Formal graduation speech. Congratulations in prose on the Last Call. Touching words for a speech on the last call to parents from school graduates

Formal graduation speech.  Congratulations in prose on the Last Call.  Touching words for a speech on the last call to parents from school graduates
Formal graduation speech. Congratulations in prose on the Last Call. Touching words for a speech on the last call to parents from school graduates

Such an exciting and sad day,
Our children have grown up so quickly.
Recently, children were taken to first grade,
Today the door to adulthood has been opened!

Thanks to the school and teachers
For wise, hard work.
You instilled goodness in your students
And they didn’t discourage the desire for knowledge!

So let happiness smile on everyone:
For us, for the children, and for our beloved school.
Let's bless our children now
And let us out into the open spaces of life!

How quickly the children grew up
And, seeing off the serious journey,
We, your mothers and fathers,
We want to tell you through tears:

A difficult choice lies ahead
The roads are just opening.
Where, and how, and with whom to go
Here you decide for years.

We wish you with all our hearts
Go through all the storms and bad weather,
And may all of you all the way
Happiness always accompanies!

So these ten years have passed. There was so much sadness and joyfulness in them. But for some reason it still seems to me that only one day has actually passed. So rich and stormy, but only one. Just yesterday, you, our children, very small, with bows, ties and briefcases, went to your first lesson. And today you are standing before us, almost adults, so serious and a little sad. I would like to address you, dear teachers. I bow to you for your patience, for your skills, for loving our children and being wise mentors to them. We wish you to produce more than one generation of the same wonderful children as you made ours. And may the road of life be easy for our children. And may warm memories of these wonderful school years always live in the hearts of our children!

Thank you for your help and support.
For the fact that, despite and through stress,
Of little boys and girls
You have raised princes and princesses.

Thank you for your care and concern,
For wisdom, for skills, love,
For restraint, patience and manners.
For something that is clear to everyone without words.

I want to say a word from my parents
About our kind and dear teachers.
Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart,
We have tears in our eyes from sadness!

May you work long and calmly,
May your students love you very much,
And they pay you what you deserve,
After all, for children you are like beacons!

We wish you good luck and patience.
We love you and are grateful to everyone
And we consider you the best of the best,
At least we’re parting with you for good!

Our dear children,
Today you are already graduates,
We wish you that the stars were brighter
On your life's journey.

So that you do not doubt your abilities,
To try to achieve goals,
To live in a perfect, bright world,
So that you don’t encounter troubles at all.

We also wish you, dear ones, patience,
Good luck, happiness, to find your destiny.
Throw away your regrets
And believe in your bright dreams!

We would like to say “thank you” from the parents,
To the director, teachers, all staff.
You helped us raise our children,
Unleash your hidden potential.

We wish you good health,
Patience, success and talented students.
Congratulations to everyone on the last call,
Parents, teachers, graduates!

Thank you, teachers,
What they helped our children
What during the entire training period?
You have already become family to them.

After all, with your help they
IN great life now they'll come in,
This is always the way of the teachers
Important work will be held in high esteem.

May it never subside
Children's laughter at recess,
And in all school endeavors
Let recognition and success await!

The last bell rang.
It's time to say goodbye to school, kids.
How childhood flew by unnoticed,
It's time for you to come knocking on the adult world.

Confidence, courage to dare!
After all, how wonderful is your upcoming stage.
Go ahead, guys! Never pass!
Only those who walk can overcome a difficult road.

We are grateful to all teachers
To the director - for your tireless work.
We hope the graduates will honor you
With his talent, bright, multifaceted.

The last bell has rung for you,
And there is no more need to learn lessons -
Now you can take off the thorny wreath,
For knowledge, for broad horizons
Thank all teachers
My favorite school, which has become my second home,
You have become older and more mature here,
But they came a little taller than the gnomes!
Both time and effort have been invested in you,
Oh, a lot of nerves and finances!
But we just want to ask:
Please us in life with the highest score
In studies, hobbies, in work,
Make friends, relax and fall in love,
Youth is in demand everywhere,
Be bold and don’t doubt yourself!

