Fencing the veranda with polycarbonate in the country. Polycarbonate veranda: construction stages. We make a frame for a future veranda

Fencing the veranda with polycarbonate in the country.  Polycarbonate veranda: construction stages.  We make a frame for a future veranda
Fencing the veranda with polycarbonate in the country. Polycarbonate veranda: construction stages. We make a frame for a future veranda

A feature of any veranda, which is essentially a terrace adjacent to the house, is its location on the same level with the residential building directly next to the exit, which allows you to be in the open air at any time without actually leaving the house. This was not only the main reason for the popularity of such extensions for several centuries, but also determined the parameters of the materials used in their construction.

The basic requirements for a veranda are quite simple and at the same time capacious. She must be:

  • light;
  • spacious;
  • reliable;
  • warm if the veranda is closed;
  • beautiful;
  • cozy.

To date, all of the above properties are best demonstrated by polycarbonate verandas.

Extraordinary transparent plastic

Polycarbonate, or transparent polymer plastic, was created as an alternative to conventional glass. The first sheet of this material was first produced in Israel in the mid-70s of the last century. Since then, cellular and monolithic polycarbonate has become widespread in a variety of industries. First of all, due to its unique characteristics, of which the most important are:

  • service life of more than 10 years;
  • high strength, surpassing any industrial transparent materials;
  • the degree of transparency, reaching almost 90%;
  • resistance to the environment and exposure to ultraviolet;
  • ease of processing;
  • light weight;
  • acceptable cost.

All together made the material indispensable in construction, and especially in private residential buildings. Pergolas, terraces and verandas made of polycarbonate have become an indispensable attribute of most country houses and cottages.

Features of the open veranda

As already mentioned, the veranda must meet a number of requirements, which determines the choice of material for construction, in this case, the use of polycarbonate. The main influence on its use is the functional purpose of the veranda: is it open or closed.

Open, or summer, polycarbonate verandas, as well as from other materials, are usually used only in the warm season and serve as a reliable shelter from sunlight or possible precipitation. The design of such buildings is quite simple and includes mandatory supports for fixing the roof and a possible small fence. Polycarbonate sheets can be used for both fencing and roofing. Bearing supports can be made of wooden beams, metal profiles or bricks, that is, any material used for similar work.

Characteristic differences of closed structures

For closed options, in addition to walls and roofs, it is assumed that there are door or window openings, as well as careful insulation of the entire perimeter of the room. Using clear polycarbonate can eliminate the need for a window, as the entire wall becomes a large panorama. This solution can also be used for doors or roofs, which allows you to create the effect of being constantly outdoors in a comfortable environment. It is impossible to completely abandon the windows, since in the summer they create the necessary coolness.

Types of polycarbonate and its advantages

For the construction of a veranda or other building, you can use two types of polycarbonate:

  • honeycomb sheet, consisting of individual plates connected by a partition;
  • a monolithic sheet that does not have voids inside.

Possessing almost the same advantages, they have their own characteristics. The first retains heat well, and the second surpasses ordinary glass in all respects.

Verandas made of polycarbonate compare favorably with those made of other materials, even if the use of this material is limited to individual structural elements. The most important pluses include:

  • a significant reduction in construction costs, which is achieved not only by the acceptable cost of polycarbonate, but also by reducing the total weight of the structure and, as a result, the number of stiffening elements;
  • ease of processing, allowing the installation of even large sheets on their own, including cutting and subsequent connection;
  • good resistance to all atmospheric precipitation, which, combined with a competent project, allows you to observe natural phenomena “from the first row”.

Disadvantages and how to eliminate them

At the same time, it is impossible not to note the shortcomings of this material, which must be taken into account during operation:

  • susceptibility to mechanical damage, which requires certain accuracy during use;
  • the ability to scratch even with light touches, which reduces transparency and requires the mandatory elimination of potential sources of damage, such as tree branches or shrubs;
  • intolerance to chemical solutions that are contained in certain types of detergents;
  • the ability to change its dimensions under the influence of temperature, which can be prevented by providing gaps between the sheets;
  • when creating closed structures, the use of sealant is mandatory.

