Mistakes to avoid in your summer cottage. Mix soil with clay and crushed stone

Mistakes to avoid in your summer cottage.  Mix soil with clay and crushed stone
Mistakes to avoid in your summer cottage. Mix soil with clay and crushed stone

Seventh mistake

The technique of mulching the soil is rarely used - this is the seventh mistake. Mulching the soil allows you to keep the soil moist and fertile; mulch suppresses the growth of weeds and fights well against pests and plant diseases. When mulching, less effort is spent on weeding, watering and other work.

It is good to use peat, grass clippings from the lawn, sawdust, fallen leaves, and so on as mulch. In the garden, on the tree trunk circle, you can use black plastic film, stones, laid out as mulch. beautiful ornament, decorate trunk circle boards.

Eighth mistake

Liming of acidic soils is carried out poorly - the eighth mistake. Almost all soils in our Northwestern region are acidic. And the fight against soil acidity is either not carried out at all or is carried out in violation of technology. Everyone knows what lime is and what it is needed for, but they do not know how to use it correctly. Most often, gardeners and vegetable growers usually create the appearance that liming is being carried out. They are trying to sprinkle lime on the beds somewhere, somehow. But in most cases, they do not know how to properly liming soils.

Plants on acidic soils often starve, excess hydrogen blocks the pathways of exchange reactions between the root and the soil, and the plants are deprived of the opportunity to absorb nutrients, although there are sufficient nutrients in the soil.

It is necessary to apply lime fertilizers correctly. First, follow the dose. For five years each square meter area of ​​soil should receive at least one kilogram of dolomite flour. Lime can be applied once or in portions annually. Secondly, the main condition for correct application lime fertilizers - this means thoroughly mixing lime with the soil. This condition is practically not met. Vegetable growers “spray” a little lime somewhere and think it’s liming. But it's not like that. With proper liming, finely ground dolomite flour it is necessary to disperse it evenly over the surface of the soil, then immediately thoroughly mix it with the entire mass of soil by digging, while achieving the most complete mixing of the soil with the fertilizer. Simply spreading lime over the surface of the soil is ineffective. Lime is a water-insoluble fertilizer; it does not react to neutralize acidity in layers or lumps. And in this case it is wasted.

To neutralize acidity, finely ground lime fertilizer must be thoroughly mixed with the soil so that all the lime particles come into contact with all the small soil particles. This is the whole secret of liming, the secret of the interaction of alkaline fertilizer with acidic soil. Here, as in chemistry, reactions occur after thorough “shaking”, mixing of all interacting components.

Ninth mistake

Many gardeners and vegetable growers like to “save” on fertilizers - this is the ninth mistake. They do not buy and apply a complete set of fertilizers, but like to apply one kind of fertilizer. It seems to them that they only need him. this moment plant. People often ask: what should we feed the plants with? Are they growing poorly? This is a fundamentally wrong question. The use of nitrogen or phosphorus or some other fertilizers unilaterally disrupts the nutritional regime of the soil and creates an imbalance nutrients and does not give positive results.

The rule is no need to skimp on fertilizers. Plants need the entire complex of fertilizers, approximately the same as indicated when considering the first error (see the first part of this article). Fertilizers are not dangerous; their shortage is more dangerous; plant starvation is dangerous. When plants are starved, they accumulate more toxic compounds in food products. For example, an increased content of nitrates in products does not appear at all due to the fact that nitrogen nitrate fertilizers were added, as many people think, but because the plants cannot absorb and digest them, as they are starving from a lack of copper, cobalt, molybdenum and other microelements. Trace elements and enzymes containing them are responsible for converting nitrates into amino acids and protein. With a lack of microelements, nitrates accumulate in plant cell sap and nitrogen is converted into amino acids, while proteins are delayed. We learn about this by increased content nitrates in food products.

Tenth mistake

Agricultural techniques for cultivating plants are often violated - this is the tenth mistake. Instead of precise technology, some kind of soil cultivation technology that is convenient or easier for the gardener is often used. Options are being invented to simplify the technology, to do without digging up the soil or other activities. They forget to cover the moisture in time in the spring, do not carry out early spring harrowing, instead of moldboard or moldboard-less plowing they use light surface tillage, which supposedly helps reduce the contamination of the soil with weeds. Plant feeding areas are not maintained; thickened plantings are most often used. Required systems the use of fertilizers, systems for controlling weeds, diseases and plant pests are not implemented. People often forget to dig up the soil in the fall. No intercrops or green manures are sown. Water the soil irregularly. Digging of the soil is often carried out poorly; there are many blocks, uneven areas, and so on. These are all “wounds” on the soil that do not heal for a long time.

