Open extracurricular event on geography of the Federal State Educational Standard. Open extracurricular event in geography. Game with spectators “fruit and vegetable auction”

Open extracurricular event on geography of the Federal State Educational Standard.  Open extracurricular event in geography.  Game with spectators “fruit and vegetable auction”
Open extracurricular event on geography of the Federal State Educational Standard. Open extracurricular event in geography. Game with spectators “fruit and vegetable auction”

Pasta is not only a delicious side dish, but also excellent material to create all kinds of crafts with your own hands. After all, they are so easy to process, available in large quantities and in a variety of forms. Children of preschool and school age“pasta crafts” will help develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, but for adults it will become exciting hobby. In this material you will find 15 ideas for DIY pasta crafts, 100 inspiring photo examples, several simple instructions And step-by-step master class on coloring pasta with food coloring.

Idea 1. Pasta angels

Pasta crafts in the shape of angels can be turned into a garland or a set of Christmas tree decorations. They are made very simply, so you can easily make a whole lot of lovely angels with your child.


  • 20 mm wooden ball (for making the head).
  • Large tubes or Italian rigatoni (for the mantle).
  • Wheels or flowers (for the collar).
  • Horns (for hands).
  • Small stars (for decorating a dress, also suitable for simulating hair).
  • Ditalini (small tubular pasta for creating hair).
  • Bows or butterflies (for wings).
  • Glue gun.


First, glue the wheel to the tube with hot glue, then the ball head to the center of the wheel, and under the collar, glue bow wings to the body.

Now glue ditalini hair onto the ball in several rows. By the way, you can arrange small hair tubes in two ways - across the head and along. Finally, decorate the angel's robe with stars: glue one on the collar and a few more on the hem.

Make as many angels as you want and then get to painting them. You can come up with your own design of angels or paint them in White color like in this master class. To do this, place the figures on several pencils or wooden skewers, stick them into foam or into the ground, and then paint the angels with three layers of paint.

Once all the figures are dry, using a very fine tip marker, draw on their faces. closed eyes and mouth.

Want to make your angels even more elegant? Make a halo for them from wire and gold beads, and paint the stars on the mantle with gold paint as shown in the photo.

The following selection of photos shows examples of angels made from pasta of other shapes.

Idea 2. Hair accessories

Pasta can be so beautiful that you can even decorate your hair with it. So, for example, an ordinary hairband will become more elegant if you stick on it spikelets painted with gold spray paint.

You can also make a tiara for a little princess from a headband and wheels and flowers glued together.

You can make hair decorations from butterflies. To do this, they need to be decorated and then glued to bobby pins, clips or hairpins.

Idea 3. “Jewelry” decorations

Here's another idea for ladies - earrings, bracelets, beads and necklaces made from pasta. In the following selection of photos you can see examples of bead designs for girls younger age. Children can make such accessories with their own hands, even without the help of adults, because you don’t even need glue, just paints and threads.

But such necklaces, earrings and bracelets can be worn not only by young ladies, but also by their mothers.

Add feathers to macaroni beads to create decorations for a Native American party or children's playdate.

Idea 4. Panels and paintings made from pasta

From pasta different sizes, shapes and colors, you can create wall panels or “write” real paintings - portraits, landscapes, still lifes and abstract scenes. There are at least two techniques for making pasta paintings.

Method 1: Search on the Internet suitable scheme for embroidery and select the same pasta small size. For example, these could be very small tubes or stars. Color the pasta required colors(see at the end of the article), and then glue them to the canvas on a stretcher according to the chosen embroidery pattern. You can glue the parts using PVA glue or thermal glue (in this case, it is better to apply the glue to the pasta and not to the canvas).

Method 2: By hand or using a ready-made/homemade stencil, draw a schematic sketch on the canvas. Think about what kind of pasta will suit your design. So, for example, spirals are suitable for depicting hair, tubes can depict the bricks of a house, shells can be themselves, and all the small horns, stars, etc. can be used to “fill” or “draw” contours. You also need to plan what colors will be used for the painting. Keep in mind that you can create a composition not only from pasta, but also from cereals and beans. Having decided on a palette, paint the pasta (see at the end of the article), and then glue them in the desired order.

