Air dehumidifier for apartment test. How to choose a dehumidifier for an apartment: prices, reviews, technical aspects. How much does a household dehumidifier cost?

Air dehumidifier for apartment test.  How to choose a dehumidifier for an apartment: prices, reviews, technical aspects.  How much does a household dehumidifier cost?
Air dehumidifier for apartment test. How to choose a dehumidifier for an apartment: prices, reviews, technical aspects. How much does a household dehumidifier cost?

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This type of equipment ensures the maintenance of a normal level of humidity in the premises. It is used to create healthy atmospheric parameters and solve other practical problems. Using this article, you can choose the right dehumidifier for your apartment: prices, owner reviews and other data will be useful for a comprehensive analysis.

Household dehumidifier

Normal, in accordance with current sanitary and hygienic standards, is a relative humidity level of 50 to 55%. The problems that can be solved with the help of such equipment should be listed:

  • Increased water content in the atmosphere disrupts the heat exchange functions of the body. This provokes the occurrence of infectious, rheumatic and other diseases.
  • In such conditions, the vital activity of microorganisms is activated. Some of them can ruin furniture upholstery, wallpaper, and wood coverings.
  • Increased humidity levels contribute to the development of destructive corrosion processes.
Note! It is necessary to maintain humidity within the normal range. Strong changes contribute to the formation of cracks in wood products. Too low a moisture concentration worsens the condition of the mucous membranes.

Working principle of a dehumidifier

The simplest option is to forcefully remove warm air saturated with water vapor from the room. At the same time they serve inside cold flow. IN in this case use a decrease in relative humidity levels when low temperatures. It will be necessary to install the appropriate ventilation ducts, adjusting the operation of components taking into account changing values ​​of control parameters. The main disadvantage is the uncertainty of weather conditions.

The next category of devices performs their functions using adsorbents. Zeolites and other substances actively absorb moisture in the room. If after this they are moved to an area with high temperature, water is released. The dried adsorbent is returned using mechanical devices back to work area. Devices created on such principles are distinguished by their large dimensions and complexity. Similar solutions are used in productive devices for large objects.

For everyday tasks, the following design is better suited.

  • The refrigerant is moved by the compressor along a closed circuit.
  • As air passes through the cold evaporator, water is deposited in the storage tank. From there it is pumped into the drainage.
  • In the condenser unit, the dried air is heated and then returned to the room.

Helpful information! Good efficiency desiccant is maintained up to +14°C. At low temperatures it becomes a heater with relatively low efficiency. Adsorption equipment remains operational in such conditions.

Features of different models

To choose the right dehumidifier for an apartment, prices and reviews must be supplemented by studying the following parameters:

In this embodiment, the weight of the equipment is not a significant indicator. This category represents the most powerful devices, designed for use in large rooms.

The compact model with a handle is not difficult to install in different rooms as needed. Mobile equipment can be used in the summer at the dacha to create comfortable conditions at high humidity.

The transparent walls of the built-in tank simplify visual inspection. Some models provide the ability to connect to a drain system. This equipment simplifies maintenance. It is recommended for use when installing stationary devices.

This unit traps dust particles and purifies the air while reducing humidity.

Note! To maintain the original performance and functionality of the filter element, it should be cleaned regularly.

In modern models of purifiers you can install:

  • required level humidity percentage;
  • timer switching on and off;
  • fan rotation speed;
  • air flow direction;
  • heating (if the corresponding function is available).

In addition to the simplest mechanical filters, air dryers are equipped with:

These additional devices remove harmful impurities and pollution from the air. They saturate it with useful ions.

Air dehumidifier for an apartment: prices, reviews, selection criteria

When choosing, in addition to appearance, the following factors are taken into account:

Market Review

To buy an inexpensive dehumidifier for your apartment, you need to check the current offers of stores. But the following information will help you make a comparative analysis taking into account equipment, brand, and other basic parameters.

