Finishing materials for walls in the garage. Methods for insulating an iron garage. Features of finishing heated and unheated rooms

Finishing materials for walls in the garage.  Methods for insulating an iron garage.  Features of finishing heated and unheated rooms
Finishing materials for walls in the garage. Methods for insulating an iron garage. Features of finishing heated and unheated rooms

A garage is a place where the car will be stored. Most people want to do this room as convenient and safe as possible minimum costs. How and with what can you decorate the walls in the garage? You will learn about this in this article.

Example of chipboard walls in a garage

There are several cases when it needs to be trimmed:

  1. You bought a new garage with only bare walls.
  2. It is very cold in it, and you decide to insulate it.
  3. High percentage of heat loss.
  4. You want to improve conditions for storing vehicles.
  5. There is a lot of free space in the room, and you want to use it.
  6. The garage has a low fire safety rating.
  7. Routine renovation of the premises.

insulation of walls in the garage using min. cotton wool

Finishing requirements

You need to treat all surfaces of the room and finish the floors. The most important thing is to choose the right materials, since the room is subject to physical and chemical effects.

So, the requirements for materials are as follows:

  1. They must be resistant to chemicals.
  2. Be non-flammable.
  3. Do not absorb dust, odors and small debris.
  4. Be resistant to impacts and scratches.
  5. It is good to withstand sudden temperature changes.
  6. Easy to use.

Treatment brick walls with your own hands

Suitable materials

There are many materials that can be used for decoration. You can choose them based on quality and price. If you need to finish the walls and ceiling, the following are suitable:

  1. Plaster.
  2. Ceramic tile.
  3. Polyvinyl chloride.
  4. Drywall.
  5. Wood chip boards.
  6. Plastic.

Suitable for the floor:

  1. Concrete.
  2. Ceramic tiles or asphalt.
  3. Tree.
  4. Self-leveling floor.


calculation formula for evaluation required quantity materials

Wall and ceiling treatment

When processing walls and ceilings, you need to choose optimal solution based on personal preferences, budget size and combination of materials. Below are popular materials for finishing walls and ceilings that are popular among craftsmen.


Contains sand and cement. The mixture protects well from fire, and you can also save money. The walls will not absorb dust and odors, are well resistant to temperature changes, and are also easy to repair.

The disadvantage is the difficulty of finishing. You must have certain skills and knowledge to do the job correctly.

After the plaster has dried, putty is applied to the walls in the garage. If you wish, you can simply paint the inside of the garage instead. You can paint the plaster walls in the garage with anything, but first use a primer.

Checking the evenness of the plaster application using a level

Ceramic tile

Very durable and reliable. Easy to decorate and repair.

Disadvantages - the walls may not withstand heavy weight tiles Moreover, it is not cheap.

Applying tiles to a garage wall

Processing with polyvinyl chloride panels

The material is quite easy to process. It does not burn and does not allow water to pass through. But these structures are inferior in strength. In addition, they are poorly resistant to cold.

Example of joints for polyvinyl chloride material

Wood chip boards

Quite easy to install. But there are several disadvantages. The material burns well and allows water to pass through. You will have to regularly buy impregnation.

wood chip boards for decorating garage walls


Allows you to retain heat in the room. It doesn't burn well. Very durable. The disadvantage is that this method finishing is considered the most expensive.

Finishing garage walls with plasterboard over mineral wool

Plastic linings

Easy to install. Pipes, ventilation, wiring and insulation can be installed under them. You can make a wall with gaps, or without.

This material is poorly resistant to impacts and melts easily.

Example of joints of plastic linings

Metal linings

The material is very strong and durable, does not burn and is resistant to temperature changes.

But the metal is highly corrosive and begins to rust when exposed to water.

Corrugated sheet

It is durable, cheap and easy to install.

The material is also highly susceptible to corrosion and rots when in contact with water.

Corrugated sheeting for finishing interior walls garage

Floor treatment


Capable of withstanding heavy loads. Does not absorb dust. When treated with solutions, it can resist the absorption of odors and chemical elements. Low cost material.

But there is one drawback - the complexity of the arrangement.

pouring concrete on garage floor

Asphalt and ceramic tiles

Does not absorb odors and water.

Disadvantages - the material is quite expensive, difficult to arrange, and can also be damaged by impact.

