers with a volume of at least 5 liters. It is important to remember that cucumbers are big water feeders and the soil should always be moist. The optimal temperature is 21-24 degrees Celsius.


Dwarf varieties are usually chosen as home tomatoes: “Minibel”, “Florida Petit”, “Balcony Miracle”, etc. You will have to allocate the most illuminated place in the apartment to this miracle. You will need to start with seedlings, then plant them in containers, tie them up, feed them and protect them from the cold. This is one of the most troublesome balcony crops, but the harvest comes with pride in the work done and gardening talent.

It is important to remember that tomatoes, like all plants, love water, but they are easy to water. Therefore, watering should be done carefully. The optimal temperature is 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius.


In addition to its wonderful taste, sorrel is distinguished by the fact that it tolerates shaded areas. It can be grown from the rhizomes of 2-4 year old plants with buds or from the seeds of such varieties as “Maikopsky”, “Altaisky”, “Odessky broadleaf”.

It can grow at 5 and 20 degrees Celsius and can even withstand slight frosts. So you can keep it on the balcony until the last minute, and if the balcony holds the heat well, then you don’t have to put it away for the winter. Leaves are cut at a height of 8-10 cm; this must be done carefully so as not to damage the growth buds.


Ginger is not only a delicious seasoning, but also a beautiful plant. If planted at home, the sprouts can grow up to a meter in height. Plant pieces of ginger root, consisting of at least a couple of sections with live buds. If the root has dried out, you can keep it in warm water for several hours so that the buds wake up.

The root should not be planted very deeply, and until the first shoots appear, it should be watered very sparingly. Ginger should be kept in the light, but away from direct sunlight. The optimal temperature is 20-25 degrees Celsius.

A pineapple

The weather is getting better, the sun is shining brighter, and under its gentle rays not only fragile green leaves appear, but also thoughts about future plantings. After they arise, we go to the seed and plant store and buy, buy, buy: everything is so beautiful, inexpensive, and, it turns out, we need absolutely all of it! Common situation? In this case, we recommend that you sit on a bench right in the store, relax a little and read our article about the compatibility of different types of plants. Perhaps after this most of your purchases will go to their original place.

Planting vegetables correctly

Have you probably noticed that in some people’s gardens everything grows and sprouts vigorously, while others don’t even sprout? If you sadly consider yourself to be the latter, don’t be upset: it’s not about you! Most likely, you are simply planting your plants incorrectly, and in this matter both “neighborhood” and order are important. For example, onion And carrot will become wonderful neighbors, since the culprit of tears secretes a special substance that saves defenseless carrots from pests. A good solution would be to land peas Near pumpkin: the latter will prevent weeds from growing. If you like to grow tomatoes, but the harvest doesn’t make you too happy, plant a garden bed nearby basilica– its smell cannot be tolerated by caterpillars who want to spoil your tomatoes. In addition, both plants require the same care and watering, so you will make the task much easier for yourself. The same can be said about eggplants And Bulgarian pepper.

Leaf salad It is quite unpretentious and is ready to coexist peacefully with many plants, but keep in mind that it will not “feel” well next to parsley - avoid such a neighborhood. Sunflower It is better to plant it away from other plants, since it releases substances into the ground that prevent everyone but it from growing. If most of your plantings suffer from pest invasion, then you can plant sunny calendula flowers (marigolds) nearby: they will do an excellent job of repelling insects and at the same time decorate the beds.

The sequence of planting plants in the soil is also important, whichmay be oversaturated with any harmful components or, conversely, the necessary elements may be lacking. For example, carrots and beets are very good to grow after potatoes, but such a predecessor is absolutely not suitable for tomatoes. Follow the vegetable cycle on the sign below and you can't go wrong with your planting.

It is worth mentioning separately about the beds: If you think that throwing a generous handful of seeds into the ground is enough, then you are very mistaken. The shape and type of bed largely determines the abundance of your future harvest, as well as the frequency of your “exploits” with a shovel and hoe. If you don’t like to tinker in the garden at all, then the so-called “lazy” beds will be the ideal solution for you. This type of beds requires absolutely no weeding or maintenance, yes, you read that right.

Such beds are prepared in advance in order to thoroughly and properly fertilize the soil. The soil is also mulched, which subsequently prevents weeds from sprouting. The soil is loosened and weeded once - during planting. After this, only regular watering is enough. This idea may seem strange to some, but it really works. Pre-fertilized soil saturates the plants with all the necessary components, and proper planting of the “neighbors” reduces the appearance of weeds and pests to a minimum. In addition, due to the absence of weeding, the plants grow larger and more resilient.

Another interesting option is smart garden beds. In composition, they are very similar to “lazy” beds, but in “smart” beds the emphasis is on even more thorough fertilization of the soil - most often it is compost with the addition of straw. From above, such a combination is covered with a small layer of earth. Such beds are often made very high; they can reach a height of more than a meter. This helps the plantings to be better warmed by the sun.

Of course, this version of the beds will require more effort from you, but later you will be pleasantly surprised by the harvest, as well as the free time you have.

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