The use of precautions during the installation and operation of a polycarbonate veranda allows you to effortlessly minimize the impact of these shortcomings.

If the installation is done by hand

Ease of processing and low weight often become decisive factors when deciding to build a do-it-yourself veranda. Usually, in this case, attached polycarbonate verandas are meant, the need for which arose after the completion of the construction of the main house.

The construction process is no different from the technology of building a veranda from any other material:

  • preparation of a project for future construction;
  • installation of formwork and foundation pouring (tape, monolithic or columnar);
  • installation of support posts (from a bar or a metal profile) and a floor;
  • installation of rafters (wooden or metal);
  • installation of walls and roofs made of polycarbonate.

In this process, the main thing is to choose, prepare and fix polycarbonate sheets correctly.

Features of working with the material

When choosing and installing polycarbonate sheets, it is advisable to use the following recommendations:

  • before the termination of installation work, the protective coating cannot be removed;
  • when working with honeycomb sheets, the ends must be sealed to prevent moisture from entering inside;
  • for open projects, a sheet thickness of up to 10 mm is sufficient; for closed projects, you can choose 16 mm or more;
  • for window or door openings, it is recommended to use monolithic sheets, which are best installed in a frame, like ordinary glass;
  • the angle of inclination of the roof for a polycarbonate veranda is recommended to be at least 40 ° to prevent the accumulation of water or foliage;
  • moving along the sheets occurs with the help of special devices, otherwise they may crack;
  • fastening the sheet to any base is always done only with the use of rubber gaskets that prevent damage.

Unlimited use cases

If you look at all the existing polycarbonate verandas and terraces, the photos of which are in the article, you can choose any suitable option for the most demanding owners.

Polycarbonate goes well with all building materials, making it easy to fit into the design of any private building. A variety of colors only expands the application options.

The ability to take almost any shape opens up limitless options for creating a roof. This is most clearly demonstrated by polycarbonate children's verandas.

Facilities for children

Preschools are most in need of bright structures that provide shade during the heat and reliable protection from the rain. Verandas made of polycarbonate for a kindergarten successfully combine a pleasant appearance, an unusual shape and ease of perception.

The standard parameters of the veranda allow serial production of the most popular models, which, coupled with simple installation, reduces installation time to 1 day.

The adoption of any decision, as a rule, is carried out after analyzing the opinions on the Internet or the experience of acquaintances or friends. If we summarize the available information on the construction of a polycarbonate veranda, most of the reviews are only positive. The main advantages of the material are confirmed by the majority of users. Among the main disadvantages, one can distinguish a strong heating of a room with a polycarbonate roof even with open windows, a slight loss of transparency after a while and the ability to scratch even from a slight mechanical impact.

The construction of a small veranda attached to the house allows you to get additional space. The use of polycarbonate for finishing makes the structure inexpensive and attractive. The finished room is often used as a summer recreation area. If the structure is equipped with windows and doors, then such a veranda will serve as a good shelter from the weather.

What does attached veranda mean

To better understand what the attached veranda looks like to the house, you need to look at the photo. Here it is clearly seen that the annex is a continuation of the building and at the same time elegantly stands out from its contours. Similar structures are erected from polycarbonate at the end of the construction of the whole house. If free space allows, the owners attach two verandas to a large house. One room is used for relaxation, and the second is a garden.

Attention! The optimal area of ​​​​the veranda is 12 m2. Inside small outbuildings, limited space will not allow you to accommodate elementary pieces of furniture for relaxation.

Existing types of attached verandas

Extensions to the house made of polycarbonate can be of different designs. It all depends on the imagination and desire of the owner. Someone puts one wall or two, and someone even mounts windows and doors, making the room impregnable for bad weather.

By design, the attached veranda is of two types:

Photo examples of verandas will always help to decide on a suitable design option. First you need to find the option you like, and then proceed with the construction.