The following selection of photos provides examples of panels and paintings from pasta that children can make, for example, to decorate their room, for a school assignment, or to give as a gift to a loved one.

Here are ideas for crafts made from cereals and pasta for creative adults.

Portrait of Ernest Hemingway made from pasta and cereal

Abstract composition of spaghetti and pasta on a base of CDs

Idea 5. Garland of butterflies

Depending on the color of the butterfly pasta, you can create garlands for the New Year, Easter, children's day birthday, Halloween and any themed holiday.

You can also decorate a child’s room with this pasta craft.

Making a pasta garland is very easy. To do this, you only need a cute thread, one or two packs of butterflies, and paint or glitter glue.

However, you can make a garland not only from bows; any shaped pasta and tubes, as in the photo below, will do.

Idea 6. Stationery organizer

Any glass and even tin can Can be turned into a cute organizer for stationery items. All you need is pasta, glue and acrylic paints.

Idea 7. Christmas decorations

You can make wonderful Christmas tree decorations with your own hands from shaped pasta. For example, wheels, flowers and shells easily fold into snowflakes. Moreover, the combinations of parts can be so different that each decoration on the Christmas tree will be unlike any other.

The principle of creating a pasta snowflake is simple - first, a core is made from one or several parts, and then 5-6 rays are built around it from different or identical pasta glued together. Before gluing the snowflakes, you need to lay out the entire combination on paper and make sure that all the parts fit together. After the glue has dried, you can begin painting. If you want to cover the craft with glitter, then you need to do this immediately after painting so that the glitter has time to set with the paint. To better secure the glitter, spray the snowflake with hairspray. The following photo slider shows the stages of work clearly.

Here are other options for Christmas tree decorations that you can easily make with your own hands from pasta.

Idea 8. Pasta box

A box made of wheels or flowers may seem like the result of the finest work of a master, but, in fact, anyone can make such a craft with their own hands. To do this, you need to select a small box, line up the bottom of the box according to its dimensions, then assemble the walls of the box directly around the walls of the box using glue, and finally, make a lid of the appropriate size. If desired, you can glue handles assembled from several parts to the sides of the box, and glue the legs to the bottom. Next, the lid and the box should be connected to each other using pieces of flexible plastic or leather. When the product is ready, all that remains is to cover it with spray paint.

There is an easier way to make a box of pasta with your own hands, when a ready-made box or box is taken as a basis, and the pasta is used only for decoration.

The main thing here is to create beautiful and neat patterns and carefully paint both the box itself and the pasta decorations. To paint this pasta craft, it is best to use aerosol cans.

Idea 9. Bookmark

Figured pasta, for example, bows, can perfectly decorate bookmarks for books and textbooks.

To make the bookmark itself, you need to cut a rectangle out of cardboard, cover it with scrapbooking paper (or any other beautiful paper), and then laminate the bookmark with transparent tape.

You can simply paint the pasta in bright colors and/or cover it with glitter like in this tutorial. To make the pasta shiny, all you need to do is treat it with PVA glue, generously sprinkle it with glitter and brush off the excess.

After 2-3 hours, when the glue becomes transparent and dries, the pasta can be glued to the bookmarks using glue gun.

Idea 10. Postcards with pasta decor

The same bows or, say, pasta hearts can be used to make cards with your own hands. The principle of operation remains the same as for making bookmarks (see Idea No. 9). And here is a selection of photo examples of “pasta” postcards.

Idea 11. Elegant photo frames

Figured pasta can be used to decorate frames for photos, paintings or posters. To do this, you only need thermal glue, a frame, paints and the pasta itself. In the following selection of photos you can get ideas for decorating frames for children and adults.

Idea 14. Mini Christmas tree

If you liked the idea of ​​making pasta angels, garlands or Christmas decorations, then we offer to replenish the collection New Year's decor and a Christmas tree made of pasta. This craft will look great on festive table, console table or mantelpiece.