Table 1. Comparative analysis dehumidifiers

Water consumption per
24 hours, l
in 1 hour,
tank, l
10 E5
10 130 0,22 46 1,3 10100-
12 100 0,48 38 3.5 (drainage)11800-
15 51 0,2 40 2 12100-
DH 10
9 200 0,78 - 4 12300-
Timberk DH
TIM 20 E7
20 170 0,44 48 3 14600-
30 210 0,53 45 6,5 18200-

Consumer Opinion

In addition to characteristics and prices, reviews of air dehumidifiers for apartments will help you form the right opinion about different models:

Alexander Tikhomirov about the Timberk/DH TIM 10 E5 model:“Surprisingly, the cheapest option found, the device fully satisfied all the needs. It has a built-in gyrostat, so maintaining the desired humidity level is automatic.”
Evgeniy Skobin about the Ballu/BDH-30L model:“The power of this equipment was quite enough to process the air in a room of 28 square meters. I liked the simple controls. I would also note the low noise level when turned on as a predominant indicator.”

How to make a household dehumidifier for an apartment with your own hands

To simplify the task, you can use an old air conditioner. It is not difficult to make changes to the operating scheme and design using the information presented above. If there is no such “set of spare parts”, you will have to assemble the equipment from the appropriate components.

Have you noticed that moisture often accumulates in your apartment or house, especially in the autumn-winter period? Are some areas of the walls already covered with fungus and mold, the pores of which are negatively affecting your well-being? Have you noticed that furniture is starting to deteriorate due to excessive moisture in the kitchen or bathroom? Then it's time to buy a dehumidifier!

Why is dampness in an apartment dangerous?

It is interesting that our body reacts to dry air very quickly - a sore throat appears, the skin becomes dry, and overall health worsens. But our home reacts first of all to high humidity. How? Unpleasant smell, damp clothes in drawers and closets, “crying” windows and, worst of all, the appearance of mold and mildew. And here even damaged property (damp things, books, food, wallpaper) fades into the background. After all, mold fungi, which appear very quickly in conditions high humidity, extremely harmful to health! And getting rid of mold once it has already appeared is incredibly difficult.

The “critical” period of high humidity occurs precisely in the off-season, when it is still quite cold and damp outside, and people in the houses turn off central heating. In autumn, spring and summer, when the heating does not function and the radiators do not dry the air, the humidity level can rise to 90%. Whereas in winter it usually does not exceed 50%. Owners of private houses, apartments on the first and semi-basement floors, especially suffer from high humidity. corner apartments with uninsulated walls. If the house is located near a pond or swimming pool, the humidity level will be even higher.

A dehumidifier is the simplest and most effective method regulate the humidity level in the room. For production and warehouse premises, public swimming pools there is special equipment- large stationary dehumidifiers. For apartments and houses, manufacturers offer compact and mobile household models, which collect inside themselves excess moisture. With its help, you can improve ventilation functions, increase the service life of the building as a whole, eliminate fogging of windows, save and prevent damage to property and furniture from fungus and mold.

According to scientists, a person loses about 900 grams of moisture per day. This value is optimal for human well-being. In a humid room, a person begins to absorb more moisture and lose less. As a result, excess moisture remains in the body, which significantly worsens well-being. As a result, the load on the body increases, and it is the heart that suffers from increased humidity, which is dangerous for “core” patients.

In a humid environment, mold spores thrive and thrive: fungal formations on the walls not only spoil the wallpaper and appearance interior, but fungal spores can penetrate the lungs and other human organs, leading to various diseases, which are not always easy to detect, which can lead to dire consequences for human health.

High humidity is harmful for people with asthma, as it causes spasms, swelling of the bronchi and, as a result, difficulty breathing. People with osteochondrosis and arthritis also find it difficult to tolerate increased level humidity. However, many types of mold are pathogenic. Long-term exposure can lead to internal bleeding, kidney and liver damage, and emphysema.

Often, high humidity causes damage to furniture, parquet and interior elements, including because different kinds Molds live well and multiply intensively in conditions of high humidity. If permissible humidity in an apartment exceeds more than 70%, the growth of spores of bacteria and fungi is inevitable, which can settle on walls or furniture (primarily, we are talking about wood-destroying fungi, which can turn wood into dust in a short period of time), which can lead to expensive repairs.

Another harmful cause of the influence of high air humidity is the rapid spoilage of food. Fast growth mold on flour products, caked powders and sugar, shortened shelf life of food products. Moldy flour and dairy products must definitely be thrown away entirely (since they have a porous structure, and mold spreads not only on the surface, but also deep into the product or flour product). Therefore, in rooms where food is stored it is so important to carefully monitor the level of humidity.