Advice! If funds allow, it is better to build a closed veranda with windows, lined with transparent polycarbonate. In addition to decorating the yard, the room can be used in any weather.

Common forms of verandas

Polycarbonate sheets lend themselves well to bending, which allows you to give roofs and walls the most intricate shapes. Whoever does not want to complicate their work or prefers the classics, the extension to the house is covered with a shed roof, and the walls are made even. However, you should not rush in this matter, and before choosing one of the forms, you need to look at the photo how it looks.

Important! In addition to the beautiful shape of the roof, it is necessary to take into account the strength of the structure. Incorrect calculations will lead to the destruction of the roof by snow pressure.

oblique shape

Looking from afar, an extension of an inclined shape can be compared with an iron. Adjacent tightly to the facade of the building, the veranda serves as an intermediate room between the street and the house. The strength of the inclined structure is given by rigid supports. Optimal comfort of the extension is provided by two entrance openings: street and indoors.

semicircular shape

Looking at the photo of a semicircular polycarbonate veranda, you can appreciate its modern and stylish look. Under such structures, a foundation of reinforced concrete blocks is usually laid. The strength of the structure is given by rigid frame racks made of wooden beams. Excellent streamlining reduces wind pressure on the walls.

arched shape

The attached arched veranda has a semicircular roof shape. This approach to the design gives it a beautiful appearance. Thanks to transparent polycarbonate, inside the room becomes bright and saturated with warmth. Often such verandas are used for growing flowers and other ornamental vegetation.

Round form

The scheme of the round veranda is almost the same as the square design. The difference is observed only in the narrowed roof, which gives the walls of transparent polycarbonate a convex shape. From afar, the veranda resembles a transparent ball. As you can see in the photo, it does not take up much space, but inside is quite spacious.

Square shape

Traditional classic - square or rectangle. The photo shows that such an extension made of polycarbonate occupies a small area near the house, and its walls can be flat or convex. For a novice builder, this is the best choice, since the frame and sheathing do not need to be shaped.

Laying the foundation for the veranda

The veranda belongs to a simple type of structure. For her, it is enough to fill in a strip foundation, reinforced with a reinforcing cage. Polycarbonate sheets are lightweight and will not create much pressure on the concrete base. Work begins with markings near the house. Wooden stakes are driven in along the perimeter of the future building, pulling a cord between them.

In depth, a trench is dug below the freezing level of the soil. For different regions, this figure is different, but basically it is 800 mm. A width of 300mm will suffice. Formwork is built around the trench, provided that the concrete base protrudes 300 mm above ground level. The bottom and walls of the trench are covered with a waterproofing film, a 100 mm layer of sand and a 300 mm layer of crushed stone are covered. A reinforcing frame in the form of a box is knitted from reinforcement with a diameter of 8-10 mm inside the trench and all this is poured with concrete.

Floor arrangement

After the foundation has solidified, they begin to arrange the floor. The area is covered with waterproofing, covered with a 100 mm layer of sand and a 200 mm layer of crushed stone. A reinforcing mesh is laid on top, after which everything is poured with concrete. In the future, the concrete screed can be covered with tiles or decking.

Wall frame assembly

The foundation and floors will dry out for about a month, only then can construction work be continued.

The frame assembly procedure consists of the following steps:

  • First, the bottom profiles are fixed to the foundation with anchor bolts. The frame racks will be fixed to them.
  • The first racks are installed near the house, additionally securing them to the walls with dowels. Next, mount the corner, then the intermediate racks. From above, they are all connected along the perimeter with a horizontally laid profile. It gives stability to the uprights while also forming a support for the roof.

After assembling the entire frame, they proceed to the construction of the roof.

Roof frame assembly

A polycarbonate veranda has the simplest roof structure, requiring only a strong crate that can withstand snow loads. As these elements, a board with a section of 40x50 mm 2 is suitable. The crate is fixed to the trusses, which, in turn, are laid on the upper horizontal profile. Under a flat pitched roof, farms can be made independently. Figured forms will require special equipment and some skills, so it is better to buy such farms ready-made.

