Original ideas for storing things in a small apartment: convenient storage systems, practical devices. Ways to compactly store things in a closet, how to fold them correctly Storing things in the bathroom

Original ideas for storing things in a small apartment: convenient storage systems, practical devices. Ways to compactly store things in a closet, how to fold them correctly Storing things in the bathroom

Daily household comfort largely depends on how well the storage of things is organized in the apartment. When every item has its own place, it's easy to find it and then put it back in its place without creating clutter. The Village asked designer Galina Tishutina how to think through home storage to free up more space for living.

The main thing you need to know about storage, - the output should be spacious and comfortable. After all, the best space for living is one that has a lot of air and empty surfaces. But in small apartments this is a difficult task, which also conflicts with our traditional ability to complicate everything, as well as our passion for shopping and hoarding. However, the world has become technologically advanced: a wide window sill can become a home office, Wi-Fi allows you to work even in bed, there are fewer wires, stationary units are almost a thing of the past, gadgets are rapidly decreasing in size, and all volumes of the encyclopedia fit on a flash drive. All this helps to gain additional living space.


Before you start optimizing everything, you should divide things into necessary and unnecessary. First, you should get rid of things that have not been used for a long time. Each of us has some kind of toaster, which was last turned on a couple of years ago, while it was tightly located on the windowsill in the kitchen. It’s better to throw away such things, sell them through Avito, or give them to someone who will use them. This way, only the necessary items will remain - we will plan storage space for them.

The necessary things will also have to be sorted. There is, for example, a hot and cold rotation system. The hot rotation includes those things that should be at hand every day. These are clothes, shoes and household gadgets - from a vacuum cleaner to an ironing board. To correctly calculate the dimensions of your wardrobe, measure the linear meters of the bar for long items (outerwear, dresses), and separately calculate the meters of the bar for short items (shirts, blouses, jackets). Also determine the volume of shelves for other clothes and shoe boxes.

Cold rotation items include suitcases, boxes, Christmas tree decorations and other seasonal items. You can put your home library in the same category if you don’t access it every day, and household items that are dear to your heart - everything that can be put away.

Hidden storage

A well-organized apartment can be compared to a car, the interior of which has a lot of air and space, while the space under the hood is packed to capacity. We also need to get as much space as possible in living rooms, kitchens and bathrooms, and use office spaces - that is, the hallway, corridor and closets - to the maximum.

Instead of installing several wardrobes in living rooms, it is better to fence off a small wardrobe somewhere in the hallway. A wardrobe, even a small one, is the best thing that can happen to a small apartment. It effectively uses space right up to the ceiling, like the hood of a car, where every millimeter is used. A wardrobe is a bulky piece of furniture that stands in a room and takes up a lot of space.

Open storage

It is best to minimize the number of things laid out on surfaces. Firstly, they create a feeling of disorder, and secondly, they complicate the cleaning process because they need to be dusted off. Open storage is only permissible in the kitchen and bathroom, that is, where there are items that are simply inconvenient to put away in cabinets several times a day.

Kitchen storage

To see if your kitchen storage is well organized, do a Sunday shopping test. Let's imagine that you are bringing home a supply of groceries and household chemicals for the next week or even several. If you can't organize everything into cabinets so that you can still access every package, then it's time to change something.

Small kitchens usually want to be kept as spacious as possible, so as not to further reduce the space with an abundance of items. In this case, a good solution would be a cabinet located on the path from the front door to the kitchen, in which you can store products that do not require refrigeration - water, groceries, sauces. This will allow you to shop less often and not turn your kitchen into a warehouse.

For storage inside kitchen cabinets, you should get identical containers and pour everything you can into them - from tea to cereals. The fact is that factory packaging of different shapes and sizes is difficult to ergonomically place inside the cabinet. As a result, a lot of space is wasted, and food from unsealed boxes often spills. Label each container and use the same ones for each type of food. This storage system increases the level of order and greatly speeds up the food preparation process.