Gardeners and vegetable growers, having received a dacha plot and arrived at the dacha, think that they are the masters here, kings and gods, and do whatever they want. In fact, the gardener and vegetable grower summer cottage just a small link in nature the food chain. On well-groomed and fertile soil, nothing threatens the gardener, but on “unkempt soil” there are much more threats. In the USA, if you have an unkempt lawn or uncut grass on your lawn, you can end up in jail or pay a large fine.

The fight against weeds, pests and plant diseases is weak, garden plot usually turns into a real breeding ground for unwanted plants and dangerous organisms. Weeds are easy to deal with in the germination phase by simply harrowing the soil (forgot), in a more mature state it is necessary to destroy weeds before flowering and seed ripening (forgot), if pests and diseases spread above the threshold of harmfulness (destruction of 15-30-50% of the crop) go for more effective means and even on chemicals– they also forgot.

Among the violations of agricultural technology, irregular and insufficient watering soil. Alternating wetting and drying of the soil is very dangerous; soil fertility is sharply reduced. With alternate drying and moistening, nutrients are permanently fixed by the soil; they enter the crystal lattice of minerals and become inaccessible to plants. The rule is to water the soil wisely; it is better to do this not often, but abundantly. It is necessary to water the entire feeding area, and not just around the plant in the hole.

Exact compliance with agrotechnical requirements for cultivating plants and tilling soil is the law of safety and obtaining environmentally safe food. Each stage in the technological chain of plant cultivation must be performed accurately and on time. On our soils it is difficult to do without spring harrowing to lock up moisture, spring plowing with soil rotation to apply fertilizers, repeated cultivation and weeding to combat weeds, autumn digging of the soil to combat weeds and dangerous diseases and pests. And this is an incomplete list of mandatory activities that every gardener and vegetable grower should carry out.

In addition, you need to create paradises for soil and garden animals, they will help gardeners and vegetable growers comply with agricultural techniques for cultivating plants. Ladybug eats up to 150 aphids a day, toads and frogs destroy insects and snail eggs, bees and bumblebees pollinate plants - and this is only a small part of what garden animals do on your site. For creating favorable conditions soil and garden living creatures need to organize a useful mess in some corners of the dacha - an overgrown corner, compost heap, a place with stumps and twigs to attract birds, hedgehogs, lacewings, hoverflies and so on. Create beautiful piles of brushwood, stones, boards, a corner with nettles and forage plants for butterflies, caterpillars and birds, shelters for frogs, toads, hedgehogs. These are friends of gardeners and gardeners and hardworking helpers.

We hope that our advice will help you, dear readers, avoid mistakes in dacha farming. There are many of them, but let them become fewer for you. We wish you success!

Sometimes, novice city-dwelling gardeners work hard all summer, “sprucing up” their beds on six acres, but the vegetables, as if under a spell, fail. What is the reason for these very disappointing failures? What don’t like about tomatoes and cucumbers, cabbage and carrots in our garden? You may be able to find a fairly simple answer to some questions in this article.
But to make it easier to find the correct answers to such questions, let’s trace the entire sequence of our actions in this delicate issue, as they say, from “A” to “Z.”

