Is leap year dangerous? Why a leap year is considered bad, folk signs

Is leap year dangerous?  Why a leap year is considered bad, folk signs
Is leap year dangerous? Why a leap year is considered bad, folk signs

There are many superstitions about certain events. A leap year is a year whose duration is 366 days instead of the usual 365. It would seem that they change one extra day, but esotericists attribute mystical properties to them. Accidents happening, troubles - that's why leap year considered bad.

Since ancient times, people have been surrounded by various superstitions. Even during pagan times, time was perceived as a good and bad phenomenon. If it was a period of change, then the changes were considered to be influenced by evil. Sacred meaning endowed the last day of winter:

  • transition to summer;
  • the beginning of a new agricultural cycle;
  • the end of the old one.

The Slavs celebrated the New Year on March 1 and even counted the periods lived by “spring”: it’s not for nothing that “peers” are people born in the same year.

The last day of winter is the most dangerous. From a mythological point of view, winter lengthens every four years and on February 29 receives special mystical rights. In people's perception, the entire period becomes unfavorable. It is believed that at this time there is a massive pestilence of livestock, wars, epidemics and other troubles.

The situation did not change with the advent of Christianity. St. Kasyan's Day was celebrated on February 29. People transferred their prejudices to him and represented him as angry, envious and harmful person. They endowed his appearance with deformities. Special signs appeared: “Wherever Kasyan looks, everything withers” and others. To avoid misfortune, people tried not to leave their houses and not let their livestock out.

Representations in the modern world

Today people are no less susceptible to various superstitions. Many famous predictors make various warnings about the upcoming leap year. Possible list of incidents:

  • disasters;
  • natural disasters;
  • disasters.

If we look at world history, we can find ample evidence of the dangers of leap periods. So in 2000, there was a fire on the TV tower, the Kursk submarine sank and an airliner crashed near Paris.

It is not recommended to propose marriage this year. Any new beginnings will end in failure. This also applies to marriage. There is a popular belief that anyone who gets married in the year of Kasyan will definitely become a widower. Few people know whether it is possible to get divorced during a leap year. This is not recommended, as the person will be unhappy in the new relationship or will remain lonely.

Disturbances in the geomagnetic environment and homeostatic field are why leap years are difficult. This affects sensitive people and they may experience aggression or fatigue.

Behavior rules

During a leap year, you should adhere to certain prohibitions. This will avoid many problems. Troubles are easier to prevent.

A change of place of residence threatens the disruption of all plans and the appearance of obstacles - that’s why you can’t move during a leap year. Experienced magicians do not advise starting to build housing, as this will certainly end in an accident. Buying real estate will not bring results. A person will only lose money and time. Moving will also bring Negative consequences. Selling the apartment or renovating it is also not worth it. Any changes will turn against a person: low quality materials, the appearance of scammers, etc.

Some people wonder whether it is possible to buy a car during a leap year. Experienced magicians do not advise doing this. It's all about Kasyan. He patronizes envious people and evil people, they can ruin your purchase.

The hardest thing about having children is that you can’t order them not to show up at a certain time. People have an ambiguous opinion about those born at such a time. Some consider such children to be chosen and talented, others to be unhappy and with a difficult fate.

Those born on February 29 appear with the gift of a sorcerer or witch. They are connected with the other world. Because of their special gift of foreseeing the future, people avoid meeting them.

Pregnant women should not cut their hair until after childbirth - this protects the baby from misfortunes and diseases. You should not celebrate the appearance of your child’s first tooth, otherwise they will be crooked and sick. Those born in Kasyanovo time need to be baptized quickly.

Ways to protect yourself from trouble

A well-chosen talisman will protect against the evil eye. Regular showers before bed washes away negative energy. You must wear a cross on your body.

You can pay off the lack of money by giving away the third one killed (in reality modern world- bought) bird for a neighbor. So Kasyan receives a kind of sacrifice.

My God, what a boom! Everyone just says: the terrible leap year is coming, you can’t get married, open a business, you can’t do this, you can’t do that...
But it’s not for nothing that psychologists write - our thoughts are material. Of course, if the majority of the planet's population thinks that some very bad year- he will come! And he won’t even be shy! Why should “he” worry, everyone is waiting for “him”.