Bathroom storage

The approach to organizing storage in the bathroom is very similar to the kitchen. It is necessary to allocate hot rotation items and think about storage for cold items. Leave only those tubes and items that you use regularly on open surfaces. The rest can be put in the closet. It is worth considering hanging a wide shelf directly above the door. It is invisible, and it is also convenient to store a supply of washing powder and toilet paper.

Storage in rooms

Beds with a lifting mechanism and a storage system inside are often much inferior in terms of convenience to ordinary beds with legs, under which drawers on wheels from IKEA are placed. And besides, such beds are much cheaper.

If we talk about the nursery, it seems to me that the child should maintain order in his toys on his own. Therefore, all boxes should be placed at an accessible height. In this case, the little person will have the freedom to choose for himself what to put and where.

Good Habits

A convenient storage system is not only cabinets and shelves, but also a certain set of good habits. Train yourself to audit things a couple of times a year in order to get rid of junk in a timely manner and free up space. Keep track of the overall balance: if after a vacation or successful shopping you brought a couple of bags of things into the apartment, then the other pair of bags should leave it in the foreseeable future.

Photos: cover – WorldWide /shutterstock.com 1 – horiyan /shutterstock.com, 2 – Richman21 /shutterstock.com, 3 – Photographee.eu /shutterstock.com

No, not a purchase that goes straight to the trash bin. When you decide to bring a new thing into your home, you need to make room for it. Sometimes this requires throwing something away. And don’t think that you have nothing to throw away. How many things do you have lying around in case “What if there’s a war tomorrow?” Will old boots help you in war? To add something new, you need to throw out the old. We've discussed how to get rid of junk many times.

Naturally, this does not apply to all situations. For example, if you moved to a new apartment, it is difficult to throw something out of it. But, when your house is completely complete and you are going to buy something else, you need to think about the place for things. This is especially true for T-shirts, shoes and mugs. If your hands are reaching out to buy a new one, conduct an audit to throw one away.

Again, without fanaticism. There is no need to take jewelry to the pawnshop, and donate books to the library. Collections of things are good if you use them regularly and they have a separate place for storage.

2. Order starts in the corners

The organization of any home begins with the organization of warehouses. Garage, basement, attic, storage room, mezzanine. Review what is in them and ruthlessly throw away everything that bothers you. A lot of space will be freed up. If you live in a small apartment, you need to periodically shake out drawers, cabinets and all the dark corners littered with things you don't use.

Sean Freese/Flickr

When thinking about the arrangement of things, move from the general to the specific, taking into account several levels of storage of things:

  • For general use. This has its own specifics, because crowds of people constantly pass through these places. And if everyone uses the same closet, someone will definitely ruin the order. Therefore, shared storage systems should be the simplest and most convenient.
  • Personal space. Here, no matter how hard you try, unification will not help. Everyone will work in the way that suits them.
  • Small spaces. These are separate drawers and boxes, spaces under sinks. You can also arrange things in them in a separate order.

3. You can buy a closet, but you can’t buy order.

In the quest for good organization of space there is a trap that is easy to fall into while shopping. If you're looking at storage systems and are going to buy one with a million ergonomic shelves, you think it will solve all your problems.

You don’t think that just the fact of buying a simulator will force you to train every day?

Storage systems are a great solution, but you need to choose them based on the parameters of your home and your habits. And remember that the most cutting-edge projects will not put things back in place and take out the trash without your participation.

4. Number and number again

If you're well over thirty and your job has nothing to do with technology, you may still only keep what you can hold in your hands. It's time to move things into virtual space.

You can't scan your skis and gear, but much of what fills your boxes can be digitized.

Again, we're not trying to change the fundamental position if you like the smell of the pages or the sound of the vinyl. But, if you are not a collector, it is time to switch to e-books and cloud storage.

Scott Schiller/Flickr

Digitization will save you from piles of documents and photos in albums that fit on your hard drive or in your folder in cloud storage.

