Apple pie decoration. Decorating pies. Envelope Pie

Apple pie decoration.  Decorating pies.  Envelope Pie
Apple pie decoration. Decorating pies. Envelope Pie
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 23:35 + to quote book

All of us, housewives, want our dishes to be not only the most delicious, but also to have a memorable appearance. It's not enough to learn to bake! If you know how to decorate them beautifully, then... then your family and friends will immediately appreciate it:0)

Making decorations for pies is a kind of “bakery sculpture”, which is almost impossible to do without interest, love and imagination.

Decorations can be used to add an attractive personality to each cake.

The main thing is that the decorations are spectacular, but their production is not too labor-intensive and does not distract unnecessary energy.
The edges of the pie can be decorated in various ways, I will show you some of them - the simplest ones that will not take much time:0)

So let's get started. Prepare the pie dough. Roll out a large ball of dough and place it in the pan.

Small tricks

* First of all, you need to carefully align the edges. Trim the edge of the dough with a knife and press it flat.

* Decorations for pies are made from the main dough, or a special butter dough (always containing sugar in the recipe) or grated dough (from flour, water and yeast, taken in arbitrary proportions) is prepared separately.

* Lightly rub the dough left for making decorations in flour so that it becomes stiffer and can hold the shape of the decoration.

* Moisten the edges of the pie so that the dough sticks together well. You can also wet your fingers with water, then the dough will definitely not stick to your hands.

* Decorations made and attached to the surface of the pie are greased with a light foam of whipped egg white, milk or just water before baking.

1. Edge decorated with a fork
Carefully trim the edges of the dough to the level of the edge of the pan in which the cake will be baked. Using a four-prong fork, press the dough firmly and evenly toward the edge of the pan. Walk along the entire border. You can make a continuous pattern, or you can do it at certain intervals. If the fork sticks, dip it in flour as needed.

2. Openwork spoon
Press the rounded tip of a spoon into the edge of the cake. Then lower the spoon and repeat, or use a smaller spoon that also has a rounded edge.

3. Wavy edge
Using scissors, trim the dough to leave about 1/2 inch over the edge of the pan and fold the edges of the dough under. Using your thumb and index finger, alternately squeeze about an inch of dough around the index finger of your other hand. Continue all the way around the edge.

4. Ribbed edge
Using scissors, trim the dough, leaving about 1/2 inch above the edge of the pan. Fold excess dough down. Place the index finger of one hand on the OUTSIDE of the curb. Gently wrap your index finger and thumb of your other hand in a “V” shape to create a frill.
Repeat the same around the entire edge. There should be 5mm between each frill.

5. Sharp serrated edge
Place the index finger of one hand on the INSIDE side of the curb. Grasp it tightly with the index finger and thumb of your other hand - you will get a groove.
Repeat the same around the entire edge of the pie. There should be 5 mm between the grooves.

6. Twisted rope
Place your thumb at an angle to the edge of the dough. Then grab the dough between your thumb and index knuckle. Place your thumb in the groove left by your index finger. Pinch.
Repeat the same steps around the entire pie.

7. Braids
The braid is prepared according to the size of the circumference of the pie, or, if the size of the pie is quite large, two braids are made according to the size of the semicircle of the pie.
* The easiest way is a single strip braid. Using a knife, cut the dough evenly along the edge and press down. Cut a long ribbon about 2 cm wide from the scraps of dough. Moisten the edge and press one end of the ribbon. Carefully twist it along the axis to form a beautiful spiral and press it to the edge again. Continue along the entire edge.

* A braid of two strands. Roll out two identical pieces of scrap dough into thin strips.

Intertwine them together, twisting them into a rope to fit the circumference of the pie. Moisten the edges of the pie with water (or brush with yolk) and carefully lay the braid along the carefully pinched wet edge of the round or oval pie

* Three-stripe braid. Braids for decoration are braided from three thin round rolled flagella or narrow and long strips cut from dough. Take 3 long strips of dough of the desired width. Braid them. Moisten the edges of the pie crust with water and attach to the moistened edge.

Or place the finished braid on the pinched edge of the pie, greased with yolk, and slightly flatten it to secure the decoration to its surface.

8. Chess
Using a knife, trim the dough evenly around the edge. Using kitchen scissors, make approximately 1cm slits around the edges of the pie. Fold across one to the center.

9. Profile edges
Using a knife, cut the dough evenly along the edge and press down. You can cut out flowers or other figures from a layer of dough using special molds and decorate the pie with a composition of them.