Types of air dryers and their operating principles

Desiccant dehumidifiers. The operating principle of such a dehumidifier is based on the adsorption properties of certain substances and materials (for example, silica gel). Inside the device there is a sorbent that absorbs excess moisture, drying the air. The sorbent must be changed from time to time. One of the latest innovations in dryers in this group is rotary adsorption dryers. The device is equipped with a slowly rotating two-chamber rotor that mixes the sorbent. Air is blown through a large chamber (about 85% of the rotor volume) for drying. Through a small chamber - heated air to dry the sorbent. The main disadvantage of adsorption dryers is their low efficiency. They are usually used to dehumidify small volumes of air - in dressing rooms, pantries, cabinets, laundry containers.

Condenser dehumidifiers. This type of dehumidifier is great for use in apartments and houses. Most household dehumidifiers operate on exactly this principle - like an air conditioner. The device has a “cold” and “warm” radiator (evaporator and condenser). The fan blows air to the evaporator where it is cooled. Condensation forms and flows into a special tray or container to collect moisture. Then the air is directed to the condenser and heated to a temperature 3-5 degrees higher than the original one and the dry air is blown back into the room. The main disadvantage of this type of dehumidifier is the need to regularly remove moisture from the container. Especially considering the fact that when the tank is filled, the device turns off automatically.

Dryers with assimilation method. In these devices, moisture will go out into the street, and from the street it will begin to flow Fresh air. The costs of such a device will be enormous, but for very wet areas This type of dehumidifier will not work. The peculiarity of this device is based on the rule of physics - warm air attracts large quantity moisture, so in such a device it is simply removed outside the room.

What to look for when choosing a dehumidifier?

Performance dehumidifier is measured in liters per day or liters per hour and indicates the amount of moisture that the device is able to remove from the environment per unit of time. This is one of the most important parameters when choosing a dehumidifier for home use. It is better to choose with a “margin” of performance, but also without fanaticism. The performance of a dehumidifier directly depends on its power. And the energy consumption during operation also depends on it. A device that is too weak in performance, even when working continuously, simply cannot cope with the amount of work it is not designed for. A dehumidifier that is too powerful will quickly dry out the air and will continue to simply waste electricity unnecessarily. In addition, the more powerful the device, the noisier it is. So calculate the performance correctly - important task. For an accurate answer, it is advisable to take into account the specific microclimate of your room. The approximate required performance of a dehumidifier is usually calculated using the following formula: room area * by 0.7 = capacity in liters per day. For example, if the room area is 20 m2: 20 * 0.7 = 14 (liters per day).

Air exchange- second important parameter when choosing a dehumidifier for home use. It refers to the amount of air forced through the dehumidifier per unit time. Indicated in m3/hour. For effective removal moisture, it is necessary that the device passes the entire volume of air through itself at least 3-4 times. This means that for a room of 50 m3 you will need a dehumidifier with an air exchange of 150-200 m3/hour.

Noise level. Since we are talking about household dehumidifiers, which are used specifically in residential premises, the noise level during operation of the device is quite important indicator. If the dehumidifier will operate in a room where there are people, they should not feel discomfort from the annoying noise. The average noise level of a household dehumidifier ranges from 40-45 dB. For comparison, operating noise indoor unit air conditioner approximately 35 dB. To ensure that the device does not “disturb life”, the noise level should be no more than 45 dB. However, it is worth considering that the noise level depends on the power and performance of the dehumidifier. There are devices that operate almost silently, but the efficiency of such devices is very modest - 7-10 liters per day. A compromise in terms of comfort and performance are the quiet Timberk dehumidifiers.

Volume of the tank. Dehumidifiers with especially large reservoirs for collecting moisture are usually used for use in rooms with serious sources of moisture release (baths, swimming pools, showers, basements, cellars). But this indicator is also important for use in an ordinary living room. Estimate the approximate volume of water that will collect in the tank. If there is a lot of moisture and the reservoir is small, you will have to drain the water quite often.

Dimensions, weight and installation method. The weight and dimensions of the dehumidifier will depend on the power and performance. Powerful and efficient industrial dryers are almost always a stationary unit of impressive size. Household dehumidifiers for home use are lightweight and compact devices. Offered by manufacturers climate control technology you can see the dehumidifiers wall mounting. They are compact, lightweight and quite suitable for residential use. But the most popular among household devices are portable mobile dehumidifiers. They differ small in size, neat design. But most importantly, such a device can be moved anywhere if necessary.