5. Grouping - the beginning of order

When determining a place to store things, group them, put like with like. The more logical and simpler you can distribute objects into groups, the easier it will be to live with them and maintain order.

Organize items in your home by type and store them close to each other. You will definitely have items that defy classification. So for them you will have a separate “Miscellaneous and Miscellaneous” box.

6. Your place

It is not enough to take into account how often an item is used and to which group it should be classified. Some things may have their own. Some things cannot be left in a damp room, some things cannot be left in direct sunlight, and some things require good ventilation. Find packaging for every item in your home that meets these requirements.

7. Without fanaticism

It's easy to go overboard when organizing the space in your home. Each nail does not need to be placed in a separate box if you only have five nails and two screws in the house. Too strict division of groups of things leads to the fact that it takes too much time and effort to maintain the space in the correct form. Sorting mugs by color is already a sign of frustration, and not a love of order.

8. All moves are recorded

Do you want everything to be neat, safe and sound? Great. Do you have to rummage through all the drawers, boxes and shelves in search of one scarf? So-so prospect.

Now imagine that all supplies, for example toothpaste, are in the closet on the left side, and on the left door it is written: “Toothpaste, soap, shower gel, shampoo.” The search is simplified - that's it. It’s more convenient to immediately put things back in their place after purchase - that’s two. Well, you always see when supplies of one thing are running low - that’s three.


It is necessary to label storage facilities, this is especially helpful when it comes to seasonal clothing and long-term storage items. If you have had a box under your bed for years with something very important, but you no longer remember what it was, take it out and write down what’s inside.

9. Keep things where they can be useful

This seems like advice from Captain Obvious, but no one does it anyway. Keep a collection of scarves near your front door so you can pick out an accessory before heading out, and stash away any camping gear you last pulled out years ago. This will make it easier to put things in their places.

The corollary to this rule is that things should be moved throughout the year between different rooms and shelves, depending on the season.

10. Everything is according to plan

Completing the five-year goal in a weekend sounds tempting. But you won't have time. True, the correct organization of space is not done in two days; you need to think about it and introduce it step by step.

Gaps in the ergonomics of the apartment appear gradually. Sometimes we don’t even see the mess until we get close to the place and try to find something there. Today you didn’t hang up your jacket because it’s inconvenient to hang it up, yesterday you spent half an hour searching for the right document, which ended up in the wrong drawer, the day before yesterday you got a bump when you opened the closet door and got caught in a collapse of things. Solve problems as they arise. Make a plan for transforming your apartment (at least a year in advance, no one is rushing you) and do everything one by one.


Walk around the house from time to time with a pencil and notepad. Draw a floor plan and use a marker to mark the areas where debris accumulates the most and debris forms. Deal with them first.

11. View from the outside

If your sofa has been standing in one place for the last 10 years and every morning began with your little toe touching this very sofa, maybe it makes sense to change something in it?

Collect opinions. If you do not live alone, then other family members also have their own ideas about what should be kept and where.

You know, everyone has that friend whom you can come to at any time of the day and find that the house is perfectly clean? Ask him how he does it. Repeat.

A selection of ideas and tricks of varying degrees of convenience and aesthetics to help organize your home. Perhaps some of them will solve your problem. Enjoy!

Wire grid for organizing wrapping paper rolls. Instead of a grate, you can use a metal mesh, a wooden plank, or even a cord.

Jars attached to the bottom surface of cabinets or shelves for storing fasteners, accessories, hairpins and elastic bands for girls or any other small items.

Attach an office clip to the back of your desk and finally get the wires and cables out of sight.

Add a board and wheels and you have a cart for books, crafts, toys, etc.

Attaching plastic bags to the inside of your pantry door will not only keep them easily accessible, but will also free up space on your shelves.

The dish drainer acts as a children's art center - for storing paper, coloring books, crayons, pencils and plasticine.

