Dry or freeze hot peppers. How to freeze fresh hot peppers for the winter in the freezer? Features of pepper storage

Dry or freeze hot peppers. How to freeze fresh hot peppers for the winter in the freezer? Features of pepper storage

Hot peppers - piquant, healthy, tasty and aromatic - can always be found in the bins of a good housewife. But fruits grown and harvested with their own hands have especially outstanding qualities. Hot pepper is a very rewarding vegetable: it is unpretentious in cultivation, very productive and not capricious during storage, because it itself contains preservatives. So to the question of how to preserve hot peppers for the winter at home, an addition is often appropriate: where should all this wealth be placed?

About the benefits of hot pepper

Hot peppers have the ability to resist the aging process of the entire body. This vegetable can also prevent the development of cancer. Hot peppers are recommended to be used to prevent the development of cancer cells. Doctors recommend eating pepper for people who suffer from atherosclerosis. It will be useful to eat this vegetable for rheumatism, gout, polyarthritis and myositis. An ointment containing hot pepper is recommended for use during catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, as well as frostbite. In addition, it will help in the treatment of radiculitis, arthritis and rheumatism.

Hot pepper is used for cosmetic purposes. For example, you can prepare a mask for aging skin or a tincture to improve hair condition.

Hot peppers have been shown to promote the production of endophrins, which can reduce pain and stress.

Harvesting a fragrant pepper harvest

Typically, peppers are collected selectively, once or twice a week, as they are ready. Total harvesting is carried out only when there is a threat of frost, which this crop cannot tolerate at all. The calendar dates for the start of harvesting largely depend on where the plants are grown - in a greenhouse, hotbed or open ground.

The finished fruits should be cut extremely carefully, with the stalk intact, so as not to damage the very fragile branches. It is best to use a special pruner or scissors for this purpose.

To store sweet peppers, it is necessary to select healthy fruits that are not damaged. The easiest way to do this is to spread the pods in a thin layer in some cool and well-ventilated area, such as a basement. After about a week, sick and weakened specimens will definitely manifest themselves - they will begin to rot.

For disinfection, it is recommended to treat healthy peppers with copper sulfate - just dip them in a one percent solution and then dry them directly in the air. It is most convenient to store them in boxes with a capacity of no more than 10 kg, which can be either wooden or made of other materials. The walls and bottom can be lined with wrapping paper, or you can wrap each pod in it separately.

If the temperature in the basement does not exceed 10 °C and the humidity is between 90 and 95%, the fruits will ripen within a month. Then you should lower the temperature to zero degrees - this will extend storage for another two months.

How to store hot peppers in the freezer

If you don’t want to bother with storing fresh peppers, then you can give preference to a much simpler and longer method of preparation - freezing.

Before harvesting, the peppers are sorted, leaving only fresh ones, washed and dried, and then placed in plastic bags with a zipper, trying to remove as much air as possible. Having removed all the air, the pods are sent to the freezer.

You can cut the peppers into rings, freeze them on a tray, and then put them in the same ziplock bags.

Methods for drying pepper seasoning for the winter

In the oven. With patience and plenty of time, you can dry the pepper well in a conventional gas or electric oven. The collected pods need to be washed and dried. Some cut the pods lengthwise into halves or quarters, removing the stems, while others dry them whole. The prepared peppers should be laid out in one layer on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Place in an oven preheated to 50°C, leaving the door slightly open. With such ventilation, the pepper will not bake, but will dry out.

On a string. This is a simple, “old-fashioned” way of drying peppers. You can dry mushrooms and apples in the same way. The main thing is to choose a warm, well-ventilated place where the air is not at all humid. Wash the peppers, dry them, and then use a needle to string them by the stalk onto a thick and strong thread. Then fasten both ends of the thread in the chosen place (this could be a balcony, loggia, etc.) and at the desired height. The pods need to be distributed on the string so that they do not touch each other. This way they will dry evenly on all sides.

On the window. This simple drying method is suitable for those who have wide window sills. They need to be covered with clean paper (parchment), washed and dried hot peppers should be laid out (can be cut into slices), covered with thin paper on top (to protect from dust) and the pods should be left to dry for 2-3 weeks, stirring/turning them from time to time.

Freezing hot peppers for the winter

How to freeze hot peppers for the winter? One of the main conditions for the success of the entire process is the correct preparation of hot peppers for freezing. First, it must be carefully inspected to prevent spoiled pods from getting into the workpiece. After this, the peppers are washed whole in cold water and dried on a towel.