Prepare thick paper or cardboard, glass bottle or a large glass, hot glue, spray paint (for example, gold), a pack of butterfly pasta and some other additional decor like beads. Cut a semicircle out of cardboard, roll it into a cone and secure with glue. Keep in mind that the higher the cardboard, the taller the tree will be. Having placed the cone on the bottle, start gluing butterflies in one row on its lower edge. Then proceed to the second row, but now place the pasta so that it overlaps the gaps in the first row.

Continue gluing butterflies using the same principle until the very top, so that the cone is completely hidden under the Christmas tree “branches”. Once the glue is dry, spray paint on the tree and then glue on beads for decoration.

In the following selection of photos you can find other ideas for creating Christmas trees from pasta.

Idea 15. Advent wreath

Another DIY pasta craft idea for celebrating the New Year, Christmas or Easter is a pasta wreath. To make it you will need a foam plastic hoop, glue, shaped pasta, ribbons, paints and other decor.

Master class - How to paint pasta

In some cases, pasta crafts can and should be painted only after they are made. For example, if you are gluing several parts, then you will have to paint both the gluing points and, possibly, some flaws. Suitable for this purpose:

  • Gouache;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Nail polishes;
  • Aerosol paints.

But sometimes it’s better to paint pasta in bulk and before starting work. The same standard paints or... food colorings are suitable for this purpose.

Below are instructions on how to use them to color pasta quickly and easily.


  • Alcohol or vinegar;
  • Food coloring in desired colors;
  • Resealable plastic bags (at the rate of one bag per 1 dye);
  • Tablespoon;
  • Napkins.

Step 1: Fill ziplock bags with about ¼ cup of pasta.

Step 2. Add 2 tbsp to each bag. l alcohol or 3-4 tbsp. l vinegar in a bag.

Step 3: Add 5 to 10 drops of food coloring, depending on the intensity of color you want to achieve. Close the bag by releasing the air.

Step 4: Gently shake the bag until the coloring and alcohol coat all of the pasta.

Step 5. Remove the pasta from the bag, transfer it to a napkin or parchment paper and leave until completely dry for 3 hours or overnight.

Use pasta for original crafts This is no longer a novelty, and there are many options for embodiments, which are limited only by the imagination of the needlewoman.

You can keep your child busy with pasta crafts or surprise your friends yourself by making an unusual gift, decoration or piece of furniture. There are a lot of ideas on the Internet, using which you can create an original and unique thing as a basis. Using pasta, you can decorate a photo frame, an unusual painting or vase, as well as unique beads or other decorations. You can use pasta for crafts various forms, which you have at home or in the nearest store.

Pasta comes in a wide variety of types:

How to make a pasta craft

When creating any masterpiece You will need the basic minimum components:

  1. Pasta.
  2. The basis of the craft (depending on the chosen idea).
  3. Glue.
  4. Dye.

Bonding options

For fastening you can use:

  1. Glue gun - provides reliable adhesion of parts, in which the craft will not fall apart from slight physical impact and will please the eye for a long time.
  2. PVA - suitable for children's crafts, but they are short-lived. Best suited for creating panels on paper or cardboard.

Coloring pasta

Any craft will look much more elegant and interesting if you use colored pasta when creating it. There are several coloring techniques:

  • Using food coloring. This method is suitable for simultaneous coloring large quantity pasta in one color or another.

Take food coloring (for example, the same as for coloring Easter eggs), dilute it in water with vinegar according to the instructions. Vinegar is added to fix the dye. Pour into the resulting solution required amount pasta and keep them in the liquid for a while, stirring them constantly so that the parts are evenly colored. Then take them out and dry them by placing them on foil or newspaper.

  • By using spray paint in a can. This method is suitable if you want to paint the entire product at once.
  • Acrylic paints or gouache. Acrylic paints work well for painting small parts. Once dry, the paint does not wash off and the colors remain bright for a long time.

Painting details with gouache or watercolor is possible, but not advisable. This method is only suitable for children's crafts, and even after drying, the products can get your hands dirty.

Crafts for children from pasta

You can have fun spending time with your child by doing interesting crafts from pasta . Here are some DIY pasta craft ideas for kids:

Below we will look at how to make some pasta crafts step by step with your own hands.