PVC pipe for organizing additional space in the closet. Ideal solution for small apartments or children's clothing. By attaching the pipe to a spring curtain rod, you can even adjust the height.

Using photo frames to organize threads, cords and twine. Convenient and beautiful.

Add wheels to drawers and they can be rolled under a bed or closet, freeing up space in the room.

Attach wire baskets to the inside walls of your closet to store gloves, scarves, and other accessories.

Place a plastic basket at the top of the dish drainer and keep all those pesky jar and container lids there. Simply thread the line between the dryer bars and the holes in the basket.

Use toilet paper rolls to organize your cables and cords. You can decorate them with ribbons and braid.

Hang baskets from curtain rods to take advantage of otherwise unused wall space. Baskets can be attached with S-hooks or ribbons. This is a great idea for storing towels, toys, tools.

Additional shelf above the door. This will be useful in the bathroom, bedroom, garage or even in the children's room to put away those items that should be out of the child's reach.

Cut some holes on your bathroom shelf for extra toothbrush storage.

These are shoe organizers. However, they are great for storing any other items. Place them on cabinet doors for extra storage space for cleaning supplies, toys, yarn, scraps, and more.

This cell phone pocket is made from an empty plastic shampoo bottle.

Glue or nail clothespins to a wooden strip and use to store belts, scarves, and beads. In addition, you can attach a small basket to clothespins to store other small items - for example, bracelets.

Shower hooks - for storing bags.

A basket attached to the underside of a countertop - to hide and remove electrical cords from the floor.

Tape an envelope to the inside of your planner to temporarily store notes, mementos, receipts, business cards, etc.

Idea for a summer house - a mega-capacious coffee table made of drawers. Attach them to the board and attach wheels.

Store kitchen utensils in plastic containers inside cabinets and say no! digging in search of the desired item in the depths of the shelves. This will also be useful in the storage room and garage.

Old book spines as decor for a secret box for storing small items. The sides are the front cover of one book and the back cover of another. Keep spare remote controls, batteries, chargers there - everything that should be hidden from view, but accessible.

Elastic cords for storing balls and large toys.

Magnetic tape on the inside of the cabinet for storing hairpins, tweezers, and manicure accessories.

Glue magnets to your children's glasses and stick them where they can reach them. This will save you from having to constantly remove glasses from a high shelf and wash them several times a day.

Tape dispenser made from a plastic bottle. Connect the bottom halves of the two bottles and make a slit on the side. Use colored rubber bands to hold the bottle halves together and hold the ends of the ribbons in place.

Carabiner for organizing hair ties. Attach a hook to the inside of the cabinet to make the elastic bands easily accessible.

A great idea for those who need two workspaces but don't have enough space in the house. The table is cut in half and attached to a shelf-rack.

Attaching nightstands to the wall makes them taller and easier to use, and allows you to place a basket underneath for additional storage.

A rack on the inside door of a closet in a children's room for storing board games and books. This can be used to store spices or household supplies in the pantry.

Tidy up your laundry system with these plastic baskets. Assign a basket to each family member and teach them to take responsibility for their belongings.

Use wire hangers to store shoes. Simply bend them into hooks and decorate them with paper or fabric.

Add extra cupboard storage with aluminum beverage can lids.

To rationally use the space at home, it is not enough to buy a wardrobe for clothes - you need to properly store them inside. There are several simple ways to compactly put things in your closet so that it is organized.

Before you begin to properly place things, you need to think about the internal organization of the wardrobe space. The ideal solution would be to design a product strictly to suit your needs. Every person knows what and where it is convenient for him to store. If there is no opportunity to make furniture to order, choose modular systems.

