The corner of the protective glass is peeling off. How to glue protective glass on your own. How to stick a protective glass on the "Meise"

The corner of the protective glass is peeling off.  How to glue protective glass on your own.  How to stick a protective glass on the
The corner of the protective glass is peeling off. How to glue protective glass on your own. How to stick a protective glass on the "Meise"

Protective glass. What and why?

The main purpose of protective glasses is to protect the smartphone screen and reduce the likelihood of damage. A good safety glass is a laminated construction that includes a polymer that resists scratches and light impacts and a thin layer of real tempered glass. Nillkin and DiGi safety glasses use a high-quality Japanese Asahi Glass tempered glass layer.

A layer of tempered glass allows you to redistribute the impact momentum during a strong fall. It is the presence of this component that explains the "cobweb" when the protective glass breaks.
To use protective glass or not is up to everyone to decide. But, given the cost of replacing the display and the difficulty of finding original parts (in the case of the iPhone), buying a protective glass becomes one of the very first steps to protect your smartphone.

What is a 2.5D screen?

Smartphones with slightly domed screens have been around for a long time, although it still feels like it was just a couple of years ago.

This effect is achieved by rounding the edges of a flat "2D" display in the z-axis. This effect can be more or less extreme, depending on how much curved edges are required. Even a slight curve can be used to make the edges of the glass feel smoother, while a larger curve will make the device look more stylish.

2.5D glass is produced in much the same way as flat glass panels, only with additional shaping when it comes to cutting the glass to size.

The advantages of 2.5D glass are purely ergonomic and aesthetic.

2.5D screen and protective glass.

The 2.5D screen is beautiful, comfortable and stylish. But, unfortunately, it does not add strength to the smartphone display and does not eliminate the need to use a protective glass.

Unfortunately, there are a number of difficulties here. The specificity of the rounded edges makes it impossible to make a protective glass for the entire display and leaves the edge unprotected.

For many display manufacturers, the physical rounding starts at the visible part of the display. And although it is not visible, it is it that does not allow high-quality sticking of the protective glass.

As a result, if you stick a protective glass on such a display, the edges of the glass will hang in the air and will not stick.

This specificity is not a marriage, which must be told to the end buyer before gluing the glass!

Solutions to the problem

There are only 4 basic solutions to the problem of gluing glass on a 2.5D screen:

1. Many manufacturers make protective glass in a smaller size.
The advantage is that this glass is completely adjacent to the screen.
A noticeable disadvantage is that the glass does not cover the entire visible area of ​​the display.

2. The second solution is also very popular and can often be found in quality glasses. Glass is produced in the largest possible size up to a perceptible rounding area. The main plus is that the glass completely covers the display. It is convenient to use and when the screen is on, the non-glued area is practically not noticeable. Minus - the edges of the glass are not glued, and when the screen is off, this effect is noticeable.

3. For the Apple iPhone, Full Cover and Full Cover 3D protective glasses are made, which have filled frames around the display. The glass is glued to the entire screen. The protective frame perfectly follows the shape of the smartphone and completely protects the screen.
Yug-Kontrakta this type is represented by models:
DIGI Glass Screen (3D Silicone Edge) for iPhone 6/6s,
DIGI Glass Screen (Full Cover) for iPhone 7 and 7 Plus,
NILLKIN Glass Screen (AP+) for iPhone 6/6s and 6/6s Plus, iPhone 7 and 7 Plus.

4. Unfortunately, protective glass manufacturers make this type of glass only for iPhone. For many popular positions on Android, there is Full Cover glass, but made using a different technology. Outwardly, it is very similar to Full Cover for iPhone, but there is no adhesive layer on the visible part of the display.

Glass is glued only along the perimeter and is held along the edge. This negatively affects the responsiveness of the display to touch. In addition, the glass is very easy to peel off and dust gets under it. Due to the specifics of the design and a large percentage of negative feedback from end users, this type of glass is not in the range of Yug-Contract.