Common errors
* The main mistake is the lack of crop rotation. Even on a small area, crop rotation must be observed. This will protect vegetables from pests and especially from diseases.
Only potatoes can grow in the same place for years, but provided that organic fertilizers are added to the soil annually.
* Very serious mistake committed by those gardeners who are in a hurry to put their produce in the basement as quickly as possible. This can only be done when the air temperature in the basement drops no higher than 5–6 degrees. In warm autumn, it is necessary to keep the products in a shed or under a canopy with good ventilation, and only then bring them into a cooled basement.
* Cabbage will thank the gardener with a record harvest if it is planted on a richly seasoned organic fertilizers soil.
* Cabbage cannot be planted in the shade of trees and buildings, because at the same time, it will produce small heads of cabbage or not form them at all.
* Under no circumstances should cabbage be planted after other plants of the cabbage family - radish, radish, turnip, rutabaga, daikon, lobo, etc. Otherwise, the plants may get clubroot disease, and then you won’t even have to count on a meager harvest.
* Cauliflower does not tolerate dry and hot weather. Therefore, with the onset of heat, it must be shaded by covering it with a film like spandbond or in a simple old-fashioned way, by lifting and tying several of its leaves into a bundle.
* The most common mistakes when growing potatoes are dense planting or sparse seedlings. The reason for the first mistake is the desire to plant as many tubers as possible on each linear meter.
The main reason for the second mistake is planting tubers with long white sprouts that grew during storage. Such tubers sprout slowly. Therefore, white sprouts that are more than 3 cm in length must be broken off.
* To protect potato seedlings from return frosts, they must be hilled up to the very tops of the shoots. At the same time, this will cause the growth of an additional layer of roots on which tubers are formed.
* Before emergence, the soil must be loosened with a rake. On overfertilized soil, potato tops reach a meter in height, and few tubers are formed. You can try to correct this mistake by crushing some of the plants' tops.
* Contrary to the common misconception that potatoes should not be watered, they are one of the biggest water drains. It especially needs moisture in June and the first half of July. Experienced gardeners They believe that the number of potato tubers depends on watering in June, and the size of the tubers depends on watering in the first half of July.
Bulb onions
* You cannot plant onions and garlic in one place for two years in a row, otherwise the plants will be tormented by diseases and pests.
* When planting, onion sets are covered with only 1 cm of soil on top, otherwise the bulb will develop and store poorly. If the bulbs are buried in the soil, then at the end of June, rake the soil from them.
* The bulb will not grow well if you cut the green feather from the plant.
* Onions require abundant watering only at the beginning of growth. 20–25 days before harvesting, watering is completely stopped, otherwise the bulbs will not be stored well and will rot.
* If the onion set goes into arrows (due to the fact that it was not stored correctly in winter and the seeds were not subjected to certain processing), then the arrows should be broken off at the base. If it forms arrows again, then it is better to remove these plants from the garden bed and use them primarily for food.
* Carrots do not tolerate freshly manured soil. At the same time, the root crops begin to branch and take on an ugly shape.
* Carrots generally do not tolerate waterlogged areas, but in dense areas clay soils it also takes on an ugly shape.
* Essential has plants thinned: the first time at a distance of 1 cm from each other (at the stage of 1–2 true leaves) and the second time through 3 cm from each other (at the stage of 3–4 true leaves).
* Watering carrots is especially necessary during the first period of plant growth and at the very beginning of the formation of root crops.
* The main pest of carrots, the carrot fly, is well repelled by onions sown in the same or neighboring bed.

Cucumbers in a film greenhouse
* Cucumbers will thank the gardener with a record harvest if they are planted in freshly manured soil.
* Do not water cucumbers in the evening, but only in the first half of the day and only with settled warm water.
* Excess moisture provokes the development of rot and disease.
* The most serious mistake is the lack of formation or incorrect formation of plants, taking into account the characteristics of the cultivated variety.
* Cucumbers are afraid of drafts, prefer to ventilate the greenhouse from above and really do not like sudden temperature changes.
Tomatoes in a greenhouse
* At the time of planting, the seedlings must be fresh, because wilting of seedlings leads to shedding of the first flowers and loss of harvest.
* Tomatoes require heat, but when the air temperature in the greenhouse is above 30 degrees, they stop growing and pollinating.
* Tomatoes love drafts. " Finnish sauna"in a greenhouse can cause them more harm than all frosts, pests and diseases combined.
* Dry soil and heat air leads to shedding of flowers and small ovaries, and irregular watering leads to cracking of the fruits.
* Under no circumstances should you water tomatoes. cold water, especially in hot weather.
* For better pollination of flowers, it is useful to lightly tap the twine to which the plants are tied with a stick in the morning, because this promotes the movement of pollen.
* You can significantly increase the resistance of tomatoes to late blight by spraying them twice with an iodine solution (3–5 drops) and 1 glass of skim milk per 1 liter of water with an interval of 7–10 days or by spraying them with the preparation “Uniflor-micro” according to the instructions.
* Radishes do not tolerate dense planting. At the same time, its tops reach towards the light, but the root crops do not grow. The main mistake was made when sowing the seeds. They need to be planted at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other so that the plants have room.
* Radishes love moisture no less than cabbage. In hot weather, it should ideally be watered both in the morning and in the evening. On fertilized greenhouse soil, it should be planted as if in a dug trough. When leaving your garden for five working days, don’t be too lazy to fill this “trough” well with water.
* If you have multi-sprouting beet seeds, then you do not need to sow them in the garden right away, because then you will have to pull out the seedlings a lot. It is better to sow these seeds early in a greenhouse for seedlings, which are then planted individually in their place.
* Special meaning has timely thinning of crops: the first time in the phase of 2–3 true leaves at a distance of 2 cm from each other, and the second time after 20 days at a distance of 6–8 cm.
Apples and pears
* Fruits are poorly stored in the same storage with vegetables and potatoes. They are quickly affected by various fungal diseases, and also acquire an unpleasant, unusual odor, losing their special aroma and taste.
* Much top scores when storing fruits, they are obtained when used when they are packaged polyethylene film, shavings, peat chips and other materials than when storing products in bulk.
* Before storing in storage, fruits must be sorted by size and variety and each fraction must be stored in a separate container. Mixing varieties significantly increases fruit spoilage.