Making a snowflake

An unusual and easy-to-make craft for New Year's holidays. To make a snowflake, you will need pasta of the same or completely different shapes - it depends on your imagination and the chosen pattern. And also prepare a glue gun.

The whole process of creating a snowflake is simple and consists of symmetrically gluing the pasta together. After the craft has dried, it can be painted and additionally decorated with sparkles.

Christmas tree option

There are many options for execution, as well as methods. For example, you can make a flat Christmas tree that you can paint and hang on the Christmas tree. And there is an option in which the product will be voluminous and can act as a separate decorative element.

With a “flat” Christmas tree, everything is simple - just take pasta of the same shape and glue them together, creating the silhouette of a Christmas tree.

We will consider a step-by-step master class of the volumetric “Christmas tree” below.

Necessary materials:

  1. Cardboard.
  2. Pasta of different shapes.
  3. Glue.
  4. Paint (can be any color, depending on preference).

It is necessary to glue a cone from a sheet of cardboard and install it on a wide base. Next, you can either completely coat the surface with glue and lay out the pasta in a circle, or glue each part separately.

Take one type of pasta for the base of the Christmas tree, attach it to the base and paint it green. And make decorations from pasta shaped like bows or shells and painted in bright colors.

Pasta beads

You can make completely different decorations from pasta, the main thing is that you can string the part on a thread. Let's consider one of the options, for which you will need:

We will only need paper as a backing so as not to stain the table when we paint the parts.

Take the pasta “feathers”, lay them out on a piece of paper and paint them with your favorite colors with a brush. When the parts are dry, they can be strung on a thread.

Decorative panel

This craft can become original decoration on the wall, to complete it you will need:

Cut out a large shape of any shape from cardboard (circle, square or star - it doesn’t matter). Cover the base with colored paper and stick pasta on top. You can draw an interesting pattern or stick on details randomly. And with the help of paints and a brush, add brightness to your panel. This will be a very exciting activity for children, and the simplicity of execution will not allow them to get bored.

Mom's portrait

From the master classes listed above, it is clear how to make crafts from pasta. Everything is extremely simple: we glue the pasta in one order or another, thereby creating a pattern or design. You can also give your mother a gift on March 8th - paint her portrait using pasta.

To make such a souvenir, you will need:

Cardboard is the basis of our picture; it needs to be glued onto colored paper to create a background. Using a simple pencil, carefully draw the contours of the face and hair. To make the portrait more authentic, you can take your mother’s photograph and redraw the contours from it. Using a brush and paints, paint the face, draw eyes, nose and lips. Then, using pasta and glue, we begin to lay out mom's hair. Depending on what kind of hair your mother has - straight or curly - take pasta in the form of “spirals”, “shells” or “spaghetti”.

Pasta can also be dyed to match your mother's hair color. You can also use pasta to make individual parts on clothes or decorating the background of a painting.

Once you've finished making the portrait and let it dry, place it in a frame and your craft is ready!

Here are some craft ideas that may be a little challenging for kids, but will definitely... Older needlewomen will be interested in:

  1. Casket.
  2. Pasta topiary.
  3. Decorative flower vase.

DIY pasta chum

Chum is a type of dwelling adopted by the northern peoples. It is a hut-like structure. The chum is assembled from 10-20 poles, which are fastened together to make a cone, and covered with reindeer skins to retain heat inside and protect from the wind.

To make a chum layout, you will need:

  1. Foam base.
  2. Long spaghetti pasta - 12–20 pieces.
  3. Fabric or faux fur with short pile.
  4. Threads.
  5. Glue gun.

We assemble the base of our “hut” onto polystyrene foam - carefully insert the pasta in a circle and fasten them at the top with thread. And for greater fastening strength, fill the joints of the pasta between each other and the base with glue. The result is a kind of cone that needs to be covered with fabric or fur, while forming an entrance (as shown in the photo). We attach the fur to the structure using a glue gun so that it sticks better.

Chum is ready, but to make the craft look more interesting, make snow from cotton wool on top of the foam. You can also print and cut out deer and people in the national costumes of the northern peoples, which you will place next to your home.