Sewing the frame with polycarbonate

Frame glazing starts from the roof. A polycarbonate sheet is laid on a crate, markings are made and, if necessary, excess protrusions are cut off with an electric jigsaw. Departing from the edge of the sheet 200 mm, holes are drilled for self-tapping screws in steps of 300-400 mm. Fixation starts from the top corner, moving gradually along the perimeter of the sheet. Plastic washers must be placed under the caps of the self-tapping screws, and the joints with the next sheet are closed with a connecting profile. How a correctly screwed self-tapping screw looks in a polycarbonate sheet can be seen in the photo.

Attention! The diameter of the drilled holes in polycarbonate must be 3 mm larger than the thickness of the self-tapping screw, otherwise the sheet will burst when screwed in.

It remains to equip the glazed veranda with windows and a door, if, of course, they are provided, and you can proceed to the internal arrangement.

In this video you can see the process of building a veranda:

An open veranda attached to a polycarbonate house is a combination of:

  1. protection against wind, rain and dust;
  2. good review;
  3. comfort and aesthetics.

Advice! High shrubs or large ornamental plants. In fact, in this case, only the roof is made of polymer.

Why is it better to close the veranda with polycarbonate?

Polycarbonate is a material that successfully combines good performance. This is the reason for its great popularity.

  • Polycarbonate is transparent, but at the same time, it is represented by a wide range of shades.
  • Able to withstand large pressure drops. In terms of strength, the material is 200 times better than glass. It does not break when dropped or under mechanical stress.
  • The polymer provides excellent sound insulation.
  • Poor thermal conductivity in this case is a good characteristic, since it ensures the safety of temperature and reduces the cost of heating the veranda in winter.
  • Polycarbonate sheets are lightweight, which simplifies the process of its installation.
  • The flexibility of the material allows the construction of structures that have rounded shapes.
  • Polycarbonate is resistant to low temperatures, is not subject to fading under the influence of sunlight, and is waterproof.
  • The operational characteristics of the polymer are preserved even after 10 years of use, which gives the right to classify it as a durable material.
  • Fire resistance is another positive quality of polycarbonate, which makes it safe. The polymer does not melt when ignited and does not emit toxic substances into the atmosphere.
  • The transparency of the material provides structures with visual lightness. A seating area made of polycarbonate does not cause a feeling of pressure and tightness in a person.

Among other things, a polycarbonate veranda looks very aesthetically pleasing and attractive. Since the polymer is easy to work with, and its price is affordable for everyone, some homeowners equip not one, but two verandas at once. For example, one building is located next to the main entrance, and the second is behind the house, either for summer parties.

Various projects of polycarbonate verandas

Polycarbonate verandas can be:

  1. open.
  2. Embedded.
  3. Attached.
  4. Round.
  5. Arched.
  6. Rectangular.

The owner himself decides which project to choose, but he must take into account the design features of the house, climatic conditions, soil characteristics and some other factors that may be individual.

Polycarbonate open verandas are considered a summer option and are needed to protect from rain, direct sunlight and wind. It is not difficult to build such a structure, and the price of the finished structure will not “hit” your pocket too much. To equip an open veranda, you need to install a reliable floor and concrete the supports in the ground, to which the walls and will be attached.

With proper organization of work, the owner of the house can build an open veranda on his own in a few days. Most of the time will be spent on, especially if a concrete screed is used for this. Installation of polycarbonate sheets is carried out very quickly and does not require special skills.

The closed veranda differs from the previous version in the presence of and. Such an extension can be insulated, so that it will be functional in the winter. If transparent polymer sheets are used for the veranda, windows can be omitted. Daylight and so will freely penetrate into the room. Polycarbonate windows for the veranda are needed only when colored and dark sheets are used.