Here are some tips on how to beautifully and competently plan the interior space of your closet:

  • give up old things. Review your entire wardrobe; most likely you will find a lot of unused clothes there;
  • if there is no closet, try to zone the room. Allocate some space for storing clothes and place racks with shelves there. The best option is to organize such a place in the bedroom;
  • access to shoe boxes should be quick. Place stickers on them, where the names of the shoes and their color will be written down;
  • choose thin metal hangers to compactly put things on hangers. They will not take up much space and can withstand heavy loads;
  • to beautifully fold T-shirts, bed linen or other things - sort them by color;
  • Narrow-height shelves will help you compactly fold your bed linen.

Don't forget to equip the closet with lighting to make it easy to access. Most often, built-in spots are used on the ceiling of the product.

Rules for compact storage

It seems that neatly folding clothes is easy - you just fold them at the seams. But when it comes to practice, usually nothing comes of it, and things are sent to storage in a bulky form, taking up a huge amount of space. The result is that even a large closet cannot accommodate the entire arsenal of outfits. To correct the situation and learn how to put things in a closet compactly, let’s look at each type of clothing and how to store it separately.


An accessible storage option is hanging skirts on hangers. This method will take up too much space and hangers. Let's look at tips for rational storage of skirts, relevant for girls who love this item of clothing:

  • fold the skirt in half;
  • roll it into a tight roll;
  • Carefully place on the cabinet shelf next to products of the same type.

The rest of the skirts will still have to be placed on a hanger - long-length items, as well as options sewn from light, airy fabrics. It is better to store denim skirts in special organizers with compartments, having previously sorted the products by color and material.


Many housewives are concerned about the question: how to fold socks so as not to lose a pair? This can be done in the manner described below:

  • take 2 socks and fold them at the seams;
  • starting from the toe side, roll the products, forming a tight roller;
  • Having reached the toe, leave one sock untouched, and turn the other inside out;
  • wrap both rollers into one, creating a compact sock ball.

You can also do the same with storing baby socks. When folded, socks are stored in a special linen drawer. Before you roller fold your socks, sort them correctly. This must be done after every wash.


Many people have tried folding T-shirts or T-shirts on their own so that they fit in a stack on a shelf. To do this quickly, we suggest watching the video below on compact folding of the product. It consists of the following stages:

  • place the T-shirt in front of you so that the front part is down;
  • wrap both sleeves alternately over the middle part of the product;
  • Fold the bottom of the T-shirt about a third, then fold the item again.

The method is considered traditional and will allow you to place textiles on the closet shelf compactly. Practical plastic containers for storage will help solve the problem of quick access. It is better to place the products in them not in a stack, but in a row.

Sweaters, blouses and shirts

Formal shirts and blouses are used every day to attend school or work. It is impossible to do without business elements, so every person has them. Let's look at the main way to compactly put business things in a closet:

  • buttons on clothes must be fastened;
  • place the product face down on the table;
  • carefully straighten the item at its base;
  • bend one sleeve towards the other sleeve along with the main part;
  • direct the bent sleeve to the bottom of the product;
  • do the same manipulation with the opposite element;
  • when all the sleeves are attached to the back, visually divide the blouse into 3 parts;
  • First, fold the bottom of the product, then the second part, resulting in a neatly folded shirt.

Many users ask the question: how to fold bed linen so that it takes up less space in the wardrobe? You need to sew small covers for each set of linen yourself. Before folding bed linen, you need to iron it - this way it will not only be stored better, but also will not require additional processing before use.

Trousers and jeans

Most consumers store business-style trousers on a hanger, citing the fact that this way they wrinkle less. This is true, but when stored this way, the products take up a lot of space in the wardrobe. Therefore, it’s worth learning how to properly fold things like jeans and trousers:

  • first, straighten all the pockets of the product - put your hands inside and distribute the fabric evenly over the jeans;
  • smooth out any noticeable wrinkles;
  • Next, you need to put one pant leg on the other, drawing a fastening line along the seams;
  • fold the product in half, then bend part of the fabric inside the fold line;
  • at the last stage, you need to fold the jeans again and put them in the closet.

The same method is used to fold trousers, shorts, capris and breeches. Packed items are perfectly stored in the wardrobe on a shelf in a stack.