Or you can make decorations yourself.

* Leaves. Trim the dough flush with the edge of the pan. Roll out a small piece of dough into a layer 2-3 mm thick, cut it into strips of the desired width and cut them into small or large diamonds. Give each diamond the shape of a leaf, using the blunt side of a knife to press out the “veins” on the leaves. The edges of the leaves can be slightly cut or left smooth.
If you have time, use a small pastry cutter to cut out decorative leaves from the scraps of dough.
Moisten the edges of the dough and press the leaves into place, slightly overlapping each other if necessary.

By the way, you can cut out other figures in this way: diamonds, hearts, stars.

Well, the base of the pie is prepared and beautifully decorated. All that's left to do is add the filling.

And bake our culinary masterpiece

You can also use a braid to decorate a unsweetened closed pie. The main thing is not to get confused.
Classic basket This is a very simple, affordable decoration option that even a novice cook can handle.
Multi-colored decoration for the edge of the “Autumn Leaves” pie. Using a mold, cut out leaves from a thin layer of dough. I also found many new interesting recipes for myself, which I plan to implement in the near future. Lubricating the surface with egg or yolk allows you to get different shades of the base and leaves after baking. If you have a special roller cutter for dough, strips can be cut with curly edges. Roll out a large ball of dough and place it in the pan. Dough patterns are amazing, but why not try it? Almost from the center we make radial cuts to the edge, between them we make additional radial cuts not reaching the edge and through them we turn out the folded layers.
You can cut out flowers or other figures from a layer of dough and decorate the pie with a composition of them. Gently grasp it with the index finger and thumb of your other hand - you will get a frill. How to beautifully decorate a pie made from yeast dough
From this plastic dough you can cut out or sculpt various decorations for pies and holiday loaves. Each circle will be a separate petal of the future rosette made from dough. We roll the roll, which we then cut with scissors slightly obliquely, as shown in the photo.
Dough braids, strips cut from a thin layer of dough and various figures can be used to decorate the entire upper surface of closed pies, see below.
Let's share the secrets of decorating pies and buns. But we will tell you several options.
Using a brush, apply a mixture of yolk and dyes to the leaves. Make additional cuts between the cuts as shown in the photo.
We bring to your attention several options for how to decorate a homemade pie. Press the leaves to the edge of the dough. The nuances of simple decorations for the edges of the pie Place a braid woven from strips of dough along the edge of the pie, moistened with water or a loose egg or yolk. Protein dough Roses and spikelets Even if the pie is not very successful, decorations will help correct the missteps of the hostess.
Repeat the same around the entire edge of the pie. Roll out the dough and cut it into thin strips. How to decorate a pie with dough However, it is very important that the dish you prepare is not only incredibly tasty, but also beautiful and appetizing.
We put cheese on the dough, a cutlet on it and braid the strips of dough, as shown in the photo. If you need more detailed text instructions, go to the author’s culinary website.
There are many devices for decorative cutting of dough, and there are even more options for decoration.
For more information about egg white dough and making decorations from it, see Using a four-prong fork, press the dough to the edge of the pan.
It’s easy to arrange pieces of dough in such a simple pattern, but the result is a very impressive look.
Preparation Add finely chopped onions, dried apricots, prunes to the minced meat, salt and pepper to taste and mix well until a plastic mass is obtained. Roll out a large ball of dough and place it in the pan. Using a brush, apply a mixture of yolk and dyes to the leaves. This pie is full of scope for creativity! Decorations for pies and loaves. roses and petals

An elegant festive loaf often replaces even traditional cakes. Not everyone knows how to decorate a pie made from yeast dough without spending a lot of time on it and most often leave the product undecorated, believing that this requires special skills.

Quick and effective decoration of pies with dough

The yeast product must be decorated in its raw form. To obtain pattern details from dough, simple cutting methods are used:

  • rolling out;
  • cutting;
  • notching;
  • twisting;
  • interlacing stripes, etc.

No pastry chef skills are required to perform these steps. By combining several methods, it is possible to obtain unusual, beautiful pies that can decorate the most festive table.

A beautiful combination of roses and ears of corn can decorate baked goods for both an everyday table and a holiday. Making several flowers and adding spikelets to them is so simple that it won’t take extra time when cutting up a sweet pie. The effect of decoration will make the delicacy even tastier. To decorate the pies, you need to set aside a small piece of dough while cutting.