Everyone makes mistakes, and summer residents are no exception. To grow vegetables and fruits, you need to put in a lot of physical effort and time. In addition, this activity is very expensive, so it is better to provide for all the nuances and avoid mistakes that could cause poor yields. Starting to lead dacha farming, it is impossible to learn everything at once. Therefore, you should listen to the advice of professionals, look for useful information and acquire the necessary experience and skills. Here are the most common mistakes made by novice gardeners.

Autumn fertilizing of the soil

Majority vegetable crops, bearing fruit during the season, carry a lot out of the soil along with the harvest useful substances, which leads to its depletion. In this regard, fertilizing the soil in autumn period has very great importance. This is necessary to help perennial plants survive the winter. However, it should be remembered that overfeeding the soil is just as harmful as not feeding it enough. Therefore, you need to fertilize it wisely. First, you need to consider what plants will be planted on the site next season. And secondly, for each wintering plant, the dose of nutrients must be determined individually.
A favorite garden fertilizer is manure, which has a very beneficial composition for plants. However, it should be used with caution. In particular, fresh manure can even be harmful, causing plants to burn. It is much more advisable to use it rotted. This fertilizer can be applied at any time, but without much excess.

Crop rotation

Many summer residents plant vegetables in the same place year after year. As a result, productivity decreases significantly, or even disappears altogether. Why is this happening? Studies have shown that plants of the same species are capable of accumulating harmful poisons in the soil that inhibit the growth of these same plants. As a result, vegetables begin to get sick, late blight appears, and the soil is gradually depleted. This is why it is so important to observe crop rotation, which involves changing where vegetable crops are planted.
In addition, it will help to achieve good yields and cope with pests. mixed planting cultures that can get along with each other. However, you should be well versed in its subtleties and features.

Improper watering of plants

Watering is a very important and responsible moment in caring for cultivated plants. Therefore, it is so important to perform it correctly and in a timely manner, because in most cases the yield on the site depends on it. Without water, most vegetable crops quickly wither and sometimes stop bearing fruit altogether. What are the rules for watering? Most common mistake In this regard, watering in hot and sunny weather is important. This is especially true for cold well water, which can cause real stress in plants. You should not pour water on the green foliage of plants in hot weather. The fact is that water droplets on the surface of leaves can concentrate Sun rays, and this is fraught with severe burns for them.

Covering plants too early

Some summer residents leave their plot immediately after harvesting, so they try to protect some plants from the winter cold in advance. This is a very common mistake that can cause significant damage to trees and shrubs. The fact is that condensation forms under the shelter, which can cause their diseases, as well as a good environment for the life of some insects. That is why plants need to be covered immediately before the onset of cold weather, and not in advance.

It is advisable to properly monitor your site and avoid such mistakes. After all, proper care of cultivated plants, their timely watering and fertilizing will help you get a good, rich harvest.

Typical mistakes of summer residents become fundamental in the loss of harvests and increased costs, and therefore it makes sense to study them in order to be able to avoid them in the future. Our article today is dedicated to such errors.

Summer residents make mistakes, but not always, because among them there are real professionals or even beginners who are quickly learning the dacha business. It is clear that immediately after purchasing a dacha it is impossible to know and be able to do everything, but we try to give you the maximum useful information, which will help eliminate unpleasant consequences in future.

the site presents typical autumn mistakes of summer residents, that is, those that take place at the end of the season. Let's study them carefully and try to avoid such misunderstandings.

Poor quality planting material

Often planting material for the garden purchased in the autumn. It is at this time that the markets are overflowing with seedlings of trees and shrubs, presentations of garden farms are held in special exhibition complexes, friends share with us planting material that they simply do not need at their dacha. We react to the fact that autumn - best time planting a lot of plants, and therefore we try to bring young fruit trees, shrubs, perennials for flower beds and so on. But buying in bulk at a good price is not an indicator of the quality of plants and harvest in the future, because such things should be done carefully. We have already given examples of how to buy planting material correctly and what you need to pay attention to, so follow the advice of the pros and do not buy dozens of seedlings at once. It’s better to search for an hour or two more, or even go out to purchase next weekend, but bring plants for planting at the dacha that will 100% be accepted and produce a harvest.

Previously covering plants

Standard winter cold and sudden temperature changes, night frosts and strong wind can seriously damage the plants in the garden. Therefore, gardeners have long developed technology for wrapping apple trees and protecting other plants from frost.

