Dangerous rat poison. Why is rat poison dangerous for humans and how to help with rat poison poisoning

Dangerous rat poison. Why is rat poison dangerous for humans and how to help with rat poison poisoning

Rat poison is dangerous substance, the purpose of which is the destruction of animals that are harmful. Its use must be careful. Poisoning rat poison- an infrequent occurrence, but the consequences of intoxication will not go unnoticed. Intoxication leads to failure of organ systems and death.

Chemical compositions for deratization are assigned to the class of pesticides. They are used on an industrial and domestic scale to control rodents. There are several for sale chemical compositions that have a similar effect on the mouse, rat and human body:

  1. Strychnine and White Phosphorus are highly toxic poisons. Extremely hazardous to human health.
  2. "Zinc Phosphite" and "Ratsid" - have high toxicity and belong to the category of fast-acting poisons. Rodents die in 100% of cases. The instructions for their use say that use is permissible in exceptional cases, if other means are powerless. Poison is a great danger to humans.
  3. Preparations based on "Zoocoumarin". A common drug that is freely available.

The lethal dose of rat poison for humans depends on the main active substance. When taking funds based on "Warfarin" (a strong anticoagulant), 4.8 grams is enough for a lethal outcome.

Symptoms and signs of poisoning

Symptoms of poisoning with rat poison (ICD 10 - X48) appear 2-4 days after its penetration into the body. Intoxication has a chronic course. When taking a large dose of a substance, acute intoxication is possible - on the first day.

With oral poisoning with mouse poison, the following symptoms are more common:

  • a significant decrease in efficiency, lethargy, drowsiness and unreasonable fatigue;
  • loss of appetite and nausea;
  • nosebleeds;
  • intolerable headaches;
  • skin blanching;
  • pupil dilation;
  • bleeding of mucous membranes;
  • blood blotches in the stool;
  • violation of the functions of the organs of hearing and vision.

The intensity of the manifestation of symptoms and their number depend on various factors, body weight. A child will feel unwell much faster than an adult. If you suspect rodent poisoning, you should immediately consult a doctor for qualified treatment. Self-therapy is unacceptable. The consequences of self-activity can be irreparable.

Giving help

If a child or adult has taken poisonous substance need to call an ambulance immediately. If the case is severe, doctors will take first aid measures and hospitalize the poisoned person. Treatment of such poisoning is carried out in a hospital. Sometimes intensive care is required.

Before the arrival of the ambulance, you should not be inactive. There is no antidote for rat poison in the house. For a number of poisons, an antidote is not provided, but certain measures aimed at saving human life and health can be taken.

First aid

Before the arrival of the ambulance, you need to take a number of measures:

  1. Give 2-2.5 liters of water to drink and induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue.
  2. The stomach is cleared. Give poisoned Activated carbon, at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of body weight or another sorbent.
  3. It is advisable to additionally cleanse the body by taking a saline laxative. It will cleanse the intestines and reduce the absorption of poison.

While waiting for an ambulance, the victim should not eat. Only drinking is allowed. Can't sleep. If there is contact of rat poison with the skin or mucous membranes (common), the place of contact should be washed well running water. If a we are talking on the skin, you need to use soap. Hospitalization is not required.

Hospital treatment

The first step is a complete diagnosis. The degree of damage to systems and organs is determined. In a hospital setting, therapy is carried out:

  • washing the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the introduction of vitamin K to the patient (responsible for blood clotting). It is considered an antidote to most types of rat poison. The duration of such therapy depends on the degree of damage to organs, kidneys and liver;
  • measures are taken to maintain liver function. In some cases, hepatoprotectors are prescribed on a plant and animal basis (the latter are made from swine liver tissues);
  • plasma transfusion is required. This helps restore blood clotting.

In addition to medications and vitamins used as an antidote, the patient needs Fresh air and rest. Medication is prescribed for a period of 2-3 weeks. If no negative manifestations were observed, a study of the prothrombin index is performed. Based on the results of the tests, the doctor evaluates the effectiveness of the measures taken. If the treatment was successful, the patient is discharged with the appointment of a course of vitamins required to support the body.

Mass poisoning with rat poison is not observed. Their fault is negligence. Children suffer from it. To prevent this from happening, substances with an increased hazard code should be stored in hard-to-reach places.