Our dear children,
The bell has rung for you,
And now he's inviting you
Life is a lesson for adults.

We wish you good luck,
Strength to go forward
So that goodness and justice
You met along the way.

Let hope live in our hearts
And it never goes out.
Well, we will always support
We will always be close!

Speak with farewell speech after graduation high school- complicated, but interesting task which brings pleasure not only to the listeners, but also to the speaker himself. The purpose of such a speech is to say words of gratitude to your teachers, once again remind everyone about graduating from school and lift your spirits. In addition to saying goodbye to your teachers, your speech should include inspiring words of parting. To fit all this into one short speech is quite difficult task for the speaker. However, you will have a great speech if you plan and prepare in advance before speaking.


Part 1

Plan your speech

    Read others graduation speeches. One of the best ways prepare for what you need to do - find people who have already done it. Ask your classmates to read their graduation speeches to you, listen to how these speeches sound and what jokes are used in them. There is no need to copy these speeches, just find something interesting in each speech, some ideas and topics that you can use for your speech.

    Find a topic for your speech. Your speech should be structured around something that you are trying to convey to your classmates and teachers. Once you find a topic, you can build your speech around it. main idea. Thanks to the topic, you can easily understand what phrases and sentences to include in your speech.

    Make a sketch. Before you sit down and start writing a moving speech, make an outline. Find a big topic, write down point by point everything you want to include in the speech. Mention a few jokes in your speech or funny stories. Such a plan will help you navigate when writing a speech and not forget any of the points. In addition, this way you can estimate how long your speech will be. Some aspects may need to be reduced.

    Talk to other students. This ceremony is held not only for you, but also for all other graduates, so everyone's opinion about this event will be different. Talk to other students, not just your friends, but also those with whom you don't interact much. Find out what school time was like for them, what memories they have.

    Remember your audience. This speech is not only for you, it is also for your classmates and teachers. Therefore, it would be a good idea to thank your teachers and parents for giving you an education. Remember that the focus should be on you and your classmates. First of all, your speech should be dedicated to graduates.

    Try not to drag out your speech. If your performance is part of some kind of formal ceremony, most likely, guests are not in the mood to listen to half an hour about nature, friendship and the Universe. Try to speak clearly and to the point. Plus, if you're shy about public speaking, a short speech will make you feel more confident.

    Leave the most important things for last. Chances are, your viewers won't be hanging on every word. Therefore, the most important idea for which you prepared this speech should be said at the end of the speech, even if it is just a rephrased idea that you already said at the beginning of the speech. The last sentence of your speech that the audience hears is most likely what they will remember best.

    Part 2

    Include important points in your speech
    1. Express your gratitude to people. Even if you were writing a graduation speech, take a few minutes to thank the people who helped you get your education. You can make a list of names of people to thank. Include the names of your parents, teachers, friends. Do not drag out your speech, briefly thank your family and move on to the main part of the speech.

      • One way to end the words of gratitude is to remind the other graduates to also thank their families and teachers.
    2. Add some humor and jokes. A few funny stories or jokes are needed to lift your spirits and relieve stress. In addition, humor is needed to dilute your speech, so as not to strain the audience after a serious topic. Of course, you don't have to act like a clown to make your listeners smile. Just relax and be confident, even if the audience doesn't laugh at your joke, pretend nothing happened and continue speaking.

      Think about the past. Pay tribute to your shared past with your classmates and different things that you did together at school. Graduation is the time to remember everything that connects you with school, right up to the day you graduate.

      • You need to mention your achievements in your speech. Remember about sports competitions, awards, charity events– about everything where you or your classmates took an active part. The more school-related events you can remember, the better. It's important to celebrate your entire class's accomplishments, not just your own.
    3. Talk about what happens next. Graduation is a time to look to the future. Talk about what might await you after graduation. You don't know for sure what will happen to you in the future, so this part of the speech may be vague and dreamy. Think positively and think that there are many good things ahead of you.