To slightly reduce the severity, the product can be kept in boiling water for 2 - 3 minutes. Such processing will practically not reduce the content of fat- and water-soluble vitamins, but will significantly increase the shelf life during shallow freezing. Cutting the pods into strips or stringing them on top of each other will significantly save space in the chamber. When working with the product, it is advisable to protect your hands with ordinary medical or household rubber gloves.

Ways. There are several ways to freeze capsicums. First you need to decide on the freezing depth and storage temperature. The fact is that chili consists of 88% water and the processes that occur during its crystallization play a decisive role in its preservation.

For maximum preservation of appearance, hot peppers are frozen to a temperature of 0 ... + 2 ° C and stored in the refrigerator in the appropriate zone.

Under such conditions, all its properties remain unchanged for 40 days.

If priority is given to duration, then deep freezing should be done and kept in the freezer at -12 ... -18 ° C.

Pickling hot peppers for the winter

This is the most delicious way to preserve hot peppers for the winter. There are a lot of pickling recipes, but they all have the same principle - put the peppers in sterilized glass jars, pour in a marinade made from vinegar and salt with the addition of spices, and seal with sterile lids. Depending on the recipe, before sealing, jars of pepper are sterilized in boiling water or prepared without sterilization.

There are several tricks that will help you avoid annoying mistakes during marinating:

hot pepper preparation, unlike other vegetable twists, does not require a large amount of spices, a small amount of cloves, peppercorns, ginger and garlic is enough;

Use only coarse salt, not iodized;

for twisting, choose small jars with a volume of up to 1 liter;

Pickled peppers can be stored for 12-18 months in a dark, cool room;

To soften the taste of pickled peppers, they are cooked with pieces of sweet peppers, carrots or onions.

Hot peppers in a jar for the winter

Before making pickled hot peppers for the winter, their pods are washed and the dry ends are cut off. Seasonings and pepper are placed in prepared jars, which are first scalded with boiling water. The container must be filled up to the hanger. Then the water is brought to a boil, salt and sugar are added and the contents of the jars are poured, closed with nylon lids and the container is set aside until it cools. Then the brine is poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil and the jars are poured again. They are also closed and left for five minutes. Then the brine is drained again, boiled and the jars are poured one last time, after pouring vinegar into them. The container is sealed, turned upside down and cooled.

Is it possible to keep hot peppers fresh for the winter?

It is best to store fresh chili peppers in a cool, dark place or in the refrigerator on the middle shelf in a plastic bag and eat them continuously for up to 2 weeks. If you have a large amount of hot pepper stock for the winter, you need to carefully sort it and put it in the freezer.

Experienced housewives recommend calculating the approximate dosage of a product that may be used for several days, and placing it in trays or bags in order to draw out a small portion, and not separating the capsicum individually from the entire mass and not subjecting it to repeated defrosting or freezing. This process has a negative impact on the nutritional properties of vegetables and fruits and destroys half of the vitamins and minerals in foods.

How to prepare hot peppers for long-term storage? Red hot pepper is everyone's favorite. It is he who gives special piquancy to any dish, and can easily be a great addition to any meal. Red pepper is used in cooking, in making sauces, and also as a independent seasoning.

It's no secret that red peppers keep well for a long time.

Pepper is a type of fruit that does not need to be prepared for consumption.

That is, all you need is Rinse capsicum, and also some dry it from moisture, and the preparation is complete.

But some types of conservation and storage still require a different approach. If you don't want pepper became even more bitter during the time you decide to eat it, you will have to remove its seeds. They are the ones who contribute to the appearance of bitterness.

A quick and easy way to remove seeds from red peppers in this video:

Also remember that properly prepared peppers should be washed thoroughly. Insects, rain, soil residues - all this should not remain on the vegetable.

The best way to wash pepper is to place it for a few minutes into a bowl of warm water. During this time, pieces of dirt, harmful microbes and bacteria will come off the surface.

Then the pepper must be rinsed cool water and dry with a towel. If the recipe requires, cut the pepper lengthwise into two parts and scrape out the seeds. After this, the hot pepper is ready for subsequent preparations.


How to preserve hot peppers for the winter? There are several ways to store red hot peppers. In order to choose one specific one, you need to decide How will you use pepper in the future?. We will look at the main ways to preserve the hot vegetable and its beneficial properties.

How to preserve hot capsicums for the winter? Red hot pepper can be stored entirely. To do this, you can hang it by the stalk along with some other vegetables on a rope and hang in the room. Such storage will give you not only taste, but also aesthetic pleasure. During storage, the pepper will dry out a little, but will not lose its properties. Read more in our article.