For similar process burlap, tarpaulin, polyethylene oilcloth, spruce branches, leaves are used, but the method of covering is chosen separately for each case.

It happens that summer residents leave the site early, almost immediately after harvesting, and decide to cover the plants in advance, because they do not intend to return to the dacha until spring. This is very wrong, because wrapping tree trunks and covering bushes in warm weather contraindicated.

Due to the appearance of condensation under cover, the development of many diseases is possible fruit trees and shrubs, as well as creating a favorable environment for insect life. Also, the condensation formed can affect the integrity protective coating plants themselves, due to the concentration of moisture or even ice during the first frost, which is also very harmful. Therefore, it is necessary to cover plants on time, just before the cold weather, and not in advance.

Do I need to cover the roots?

Beginner gardeners can make this mistake - forgetting to protect the roots from the winter cold. Having read several materials about covering and wrapping plants in the garden, gardeners follow advice that concerns trunks, trunks or whole young plants, but does not cover the roots, which can be seriously damaged in a snowy and frosty winter. Therefore, it is necessary to produce in advance, which will protect the roots from the cold. Just don’t use dry grass or straw, because this the best place for wintering various rodents, very complex.

Only 10 cm thick and about 50-70 cm along the radius of the trunk is already sufficient protection from frost for those trees that used to freeze every winter.

Bare soil after harvest

Many of us believe that harvesting is the final stage of caring for the garden. But this is not so, because in autumn, and winter, and in early spring, our area needs care. General work in the fall and have already been described by us in previous materials, and therefore now only on the topic of the subsection of the article.

So, you should not leave the soil bare after harvesting, because it erodes, dries out, and freezes. Of course, each of the factors negative impact can be indicated as positive, but only when proper care and compliance with all its stages. If we are “greenhouse summer residents” - an urban generation who is just trying to do something in the garden or in the garden, it is advisable to follow other tips.

It is clear that freezing of the soil has a good effect on their larvae, the sun dries the soil a little after the snow melts, and so on, but it is still advisable to sow the soil with something useful after harvesting. You don't need to overload fertile layer, but on the contrary, support him. They are quite suitable for this, as they will not only loosen the soil, but also give it a certain supply of useful elements for further cultivation crops

Garbage in the garden beds

Serious autumn bug For many summer residents, collecting plant debris in the garden beds and gardens. It’s good if you turn over the leaves and tops for a week until they dry out, and then carefully burn them. But it also happens that heaps of such garbage remain in place during the winter. This is a real breeding ground for pests - insects and rodents, as well as numerous diseases, which in the spring will be able to freely attack young seedlings and shoots!

Promptly remove all such waste outside the boundaries of the site and burn it. Some plant waste can be used to obtain free fertilizer for your own garden!

The same applies to carrion, which we consider fertilizer. Let the fallen apples, pears and plums lying under the trees remain, because they will rot and fertilize the soil... but everything is a little different, because only the pulp will rot, and the seeds remaining on the soil will become a bait for rodents. Also, some of them can produce shoots that we don’t need in the garden at all in the spring or even at the end of the next season. Dispose of carrion using any in a convenient way, or throw the rotten fruits into the same compost.

Autumn tree pruning

There are many exception methods when experienced gardeners use their own, very special technique in the garden and vegetable garden, which gives excellent results. But it is worth understanding that even if you this person the method works, and they write about it in magazines and newspapers, it is far from a fact that it will work for you. Here, years of experience, experiments, climate of the region, plant varieties and other factors should be taken into account. Therefore, strong advice from our specialists would be to exclude formative autumn pruning, which some gardeners may recommend.

Certain types of plants should not be touched at all in the fall, otherwise, when the warm season begins, they will not produce flowering or fruit at all. Others will tolerate only corrective pruning - cutting out dry and crippled branches. It’s not worth giving shape by cutting and pruning in the fall, as this can seriously harm the plants in your dacha!

Did you forget to whitewash the trees?

In addition, do not forget about the supports that were inside the greenhouse, arches and nets, which should be cleaned, disinfected and stored. And also about the tool that helped this season.

Typical mistakes of summer residents in the fall are a whole set of mistakes that are made through a lack of experience or, most often, forgetfulness and a certain frivolity. It seems to all of us that the rusty tool will serve next year, the undug bed will be saturated with fertilizers and will be ready for growing crops, and the trees pruned at our convenience will definitely bear fruit. But this is not always the case, and therefore try to do the right thing with your dacha, because this is the only way to get a positive result.

How to prevent trees from icing in the garden (video)