A smartphone is an expensive thing. Even when purchasing a budget class device from 5 to 15 thousand rubles, we want it to serve for a long time and faithfully. The fidelity of the gadget, in turn, depends on two parameters: internal and external. And if we cannot influence the first one (represented by the hardware), then we can overcome external factors just the same. We can protect our smartphone, if not from drowning, then from mechanical impact, for sure. And the glass on the phone will help us in this. How to glue it? This is what we will talk about today.

What is safety glass for?

It is hard to disagree with the fact that prolonged use of any smartphone does not imply the appearance of chips, cracks, scratches, scuffs. This fate is typical not only for the side faces, the top and bottom ends and the back panel, but also for the front part. And there is perhaps the most important element - the smartphone screen. Protective glasses were invented precisely in order to protect the display of the device. You can use a film, but it has a lower protection factor. In any case, it is important to know how to properly glue the protective glass on the phone.

What does it represent

The appearance of the protective glass is similar to the exterior of the film. Indeed, the tasks of these two elements are similar to each other. However, it is rightfully considered to be a more reliable component, since it has a higher density compared to the film. In addition, it is transparent and flexible, and this also has a certain importance. Of course, it will cost more than the film. However, it is worth it, especially in cases where there is either a high probability of mechanical impact, or when the gadget is really expensive. For everyone, this bar is different, but most users prefer to buy glasses if their devices cost more than 10-15 thousand rubles. When buying, the user reduces the likelihood of damage to the main screen to almost zero, since the entire blow will be taken by the above component. Before talking about how to glue on the phone, I would like to focus on the advantages of the element.

Functions and useful properties

Much can not be said about the functions of the protective glass. From its name it is already clear why it was developed and what it is intended for. Whether it's a feature that you can talk about for hours. Their list, for example, includes resistance to scratches and other similar damage. Someone may doubt this parameter, but usually all doubts disappear after an indicative test. To do this, you can use ordinary keys. Run the sharpened edges across the glass and you'll see that it doesn't really mark.

The second useful property of protective glass is shock absorption. We have already mentioned this briefly above. A large number of smartphones, when dropped down the surface of the screen, receive physical damage up to the complete breakdown of the display. With protective glass, this problem will be solved, because it will break instead of the screen. By the way, the word “break” here should also be understood a little differently from its usual meaning. Fragments from the phone protective glass do not scatter to the sides. Finally, we can note the fact that the glass is held very, very reliably. Especially if we compare it with a simplified element - a film. Users who so often ask questions about how to properly glue glass on a phone can be glad to know that this operation does not require any special experience.

We consider a complete set

A very large number of requests are related precisely to how to glue the film (glass) on the iPhone 6 phone. However, it should be understood that the process is, in general, similar for other devices. And why then dwell on specific models, if you can describe the operation universally? First of all, let's see what is in the package with protective glass? Different manufacturers offer different equipment, but usually there is the glass itself, an alcohol wipe and a cloth made of a special material. If there are no rags or napkins, then you can use improvised analogues, this is unprincipled.

Glass on the phone: how to glue? We prepare the surface

If you have previously installed a film or glass, these components will need to be removed. To do this, remove the cover, if there is one, then we cling to the edge of the element. To prevent the appearance of greasy stains on the glass, you should thoroughly wash your hands and dry them in advance. By the way, the preparation of the workplace remains an important step. You need a flat horizontal surface and powerful lighting. It could be, for example, a table. Lighting will help to avoid unnoticed streaks and dusty areas. So what does it take to integrate glass on a phone? How to glue it? The correct operation will only be if the “bare” screen is processed in advance.

Why do you need cleaning

The screen freed from film or glass should be cleaned with a damp disc soaked in alcohol or an alcohol wipe. Wipe the screen thoroughly so that no dirt remains on it. After that, you should wipe it with a special cloth, if it is included in the kit. If not, then you need to find an analogue. Now it's time to attach the glass to the phone. How to glue? Let's find out further.