Peppers can also be stored in the form of conservation. Sunflower oil is ideal for preserving the bitterness of the vegetable.

IN sterilized jar It is necessary to place previously washed and seeded peppers.

Then, you need to fill it with sunflower oil and, if desired, add spices and aromatic herbs.

The jar is rolled up with a sterilized lid and sent to dark, dry place for a couple of months.

You can also use pepper grind in a meat grinder. This method is suitable if you want to get homemade seasoning. You need to place the ground pepper on a baking sheet in the oven and dry it a little at 50 degrees. Then, after cooling, the ground hot pepper is placed in the package, where it waits in the wings.

Drying peppers in the oven can also be produced in its entirety. To do this, you need to place the washed vegetable on a baking sheet covered with paper and put it in the oven for a couple of hours at a temperature of fifty degrees. Pepper required turn over periodically from side to side.

How to cook hot peppers for the winter? Recipe for preparing hot peppers for the winter in tomato juice from this video:

At home

Hot peppers can only be stored in a warm room. Unfortunately, leaving vegetables in the cold threatens him with damage.

It's a completely different matter. Read more about this on our website.

The temperature in the room should not exceed thirty degrees. At the same time, storage provides a certain dryness. In a humid room, hot peppers will begin to deteriorate.

It is also advisable to store it either in a poorly lit part of the room or in a completely dark place. This has a beneficial effect on beneficial substances that can evaporate in direct sunlight or fluorescent lighting.

How to store capsicums at home? Pepper, depending on the storage form, can be left for a long time in special boxes.

As a rule, they are several boards nailed together.

Peppers can also be stored in jars. Often such a spicy vegetable is hung on a rope by the stalk.

Ground pepper can even be stored in regular packages.

How to store red hot pepper? Tips for storing salted and dried hot peppers in this video:

Optimal modes

As for humidity, it should be minimal, otherwise it may be allowed rotting vegetable.

You should also remember that the chili peppers must be prepared as well as possible - this is the key to successful storage.

Beware direct sunlight or direct light from a lamp.

Using the refrigerator

How to store hot peppers in the refrigerator? One way to store hot peppers is to store them in the refrigerator. To do this, the pepper must be properly prepared, namely washed and left without seeds. After this, a container is selected in which the pepper will lie. Usually this sterilized jar.

Next, depending on how you want the pepper to look in the end, choose a recipe. You can add to the capsicum onion and garlic. Pour boiling water over it and close the lid until the pepper marinates. You can also pour the pepper warm sunflower oil.

The most popular way is placement ground pepper in a jar. While it is in the refrigerator, it will not begin to rot or lose its beneficial properties, provided that the container in which you placed it was dry and sterile.

Shelf life

Chili peppers can be stored at home for a certain period of time depending on storage forms.

For example, pepper in a jar of oil If properly preserved, it can last from one to three years.

Dried Ground capsicum will delight you for exactly one year, after which it will lose its taste and properties. Peppers hung by the stalk can be stored for no more than one year.

And here is hot pepper, refrigerated, will be good for exactly four to six months (until spring) from the moment they are sent directly to the refrigeration unit.

Thus, we can conclude that preserving pepper at home is an action quite profitable, because for at least another half a year, you will be able to enjoy the taste of a spicy vegetable until new ones come to replace it.


How to store hot peppers in pods? Of course, the storage procedure must be approached comprehensively. You need to know how to properly prepare a vegetable, as well as how to choose the right form for storing it.

In any case, if you have studied all the issues related to this difficult matter, then you can start experiment, because there is nothing more pleasant than enjoying healthy and tasty vegetables during a cold and long winter - as a reminder of the past summer.

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The warm season in our country is quite short in duration, but you still want to enjoy vegetables and fruits all year round. It is good for health and brings taste pleasure.

Some fruits are not suitable long-term storage, some can be preserved by carrying out some manipulations with them, and some can even last for several months without any problems, practically without losing their beneficial properties.

In our articles, we have already talked in detail about ways to store bell peppers, in particular about drying them at home and freezing them in the freezer. Today we will talk about red hot pepper and how to store it. How to preserve hot peppers for the winter at home?


How to prepare hot peppers for long-term storage? Red hot pepper is everyone's favorite. It is he who gives special piquancy to any dish, and can easily be a great addition to any meal. Red pepper is used in cooking, in making sauces, and also as a independent seasoning.

It's no secret that red peppers keep well for a long time.

Pepper is a type of fruit that does not need to be prepared for consumption.

That is, all you need is Rinse capsicum, and also some dry it from moisture, and the preparation is complete.

