Report on a school cosmonautics day and an open lesson “space is us.” Gagarin lesson" in the Nikolaev school. Information about the thematic entertainment “Great Space Journey” dedicated to “Cosmonautics Day” Report on the event

Report on a school cosmonautics day and an open lesson “space is us.”  Gagarin lesson
Report on a school cosmonautics day and an open lesson “space is us.” Gagarin lesson" in the Nikolaev school. Information about the thematic entertainment “Great Space Journey” dedicated to “Cosmonautics Day” Report on the event

Tatyana Ivanova

Target: expand children's knowledge about space, about the planets of the solar system, stars and constellations. Continue to introduce interesting events space, happy holiday astronautics.

During the week, a lot of work was done with the children, which was aimed at the date of April 12. We had conversations about Yu. A. Gagarin, about space, about the planets of the solar system, stars and constellations, read poems, stories about space, astronauts, looked at a lot of albums and illustrations. During the classes, they built rockets from geometric shapes and went into flight; they made original rockets using manual labor; they drew “As I see space". In the kindergarten, two exhibitions were created with flying objects, in which parents and children became participants. All the works turned out to be unusual, different from each other. Children and parents were able to admire the exhibition. Take a photo in the costume everyone could become an astronaut. A trip to the library was also organized, where we were told in detail everything about space, watched an educational presentation and an exhibition of fiction with interesting illustrations.

Publications on the topic:

On February 17, entertainment was held in the second junior groups, dedicated to “Defender of the Fatherland Day.” The children learned many dedicated poems.

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Abstract "Space travel" in a preparatory group for school, dedicated to Cosmonautics Day Program content: -summarize children's knowledge about the history of the development of astronautics; - arouse interest in space; -activate the dictionary.

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October 28 was declared Health Day. Wellness activities began in the morning. Vitamins were provided for all pupils.

Report on the physical education event held at MBDOU d/s OV No. 8 The health and happiness of our children largely depends on the performance.

10/28/2016 in the municipal preschool educational budgetary institution of a combined type, kindergarten No. 1 of the municipality.

Analytical report on the results of the 55th anniversary of the first manned space flight at the Elista Lyceum. Purpose: to introduce lyceum students to the history of space exploration, prospects and problems of modern cosmonautics. Objectives:     show the chronology of events in the history of astronautics; to develop among schoolchildren an interest in studying astronomy and astronautics; to develop a sense of patriotism and pride in the achievements of one’s country in space exploration; develop speech and the ability to present information to listeners in students of physics and mathematics. Form of event: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Cosmonautics Alley. The 1st floor foyer was decorated by 9th grade students in the form of a “star track” with portraits of Russian scientists and cosmonauts who made a significant contribution to the development of astronautics in our country. The school day on April 12 began with “cosmic” exercises, which were organized and conducted for lyceum students by lyceum students from the 9th “b” physics and mathematics class. During the day, everyone could watch films about astronautics on the topics “Space ABC”, “Space Debris”, “Vostochny Cosmodrome”, “Yu.A. Gagarin” in the mobile television organized by 11 “v” physics and mathematics class in foyer 3 floors. During the big changes, students from the 8th grade physics and mathematics class held an interactive tour of the objects of the solar system. The initiative to hold such an event came from the students themselves; the physics teacher only had to think about the form of the event. This event aroused the greatest interest among lyceum students; for 10 minutes, moving from planet to planet, with the help of a guide, they had the opportunity to hear a fascinating story and interesting facts about the planet. At the exit from the maze, listeners had to answer quiz questions. For students of 10 "g" and 11 "g" historical and legal profiles, during physics lessons, reviews were conducted on the history of astronautics, prospects for the use of satellites and problems of modern astronautics. The planned exhibition of future spaceships was held to a minimum extent. Lyceum students from grade 8 “b” (2 models), grade 8 “c”, grade 9 “c” and grade 10 “a” presented their models at the exhibition. Each presented model was distinguished by its original production and detailed technical description. Conclusion: the proposed format for covering a significant event in the history of our state turned out to be interesting to students. Lyceum students of 8, 9, 11 classes of physics and mathematics, who are the organizers of the events, participated with pleasure in the preparation and implementation of their initiatives. It is worth noting the high level of preparation and implementation by students of grade 8 “c”, the responsible attitude towards the assignment of students of grade 8 “b” (class leader Sanzhieva D.K.). The organizer and coordinator of all events is physics teacher M.N. Gorbaneva. 04/13/2016 M.N.Gorbaneva

On April 12, 1961, the whole world was shocked by the announcement of the beginning of a new era of space flight. On this day, Soviet cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome on the Vostok-1 spacecraft and made an orbital flight around planet Earth for the first time in the world. The flight in near-Earth space lasted 108 minutes. April 12, 2016 marks the 55th anniversary of the first human flight into space. In honor of this historical event, a number of interesting and exciting events took place at the Nikolaev School, with the participation of children and their parents. In the 11th grade, class teacher Oksana Vladimirovna Panasenko gave a lecture on the topic “Mysteries of the Universe.” As part of the week of the natural and mathematical cycle, physics teacher Natalya Vladimirovna Denisenko conducted a number of open lessons. At 9.00 the school held an open lesson on the topic “Space is us. Gagarin's lesson." Teachers of grades 1-11 prepared presentations, lectures, and photographic material. Parents were invited to open lessons. The school administration visited open lessons in 1st grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade. The lesson began with a presentation by students of grade 4-B (Anfilova K. Poberezkiy A. Mayboroda S.), who prepared reports about pilot-cosmonauts. Prepared the students Chopovskaya I. D. Then students 1-A, 1-B, 3-A and 4-B (Khristich T. Anurov M. Ivleva V. Payuta A. Kolesnichenko A. Koblova K. Belyanin V. Gongalo A. Bulavkina A. Kuzmin V. Muzhichenko L. Likhanosov D. Astrakhantseva D.) read the poem “In Memory of Gagarin” against the background of music and slides on the theme “Space”. Teacher Payuta N.A. prepared a photo exhibition “The Unknown Universe” and an exhibition of books “Our Space”. In conclusion, teacher Veselyanskaya T.B. held a quiz “Soviet people - conquerors of space.” It should be noted the active participation of our students in drawing competitions on this topic. Since April 11, 2016, the school has been hosting an exhibition of drawings “The Path to Space” by students of our school. Students from grades 1-8 took part in the exhibition. The works of the following students were recognized as the best: Category “Posters” - 1st place 2nd grade poster. 2nd place - 1st grade poster. Category “Drawings” - 1st place Ivantsov N. 3rd grade, 2nd place - Half A. - 3rd grade, 3rd place Bulavkina A. 3rd grade. Commendations for participation in the competition were received by Vodopyanova A. - 2nd grade, Chernyshova E. - 11th grade. In the category “Joint work of children and parents” - 1st place - Kostenko L. - 1st grade, Zakharov Z. 2nd grade, 2nd place - Anurov M. 1st grade, 3rd place - Nasibov A. 2nd grade.

The “Starry Sky” photo competition has started for high school students. The results of the competition will be summed up at the school Masters Fair in May 2016. In the school library from 04/11/16 to 04/15/2016 there is an exhibition of books and press “Great Discoverers of Space”. The results of the events and photographic materials are posted on the official school website. (website address: website)

School director N.P. Buts

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