When the pie is assembled, roll out the remaining dough into a thin layer (no more than 1 cm thick). For 2 roses you will need to cut 3-5 identical circles (using a glass or a notch). Place the parts side by side, overlapping the adjacent circle to approximately 1/3 of the diameter. Carefully roll all the circles into a single roll and cut it crosswise with a sharp knife. Ready roses can be used immediately for decoration. Depending on the type of pie, there are options for cutting roses:

  • alternate circles of dough and sausage;
  • Place a thin slice of apple on each circle, cutting out the core;
  • Sprinkle mugs with sugar before rolling.

The second decorative detail on the pie is the spikelets. You can make them from leftover dough:

  • cut the layer into strips 1.5-2 cm wide and about 10 cm long;
  • finely cut the edge of the strip diagonally with the end of the knife, cut the other side in the opposite direction, in a herringbone pattern;
  • stretch slightly in length and decorate the pie lid.

Long ribbons with notches, as for spikelets, are often used to form a rim along the edge.

You can decorate a yeast cake with simple zigzag stripes. This decor is more often used for open and closed pies, hiding the junction of the edges of the dough along the perimeter of the product. Zigzags are easiest to make with a special dough cutting device. It has a wavy edge and, when cut into strips, forms a zigzag cut. But in the absence of such a device, decorating pies is easy to do with your own hands:

  • roll out a thin layer of dough and cut a strip 2-3 cm wide;
  • cut the edge evenly by 2/3 of the width, placing the slots perpendicular to the edge;
  • the distance between the cuts should be the same and approximately 2-3 cm;
  • Having finished cutting one side, make the same cuts on the opposite side, placing them between the ones already made;
  • By stretching the strip, we get a beautiful, uniform zigzag.

Zigzag decorative elements can be made from oval or round parts using the same technology. Such zigzags are used to decorate small pies or buns.

Hearts are made in 3 ways:

  1. The easiest way is to use a cookie cutter. The required number of elements is cut out from a thinly rolled layer. The layer with heart holes can also be used to decorate a closed pie. By combining holes and figures placed between them, it is possible to achieve a three-dimensional pattern.
  2. Roll out the dough sausage to the thickness of your finger or a little more. Cut it lengthwise, leaving 1 whole tip. Move the cut halves apart and connect over the solid end.
  3. Roll out the same sausage, fold it in half and glue the ends. Using a sharp knife, cut along the fold side, dividing the loop into 2 parts. Unfold them cut side up. For a large heart (for example, a bun), instead of a simple sausage, make a roll with sugar filling from the dough.

Classic basket

Sometimes they make decor, which, depending on the density, can be both a lattice and a lid. This is an easy-to-make braid. It is considered a traditional way to decorate a covered pie. The braiding is done like this:

  • cut many strips with a smooth or wavy edge;
  • strips are laid parallel across the cake at an arbitrary distance from each other;
  • attach 1 edge of each strip to 1 side of the pie;
  • lifting the strips through one, lay the transverse part of the braid;
  • changing the location of the longitudinal strips, place the next one (the lower parts pass above it, the upper ones - under it);
  • Continue weaving until the entire pie is covered.

Finally, you need to cut off the protruding ends of the strips and glue them to the edge of the pie. When figuring out how to make a mesh for an open product, place the strips of braid at a distance 2-3 times greater than their width.

Dough spiral

A simple but effective decoration is made from a straight strip. The dough needs to be rolled out thinly (no more than 0.5 cm) and a strip 1.5 cm wide is cut. It is best to make long pieces without joining.

The strip is laid on the pie, twisting into a spiral from the center of the circle. While forming the figure, use your fingers to turn the strip itself, giving it a spiral appearance and in the longitudinal direction.

It is convenient to decorate an open pie with jam or fresh berries only around the edge. When the dough is laid out in the mold, the edge is carefully trimmed along the edge and then decorated using simple techniques:

  • Using the edge of a spoon, press the dough evenly, decorating it with thin arcs;
  • press the tines of a fork into the dough around the circumference evenly or at an angle relative to the edge;
  • Use your thumb to make even indentations around the mold;
  • Using a cookie cutter, cut out circles with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm or the same leaves, hearts, etc., and glue to the edge;
  • With the finger of one hand, press the edge of the dough between the thumb and forefinger on the other, shaping the pie in a wave or zigzag;
  • cut the edge into short strips 1-1.5 cm around the perimeter and bend them through 1 to the center.