      • Perhaps after high school you will go to college. It's unlikely that all of your classmates will do this, so be sure to mention other possible paths others might take to get an education and a job. If you don't know what your classmates plan to do after graduation, talk to them about this topic.
    4. Tell me a story. This good way reveal the topic of the speech and connect your story with real events that happened within the walls of your school. Think about what happened to you at school, what lessons you learned, and how they relate to your topic. If this topic concerns not only you, but also your friends and other acquaintances, it will be even more interesting. This is a good way to expand on the topic and tell your classmates about something interesting that happened at school.

      Avoid templates. Of course, a speech topic is a wonderful thing, but try not to use clichés like “ real world", "the future belongs to us" or "today is not the end of our education, but only the beginning." Such phrases and sentences sound beautiful, but are used so often that they already seem meaningless to us. If your audience hears a few of these phrases, they may lose interest in your speech, and you definitely don't want that.

    Part 3

    Present your speech

      Practice giving a speech. Before graduation, you should read your speech out loud several times. You can practice in front of a mirror or in front of friends. This way, you will understand how long your speech takes (for example, it may be too long), and also evaluate how it sounds when you say it out loud.

    1. Bring a copy of your speech with you. Even if you do a great job practicing in front of the mirror or friends, you will find it harder to concentrate at graduation. Therefore, a copy of the speech as a reminder will not hurt you.
    2. Warnings

    • Try not to be distracted while speaking. This means that you need to be sure to turn off your phone, remove noisy key fobs and coins from your pocket, and do not chew gum during your speech. People will have a hard time understanding you if they don't listen to you carefully.
    • Many schools will first check your speech to make sure it is on topic and does not raise controversial issues. Therefore, rehearsing one speech and delivering another is not a good idea.
    • Avoid plagiarism. This should be your speech, not someone else's speech. Your speech must be original and unique. Keep in mind that there are many things you can find on the Internet. different speeches, and it may be tempting to just copy one for yourself, but remember that people can easily spot your deception.

In contact with

David Foster Wallace, Ellen Degeneres, Aaron Sorkin, Barack Obama and Conan O'Brien share tips on how to succeed. Plus a very inspiring speech from Ray Bradberry.

There is a wonderful tradition in the West where every year college graduates are honored and on their graduation day listen to the words of successful people who give very inspiring speeches about choosing a career and achieving success.

You probably saw Steve Jobs' speech at one of these graduations, dissected into quotes. JK Rowling, Meryl Streep, Jeff Bazos and many, many others gave the same speeches.

I have prepared a selection of 5 similar speeches in which David Foster Wallace, Ellen Degeneres, Aaron Sorkin, Barack Obama and Conan O'Brien try to convey a lively and vibrant message to young people.

David Foster Wallace addressed his speech to the 2005 Kenyon College graduates. That speech revealed his exceptional, powerful and lively mind, lifting the curtain on the life of David Foster Wallace, a story of his successes and tragedies. After David took his own life in 2008, many of his words took a completely different turn.

“It’s very difficult to concentrate and not give in to the internal monologue that constantly sounds in your head. Twenty years after my own graduation, I finally realized that the liberal arts cliché about learning to think is actually deeper and more serious than I thought: learning to think means exercising control over how and what you think. you think. That is, learning to be sensible and knowledgeable enough to consciously choose what is worth attention and how to extract meaning from experience. Because if you can't learn to make these kinds of choices as an adult, then life will seriously screw you up. Remember that hackneyed expression that says: “The mind is the best servant and the worst master.”

The entire speech can be read in Russian and English.

In 2009, famous TV presenter Ellen Degeneres gave a speech at Tulane University in New Orleans to students who began their studies just 2 days before the terrible Hurricane Katrina. They were inspired by the emotional performance, full of wit and sincerity.

“As you get older, you realize that the definition of success changes with age. For most of you today, success is downing 20 shots of tequila. For me, the more important thing is the opportunity to live your life honestly and not be under pressure all the time, not trying to do what you don’t want to do. Live as an honest and compassionate person, contribute to some cause. In conclusion, I would like to say: follow your passion, stay true to yourself. Never follow a path trodden by someone, unless you find yourself in a deep forest, you are lost, and this path is your only salvation.”