The most important stage

There is a special film on the adhesive side of the glass. It needs to be removed. After that, we apply the glass itself to the screen. Care should be taken to ensure that it is aligned with the edges of the device, combined with the speaker and controls. By the way, you need to remember that you can only hold the protective glass by the edges. Only in this case there will be no traces after the operation. When the fit is complete, simply lower the component onto the screen. The glass will stick on its own. Great, now we know how to glue the glass on the phone.

Are there any cons

Yes, like other elements, protective glass has some drawbacks. Some users who are interested in the topic may think that the main disadvantage is the exponential complexity of the integration process. Like, if you stick it wrong the first time, then you can’t do anything later. In fact, it's not about that right now. The main disadvantage of this component is the fact that the apparatus on which you will glue it will become more voluminous and heavy. However, if this does not bother you, and you are not very sensitive to the weight and size indicators of the phone, but you want to protect it, then you can contact mobile phone stores. They will offer not only the best products, but for extra money they will be able to glue the glass with high quality.

Pitfalls and tricks

Most users are afraid of air bubbles. Or rather, that they will remain. Few people can boast that they glue the protective glass neatly the first time, and there are no bubbles. However, they can be easily dealt with with a dry cloth. The procedure is simple to horror: just squeeze out the bubbles from the center to the periphery. The ability to glue protective glasses will save money that is charged for this procedure in mobile phone stores.


Now protective glasses are quite important and common accessories. Therefore, a large number of companies are engaged in their production. Budget options are represented mainly by Chinese firms, which was to be expected. However, they are not that bad. Glasses of different brands differ only in the degree of hardening. However, one should not think that glass from a Chinese company will not provide the necessary degree of security. Now, after we learned how to glue tempered glass on a phone, we can move from words to deeds.

How to stick protective glass on telephone? This question arises for everyone who knows that the display is the most vulnerable spot of modern smartphones. It is best to stick the protection immediately after purchase. Then the smartphone will last a long time, and you won't have to worry about scratches and chips.

Protective glasses are produced for all models and brands of smartphones with a touch screen: from Sony before Samsung. Moreover, manufacturers claim that glass protects the screen much better than the film.

It is heavier, it is a little more difficult to stick, but it provides complete protection against mechanical damage. Glasses differ in price and characteristics.

To choose the right one, just pay attention to the coating - glossy or matte. The matte surface does not glare, but it also costs more.

Watch the review of Samsung Galaxy S6 - a phone that is not afraid of falling

The thickness of the protective glass can vary from 0.2 to 0.3 mm.

Rice. No. 1. Samsung phone and protective glass on it

It consists of five main layers:

  • silicone layer. Thanks to this layer, the glass is glued to the screen.
  • Retaining layer. Essential for heavy hitting. Even if the display is broken, the protective glass will not let it shatter.
  • Antiblock layer. It prevents the display from dimming.
  • Protective, hardest layer. It protects against scratches, abrasions and chips.
  • Oleophobic layer - top. It is water resistant. Prints from the top layer are easily removed with a regular cloth.

Watch the review of the Zony Xperia Z5 smartphone with an oleophobic coating

2. Tools and materials

In order to glue the protective glass you will need:

  • Two wipes - wet and paper for degreasing and preliminary cleaning of the display.
  • Soft cloth or tissue paper.
  • Adhesive strip or regular tape. Needed to remove dust and dirt.
  • A couple of small strips of adhesive tape to fit the protective glass. They need to be glued to the edges of the screen. They help to properly fix the glass. Those who are confident in their abilities can not use the stripes. If the sticker is performed for the first time, it is better to play it safe.

Rice. No. 2. Protective glass and instructions for using it

Installation of protective glass occurs according to the instructions. Usually a napkin and adhesive strips are already attached to the purchased glass. If they are not there, you can search among the materials at hand. It is important to strictly follow the instructions and take your time.

3. Glass bonding process

The general algorithm of actions is the same for all smartphones. If you follow the instructions, you can quickly and correctly glue the glass on both Samsung and iPhone.