Cookie cutters are used to make flowers. They come in different sizes and allow you to make lush flower corollas of 2-3 tiers. Having rolled out the dough to a thickness of 0.5 cm, cut out pieces of different sizes and place them on top of each other, moistening the center with water. Finally, press the top flower with your finger or press a raisin into it.


Braids are woven in the traditional way by connecting 3 thin strips of dough. You can decorate the edge of the pie with a braid or add it to the pattern on the lid.

Autumn leaf fall

Using dough cutters, make a variety of leaves (maple, etc.). Arrange them beautifully along the edge or along the entire lid, add a layer of dough with leaf holes. From the foliage, you can completely form the lid of the pie by folding the leaves over the surface of the filling, overlapping each other.


An option that is performed in the same way as a leaf pattern. You can use different sized cookie cutters.


To make a honeycomb lattice, use a small hexagonal cookie cutter. The rows of holes should be placed evenly throughout the pie lid.


To decorate closed pies, use openwork napkins made of PVC or crocheted, with a well-defined relief. To make a beautiful lid, roll out a layer of dough, put a napkin on top and roll it with a rolling pin, squeezing out the ornament. An option would be to apply a pattern using a special rolling pin with a carved surface.

Beautiful pastries. Unusual ideas for folding dough

Pies and rolls can not only be decorated on top, but also the dough can be immediately molded into unusual and beautiful products. The most common folding methods are larks, Viennese buns, croissants, etc. Using special techniques for cutting dough, you can make your own pastries in a variety of shapes.

Wicker sun

To make a beautiful pie from yeast dough in the shape of the sun, you will need a bowl or bowl of small diameter (about 10 cm) and a sharp knife. Place some of the filling in the center of the round cake in the form of a ball with a diameter no larger than the size of the bowl. Place the remains with a roller at a short distance from the edge along the entire circumference.

Roll out the second layer of dough and cover the filling. Pinch the edges of the pie well. Place an inverted bowl in the center, slightly stretching the dough over the entire ball of filling. Press down so that the layers of dough stick. Cut around the circumference of the part with a roll of filling to the edge of the container placed in the middle. Rotate each piece 90°.

Having mastered a simple version, you can make a sun roll. Form a simple long roll, roll it into a circle and join the edges. Cut into slices like the rays in the previous version. Unfold 2 adjacent slices, and move every third one to the center of the roll. When the molding is complete, decorate the middle with a rose.

Hedgehogs, cones, piglets or bunnies are formed according to general principles:

  • make round or oval buns;
  • form a muzzle, pulling the nose a little, and decorate it with a patch of dough or just a ball (for a hedgehog and a hare), for a cone, make a twig from a strip of dough;
  • Using kitchen scissors, cut the entire surface of the dough, forming hedgehog needles or scales of cones, and for bunnies and piglets, make 2 cuts each in the head area;
  • If desired, add raisin eyes, add paws, tails, etc.

Sausage chess

An unusual way to cut sausages in dough is a pie that resembles a chessboard. You only need to prepare 1 layer, rolling it out to a thickness of about 1 cm. Cut it into neat, even strips, slightly short of the edge. Lift the strips through one and place the sausage, covering it with the raised strips. Lift up the strips that were previously at the bottom and place the second sausage. Do this until the cake is shaped to the desired size. On its surface you will get a braided pattern of dark and light squares.

Cheesecakes in the form of bast shoes are baked on Maslenitsa. Holiday pies will require a little more work when cutting than plain pies. First you need to weave large wicker “mats” from strips of dough. Their shape is a narrow and long rectangle with an aspect ratio of 1:3. We do this:

  • cut the material for weaving: ribbons 1 cm wide;
  • lift the long odd stripes and bend them upward (away from you);
  • put the short one, cover it with bent strips, lift the even ones, put the cross one, cover it;
  • lifting the even and even stripes alternately to form a braid.

Prepare a paper template resembling the letter T. Cut out a piece from the wicker according to this stencil. Make a border along the edge of the long part from scraps of dough (roll into a sausage). Place the filling on the long part up to the crossbar. Lift the free part of the braid, cover the filling up to about ½ of the length of the bast shoe, tuck the edges under the product.


You can shape buns into flowers in different ways. A simple option is roses made from circles of dough, as for decorating pies.

For a more complex version, roll out circles with a diameter of about 10 cm, place prunes or other filling in the center of each. Bring the edges of the dough up to form 5 petals and lightly seal them together in the center. Using kitchen scissors, cut each petal crosswise, from the fold to the middle. The flowers can be fried in a large amount of oil, like brushwood, or baked in the oven.