Air dryer design. Despite its fairly compact size (about the size of a small ottoman), the household dehumidifier will still be visible - it will not be possible to hide it at all due to the peculiarities of the device’s operation. Therefore, the design of the dehumidifier is also a very important parameter. I'm glad that manufacturers offer big choice stylish and modern models, different in design and color scheme. So choosing the most suitable product for your interior will not be difficult.

Additional functions:

  • Removable filters. It’s convenient when you can remove the filter yourself, clean it thoroughly and put it back in place. Regular cleaning and maintenance will significantly extend the life of the device.
  • Air purification. Some models of air dehumidifiers have special carbon filters and not only dry, but also purify the air. And the ultraviolet lamps built into the device destroy bacteria.
  • Auto restart. Useful feature, if frequent power outages or power surges in the network are possible in the room. Once the power is restored, the dehumidifier will automatically turn on and continue to operate in the mode you set.
  • Hygrostat. The built-in gyrostat allows you to control the level of humidity in the room and eliminates the possibility of drying out the air.
  • Tank full indicator. It will give a signal in a timely manner if the moisture collection tank is full.

Updated: 10/08/2018 14:45:46

Expert: Vladimir Golitsyn

*Review of the best sites according to the editors. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Dehumidifiers are designed to remove excess moisture from the air, which leads to the formation of mold and mildew in the room. There are several technologies used in devices. Desiccant dehumidifiers contain an adsorbent that effectively absorbs moisture. Such devices are used in warehouses for storing, for example, dried fruits, cereals and pasta. Compression valves work by condensing water vapor. Excess moisture falls on the cold surface, condenses and flows into the container. Water is removed manually or by installing a drainage tube.

Expertology experts carefully analyzed the market, ranking the 6 best dehumidifiers.

How to choose a dehumidifier

  1. Purpose. There are industrial and household ones. Different in performance and space-saving different sizes. Industrial ones absorb moisture in thousands of liters, and home ones - up to 50 liters per day.
  2. Varieties. Stationary devices They are mounted on the ceiling or wall, and the mobile ones have wheels that allow you to easily move the dehumidifier to any room. Almost all household dehumidifiers are mobile.
  3. Power. For a home, devices with 200-400 W ratings are sufficient. If greater performance is required, then pay attention to dehumidifiers with a power of 400-700 W.
  4. Intensity. For an area of ​​6-12 square meters, models with an intensity of 10-20 liters per day are suitable, for rooms with an area of ​​14-20 sq./m - 20-30 liters, for 15-30 sq./m - 30-40 liters, and for rooms over 30 sq./m – from 40 l.
  5. Air exchange. To choose the right dehumidifier, you need to calculate the volume of the room in which the device will operate. Buy devices with air exchange that is several times greater than the volume obtained in the calculations. For example, for 50 cubic meters you will need a model with an air exchange of 150-200 m3/h.
  6. Noise level. Most dehumidifiers have a medium capacity, so the noise level is 40-50 dB. The most comfortable reading will be within 40-45 dB.
  7. Hygrostat. Devices with a hygrostat are easy to use and economical. They work taking into account the humidity of the room without drying it out. In the process, energy consumption is saved, since turning on and off is triggered automatically depending on the set humidity parameters, that is, the device does not plow idle.
  8. Ionization. Air dehumidifiers with an ionization function artificially create a high concentration of air ions in the room. Thanks to this, breathing becomes pleasant and easy.

Rating of the best dehumidifiers

In first place in the rating is a universal air dehumidifier designed for installation in medium and large area. Typically purchased for use in swimming pools, warehouses, at car washes. The device operates using condensate technology, providing high efficiency with low energy consumption. The model has a built-in hygrostat and a moisture-resistant controller. The unit is equipped with an electronic control panel, with which the required humidity level is set. Remote control and wheels are included.


  • productivity – 100 l/day;
  • corrosion-resistant housing;
  • changing the side of water drainage;
  • modern design.


  • high cost - 164 thousand rubles.