Setting a single level of tiles using a mallet

Self-leveling floor

Its surface is smooth. It is impact resistant and has the same strength as concrete.

Disadvantages - enough high price, and the arrangement must be exactly down to millimeters, which is very difficult for a garage.

Pouring self-leveling floor with your own hands


Environmentally friendly. Easy to arrange.

Lots of shortcomings. It is highly susceptible to fire, absorbs dust, water and odors and is not durable.

Example of a finished wood floor in a garage

Which option is the best?

Of all the finishing methods listed, the best are concrete and plaster. If all work was done to the highest possible quality, you will receive good result at the lowest price.

Finishing tools

We will need:

  1. Grater.
  2. Falcon.
  3. Steel brush.
  4. Staple.
  5. Shovel.
  6. Scraper.
  7. Trough.
  8. Brush.
  9. Roller.
  10. Bars.

Essential Tools for Decorating Garage Walls

Floor treatment instructions

So, all the materials have been purchased and you are ready to go.

Attention! If water constantly accumulates in the garage, slope the floors slightly.

The floor pouring process consists of the following steps:

  1. Making a sand pillow. It is necessary to fill the crushed stone to a height of several centimeters. Then - a layer of sand a few centimeters deep. Fill with water and level. Wait until the mixture is completely dry.
  2. Waterproof the garage walls. Polyethylene works well. 10 centimeters should be enough.
  3. Reinforcement. Necessary to increase the strength of concrete. To do this, a wire mesh is made. The cell size is about 10 centimeters. Bricks are suitable as fasteners. The guideline for installation will be iron pipes or wooden boards. Using formwork, install gaps from boards and fill them with insulation. This operation is necessary to ensure that the floor is very durable and does not freeze in winter.
  4. Now you can lay the concrete. Mix a solution of cement, water and sand in a container. When styling, use a vibrator to remove air from the mixture. Level it using the rule.
  5. Now you need to wait until the concrete dries. Cover it with film and water it with water. This will allow it to retain moisture. Fully durable design will be in a month.
  6. Powder coat your garage.

Cutting through the necessary layers for successful garage longevity

Wall and ceiling treatment

First of all the ceiling, and then the walls.

  1. Check the surface. Remove any high spots and caulk any low spots. Before doing this, wet the areas that you will be covering.
  2. Apply primer for good adhesion.
  3. Once the primer is dry, apply putty. It will take several layers, each one centimeter long. The first layer is needed for adhesion to concrete. The second is for alignment. The last one is for grouting.
  4. Excess dust and debris must be removed. Add some water or primer.
  5. Apply a final coat of putty to level the surface.
  6. Wait for the mixture to dry.
  7. Cover the walls in your garage with paint or primer.

You can also treat the garage externally. Suitable for this:

  1. Plaster.
  2. Vinyl siding.
  3. Cover the garage with clapboard.
  4. Stone processing.


As you can see, there are many ways to decorate a garage with your own hands. They all have their own advantages and disadvantages. You should choose the one that is most suitable for your space.

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Self finishing garage - all the most popular options

Each owner has his own idea of ​​what his garage should look like. Simple enough for one metal box, and the second seeks to create a well-appointed and warm house, in which you can park your car, knock down a shelf if you need to, and meet with friends, a kind of mini-club based on your interests. Accordingly, the decoration of the garage inside and outside will be different. In this article I will try to highlight the most popular options for finishing garages today, with the emphasis on self-development.

What does finishing work in garages include?

All structures of this type are divided into capital block and light metal constructions. Naturally, both materials and finishing technology will be different in each case.

But no matter what home you choose for your car, general technology includes four main areas:

  1. The first and, perhaps, most important thing is the arrangement of the walls from the inside and, of course, from the outside;
  2. The question of how to decorate the gate has always been considered a painful and no less problematic one.;
  3. Whatever one may say, the car still has a decent weight and a durable floor in the garage plays an important role. Moreover, the problem doubles if the owner also wants to equip himself with a cellar or inspection hole;
  4. Ceiling decoration can be called more desirable than mandatory, but we will also touch on this issue.

Since the finishing of the floor, ceiling and gates in all garages are generally similar, I will talk about these areas below in individual chapters. Let's start our conversation with options wall decoration in block and metal garages.

How and how to decorate walls in block structures

IN in this case Block structures mean buildings made of brick, cinder block, foam or aerated concrete, as well as solid or prefabricated reinforced concrete structures.