The first step is to look at what is in the glass box. Ideally, if there is an alcohol wipe, a microfiber cloth and a well-packed glass. In the case when something is missing, you should first find the necessary tools, and only then proceed with gluing.

  • First step. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Otherwise, greasy spots will appear on the display. Then we remove the old film or old glass. To quickly remove the film, just pick it up around the corner and pull it lightly. To make it more convenient to work, it is better to remove the case from the phone.

Advice! Prepare your workspace in advance. Free up free space and set up a good light. If the lighting is insufficient, you can miss stains or dust.

  • Second step. Screen preparation. Throw away the old film or glass. Then you need to degrease the surface. An alcohol wipe is great for this (see Figure #3). If not, you can soak a cotton pad in alcohol. If there is none, ordinary fabric and perfume or cologne will do. It is important to carefully process the screen without leaving a single greasy mark or streak. With poor processing, the glass often peels off and has to be reinstalled.

Motorola Moto X - see the review of the smartphone with protective glass Gorning Gorilla Glass 3

Rice. Number 3. Before sticking, clean the surface of the device with a napkin

  • Then you need to wipe the screen dry with a dry cloth. It is better to use special microfiber cloths (see Fig. No. 4).

Rice. No. 4. Wipe your phone with a dry cloth

  • After all these manipulations, you need to make sure that the display is cleaned thoroughly enough. Turn the screen towards daylight and see if there are any streaks visible. Try not to touch the screen with your hands. If there are stains or dust particles, remove or wipe them with a dry cloth.

Advice! If the dust is not removed with a rag, use tape. No need to glue it on the display, just attach it to the screen. Scotch tape will collect all the dust particles. Be sure to use clear stationery tape, as duct tape or strong double-sided tape can damage the surface or leave sticky residue.

  • Then he starts working with protective glass. It must be taken out of the box and the protective film removed (see Fig. No. 5). What should I do if the glass is dirty? In this case, you need to clean it in the same way as the display.

Rice. No. 5. The process of peeling glass from a protective film

  • We apply glass to the screen (see Fig. No. 6). You need to hold it by the edges so as not to leave fingerprints. The glass must be held so that it is at a minimum distance from the screen.

Rice. No. 6. Sticking glass on the phone

  • Align the glass on the speaker and the Home key.
  • We release the glass and it is fixed on the display on its own.

Advice! For many, it is not possible to glue the protective glass the first time. It's not scary. Dust, stains, bubbles - all this is fixable. To get rid of bubbles, it is enough to run a tightly pressed cloth over the screen from one edge of the screen to the other. Do not try to crush the air bubble, otherwise it will move or split in two, and then it will be more difficult to remove. And if a little dust has clogged under the glass, it is enough to carefully bend the edge and wipe it.

4. What should I do if the glass is peeled off?

If the protection peels off, there are two possible reasons:

  • The glass was poorly cleaned and degreased.
  • It is not suitable for a specific phone model.

It is worth trying to glue it again, carefully following the instructions. If it does not work out, you need to choose a more suitable glass. Often people buy universal glasses or glasses that are not their own model. But it is worth remembering that the glass can touch the speakers or buttons and peel off.

Smart phone case - what is it?

Rice. No. 7. Removing the protective glass

To remove and reinstall the glass, you just need to repeat the entire algorithm above. Manufacturers claim that the glass can be removed and installed several times, but it is better to try to stick it correctly the first time.

5. How to choose glass

To properly glue the protective glass, it is important to know which one is right for your phone.

Here are some tips to help you with this:

  • The thickness of the glass should not be too large or too small. In the first case, it is worth remembering that the thickness does not in any way affect the strength and scratch resistance. In addition, as practice shows, greasy fingerprints easily remain on thick glass and it is more difficult to wash them. The optimal thickness, according to experts, is from 0.2 to 0.35 mm.

It is interesting: Most sites write that the thickness of the glass has a bad effect on its flexibility. But, excuse me, why does the protective glass on the phone need flexibility? The phone does not bend! On the contrary, it is better that the glass does not bend and, thus, better holds the phone. Another thing is that thickness is not related to strength.