But some types of conservation and storage still require a different approach. If you don't want pepper became even more bitter during the time you decide to eat it, you will have to remove its seeds. They are the ones who contribute to the appearance of bitterness.

Also remember that properly prepared peppers should be washed thoroughly. Insects, rain, soil residues - all this should not remain on the vegetable.

Then the pepper must be rinsed cool water and dry with a towel. If the recipe requires, cut the pepper lengthwise into two parts and scrape out the seeds. After this, the hot pepper is ready for subsequent preparations.

How to preserve hot peppers for the winter? There are several ways to store red hot peppers. In order to choose one specific one, you need to decide How will you use pepper in the future?. We will look at the main ways to preserve the hot vegetable and its beneficial properties.

How to preserve hot capsicums for the winter? Red hot pepper can be stored entirely. To do this, you can hang it by the stalk along with some other vegetables on a rope and hang in the room. Such storage will give you not only taste, but also aesthetic pleasure. During storage, the pepper will dry out a little, but will not lose its properties. Read more about ways to dry hot peppers in our article.

Peppers can also be stored in the form of conservation. Sunflower oil is ideal for preserving the bitterness of the vegetable.

IN sterilized jar It is necessary to place previously washed and seeded peppers.

Then, you need to fill it with sunflower oil and, if desired, add spices and aromatic herbs.

The jar is rolled up with a sterilized lid and sent to dark, dry place for a couple of months.

You can also use pepper grind in a meat grinder. This method is suitable if you want to get homemade seasoning. You need to place the ground pepper on a baking sheet in the oven and dry it a little at 50 degrees. Then, after cooling, the ground hot pepper is placed in the package, where it waits in the wings.

Drying peppers in the oven can also be produced in its entirety. To do this, you need to place the washed vegetable on a baking sheet covered with paper and put it in the oven for a couple of hours at a temperature of fifty degrees. Pepper required turn over periodically from side to side.

At home

The temperature in the room should not exceed thirty degrees. At the same time, storage provides a certain dryness. In a humid room, hot peppers will begin to deteriorate.

It is also advisable to store it either in a poorly lit part of the room or in a completely dark place. This has a beneficial effect on beneficial substances that can evaporate in direct sunlight or fluorescent lighting.

How to store capsicums at home? Pepper, depending on the storage form, can be left for a long time in special boxes.

As a rule, they are several boards nailed together.

Peppers can also be stored in jars. Often such a spicy vegetable is hung on a rope by the stalk.

Ground pepper can even be stored in regular packages.

Optimal modes

As for humidity, it should be minimal, otherwise it may be allowed rotting vegetable.

You should also remember that the chili peppers must be prepared as well as possible - this is the key to successful storage.

Using the refrigerator

How to store hot peppers in the refrigerator? One way to store hot peppers is to store them in the refrigerator. To do this, the pepper must be properly prepared, namely washed and left without seeds. After this, a container is selected in which the pepper will lie. Usually this sterilized jar.

Next, depending on how you want the pepper to look in the end, choose a recipe. You can add to the capsicum onion and garlic. Pour boiling water over it and close the lid until the pepper marinates. You can also pour the pepper warm sunflower oil.

The most popular way is placement ground pepper in a jar. While it is in the refrigerator, it will not begin to rot or lose its beneficial properties, provided that the container in which you placed it was dry and sterile.

Shelf life

Chili peppers can be stored at home for a certain period of time depending on storage forms.

For example, pepper in a jar of oil If properly preserved, it can last from one to three years.

Dried Ground capsicum will delight you for exactly one year, after which it will lose its taste and properties. Peppers hung by the stalk can be stored for no more than one year.

And here is hot pepper, refrigerated, will be good for exactly four to six months (until spring) from the moment they are sent directly to the refrigeration unit.

Thus, we can conclude that preserving pepper at home is an action quite profitable, because for at least another half a year, you will be able to enjoy the taste of a spicy vegetable until new ones come to replace it.

How to store hot peppers in pods? Of course, the storage procedure must be approached comprehensively. You need to know how to properly prepare a vegetable, as well as how to choose the right form for storing it.

In any case, if you have studied all the issues related to this difficult matter, then you can start experiment, because there is nothing more pleasant than enjoying healthy and tasty vegetables during a cold and long winter - as a reminder of the past summer.

Some tips on how to preserve hot peppers for the winter at home for as long as possible, so that even in the cold Russian winter you can pamper yourself with a spicy, spicy taste. Ways to store red chillies fresh in the refrigerator, dried and pickled.