Antidote for mouse poison for humans

The antidote for rat poison is vitamin K, but it is unofficial. The substance has synthetic and natural forms that differ in properties. K1 (phylloquinone) - regulates the processes of blood clotting in the body. It is used in the treatment of poisoning with toxic substances.

After discharge from the hospital, in addition to other medications, the doctor recommends eating foods rich in vitamin K:

  • cow's milk;
  • barberry and blackberry;
  • hawthorn, wild rose and mountain ash;
  • cabbage;
  • cereal crops;
  • green tea and soybean oil.

Eating the above foods during rehabilitation gives a good fixing effect.

Possible Complications

Any poisoning does not pass without a trace, including intoxication with poison for rodents. A person who does not receive help on time will face:

  1. Bleeding gums.
  2. Poor blood clotting.
  3. Internal hemorrhages.

To avoid poisoning, you need to use anti-rodent agents that do not have such a detrimental effect on humans. You can get advice from the health department. The ideal option It can be the involvement of specially trained people from the sanitary and epidemiological station to solve problems with rodents.

Rodenticides or rodenticides are used to kill them everywhere, including establishments Catering. Therefore, it is important to find out in advance how rat poison works - the lethal dose of which for a person is too high to be accidentally poisoned by it, but even a small portion of the toxin can cause rather unpleasant clinical signs.

Symptoms of human rat poison poisoning

Typical manifestations of rodenticide intoxication:

  • pale skin;
  • headache;
  • severe weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • , mucous membranes.

Extremely rarely, usually with the use of high doses of the toxin, the following symptoms are observed:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • impurities of blood in feces;
  • abdominal pain;
  • the formation of hematomas on the body;

There have been no fatal cases of poisoning with rat poison for several decades. This is due to the fact that for a fatal outcome, a person needs to eat quite a lot of rodenticide. All forms of poison available on the market contain such active substances as bromadiolone and warfarin at very low concentrations, about 0.005-0.02% pure toxin. Even rats do not die immediately after using the bait, but within a week, since the funds in question produce a cumulative effect. The risk of death is possible if a person eats more than 150 g of such drugs.

What to do if a person is poisoned with rat poison?

If intoxication nevertheless occurred, it is necessary:

  1. Induce vomiting (several times).
  2. Take a large amount of liquid, about 3 liters.
  3. Drink a sorbent and a laxative based on salt.
  4. Take rehydration solution periodically.

Regardless of the amount of poison eaten, it is important to immediately call the emergency department and call the medical team.

Rat poison baits are not often eaten by dogs, as they are mostly mixed with grain, which dogs are not interested in. But still, this sometimes happens, so every pet owner should know the symptoms and methods of treating rat poisoning in dogs.

For serious intoxication, dogs require an impressive dose of the substance. AT total patients veterinary clinic poisoning with rat poison in them is less than 1/10 of a percent.

If the poison is mixed with meat ingredients, then the risk of poisoning increases. They can also eat the carcasses of poisoned animals. Much depends on the poison itself, as there are strong rodenticides that act quickly. If a dog has eaten a poisoned rat or mouse, then signs of poisoning may not appear for a long time.

Why is rat poison dangerous?

To beat back bad smell poison, manufacturers add meat-flavored flavors, which attracts dogs. Bait with a potent poison is specially laid out to destroy stray dogs. But poisoning dogs with rat poison is an illegal and extremely cruel method of exterminating animals.

This substance is used to kill mice and rats in outbuildings, living quarters, food production. It is mixed with products that are attractive to rodents - grain, kitchen waste. Ready-made substrates are also sold in stores - grain mixture, paste, granular baits.

There are two groups of poisons:

  1. Fast-acting poison.
  2. Substance of the prolonged action.

Only rodenticides of the second group are freely sold. Stronger substances are used only by station specialists.

Types of poisonous substances:

  • brodifacoum;
  • triphenacin;
  • ethylphenacin;
  • flocumafen;
  • ratsid.

According to the type of toxin, they are divided into:

  1. First-generation anticoagulants affect the blood, which does not clot under the action of the substance. They do not accumulate in the body. Substances of the second generation have the same mechanism, but are excreted more slowly, so they act quickly and strongly.
  2. Krysid is very toxic, pulmonary edema immediately sets in, convulsive reactions, a lethal dose for dogs is 150 mg / kg of body weight.
  3. Zinc phosphide is also highly toxic, used only by rodent exterminators. Intoxication destroys the walls of the stomach, affects the nervous reactions.