The built-in veranda is planned at the design stage of the house itself and has a common foundation with it. Previously, such structures were typical and monotonous, but with the advent of polycarbonate, homeowners had the opportunity to build. The flexibility of the polymer allows you to make even round and semicircular verandas.

The advantage of an attached veranda is that it can be created already when the house itself is ready. If people bought a house without a veranda, they may well add it later. Under such an extension, it is necessary to pour a separate foundation.

Advice! You can build a veranda, access to which will be directly from any room. Such a room can be considered as.

Forms of verandas

The arched outbuilding made of polycarbonate looks very good. Thanks to the transparent semi-circular roof, a lot of sunlight and heat enters the room. In winter, such a structure can perform a function.

A round structure during construction is no more difficult than a rectangular or square one. The only inconvenience is the bulging of the outer wall, but such a veranda benefits from an increase in internal space.

Square and rectangular buildings are compact, and ease of installation is ensured by the absence of all sorts of bulges.

The frame is assembled, you can start installing polycarbonate sheets. Begin work with the walls adjacent to the house. When they are installed, mount the rest of the structural elements.

Experts recommend leaving room for arranging a ventilation grill with closing blades. The roof sheets are mounted using the upper horizontal profiles that were installed in the step. This does not require warming.

When the roof is finished, you need to fix the profiles, and then move on to the windows and doors. For the veranda, it is desirable to use window structures with one double-glazed window, since such windows are much lighter than those with two or three glasses.

At the last stage, the installation of a polymer drain is carried out. Everything - the veranda is ready, it's time to take care of its interior. Of the furniture here should be present:

  • tables;
  • ;
  • even more attractive.

    The installation of such a canopy will take no more than two days (you will have to wait until the solution with which the support posts are poured hardens), but the benefits of it are obvious. Durable polycarbonate sheets are able to withstand heavy loads that can occur in winter due to a layer of snow.

    The columns are dug to a depth of 0.8-1 m and poured with cement mortar. Wait two days until the concrete has completely hardened, after which you can continue to work. First, whole sheets are used, and pieces are used at the joints. Screws with washers act as fasteners. It is recommended to install a rubber gasket under each washer.

    Advice! Holes for fasteners should be slightly larger than the diameter of the bolts. If this is not provided for, then the polymer shrinks and expands due to temperature changes, which leads to loosening of the fasteners and loosening of the entire structure.

    Caring for an extension made of polycarbonate is quite easy. The surface is washed using a soft sponge, cotton cloth and warm soapy water. Aggressive detergents are not recommended, they can make the polymer cloudy.

    A polycarbonate veranda attached to the house is the best solution for creating a cozy and comfortable corner for relaxation. Transparent walls allow you to enjoy nature even in bad weather. The low price of the material makes it possible to purchase it even for people of low material wealth.

Many owners of suburban real estate are thinking about creating a terrace. This room is adjacent to the house, where companies gather and relax in the warm season. Previously, brick was used to build verandas. With the development of building technologies, polycarbonate comes to the fore. It is easier and faster to work with this material, while it allows you to create structures of various configurations.

Varieties of verandas

There are built-in terraces (they have a common foundation with the house) and attached terraces (located on a separate foundation), as well as open and closed types. Whatever type you prefer, the costs and efforts to build the premises will turn out to be insignificant, because the construction of polycarbonate verandas is based on a frame system. It simplifies the installation of plastic and reduces the time for marking and assembly.

Thematic material:

If you are planning to build a light canopy, opt for monolithic polycarbonate (MP). This high-strength material is characterized by resistance to shock, precipitation and wind.

During the construction of the frame of the open terrace, a metal profile is used. A polycarbonate sheet is used for glazing the side ends, fabric shutters are installed on the facade, protecting from adverse weather conditions.

Which roof to choose

As a rule, a shed roof or a canopy in the form of an arch is preferable for a polycarbonate terrace. Since polymers are flexible, there are no difficulties in working with curved frames.

If you intend to create an open terrace, attach a canopy with a transparent roof to the house. For this purpose, polycarbonate is ideal, which transmits light no worse than silicate glass. Thus, you will get a great seating area.