How to keep peppers fresh for a long time

Crispy pepper is one of the favorite vegetables of Russian gardeners. Crispy pepper is one of the favorite vegetables of Russian gardeners. There are several ways to preserve it in the form of homemade preparations, but fresh and juicy peppers are much tastier than pickled or canned ones.

Ripe fruits retain their beneficial properties for 20 days if you put them in the refrigerator, but this is not enough for long-term storage of the crop. In order to always have fresh pepper available in winter, you must follow storage rules.

General rules for harvesting peppers

Of course, the best choice is ripe peppers, as they contain many vitamins. Nevertheless, they are not stored much, which is why gardeners collect green fruits.

Green pods can be picked 2 months after germination. Such peppers have reached the desired size, but do not have a rich color. Usually, they can stay in the refrigerator for more than 2 months, gradually ripening.

The transition from one phase of maturity to another takes from several days to 2 weeks, depending on the air temperature - the higher it is, the faster the fruit will ripen. It will acquire a bright color and its flesh will become crispier.

Peppers are collected three times a week, and the characteristics of the variety and plant growing conditions are also taken into account.

The best choice is ripe peppers, as they contain many vitamins

Cut the peppers using pruning shears or garden shears, leaving the stalk behind. Cut the peppers using pruning shears or garden shears, leaving the stalk behind. Unlike bell peppers, bitter peppers are characterized by thin skin, dry out faster and are less likely to rot. Experienced gardeners advise removing mature pods from the branch, as they are perfect for homemade preparations and seasonings.

After harvesting, thoroughly rinse and dry the selected vegetables. How do you know if bell peppers are suitable for storage? Fruits have 2 phases of ripeness:

In the first case, it means collecting green fruits. They are large, can be stored for a long time and are suitable for consumption. But pepper of botanical ripeness is intended for preparing dishes and preparations in the near future. Most often, gardeners are unable to store it for more than 1 month.

How to preserve bell peppers for the winter

You can store peppers fresh or frozen. Place selected clean vegetables in wooden boxes or plastic food containers. Traditionally, the harvest is sent to the cellar, but the refrigerator and balcony are also suitable for this purpose. Wrap each fruit in thick paper, avoid high humidity in the room. So, peppers will delight you with taste and benefits longer.

Some gardeners place bell peppers in plastic bags with holes to prevent damage to the crop. The shelf life in such cases is from 4 to 6 months.

Large volumes of the harvested crop are stored in boxes with river sand, which are lined with newspapers. Using this storage method, the fruits are not washed before being sent to the bins, but simply wiped with a clean cloth.

Simply freezing will help preserve ripe peppers for 6 months or more. Select the largest and brightest fruits and remove the core. Place vegetables in boiling water for 30 seconds, then cool. Now fold the flexible peppers one into the other, place them compactly in plastic bags, and put them in the freezer. You can take this pepper out of the refrigerator at any time; it is suitable for preparing treats and retains maximum nutrients.

Simple freezing will help preserve ripe peppers for 6 months or more.

How to store hot pepper harvest

Peppers of technical ripeness can also be sent to bins; it is best to hang them in a cool room. They will gradually dry out, however, this will not affect their quality in any way.

To dry hot peppers for the winter, simply hang them in bunches in the garage, cellar or on a glassed-in balcony. Some fans prefer to store it in oil, where the fruit becomes less pungent.

If you have an electric vegetable dryer, then the task is greatly simplified. It is possible to dry the peppers in just 8 hours, after which they can be used as a seasoning.

Secrets of proper storage of pepper harvest

It is important to know that the shelf life of vegetables directly depends on growing conditions. Fruits grown on your own country plot are stored longer and have a richer taste.

Let's consider the rules, the observance of which guarantees the preservation of high quality pepper for several months:

  • careful selection of fruits;
  • excluding the contact of pepper with other vegetables;
  • separate storage of peppers of different degrees of maturity.

The shelf life of pepper directly depends on the growing conditions.

It's no secret that damaged fruits and those infected with garden diseases can ruin most of the harvest into which you have invested time and effort. That is why take the time to sort through the peppers several times, removing specimens with spots and signs of rotting.

It is best to place green peppers not in the refrigerator, but in the cellar, since too low a temperature interferes with the ripening process. Feel free to freeze ripe peppers without fear, in this form they will remain until spring and will not lose any of their taste and vitamins. Remember to wrap vegetables in thick paper or use bags. If the surface of the fruit is wrinkled, then its pulp will be dry and suitable only for canning.

When kept in the cold, sweet peppers remain fresh for a long time, however, when exposed to sunlight, they begin to deteriorate. If you rub the surface of a vegetable with sunflower oil, it will remain elastic longer.