If the poison of the first group got into the dog's stomach, the symptoms of poisoning will appear for 2-3 days.

How to identify the symptoms of poisoning?

Signs of rat poison poisoning in dogs vary depending on the type of toxin:

  • Symptoms of rat poisoning in dogs of the first type. The defeat of anticoagulants (coumarins, zoocoumarins) is expressed in rapid breathing of the animal, white - gray color oral mucosa, nosebleeds, poor response to stimuli, lack of appetite. Vomiting and black feces indicate intestinal hemorrhage. Connecting with hydrochloric acid in the stomach, the blood turns black and clotted. The dog's blood pressure rises, as evidenced by reddened whites of the eyes. The kidneys bleed and stain the urine in pink color. Foam of the same color when coughing is a manifestation of lung damage. The most dangerous moment is a hemorrhage in the brain - a stroke. The dog loses consciousness, convulsions begin. At high doses of poison, blood is observed in the dog's feces and urine, lameness, cramps in the intestines. The dog can die from hemorrhages, as the blood stops clotting. Timely assistance with correctly diagnosed symptoms of rat poisoning in dogs allows you to restore health to animals in 85% of cases.
  • Poisons of the second and third groups are not currently used, but the symptoms of poisoning by them must be known. This is vomiting blood; liquid stool; weakness, shortness of breath; nervous behavior; convulsions, temporary loss of consciousness. Rat is the most dangerous poison. Defeat internal organs develops rapidly within a few hours. Pulmonary edema begins - the dog breathes poorly, the skin turns pale, the pulse is not palpable, convulsions begin.

How does the poison work?

Poison is designed to kill. Getting inside a living organism, it causes pathological changes in the blood, which ceases to perform its life-giving functions. All organs gradually atrophy, which causes a slow, painful death of the animal.

It only takes a few milligrams of poison to poison a dog. Puppies and young dogs small sizes react faster to toxins, their pathologies develop more rapidly than in adult large dogs.

How to save an animal in case of poisoning?

If you are sure that the dog has swallowed the poison intended for rats, immediately begin to treat preventive measures and treat:

  1. The first step - as far as possible, it is necessary to remove the poison eaten from the stomach - to wash with weak potassium permanganate, to induce vomiting. Gastric lavage should be done with a 20-gram syringe. Dial into it warm water and insert into the dog's mouth. big dogs this procedure should be done 4-5 times, for small ones one dose is enough. Pressing on the root of the tongue will cause a gag reflex. After manipulating the syringe, do a bowel lavage. Use a baby rubber bulb to inject 50-100 ml of water into the dog's anus. Wait for the act of defecation and repeat the procedure a few more times. Dogs get used to going to the toilet outside, this must be borne in mind. You will have to wash the intestines outside the home, in the usual environment for the animal. Give your dog diluted magnesium sulfate powder to cleanse the intestines. In case of poisoning with anticoagulants, it is impossible to wash the stomach and induce vomiting, as these actions will increase internal bleeding.
  2. The second step is to give an adsorbent to collect the remnants of the poisonous substance. You can use activated carbon powder at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. If the dog weighs 5 kg, then dilute her 0.5 tablets. Mix the powder with water and draw into a syringe. Inject the medicine so that the dog swallows it. Make sure that the correct dose of sorbent is taken. There are special cleansing preparations - "Polysorb", "Polifepan" and others. If you know how to use them, give them to the animal to drink.
  3. The third step is to give the animal jelly-like enveloping decoctions of flaxseed, rice, oatmeal. They will prevent the absorption of toxic substances into the blood.

After 3-5 hours, the contents of the stomach pass into the intestines. Do not torment the dog with useless gag reflexes after they expire. You can not do this with a weak reaction, a clear nervous lesion. Under no circumstances should you feed the animal.

It is not necessary to give potent human drugs without consulting a specialist. Dosages for humans and dogs are different. Moreover, it is not known what chemical reaction occurs when a poison and a drug interact.


For each toxic substance has its own antidote. Anticoagulants thin the blood due to a lack of vitamin K. It will be the antidote. Vitamin K1 - phytomenadione is injected under the skin of an animal at a rate of 5 mg / kg of body weight.