Of all the above materials used for the construction of garages, foam and aerated concrete require a special approach. It is strictly forbidden to leave these materials unfinished, since they are hygroscopic, that is, they can be quite saturated with moisture.

Good old plaster

How many exist capital construction, so many people plaster buildings. Therefore, the list of how to decorate the walls of a block garage is traditionally topped by plaster.

Often a garage is associated with a room that is not cleaned, is constantly dirty, stinks and only true men can stay in it. But it is not always the case. Despite the dirty work, your garage can be clean and well-maintained. Everything is achieved thanks to good interior finishing. If previously the choice of materials was limited, today there is no shortage. There are a lot of finishing materials, which allows you to make your garage a pleasant place where you want to go.

Besides, high quality finish also performs protective functions. What exactly to choose for finishing is entirely your decision. Both personal preference and budget come into play here. In this article we will look at design options and how the interior decoration of the garage occurs.

Garage interior finishing - is it necessary?

Many may ask why decorate the inside of the garage at all. It's clear if we're talking about about exterior work, everyone wants to make the garage beautiful and attractive. Yes and bearing structures will be reliably protected from external influence. After all, frost, rain and wind - all this negatively affects the walls of the building. But nothing threatens the structure inside the garage.

In fact, interior decoration is also important. Whatever one may say, the walls of the garage will also be protected. This applies to dirt, moisture, mechanical damage and other factors. The second point is aesthetic beauty. It has been proven that in a comfortable environment you work better and are more pleasant to be. And since motorists spend a lot of time in the garage, this is important. Moreover, when you plan to carry out insulation, you will definitely have to finish the garage. The finishing will protect the insulation so that it does not lose its properties. But the question arises: what kind of finishing material should be used to decorate the inside of the garage?

Criteria for choosing material for cladding

To ensure that all the work you have done is not in vain, you need to choose the right material for each surface in the garage. It is important that it is able to withstand a certain load, influence external environment, as well as aggressive technical substances that are typical for a garage. If you make a list of requirements, it will look like this:

If we continue the topic general requirements to the characteristics of finishing materials, then they also exist and there are many of them:

  • Each material must be fire-resistant and not burn. A garage is a room with a high risk of fire, as it contains flammable substances;
  • the finishing surface must be resistant to chemical attack;
  • No less important is the material’s resistance to moisture;
  • in the event that the garage will not be insulated, choose materials that are resistant to temperature fluctuations;
  • in order not to change the cladding after a few years, choose high-quality and durable material. It’s better to pay more, but do it once and for several decades.

Among other things, I would like to note one more factor, it is not the main one, but it is important - the aesthetic side. Then being inside will be pleasant not only for you, but also for other visitors.

Garage floor installation

More often ordinary people They use the garage simply to store the car. In such cases, a viewing hole is not made. In this case, the base floor can be simple soil, tightly compacted. To do this you will need to do concrete screed. Now we will look at how you can make a garage floor with your own hands.

First you need to level the ground. Add sand or crushed stone to places where there are large differences. The base needs to be waterproofed. For this you will need roofing felt. Lay it on top, laying the sheets overlapping. Then moisture from the concrete solution will not be absorbed into the soil. Reinforcing mesh is laid on this base. So, you will make the concrete screed even stronger.

After that, beacons are placed on the level. They will serve as a guide and allow you to make the floor level. Next you need to cook concrete mortar, which is poured onto the floor. Its composition is simple:

  • sand;
  • cement;
  • crushed stone

But to get quality product, you need to achieve the correct ratio of components. For pouring a garage floor, the following proportion is suitable: 2:1:3 (sand, cement, crushed stone). All this is filled with water. You will need just enough of it to get the right consistency. The solution should not be liquid or thick.

Advice! To prepare this amount of concrete, use a concrete mixer.

Now you can start pouring the floor in the garage. Ideally, do everything at once. Then the floor will not have cracks and will become monolithic. This work cannot be done without an assistant. The thickness of the screed should be at least 10 cm. After filling, all that remains is to level the surface and leave everything until completely dry(about a month). You will see more details about the process of pouring the floor in this video.

This is all? Not at all. You can't leave the garage floor like this. After all, concrete will absorb moisture and collapse. And the oil you spill will leave on the floor black spot. Over time, the entire garage floor will turn into a solid black spot. What to do? Use Decoration Materials.