When kept in the cold, sweet peppers remain fresh for a long time, however, when exposed to sunlight, they begin to deteriorate

If you want to leave a large harvest in the bins, then sprinkle the peppers with dry sawdust or sand. Any type of pepper can be dried, but hot chili peppers are best suited for this purpose.

Prepare a storage room for vegetables in advance. Rinse the containers with a solution of copper sulfate, and in order to remove excess dampness, place small boxes with coal or salt in the corners of the room.

The temperature with moderate humidity should be between 2 and 9 °C. Fruits absorb foreign odors well, so keep strong-smelling foods away from them. Boxes, bags and containers must be clean.

Belozerka sweet pepper has a high yield and tolerates transportation and storage well.

How to choose a pepper variety for long-term storage

If you have set yourself the goal of enjoying fresh peppers until the New Year, then it is important to choose the right variety of vegetable. Do not plant early varieties; it is much better to take a closer look at mid-season and late varieties. For example, sweet pepper "Belozerka" It has a high yield and tolerates transportation and storage well.

Pepper "Hercules" It ripens late, so in central Russia, gardeners plant it in a greenhouse. Perfectly preserved in cellar conditions, suitable for canning and salads.

Hot peppers can be harvested before the first frost; they retain their taste excellently and hardly spoil. Gardeners prefer varieties such as "Astrakhan" And "Ram's Horn".

By following the rules for harvesting and storing pepper, you can provide yourself with vitamins for many months. The choice of dishes from this vegetable is wide; it is suitable for homemade preparations and for preparing soups and side dishes. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to have a spacious pantry or cellar, since the fruits can be stored compactly in the freezer. Hot peppers also do not take up much space in the apartment, being in limbo.

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How long can peppers be stored? Which fruits will last longer: tips for harvesting. Legacy varieties. Conditions and shelf life of fresh bell peppers. How long do frozen fruits last? How to properly store hot peppers. Useful recommendations.

It is best to store fresh chili peppers in a cool, dark place or in the refrigerator on the middle shelf in a plastic bag and eat them continuously for up to 2 weeks. If you have a large amount of hot pepper stock for the winter, you need to carefully sort it and put it in the freezer.

Experienced housewives recommend calculating the approximate dosage of a product that may be used for several days, and placing it in trays or bags in order to draw out a small portion, and not separating the capsicum individually from the entire mass and not subjecting it to repeated defrosting or freezing. This process has a negative impact on the nutritional properties of vegetables and fruits and destroys half of the vitamins and minerals in foods.

Fresh chili pepper

Proper placement of hot peppers in the freezer extends their shelf life without loss of beneficial properties for 1 year.

Many women who often add red pepper to dishes wash it before freezing, chop it to the desired size and, pack single-serving portions into bags or trays, place it in the freezer. And in winter they enjoy delicious dishes that speed up the metabolism, because it slows down in the cold season, and help burn excess calories, maintaining slimness and an excellent figure, increasing the body’s performance and resistance to viruses.

To reduce the pungency and soften the taste, it is recommended to remove all or part of the seeds before freezing.

The easiest way to store hot peppers is in dried form; there are several ways to bring the product to the required state:

  1. Gas or electric oven: wash the chili peppers and remove excess moisture with a paper towel. For convenience, most housewives cut the fruit in half, into pieces or remove the stalk; you can dry the whole hot pepper. Line the baking sheet with baking parchment, place the product in one layer and place it in the oven at a temperature of 50-60°C. A prerequisite is that the door is slightly open; thanks to this ventilation, it dries and does not bake.
  2. Grandmother's method with a rope is the simplest method, which has been used for decades. If there is a well-ventilated place where the sun's rays fall, the chili pepper, strung on a thread with a needle and attached at the required height, is dried in a matter of days. The product must be distributed in such a way that the fruits do not touch each other.
  3. Grate for the stove: this device is fixed above the stove, thanks to the long legs, fire safety is observed, drying is carried out for 3 hours, the pods must be turned after a while. The burners are turned on at medium power, allowing gradual heating and drying of the product.
  4. Electric dryer: the cost of this equipment pays off within a season, and the benefits are enormous. Storing hot peppers dried in such devices is not a problem; they turn out to be the perfect consistency and do not lose vitamins. Drying time is about 12 hours, during which the pods must be turned over occasionally.
  5. Window and sun: if it is impossible to use more convenient methods of drying hot peppers, there is a simple way, thanks to which the housewife will not spend a penny, but there will be certain inconveniences. The washed chili peppers are spread evenly on parchment paper and placed on the window so that the sun's rays reach all the pods. To prevent dust from getting on the product, cover it on top with cloth or paper. Drying in this way lasts up to 3 weeks with the condition of constantly turning the pepper. To obtain faster results, the pods are cut lengthwise or into small pieces.