Traditionally, this item of clothing is stored on hangers. This is due to the dense sewing fabric, which is difficult to iron. As often happens, you need to put on a jacket quickly, so the easiest way is to remove the item from the hanger.

If there is not enough space in the closet to accommodate a large number of things, you should resort to compact storage of jackets. They are folded in the same way as shirts and blouses, folding the sleeves of the product behind the back. It is better to store jackets in a closet in a stack.

For careful long-term storage, fold the jacket according to the same principle as shirts, first turning the product inside out.

Using organizers

Recently, special organizers have been in demand. They are designed for compact storage of underwear, socks, shoes and even bedding. It is recommended to place such devices in a closet - how to put things in closets is rationally described below:

  • It is most convenient to store a bra in an organizer: for this you do not need to fold it in half, you just need to put it in a special insert in the box;
  • before putting towels and bath accessories in the organizer, sort them by material and size;
  • Small containers made of plastic or metal, divided into cells, are suitable for socks;
  • It is allowed to store a bra together with panties - in this case it is worth purchasing a special device for several compartments;
  • It is good to place shoes without boxes in a hanging organizer, where each pocket is intended for one pair of shoes.

If the apartment has only one closet, try to put unused items in special compartments for the season.

This is how you can maximally unload the internal space for convenient placement of frequently worn clothes.

Many of us, whether by choice or necessity, live in small apartments. And most likely, we are looking for different ways to make our small home comfortable with a minimum amount of furniture and maximum amenities.

In order not to dump clothes behind the door or on chairs, not to think about how and where to place winter or summer shoes and clothes, and also to save space, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the tips that are relevant for many for organizing compact storage of things (shoes, clothes, books, all kinds of small things) using a variety of systems, methods and devices.

Let's talk about how to organize and put things in order in the house with the help of storage systems when arranging a small-sized apartment and make it cozy and functional, so that the residents are comfortable enough, and all things are placed practically, compactly and at hand.

Built in furniture

Built-in and wall-mounted wardrobes have been popular for a number of years. They store both kitchen utensils and household appliances.

Cabinets on wheels are a new and mobile storage option. They are installed indoors and can be easily and simply moved at the right time.

Storage system, photo The main characteristic of built-in furniture is its functionality in small dimensions

: a closet, as a rule, occupies a minimum area in an apartment, and you can place all the necessary things and objects in it, both for everyday use and those that are used only occasionally.

Furniture of this type looks like part of the home itself and fits perfectly into the overall design of the room.

Built-in furniture can be perfectly adapted to suit your needs.

A big advantage is the correctly selected lighting, which is integrated into such furniture.

Before making such structures, it is necessary to plan what exactly will be stored in them and in what form, whether they will be shelves, racks, drawers. This can be clothing and shoes, as well as household items, tools, sports equipment (skates, skis, tennis rackets, etc.).

Advice. Thanks to the presence of shelves of different sizes, using boxes and baskets of different sizes, other storage devices, you can sort and fold shoes by season; the same goes for clothing, including socks, tights, belts and other small items.

The sleeping bed is used as storage for bed linen. The space underneath (usually drawers designed for storing pillows and blankets, other bedding) is an excellent place to store various things, each of which has its own part, so order in such containers is guaranteed, and you can always find the thing you need.

Built-in furniture (cabinets and niches with shelves) are an excellent solution for hiding a washing machine or dishwasher - both in the kitchen and in the bathroom. This significantly increases the space, and the overall design of a small room remains beautiful and uncluttered.

Multifunctional cabinets

Storage cabinets are one of the most common categories of furniture. They are:

  • tall;
  • low;
  • small;
  • large;
  • hull;
  • built-in

Today, the most common is the wardrobe, which houses numerous personal belongings and household items. In small apartments this is the most optimal and practical solution.

With such a cabinet, the house will always be orderly and clean, because its main characteristic feature is spaciousness and convenience, and it also takes up very little space.