It is impossible to completely neutralize rats with the help of an antidote - there is none. You can collect poison in the dog's stomach with a solution of tannin. If zinc phosphide has entered the stomach, then it is excreted with a solution blue vitriol or drinking soda.

Video: poisoning and symptoms.

Treatment at the veterinarian

In the clinic, the doctor will perform a thorough sequential examination of the dog. It includes measuring body temperature, blood pressure, pulse. The owner must tell in detail how long ago the poisoning occurred, what type of poison and what first aid actions were taken at home.

If the animal is weak, it should remain under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital. If the dog's condition does not cause concern, then the veterinarian will explain how to treat the dog, prescribe droppers, procedures, and the time of the next visit.

The above methods are urgent help for an animal at home. If possible, take your dog to the vet for treatment. Only he will be able to correctly diagnose poisoning and distinguish its symptoms from manifestations of other diseases. Be sure to examine the blood of the animal for the content and determination of the amount of poison.

A long course of vitamin K1 is usually prescribed. In case of severe poisoning, a blood transfusion is done on the first day to completely cleanse it of toxins. This procedure replenishes the number of dead red blood cells and restores normal blood clotting.

If strong fast-acting poisons have entered the dog's body, the doctor prescribes drugs to restore the work of the heart, blood vessels, to cleanse the liver and eliminate pulmonary edema.

In conclusion, the main points of helping the animal:

  • Determining the type of toxin;
  • Cleansing the stomach;
  • Medical measures;
  • Recovery therapy.

Remember that the owner is to blame for the fact that the dog ate the poisonous bait or carcass. We are responsible for those...

Rat poison (or rodenticide) - common name substances used to combat different types pest rodents. Since such drugs are readily available, their danger to humans is ignored by some. Careless use of rodenticide is the main cause of human and pets.

Types and action of rodenticides

There are several types of rat poison, differing in the principle of action:

  1. Ratcid and zinc phosphide are very toxic, so their use is limited to strict controls. The use of such a poison is a last resort when slow-acting poisons do not work. These drugs cause 100% rapid death of all rodents.
  2. Lead and arsenic compounds, strychnine, thallium sulfate, white or yellow phosphorus - they used to be used, but now their use is prohibited.
  3. Modern drugs against mice and rats, which are freely available, which include zoocoumarins (anticoagulants). In the human body, these poisons do not accumulate, they are excreted in 3-4 days. The consequences of poisoning are manifested individually, based on the state of health of the individual.

The lethal dose of rat poison for humans depends on the composition of the individual drug, because the active substance in each poison is not the same and has a different concentration. A lot depends on the physical condition of the victim. When a person has liver problems, he can become very poisoned by rat poison. After all, the anticoagulants contained in the poison destroy the blood components necessary for its coagulation. Namely, these components are synthesized by the liver, so it is under the most severe blow.

In general, it is difficult to get very poisoned with rat poison, because its dosage is calculated for small rodents. That is, an adult will have to eat enough of it to seriously suffer. Usually, the poison contains 0.1-2% of the active substance, the rest is bait for rodents. A deadly poison for a person will be if he consumes 3-4 g of the active substance, or about 150 g of poison - this is a lot.

And although death from rat poison among people is a rare phenomenon, this poison can seriously undermine health. Therefore, no risk is justified and security measures must be strictly observed.

How modern rat poisons "work"

The active substance of many modern drugs against rodents are anticoagulants, or zoocoumarins. These are substances that prevent blood from clotting by disrupting the production of vitamin K. This substance, or vikasol, is a cofactor in the synthesis of prothrombin, without which blood cannot clot.

The anticoagulants contained in rat poison enter the bloodstream very quickly, reaching a maximum concentration there in three hours. Since many rodents were resistant to warfarin, brodifactum and difenacoum began to be used as the main components of preparations for their poisoning. The latter proved to be 100 times more effective than warfarin. These are potent poisons, poisoning them leads to intense coagulopathy (blood clotting disorders), heavy bleeding, so timely assistance is vital.

Diagnosis and first aid for intoxication

When the poison enters the human body, it is not immediately felt. Signs of intoxication occur on the 3rd-4th day and have the character of a chronic disease. Rarely enough, when a lot of poison was eaten, the symptoms of poisoning make themselves felt after 12-24 hours.