It is not difficult to form a large flower: place several round buns with or without filling along the edge of the round base. Cut the base along radii from the center. You need to lift the triangles and wrap the pies so as to cover the joints of the dough balls.

Lush roll

A beautiful kalach, wrapped with filling, also resembles a flower or the sun. Roll out the rectangle and cut it into even strips about ½ of the width. Place the filling on the whole part and fold the edge towards the cut part. The ribbons need to be wrapped around the resulting roller or roll and the ends hidden under the product. Roll the workpiece into a circle with a hole in the middle and connect the edges.

Puff flowers

This cutting looks most impressive when the layers of dough are thin and the filling between them is dark. A layer cake should be made from round layers, sandwiching and stacking them. Leaving the middle intact, divide the circle into an even number of petals, cutting the workpiece along the radii. After this, each pair of adjacent petals is twisted along the axis towards each other. Connect the corners and move on to the next pair.

“Appetizing” is far from the only characteristic required of a culinary test. In addition to taste details, many dishes need spectacular presentation. The pie just belongs to the list of baked goods, unthinkable without elegant design. If previously simple additions were made using finger clamps, modern versions have a wider range. Now every housewife can provide a hearty filling with a truly beautiful and equally edible hat.

How to decorate an open yeast pie

In this case, the dough should be used the same as for the entire base: dense, fairly tight and elastic. High-quality modeling should look appropriate and not completely cover the inside. Therefore, it is best to use the “mesh” method, leaving free areas. To do this, cut strips (the number depends on the width of each piece and the overall size of the pie) and carefully lay out a horizontal row first, and then overlap it with a vertical row.

Instead of classic lines, try doing something unusual - corrugated leaves or waves. To do this, it is worth adjusting the sides of the dough, leaving notches on them. The ends that rest against the sides must be hidden under a solid braid. It’s not difficult to weave it: use the remaining strips (2-3 will be enough) and follow the same technique as when creating a typical girl’s hairstyle. By correctly calculating the length of the improvised frame, you can easily decorate the top.

You can also make a pie mesh using a dough roller. To do this, simply roll out the dough and roll it over it. The result is a very neat pattern in the form of a pie net. Using this roller, you can also make different puff pastries with filling.

If you don’t have a dough roller, don’t worry, you can try making a mesh with round holes in the shape of a honeycomb, using a round stamp.

How to decorate a covered pie

When the main surprise is hidden from view, all that remains is to intrigue with dough figures. One of the easiest ways is to place miniature roses along the edges. Pre-roll out the thin dough and cut it into strips of 3x15 cm. Without haste, roll each piece into a roll and squeeze on one side so that it is convenient to attach to the pie. Such buds can be placed anywhere, even to recreate a whole bouquet in the center of the composition. Don't forget about the previously mentioned dough foliage.

If volumetric solutions are not for you, limit yourself to flat paintings. With an ordinary knife (or special molds that are used for cookies) you can recreate any idea. It is only important to avoid uneven “seams” and think through the actions step by step, because fixing or moving something will be problematic - the sticky structure will begin to tear and pull against each other.

The pattern can be applied to the dough using embossed rolling pins, which are now on sale. Such interesting patterns will make the cake a real work of art.

How to decorate the top of a pie

When trying to transfer some kind of abstraction to the surface of the cake, remember that it is not at all necessary to focus on a specific style. Try using several approaches at the same time, alternately mixing figured decor with other additives. For example, the image of a grape includes flattened fragments (stem and leaves) paired with mini-spheres (dough grapes in the form of balls).

Such diversity significantly enlivens banal schemes. Moreover, it is appropriate to provide any dough picture with other tasty inserts: chocolate powder, powdered sugar, poppy seeds, chopped nuts. Don’t write off all kinds of creams - in contrast to the golden brown crust, they will also come in very handy. If the filling is planned to be sweet, you can intentionally leave small holes. Against the background of a solid dough coating, windows in the shape of a heart, circles or diamond will look very simple and original at the same time.

How to Decorate the Edges of a Pie

The edges of the pie can be decorated with various elements, for example: you can braid it, cut out different leaves or flowers. The pie will look beautiful if you cut the edges of the pie with scissors and bend them in different directions in a checkerboard pattern.