Drying peppers on a rope

To preserve hot pepper for a long time, experts recommend that after proper drying, place it in hermetically sealed containers and place it in a dark place at room temperature. The best option is to use small glass jars that hold a few hot peppers. They are opened as needed, because in winter the cost of this vegetable increases significantly, so early purchase and proper storage can save money.

Red dried pepper

The pepper should be red, ripe and fleshy: such fruits contain a small amount of moisture and they dry quickly without losing their pungency. If there is a need to save space, housewives take linen or paper bags and put dried peppers there; some grind the product in a blender or coffee grinder, and pour the powder into a glass container. The use of such a seasoning gives soups, salads, and sauces an exquisite and original taste, and canned foods acquire a pleasant crunch and spicy aroma that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Fans of spicy and savory dishes can tell you many interesting facts about the product that makes them so. Hot capsicums are used by chefs in many countries in Europe, Asia, America, and the Middle East. Its beneficial qualities are used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology. The beneficial effect on the human body is due to the high content of useful substances in it. How to preserve hot peppers at home for a long winter will be discussed in this article.

Hot red pepper, or chili, is an unpretentious plant. With proper care it gives a good harvest. Therefore, housewives with a summer cottage, during the vegetable harvesting season, are wondering how to store hot peppers in winter.

You can use the following methods:

  • store indoors;
  • place in the refrigerator;
  • to freeze;
  • dry;
  • preserve;
  • prepare in oil or .

When the vegetables are harvested, they are laid out and left for 6-7 days to identify poor-quality pods. Then they are sent for further storage or processing.

Fruits of different colors, including green, are often collected from the garden beds. Ripe red peppers are suitable for storage in any form, and green ones can be preserved.

Do you know that…

If you leave fresh green pods in the air, they will gradually ripen.

Fresh hot peppers

When thinking about how to store hot peppers, you should first think about preserving the beneficial properties of the vegetable. Observant gardeners noticed that it practically does not spoil. Left unattended, chili will simply dry out over time, provided the room is dry.

  • place it in a room where it is dry and cool (7-10 ° C);
  • protect from sunlight, as they reduce the beneficial properties of pepper;
  • put the vegetable in boxes or plastic bags (stores up to one and a half months);
  • dig up a bush with pods and hang it on an insulated balcony, in a storage room (it will remain fresh for three months).

You can grow a fresh hot vegetable on the windowsill in your apartment if you choose bush pepper.

Bush pepper is a decorative variety of hot pepper that can be grown indoors.

For example:

  • “Indian Summer” – bears fruit for 4 months;
  • “Splashes of the Sun” - a variety with yellow fruits;
  • “Bead” – round orange fruits;
  • “Dragon” – very spicy taste;
  • "Carmen" - large fruits of universal use;
  • “Bride” is a very fragrant variety;
  • “Queen of Spades” – large, fragrant fruits of universal use;
  • "Rowanushka" - orange fragrant fruits.

2-3 decorative bushes with fragrant pods will not only decorate the interior, but will also provide a sharp taste sensation.

Do you know that…

The highest concentration of beneficial substances is found in a fully ripe pod. This is indicated by a rich color, which can be red, orange, yellow depending on the variety.

Cold storage


Storing hot peppers by freezing is another option for using a hot vegetable in the winter.

You can freeze both whole and chopped pods:

  • In general, it is better to freeze small specimens so that they can be added to dishes in winter without cutting. To do this, place the vegetables on a tray and place them in the freezer. Once frozen, place in bags.
  • Also place the crushed mass on a tray for freezing, then pour into bags or containers in small portions and store in the freezer.

In this form, the vegetable can be stored for a year.

If the whole pepper is stored fresh, its bitterness gradually increases.

Tip of the day

A cut pod can burn your skin, so use medical gloves when handling it. While working, do not touch your face and especially take care of your eyes.

Drying hot peppers

The easiest way to store spicy vegetables for the winter is drying. How to dry hot peppers? This procedure can be done in different ways:

  • in limbo;
  • spread out horizontally;
  • in the oven;
  • in an electric dryer.

The methods discussed below will tell housewives how to dry chili peppers correctly.

In limbo

It is worth taking a closer look at how to properly dry hot peppers in a suspended state. This method is familiar to the grandmothers and great-grandmothers of modern housewives.