The poisoned person suffers from:

  • weakness,
  • loss of appetite and nausea,
  • headache,
  • gum bleeding,
  • bloody mucous membranes,
  • internal hemorrhage,
  • profuse bleeding even due to a minor wound,
  • diarrhea with blood
  • pain in the abdomen
  • nosebleeds,
  • the appearance of blood spots on the skin,
  • the skin has a pale, sometimes grayish-bluish tint.

If it was established that the victim had consumed poison 3-4 days ago, the destructive effect of rat poison on a person in this case can be stopped only in stationary conditions. Therefore, the most competent will be such steps:

  • call an ambulance
  • lay down the patient
  • give him plenty to drink - it can be plain water or special solutions
  • no food should be given.

When you have established that the poisoning occurred 12-24 hours ago, then after calling an ambulance, the following must be done:

  • give the victim 1.5-3 liters of water or a special solution to drink,
  • make him vomit
  • give him an absorbent,
  • give him saline laxatives to drink,
  • don't feed anything.

When rat poison comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, wash these areas large quantity running water. Often in such cases, hospitalization is not needed.

In the hospital, the victim will be given an antidote for 2-4 weeks - vitamin K1, as well as supportive therapy, the content of which depends on the extent of the damage to health caused by rat poison. Often prescribed forced diuresis and hepatoprotectors. AT difficult situations in order to quickly replenish the clotting factor, a transfusion of blood plasma is required.

Periodically, a person donates blood for analysis so that doctors can assess the level of its coagulability. This indicator determines how quickly the patient will be discharged home.

How to avoid poisoning

Preventing rodenticide poisoning is quite simple. For this you need:

  • First, get the advice of a specialist who will offer the most best method extermination of rodents in your situation.
  • Secondly, if there are animals and small children in the house, this must be taken into account. Moreover, in special stores there are a lot of alternatives to rat poison.

Rodenticides can seriously undermine human health, in some cases they have caused death. Therefore, do not ignore the first signs or even suspicions of poisoning. It is better to overdo it by calling an ambulance and passing the necessary tests than not to do it and come to the hospital in a deplorable state. Timely, competent treatment will avoid a long hospital and unpleasant consequences intoxication.

Rodent control on household plots and in private homes often leads to the need to use chemicals. A variety of poisons come to the rescue, effectively eliminating large populations of pests.

However, people often forget that they, like rodents, should be wary of the effects of toxic chemicals. Poisoning with rat poison is quite rare, but its consequences for humans can be very serious. Such intoxication can lead not only to functional disorders in the body, but also to death.

Means for deratization - rodenticides - belongs to the category of pesticides. They are used commercially in agriculture and at home to protect against rodents. There are several rodenticides on the market, differing in the degree of impact on mice and humans:

  1. Highly toxic poisons - strychnine, thallium sulfate, mixtures of lead and arsenic, yellow or white phosphorus have not been used recently because of the high risk of poisoning the person who comes into contact with them.
  2. Zinc phosphide and naphthylthiocarbamide (rats) are highly toxic. They are among the poisons of instant action and contribute to the 100% death of rats a few hours after they eat the bait. These drugs are released and used very limitedly, in cases where other poisons are not effective.
  3. Preparations based on zoocoumarins are widely distributed on the market. Their action is based on a violation of blood clotting. When rats eat poison, they experience internal bleeding, leading to death. There are two generations of poisons of this species:
  • first generation anticoagulants. Such rat poison acts slowly on the body. It is not capable of accumulation and is excreted by the kidneys 3-5 days after ingestion. The most famous poisons of this species are "Warfarin", "Ethylfenacin", "Isoindan";
  • second-generation anticoagulant poisons are more toxic and can accumulate in the body of rodents. Among the most popular drugs in this category are Brodifacoum, Difenacoum and Flocumafen.

The lethal dose of rat poison for humans depends on the type of active substance. So, for a lethal outcome when taking Warfarin, it is necessary to consume 60 mg of the substance per kilogram of weight. Death from "Brodifacoum" occurs as a result of taking 300 mg of the drug per 1 kg of human body weight.

How does rat poison affect humans?