Do you still use pasta exclusively for soups and side dishes? But in vain! This product is great for creativity. This master class will change your idea of ​​pasta. You will learn how to make a large picture out of them that will fit perfectly into the interior of the kitchen. If you are interested in an idea, then quickly prepare everything you need to implement it.


  • - a piece of thick cardboard or hardboard;
  • - a piece of burlap;
  • - thermo gun;
  • - pasta of different sizes and shapes;
  • - a tube of universal glue (preferably PVA).
First, prepare the basis for your future masterpiece. To do this, take a piece of cardboard (hardboard). It can be any size, it all depends on your preferences. The optimal size is 35 cm by 45 cm.

Next, take a piece of regular burlap and cut it to the size of the cardboard base. Don't forget to allow an allowance of 2.5 cm on each side.

Using a heat gun, glue the fabric to the base, pulling it tightly on all sides.
Fix the sides first.

Then glue the top and bottom seam allowances of the burlap. Make sure that the corners are even and at the same time well stretched.

The base is ready! Burlap looks very textured. If you don’t like this material, then choose linen or calico fabric. The main condition is that the material must be monochromatic.

Now select pasta of different shapes and sizes. You will definitely need long spaghetti, thin and thick spirals, shells, wheels, scallops and horns.

Apply PVA glue to the base. Let these be chaotic strokes, reminiscent of an air whirlwind.

Arrange a handful of long spaghetti in a fan shape and press lightly with your hands to set with glue.

If in some places the pasta is not fixed, you can additionally apply a little glue on top. After drying it will not be visible.

Then take 5 thin long pasta and put 2-3 cones on them.

Glue these blanks onto the spaghetti fan.

Next, make the flowers using wheels for the center and thick spirals for the petals.

You should get 5 lush flowers.

Form the stems from thin spirals.

And the leaves are made of rounded horns.

Glue small shells and scallops along the top edge of the picture in a chaotic manner.

That's all, the pasta painting is ready. It turned out lush bouquet. After drying, all elements are held securely and firmly on the canvas.

This original way using leftover pasta that sits idle in kitchen cabinets.

Hang your masterpiece in your kitchen and expect admiring reviews from your guests. Such an extraordinary craft will cause them genuine wild delight.

If desired, the work can be varnished or painted in a gold or silver shade. It is better to paint with a spray can.
Don't be afraid to experiment, create amazing paintings from the most unexpected materials!

Even the youngest creativity lovers can make crafts from pasta with their own hands. Often pasta becomes one of the first materials that children master in school. kindergarten and at home: first they learn to sort through them, sorting them by size and shape, and then begin to create different pictures and three-dimensional figures from them.

The creation of such crafts does not imply the constant and direct participation of an adult - the teacher can simply explain the progress of the work and observe the process, which children usually cope with on their own.

The most simple crafts made from pasta for children are an application using key element made according to a template. For example, if you glue the face of a lion to a sheet of paper in advance, all that remains is to lay out its mane with long pasta.

To glue pasta, it is better to use transparent stationery glue or a glue gun.

You can prepare the core of the flower and its stem with a leaf from chenille wire, and turn the pasta into petals.

If you pre-color the pasta, the scope for creativity will become even wider.

So, several colored pasta and a painted bright colors An ice cream stick easily turns into an elegant dragonfly.

Very interesting applications are made from colored pasta.

You can use green pasta to decorate a beautiful Christmas tree.

The Christmas tree can be painted - it will turn out very touching and elegant.

Interesting pictures can be created using pasta in the form of bows.

Pasta “bows”

They are very easy to turn into fragile bright butterflies and grass.

The image of the butterflies will be completed by antennae drawn with a felt-tip pen and the bright trajectories of their flight.

The “horns” pasta makes very beautiful scales for fish.

Pasta applique “Fish”

“Little shells” pasta produces surprisingly touching leaves.

Pasta applique “Autumn tree”

If you boil the pasta, then you can create a real edible applique from it and other products!

Craft from products “Steam Locomotive”

From an ordinary cardboard box and pasta you can create a stand for pens and pencils.

Mosaic of pasta “Flowers”

Cut and colored pasta can make an amazing mosaic. As a basis, we can take any modeling mass that tends to harden in air. By pressing the pasta, we create any desired pattern or image.