When developing a plan, it is necessary to provide for all the details that in the future will provide comfortable conditions for being on the veranda. First of all, decide on the level of illumination. Depending on your wishes, you can purchase transparent, corrugated, matte or colored polycarbonate, which reduces the degree of insolation and becomes a design element.

At the design stage, it is worth paying attention to the glazing of the roof and walls: consider the number and location of the windows to be opened (without them, on a hot day, the veranda will turn into a “greenhouse”), consider installing sliding doors.

If a transparent canopy does not meet your preferences, choose metal tiles as a roofing material, and use polycarbonate for glazing the front side of the structure. These points are also taken into account in the process of planning the construction of the terrace.

When calculating the parameters of the veranda, remember that this room should not be cramped. The optimal area for a picnic or a feast is from 12 sq. m.

When creating a large multifunctional terrace, consider a two-story option. In the upper part you will get a comfortable solarium, and in the lower part - a shady canopy. To fence the site at the second level, a monolithic polycarbonate is used, which is attached to the metal frame of the railing. Outwardly, such a veranda looks weightless, but at the same time it is distinguished by reliability and durability.

Terraces are interesting, in which the roof and walls are united by arched modules. With their help, multifunctional sliding structures are created, where the glazing area is controlled by hand movement. At the same time, such models look beautiful thanks to smooth and graceful lines.

The most time-consuming process during the installation of such a design is the installation of guides that move the sections. If you approach the issue creatively, then instead of expensive components, you can use furniture wheels and a classic aluminum profile. Bending the frame along the required radius will be performed at any metalworking enterprise.

If the budget allows, you can buy a ready-made arched structure. It will not be difficult to assemble it according to factory drawings.

It is not difficult to make a polycarbonate veranda with your own hands, the main thing is to follow certain rules. First of all, it is important not to violate the dimensions of the frame (permissible installation error is 4-5 mm), otherwise the sheets of material will not lie exactly on the runs.

The standard dimensions of monolithic polycarbonate are 205 cm wide and 305 cm long. They are taken into account when designing roofs, purlins and battens.

By adhering to the following parameters, you will create a terrace with the least material waste.

  • Make the length and width of the roof equal or multiple (if the parameters of the house allow) to the dimensions of the material. So you don't have to cut the sheets.
  • When joining polycarbonate, keep gaps of 5-6 mm.
  • The minimum slope of the roof should be 25 degrees, this will prevent the accumulation of snow in winter.
  • The optimal material thickness is 4-6 mm.

The strip foundation is ideal for a house adjoining veranda.

Phased construction of a polycarbonate veranda:

It takes 7-14 days for the mixture to solidify, after which they proceed to further work.

Flooring and framing

The floor on the veranda can be covered with various materials, the most commonly used tiles or decking. Such coatings have high wear-resistant characteristics.

After finishing the floor, the main components of the structure are assembled, following the sequence of work:

It is not necessary to tightly fix the jumper profiles, since polycarbonate sheets will be attached between them.

Wall assembly and roof installation

After the frame is completely ready, the base material is installed.

  1. First, the sheets are mounted on the profiles adjacent to the wall.
  2. Further, other wall elements are attached, leaving areas for windows, doors and a ventilation grill.
  3. At the next stage, the upper part of the terrace is glazed. For this, support profiles are installed, which serve as the basis for the polycarbonate on the roof, then the sheets themselves are fixed. If a window is provided on the roof, leave room for its installation.
  4. At the end, doors and windows are inserted. For these purposes, metal-plastic products with single-glazed windows are suitable, which are distinguished by their low weight and ease of installation.

A closed veranda is equipped with a ventilation grill with closing blades.

Finishing work

At the final stage, polymer gutters are attached to drain rainwater, which extend the life of the polycarbonate terrace.

After completion of construction work, it is worth considering the arrangement and design of the premises. The veranda is equipped with armchairs, sofas, tables and other furniture for relaxation, decorated with flowerpots with real flowers, decorated with curtains. Cloths made of fabric will protect from ultraviolet radiation, give style and completeness to the interior.