The second place is occupied by a household dehumidifier for rooms with an area of ​​30 sq./m. The model is easy to install and operate. The device is mobile, so if necessary, it can be moved from room to room. Quickly removes excess moisture using 530 W. Equipped with a 6.5 liter liquid tank. The user can track the fullness of the tank using a special indicator, as well as many other parameters (temperature, current humidity, etc.). The noise level during operation is 45 dB, which is quite quiet, so you can relax peacefully at home. Electronic control (touch keys).


  • productivity – 30 l/day;
  • there is a timer;
  • acceptable cost - 17,600 rubles.


  • not found.

The third position goes to the model for household use. The device is compact, high-performance, and economical. Power consumption is only 570 W, so savings family budget will be noticeable. Due to its mobility, it does not require installation. Suitable for rooms with an area of ​​45-50 sq./m. There is an informative LCD display on the case, and control is carried out using an electronic unit. The user can select the fan speed and adjust the dehumidification intensity. The water collection tank, like the previous model, has a volume of 6.5 liters.


  • dust filtration;
  • timer;
  • self-diagnosis;
  • low level noise – 48 dB;
  • acceptable cost - 18,500 rub.


  • not found.

The fourth is a compact dehumidifier model. Works using capacitor technology. Discharges water in two ways to choose from: into a 3-liter tank or through drainage tube. The device is equipped with an electronic control unit and a convenient informative LED display. From functionality You can select the turbo dehumidification mode. The model, according to users in reviews, is different for a long time services and stable work. Suitable for rooms up to 20 sq./m.


  • humidity level control range – 30-80%;
  • there is a hygrostat and a hygrometer;
  • low noise level – 45-48 dB;
  • acceptable cost - 15,700 rubles.


  • not found.

In fifth place is a mobile dehumidifier for home use. The device quickly and quietly removes excess moisture, while purifying the air from bacteria, allergens, dust, thanks to installed filters. The model is equipped with a special defrosting function and a built-in hygrostat. The user has 3 modes at his disposal, which can be easily controlled using an electronic unit, monitoring the parameters on an informative LED display. Compact dimensions allow you to place the device even in a small room.


  • productivity – 20 l/day;
  • sound signal when the tank is full;
  • timer;
  • modern design;
  • low noise level – 41 dB;
  • Advantages

    • additionally heats the room;
    • timer;
    • self-diagnosis;
    • low noise level – 39 dB;
    • budget cost - 9 thousand rubles.


    • not found.

    Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Increased humidity in an apartment manifests itself in “crying” walls, foggy windows, wet clothes, and damaged furniture. If you are serious about regulating the microclimate at home, then in conditions of high humidity, you will need a special technique - a dehumidifier. Today we will discuss how to choose a dehumidifier for an apartment, which models to focus on.

What is the purpose of the air dryer?

High humidity can make breathing difficult, droplets deposited on surfaces and walls, and lead to the formation of mold in corners and crevices. We wrote about how to get rid of mold.

An air dehumidifier or moisture absorber is a special device that is designed to control humidity and the general microclimate in a room.

Working principle of the dehumidifier

Moisture absorber - enough new device in the domestic market, and so far the consumer treats it with distrust. Depending on the type of purpose they are used, they can be domestic or industrial. Household dehumidifiers operate on the following principles:

  • Adsorption. This method is based on the ability of certain substances to absorb moisture from the environment, for example, silica gel. The principle is similar to a purifier: an electric fan drives the air in the room through a filter with a water absorber. The desiccant dehumidifier creates a lot of heat due to the operation of the fan, so it will not freeze even in rooms with the lowest temperatures - warehouses, freezers, laboratories, etc. The downside is that you need to constantly change the filter that absorbs water. Adsorption desiccants can cover an area of ​​20 m2 and require filter replacement every 2-3 months.
  • Condensation. The lion's share of all absorbers operate on the principle of an air conditioner, where there is no provision for removing heat from the room and exchanging air masses. The device includes an evaporator, compressor, fan and air conditioner. When they operate, air enters the device onto the evaporator, the temperature of which is significantly lower than the environment. This causes condensation to form and excess moisture remains in the dehumidifier. And only a flow with reduced humidity gets back. They are used mainly in domestic conditions.
  • Assimilation. This is a method of natural normalization of humidity levels through air exchange with environment. Such a device works like a breather and gradually changes the moisture-saturated air in the room to drier air from the street. Application supply ventilation for the drying process is more effective, since in addition to the problem with humidity, the problem of normalizing the level is also solved carbon dioxide and temperature. But if there is high humidity outside, this device will not give the desired effect.
  • And for industry, a powerful refrigerated type of dehumidifier is more suitable.