  • Buy glass exclusively for your phone model. On the forums you can find information that such products can supposedly be sawn, cut or otherwise modified. So, this is not true! During manufacturing, the manufacturer takes into account where the phone has speakers, a flashlight, a flash, a front camera and other elements. You cannot make the corresponding holes manually, because in this case you will simply break the glass, and it will need to be thrown away.
  • The optimum strength is 9N according to experts. Maybe a little less or a little more. Interestingly, if the glass is more durable, then damage will be inevitable when hitting the end. On the other hand, less strength will not provide sufficient protection for falls on the front side.
  • When buying, attach the glass to the phone and see if the picture is distorted. If it is distorted, you should not buy it. Also pay attention to the butt. If somewhere you see shades of yellow, over time they will become more noticeable and, again, it is better to look for another model.

  • Be sure to check out the reviews. In this regard, it is better to buy such products on the Internet, because thanks to this you will be able to read what other people write about a particular model. But even if you go to a regular store, still take your smartphone with you and go online to read reviews.

These basic tips will help you choose the best protective glass.

Thematic video:

Glass must be glued in the bathroom, with hot water turned on, or in the kitchen with a boiling kettle, then there will be no dust in the air. In order to properly glue the glass, you need to close the door in the bathroom, turn on boiling water for five minutes, so that there is more steam, wait until all the dust has settled. With steam, this will happen quickly and efficiently. You can start in five to ten minutes.

We remove the factory film, it should be clean under it. If the phone has already been touched, then we take a napkin from the set, or a lint-free cloth and alcohol, and carefully wipe the screen.

We prepare a special film (usually in the kit it is a blue film with a sticky surface, pasted on the card) or adhesive tape to collect possible dust particles.

We determine where the glass has the upper layer, where the lower one, usually they are marked with special stickers. We pay attention to the hole for the speaker, so as not to stick it upside down.

To attach the glass evenly, on its front part, along the glass, along the length, we glue a strip of adhesive tape, with a margin, so that for this adhesive tape to hold the glass over the phone and lower it onto the screen.

We make sure that there is no dust on the screen, if there is, then carefully “wet” it with a sticky film or tape. We take the glass, remove the protective film, try not to wave it, so as not to catch dust from the air and inspect it for contamination. If found, film and tape to help.

We hold the glass over the phone by the adhesive tape and carefully, aiming over the entire area, simultaneously lower the entire surface onto the screen. Wipe with a cloth, expel the air.

If it turned out unevenly or there were inclusions, then on the corner of the glass we pry with a fingernail and help with adhesive tape or a suction cup. Never bend the glass! It peels off without a problem. We repeat the procedure again.

Do not wash the inside of the glass with soap and do not touch it with your fingers. Also try to bend the glass as little as possible.

How to glue glass[edit]

First, carefully peel off the glass and rinse with water on both sides. Without wiping, we glue it on the phone, remove excess water from under the glass with a cloth (carefully, because the glass slides), leave the phone to dry for 3-4 hours. Squeeze out the last drops with your fingers.

How to glue the outgoing corners of the protective glass[edit]

A sugar cube is taken and dissolved in two to three teaspoons of hot water. We make sure that there are no hairs and specks under the peeled off corner. If there is, gently pry off the glass and remove them, for example, with a toothpick. Next, you can again use a toothpick, drop a drop of sugar syrup under the corner of the glass and press it. Then we hold for about five minutes, expelling the excess, and then we warm the corner with a household hair dryer, firmly pressing the glass for 15 - 20 seconds.

In total, you need to withstand 12 hours. The squeezed out sugar mass strives to leak into all the cracks, you need to constantly soak the excess with a napkin. The syrup does not lie on the glass evenly and tends to gather into drops. The glass glides easily over the syrup and tries to move out, no matter how much you squeeze out. Due to the weak adhesive power of the syrup in its raw form, it is necessary to press the glass for a long time.