A video of Ellen's speech with Russian subtitles can be viewed at link.

Aaron Sorkin gave a speech to graduates of Syracuse University recently, on May 13, 2012. He addressed former students with equal parts wisdom, wit and disarming sincerity. He drew attention to the very important issues, which over the years have somewhat downplayed their scale, but still remain very significant.

“Make your own compass and trust it. Take risks, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, remember, the one who first cuts a hole in the wall always gets in trouble.”

“I'm just saying that we're lowering our expectations of each other more and more, and that has to change. Your friends, your family, this school expects more from you than professional success in your major.”

Philosopher Daniel Dennett once offered his key to the secret of happiness: “Find something more important than yourself and devote your life to it.” In his commencement address to the University's 2008 graduates, Wesleyan played on this idea rather elegantly: “The salvation of each of us individually depends on the salvation of the whole. If your thoughts are focused only on yourself and you encourage your immediate desires and needs, then in this way you betray people who are much more in need.”

“In times of doubt and reflection, I hope you will not forget that there is nothing naive about the impulsive desire to change the world. The world is changed by isolated cases.”

“You don’t have to do something crazy like run for president to make a difference. Some of you have already signed up for volunteer programs at neighboring schools and universities, while others have signed up for the delivery fund fresh products families in need."

“Change will not come easy. You will have to sacrifice something, face difficult choices and accept the unpleasant truth with an open mind.”

In 2011, Dartmouth College welcomed the famous TV presenter Conan O'Brien during graduation. Many considered his speech one of the most powerful and inspiring. The text of the entire speech in English can be read. Or watch the video below.

“For years in show business, every comedian's ultimate goal was to get his 'The Late Night Show.' This is the Holy Grail that I thought would define me as a successful person if I achieved it. But this is not true. Personality is not determined by career achievements, you must understand this too. In 2000, I told graduates not to be afraid to fail, and I still think so. But today I would like to add, whether you are afraid or not, one day you will still be disappointed. With disappointment comes clarity, and with clarity comes conviction and true uniqueness. And that's wonderful."

This is the second parent graduation speech I have written and published here on my website.

Written for a specific father of a high school graduate. That is, everything is in an adult way - the father speaks)))

He liked it - I managed to guess the thoughts and put them into the right words.

I don’t know whether the graduates liked it, I didn’t tell him, I disappeared from contact. But I like it myself, because these are my thoughts too. If you liked it, please tell us about it in the comments.

If you can’t find your dad to give a speech, you can easily convert the text to suit your mom.

Now directly

Parent's speech at graduation.

I was told that mothers almost always give parting words at graduation. If so, then today is an exception - an exclusive especially for you, dad speaks.

Therefore, I will speak like a man - directly, honestly, openly.

Remember what you were like 2 years ago? Class A and class B - and between them there is either a competition, or a battle, or enmity.

Look at yourself today - you are active, athletic, and most importantly - friendly. And that’s why they’re great! You have learned to be a team, learned to support each other, respect, trust and understand. Remember this, because there will never be such a team in your life. Others will, but this one will not.

All parents at all times want their children to live better than parents. To be luckier, more successful and happier. And it always seems to us that we know what will be best for you - where to study, who to work with, who to love. Sometimes this is true - we know, and we are right - for the simple reason that life has forced us to become wiser.

But now I’ll say a seditious thing, for which many of my parents will want to throw slippers at me. Fortunately, they don’t wear slippers to prom, so I will say - DO NOT listen to us, do it your own way. More precisely, not like that - listen, but do as your soul and heart tells you. It’s good if your decision coincides with our advice. But if not, mothers will cry and agree, because we understand that this is your life, and you have the right to your decisions and your mistakes.

Just be sure to learn a lesson from mistakes - otherwise you will step on the same rake again, and this is already stupid. And you’ll get a bump in the same place, and you’ll lose your self-respect.