A built-in wardrobe is a necessary piece of furniture in small apartments. This cabinet will be a highlight in the interior, as it helps not only to hide your things from strangers, but also to significantly save room space.

How to organize space in your closet? Since cabinets of this kind are made to order, and manufacturers leave the customer the right to choose the model and internal structure of the structure, it is better to foresee the number and location of shelves and drawers in advance.

The photo shows one example of the compact interior filling of a closet, reminiscent of a dressing room:

Manufacturers can help you calculate the required number of shelves and hangers for clothes, drawers and containers of different sizes for shoes, linen and sports equipment. You can store mattresses, blankets, kebab and barbecue sets and other household utensils in them.

Surely you will be offered already tested options that have been approved by more than a dozen buyers. Listen to their advice too.

We store things in a small kitchen

In a small kitchen there is a lot of space for storing kitchen utensils: in the work area, under the dining table and under the window, as well as on the kitchen walls. An excellent offer from modern designers are sliding shelves. Thanks to their presence, easy access to any area of ​​the deep corner cabinet is provided. Such a furniture set makes life much easier for housewives, allowing them to compactly place dishes, household appliances, and cleaning supplies in the kitchen.

Plastic containers of different sizes are also convenient: they are useful for storing food, coffee and tea, spices, detergents and washcloths for dishes and furniture.

Advice. A separate box should also be provided for the necessary culinary literature, so that even recipes are always at hand when preparing dishes.

Pull-out shelves are a good idea: they increase the usable area of ​​kitchen cabinets, they store kitchen utensils, and on the doors you can install narrow shelves and holders for cutting boards and pot lids, which is quite practical and convenient.

Shelving partitions

This is another innovative proposal, thanks to which you can divide the room into two functional zones, and store books, candlesticks, vases with flowers, cosmetics and much more on the shelves. An important feature of the rack is that everything the contents of the shelves do not spoil, but emphasize the beauty of the interior.

The use of decorative curtains will create a unique atmosphere of comfort and order.

Book storage ideas

How and where to store books in a small apartment? Although today we increasingly prefer electronic rather than printed publications, fiction is always present in our homes, and we offer several options for storing books in a small apartment:

Imagine, experiment and you will definitely be able to arrange the most interesting bookcase, thanks to which the apartment will not be cluttered, and its design will look interesting and stylish.

Bathroom storage

In a small apartment, bathrooms most often also have a small area, and if the order in a small bathroom gets out of control, then you can resort to various options for storing items such as razors and combs, detergents and toilet paper.

Here are some of the suggestions:

Hooks on the wall

Such mounting on the walls of a small apartment is a practical solution to the issue of storing clothes, hats, bags, umbrellas and other things.

Modern designers suggest using coat hooks in an apartment furnished in a free and relaxed boco chic style, which uses unusual combinations of colors and arrangement of objects and reflects the essence of the owner himself.

All about: find out how to decorate a room with garlands and balloons to create a festive atmosphere - lots of ideas with photos.

Read and see examples in the photo on how to make your home cozy with your own hands.

Top storage tips:

Numerous ideas and plans for where to put things away allow you to choose the most suitable ones in each individual case. And no matter which one you choose, do not forget where and what you put, since each thing should have its own place. Only with this solution to the issue will a small apartment always be uncluttered, and will look beautiful and comfortable.

Living in a small apartment is a manifestation of strong character, patience, endurance of household members, as well as the ability to create order and a comfortable atmosphere in a small space.

Advice. Try not to clutter your apartment (especially a small area) with unnecessary gizmos and objects. Try getting rid of some of them.

But if this fails, then the tips suggested above will help you create a unique interior, where every thing is in its place and securely hidden from prying eyes.

Let the above suggestions and ideas inspire you to create ideal living conditions and put your home in perfect order.

Photo gallery

We invite you to look at a selection of photos with original solutions and unique ideas for the compact arrangement of things from the smallest to the massive - for your inspiration: