Original ideas on how to decorate a balcony for the New Year. Decorating balconies for the New Year We decorate the balcony for the New Year with our own hands

Original ideas on how to decorate a balcony for the New Year.  Decorating balconies for the New Year We decorate the balcony for the New Year with our own hands
Original ideas on how to decorate a balcony for the New Year. Decorating balconies for the New Year We decorate the balcony for the New Year with our own hands

On the eve of the New Year and Christmas, everyone expects surprises and miracles. In order to cheer up our loved ones and ourselves, we do incredible things and decorate our homes. All this not only adds excitement, but also reminds of the upcoming fun.

In this article we will tell you how and with what to decorate your balcony for everyone’s favorite holiday, the New Year.

New Year is a magical holiday: a decorated balcony will cheer up even passers-by

The whole world is preparing for this wonderful event:

  • there is turmoil everywhere;
  • we purchase delicacies and sweets;
  • We carefully consider what gifts to give to loved ones and acquaintances;
  • we decorate the apartment with fragrant spruce and decorate it;
  • the air smells of tangerines and chocolates...

There are actually a great many ways to decorate a balcony for the New Year. We will analyze the most acceptable of them, the design of which will bring unforgettable positive emotions.

Children will be especially pleased, as they will help do this with great pleasure and interest and add their own flair to decorating the balcony for the New Year.

Options for decorating a balcony for the New Year holidays

If your balcony is glazed, you need to pay special attention to the windows, because passersby can see them. A smile will certainly appear on their faces.

Particles of positive impressions will hover around everyone who sees such beauty. Is this not a miracle?

Drawing on glass

Snowflakes on the windows - beautiful and completely simple

Patterns on balcony windows can be created using regular toothpaste.

For this you will need:

  • toothpaste;
  • small brush;
  • paper snowflakes, pre-cut or purchased;
  • small container for pasta;
  • deep container with water;
  • sponge;
  • spray bottle with water.

Step one

We dilute the toothpaste with water until a homogeneous paste-like mass is obtained.

Please note: To achieve a believable effect of natural snowflakes, it is advisable to use a white paste, without adding colored particles.

Step two

Please note that water may drip from the snowflakes; you need to carefully blot it with a rag.

Important: Snowflakes are a magnificent New Year’s decoration for the balcony; to make them look perfect, when pasting, you should straighten all their corners.

Step three

To make it transparent, apply a little water using a spray bottle to the part of the window where the snowflakes do not stick. Then we take a sponge and dip it in a solution with toothpaste and, using light pressure, apply the paste to the balcony window.

Please note: Feel free to experiment; a dry sponge will produce a different effect than a wet sponge. Parts of the window where water is sprayed are painted over less.

Balcony window decor - applying toothpaste

Step four

New Year's decor is ready and looks amazing

Please note: After using toothpaste, windows can be washed perfectly with ordinary cleaning products.

Tip: Don’t forget, you can depict not only snowflakes on the windows - whatever you want.

The New Year's balcony will be elegant if you draw a snowman or a Christmas tree with a brush dipped in a paste solution.

Here you can use a paste of the appropriate color.

Ice snowflakes made from textile napkins

This method of New Year's decoration takes longer, but the result will certainly surprise you.

Please note: This kind of decoration for balconies and verandas should be made when a stable sub-zero air temperature has established.

Otherwise, you risk being left without decorations - the items will melt.

Step one

We will purchase or knit napkins with a diameter of about 15 centimeters especially for this occasion. We tie a long strong thread to it, which will later hold the snowflake.

Please note: Large snowflake products look much more impressive than small ones.

Step two

  • saucers;
  • dishes;
  • pot lids;
  • bowls, etc.

We place the napkins in suitable containers, fill them with water and put it all in the freezer or on the balcony (overnight) so that it freezes thoroughly.

Tip: Make sure that the edges of the napkins are straightened before they freeze, this will make them look neater.

Step three

Finally, we remove our ice snowflakes from the containers. This is easy to do by placing the jewelry in hot water for a few seconds. Our masterpiece is ready.

Decorating the balcony for the New Year: icy snowflakes - an original solution

As already mentioned, there are many options for decorating balconies for the New Year, for example:

  • Paint the windows with paints, it’s better to do this with gouache, it fits better on the windows;
  • Hang garlands, and you can come up with the shape of a Christmas tree, Snow Maiden or snowman. It will look incredible;
  • If there is space, you can put a luminous figure - a symbol of the coming year, Santa Claus, etc.;
  • Several spruce branches or even a Christmas tree can be successfully placed on the balcony for a fun holiday atmosphere;

A wreath of fir branches, decorated with ribbons and Christmas tree decorations - a delightful solution

  • You can hang clusters of decorative icicles and enjoy the resulting beauty;
  • Santa Claus trying to get into your apartment through the balcony, etc. will look very interesting and fascinating.

There will be no New Year without Santa Claus and his gifts: an interesting idea


Decorating a balcony for the New Year is in itself a kind of holiday. After all, during preparations for your favorite event, there is an atmosphere of joy and happiness.

They accompany throughout the entire period of festivities. Do you want a feeling of goodness and magic, do you want something unimaginable? Decorate your balcony for New Year's celebrations and you will feel happier. And in order for you to feel comfortable and cozy on your balcony all year round, we advise you to insulate the balcony, beautifully decorate the window with a balcony door and interior decoration of the balcony to your liking.

Hello, dear friends!

In the pre-holiday New Year's efforts, let's not forget about the yard and exterior of our house, it is this side that our house greets us with. It is the windows of the house that attract us with their light and give playfulness to our legs when we return home after being away. Winter decor of windows, balconies, courtyards or areas in front of the house creates a feeling of a fairy tale and joyful anticipation of a miracle. Therefore, the topic of today's conversation is How to decorate the yard, balcony and loggia for the New Year.

Decorating flower boxes

Empty flower boxes on the windowsills are simply asking to be filled with branches and Christmas tree decorations. The website already had information on how to make it, so why not make it in a container for flowers, especially since they are not occupied now.

The branches can be secured by sticking them into the garden net,

or you can do it like in the video from Jennifer Davenport. By the way, she uses artificial branches, so you don’t have to live in the forest or surround the nearest park to create such beauty.

Branch gnomes

In the next article you will find ways to decorate your balcony or loggia with cute creatures.

Beautiful New Year's street compositions

Empty pots, buckets and containers that are not used for their intended purpose in winter will turn into wonderful flowerpots for winter compositions. Look for plants for compositions near you. Rowan branches, dry sedum, rosehip branches with red berries. Everything that can be found in the yard, in the country, on the balcony.

New Year's composition for the street in 5 minutes

photo julieblanner.com

I recently read a publication by writer Anastasia Monastyrskaya:

“I like people who live beautifully. Not for someone, but for yourself. The roses at the front door are for yourself. Beautiful dishes - also for yourself. A beautifully presented dish for yourself. Beautiful everyday things - for yourself...
They live this particular day fully and clearly. Today. From now to now. Yesterday and tomorrow don't matter. They don't exist.
Everything beautiful is simple by definition. When you consciously remove complexity from relationships, worldview, daily routine, when you build everyday life and holidays for yourself and for yourself, the main thing emerges. Beauty in everyday life. The beauty of little things. Then everything around becomes clear and simple.”

Oh-oh-I really like it. I immediately wanted a rose at the front door or a winter composition.

It’s already full-fledged winter outside, it’s too early to put up a Christmas tree, but you already want a holiday. Therefore, I propose to decorate… a balcony to create a good mood. It seems that this is no longer a house, but its continuation, why not start with it? If you have an open balcony, then you're in luck: Christmas decorations look best in the snow. Anything will come in handy: buckets, skis, old boots, toys, bright ribbon...

Candles and more

Candles are perhaps the most luxurious New Year's decoration after the Christmas tree. In our case, they will become the main character.

  • Large candles in outdoor candlesticks look impressive.
  • Fairytale ice lanterns. You need to take two containers of different diameters, but approximately the same height. These can be cut plastic bottles or glass jars.
    The containers are placed one inside the other. The smaller container should stand on the bottom of the larger one or hang in the air (secure with tape). Decorations are placed on the bottom and between the jars: berries, spruce or juniper branches, rosemary, lemon slices - whatever is at hand. The decor is filled with water, the inner jar remains empty. We take it out into the cold. When it freezes, carefully remove the jars. It turns out an ice lantern with a container for a candle inside.
  • Candlesticks with toys. Glass vases or lantern candlesticks filled with Christmas tree decorations will look great. If you also illuminate them with battery-powered candles, the result will be amazing.