What are the criteria for choosing a good dehumidifier?

  • Labor productivity. This is the amount of water that the dehumidifier can absorb in a certain unit of time. As a rule, this is l/hour, and less often l/day. For example, for a room with an area of ​​30 m2, you will need a device that absorbs at least 21 l/day. The formula for determining the productivity of the unit (l/day) looks like this: 0.7 x S room.

Important! The calculations are conditional, since a pool, bath or sauna may require a device of greater power, and in other rooms less.

  • Noise indicator. This parameter does not seem to be of secondary importance, since we're talking about about the operation of the device at home. Due to excessive volume, you risk losing normal sleep. The optimal noise level for a living space is 60-65 dB.
  • Location. The devices are floor-mounted, wall-mounted and table-top.

  • Design. You can't say what it is main criterion, but many types are comparable in size to an ottoman, so it won’t be possible to completely hide it.

Useful additional features of air dryers

  • Antibacterial air dryer filter. Many models are equipped ultraviolet lamps or carbon filters. They clean the air in the house from bacteria and viruses, and kill unpleasant odors.
  • Internal hydrostat. It will always maintain the humidity level at a given level, which prevents the microclimate from drying out.
  • Tank for condensate collection. Remember, depending on how big tank, depends on the frequency of its replacement and the operation of the dryer.
  • Tank full indicator. It is responsible for turning off the device if the condensate collection tank is full. This will avoid malfunctions of the absorber.

Review of the best dehumidifier models

The cost of moisture collectors directly depends on their size and device functions. If you decide to buy an air dryer and have decided on its approximate functions, then here is the rating: popular models from market leaders.

  • Steba LE 100. Product price 12,000-14,000 rubles. A combination of budget cost, quality and functionality. Consumes little energy and is almost silent. Moisture removal capacity: 10 l/day, air flow: 120 m³/hour, recommended room area: 20 m2. Equipped with frost protection and an automatic hygrometer. The disadvantage is that the volume of the moisture collector is only 2 liters, so under normal conditions it is filled every 2-3 days.
  • HomeExpress BDM-30L with aromatization function. You can buy this model for 20,000-25,000 rubles. This is a humidifier and dehumidifier in one bottle. With it you can increase or decrease the humidity in the room, as well as scent the air. Maximum moisture removal: 30 l/day, air flow: 180 m³/hour, recommended area: up to 30 m2. Among the disadvantages, users name the weight of the device and high level noise.
  • Timberk DH TIM 20 E1. Productivity is 20 l/day, the volume of air passed is 135 m 3 /hour, optimal for an area of ​​30 m 2. The issue price is 11,000-15,000 rubles. These mobile devices on wheels consume minimal energy, make virtually no noise, and work efficiently. Disadvantages - the case is very dirty.

  • NeoClima ND 10AH. This is a compact and simple device at a budget price of 7,000-10,000 rubles. Intensity 10 l/day, air flow 90 m³/h, works on an area of ​​up to 48 sq.m. It is fast and efficient in operation, but its tank is only 1.5 liters and it is noisy.
  • Dantherm CDF 10. The device can operate even when the room humidity is 100%. A dehumidifier can automatically maintain the desired level of humidity in a room. Capacity - 10 l/day, air exchange - 220 m³/hour, operating area - 20 sq.m. The device is equipped with frost protection, and is even suitable for restaurants, swimming pools and small industries. The only one problem - high price 109,000 rubles.
  • Ballu BDH-25L is a highly efficient and easily transportable device that can absorb 20 l/day in a 6.5 l tank, air exchange - 220 m³/hour, area - 30 sq.m. It makes virtually no loud sounds and has a touch control panel. Design will suit like for home classic style, and for himself modern interior. Costs 15,500 rubles.

Interesting! If purchased options seem expensive and cumbersome to you, then you can make a dehumidifier with your own hands. To do this, take a 2-liter bottle of water, freeze it in the freezer, take it out, and put it in a container. After 4-6 hours, you will see accumulated condensation in the container, and it will become easier to breathe in the room. If the norm is slightly exceeded, 100-200 ml of water will be collected overnight.