Plywood film on the phone

So, you suffered for a long time - and, lo and behold! Finally, the film was on the screen. And the cutouts all happily fell into place, and there are almost no bubbles. But what is it?… In some mystical way, a large mote appeared right in the center of the screen. "Oh no!" - you think and, not knowing how to re-glue the protective film on a touch phone, give up this idea and go for a new protection. And even if it seems that nothing can help the cause, we will try to reassure you and set you on the right path.

In order to remove dust from under the protective film with your own hands, you will need ordinary adhesive tape. You should start by sticking a piece of tape on the edge of the film, to which the mote is closest. With it, you will lift the film. The second piece of tape should be ready. Once the mote is peeled off the screen, apply the tape to the adhesive side of the film. The debris will move from one adhesive surface to another - and the film will be clean again. Just be careful not to accidentally bring in other motes. Otherwise, the procedure will have to be repeated.

And if you want to completely re-stick the protective film on the phone, then you should use another method. For these purposes, you will need an alcohol-containing solution. Wipe the screen of the device with it, and then the film itself on both sides. Surfaces must be free of debris or dust. Before they dry, apply the film to the screen and squeeze the liquid out of the display using a plastic card. It remains only to wait until the film is completely dry - and use the protected gadget.

phone glass plywood

The situation is similar with protective glasses. Only to remove dust from under the center of the accessory, you will have to completely carefully remove and re-glue the protective glass, and not peel off a piece, as you can do with the film. In this case, you need to be careful and keep the glass with the adhesive side down at all times. Otherwise, dust can instantly settle on it - and then you will have to spend a lot of time cleaning it.

And again, scotch tape will come to the rescue. Hold the glass with one hand, and with the other, attach a piece of tape to the mote. After removing it, carefully aim at the screen so that all glass cutouts accurately hit the right places. After you make sure that the accessory lies correctly, you can release it. If dust has got somewhere from the edge, then you can only partially lift the glass, and not peel it off entirely.

Here is the answer to the question: is it possible to stick the protective glass a second time. Yes, you can, if you're careful. The main thing is that when uninstalling the glass, you do not overdo it and do not break it.

We recommend that you stick a protective accessory on your own only if you are really confident in your abilities. If you don’t know for sure whether it will work or not, it’s better to contact a specialist who will help you carefully install the glass or film and not spend money on a new accessory if the film suddenly turns out to be damaged as a result of non-compliance with the gluing procedures.

Protected devices for you, dear readers!

Any electronic device that has a sufficiently wide screen must be protected from external influences. Gluing a protective glass on a smartphone is especially important, since over time, the screen without it will be wiped in places from constant contact with the inside of the pocket. In addition, if you carry your phone in a bag or clutch, then contact with other items that are there can scratch the screen, so in terms of gluing the glass to the phone, the task also remains a priority. However, what can also be glued protection to avoid mechanical damage? For example, on a tablet, for the same reasons as described above.

How to stick protective glass on iPhone?

In the case of Apple products, the algorithm for sticking protective glass is usually the same. Regardless of the model, whether you have an iphone 5, 5s or later models such as 6, 6s and even iPhone 7 and SE, the sequence of actions is the same:

  1. First of all, you need to remove the case from the iPhone CE and carefully remove the old film / glass by the edge.
  2. You should have a spacious flat place prepared in advance with good lighting.

  3. Then, using a tissue that is used to clean the monitor, or a cotton pad soaked in any liquid with alcohol, you should wipe the screen clean. Under good lighting, it will be clearly visible how much this procedure has cleaned the surface, and then wipe it dry with a cloth. Of course, you need to do this with clean hands.
  4. Remove the film from the adhesive side of the glass and fit it to fit the screen. In this case, it is strictly necessary to hold the edges to avoid the appearance of traces from the fingertips.
  5. Then the glass needs to be lowered, and it will stick by itself.

How to stick a protective glass on a Xiaomi smartphone?