Decor made from... trash

Surely on your balcony you will find buckets, boxes of seedlings, old sleds, children's skis... Get them out! We will arrange an installation in the corner of the balcony, which is clearly visible from the apartment, or right in front of the balcony door.

  • Throw a bright blanket over an old chair and hang skates on the back. On the seat there is a pillow or a candlestick, or a box with fir branches and toys. Near the skis, put a beautiful hat with a pompom on the skis, tie a scarf or hang mittens.
  • Place bare branches brought from the forest into a zinc bucket or jar. You can sprinkle them with fake snow spray or glitter. This is enough for a stylish composition. But if you want something bright, then hang small Christmas tree decorations on the branches or attach artificial berries.
  • Bouquets made from firewood. There are a lot of thick pine and birch branches in the forest, there are no snowdrifts yet, so hurry up and get some firewood. Saw thick sticks as if for kindling, so that the cuts with rings are visible. Place armfuls of them in large baskets, basins and other containers.

Shoes with gifts

If you fill ordinary things with cute New Year's souvenirs, you will get an original decoration for a balcony window sill or a composition with a chair and skis.

  • Place small snowmen and Santa Clauses, plastic Christmas trees, glass balls, and tinsel in old mugs, tea cans, vegetable shredders, etc. Hide chocolates in the middle - children will be happy to play “hot and cold” during the holidays and find gifts in the most unexpected place.
  • You can decorate old boots or skates in the same way. It is better to replace the laces with bright ones.
  • The center of a New Year's display on the balcony can be an old suitcase, which can easily be turned into a chest of miracles. You just need to drape it inside with a beautiful fabric and put whatever your heart desires there: a pillow with Christmas embroidery, plush toys, Christmas tree decorations. Hide a garland or electric candles between the toys. The chest of miracles is ready!

Garlands, apples in the snow and a glowing bicycle...

Any, even the simplest garland will decorate the balcony. There is no need to purchase meters of electric garlands; we will make do with improvised means. You will need twine and all sorts of things.

  • Children can make small boxes wrapped in newspaper, sheet music or pretty paper and tied with bright ribbon. String them on twine, secure each one and stretch it through the balcony under the ceiling, or hang it in several rows in front of the window.
  • Similarly, a garland is made from pine cones, dried lemon slices, Christmas tree decorations, paper and glass snowflakes.
  • The simplest decor on the balcony is apples and Christmas balls laid out in front of the window.
  • Wall panel: any decorations are hung on driftwood. The main thing is to secure the snag well on the wall or under the ceiling.
  • A bicycle, “resting” on the balcony until summer, can easily turn into a shining art object: you just need to wrap it with an electric garland.

Christmas tree on the balcony or loggia!? It turned out to be a very convenient solution: it’s beautiful on the loggia, it doesn’t take up space in the room, and you can hide it from the cat if he’s interested. And in my case, from my son, who is 1.5 years old :)

When decorating an apartment for the New Year, we don’t always remember about decorating balconies and loggias. But they are the most noticeable parts of our home. Balconies are visible from the outside better than any other parts of the apartment, and we use them more often on holidays than on weekdays. This means that they should be given decent attention. There is no doubt - both outside and inside, balconies and loggias should look elegant. And on the eve of the holiday, it’s time to talk about what the balcony should be like on New Year and Christmas.

The festive decoration of the balcony will largely depend on what kind of glazing is installed on the balcony or loggia, and whether they are glazed at all. If the glazing of the balcony is made using “warm” technology and at the same time it is a continuation of the room, then most often this particular balcony will be the most successful place to install a Christmas tree. The New Year's beauty will decorate the apartment without occupying the main space of the room, and at the same time it will be clearly visible from the street.

The balconies, illuminated with festive illumination, look very festive. LED garlands have been one of the most popular holiday decorations for many years now: they are economical, so they can be used for a long time without particularly worrying about energy costs. As for the aesthetic effect, everything is clear here: well, what would a holiday be without the bright shine of New Year’s lights! When decorating balcony glazing with garlands, think about which doors you plan to open, and whether illumination will interfere with this. It is important that the elements of the garlands do not become an obstacle when closing the doors. Do you want originality? Create a figurine of a snowman or a cartoon character on the balcony glass by securing a string of LED garland in several places with transparent tape.

Decorating a balcony glazed using “cold” technology can be no less impressive. Such a balcony is a separate room, so you can create your own style in it, not the same as in other rooms. Depending on the size of the balcony, you can install a small Christmas tree or a New Year’s-style coniferous composition. A Christmas wreath, garlands of pine needles and ribbons will make the balcony truly festive.

You can use the low temperature on the balcony to your advantage. If the glazing of a loggia or balcony allows you to maintain a temperature there close to zero degrees, you can place fresh fruits and citrus fruits with carving elements, large pine cones, and Christmas tree decorations on the balcony table and windowsill. If the balcony glazing is not airtight and the temperature there is consistently below zero degrees, the fruit can be replaced with clear ice cubes with a sprig of mint or a slice of tangerine frozen inside.

To illuminate “cold” balconies and loggias, you need to use special garlands designed to function at low temperatures.

Festive garland on a French balcony For balconies and loggias of all types, decorations such as drawings on glass and appliqués remain relevant. The techniques of glass painting that are well known to us from childhood are still applicable today, but with a caveat: it is not recommended to use compositions with abrasive components for painting on glass. This is important not only for the safety of the glass, but also for the PVC profile, on which paints will fall, if not during the painting process, then, most certainly, during the subsequent washing of the glazing. For applications, you should not use chemically aggressive compounds - this will also not benefit the glass.

Owners of apartments in which the glazing of a loggia or balcony has not yet been installed should also take care of the beauty of the facade elements - a holiday is a holiday! The lack of glazing, of course, somewhat limits the possibilities for creativity, but one should not leave the balcony without festive decorations, especially since there are many options left.

For example, on the parapet of an unglazed balcony and on its “ceiling” (the slab of the upper floor balcony) you can attach two types of garlands: a garland with ribbons made of artificial pine needles with ribbons will decorate the balcony during the day, and an outdoor LED garland will decorate the balcony at night. The composition can be supplemented with tinted ice cubes with thread loops frozen into them, non-fragile toys, cones, etc.

Be careful! When decorating an open balcony, use only non-flammable decor! It is also recommended to remove all flammable objects from the unglazed balcony. Festive fireworks and sparklers can cause fires on unprotected loggias and balconies.

They make us a little happier and kinder!

What about the Christmas tree? Dressing her up and enjoying the aroma of pine needles is a real pleasure!
Today we'll talk about decorating the balcony for the new year. Let all people from afar see the shimmering lights on your windows, and let the stars on the balcony show passers-by the right path and create a special festive mood.

How to decorate a balcony for the New Year?

Snowflakes on the windows are a wonderful decoration for the most important winter holiday. Let your homemade snowflakes be made not just from white paper, but also complemented with original details, such as small beads or sparkles.

Cut out the most bizarre shapes and experiment with colors and sizes. Involve all the younger family members in this exciting creative activity. Do not doubt that the children will be delighted and will happily take part in such an important and responsible task.

If you don’t have too much time, then you can limit yourself to purchased window stickers; fortunately, stores now offer a huge selection of such decorations for every taste, color and budget.

New Year's ideas

New Year's lights for the balcony are another important component of a real holiday. It could be a glowing “cobweb”, a cascading “waterfall” or an iridescent multi-tiered garland... Multi-colored and flashing lights will make your balcony beautiful, unusual and very elegant. And, reflected in the windows, they will shine even brighter.

A good idea for decorating a balcony or terrace for the New Year is a scattering of stars. A starry sky projector will help you realize your idea. Nowadays, many models run on batteries, so you don’t have to run a wire from the room to the balcony.
If you have flowers on your terrace (or balcony) even in winter, don’t forget to dress them up: give the flora a shiny “rain” or decorate them with small lights.
By the way, light lovers can place beautiful lamps and decorative lanterns around the perimeter.

A few more touches for a bright holiday

Wide ribbons stretched all the way to the ceiling and glass balls reflecting all the splendor in their round sides look very beautiful.

Don't forget to put a symbol of the coming year on your balcony! And, of course, a few spruce branches or even a small Christmas tree will be another important touch to create a festive atmosphere. Hang a “bouquet” of decorative icicles and enjoy the resulting beauty.

If space allows, you can also install a luminous figure of a snowman or a Christmas reindeer, or maybe even Santa Claus himself. This option is especially good for a spacious terrace.

Remember that the main thing about the New Year's holiday is its special, incomparable atmosphere, when even the most inveterate pessimists begin to believe in miracles and forget about their many problems and adversities.
It is especially necessary to create such an atmosphere in families with children, for whom the feeling of something unusual, solemn, beautiful and fabulous is very important.
Happy New Year to you!