To understand how dangerous rat poison is for humans, it is worth knowing the mechanism of its action. The main active ingredient used in mouse and rat poisons are anticoagulants. They contribute to the disruption of the metabolism in the blood of vikasol (vitamin K), which prevents proper blood clotting.

Anticoagulant drugs help to put vitamin K into a state of inactivity, due to which blood clotting factors are not active. This leads to the fact that a person has bleeding of minor wounds, vomiting and diarrhea with blood impurities.

Poisoning a person with toxic drugs like Difenacum can lead to serious consequences: bleeding and internal hemorrhages, severe coagulopathy. In the absence of qualified medical care, a person can die from blood loss.

Signs of intoxication

Symptoms of rat poison poisoning do not appear immediately after it enters the body, but after 2-3 days. Most often, intoxication is manifested by a chronic course. Only in case of acute poisoning as a result of taking a large dose of a highly toxic substance, signs of a violation of blood clotting will be detected during the first day.

With the internal use of rat poison for a person, the following signs of poisoning are characteristic:

  • increased weakness;
  • decreased need for food, nausea, vomiting;
  • nosebleeds;
  • Strong headache;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • bleeding gum tissue, bruising on the mucous membranes;
  • blood impurities in urine and feces;
  • dizziness;
  • impaired vision and hearing;
  • internal hemorrhages.

The intensity of manifestation and the number of signs depends on the degree of intoxication. At the slightest suspicion of poisoning with rat poison, urgent action must be taken.

You should be aware that if a child swallows even a few capsules of rat poison, you should immediately contact the medical institution! Due to the rapid course of reactions in the child's body, the consequences of intoxication can be severe.

First aid for poisoning

If it is found that a person has accidentally or deliberately drunk rat poison, an ambulance must be called immediately. Before her arrival, it is worth providing first aid, consisting of the following:

  1. The victim needs to drink 2-3 liters of warm purified water, and then induce vomiting by pressing fingers on the root of the tongue.
  2. After cleansing the stomach, it is necessary to give the poisoned person activated charcoal or another sorbent.
  3. It is advisable that the victim take a saline laxative to cleanse the intestines and reduce the absorption of poison into the blood.

Until the ambulance arrives, a person with mouse poisoning should not take any food. Only drinking water is allowed. In addition, a poisoned person should not be allowed to fall asleep.

In case of contact of rodenticide with the skin, it is necessary to rinse the area thoroughly. warm water and soap. The mucous surfaces of the mouth and eyes should be washed with plenty of running water.

Hospitalization and treatment

Poisoning by rat poison of a person requires the immediate delivery of the victim to a medical institution. In a hospital setting, doctors will determine the level of damage to the body, the presence of internal hemorrhages and prescribe appropriate therapy.

For the treatment of rat poison poisoning in hospitals, the following methods are used:

  1. Lavage of the stomach and intestines, accelerated diuresis.
  2. The introduction of an antidote to the victim - vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting. The duration of such therapy is from 15 to 30 days, depending on the degree of poisoning.
  3. Supportive care aimed at recovery proper functioning liver.
  4. In some cases, plasma transfusion is required to restore blood clotting.

During treatment, the patient needs to rest as much as possible and minimize physical activity. After 2-3 weeks of treatment, the patient undergoes a study of the prothrombin index. Thanks to this indicator, the doctor evaluates blood clotting and the effectiveness of the therapeutic measures provided. If the treatment helped, the person is discharged from the hospital, having prescribed a course of taking vitamins to maintain the body.

Consequences of poisoning

Unrendered in right moment health care when a person is intoxicated with rat poison, it can have serious consequences after some time. The lack of vitamin K in the body, destroyed by the action of toxins, leads to the following problems:

  • bleeding gums;
  • profuse bleeding even with minor damage to the skin or mucous membranes;
  • internal hemorrhages.

The lack of the necessary therapeutic measures to remove toxins and restore blood clotting can lead to serious consequences, even death.

Prevention of poisoning

If it is necessary to carry out deratting at home, it is necessary to consult with specialists in the extermination of rodents. They can suggest ways to get rid of rats without using highly toxic poisons, such as setting traps or traps.

If there is a need to use poison, it is necessary to use means personal protection. It is necessary to store poisonous preparations for deratization in places that are not accessible to children.

People working in enterprises that produce rat poisons must follow safety precautions when in contact with toxic substances.