These simple recommendations will help every homeowner who does not have special skills and knowledge to build a polycarbonate veranda. Work on the construction of the terrace will not require large financial investments and physical effort. The main thing is to make an accurate calculation and follow the assembly sequence.

Veranda made of polycarbonate photo extension to the house. Most people have country plots or private premises for recreation, removal from noise, for work in the garden. So that in the country you can not only have a good time, but also create a comfortable and cozy place. For a room with the best view, it is effective to arrange a veranda of a small building with a good view, comfortable furnishings and a quiet atmosphere. It is allowed to create a veranda from actually different materials, however, the use of polycarbonate is in particular demand.

Properties and characteristics of polycarbonate for the veranda

  • Polycarbonate is transparent, but has different colors. Which will look great in design.
  • Withstands strong pressure drops. Therefore, they are used in all regions of Russia.
  • Excellent soundproofing.
  • Flexibility and resistant. Does not break under heavy loads. The polymer is 10 times lighter than glass.
  • Does not burn, does not let water through, does not fade from sunlight, is not afraid of frost.
  • A durable material that does not change its properties even after ten years.
  • Easy to install.

Types of polycarbonate verandas

Open verandas made of polycarbonate. Open, or summer, polycarbonate verandas are intended as a reliable shelter from serene glimpses or probable precipitation. The structure of such structures is light and contains integral supports for the purpose of fixing the roof and the possibility of enclosing.
Enclosed porch made of polycarbonate. For closed verandas of alternatives, in addition to the walls and roof, the presence of door or window openings is implied, and in addition, only the perimeter of the building is insulated. When using colorless polycarbonate, windows can be dispensed with, since the entire wall becomes a high panorama. Such a ruling is allowed both for the door and for the roof, if you want to be open to the atmosphere in convenient circumstances. It is impossible to completely renounce the windows, since in the summer they form freshness.

Built-in veranda. Such verandas are buildings built into part of the house; when planning the structure of the house, a veranda is also planned immediately. Previously, these buildings were boring and had the usual form of construction. With the advent of polymer sheets, the owners have the opportunity to expand and embellish their own homes. Polycarbonate is plastic and easy to use, it is possible to make a semi-rounded veranda.
Attached veranda. These polycarbonate verandas are made when the house itself has already been built. Actually, the polymer is quite cheap and easy to operate, a huge number of owners build new verandas, sometimes 2 of these verandas are adapted to the house, sort of like for summer fun, or a barbecue, or a warm building for an indoor garden with flowers.
Sliding system made of polycarbonate for the veranda, a simple, impact-resistant and durable material. The principle is that the verandas adapted to the dwelling are by no means of large volumes, however, the open view of the system does not in any way form a feeling of pressure from the internal space, but, on the contrary, gives an absolute sense of independence and a new atmosphere.

Types of polycarbonate verandas

Arched. Made from polycarbonate and looks good. This type is used mainly for attached verandas, like the roof is made semicircular, there is a lot of light and the necessary heat in the room. Simply put, the owners of such structures are used in the form of greenhouses for seedlings or for growing flowers.

Round. In the project, this veranda does not differ from a square or rectangular assembly. The only exception is the outer wall, which sticks out a little, forming a semicircle of this shape (at the request of the buyer). Such a trick allows a person to grow a little and expand the interior of the building.
Square. Verandas of this kind are also called rectangular, they take up little space and are suitable for a good rest. It is comfortable as it is standard without any bulges and vice versa.

Interesting Facts. When building any structure, it is necessary to take into account that the coating is not proportional to the floor, since dust and dirt will accumulate on the surface.