Among young people, the expression “you have to try everything in life” sometimes rises to the top of fashion. So, my dears, try it! Try to be the best in your business, try to set audacious goals and achieve them, try to improve the world and yourself. Or at least just try not to eat at night)) But it’s better not to try, but act immediately!

And if you’ve already read something similar somewhere on VKontakte, then I’ll tell you this - your parents sometimes read something there too))) But this doesn’t make a smart idea any dumber, so re-read it, write it down, remember it... and implement it in life.

And if you want to criticize someone, always start with yourself. And firmly decide for yourself once and for all that you personally are responsible for your life - only you and no one else. Neither parents, nor teachers, nor circumstances - only you. When we take responsibility, we become individuals. As soon as we start blaming someone else for our failures, we turn into wimps.

You are individuals, always remember that. You passed the 11-year-long exam with dignity, and today we can say – you all did well! True, both your parents and teachers took this lengthy exam with you. Now we can tell you this open secret - parents were also sometimes afraid to go to school. Who knows what they will say about you on parent meeting Should you blush or be proud? Or donate money for repairs again?

Of course, these are all jokes, close to the truth. We're just trying to make jokes to hold back the tears, otherwise everyone will start crying and we'll cause another flood here.

But without any jokes, in all seriousness, we say thank you to your to the class teacher and to all the teachers who managed to withstand both you and us - and it is still unknown with whom it was more difficult.

You are so nimble, independent, active.

We, parents, have been all sorts of things.

And a deep bow to the teachers for teaching you and putting up with us. And even if they pretend that they are glad to finally take a break from all of us, then in a week they will be bored and sad. So, guys, don’t forget school and your teachers - no matter how many students they have, your attention will never be too much. Because there is never too much attention, just like love. Try it and see for yourself.

School is over, now you will run away in all directions. But wherever you go to study or work, in fact, this is not the main thing in life. Important, but not the main thing. And the main thing is that you find yourself, do what you like in life - and it doesn’t matter what others think about it.

Chat with interesting people, travel - at least within the region, expand your horizons, read smart books, learn new things, develop yourself, do something good every day.

This is the only way you can be happy and make someone else happy. And this is oh, how much!

Be free people, but do not confuse freedom with anarchy, and decent behavior with pride. Don’t be ashamed to approach your classmates and teachers and ask for forgiveness - today is the best chance to make peace and forgive each other everything.

Leave gracefully, leaving only good memories of yourself. Because it’s not the bad that’s remembered, it’s the last that’s remembered. Therefore, let your last day at school be bright, sincere, both cheerful and sad. Tears are not scary, callousness of soul is much more terrible. Be afraid of this and don’t allow it.

Treasure your reputation and be grateful to everyone who helped you in life.

In a word - remain reliable friends and decent people.

And we will be quietly proud of you!

Your parents.


This is what my parent said at graduation. The main values ​​in life normal person always remain the same, only from time to time priorities change slightly.

With the wish that all our speeches

were heard by children, and not just listened to,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

Dear Parents!

In the comments, dad made a request to include in the parent’s speech the fact that he also graduated from this school at one time. I fulfill the request because I know similar situations with the continuity of generations in one school. Write in the comments if this was useful to anyone else. And in any case, write, it’s important to me, and it’s useful for my site. So,

Addition to a parent's speech at graduation.

After the words about bowing down to the teachers for putting up with us (the parents), say something like this:

“And not just these 11 years. For example, I myself graduated from this school 26 years ago. And I remember many teachers. I hope that they remember me too... Although it would be better if they forgot about some of my school “achievements.”

Judging by the fact that my daughter, when she came home from school, didn’t say anything terrible about me, and didn’t even slyly squint in my direction, I think that it’s true - they forgot. Or they delicately pretended that they didn’t remember, and for this, special thanks to the teachers - from me and from all the other parents who also studied at this school.

But today, fortunately, it’s not about us, but about you, our naughty and beloved children. Therefore, know that if teachers pretend that they are happy to finally take a break from all of us...”