  1. Using a needle, string the vegetables by the tail onto a strong thread. You will get a kind of garland of pods.
  2. Hang it in a darkened room and wait until the pods are completely dry. If the peppers break when pressed, this indicates their readiness.

You can hang vegetables, which are previously secured with a needle and thread in groups of three, on a thick fishing line or rope.

Place the finished pepper in closed glass jars. Or leave it in bundles that will decorate the interior of the kitchen.

Horizontal drying

If space allows, you can dry chili peppers for the winter by laying them out on paper, turning them over periodically to dry evenly.

In the oven

To dry peppers in the oven, place baking paper on a baking sheet and arrange the vegetables whole or chopped.

  1. Dry the vegetables in the oven at a temperature of no more than 50 °C. Keep the door slightly open.
  2. Turn the peppers over from time to time to prevent them from overcooking.
  3. Dry for about 2 hours. After 24 hours, repeat the process.

Do the same with the crushed pods.

In an electric dryer

Answering the question of how to dry hot peppers, you can suggest doing it in an electric dryer. True, this procedure is longer. We recommend that you read the instructions to avoid trouble.

Dried hot pepper is used in wigs, curries, khmeli-suneli and other seasonings.

Dried pods are used in winter to prepare sauces, stews, and add spiciness and flavor to dishes. To do this, some of them are ground in a coffee grinder or blender.

Tip of the day

Grind the dried semi-finished product not all at once, but as needed, so that the resulting spice does not lose its properties and does not fizzle out.

Canning hot peppers

Canning is another way to preserve crops. Fans of spicy food are trying to make preparations to please their loved ones with delicious dishes during the long winter.

Along with the peppers, peppercorns and spicy herbs are added to the jars. Depending on the preservative content in the filling, the vegetable turns out to be salted or pickled.

Adding meat or tomato juice makes the recipe original, and the contents of the jar create an unforgettable taste.

In the marinade

Hot peppers for the winter can be prepared according to this recipe:


  • 150 ml water (boiling water);
  • 150 ml vinegar;
  • 10 pieces. sharp pods.

Process description:

  1. Rinse the vegetables and dry them overnight.
  2. Trim the stems without removing the seeds.
  3. Place tightly in a clean jar.
  4. Fill the jar with boiling water to the very top.
  5. After 5 minutes, drain half the water and add 9% vinegar to the jar.
  6. Screw on the lid, turn over and leave until completely cool.

You can use either red or green pods for this simple recipe. Green peppers will be less spicy.

The severity of hot peppers is affected by the degree of their ripening; green vegetables are always less hot


It wouldn’t hurt to prepare hot peppers for the winter using the following recipe:

  1. Rinse the pods with stalks. Pierce each peppercorn with a knife and place in a jar.
  2. Fill a jar of peppers with cold water to determine its quantity, pour into a saucepan.
  3. Add a small amount of salt to the water. Check the saturation of the brine: place a clean egg in salt water; if there is enough salt, the egg will float on the surface of the water.
  4. Fill the jar to cover the vegetables, close with a nylon lid.

For pickling, it is best to take a green vegetable.

Pickled peppers are an indispensable appetizer on the holiday table.

In tomato juice

Here's how you can preserve hot peppers for the winter:

  1. Wash the vegetables, dry them, cut off the stems.
  2. Using a toothpick, pierce each pod several times.
  3. Add 1 tsp to 2 liters of tomato juice. salt and 2 tsp. (the amount of salt and sugar can be changed to taste).
  4. Place the pods in boiling tomato juice and boil for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Transfer the contents into sterilized jars and fill with juice to the very top.
  6. Roll up the jars with metal lids.

In oil

Hot peppers are effectively preserved in oil.

  1. Place the prepared pods without stalks in sterile jars.
  2. Fill them with warm oil:, or rapeseed.

This method is good because the vegetable retains all its beneficial properties and enhances its taste, and the smell becomes more intense.

Unlike previous methods, storage in oil requires some financial costs. But despite this, housewives use it to diversify their winter supplies.

In vinegar

Storing the hot vegetable in vinegar simplifies the housewife’s work.

  1. Place the pepper in a jar with whole pods or pieces. You can add small onions or cut into pieces.
  2. Fill the contents with 9% vinegar.
  3. Cover with a nylon lid and store at room temperature.

Both the pods and vinegar are used, which gives it a peppery taste.

Do you know that…

The hottest part is the seeds. By clearing the pod of seeds, you can adjust its sharpness.

Each method of storing hot peppers for the winter is good in itself. The main thing is to decide in what case the vegetable will be consumed.

Store correctly and be healthy!