The simplest and cheapest of them is moisture-resistant and wear-resistant paint. It's corny, but concrete base will be protected. Plus, you can clean your garage floor. The second option is covering the screed marble chips. Ideally, use ceramic tiles and their varieties. Some use sidewalk or clinker tiles. These materials are very wear-resistant and can withstand different loads.

Garage wall decoration

The design of garage walls is more varied, and there will be a little more work. The garage has one floor and four walls. What materials are used to decorate the inside of garage walls? Here are the most popular ones:

  1. Plaster
  2. Drywall.
  3. Ceramic tile.
  4. Dye.
  5. Lining.
  6. OSB sheets.

Plastering walls is somewhat reminiscent of pouring a floor. This is the so-called wet method level the wall, protect it and prepare it for further finishing. The work process is simple, but labor-intensive. It all comes down to placing beacons on the walls, preparing the plaster and the process of applying it special tools. However, not everyone can cope with this task. This video will help you with this.

By plastering the walls, you can level them and prepare them for further finishing with paint, tiles or plaster.

Advice! Since there will be a lot of tiles on the walls, it is recommended to combine finishing options, saving money.

For example, tiles can be laid to the middle of the wall or less, because it is in those places that the walls are particularly affected. And the upper part of the wall is painted with paint for facade work.

But to insulate your garage, you'll be taking away valuable space. It is much more profitable to use another method of finishing the garage - covering it with plasterboard, clapboard or OSB sheets. Why? It's all about the cladding technology. To perform it, you need to make metal or wooden sheathing with a certain step. After that, sheets of plasterboard, lining or OSB are attached to this sheathing.

Since between the lathing slats there will be free space, it is filled with insulation. It can be mineral wool, polyurethane foam, penoplex or polystyrene foam. In this case, the thickness of the slats will be equal to the thickness of the insulation. It's all covered on top vapor barrier film, and only after that the drywall, lining or OSB is fixed.

Drywall is fastened using self-tapping screws, butt joint. Subsequently, it is puttied and finished with another finishing material of your choice. The lining is fastened using the tongue-and-groove method, using nails, clamps, staples or self-tapping screws. OSB is fixed with nails or self-tapping screws, butt joint. You can see what this finish looks like in the photo.

The advantage of drywall

For the garage, special moisture-resistant plasterboard is used, which has green color. What's good about this material?

  1. Has little weight.
  2. Easy installation.
  3. Affordable price.
  4. Versatile, once completed you can do any finishing you like.
  5. Gypsum is able to absorb excess moisture, and when dry, give it away.

Advantage of lining

  1. Frost resistance.
  2. Due to the impregnation, it does not burn.
  3. Durability.
  4. No dirt or construction debris after work.
  5. Resistance to mechanical stress.
  6. Environmentally friendly.
  7. Easy to install.
  8. Has an attractive appearance.

Benefits of tiles

  1. Durable.
  2. Durable.
  3. Reliable.
  4. Does not burn.
  5. No dirt or construction debris after work.
  6. It has high resistance to chemical and physical influences.
  7. She is easy to care for.
  8. Aesthetically attractive.

The choice may be difficult, but you must decide. If you like naturalness and beauty, use lining. If you are a fan of durability and reliability, tiles are for you. If you are limited in funds, then use drywall followed by painting. There are many options, it's up to you.

Garage Ceiling Finish

The interior decoration of the garage space ends with the ceiling. This is a special area, since there is practically no physical influence on it. That is why the requirements for finishing materials for garage ceilings are not so serious. If necessary, you can also insulate the garage ceiling. Then the device technology is similar to wall decoration. To ensure that the materials are in harmony with each other, sometimes the ceiling cladding is made of the same material as the walls. But this is optional.

The most common materials for finishing garage ceilings are PVC panels and simple plastering. Why PVC? The material is quite light, easy to work with and, most importantly, it is cheap. Although this is the list positive points doesn't end. Plastic is easy to clean and is resistant to aggressive agents. He is not afraid of evaporation and temperature fluctuations. And finally, manufacturers of finishing materials tried to color scheme and patterns. This coating will last a long time. If necessary, the damaged part can be easily replaced.