Even our youngest student can create a mosaic of pasta “Flowers”.

You can create a larger flower. By laying out colored pasta you can create more complex images.

Mosaic "flower"

Such simple ideas will help children take a fresh look at pasta that is familiar to them and will certainly become the basis for creating unique, inimitable, children's masterpieces.

DIY Easter basket made from pasta

DIY Easter egg from pasta

Snowflake from pasta (option 1)

You can create beautiful things from pasta Christmas decoration"Snowflake". Creating crafts is possible if available different types pasta: spaghetti, “spirals”, “bows”, “rounded bows”.

Break the spaghetti into two parts and place 3-4 pasta pieces into piles. We will need to glue the spaghetti together. A “rounded bow” is glued to the end of the glued spaghetti.

Cut out the base for the snowflake from paper.

We fix the glued pasta on a paper base. Decorate paper base bow pasta.

Glue the “bows”

We decorate the rays of the snowflake with “rounded bow” pasta and place them on the bows inside the snowflakes. Color the snowflake in frosty colors. Our beautiful snowflake is ready!

Snowflake from pasta (option 2)

You can make a slightly different snowflake from pasta. To do this, glue together five pasta “shells”. We will get the middle of the snowflake.

Connecting five “shell” pasta

Glue the spirals to the edges of the center. We glue shells between the spirals.

We paint our snowflake white and sprinkle it with glitter.

All that remains is to tie a white openwork ribbon to the snowflake. Our New Year's craft from pasta - ready!

DIY pasta Christmas tree

Another wonderful option for crafts from pasta is to make a beautiful New Year tree out of it. To do this, roll a cone out of cardboard. We begin to glue the “feather” pasta to the cone.

We decorate the entire cone in this way.

Paint the Christmas tree with green paint.

Decorate the ends of the pasta with glue or glitter gel. Glue on decorative bells and bows. The pasta Christmas tree is ready!

Look at the video to see what other pasta crafts you can make with your own hands:

Unusual ones are becoming more and more popular due to their simplicity and beauty. They make paintings, boxes, vases, snowflakes, people, houses, appliqués, and interesting pasta crafts for children.

It is very interesting and exciting not only for children, teachers, but also for parents to engage in such developmental activities with children. And by the hour, mom herself gets very interested in this kind of creativity and creates real masterpieces.

When choosing what to start doing using pasta, you must, of course, first focus on the age of the child. The youngest can make crafts more simply, preschool children are a little more complex, and children aged 12 can create entire compositions, flowers, bouquets, vases, Christmas trees, decorations, toys and more on their own.

Children can make crafts from pasta by several people at the same time. For example, several children made this picture at once.

Children can come up with the plot of the picture themselves, colors, shapes - it’s all their imagination! Children will come up with and make various interesting pasta crafts with their own hands.

For unique and beautiful products for activities with children, you need pasta with beautiful shapes: feathers, wheels, spaghetti, paint and glue. You can use other additional materials for the painting.

This is how the idea of ​​creating something almost real railway— a steam locomotive with trailers and trees for the game.

Using dry pasta or vermicelli, you can come up with ideas for paintings or applications for children. The picture itself can be done on plain paper, or it can be decorated with a beautiful frame.

A wonderful butterfly painted with shell paint. You can use thin spaghetti for the antennae, and make the body of the butterfly using spiral noodles.

A child will be happy to decorate such a product with a brush and paints, glue it and see what he can do.

Another real painting in which pasta, paper, and cereals are used. Everything is held together by glue.

An idea on how to make a toy using pasta. Angel doll. Such a beauty can be played in games, made a resident dollhouse or hang on the Christmas tree for the New Year holidays.

With children as young as one year old, you can even create jewelry in the form of beads. Pasta beads are a wonderful educational activity for kids. It consists in the fact that the child learns to manipulate a string, a ribbon, trying to string “beads”.

Older children may color different shapes beads and collect them into a single whole on a ribbon, creating beautiful decoration, with which girls can decorate dolls or even themselves.

You can use any shape of pasta to create beads. You can connect them together using knots or simply stringing identical tubular pasta, for example, in a row.

Involve children in creativity and create beautiful things.