But, omitting any modeling, a stylish frame is achieved using ordinary cutlery. A spoon or fork works great as a substitute for an edge clamp. By covering the slits in the dough, they simultaneously leave a discreet imprint. Depending on the strength or angle of inclination, these patterns can be modified at your own discretion.

Try to create a wavy border using your fingers - you can do this without any kitchen tools at all. Using the remaining dough, create a small pattern on one side only.

Such an alternative to continuous decoration has the right to life. And the appearance of “torn” ends is achieved using scissors. Cut loose pieces of cake at a distance of 1-2 cm from the borders. When feigned negligence seems unattractive to you, you always have time to slightly correct the raw workpiece or hide the mistake under a new layer.

How to decorate a pie with fruit

When decorating a pie with fruit, you can use these tips: . Another universal solution would be to place slices of canned or fresh fruit along the baking surface. The only thing worth considering is the compatibility of this design with the general recipe, otherwise the sweet top will be superfluous. To prevent the juicy mosaic of pieces from spoiling the color or entire structure of the pie with its juices, first make a lining of jelly. Then get to work on the drawing, trying to diversify it as much as possible with shades or unusual presentation: as in the case of modeling dough, here you need to have a sense of taste. Try to achieve 100% consistency with every little detail of the cake. The fruits should not be grouped separately, but should interact beautifully with the frills of dough. Therefore, do not be afraid to place them side by side: sometimes, after the oven, such neighbors are in perfect harmony with each other.

Little tricks

Housewives are accustomed to sharing cooking secrets and often suggest quite practical methods to their kitchen colleagues. The recommendations below will definitely help you out during the labor-intensive and exciting polishing of the cake:

  • crafts made from dough should sometimes be moistened with water so that they are attached more firmly and do not fall off during baking;
  • watch the width of the figures used: excessively thick areas risk remaining damp, and too thin areas risk burning;
  • by coating the final version of the decorations with egg yolk, you can achieve a perfectly golden crust and guarantee an even “tan” to the entire pie;
  • Don’t get too carried away with the inserts: the final taste can be drowned out by the abundance of dough;
  • in some cases, we recommend preparing the parts on a separate baking sheet, and then placing them on the pie (if you want to use different dough).
  • Feel free to follow cooking tutorials from the Internet. Then each pie will be accompanied by a lot of generous reviews, compliments and requests for more!

Open pies are an indispensable attribute of a hot summer. When the markets are filled with colorful berries and ripe fruits, you just want to buy everything at once and wrap it in a delicate shell of aromatic dough. Baking is like art, and beautiful pastries are real medicine for the soul!

They greet you by their clothes, and even more so by their pies! Editorial "So simple!" will tell you how to turn a boring shortcrust or yeast dough pie into a real work of confectionery art. We know a few secrets, but shh...

Decorating pies

  1. It seems that braided apple or pumpkin pies are the coziest, and anyone can make this simple decoration for them. True, you will have to play a little with the colors.

  2. And if you spread egg white on a braided pie and sprinkle granulated sugar on top, you will get a crispy crust and golden-brown decor.

  3. A decor that even the most skillful housewife will have to tinker with quite a bit, but the result will exceed all expectations! Juicy strawberry filling and delicate dough curls are a recipe for a great mood for the generous hostess and her guests.

  4. If the contents of the rhubarb and raspberry pie do not surprise your sophisticated guests at all, amaze them with a fantastic look of a sweet dessert!

  5. This decor will certainly appeal to those who love pies. A declaration of love, no less.

  6. 10 simple braids from leftover dough - and a stunning decor for an open apple pie is ready.

  7. Delicate and romantic decoration for a sweet pie with strawberries. It's a pity to even eat!

  8. If you are not lazy and cut out a dozen leaves and the same number of flowers from the dough, you can get an elegant dress for an open blackcurrant pie.

  9. Let's prepare a sleigh for the summer! Try this cool fall pie decorating idea with apples or sweet pumpkin.

  10. What a delight! It turned out not only delicious, but also very beautiful pastry pie.

  11. My eyes are wide open from the number of ideas. It seems the diet can wait...

  12. It would seem a ridiculously simple pattern of stripes and weaves. But as soon as a skillful housewife added fresh flowers to the composition, it worked!

  13. How cleverly carved. Bravo to the master!

  14. A skillfully prepared pie can be an excellent gift. Well, what is a gift without a magnificent bow?

  15. Each guest gets a pie! Charming big-eyed owls will be appreciated not only by children, but also by adults. We assure you that such baked goods can lift your spirits even on the gloomiest day.

Let's be honest,