Nevertheless, the owner himself has the right to decide what to cover the ceiling with. It could be the same wooden lining, OSB or drywall. The materials are also suitable for use on garage ceilings. You just need to take care to fulfill high-quality waterproofing ceiling. Without it, materials will deteriorate. The easiest way to make a water barrier is to cover everything with roofing felt or waterproofing film. And the condition of the roof needs to be assessed. If roofing material damaged, then repair everything.

During the construction of any building, external decorative finishing, which adds aesthetics, even if we are talking about a garage. You can always use the services of a specialized company, but if you need to save your budget, you can consider options self-execution works Decorating the outside of a garage with your own hands is quite popular; there will be no difficulties when choosing a material. Take advantage simple tips which you will find in this article.

Features of exterior finishing

In most cases, garages are built from scrap materials or leftovers that were formed after the construction of the house. Naturally, in this case you should not count on a presentable appearance, as well as high thermal insulation performance. To external finishing walls was as effective as possible, experts recommend, first of all, filling the blind area with an appropriate solution. This will eliminate all the unevenness that has formed due to use. different materials. After this, you can begin to directly decorate the walls.

Note! When choosing a finishing material, you need to pay attention to the price-quality ratio, and then become familiar with the installation technology. This will allow everyone to rationally assess their capabilities and manage on their own.


First of all, it is worth considering the most affordable finishing materials, among which the best is plaster. Therefore, let's take a closer look at the technology.

As mentioned above, before proceeding with any type of finishing, outer wall the garage needs to be prepared for processing. The following sequence of work is envisaged:

  • cleansing from dirt;
  • removing dust and minor contaminants using water;
  • applying a primer (deep penetration recommended).

After complete drying, you can begin applying plaster. The prepared solution (cement to sand ratio 1:6) must be thoroughly mixed. You can also use already ready-made mixtures which are sold in stores. According to the technology, 2 layers should be applied ordinary plaster, after which you can proceed to cladding.

Note! The service life of the finishing layer will depend on the quality of the selected plaster and compliance with the process technology.


An equally popular option for finishing the exterior walls of buildings is putty. The application process, unlike plaster, is several times easier, so everyone can handle it. When mixing the solution, it is important to strictly follow the proportions indicated on the packaging, but do not forget to independently control the consistency. An ideal putty holds its shape well on a spatula and stretches across the wall without difficulty.

Modern manufacturers use adhesive base to create a solution. That is why it is necessary to apply it very carefully to the walls, to ensure evenness and smoothness, since grouting it will not be possible. When performing work, professionals use exclusively wide spatulas, which allows them to cover a large surface. It is also worth using this technique. As a result, the process will be accelerated several times, which means Finishing work will be carried out quickly.

To quickly achieve the effect of smooth and smooth walls, it is worth using reinforced polymer mesh. Before applying the finishing layer, the entire surface must be thoroughly primed.

Note! When choosing putty, you should consider options intended exclusively for outdoor use.


Among the cheapest and available options exterior finishing It's worth highlighting the paint. Do not think that this method is short-lived; manufacturers produce enough a large assortment quality paints. Before applying a layer of water-based or acrylic paint, the surface is carefully prepared, that is, puttied and leveled. To get a high-quality result, it is worth applying several layers of paint. Each one must be completely dry before the next one is applied.

Note! In order for the paint layer to adhere well to the plaster, it must first be primed. Thanks to this, paint consumption will be minimized and adhesion will also increase.

Finishing with other materials

When considering more expensive, but no less durable materials, it is worth highlighting the siding finish. This option is used in cases where there is no time to level the walls. Siding panels are quite easy to install on walls, and in this case you can additionally use a layer of insulation. The surface of the sheets perfectly imitates natural materials: tree, a natural stone, tiles. Enough in stock wide choose textures and colors.

The second common option is wall cladding with corrugated sheets, which is perfect for a private home, administrative building and, of course, the garage. The popularity of this material is due to its low cost and ease of installation.

Note! When choosing any sheet material To cladding the garage walls, you must first become familiar with the installation technology. Do not forget that in this case you can use insulation. This will allow you to maintain optimal temperature inside a heated room.

To finish the exterior walls of the garage, you need to choose the right material. To do this, it is necessary to correctly combine aesthetic, operational and quality characteristics. Pay attention to the nuances of surface care. In some cases, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the microclimate in the region, since not all materials withstand high humidity and constant frosts.