As you know, the mobile device market is now full of high-quality Chinese-made smartphones. And if you bought yourself, for example, a Redmi 4 x model, then you need to protect the display from various external factors that can damage it so that your phone serves you faithfully for its entire potential shelf life.

and sticking a protective glass on a Xiaomi smartphone, it is important to be careful, you need to do this on a flat surface and be sure to keep your hands clean.

How to stick protective glass on H onor 6c?

On the X Honor 6 C on the X Honor 9, the flagships of Huawei, which manufactures mobile devices, the protective glass is glued in the same way as on other models from this company. Do not be afraid to glue glass, because in such an algorithm the main thing is to be dexterous and do everything quickly and correctly, always under good lighting, which will make it possible to pay attention to all the shortcomings in gluing, such as dust particles that you could potentially miss at the stage cleaning the display before direct sticking.

How to glue the protective glass on the "Meise"?

Having purchased a smartphone model from Meizu, for example, Meizu M5, you need to secure your new purchase with a protective glass. And no wonder, because the potential factors that lead to damage, as a rule, are extremely unpredictable, and protection in the form of such glass can neutralize most of them. It is necessary to glue glass carefully, strictly adhering to the algorithm, which in most cases is the same. It is important that the glass surface area when glued is identical to the display surface so that the edges do not go beyond these boundaries. Having achieved this, the work with gluing glass can be considered finished.

How to stick protective glass on ZTE phone?

Smartphones ZTE today occupy a good position relative to other models in the sales lists. Like other smartphones on the Android platform, they also need display protection in the same way. And glue protection on the screen, you must follow the rules described above in the same way. In addition, when gluing similar glass to Lenovo, the algorithm remains the same - you should be careful and pay attention to maximum sterility when working with glass. In addition, even if a protected smartphone is inadvertently dropped on the asphalt, the glass will suffer, which is easily replaceable, but not the display, the replacement of which will cost much more.

How to stick a protective glass on a Samsung phone?

Displays of smartphones from Samsung, for example, in models such as J3 and A5, are also subject to mechanical damage, like any others. The algorithm is about the same as for other phones. It is worth being very careful when gluing so that air bubbles do not get under the glass surface. Of course, they can be removed, but if you can stick the protective glass correctly the first time, you will definitely make your job easier. It is also important in the process to ensure that the insidious particles of dirt and dust do not get into the moment of sticking to the display, but if you did everything right, then such problems should not arise.

How to re-glue the protective glass on the phone?

Has it ever happened to you that after gluing the glass, some of its edges still did not converge closely with the display? You can, of course, ignore this, but after a while these unglued edges will play their role, and the glass will most likely fall off. That is why the question arises - is it possible to glue the old glass again? Of course, you don’t want to buy new glass because of your own oversight, so it’s easier to glue the existing one back. In this work, first of all, accuracy is needed. Having peeled off the glass, it is necessary to hold it by the edges. The most difficult thing that can arise in this case is to glue the glass in place a second time. However, if you coped successfully with peeling off, then there should be no problems even 2 times.

How to glue the edges of the protective glass on the phone?

If the protective glass does not fit around the edges, do not rush to despair, because there is still a way out. If a corner or several corners did not stick during installation and now there are huge white spots of air, you need to carefully add a few drops of glycerin to the edge of the glass. It will fill all the air voids under the glass, and it will fit perfectly into place. Similarly, the occurrence of such a problem is worth solving. In addition, in the process, you can also clean the display of specks that could get under the glass in the process.

How to glue the protective glass on the phone if it has peeled off?

If, after gluing the protection on the display, the glass suddenly took off and peeled off for no reason, then this problem needs to be solved. If you peel off the glass and stick it back, then nothing bad will happen. The main thing before sticking it a second time is to make sure that there is no dirt and dust on the display, and it is even better to wipe it again with a cotton pad with alcohol. This will protect the display from the reappearance of such unpleasant things on it and save you from having to re-glue the glass. Therefore, after all, it is better to re-clean in advance before gluing the unstuck glass.