A dehumidifier is a device designed to maintain a given level of humidity in a room, as well as get rid of excess humidity. A dehumidifier is indispensable if it is necessary to eliminate the consequences high humidity– fungus, mold and prevent their occurrence. for an apartment, house, cellar, garage, pool you can at competitive prices.

How does a dehumidifier work?

Design and principle of operation of an air dryer

Most dehumidifiers operate on the principle of condensation of moisture in the air onto a cold surface.

The dehumidifier is equipped with two heat exchangers located one behind the other and connected in single circuit, which is filled with refrigerant (freon). Using a compressor, the refrigerant is circulated in the circuit and maintained operating pressure. The fan forces air from the room through the dehumidifier.

Passing under pressure through a thin and long capillary tube, the refrigerant is greatly cooled, enters the first heat exchanger and cools it. Humid air from the room passes through the first heat exchanger, cooling and forming condensate, which flows into a special tray, and can then either be collected in a special built-in container or discharged into the sewer system through a drainage pipe.

The refrigerant from the first heat exchanger heats up, evaporates and enters the compressor. Due to compression, the refrigerant becomes very hot and enters the second heat exchanger. In it, the refrigerant condenses under the influence of passing cold air. At the same time, the air heats up.

Thus, the dehumidifier first cools, then condenses moisture and heats the air.

What types of dehumidifiers are there?

Depending on the purpose, there are Various types dehumidifiers.

How to choose a dehumidifier?

To approximate the required drying regime and preliminary selection of dryers, it is enough to use empirical formulas, taking into account compliance with two basic requirements:

1. Dehumidification is carried out indoors.
2. The room temperature is within the operating temperature range of this dehumidifier.



Q - required moisture removal, l/h

V - room volume, m3

Vdr - volume of drained wood, m3

Rdr - density of dried wood, kg/m3

S - pool mirror area, m2

A detailed description of the dehumidification system design methodology is given in the Dantherm Dehumidification System Design Guide - 1998.

Application area

Required moisture removal, l/h


Dry storage(warehouses)

Q = Vx 1.2 x 10-3

Air exchange rate 0.3 Drying rate 2.5 g/m3 h Air temperature 20 °C

Dehumidification of residential and administrative premises

Q = V x 1.5 x 10 -3

Air exchange rate 0.5 dehumidification 2.5 g/m3 h Air temperature 20 °C

Drying buildings

Q = V x 2.0 x 10-3

Air exchange rate 0.3 Drying rate (taking into account the evaporation of moisture from wet materials) 3.2 g/m3 h Air temperature 20 °C Drying period 8 days

Drying wood

Q = Vdr X Rdr X 0.4 X 10 -3

Sealed drying chamber Air temperature 25-30 °C Relative humidity air 30-40% Drying rate 1% of wood moisture content per day

Swimming pool drainage

Private swimming pools up to 50 m2 (with protective cover, limited load):
Q = S x 0.1 Public swimming pools over 50 m2 (without protective coating, at normal load): Q = S x 0.2

Inflow of outside air - (10 x S) m3/hour Air temperature - (t water + 2) °C Relative humidity - 60%


The evaporation rate is calculated as follows:

W = e x S x (Pnas - Rust) g/h;

S is the area of ​​the water surface of the pool, m2;
Pnas is the water vapor pressure of saturated air at the water temperature in the pool, mbar;
Rust - partial pressure of water vapor at a given temperature and air humidity, mbar;

E - empirical coefficient, g/(m2 x hour x mbar):

0.5 - closed pool surface,
5 - fixed surface of the pool,
15 - small private pools with a limited number of swimmers,
20 - public swimming pools with normal activity bathers,
28 - swimming pools for recreation and entertainment,
35 - pools with water slides and significant wave formation.

Example. Private pool.

Pool mirror 20 x 5 m S= 100 m2
Water temperature 28 °C (100% r.h.) Рsat = 37.78 mbar
Air temperature 30 °C (60% r.h.) Rst = 25.45 mbar

Evaporation rate
W = 13 x 100 x (37.78-25.45) = 16029 g/h = 16 l/h Rust - water vapor pressure of saturated air at a given temperature and air humidity, mbar

a is the coefficient of pool occupancy by people:

1.5 - for play pools with active wave generation,
0.5 - for large public swimming pools,
0.4 - for hotel pools,
0.3 - for small private pools