Polycarbonate veranda: how to position the foundation

The veranda is classified as a simple structure, the foundation is created using conventional technology. Before this definition, we mean a strong foundation of the structure with the use of reinforcement.
The construction of the base of the house for the veranda from polycarbonate comes with marking and digging out the place they are digging in the areas where they intend to put the walls. A suitable depth of such a house base is 600-800mm, however, if you want to create a really reliable veranda, then it is preferable to raise it up to the freezing depth of the earth. As for the width, in this case, a volume of 250-300mm will absolutely fit here.

The dug trenches are strengthened using frame technology, later formwork is introduced up to a height of up to 300 mm and this is always poured with concrete. Everything here, as usual, is familiar, including the drying procedure, where control should be exercised. In order not to get cracks (moisten it with water and cover with a film).
frame. The construction of the frame comes from the lower tier. Along the circumference, bars are laid on the pillars, coupled from each other with a lock and self-tapping screws or brackets. Approaching the 2 tiers, a groove is made in the horizontal bars for vertical supports. After all the vertical racks are installed and attached rigidly vertically, it is necessary to arrange the upper trim of the supports. To achieve an effective result, a long bar is placed on them, the end of the bar is placed under the roof and attached to the supports with bolts.

Polycarbonate roof. A roof made of polycarbonate can be characterized as the most ordinary and simple of all roofing systems - for the purpose of it, it is necessary to create only a crate. The roof is not insulated and is not hemmed at the bottom. If the walls are already standing, then laying a lathing bar on them will not amount to practically any work - this will be, first of all, the construction of a roof for a polycarbonate veranda. The thickness of the beam must be thought out in such a way that the roof withstands overloads from snowfall in the winter period. It is necessary to think about the use of uneven timber, and planks 40mm wide and 50mm wide. The basis of the roof, organized in a similar way, endure very large overloads.
Polycarbonate glazing. Glazing the veranda with polycarbonate can be done using 2 methods - in 1 case it is possible completely, but then in the summer it will be hot on the veranda without ventilation, and in the second case it is possible to follow up with frame glazing, which will be a more correct choice. Directly this kind of aspect to the process will make it possible to use the veranda not only in the summer, but also in the winter, in addition to equipping this place with underfloor heating or two conventional heating radiators.

Tip When building a polycarbonate veranda, it is possible to use not only timber, but profile pipes will be much stronger.

Polycarbonate canopies built to the house

Such canopies, adapted to an individual dwelling in the form of canopies above the porch, will perfectly complement the unified building look and will make it possible for the presence of the need to hide from the rain or from the sun's rays. They also use a carport for cars from snow, rain, and for some instead of a garage.

Equipping a visor from polycarbonate with your own hands is not at all difficult. The layer of this used material makes it possible to withstand all kinds of loads, in weather conditions.
It is worth highlighting in this case that the cost of polycarbonate is not expensive and there are a large number of colors of the material and its use can be as you wish. Canopy extension. If you decide what you will use to make a canopy, you need to clear the place of debris and make an approximate drawing. Make markings for the pillars and dig a width of 50-80 centimeters. We fill the pillars with cement mortar and leave for two days to fix. It is good to tie the poles with a special thread. When it is ready, you can start assembling the canopy. To get started, you must first use solid sheets, and only then select the joints with the remains of polycarbonate. Fastening polycarbonate using special self-tapping screws and screws.

Polycarbonate Care

  • When installing polycarbonate, be sure to read the operating instructions for use on the packaging.
  • It is necessary to transport the material in a horizontal state, you should not walk on it and step on it because it is flexible. Store it under a closed surface.
  • When cutting polycarbonate, remove the protective film and use a special construction knife.
  • To clean the planes, you need to use a damp sponge or cloth with a delicate surface.
  • Detergents containing various acids, it is better not to use. Wipe better with just water and powder.

A polycarbonate veranda is a great choice for comfort and views. Not a complicated design of polycarbonate allows you to do everything yourself. The transparency of polycarbonate allows you to look like a natural landscape at any time of the year. The material is not expensive and anyone can afford it. The desire to make a beautiful polycarbonate veranda will not be difficult. Progress has been made so that people can enjoy the view of the environment and the atmosphere.