A garage is a kind of creative brainchild for a man. Often it performs several functions at once - a parking lot, a workshop, a storage room, and even a place for a group of friends to relax. Arranging a garage is a purely male activity, but, like every job, it also has its own tricks and nuances. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Wall decoration

When selecting finishing materials for the garage, you should take into account the target features of this room. The materials must be non-flammable, since fuels and lubricants are the first to accumulate in the garage, moisture-resistant, resistant to damage and not absorbing dirt. What meets these requirements?

PVC lining . In the garage with large area you can afford plastic panels from PVC. Such an installation takes up about 10 centimeters of space, but thanks to this reserve it is possible to insulate the garage walls with fire-resistant mineral wool.

Facade lining is waterproof, environmentally friendly, fire-resistant and presentable, but does not have high strength. However, on the other hand, with this finish your car is not at risk of scratches. To give the room a variety of colors, alternate panels with different shades or use lining with a laconic print.

Plaster . A plaster solution made from a mixture of sand and cement smoothes out visible unevenness in the walls. After grouting rough surfaces, it is necessary to apply a layer facade paint. If the garage is very compact and a little free space it is only around the car, try painting the walls with pastel paint, warm shades- this will visually expand the boundaries of the room. However, in such a garage you need to be doubly careful, since light-colored surfaces will quickly become dirty.

Facing bricks and tiles. Today this is probably the best option for finishing. Such materials are durable and strong, and quite easy to clean. U ceramic tiles big specific gravity, Unlike facing bricks, therefore, only strong walls, where there is additional reinforcement mesh padding, need to be finished with it.

There is one more nuance when purchasing these materials - the price. Indeed, the cost of such finishing can significantly hit your pocket. But the result will exceed all expectations. For example, a combination of walls decorated with frame bricks and a spectacular thematic panel with a luxury car, laid out small tiles, will make an incredible impression on your friends.

Floor finishing

The floor in garages is precisely the surface that is always in use. Therefore, it must constantly withstand heavy loads from the car and those accidentally dropped from your hands. heavy objects. At the same time, not a single chip or crack should form on the floor. The requirements for fire and moisture resistance, of course, come first. Typically, a modern garage floor is multi-layered.

Self-leveling mass of sand-based concrete with reinforced mesh V top layer and waterproofing - a practical and most commonly used option for garage floors.

Stronger, but a little more expensive than concrete paving slabs on a dense sand-gravel bed or road paving stones. For additional moisture resistance of paving stones, impregnants (special impregnations that have a water-repellent effect) are used.

Alternative concrete mixtures– elastic polyurethane, epoxy or acrylic resins. Impact-resistant floor tiles laid out with black and white checkers will look very stylish.

To prevent slipping, the tiles should be slightly rough. It is better not to buy tiles with any pattern, as over time it will become very worn out and will not look aesthetically pleasing at all.

Racks and shelves in the arrangement of the garage

Often, among the multitude of suitcases, mezzanines, and bicycles, there is not even a place to park a car, let alone sit in a pleasant, friendly male company in the evening. Therefore, important details in the arrangement of a garage are not only the floor and walls, but also shelving and hanging shelves for storing tools, household items and auto parts.

Frame metal rack, located along the wall (and if the space of the room allows, you can put a U-shaped rack for three walls), like a faithful friend, will help separate the necessary from the unimportant. But first of all, you should conduct an audit of the accumulated things and only then make accurate measurements width, length and depth of the structure.

Depth standard designs V hardware store usually up to 1 meter, but this is often not enough, so many car enthusiasts prefer custom-made racks. In this case, the depth must be determined based on the size of the largest item that will stand on the shelf of the rack. This could be a large suitcase, tires, etc. To prevent a lot of dirt, dust and moisture from accumulating, it is better to drill small holes in the shelves. So, the tools do not rust or gather dust.

Leaving a distance of about 30 centimeters between the floor and the bottom shelf of the rack will make it much easier wet cleaning garage, which now will not take much time.

When assembling a frame rack, it is better to use metal corner(30 by 30 mm) on bolted connections or profiled pipe. Of course, you can also use welding, but this is not always profitable or convenient. Aluminum profiles are also not suitable for drywall due to their insufficient strength.

An excellent material for shelves is moisture-resistant plywood. It does not absorb moisture, is strong and durable. For enhanced protection, the plywood can be sealed with varnish. You should not make the shelves too long, as the plywood may bend.

Of course, racks and shelves can be purchased at any specialized store, but such a purchase will cost you a lot.