What to do if the protective glass is poorly glued?

If you, having decided not to bother yourself, when buying a phone from store employees, at the same time ordered a glass gluing service, and already at home, having re-printed the phone, you suddenly found out that it was glued crookedly on the display, then do not rush to get upset. In this case, you can re-glue it yourself the way it should be on the display. Using the tips from this article, you will definitely be able to make sure that the screen is always protected and is not affected by various external factors that can affect its integrity. Therefore, you should not swear with the store employees, because if you want something to be done well, then do it yourself!

How to glue protective glass?

First of all, it is worth remembering that in such a case it is extremely important to act carefully. This is the key to success, so you need to act decisively and quickly, but at the same time not screw up when sticking, otherwise you will have to re-paste, which, of course, is also quite simple, but takes a lot of time that can be spent on something more interesting.

How to stick a protective glass on the phone yourself? You can easily carry out this operation yourself. To do this, you will need a little perseverance, a flat, well-lit surface and the protection that you are going to glue directly. When gluing, be careful.

To protect the screen of your device, you need to know how to stick a protective glass on your phone. It is much stronger, yet flexible.

The film can protect the display only from scratches, and the protective screen also prevents the formation of cracks after the smartphone is dropped.

You should be very careful when buying universal glass, it may be of poor quality.

A few tips for choosing:

  • There are two types of glass: glossy and matte. The first option is cheaper, however, it can only protect the smartphone display from bumps. Before buying, check the strength of the glass, it should not bend too much;
  • Matte glasses are more expensive and can protect your phone from bumps, drops, and even glare. The disadvantage of such glass: the color quality of the smartphone display may deteriorate;
  • Good glass should have an oleophobic coating. It does not allow the coating to get dirty in fat;
  • It is advisable to buy glass options that include special wipes and spare protective glasses;
  • The thicker the glass, the higher its strength and the level of protection of the phone during bumps and falls.

glass bonding process

Follow the instructions to stick an additional protective glass on your smartphone:

  • First of all, clean your workspace. Many glass sticker instructions are silent about this point, however, it is very important to remove all dust from the work surface. It's there even if you can't see it.
  • Get a clean rag and glass cleaner. Wipe the surface and wait for it to dry. Thus, you will remove the maximum number of dust particles and there will be less chance that they will fall under the protective glass;
  • Turn off your smartphone for the duration of the entire procedure so that the screen does not turn on during the gluing process;
  • Take a damp cleaning cloth and carefully wipe the display of your phone with it. You can buy these napkins in the household department of any store. Wipes for cleaning glasses are also suitable.
  • Then wipe the display with a dry cloth to remove streaks and fingerprints;

  • Take the protective screen. Peel off the film on it from the side that will be adjacent to the smartphone display;

  • Now position the glass - without touching , place it over the entire area of ​​the screen. All steps must be done very quickly;

  • Now carefully place the glass so that it perfectly covers the surface of the phone and release it. The protective glass will stick on its own. If you have cleaned the display surface well, there will be no air or dust.

What to do if air gets in? If you still have air bubbles, go over the surface of the protective glass with a napkin, pressing lightly so that they go beyond.

After gluing, turn on the smartphone and check the operation of the sensor.

Important! Many smartphone owners are wondering: is it possible to re-stick the protective glass if it peels off? Perhaps too much dust or air under the screen prevents it from gaining a foothold. Carefully peel it off, wipe the smartphone display and repeat the sticker procedure again. Reinstalling on an already clean surface may solve the problem.

How to remove the protective glass?

Removing the protective glass is much more difficult than the film. If you glued it incorrectly, remove it using the tab located on the outside of the protective screen.

In most cases, the need to remove the protective screen arises after a serious fall. When the screen is broken, the glass must be removed as carefully as possible.

The easiest way is to take a plastic card (for example, a regular bank card) and pry off the edge. Then walk the map under the entire surface of the screen, unpinning it from the device.

Advice! To make the peeling process easier, stick the phone screen in your palms.