I would like to note that A leap year differs from all others by only one day - February 29. It is known that there are Julian and Gregorian calendars. The Julian calendar was introduced into circulation by the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar in 46 BC. Julius Caesar reformed the old Roman calendar, which by that time was very chaotic and complex. New calendar was solar and distributed the solar year according to calendar days and months. But since the solar year is not divided into an even number of days, the leap year system was adopted, which “caught up” with the length of the solar year.

Also for the Gregorian calendar we needed additional measures to calculate exact dates, because and it could not be absolutely accurate, since in principle it is impossible to accurately divide the solar year into the number of days.
For this purpose, not only leap years were introduced, but also, a kind of non-leap centuries. It was decided that those centuries that are not divisible by 4 without a remainder would be simple and not leap centuries, as is the case in the Julian calendar. That is, the centuries 1700, 1800, 1900, 2100 and so on are simple, that is, no insertion occurs in these years extra day in February. And therefore, in these centuries, the Julian calendar goes one more day ahead.

By now, a difference of 13 days has accumulated between the two calendars, which will increase by another day in 2100. By the way, it is this difference that is the reason that in Russian Orthodox Church major holidays are celebrated 13 days later than in the Western Church and some Orthodox churches.

It turns out that the leap year is a completely human invention necessary for calculating exact astronomical dates.

And there is absolutely no mysticism here. But, unfortunately, many prejudices and superstitions constantly complicate the lives of many people. For example, the fact that you can’t have a wedding or get married in a leap year. Favorable or or there are no years for marriage. After all, you must agree, if a leap year were somehow undesirable for the church from the point of view of marriage, then this would certainly be reflected in church canons. But nothing like this can be found anywhere. This means that this superstition has nothing to do with the true state of affairs. After all, if young people love each other, what does this have to do with dates? How will they be able to reflect their destinies? Think...

There is another superstition associated with leap year. It says that in a leap year he dies more people than in other years. This can only be assumed if a large number of people will die on February 29th. This reasoning has no basis. If we touch upon statistical data, approximately the same number of people die in leap years as in others, and the mortality rate depends on completely different factors.

And that's not all, of course. As soon as you hear about the coming of such a terrible time, you will no longer want to live. In fact, time is in our hearts, souls, whatever. We build our own destiny, our own world. We either move forward and enjoy the new day, or we are afraid, without knowing what.

Let this year be the happiest, because we will live one more day! And how much can you accomplish in 24 hours! Good luck to you, dear friends! And don't believe prejudices.

To the question Why is Leap Year scary? given by the author Insomnia* the best answer is The point, it turns out, is that February 29 is Kasyan’s day. And among the saints revered by the Orthodox, he occupies a completely exceptional place. Although he is a saint, he is unloved, “unmerciful.” Kasyan, one of the followers of Christ, refused to help the farmer pull out the stuck cart, which Christ asked him to do. This was done by Nikolai, who was walking nearby. And then Christ said: “You have done a good deed, Nikolai. People will remember you twice a year - in May and December. And you, Kasyan, for not helping, will be remembered only once every four years.” On the eve and last day of the leap year, special prayers were even said. It is difficult to say whether these prayers helped, but they brought some peace to the soul.
There is another superstition associated with leap year. It says that more people die in a leap year than in other years (“the death will rise!”). It is believed that on leap days many old and sick people who have been sitting too long die. Why does “someone die” during a leap year? There is such an intricate legend. One of the Christian saints beats devils with chains without a break for 4 years. IN New Year he looks up and the earth comforts him. Having been consoled, he begins with special frenzy to whip the devils, who, accordingly, harm what consoled him: grass (and fires destroy crops), animals (and pestilence begins), or people. Another legend belongs to the ancient Roman holiday called Feralia and was held on February 21 - on this day a meal was prepared for the souls of the dead and a gift of tiles with a withered wreath, bread soaked in wine, some violets, a few grains of millet, and a pinch of salt were presented. But souls do not need abundant food and gifts; the memory of the living is more important to them. Therefore, the most important thing is to pray to them with all your heart and not forget about them.
By the way, it’s not only here that leap years are considered bad. In England, for example, there is a belief that in a leap year everything is wrong, everything is topsy-turvy: “In a leap year, even the horse bean grows in the wrong direction.” And in Scotland, only in a leap year it is not men who woo women, but vice versa.
10 minutes before the onset of the leap year 2012, say a special prayer: “I am riding on horseback, I am traveling on foot, and I have a successful year. I will dress myself in holy clothes, I am baptized with the holy cross, I say goodbye to the old year, I greet the leap year, I put on holy clothes. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. And on the last night of the year, use the following prayer: “Annual angels, holy angels, do not give in your words, do not let in your deeds the passing of the leap year into the coming new year. Do not allow the slaves (names of family members) neither dark days nor evil people, no bitter tears, no painful illness. 12 angels, stand in defense (names of family members). The word is strong, Amen. And everything will be fine with you
Signs of Leap Year 2012
In a leap year, it is better not to start building a bathhouse.
If possible, you should not change your job or apartment.
You can't sell livestock.
The third goose out of all those slaughtered is given away for free.
Old people should not buy “mortal” items as a reserve. Sign: they won’t live long after this.
People who divorced on a leap year should buy a new towel and take it to the church, give it to the women who wash and clean there, saying to themselves: “I pay tribute to the leap year, and you, family angel, stand next to me. Amen. Amen. Amen".
In a leap year, when leaving home for any reason or for work, they say, without stepping over the threshold of their home: “I go and ride along the leap trail, I bow to the leap year. I left the threshold, and will return here. Amen.”
In the spring of a leap year, when planting in a vegetable garden, they say: “In a leap year, soot will die.”
At the first thunder in a leap year, they place their finger on their finger with a cross and whisper: “The whole family is with me (names of family members are listed). Amen.”
When they hear a dog howling on a leap year, they say: “Go howl, but not to my home. Amen.”
On parent's Saturday When they come to the cemetery in a leap year, they are not remembered until three people have been commemorated.
Source: May longing and sadness bypass your homes, and may the leap year 2012 be lucky for you!

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Why is Leap Year scary?

Answer from leak[guru]
“An extra day” means additional problems. :-))

Answer from Caucasian[guru]
because he will make everyone leap with a sideways oblique

A leap year is distinguished from a simple year by the number of days in February. If in a normal year there are twenty-eight, then in a leap year there are twenty-nine. Particularly superstitious people always fear the onset of a leap year and expect nothing but troubles and hardships from it. From ancient times to this day, many associate this period with troubles, illnesses, deaths, crop failures and other “charms of life.” But where did this notoriety come from?

Why is leap year bad?

By ancient legend, the leap year was associated with Kasyan - the Angel, who knew all the thoughts and plans of the Lord. But, being evil and cruel, he betrayed God, which is why he was subsequently punished: he was beaten for three years, and on the fourth, he descended to earth to do evil deeds. However, this is not the only belief associated with the cruel Angel. But all existing legends come to one end - on a leap year, Kasyan comes to sow misfortune.

Believe it or not is everyone's business. From a scientific point of view, more murders, accidents and deaths actually occur during a leap year. But there is a logical explanation for all this: such a year is longer by one day, due to which the number of incidents increases.

Numerous superstitions associated with leap years have survived to this day. One of the most popular says that a wedding played during this period is doomed to failure. But why is a wedding on a leap year bad? It is worth noting that in ancient times, leap year was the year of brides. This meant that the girl could independently choose her groom and woo her husband. The guy had no right to refuse her. As a result, families were created where in most cases there was no mutual love. Often they fell apart. Thus, the belief has reached our days that a marriage created in a leap year is doomed.

Those born in a leap year - signs

In ancient times, there was an ambiguous attitude towards a baby born in a leap year. Some believed that such a person would face a very difficult fate with a tragic end. Others, on the contrary, argued that these were chosen people with unique talents. Special treatment deserved by people born on February twenty-ninth. According to legend, these people are endowed esoteric abilities, they were sent to earth to help their neighbors. It is believed that those born on the last twenty-ninth day of February will live a long and happy life. According to signs, these people are darlings